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Nov 2010
My women: 

As I lay here and stare at the ceiling 
I can't help but to get this feelin
To display some sort of affection 
To the mirror image of perfection 
That lay beside me tht I call my queen

Queen u might ask ? 
Well that cuz she deserve it! 
I mean she endured it better yet ignored it
Frivolous mind games and *******   
I tried to pull off 
And to wht cost when all tht was lost was the trust she had built up from a foundation 
When there was no wrong answer to the (U + ME = "US") equation 

Then there was the separation 
where we both flirted w/different temptations
Moving aimlessly w/o a particular path
Actions not adding up even when using the simplest math
U see cuz we added selfishness and stubbornness 
Then subtracted the forgiveness 
Multiplied by the bitterness 
Which left us divided due to the pettiness 

Well when all thts factored out wht will be the solution 
Could this relationship be restored  or is  tht just an illusion
With all the problems we have already endured 
Can this disease called "Being Apart" be cured 
U know b/c I don't know if u may have heard but I have really matured and I will not be ignored

I Stood my ground I let out an sigh of relief 
Not knowing her reaction I began to tremble like a leaf
She came close and looked me square in my eye 
As she began to speak her voice quivered as if she was going to cry

"Y can't I get rid of u" -"It's b/c of U the reason why I act the way I do"

"But my love for u can fill an ocean 
The affection we share fuels my devotion" 

"I'm under a spell and u are the potion 
But don't write this off as going through the motions 
When I am bubbling over w/emotions"

"So don't use are fondest memories as a tool to continue being cruel with the end result of me standing there being your fool or even worst the subject of ridicule" 

As she explained her point of view I couldn't help but to think 
How I could just let something go as quick as an eye can blink
But her love for me out weighed all the bad 
And it was sad cuz whenever I did things to make her mad all I could do in response was say my bad. 
Why am I so lucky to have her in possession and do I really deserve this angel of mine? - is the real question 
But I learned my lesson
Matter of fact I have a confession
I feel like you in my life is a blessing 
How this relationship has endured the ups and downs was really something 
And sooner than you think matrimony is comin but for now it's pleasure having u as My Women

                By: @mr_p3rsonality
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