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 Feb 2019 allison
Amy Childers
"ur poems are such a
                                                                          "yay I guess"
                                                                          "some moods are perfect
                                                                          to write during because
                                                                          some people can find the
                                                                          truth during them."

I hope I have helped you, the reader, to see the truth. It does not matter what it
                                     is as long as you acknowledge it.
I am with Tabitha Houska. If you have not read her poems please go and do it. She is a great friend of mine and if not for her I would not be able to share my poems with you lovely people. Thank You!!!
 Feb 2019 allison
cold weather
 Feb 2019 allison
i adore cold weather.
But not for the fires,
Or the warmth of another person.
I find something beautiful about it,
And maybe even a bit lonely.
It reminds me of bittersweet loss,
And finding the strength to move on.
 Feb 2019 allison
 Feb 2019 allison
Seeing him
She is leaving
he ran to her
asked, "What happen?"
She, "I told you to come alone.."
He, "Am alone only, who is other?"
She, "Your mobile.."
 Feb 2019 allison
 Feb 2019 allison
To finish your own life by hand,
May seem like the right thing to do.
But to free yourself from this land,
Is to imprison those that love you.
 Feb 2019 allison
 Feb 2019 allison
Questions here

Questions there

Questions in my head

Questions in my heart

Questions tearing me apart

About john

Then Paxton

Then others

Why don't you love me?
Why dont you want me?
Have I ever hurt you?
Am I too much?
Do you like them?
Why do you wanna do stuff with me?
Are you moving on?

Will you always love me?
Are you losing feelings?
Why do you talk about others so much now?
Am I too clingy?
Am I too jealous?
Are you lying?
Why are you less honest?

To the others
Did you ever like me?
Why don't you ever talk to me anymore?
Now that I've left am I just a memory?
Do you see me or just my broken?
Am I a person or a scar and a cut?
Why don't you notice?

To myself
Why do you do this?
Why can't I eat?
Why can't I feel?
Why do I switch?
Why do I smile when I cry inside?
Why am I always pretending?
Why do I love so easily?
Whats wrong with me?
Leave me be
 Feb 2019 allison
Are you okay?
I reply No
Oh well society says
You don't belong to us
With smooth pale faces
Secrets are hidden among us
Besides you aren't
Enough for our Standards
Sorry you didn't make the cut
You can always apply next year
This is full of metaphors and things representing what society is doing to people. That is something society needs to wake up and realize we are all alike but seperated by our flaws but our flaws shouldn't make us outcasts.
 Feb 2019 allison
 Feb 2019 allison
crying over spilled milk is perfectly acceptable
Another day goes by where I ask myself why I continue to live this miserable life
**** me
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