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lucy winters Jul 2015
Al wat jy my wys gemaak het is dat seer die selfde voel
Maak nie saak van watter oord dit spoel
Ek en pyn ken mekaar al jare
Jy het my niks nuuts laat ervaar
Daar is geen onderskeid binne my tussen jou seer en syne
Dit le nou als binne my, dis als nou myne
So wat bly oor van jou sogenoemde goeie intensies, wil ek weet
Binne n jaar of wat het jy als hier vergeet
Die bietjie wat ek gehad het, het ek met jou gedeel
Dit was nie wat jy wou he, my hart het jou verveel
Ek was net n goeie tyd wat jy op gedress het en liefde genoem
Terwl ek lee hande daar gestaan het en jou met my hele hart gesoen
Ek wens ek het harder probeer en jy het net geluister
Toe ek hard en saggies, en aanhoudend nee, nee, nee deur jou soene fluister
Written for B. Ek is jammer.
-Ek en my geraamtes het soms ook 'n uitval

Verdoem deur drome van 'n wakker oog
gee ek in tot die eindelose gekarring.
Waaroor die ophef van 'n silwerdoek beeld
die trane en inspirasie , aangemeld -
en saamgesmelt in elke belydenis?

Ek spaar toe maar my knieë en sak neer
voor die rekenaar en fynkam
die intrieke sydrade van ons spinnerakke
Vergrootglas die letters, opsoek na:
'n Gebed vir - 'n Gebed vir hom...

Toe speel my storie... Ag ek meen
Sy outobiografie af en ek's aleen.
Elke nou en dan en dan en wan
vee ek oor die rekenaar skerm en
skrik as ek sý gesig sien.

Hy wou dit nie aanvaar nie!
- ek wou regtig nie!
Hy wou verander!
-ek wou regtig graag verander...
ek... - ek bedoel hy;

Ons ma's was swertsend selfs
godslasterik lief vir ons en
haar stickynotes het ons oral vasgekeur
, want Levitikus!!!
Levitikus sê NEE...
Ma sê die Bybel sê:
"Ons is dood".
Ma se sy wil ons nie verloor nie.
Kom sy nie agter dat ons in
haar geweierde woorde versmoor nie.

My knieë is lank genoeg gespaar.
Na 90 minute se snikke en trane
val ek neer voor die Heer en
almal wat nog wil luister.
Ware ellende stort uit perelpoele
en plas neer op die koue wereld.
Uiteindelik bid ek vir hom, maar
my gebede is te laat - met so
dertig jaar of wat -.

Ek hoop iemand bid vir my...
ek hoop die gebede vind my
- maar vir my , betyds-.
Want ek sit met VIGS van die
siel. 'n Tipe kanker op sy eie 'n
lifelong companion om die eufemisme
mooi te stel...

Ek is Hy.
Hy is ek.
Ons is ons eie tipe mens.

Ashna Alee Khan Sep 2016
Kabhe pucha hay apnay app say kay tumnay kitnay waday torhay hein?
kabhe pucha hay apnay app say kay kitnay logouin ka dill tora hay?
kabhe pucha hay apnay app say kay tumnay apne eik nazar say kis kis ko apne he
nazrouin mein gerayya hay?
- nae pucha nah? kese din pucho gay nah tou mrnay ka dill chahy ga, zindage kay
naam say chirnay lago gay.
Kabhe pucha hay kay tum Zindage kay naam per eik beyqaar zindage jee rahay
hou? aur phir kehthy hou ''yaar kya krien zindage he esse hay''. Kabhe Zindagi
ke kitaab ko khol kr tou dekho kya kya rakha hay uiss mein. Zindage bahot he
haseen hay sirf hum masroof hein apne duniya mein wou duniya jis mein kuch
nahe sawaye humaray. Ajj loug dusrouin ke mintein krtay hein kay ''ruk jau''
''na jau'' jb kay mery khayaal mein ye loug bhul chukay hein kay '' jis ko jana hay
uis ko jana hay chahy tum apne jaan kyun na deh dou''. Ajj tou logouin ke
zindage andhere hojaate heh jab koe uinka ''dost'' ya ''yaar'' chor jaye aur wo uis
khuda ko bhool jaatay hein jis nay uis ko usse ''dost'' ya ''yaar'' say milaya tha.
Hum loug tou apnay Khuda ko bhe bhul chukay hein. Wo Khuda jis kay pass
humnay waapis jana hay wo Khuda jis kay bagheir humare koe ukaat nae.
Barhay Unchay gharouin mein reh reh kr apnay app ko Khudha samjhna shuru krdeya hay humnay.
Ess zamaanay mein koe kese ka Dost nae hota barha Dost Dost krtay hou na jab doob rahay hou gay
kudhe dekhna kay sab DOST tamasha dekh rahay hogein aur tum zindage ke tarf aanay ke bher-poor
koshishein kr rahay hou gay, tab apnay app say puchna kay ye wo DOST thay jin kay leye tum apnay
maa-baap say laray? uin kay samnay uncha bolay? sharmindage hoi? Ajj hum itnay ''self-obssessd''
hein kay dusrouin ko dekh kay lagta hay chunte jitni ukaat hay uiss ke. Hum apne he Duniya mein
bahot dur nikal aayein hein, asal duniya say bekhabar, asal dostouin say hum la-taluq ** chukay hein.
Hum ajj apnay app mein he kho chukay hein. Apnay rab ko humnay kho deya. Rab ko kho deya matlab
Sub kuch kho deya  ! tou abb hamaray pass koe raasta hay?
-Haan wou rab 5 martaba bulaata hay tumhein apne taraf, jau uiss ke taraf aur apne ASAL ZINDAGE
ke taraf waapse aou.
JeanlBouwer Oct 2010
Met boeke vol helde, soos ek en jy
Potgieter, Trichardt, Smuts, Kruger selfs De LaRey
Almal met die doel, om hul volk te bevry,
Die Afrikaner, uit te brei
Om hul families, van leiding te bevry

Selfs, De LaRey
‘n Lafhart, wou eers nie beklei
Later die held, wat die boere, verder wou lei
Familie man, vader seun broer en gesant

Ja, die mense was ook bang
Maar met passie,
Met drang
Met dit wat slange vang
Het hulle als aangevang

Kyk na jou vriend
Kyk na jou maat
Kyk na die, anderkant die straat
Dis jy, wat hul toekoms baat
Dis jy, wat hul vereen, ou maat

Die Afrikaners, was plesierig
Dit, kan julle glo
Nou gevul, net met gierig
En al hul misnoe
Ja, dit kan julle glo

Waar is ons eendrag
Waar is ons mag
Waar is die dae, toe ons nog lekker kon lag
Waar is ons helde, van vandag

‘n Held, in elkeen wat die taal verstaan
Elkeen, wat n weg vir Afrikaans wil baan
Elk, wat sy man wil staan
vir die taal, wat min verstaan
‘n Kultuur, wat net ons verstaan

‘n Kultuur, so ryk aan helde soos ek en jy
Helde, wat die Afrikaner wil bevry
Helde, wat nie bang is om te baklei
Helde, soos ek en jy!
lucy winters Jul 2015
finally na jare se rusteloosheid
jare van verlore wees, rond soek na my
elke avenue na jaag, opskop en my kniee numb pleit
het ek my vrede om jou om my gekry
my en jou se safe place
weg van al die jare s elies en disgrace
ek vat my dae een vir een soos ek kans sien
en dit sal n lieg proe as ek nie se my verlange le diep
het altyd gedink as ek beter was sou ek jou verdien
maar ek was te naief, te jonk, te blind
het myself my gevoelnes verbied
ek was moeg vir wag, die seer, die verwyt
moeg vir die fluister van trane oor my wange en die verlange
ek wou nie die weggeooi meer wees, wou jou weg smyt
bang vir alleen wees, wou nie die faulty een wees, bang
ek het vir ons ons eie soace create
n safe place waar nie ek of jy mekaar ooit weer kan forsake
ek hoef jou nooit weer te soek want ek weet waar jy gaan wees
finally you can help chase away my fears
Vir  my dad geskryf.  Na sy dood het ek 'n tattoo van hom gekry
Melissa: I've still rever'd your Order [she is responding to a Parson] as Divine;
And when I see unblemish'd Virtue shine,
When solid Learning, and substantial Sense,
Are joyn'd with unaffected Eloquence;
When Lives and Doctrices of a Piece are made,
And holy Truths with humble Zeal convey'd;
When free from Passion, Bigottry, and Pride,
Not sway'd by Int'rest, nor to Parties ty'd,
Contemning Riches, and abhorring strife,
And shunning all the noisy Pomps of Life,
You live the aweful Wonders of your time,
Without the least Suspicion of a Crime:
I shall with Joy the highest Deference pay,
and heedfully attend to all you say.
From such, Reproofs shall always welcome prove,
As being th' Effects of Piety and Love.
But those from me can challenge no Respect,
Who on us all without just Cause reflect:
Who without Mercy all the *** decry,
And into open Defamations fly:
Who think us Creatures for Derision made,
And the Creator with his Works upbraid:
What he call'd good, they proudly think not so,
And with their Malice, their Prophaneness show.
'Tis hard we shou'd be by the Men despis'd,
Yet kept from knowing what wou'd make us priz'd:
Debarr'd from Knowledge, banish'd from the Schools,
And with the utmost Industry bred Fools.
Laugh'd out of Reason, jested out of Sense,
And nothing left but Native Innocence:
Then told we are incapable of Wit,
And only for the meanest Drudgeries fit:
Made Slaves to serve their Luxury and Pride,
And with innumerable Hardships try'd,
'Till Pitying Heav'n release us from our Pain,
Kind Heav'n to whom alone we dare complain.
Th' ill-natur'd World will no Compassion show;
Such as are wretched, it wou'd still have so:
It gratifies its Envy and its Spight;
The most in others Miseries take Delight.
While we are present they some Pity spare,
And feast us on a thin Repast of Air:
Look Grave and Sigh, when we our Wrongs relate,
An in a Compliment accuse our Fate:
Blame those to whom we our Misfortunes owe,
And all the Signs of real Friendship show.
But when we're absent, we their Sport are made,
They fan the Flame, and our Oppressors aid;
Joyn with the Stronger, the Victorious Side,
And all our Suff'ring, all our griefs deride.
Those gen'rous few, whom kinder Thoughts inspire,
And who the Happiness of all desire;
Who wish we were from barb'rous Usage free,
Exempt from Toils, and shameful Slavery,
Yet let us, unreprov'd, mis. spend our Hours,
And to mean Purposes employ our nobler Pow'rs.
They think, if we our Thoughts can but express,
And know but how to Work, to Dance and Dress,
It is enough, as much as we shou'd mind,
As if we were for nothing else design'd,
But made, like Puppets, to divert Mankind.
O that my *** wou'd all such Toys despise;
And only study to be Good, and Wise;
Inspect themselves, and every Blemish find,
Search all the close Recesses of the Mind,
And leave no vice, no ruling Passion there,
Nothing to raise a Blush, or cause a Fear:
Their Memories with solid Notions fill,
And let their Reason dictate to their Will,
Instead of Novels, Histories peruse,
And for their Guides the wiser Ancients chuse,
Thro' all the Labyrinths of Learning go,
And grow more humble, as they more do know.
By doing this, they will Respect procure,
Silence the Men, and lasting Fame secure;
And to themselves the best Companions prove,
And neither fear their Malice, nor desire their Love.
Why Damon, why, why, why so pressing?
The Heart you beg's not worth possessing:
Each Look, each Word, each Smile's affected,
And inward Charms are quite neglected:
Then scorn her, scorn her, foolish Swain,
And sigh no more, no more in vain.

Beauty's worthless, fading, flying;
Who would for Trifles think of dying?
Who for a Face, a Shape, wou'd languish,
And tell the Brooks, and Groves his Anguish,
Till she, till she thinks fit to prize him,
And all, and all beside despise him?

Fix, fix your Thoughts on what's inviting,
On what will never bear the slighting:
Wit and Virtue claim your Duty,
They're much more worth that Gold and Beauty:
To them, to them, your Heart resign,
And you'll no more, no more repine.

One Day the Amarous Lisander,
By an impatient Passion sway'd,
Surpris'd fair Cloris, that lov'd Maid,
Who cou'd defend her self no longer ;
All things did with his Love conspire,
The gilded Planet of the Day,
In his gay Chariot, drawn by Fire,
War now descending to the Sea,
And left no Light to guide the World,
But what from Cloris brighter Eves was hurl'd.


In alone Thicket, made for Love,
Silent as yielding Maids Consent,
She with a charming Languishment
Permits his force, yet gently strove ?
Her Hands his ***** softly meet,
But not to put him back design'd,
Rather to draw him on inclin'd,
Whilst he lay trembling at her feet;
Resistance 'tis to late to shew,
She wants the pow'r to sav -- Ah!what do you do?


Her bright Eyes sweat, and yet Severe,
Where Love and Shame confus'dly strive,
Fresh Vigor to Lisander give :
And whispring softly in his Ear,
She Cry'd -- Cease -- cease -- your vain desire,
Or I'll call out -- What wou'd you do ?
My dearer Honour, ev'n to you,
I cannot -- must not give -- retire,
Or take that Life whose chiefest part
I gave you with the Conquest of my Heart.


But he as much unus'd to fear,
As he was capable of Love,
The blessed Minutes to improve,
Kisses her Lips, her Neck, her Hair !
Each touch her new Desires alarms !
His burning trembling Hand he prest
Upon her melting Snowy Breast,
While she lay panting in his Arms !
All her unguarded Beauties lie
The Spoils and Trophies of the Enemy.


And now, without Respect or Fear,
He seeks the Objects of his Vows ;
His Love no Modesty allows :
By swift degrees advancing where
His daring Hand that Alter seiz'd,
Where Gods of Love do Sacrifice ;
That awful Throne, that Paradise,
Where Rage is tam'd, and Anger pleas'd ;
That Living Fountain, from whose Trills
The melted Soul in liquid Drops distils.


Her balmy Lips encountring his,
Their Bodies as their Souls are joyn'd,
Where both in Transports were confin'd,
Extend themselves upon the Moss.
Cloris half dead and breathless lay,
Her Eyes appear'd like humid Light,
Such as divides the Day and Night;
Or falling Stars, whose Fires decay ;
And now no signs of Life she shows,
But what in short-breath-sighs returns and goes.


He saw how at her length she lay,
He saw her rising ***** bare,
Her loose thin Robes, through which appear
A Shape design'd for Love and Play;
Abandon'd by her Pride and Shame,
She do's her softest Sweets dispence,
Offring her ******-Innocence
A Victim to Loves Sacred Flame ;
Whilst th' or'e ravish'd Shepherd lies,
Unable to perform the Sacrifice.


Ready to taste a Thousand Joys,
Thee too transported hapless Swain,
Found the vast Pleasure turn'd to Pain :
Pleasure, which too much Love destroys !
The willing Garments by he laid,
And Heav'n all open to his view ;
Mad to possess, himself he threw
On the defenceless lovely Maid.
But oh ! what envious Gods conspire
To ****** his Pow'r, yet leave him the Desire !


Natures support, without whose Aid
She can no humane Being give,
It self now wants the Art to live,
Faintness it slacken'd Nerves invade :
In vain th' enraged Youth assaid
To call his fleeting Vigour back,
No Motion 'twill from Motion take,
Excess of Love his Love betray'd ;
In vain he Toils, in vain Commands,
Th' Insensible fell weeping in his Hands.


In this so Am'rous cruel strife,
Where Love and Fate were too severe,
The poor Lisander in Despair,
Renounc'd his Reason with his Life.
Now all the Brisk and Active Fire
That should the Nobler Part inflame,
Unactive Frigid, Dull became,
And left no Spark for new Desire ;
Not all her Naked Charms cou'd move,
Or calm that Rage that had debauch'd his Love.


Cloris returning from the Trance
Which Love and soft Desire had bred,
Her tim'rous Hand she gently laid,
Or guided by Design or Chance,
Upon that Fabulous Priapus,
That Potent God (as Poets feign.)
But never did young Shepherdess
(Garth'ring of Fern upon the Plain)
More nimbly draw her Fingers back,
Finding beneath the Verdant Leaves a Snake.


Then Cloris her fair Hand withdrew,
Finding that God of her Desires
Disarm'd of all his pow'rful Fires,
And cold as Flow'rs bath'd in the Morning-dew.
Who can the Nymphs Confusion guess ?
The Blood forsook the kinder place,
And strew'd with Blushes all her Face,
Which both Disdain and Shame express ;
And from Lisanders Arms she fled,
Leaving him fainting on the gloomy Bed.


Like Lightning through the Grove she hies,
Or Daphne from the Delphick God ;
No Print upon the Grassie Road
She leaves, t' instruct pursuing Eyes.
The Wind that wanton'd in her Hair,
And with her ruffled Garments plaid,
Discover'd in the flying Maid
All that the Gods e're made of Fair.
So Venus, when her Love was Slain,
With fear and haste flew o're the fatal Plain.


The Nymphs resentments, none but I
Can well imagin, and Condole ;
But none can guess Lisander's Soul,
But those who sway'd his Destiny :
His silent Griefs, swell up to Storms,
And not one God, his Fury spares,
He Curst his Birth, his Fate, his Stars,
But more the Shepherdesses Charms ;
Whose soft bewitching influence,
Had ****'d him to the Hell of Impotence.
lucy winters Jul 2015
ek is deurskykend, transparant, deurmekaar
opsoek na my vrede, my mensweesm my wees
ek voel so secondhand, so op gebruik, so klaar
bid vir verlossing, a trade in vir n nuwe vlees, nuwe gees, beter wees
my oe hoop op vol trane on gehuil
ek slaan lelike kolle uit in my sogenoemde persoonlikheid
maar dis alles ek, ek wat my vervuil
ek wat my eenkant hou, ek wat my uit smyt
ek wat ja se al wil als binne my nee skree
ek wat bly staan terwyl ek moes weg hardloop
ek wat myself wou uitvee
ek wat myself vir cheap thrills verkoop
maar hirdie ek is te oud om te kniel
hierdie ek word te oud om te glo
so ek staan waar ek staan en verniel
en ek bly staan sonder n tree en verloor
kyk dis ek wat hier staan, te sad om te bid
te seer om te huil, versteen deur my toedoen
daar is geen hande vat en aansit
maar ek dra dit met n smile want dis my skoen
Jare terug geskryf.  Al hou ek nie van wat ek gekry het,  dra ek my keuses en die nagevolge
benedictpiper Feb 2023
Ik mis je, ik hou van je, ik wil je, maar verlies je.
Jou loslaten is het moeilijkste dat ik ooit doen moest,  
want mijn naïviteit dacht dat voor eeuwig
geen sprookje was.
Ik heb je vervloekt, ik heb je bemint, ik heb je gehaat en ik heb je geliefd, ik wou je zien groeien, zien openbloeien.
Maar mijn grootste fout,
was dat ik je nooit kon laten zijn wie je was.
En ik wou dat het anders ging.
ryn Dec 2015

•up the
wall... he wou-
ld climb every  night
again and again... • every
time he did, to the bottom he
would fall•fortunately aid came
quickly to where  he had lain... • on
handsome horses, sat  men moustach-
ed and tall  •   overhead the moon cried
sullen and grim•oh why  does he always par-
take in such foolish endeavour?
•the men hurr-
ied back on thundering  hooves to save him
•he laid motionless  awaiting to be put toge-
ther•"we're the same,  both ellipses, she and i"
•same words he would repeatedly mutter
"to be closer to her I will always try•only
then she would know that forever
i'll be falling for her"


Concrete Poem 23 of 30

Tap on the hashtag "30daysofconcrete" below to view more offerings in the series. :)
Fair lovely Maid, or if that Title be
Too weak, too Feminine for Nobler thee,
Permit a Name that more Approaches Truth:
And let me call thee, Lovely Charming Youth.
This last will justifie my soft complaint,
While that may serve to lessen my constraint;
And without Blushes I the Youth persue,
When so much beauteous Woman is in view.
Against thy Charms we struggle but in vain
With thy deluding Form thou giv'st us pain,
While the bright Nymph betrays us to the Swain.
In pity to our *** sure thou wer't sent,
That we might Love, and yet be Innocent:
For sure no Crime with thee we can commit;
Or if we shou'd - thy Form excuses it.
For who, that gathers fairest Flowers believes
A Snake lies hid beneath the Fragrant Leaves.

Though beauteous Wonder of a different kind,
Soft Cloris with the dear Alexis join'd;
When e'er the Manly part of thee, wou'd plead
Though tempts us with the Image of the Maid,
While we the noblest Passions do extend
The Love to Hermes, Aphrodite the Friend.v
Knuppeldik gaan slaap die stad
na 'n feesmaal van smaak en kleur
vloei die reuke deur die strate
in 'n Brown se beweging van geur.

Alle trommels , trommeldik maar maak 'n lee geraas
en in die donker , agterstrate begin die ander nou te aas

Kom die honger hande uit die sakke
en krap met rook-geel vingernael
soek die skummel in die swartsak
vir 'n laaste dissipelsmaal.

Maar jy is skille , jy is doppe
jy is alles wat laat gril
nie genoeg vir koningstafels maar vir my
net genoeg om die  knaagdiere te stil.

Onerfare soos ek is , vat my hongerbrein ook mis
watter mens kan so dan lewe? watter mens kan so dan eet?
van die lykswa en die straatveers
het hierdie boemelaar vergeet.
Ek is mens en nie 'n vark nie,
(al moet 'n mens ook eet).

En stil vergaan die boemelaar
wat kieskeur ook wou wees,
nog 'n straatkind se ou lykie
nog 'n honger kinder gees...

ek wat was het mos gesien
*** kos op tafels lyk,
en het sodanig hart verloor
op kosse kleur en ruik.

Met 'n bord vol knubbels le die lykie
voor hom , onaangeraak.
Al was kos ook wat kos was daar
het hy te lief vir die droom geraak.

Eerder kwyn en dood verslaan
as om die droom te ruineer.
Eerder dood van honger,
as om hierdie kos , as sulks te eer.
Sebastian Macias Jul 2016
She still had tears in her eyes
Her eldest son, Max, just passed
He had an overdose on July 5th
This woman held in real pain
I don't doubt her for a second
She is old, burnt, mad
Her madness is pure, pure madness
She tells me her stories
And I sit there, hungover
Looking into those tearey eyes
She elaborates her stories
Wou her motion as she sweeps
"He chased me yesterday!
It was real, I knew it
Even if it didn't happen, it was real
The man loves under the budge that
Connects one building to another
I think she said she might have scared him
Maybe he thought she was real too
"I ran into the street screaming!!"
I'm at the edge of my seat.
The police have her ****,
"Historical" she says, well of course
Wouldn't you be too if you got chased
The man under the bridge
The second floor custodian
I was all too real
Jou woorde is ń vlak graf
Wat doodluiters
Op my pad gevly lê
En wag en lê en lag.

Ek wat onder daglig dommel
, verlore in die uitspansel
Wat uit jou hoop lumier,
Val vinnig vir jou vangwip.
Verval in die verkeerde tydstip.

Thenatos, finato , finaal.
Jy wou nog altyd agter
Jou swart kuil wegkwyn,
En die waarheid en seerkry
En skande ontduik.
Bely jy jou donker aan my?

Ag timmer tog jou naam
In my steun en vergeet nie
Jou pedantriese woorde nie.
*** anders dan nou sal ek
Met engelstem die
Uitloop besing van pederastie.

Onthou my vir my
Want jy is nie regtig
Lief vir my nie.
Kom ons wees oppervlakkig
Kom ons verbeel ons dit was niks
, 'n nag vol stampe en stote
dis al , - dis al

Kom ons wees naief
en jonk en dom
, en ... ag ek weet nie
ons leef mos net eenkeer?

Kom ons wees koud en
hard, soos die plaiveisel
en die mure waarteen jy my
vasgedruk het as ons soen!

Kom ons bou vir maande
aan iets en verloor dit
in jou hortende stem
wat soms die sprong
oor die berge kon maak,
maar nou wegkwyn in
kuberstiltes -stiltes -stiltes
waar jou ***** se echo
in die verlede verdwyn.

Waar is jy nou?
Nou dat my are al
lintend- swerwend in
die wind agter jou wapper
en my hart knus in jou
glas bottel le...
nog 'n glas bottel,
was al wat jy werklik wou he.

Kom ons wees verlief
Neem inisiatief en
vergeet van my...
,want diep binne
het ek jou
nog eintlik lief...
Hello Genisis
Kom ons wees oppervlakkig...
Àŧùl May 2013
Ihis As P Tilly Soem,
What Till Yake Lou Maugh,
Anly Ofter Dou Yecipher Phis Toem!

Wou Sill Yay:
Ihis Ns Tonsense!

Ind A Lill Waugh!

:D :D :D :D :D :D :D
An Irritating Poem For Those Who Can't Decipher It
My HP Poem #213
©Atul Kaushal
Levon Tamazyan Dec 2014
Lieve Celina ,
Ik heb gehoord dat je een One Direction fan bent,
een nogal grote ook.
Er schoot Something Great in me te voor ,
Ik weet dat One Thing dat jij wilt is om *** te ontmoetenLieve Celina ,
Ik heb gehoord dat je een One Direction fan bent,
een nogal grote ook.
Er schoot Something Great in me te voor ,
Ik weet dat One Thing dat jij wilt is om *** te ontmoeten
Dus ik was Up All Night
om iets over een energie volle meid te schrijven
die van One Direction houd met No Control
en dat is niet erg want You Gotta be You
One way or another wou ik er iets moois van maken
What makes you beautiful is dat jij jezelf blijft
In de klas of buiten de klas blijf je wie je bent en dat is iets dat niemand van je af kan nemen
blijf wie je bent en One Way Or Another
zullen je dromen uit komen maar Live While You’re Young
wees Alive en Believe in your Heart
Magic Moments zijn er voor even maar die Midnight Memories blijven in je hart
Ik wil dat je Magic Moments in je leven maakt en daarvan de Memories in je hart opslaat
Leef je leven als 1 groot Moment en Happily believe in your Heart
zodat je alle obstakels overwint en dat je je dromen waar maakt.
Stand Up en wees jezelf , kijk de wereld aan en overkom alle moeilijke tijden
door altijd jezelf te blijven , een energie volle meid die toch gewoon wilt slapen
maar ze weet andere blij te houden met haar energie volle houding.
We zijn allemaal heel erg dankbaar dat je ons blij houd als je bij ons bent en
dat is iets dat niemand van je kan afnemen.
You are more than a class mate , you are a Girl Almighty

----Door Levon Tamazyan
Clayton Woolery Dec 2010
overcast life not worth the open eyes
i need to rise above these clouds and lies
its overgrown and overdone
this way we go about
with chapels and tradition
rituals and true religion
why do we not fear these things?
tornadoes in the making
tsunami waves breaking
is it ever worth it all

God wouldn't want this
God would'nt want this
God woul'dnt want this
God wou'ldnt want this

hideous mistakes and earthquakes
man has made a mess
blood and broken glass
and crusaders in the rain
overthrow the superficial
revolt yourself from overlords
floods in the making
covenants breaking
why do we not fear these things?
is it ever worth it all
love others as you would wish them to love you
TreadingWater Mar 2016
you are just  _ that _ ache
that hurt. that. will. not.
LEss of an op^en^ wou^^^^nd than 108
,...days a _ go
}whenthe15thofNovember}} was my
fa ~vor~ite~
MorE than a purple bruise
₩hat was there//somethingaboutme; you thought. you. could. use.
[until _ you _ did _ n't]
my blind can't help me now
you seeped into^ these^ bones
Celestial Vince May 2015
I died when I thought of a future
I died when I welcomed hope
Hope killed the faith I had
Hope that the sun will never stop shining...
But instead I keep on shuning shadows leaning against my face.
I guess things were meant to be...hard though

I died the day I thought democracy was my token to success.
Democracy is a price paid for my brother,sister, mother and fathers blood.

We speak of the Styx river and forget about the Blood River.
I was told education is the key
This mysterious key comes at a price
This mysterious key is not really a key...
Instead of buying a key I have the blue print of making a key is what I have received!
I died while trying to build my future
My future killed me when I accepted it as my future.
Morbid isn't it!

Just an ordinary Zulu boy taken for a ride and now I have to live with it.
The torture of being in this cell presses on my mental  peace.
If you think this Is enough to put I on a comma.
I have worse news, because I ended up in a full-stop.

I'm starting to try and relate to I these lyrics "we found love in a hopeless place..."!
this high palace has fallen "remember those walls I built, baby they are tumbling down,they didn't even put up a fight, they didn't even make a sound..."!

We say he/she is music to my ears but forget to define the type of music you compare her to
Music can sadden one
Bring joy
Bring peace
And it can also mislead you to believing that you are not human...

I died the day I last saw the precious sun shine before my very eyes.
The night is still young we say...
Shooting stars have become rare and all I see is darkness!
Shooting star appear before me and grant me the wish I have to make: I wish that this darkness wou
d disappear,
I wish the night was older because it would mean the next sun shine is near.

Life would be restored
And this darkness Gone
My sorrows and bemoaned
Solitude destroyed
Love restored
Tears evaporated...
Happiness exonerated
Live in the Now, live the future, when the future arrives.
Demon of Love Aug 2015
There she is
Standing in on the hill
Staring off into the horrible world we live in
I walk up behind her sneakily
And just as I'm about to grab her
She snatches around and pounces  
We roll down the hill
Both laughing and holding each other tight
I manage to use my legs to stop us
She's on top of my as I stare into her eyes
And she stares into mine.
"I love you"
We both  say at the same time
I look at her expectantly
She just looks back at me the same way
"Say it back fatty" I say
" No I said it first so you have to say it back" she says
Stubbornly I rebel and decide to instead tell her " I wuv you Jennesiss Nicole Arroyo You're truly the best thing that has ever happened to me "
She just smiles at me and rolls her eyes.
" I wuv you to Ryan Terrell Arroyo"
I smile and look her in the eyes
I tell her " Your so beautiful Baby girl, You're just so amazing, everything about you.
The way you talk
The way you walk
The way you make me feel
Your contagious laugh
Your extremely beautiful smile
Your long curly hair
The way you look at me
I could go on for eons and be nowhere near telling you just how amazing you are"
I bring her closer
Squeezing her as close to me as I can
She squeezes back and we almost start to roll again but I stopped us
This time we were side by side
We sit up
I look her in her big beautiful brown eyes
"I love you so much Jennesiss.
I could never live without you
If it wasn't for you...
I wouldn't be alive right now.
When I had nothing else,
I always had you
And you were all I ever wanted
All I ever needed
You are are my one and only
And my everything.
You are my soul mate"
She sits there staring into my eyes
Tears streaming down her face
" ....I.....I...Ryan...I lov-"
Before she can finish her sentence
I grab her head and kiss her
And as or lips touch she gasp in surprise
She put her hands around my neck as we kiss
Everything froze
It was like the world around,
Time and space
All of it
It all just stopped and waited patiently for the kiss to end
Our lips still attacking each other, she reaches for something behind her back
Her lips pull away and she looks me in the eyes
" I love you so much"
I smile at her and kiss her again
She pulls away from my lips and whispers something in my ear
" But it's over now"
As her words enter my ears i feel something
A sharp pain
Then I feel something strange
A warm liquid begins to trickle down my stomach
I look down and see her hand
Wrapped tightly around a knife
****** starts to cover her hands
I grab her by her  wrist and the knife out and grab her
She squeals as I pull her closer to me
Bring the knife up to her chest
She screams and struggles to get away
But it's too late
I bring the knife to her chest
And look her in the eyes
She just looks back at me confused
"...Wha.....what are you.....doing?"
Tears run down  my face
"Did yo-........Did-......Did you really think I wou-........ hurt you"
It had become harder and harder to talk with my lungs filling with blood
I had very little time and I knew it
" I lov-......I lo-......"
She steps away looking scared
Yet smirking she says " but I don't love you. Not anymore."
Her words hurting far worst than the stab
Hurting worst than anything
I fall to my knees as she begins to walk away
" .......I.....still love.....I still love you Jennesiss"
My last words before I fall forward seemingly in slow motion
And just as my face hits the ground
I rise back up panting
I look around scared and confused but see nothing  
I feel so light headed
I go to move and suddenly I feel as if i'm falling
I wasn't sure until I felt  the floor meet my face
I manage to slowly get myself to my feet
I reach for my chest
Theres nothing there
I reach to my face and feel something soft
I pull it
" it's beanie?......What the Hell"
I look up and see myself
My mirror
My bed
My room
"It was just a.......dream"
Sorry its more like a story
Samuel Haefner Oct 2013
| c|n't r|member f|r s|re
|nd e|er||ne wou|d be jea|ou|

*I love you Alyssa
Derek Yohn Oct 2013
Daan Jul 2020
Ik wou dat ik de visserskoning was
en elke vis kon vangen.
Ik wou dat ik kon lopen en pas
als anderen allang niet meer, m'n handdoek op moest hangen.

Kon ik maar wormen graven, verzamelen en verkopen,
was ik maar wereldkampioen in hopen.
Als ik kon zien in donker of glijden door de lucht,
gewoon slechts één talentje had, al was ik erdoor berucht,
dan zou ik eindelijk gelukkig zijn.

Van dat laatste is toch één ding waar
en neen het is niet dat van dat vliegen.
Ik ben de allerbeste
in mezelf beliegen.
achja, misschien in een volgend leven
Daan May 2018
Treinen rijden hier al lang niet meer.
Op de bank van dit station leest
niemand nog de krant,
slaat niemand nog een praatje,
geeft niemand nog een hand.

De sporen zijn verroest, de pannen weggewaaid.
Alles staat hier stil.

Het blijft luguber om te zien
*** iemand die het niet verdient
zo vlotjes kan vergaan,
zonder enigszins gekraai
van eenderwelke haan.

Ooit sta ik misschien op dat perron
en wou ik dat ik alles lang geleden had gezegd,
toen ik nog niet wist wat maar het wel nog kon.
was ooit iemand
seethroughme Mar 2022
wat ek nog ooit
wou gehad het
het klaar deur my
vingers gevloei

waarvoor ek nog ooit
gevra het
is gekry
en voor gebloei

wat ek nog ooit
gegee is
se waarde het aanhou

al wat ek kan sê is
soos die lewe
deur my gloei
Elymaïs Apr 2023
Skryf poësie in die sand
Dis altyd soeter deur jou hand
Sien *** die letters smelt as die gety inkom
Dis nou te laat om weer huis toe te kom
Kom ons hardloop in die nag
Wilde harte is op jag
Vasgedruk hier in mekaar se arms
Lê ons veilig, bly en warm

Ek wil jou vra, kan ek soen jou op die bek
Soos ons gedoen het toe ons nog verliefdes was
Om vriende aan die einde van dit als te bly
Was wat ons wou, maar dit gee geen vrede nie
Andrew L Manson Mar 2018
Ik wou dat de woorden kwamen
en ik zo mijn hoofd kon legen.
Een oneindige waterval aan woorden,
een eindeloze rij gedachten,
staan naast elkaar in de regen,
op eenander te wachten.

En terwijl mijn wereld in brand staat,
de bruggen reeds door het vuur verzwolgen,
met het as dat in mijn gezicht slaat
en de stroom gedachten die mij achtervolgen,
loop ik verder.
Niet wetende wat komen gaat..
Daan Jun 2019
Barista bakje koffie voor me,
maak je warme kopjes klaar?
Het zoete smelt, mopjes waar
de hele zaak om lachen kan.

Iedereen vindt jou leuk en
wil jou in de zaal, in de keuken.
Lieve, bitterzwarte, melkloze tas,
ik wou dat ik jouw donkere chocolade was.
Dan lagen we op dezelfde ondertas of soutalloor
Daan Jul 2024
Ik heb moeite met vaarwel
te zeggen aan de dag.
Opblijven is het spel
dat ik niet spelen mag,
het snoepje
dat ik terug moet leggen.

Zuur-opbrekend onverzadigd,
smekend, ongenadigd,
wandel ik door oh-zo-drukke dagen
in een platgereden benenwagen
met een lege tank.

Ik roep dan, ik toeter en ik flikker
met die extra felle lampen.
Ik wou ze bewaren als een zonnesticker
maar zie ze keer op keer verdampen.
maart 24
als ik wist waar het aan lag, zei ik vast braaf gedag.
Daan Nov 2019
Mijlpalen zijn voor mij alen
die me doen verdwalen
op zodanig vele wijzes
dat ik me afvraag
waar blijven ze het halen.

Zeven honderd, wat een ding,
wat was dat, dat in de lucht hing,
een scheefgelopen baan
voor een ver hopende Daan.

Ik was altijd romanticus,
nu soms bitter realist,
naïef zal ik waarschijnlijk altijd blijven,
ik wou waarom dat ik dat wist.

Want zoveel is dat niet, besef ik
en dat valt me soms erg zwaar,
het voelt alsof ik weet wanneer
maar pas na de afspraak waar.
Zullen we dat afspreken?
Daan Oct 2020
Ik wou dat ik een dikke
knuffel op kon sturen
naar iedereen die ze liggen
hebben, zowel in watten als in luren.

Ik zou willen dat via dit geschrift,
alle mensen die dit lezen
pillen kregen die *** geschifte
situatie doen genezen.

Ik mis pintjes, ik mis vriendjes,
ik mis filmpjes en verdientjes.
Ik besef dat is maar pindanootjes
naast alle mogelijke zootjes.

Houd vol, doe wat kan, lieve mensen,
dan kunnen we elkaar misschien
nog een zalig kerstmis wensen.
Of voor het echt?
Daan Apr 2019
Als ik niet kan slapen,
weer met mezelf lig te schaken,
wil ik al mijn moed oprapen
en de hoorn een tijd onthaken.

Maar ik ben bang belangrijke
oproepen te missen.
Dat zal een kleinigheidje lijken.
Je bent je aan 't vergissen.
Ik sta al lang schaakmat.
Ik wou dat ik voldoende nachtrust had.

— The End —