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y i k e s Mar 2016
I'm aware it's not really my fault,

                                                                     but I'm sorry.
  Mar 2016 y i k e s
Fickle feelings fuel your mind
Leaving you in a state of confusion
Inside you find your heart is blind
Perpetuating another conclusion

Feelings change once again
Leaning toward a different selection
Ongoing turnabout without end
Perpetuating a loss of direction
I can think of quite a few people who this relates to. From now on I will be glad to be rid of them...for good.
  Mar 2016 y i k e s
Ava Bean
He was afraid of losing me
And I was afraid of him.
That kind of game quickly destroyed us both
y i k e s Mar 2016
another seat empty

another missed assignment

another letter grade down on attendance

another excuse email

                             Dear __,
Sorry i'm not in class, i'm not feeling well can you tell me  what I missed? thank you have a great day!
                                            Thanks,     ___
another day i'm a waste

                                               but professor let me be honest,
                                                         sorry i can't come to class
                                                               i really can't handle anything
                                                        ­              anymore
  Mar 2016 y i k e s
my mouth
it never runs out of words
to say
always spilling, reaping attention

but why
does it run dry
like a wishing well
no words at all leaking out

at the sight
of your face?
y i k e s Mar 2016
you're not as dependent as you assume
                                                          ­        once you leave the room

give your self some time alone
                                                      put down the phone
i dont need you like i thought i did. thank you.

//"put down the phone" seems a little condescending to me so I'd like to explain. more or less it's basically saying stop messaging the person you feel too attached to, it's okay to be alone
y i k e s Mar 2016
You're leaving
And I know it's for the best
But I can't help but remember
The smile on your face
The squint of your eyes
And the feeling of your hands

I can't help but think
What if-
What if-

But in the end,
The what ifs have no purpose
Because you're leaving
And I don't think I'm coming back, either.
I wish you the best of luck
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