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  Feb 2016 y i k e s
Max Jonas
Sea blue in your eyes
I had never seen just like grace
When you smile at me sometimes
As if you present me all stars in the sky
  Feb 2016 y i k e s
Bella Kiilani
You're like a flower.
Some people will rip off your petals.  
Other people will water you.
-find the right love
y i k e s Feb 2016
life is simply dry

                                               if you do not

                                                                                 open your eyes
Open your eyes to everything around you. See the world for yourself. Do not let other people see for you. Make your own choices, enjoy what you life, live for yourself.
  Feb 2016 y i k e s
I am my own downfall.
y i k e s Feb 2016
I refuse to accept the fact that my soul was made to endure nothing but sadness.

I refuse to accept the fact that the atoms and cells inside me were created to endure nothing but a feeling of hopelessness

I refuse to accept that fact that my plan here on earth was to become nothing out of everything

I refuse to accept the fact that I will feel nothing but emptiness, a feeling of nothing inside of nothing.

I refuse to accept the fact that I can only hope to act out of the need of hope

I refuse to accept the fact that I can only sit and wait to move

I refuse to accept the fact my body wants so much, but does nothing

I refuse to accept the fact I have no will power to change

I refuse to accept the fact that all I can do is refuse

I refuse to accept the fact that

I refuse to accept the fact

I refuse to accept the

I refuse to accept

I refuse to

I refuse

  Feb 2016 y i k e s
It's like a vacuum in your soul
Where you can't breathe.

It's like disguising yourself as a daydream
When the nightmare is inside you.

Is when you fall into the depths of your fears
And never be able to crawl out of it.

Is repeating, every single day:
"I am fine."
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