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Roy 1d
To one day touch the girl of your  dreams before you fall in love to then realize that touch was  a dream to love one day toss me in the car and love me to the end
Roy 1d
Let me write a poem when I can not sleep my mind awake dreaming of you
A dream of you with me, a hug, a kiss to fill  my mind with love, let me dream of you
Roy 2d
Sometimes a poem is written before it starts sometimes it ends before it is written
My love found you before my poem. My soul was one with you before you knew it
Roy Jun 27
How do I share my pain with you if you do not know my pain
How do I share my pain with you?

How is death  a dream  a dream that sets me fee
I wish to find my dream  if it cannot be with you
Roy Apr 6
I dream of our day of joy.  I dream of our love today with joy. To hold you and fill my life with joy you must know a part of me is in pain.  A pain that takes away my soul. I scream in pain my body screams in pain. My love for you holds me strong, my love for you makes me laugh and live but the pain tries to take you away from you it hurts I hurt today my love I want it to end.
Roy Mar 29
My heart is empty no more my pain is  but a shadow in the past. The light you bring shines bright to show me the path to happiness. Our new journey begins on a path for us to follow or change to make it our path as one
I love you more each day even more
Roy Mar 29
I have been lost in my mind thinking of you dreaming of you is it a day dream fighting to become a reality or is it a day dream I will wake up from wishing you were here Missing your touch you presents missing you
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