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Vilene Joubert Nov 2010
I dnt believe in makin wrong decissions
nor mistakes ~
I believe, wht eva da choice might have been ~
it was da right one
@ da time of making it!

n0 matter what da outc0me ~
it was RIGHT!

There's n0 such thing as  a mistake /
or wr0ng choices..!

But wht if~
wht if~
You juSt dnt knw..?

Do u jst g0 wif wht eva fl0?
or d0 u
turn ar0und
& walk away..??
jasmin allen Nov 2011
i like prada(wht u like)
got ***** in mi hand(wht u got)
and all yall ******* be like
yadda yadda yadda yadda
got dame i dont think u even ******* understand come close,
you dont even know who i am
snappin at mi a$$ like a ******* PARANA
you an under ******* achiever
snap ya like a twig...overdosed
when im up on the block
all the men faint their gurls hating cuz i am who they aint
im always open so call me for a date
leave your girl behind
she'll never know wht hit her
up though the grass hissing like a snake
she'll never know wht bit her
mrp3rs0nality Nov 2010

This is something tht I didn't have to have
I guess u can say I'm a victim of my swag
And whts tht u ask well thts my personality
The qualities and characteristics tht makes me 

Anywhere I go I leave w/ at least one friend
Humor w/ a little sarcasm who can contend  
The key to this is to stay ahead of the next man
See things happen before they happen w/o pretend
Which means u have to keep it real 
Be ready for wht ever but still remain chill 

Add all these factors up and thts not even a quarter of me
Even tho I'm giving u the blueprint equaling me is something u will never be  

You see people wait to see wht I'm going to wear 
Which makes it hard not to notice when people stare
But I don't care cause I give people inspiration 
The females sweating me w/o the perspiration 

And it's  amazing how some women hang on ur every word 
No matter how rude, obnoxious or absurd U will still be heard
I mean in all actuality a **** is wht they want 
Y'all embrace them inconsiderate ******* types ladies don't front

But on the inside to project this persona brings about alot of pressure
With ur preconceived notion of who I am w/me left to measure

So u can actually say tht I'm being me for you 
Even though u believe all my qualities to be unique and true
Because to be honest u put me before you

In an attempt to negate your own low self esteem 
Whether it be an acquaintance or a small association You make it bigger than it seems 
Placing me in undeserved high regards
Feeling tht I possess the best hand when you hold the trump card

You see this is just a brief look at the other side of the fence 
And even though it may be hard for me to convince
It because of ur interest tht my popularity exist

             By: @mr_p3rs0nality
@mr_p3rs0nality 11/29/10
mrp3rs0nality Nov 2010

I've notice u b4 walking my way 
With Plenty attempts 4 me to say hey 
But my reluctance always seems to let u get away
Who r u really -it's a mystery to me 
Ur Beauty and gracefulness is all I c 

I often look in the mirror to practice my conversation
U know a brief introduction a bit of charm and a little persuasion 
 Wht Eva the occasion ur always dress the part
I know a women like u have broken many hearts
Where do I start when I do get ur attention 
Should I voie my good qualities or share my intentions
And that is only to insure u be treated like the goddess u r 
Do I have to possess a significant income jewelry or a fancy car
Well thts just something u would have to c for urself
Come b a part of this voyage me & u no one else
****** Cupid ur a muthafucka got me all tangled in my emotions sounding like a sucka 
But *** it I can't keep this feeling inside 
Got to lay it all out on the table -I got nothing hide 

Wht qualities make u boo -is my question to u 
I mean who r u really and wht r u into
It's like a riddle w/no answers a mystery w/no clue
And at the end of the day I'm gonna be me and ur gonna be you 

But all this information I just keep inside
And it is because of tht reason why I write this scribe 
To gain ur attention I have had many occasions
But when ur near it's like my mind go on vacation 
So with tht being said u keep me in amazement 
And until I build up my courage just consider this an INFATUATION 

                By: @mr_p3rs0nality
Harley Hucof Aug 2014
in a strange land i stood alone
facing the sun it felt like home.
the mountains were watching me.
i was new i was the guest. how did i come here wasnt clear but its for the best.
somehow i knew the trees had a msg for me.
a msg so familiar that was always burried inside me.
And they said : young man standing in the plain you still have alot to gain. dont be afraid of the unknown for it is essential for ur growth.
trust your intuitions and believe
And all your talents shall be revieled
Be courageous and dont be shy for what life have planed for you aint a lie..
lose your fears and lose your greed and the secrets of life shall be whisperd in your ears.embrace silence and embrace peace and wisdom is what you
shall see.
we know what you think.
we know what you feel and thats one of the reasons we called you here.
in front of you we stand here an untouched forest existing for your relief.
Love me and love me again for im your mother and i ll never end.
im nature.
through me u breath. through me u eat
Never abandon me and i ll provide for you your needs.
i take so many forms im in so many places
love me and into your heart i shall be expanded.
Im done now u can go back and continue your life.
but dont forget rare are the ones who saw this place. always remember wht i said and search for signs traveling in time and happiness is what you shall find.
as the sound stopped i closed my eyes trying to embrace what i witnessed.
i felt im one with evrything. time has passed i opend my eyes.
I was in bed.
I knew this story shall be shared.

words of Harfouchism.
mrp3rs0nality Nov 2010
My women: 

As I lay here and stare at the ceiling 
I can't help but to get this feelin
To display some sort of affection 
To the mirror image of perfection 
That lay beside me tht I call my queen

Queen u might ask ? 
Well that cuz she deserve it! 
I mean she endured it better yet ignored it
Frivolous mind games and *******   
I tried to pull off 
And to wht cost when all tht was lost was the trust she had built up from a foundation 
When there was no wrong answer to the (U + ME = "US") equation 

Then there was the separation 
where we both flirted w/different temptations
Moving aimlessly w/o a particular path
Actions not adding up even when using the simplest math
U see cuz we added selfishness and stubbornness 
Then subtracted the forgiveness 
Multiplied by the bitterness 
Which left us divided due to the pettiness 

Well when all thts factored out wht will be the solution 
Could this relationship be restored  or is  tht just an illusion
With all the problems we have already endured 
Can this disease called "Being Apart" be cured 
U know b/c I don't know if u may have heard but I have really matured and I will not be ignored

I Stood my ground I let out an sigh of relief 
Not knowing her reaction I began to tremble like a leaf
She came close and looked me square in my eye 
As she began to speak her voice quivered as if she was going to cry

"Y can't I get rid of u" -"It's b/c of U the reason why I act the way I do"

"But my love for u can fill an ocean 
The affection we share fuels my devotion" 

"I'm under a spell and u are the potion 
But don't write this off as going through the motions 
When I am bubbling over w/emotions"

"So don't use are fondest memories as a tool to continue being cruel with the end result of me standing there being your fool or even worst the subject of ridicule" 

As she explained her point of view I couldn't help but to think 
How I could just let something go as quick as an eye can blink
But her love for me out weighed all the bad 
And it was sad cuz whenever I did things to make her mad all I could do in response was say my bad. 
Why am I so lucky to have her in possession and do I really deserve this angel of mine? - is the real question 
But I learned my lesson
Matter of fact I have a confession
I feel like you in my life is a blessing 
How this relationship has endured the ups and downs was really something 
And sooner than you think matrimony is comin but for now it's pleasure having u as My Women

                By: @mr_p3rsonality
jasmin allen Oct 2011
I’m on some new **** since last week ha-ha (fade)
**** love
I don’t care the way u think rite now
Cause I don’t wanna be loved rite now
I’m goin though a faze were boys are boys
And wht u say but hittin in quitin
Ha-ha we speakin the same lango
And I just don’t care
Ready for tht roller coasta ha-ha
So give be some of tht yum yum yum
Tht good stuff
Cause u fine as **** id tap tht is an instant
Thts wht I told u (ha-ha)
I don’t have a heart for the time being
Let’s play each other
Player (ha-ha)
And then wake up ( ha-ha tht was fun)
Imma score for a winner in the end
a fine *** mother *****
gunika bhayana Jun 2015
Time is just moving apart from things
Or to get even more closer
Sometyms it's not a matter of time
It's just about circumstances!
We forgive people
Bt somehow we need to forgive circumstances as well!
We don't succedd in our first love
Because we lack certain qualities
But when we really achieve the qualities
We stop believing in love
This is how it goes
Ppl actually don't deserve u
No matter wht u do for them
Wht u sacrifice!
They really won't care
making a confession in love is easy
But keeping that love life long with u is a task
This is what we call being together
I hv tried achieving many things in life
By compromising my situations
but i guess ppl don't deserve it at all
Now all i m left with is a guilt
For the wrong priorities i hv made in my life
Now, All i can say is I QUIT
Vilene Joubert Nov 2010
About 2 watch a m0vie
I'll b seeing it Through my eyes
I hope its ur face I find

Its been so long
Since I felt ths way
Dnt knw wht 2 say

Thrs no sense of direction
No commitment
Nothing tht wud make me run away

Not once did u judge me
On how I am
Nor hav u tried 2 change me

U r fine with wh0 I am!

U knw I can not love u
N0t tht I dnt want 2
But nxt 2 me u stand

Ur da only 1 thts different
Da way u stood tall 4 me
And defended me
No1 has eva done tht 4 me!

I knw ths 4 a fact
U & I will walk 2getha
Quite a distance

I'll be seeing you in my movie
I'll be waiting at da bar

Thr I will thank you
4 being da best I'v had s0 far
Damaged May 2014
I really think that someone should have a video camera on me when I'm high because I say a lot of ****. And I mean some of that ***** pretty deep and meaningful and then also the comedian in me comes out. Or maybe the clown that makes everyone laugh. I don't really like clowns though. I mean honestly the whole idea and creepy. I mean god knows who the person in that costume could be. He could be the friendly neighbor hood mail man but what if he's a childmolester? And how are we gonna know the difference. My lips are really chapped. I really like this song. Linkin park speaks to me so well. Ahhh now three down doors. Love me when I'm gone. Since you obviously didnt love me before. Isn't that so sad? The way society has utterly ****** with the teenage mind.
Society says "you're ugly. You're not smart enough. You're not thin enough. You're not pretty. You're useless. No one wants you here." So then we finally had enough. We explode. We go insane. We have had enough society says "she was so beautiful in every way and so talented. Oh she had so many people that loved her" it's ****** up. Walking around every day never knowing who you're true friends are. Always wondering whose going to turn their back on you next. Always wondering if all the days I missed practice this season someone would say "it so much nicer without her here. She's so annoying." Always wondering if that "best friend" I made when I was a freshmen and she was a senior. Not she's in humbolt. Anyways I wonder if she remembers she's supposed to be my maid of honor someday. I haven't head from her in so long. There's so much I need to tell her. The pregnancy. The miscarriage. The "am I crazy for wanting to be pregnant again" even though I'm only 17. I'm 17. Almost 18. *******. It's kinda scary. Cause then society comes back and bases our whole lives on what we did during the hardest part of our lives. The part of our lives where our voices in our head scream "don't eat. You're ugly. You'll never be loved. You should **** yourself" and after a while you have to take a blade to your skin because it's the only pain you can control but also it's the only way you can feel anything at all if that even makes sense to feel nothing and everything at all once. And none of this probably even makes sense. So sorry for that. But my mind is a scary messy place. Terrifying and dark. Wow im high. Because the world so low and I wonder what movie Bug saw tonight man I wanted to go with her so bad. But I can't. Cause I'm grounded. Cause they they had to show that picture to my mom. I think I covered it pretty well but my life's hell now. She won't let me do anything and I'm her little ***** because if I talked back at all she'll take everyone. But it's so ******* stupid. Like ahhh ****. ****.  I swear to god I'm going to punch something. Mom even made me talk to people at church. I don't wanna ******* talk about it but if I don't ******* my way through it I can't do my senior project with Danielle and that ******* *****. Well guess wahat. I don't want to talk about it. Of course I'm not okay and you best get off your high horse if you think you are so much better than anyone else who want to talk to me and I won't. I don't even know where I'm going with this. Any of this. Especially my life. I'm really bummed the field trip got postponed. The Nuremberg trials. We were actually gonna simulate them at the court house. Gotta wait two more weeks now. ******* ****. I think I love history too much. I can't even tell you why. It just fascinates me. Something about the heartache and despair I can somehow relate you deep down. Especially during the world wars or the holocaust. Wow I'm tired. And it colds. Wow I'm ******* horney too. Sorry if that was tmi. I miss him. His body against me. A man ni. H ar der. Ha ar dar oh oh ohhhhh. What did I just write. What. Wow I'm really tired. AHHH. My favorite song is on. If you were dead or still alive. I don't care. Such good lyrics. I should text mark and tell him I'm listening to apoctalyptica. Or wait maybe I should text nick. Wait I don't think he's done working. Wait what. It's almost one in the morning. Thad why he's asleep. But I'm 100% fallingig jn love with him. Holy crap it's bad. He's 21. I'm probably just some little kid girl to me. But we're talking outside of work and he's my bestfriend on snapchatting but can you be more than a bestfriend on snapchat? Can you be in real life? Wht about my forever? Can you be my forever? And ******* I just looked at the clock and I started writing and babling at 12:17 and ******* I don't even have the slightest clue of what all I said
Part 1
TD Rucker Jun 2012
Wht dos it mean
whn th trth apprs bfor u
an u wnt smthng tht doesn't wnt t b kpt.
Doesn't wnt t b hlpd.
Hope is falur b 4 falur.
U laff frm spite
wnt 2 fght
bt nv is ur lght
so to u dear
nd ur jkes
gd nght
MJ Smith Nov 2012
Last night thought to myself wats the meaning of life? Praised God n spread his love right? Sure you'll meet some people that are mean n thn some that are Wat if u meet someone u love? Do I tell tht person tht I love thm or do bottle my emotions ?  Bt Wat if they ask me if I love them? Well god says never tell a lie even if the truth hurts! So tell her I love thn things get complicated bt hw shldnt they get easier ? Ig not but I was told tht if u love tht person alot u fight through some tough times n ignore thm n mental erase thm. So I do so cause I love her n things got easier  but thn wht if we get sick of each other ? U probly will I was told thn they said u gotta keep things new n exciting ! So I did so n it got even easier bt later it got hard again ! Bt it's always gonna get hard bt ur love for tht person should make it easy!
Even though I hate somethings since u love I learn to love. N I hope u do the same. So wats the meaning of life praised god n if u happen to find someone u Lik on the Way maybe u shld hold on to thm aslong as u can! Until the end of time
Shysta Sep 2014
you turned my life upside down
killed me from inside
kicked me down and threw my crown
and left me here , with no one to guide

cut me down in half a million pieces
treated me worst and the love decreases
between u
between me
between us

millions of lies
never thought about my cries
cause wht he did was no less than a crime
and he can never be worth a single dime
cause he traeted me worst than a dog
and that he was a clog

happy was my life going
he entered and it all got ruined
for his love was something i dreamt about
and what he did ...haa ! Flout !
love ? :o  love was like ****
and every second my heart was bit

with all your lies
and that fake shine in ur eyes
how did he do it ?
how dare he play with my emotions ?
why did he do it ?
why did he do it ?

you held me tight close to ur heart
and u said em ur life's most important part
but i dnt think that part exists now !
cause someone else is to whom ur vowed

you broke my heart at a tender age
and left me ,
all alone in a metal bound cage

em shouting screeming , crying out loud
but em just an ordinary girl in a crowd
u used me ,
cheated me ,
played on me ,

u broke that trust
and came in like a gust
u have to pay back
u have to pay back
u have to pay back !
                   -shysta x)
“The truly scary thing about undiscovered lies is that they have a greater capacity to diminish us than exposed ones.”
Vilene Joubert Nov 2010
Cnt seem 2 4get
Cnt get ya outa my head..
Wana c u all da tym
Want u 2 stay a while..

Thn u arrive
And its all clear
I hav good reason for ths fear

If thrs 1 thing I jst cnt handle
Its lies..
Da feeling of deceipt
A 6th sense tht comes s0 naturally

Been dwn ths road
Too many timez b4
U'v been cought
1 too many wayz b4

Wht I jst dnt get
Y wud my lov 4 u n0t jst g0?
Y wnt our roads jst part?

Thrs nofing left here
4 me 2 stay

Da trust is gone
xiuhcoatl cualli Jul 2014
this for you angel!
happines from heaven is love with intentions of faithfulness!
dont let no lie bring your brAin cons ions down!
for when you walk with your heAd down , your suffering!
its like living in hell!
where kids die of hunger
trees get turned to paper plastic and pencils!
for you two can write with stones on stones!
dont let the sky your love where your sun is at die in the concrete jungle!
that happiness!
those beautifull mountAins turned to beautifull temples!
we are walking all as one through apakalypse!
covered faces, distintive races as we are imbracing
for were not racing
we got pAtiance and my time is my evidence!
never look at the clock!
shadow around the tre let you know whT time it is,
stars relocating you to your destinAtion!
follow the ants for they are saving all the seeds!
follow the birds for each bird eats a different seed!
follow the jAguar for it will teAc you how to fight!
become one with your mind!
you are here to die, but with someone you love by your side!
bless my daughter mArysol quetzal zaragoza n if this heart mormor kills me body, my mind will live eternAlly
jasmin allen Oct 2011
Im on to the next one thts worth my time
Im no longer here for u
I have better things to do
Im livin high on life wit out u
Dancing to my favorite songs not with u
Im surprised u haven’t got sick of your new rollercoaster
Im on a different one every day
Found the old me last nite
She was all like u truble maka me wht u used to b
This is gonna b a wonderful friendship
Say bye to the the girl who cared
And shy shes gone
We moved on to the next one
**** haters
We don’t give a ****
jasmin allen Oct 2011
Hey boo Ive always liked u cared for u loved u
Ur a special person close to mi heart
One of the few

We got this chemistry thts crazy but amazing
Member back then
Long telephone calls and im’s
We finally back to that again :)
And u make me so la-la-la-la-la
and no matter where I go, no matter who I'm with
I always think of you
ur always on my mind
tht ex of mine dosent know wht he left
my love is so good and u can get it all
but u mean so much to me and we never even met
nvinn fonia Apr 2019
our grasslands,frantic Jiving,Jiving Jiving  carries     the full moon  
things you know ,under stilts- day/&night; /\are off ,,,, raspberry,
discontent,  its in  my winter,  / in  my seasons/  mother  fuggazii a neatt blueberry /trimed, neat

,bespoken// man off the hour Onegin \Gerianne- ,,twitches  .Onegin \Onegin \Gerianne-
astute,!!! many many-floors up, piping- cleaning,every quarter the clouds/masquerade ,this is cat______
to,,, through ,,through,,n,moved, a-blue,, temple a bloom,a ,temple a rook a trek a stoop now
Buddha, a simpleton/buddah geriane
evn more, man , means  pristine,adhoc ,reminisce wt i was wt wht wht ever i was
end-knot, end knot yet waas itt it was probable most likely
immeasurable , -penetrable the - wild/man go take a look beckons/you hey  the  ribbons the  knots
knots  the wrought what for/wt for noww  door to door
tropic tropic endemic you hear wt you see you lurch you b you b you believe sort  off  
on my sideAusual-revival A rendition again  again and lifee-like -ride
and whatever moreover all oveer the leftovers rose swells . fine
inn smoke  -reels/ ncapabl,,indecicve ne more dayy nd through
th moors,,a week goes
mayb a month a long intention  itt- sooths./all the more doggs
onegin \Gerianne- ,,twitces  .astute, many floors up,pigging cleaning,every quarter
the clouds/massquadre ,this is cat to,,, through ,,,,,moved , a-blue,, temple
a bloom,a ,temple a rook a trek a stoop now Buddha, a simpleton/buddah
geriane droggs onegin \Gerianne- ,,twitces  .astute, many floors up,
pigging cleaning,every quarter
the clouds/massquadre ,this is cat

to,,, through ,,,,,moved, a-blue,, temple a bloom,a ,temple a rook a trek a stoop now
Buddha, a simpleton/buddah geriane
,, miniature lamps,,blizzards all that can in a man/rigour
all that hula hoop possibly a merry christmass,,dayys spent ,,,  full you  are all that is
sire a \all the pleasures off a small room full off all the kool tools an art decoo sire by now you know it all thecrystal fairies in blue crystall *****    
,pretty slick,,,runs ,piping hott ,, undone &the; buddha, the-rider,, the- boxes,,,layaway
the glistering the beaming, all  the book keeping a philistine, if i mayy

impeccable, and  free glitters all  the hourrs,a\ repliccaa just a beguiling  taste ,\
,sire,,little empty purposely,, masterfully done,,,sire beefy ,,sire,and, plenty-full
surelyy the nectar bequeaths
( projected .mediocre , mister faires in ferries  shimmering  dearest of stories
  / wings/reminising      buddah     buddah.    
  an artt decoo sire,,,a purple tea *** in which we drink our tea,

,,mirrors,,, the very best in the pristine the mannequins,,all the more
the -buddha,the-rider,, the- boxes,,,,sire iff only i may evn more
from wt i was endless immeasurable the - wild/beckons/ ribbons and knots
knots what for/ door to door  tropic
day/&night; /i was i would on my side
Ausual-revival  Arendition again  again  and  lifee-like -ride
and whatever moreover all oveer the leftovers  rose swells . fine
our grasslands,you know , stilts  frantic Jiving,Jiving Jiving
in smoke  -reels/incapabl,,indecicve  one more dayy and through  th moors
are off ,,,, raspberry,discontent  / neatt/  mother  fuggazii ,,
a week goes  mayb a month a long intention, itt- sooths./all the more

coldest,yet An ongoing black screen, then you came   colored coldd eminence  at al times
around me,   the birds,forrow Here burning,  Orange yello/blue brigand
In a lot, and  the cloud,  the grasslands to let me in,  dollor man
a board, a bloom Buddha, a simpleton ,  slanted/ forever possibily
  glistering/the ice cones,gingivitis floating away    /balloons
Above//   before beyond   half  half ,exciting  Elicit, , derelict,  
,  /never closing  a fantasia what i mean when i need  
   rerun .the chapters <retort>     there's a god  today in this moment and i can feel  it  .
   "jessica"\    ( the drudge   ducks   dips digs more and more
     won't stopp)       diners too many  tea  
  <>>>>\        stays afloat,        dispels /beaten /scowls   scary ,all-of jiggling/kepp bouncying
     ><weeds out / >minuscules         ripes/renders
         <jessica>>>>jamboree          come face me.
     the grandest / all  the oddities     one magic invention i was missing all this time
    transgression/ kindda may be timid /    my jive /our rruby/mouthing
a last supper if you will .something akin
   reasons /acuity/  th more the merrierer
   my bliss/slits    till-kingdom comes .   / & the black space everywhere in
   them the/many minds    all the more    \><citadel.come and go touch of gold
   see to believe              &&&&  <    deep blue lakes that  never end
their rune and it  returns  a ship on her chest
that i will reach places un dreamt of   will   returnn  > there. everyplace
   still passionate  though    /frothing/foams  "jeddah" "a simpleton, gives wayy too ".
the excerptluxomberg- along the /tumultus ,dry  the same dayy footing it foams  2 itt noww,,a cold..trance ,, embezeled !! forr ,regressed. ,thoseof us VISIBL- Keene
it is finally-plenteous breathing!a more juniper  . . cold. \ invisible,grooming////      
  turns outt
_..... ) .same dayys, for ever,evoles the delicate, the muffin menin muffin coats
/,/renders the arc  dayy 5 on the road is lunch  now ............
along the heavy points 4pm same dayy a brown tea *** so nicely preserved but off no grater utility just a brown tea pottt  37 -38 ..........just likk thatt
.... kindda winds up ,,wry now ....the fckig excerpt  luxomberg
alice springs.carrie. chapter 1,the landscapes preemtive.the-blue-acron in chrome  i-would know _ -as forr a while  ,(radio rahim....) for you ,tic-trackks,tic-trackks viggelntees) a vigill,

step1 : sudo apt-get install xserver-xorg-input-all step2 : sudo apt-get --purge autoremove xserver-xorg-input-all && sudo apt-get install xserver-xorg-input-all
kfaye Dec 2016
shaving w/ cold water a brittle lick rings off a 12" celestion     perspiration.ocean sounds are spitting on me Seattle is a nominal love .some kind of bounce  (they say) a blue zip cripples the skyline little armling lost tumbling errands away like missed alarms
flyboy jacket
raking dry lines away from wht you can stuff in your arms like a
jazz beat
wind spins complexcurrents around her wraparounds polarized to the smoke rings huffing from her nostrils  on cold bright

breath is a glitch receiving old information incompatible with the peachfuzz burning  up with the o-zone
my skinny rocksalt eyes tire of eachother scraping in
the skin tightening over her forehead like a hide drum shrinking in the sun around it's ring
out of place.i stand cocked on the deck of the carrier wanting to  
annihilate  nations

todd kellison Nov 2012
From a distance I can see everything that happens around me
from up in my tower I sit so high feeling protected from your prying eye
I see things that make no sense children in chaos and parents with no power
the child is in charge and the parent quivers in fear of the government.
Yes the government who tells us what we can eat, how much we can drink and how we must raise the chil we gave birth to.
Long gone are the days of individual freedoms, for we all owe the piper a debt we will never pay. Tremble thats right tremble in fear for the direction we head is anything but clear. hold your family close and your guns closer, God protoect us as we try to achieve cotrol of our lives and our future's. May our children find the way to sanity and reality.
I wish for you all is to find peace and to no fall into the hole the government is digging for it looks like nothing more then a mass grave. this is dug by the greedy, corrupt and easily swayed from they're own convictions., selling our souls for a piece of the money.
We are ready to blame big buisiness and democrats and republican but we all are a part of this mess and must live with the fate we may not have wanted but sure as heel got. So to you crooked politicians and corrupt business men we know who you are and are watching your every move. and America all races, creeds, sexes and religous conviction grow some ***** stand for wht is right and dont sell your children and grand children out for a free T.V. and cell phone have some self respect.
Noah May 2013
Well, i am back,
And i gotta new rap,
My dad, i've never seen him cry,
But today has been the first time,
He snapped an said he might be leavin,
Cause my mom, she the one who always pevein,
Tryin to make us to just what she wants,
We probably lost all of our aumbiance,
She makein us mad, and not takin the blame,
She think we gonna be played like a game,
We just the pawns, she is the queen,
But we done, we retaliate, we burst right through the seams,
She doesnt seem to care about our feelings,
She takes everything and makes it into HER dealings,
She thinks she controls how or wht we do,
But we all know, dont test 'you know who'.
Cause imma snap,
Straight to full atack,
Aim to ****,
Or get your fill,
Cause imma cold killer,
Cruel blood spiller,
And this is my plight,
So do u have the sight?
The sight to see,
Just whats in me,
The stuff of legends,
That i can tell you, dont come from the heavens,
Im not from the light, im from the dark,
On an adventure i have embarked,
Dont push me anymore, or i will snap,
Go on, lock the door, before i attack.
jide oyediran Dec 2013
Who is d only woman
The only woman' who is wht crying for
Who is d only woman
The woman who bleeds for 5days
who is d only woman
The woman who doesn't sleep until I sleep
Who is d only woman
The woman who will never abandon u

The only woman is d woman what waiting for
The woman what crying for
The woman what praying for
The woman with four sights
The woman with a difference
The woman of my dreams
You know d only woman
Robbie McIntyre Jul 2014
Everybody has them,
Their wht makes you you,
Don't hide them show them off,
They are your battle scars,
They are what's left of the war you went through,
And proof that you went head first and beat it,
Whatever their from,
Whatever pain, or hurt, or battle you went through the scars are what's left,
They remind you an everyone else that you are stronger than that battle,
Show them off and don't hide them,
Own you battle scars or they will own you.
oh my gosh oh"is that what ur saying sir? umm excuse me but thats just not me, i always say the lords name in vain. and all the subliminal marketing of your consumer artistry is making meweak an gag, im puking out all over in the bathroom upstairs past the solid maple tables past the circle murals in pairs who is there going to hold onto my hair when ur busy drooling about grandfather clocks high as **** doppelganging 2 levels flourished below me  all the tans and the colors of the north arre closing in where everyone and everything are turning into furniture store manikins stubborn geriatric commercials with one foot already on the conveyor belt to heaven and i just stand here and put the chips in, wrist here maam, forehead here sir just lift up your skin, living memory card into your left hand so u cant forgot all the horrible **** that u did, and ur on your way again back from indecision wht the **** else could u invest everything you worked for in, i can tell you
where to place your last faith in, you are going to die, people tell me laughing almost every-time so what the **** is the point of warranting anything, invest in a quality product that completely dissolves your thought process and rockets you into purgatory, where all the other good spirits are prostrating begging to be inventoried all the dead fathers and husbands and all other price tags shes still floating on that ocean signalling ships in with her omens and they are driving into the rocks just to hear a second of her laughing
Little Wing Mar 2012
hes alway there.
when ever im in pain.
one the of same
hes there to remind me to breathe.

I think hes beautiful, but he doesnt believe me.
i wish i know wht he actually thought of me.
if i was a wasste of time, space or breath.
or if i had the same effect on him thst he does on me.

i feel his pain.
i feel his heart, beating in her hands.
he loves her.

but yet again.
he reminds me how to breathe.
Roy Sep 2021
why is finding love so hard
why do I find myself alone
I am looking for wht  I can  not  find
the one who can fill my soal I scream your name
I need your touch yet I am alone the pain is to much to bear alone
Chuma Komani Nov 2013
I don't know wht to call it
Lovers place or lovers lane
The teen male and female
Encounter in
Physical contact
And soul

Where they exchange words
Which build their relationship
Strengthen their relationship
Where they embrace each other
Never letting go
Like mannequins
Or statues

Although this corner is public
They really didn't care much
It amused them
As much
As it strengthened their bond

Time was limited
But why not break the rules

In the daylight
He would see her clearly
In the moonlight
They would kiss so dearly

What they didn't know
Is that they were alike,spiritually
Like charges repel

He walks that street corner
jasmin allen Oct 2011
I found how to love once ago
How to move on
Now it’s time to find out how to love again
This chapter is a new start
I have a new heart since I’ve moved on
But this time it’s gonna take a lot for a guy to show me he’s wht I need
I may date or have small relationships
But when I fall for u or even fall in love wit u
So dudes just be patient and show me Ur true self
tenzintao Jun 2014
We begin with teasing..
And stared loving...
That wht we unexpected...
But love we created. .
Wasn't so naturally. .
As with the emotionally. .
And U had taken my heart..
In the love story of art..
Anger is urs temper..
Where matter isn't  remember..
Now u run my mind..
As of u r really kind..
for me..I love u forever..
As Never felt this love ever..
Seeing those pictures. .
With urs beautiful natures. ..
That what I been mad. ...
Remind those make me sad. .
As I had been lonely here...
As I wanted to be there..
With u and urs lovely loves..
As that the solution which solves. .
U r not that cute....
When u r in mute...
Never been that mad..
When I was sad..
Still there happiness after all.
As the ain't be another wall..
Infront of us.. that we trust..
Even though we must ..
As I know u r my happiness. .
And never been in loneliness. .
Love story that we make..
Which r lovelier than cake..
As we create love beautifully..
It isn't that was normally. .
As we created differently..
Which r not done usually. .
I love u darling....
With my smiling. .
gunika bhayana Feb 2015
Far away from the world
Their is a better afterlife
Sometyms i wonder
wht wud lyf hv been over der
A true state of being happy
Ignoring all the doubts n the pressures
it's being loved by whom u luv
A peaceful life
Attaining sch a life
Wud be a blessed one
With a new beginning
And new people
No minset, no conclusions
Follow what ur heart says
i dreamt of such a life
n m still dreaming of it
Bcz the reality is far away from it
N it cud never be near to this dream
What if i want it to be
People dn't
A carefree world is better than a one which kills u everyday
I really wish it cud be like i want it
Charlie Apr 2015
Its always not because of suffering
Its what u get for living

if a man can create so much suffering
what right does he have to complain
when he himself suffers

Its always not because of someone
It may be to tell, its coz of no one

in the turning of twilight
there's shadows of moonlight

Its always not to let me down
It may be a grow up sign

Its always not to cry on destiny
It may be a call to write own destiny

Pain is nothing just a state of our mind
to tell u the truth to be ur own kind

Wht u learn may save u from suffering
learn from who are slumbering

     *Its time to redefine pain

      Its time to enjoy dis game
  *Its time to call it game of pain
enjoy d game of pain.. a bit of sorrow a lot of happiness
Waverly Dec 2016
Can i tell u
Can i tell u
That the loneliest
I feel
Is whn im deepest
In my own mind
Tht the loneliest
I feel
Is so deep
That id rather reach in
Thn reach out
Rather feel u
Than me
Rather be ecstatic looking
:) :) :) :)
Than say whats going on
Deep inside of me
Wish i had u hear with me
Wish u could be the eventually
To eventually see
Whats ******* with me
Wht makes me wnt to push away freends
Of yrs
In sake of solitude?
Rather than love
I seek inner sanctum.
****** up
Push away friwnds of yrs.
Im so gone now
Dacia B Apr 2015
No one is born perfect
We all have our faults
How do people deal with them?
I go through one stage after another of self-hate, self-harm
Why must I be so flawed?!
Why can't I be happy?!
And when I wish to sleep, the mistakes of today, my life
oh they haunt!
oh they taunt!
I see others
They do wronge
But it does not faze them
In despite, they are content?!

— The End —