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Aibo Yewena!
Phela ngisakuthanda
Ngikucabanga ngize ngibone ikhanda lam'
Ngibone ikhanda lam' seliyi CEO,
Mengcabanga wena Ikhanda lam' liba
Liyangiphatha. Ngizwa bethi uthatha ama
applications. Ngiyakucela phela love le CAO
engifakile ayibe successful. Angifune reject
phela le Degree yoThando lwakho ngyayfuna
Noma ngasayenzanga icourse yokuba istraight I
right neye side chick, sengiyo modifyer next
Uyi status seFeleb yini? Coz I like You!
Kuthi angifanise inhliziyo yami ne DVD wena
uyi player, wa pressa u open wayifaka I CD
wathi close isadlala kamnandi wapressa u eject!
Aibo kanti unjani player?
Aibo Yewena!
Aibo Yewena uthi awungilahlekelanga njer?
Ngoba namanje inhliziyo yami isakufuna
Aibo my top deck! Namanje ngisakuhalela,
kodeke ngizokuphonela just ukbingelela noma
ngikuhayele. Aibo Yewena!
Ngisalifuna namanje leliya fosholo, phela wena
usaqala ukungibona you were digging me
Lol hhhe
Uthi Ongumnini wena ungowami
Ngiyamzonda lowathi love is a matter of
Phela manje wena you treat me like toxic waste
Wena ngikufanisa neRadio edlala imicibilisho,
ungizwisile ubuhlungu!
Wazenza iskhothane ngami washiya inhliziyo
yami idabukile
I miss you, angisakwazi muntu usebona
ngamakhasi nje ukuthi usaPeeler
Ukube bengazi ukuthi wena ungizela nge earth
quake kuloluthando uzo zama zama, bengeke
Ngicela inhliziyo yami niyinqume izandla, kuze
izoyeka ukuthanda lomuntu!
Aibo bafena lomuntu iphilisi! Somebody take
me to a doctor I've overdosed!
Ngane YeLanga, ukukbona nje could brighten
my day
Shuthi uthando lwethu beluyiGenerations,
sekuphele iytori
Aibo Yewena
Month end yami engiholela ekufeni
Ngisakuthanda namanjer
Thapz Kolatsoeu Oct 2017
Ndivumele juba lam sthandwa sentliziyo yam
ekuseni we langa indi ku balele
incwadi Yothando Yesizulu
(A Zulu Love Letter)
Nguwe be ngi ngo #kiss
incwadi Yothando Yesizulu
(A Zulu Love Letter)
Ngifisa sengathi ungangibhalela incwadi Incwadi yothando yesiZulu Esho ngemibalabala na ngamabalabala
Axoxa indaba ejulile yemizwa nemicabango Idayimane, ngelo thando lweqiniso
Omhlophe, ngowenhliziyo engenasici Indilinga, ngoba olwethu kalunasiphetho
Oluhlaza-sasibhakabhaka, ngoba wena ucabanga ngami
Unxantathu, ngoba amazulu aphezulu Kanjalo nomhlaba nolwandle ngaphansi bayazi
Onsundu, ngoba kuyitshe kunothile futhi okwemvelo
Njengomhlabathi ongaphansi kwezinyawo zami
Noma ungawu shiya umbala ophuzi Kungani kumele ungithande ngenhliziyo enesikhwele! ?
Ngifisa sengathi ungangibhalela incwadi
Engiyoyigaxa emqaleni
Ukuze zonke izimbali zase maqeleni Ziyohawuka lapho zingibheka
Ngenxa yayo yonke lemibala egqamile Incwadi yothando yesiZulu
Ngobuhlalu bothingo-lwenkosazana Ubuhlalu base mazweni aqhelileyo Minake sengiyoba nentokozo emangalisayo
Lapho ngiphendu-phendula ulimi lwakho
Kancane-kancane, futhi ngesikhulu isineke
Ukuze ugcine usukwazi kahle hle Ukubingelela abazali bami
Ngendlela eyiyona-yona, ngolimi lwesiZulu
Molo sethandwa sawubona ngiya themba ulale ngahle?
African zulu love letter, zulu is an african spoken language in south africa, a language that originate from the zulu land, the roots of the late zulu king, shaka zulu
Thapz Kolatsoeu Oct 2017
Ngiyakuthanda. Ukuba nginepeni nephepha ngabe ngihlezi phansi ngidansisa ipeni ngaphandle komculo ngikubhalela lenkondlo yothando!

Kondlo lena akuyona inkondlo.
Lena into ephuma kimi uqobo.
Ngoba inkondlo ikhuluma ngamaphupho necabango engasoze yafezeka nothando oluhambiselana nemigomo nemibandela.
Manje mina angiluphuphi uthando lwami ngawe ngiyalwazi lukhona. Angicabangi ukuthi ngyakuthanda kodwa ngyazi ngyakuthanda ingakoke ngi
Ngeke ngiqambe amanga kuwe ngithi ngeke ngiphile ngaphandle kwakho, ngingaphile, ukuthi nje impilo ingaphileka kangcono nginawe.
Ngeke ngikuqambele amanga ngithi ayikho enye into engiyicabangayo ngaphandle kwakho ekubeni kukuningi okunye engikucabangayo, ukuthi nje imicabango enawe iyintokozo nenjabulo kimina.
Ngeke ngiqambe amanga ngithi akulaleki ngicabanga wena, ukuthi nje ngilala kangcono ngicabanga wena. Ngeke ngiqamba amanga ngithi, ngendlela engikuthanda ngayo ngingatshela umhlaba wonke ngoba angeke ngikwenze lokho, kodwa umhlaba ozozibonela wona ukuthi ngiyakuthanda.
Ngalokho futhi ngizishaya isifuba. Empelini mina engizama ukukusho ukuthi ngyakuthanda.
Uyihlolo nonyoko bazala ingelosi sekusele nje ungivezele lezimpiko ozifihlile.
Sthandwa sami ngiyakuthanda, angizenzisi, kodwa kusuka ngaphakathi kimi.
Ngaso sonke isikhathi wakhumbula la mazwi ami, ngiyakuthanda.
Love expressed in isizulu.
Kim Yu May 2015
Tsala e ya nnete tota
E lerato le popota
Ga e go bone makoa
Ga e go tsenye ka sekgwa.

Fa lefatshe le tlhanoga
Le ditshotlo di tlhatloga
O mongwe fela yo o gomotsang
Ke tsala e e go ratang.

Tsala ya maaka, ramatlhajana
Tsamaya le ena nakonyana
Melato a ka e go bolaisa
Fa go buiwa o a itshegisa.

O go tsenya mo kotsing
A go potise ka fa mosing,
Le phepa la gagwe leina
O le tlhatswitse la wena.

Botsala jwa nnete
Ga bo tlhwatlhwa e bokete
Bo rekwa ka setshego
Le lerato la tlholego.
Fell in love with this poem in my High school days, it's a Tswana poem about A True Friend...very beautiful.
Ngalala nendoda engaligqokile ijazi, ukuze
ngikwazi UKUMITHA izidingo zami.
Namanje ngisawenza umkhuba.
Umkhuba omubi wokungalaleli uma
Mabeshumayela izwi liyawushisa unembeza
kodwa mina njengeRadio Station ehlihlizayo
coz to-Night e Durban ngiyozidansela
Ngicela utshele umfundisi wakho
Njengo R50,
Mina ngibomvu.
Ngibomvu izono.
Nginesono Sokuba Isoni.
Ngicela NingangiThandazeli.
A car accident, ingozi yemoto.
Shuthike bobalili BABELULA ngoba
Njengelanga liyozilahla kunina Bashona.
Njengokuphihlika kwe Glass, Bafa. I want you
to understand this, njengentombazane efake
uBra, Babhodile.
Ngicela NingangiThandazeli.
I had a fight with the school, Sangihlula
Then The Church had a fight with me,
Wahluleka Umthandazo.
You tell me uNkulunkulu uyaphila?
Pho mayephila akazizeli ngani Yena, wena (are
you well) Uyaphi LA?
Noma ucwecwa amazambane uya PEELER?
Lento ayenzi sense like leaving your wife for a
side chick.
Tshela umfundisi wakho engangithandazeli.
NjengeDimoni, Angiwufuni Umthandazo.
Ngathi nguMatshidiso angfuni Nomthandazo.
Ngicela NingangiThandazeli.
Njengo R50,
Mina ngibomvu.
Ngibomvu izono.
Nginesono Sokuba Isoni.
Ngicela NingangiThandazeli.
Ukushona kwabazali bami kwaba isqalekiso
Ngalala nendoda engaligqokile ijazi, ukuze
ngikwazi UKUMITHA izidingo zami.
Namanje ngisawenza umkhuba.
Umkhuba omubi wokungalaleli uma
Kode Ngicela Ningangithandazeli.
Ningangicabangeli nginengqondo yami.
Ningangisukeli nginezinyawo zami.
Ngicela ningangithandi nginenhliziyo yami.
Nibaleke, ngoba anginayo icalculator.
NingangiZondi, ngiyazithulela angisiye
Ngicela Ningangithandazeli.
NgiyiNtandane ngizohlala kulesi Sibaya
Sikababa Nginibuke eSikhaleni sezinti,
Nginakhele icebo likaZungu Ngokunga Qondi
kwami lelizwe enithi liyaThandeka, Ngizoba
uMelusi wamaBhubesi vele aningiZweli noma
Nginesiphiwo eSihle nithi Ngi Bhekifa, ningenza
I shepherd ka Sathane nithi Ngi Lusifa
Ngicela Ningangithandazeli.
Bang! Bang!
The sounds of gun shots mid-day on Thursday,
Sirens getting closer to the crime scene,
Just two weeks ago a man's life was terminated for a cellphone,
More thugs and more gun fires,
the tragedy so bad it even appeared in the news.

But today i can feel fear creeping in my vains,
Another man shot dead today,
why do i have to live in this community?
For i am afraid.
Few months ago
it was just like an action movie,
people running and rolling
while the loud sounds from the police guns aiming over my
roof top kept on going
Bang! Bang!

I see the police patroling the streets by day,
having picnics in the park
while they watch their horses eroid away the soil.
They feast to some take away outlets
filling their sagging bellies by night.
While they letting the just go unpunished all year long,

Oh! It hurts.
I feel a bullet on my chest,
Oh! It hurts
for i cannot look through the dark
night anymore.
I sit on the side of this wide classroom window,
And i wonder,
What if one bullet comes straight to me. (God forbid)

Oh this township that i loved,
you are not safe anymore.
Where can i run to for i called you home?
There is no distance further gone  without any loud sounds;
Bang! Bang!

     Oh mam' ngiyalil'
     ngililel' labo abangasek'
     ikakhulukaz' imphil' yam'
     umphefumul' ongenacal'
     kungab' sewabayin' wena             dolobh' lami.

I called your name,
with so much pride and bragging,
but now i cannot even say your name
for you have groomed thugs,
drug addicts and drug dealers,
harlots... And what else that we do not know?

Could it be blood sacrificies,
are these the 'EndTimes' proclaimed in the book of Revelations,
Why should i bother trying to think when all i hear in my head are ecoing sounds
Bang! Bang!

All i need to do  is to find a way out,
    Nyawozam' ngibeleth' !
    Ngob' inhliziy' ayisahlalisekang'
when will that day be,
when crime will be stopped for good,
and police do justice to the community?
Kgolagano Tshela Sep 2017
[Praying] Ka leina la Ntate,la Morwa le la moya o o galalelang

She cried while praying

For she never ever in her history felt this way
One could say it was tears of joy and love:
[Praying] Modimo ntate ke rata go go leboga fa okile wa ntshegofatsa ka neo ya motho yo o gapile pelo yame,ke raya sona serunkgi sa pelo yame.Ke lebogela lerato,boikobo le tlotlo yo o mo neileng yona.Ke lebogela fa o mo tlisiitse mo botshelong bame.

At the other hand one could say it was tears of fear:
[Praying]Modimo wame yo ke mo rapelang bosigo le motshegare ke wena o itseng maikaelelo a gagwe mo gonna ka jalo kopa o mpontshe tsela gore ka nnete ke ena yo a tshwanetseng pelo yame.

Since day one she made sure that she never skipped a day without looking for the answers from the one Above.

She prayed and prayed and prayed and she is still praying not only for her or him but for them:
[Praying]Modimo yo ke mo rapelang bosigo le motshegare,Modimo yo ntirelang ntho tsotlhe ke ipaya pele gago keleng ngwana wa gago mo se sebaka go go kopa gore o babalele kamano ya rona, fa ele ena motho yo ke moratang gape ke batla go tshela le ena.

She is really praying, hoping and trusting that this relationship will last.

You should see her when she talks to him
You should see her when his name lights up on her phone
You should see her when she talks about him
You should see her when she hears his name
You should see her when she sees him
You should see her smile when she thinks of him
You should see her
She becomes….
She becomes happy
She is in love
She loves him
She doesn't want to lose him

Her love for him begins at forever and ends at never.

Prayer 1: In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy spirit. Amen!

Prayer 2: Father God, I would like to thank you for the rich blessing of a sincere heartwarming soul, I am talking about the one who captured my heart. Thank you for the love, humility, and respect you’ve given him. Thank you for bringing in my life. Amen!

Prayer 3: The God I worship night and day, you the one who knows his intentions for me therefore I ask you to show me the way, if this is really the one for me. Amen!

Prayer 4: The God I worship night and day, the God who provides for me, I put myself before you as a child of God asking you to protect our relationship for he is the one I love and want to spend my life with. Amen!
shosho Rea Jan 2015
"Do you miss me?"

Yea I do.

"Really? What about?"

Everything. I even miss parts of me that left when you did. I miss my smile, I only gave it to you. Its gone now. But I miss everything.My heart aches but Its content. My thoughts on you are bittersweet, my feelings for is basically an oxymoron.

"I miss you too, I'm sorry for hurting you, I didn't mean to commit suicide okay scratch that I didn't mean to do it in your face. I Love you okay?"

Okay. Night Emily, Rest in peace buddy. Tom misses you, he's messy but I'm with him, we'll survive, God's with us, as we say In Setswana Ke a go rata, A modimo a nne le wena.
Imbongi ngumakhi May 2019
Ndikhumbula ezontsuku sihleli kunye sithandana,Kwaku mnandi ngezontsuku Sthandwa Sam,kwa Ku ngekh'onenzondo nanqala komnye,yayi luthando lwentliziyo ne mincili phakathi kwam nawe.

Ubundithanda,ndikuthanda, suke wangen'umtyholi phakathi kwam nawe,labhubhuzel'ibhabhathane kweyakhw'ingqondo,wandishiya ndisakuthanda Sthandwa Sam,wandishiya ndili lolo Themba lam.

Bendikukhonzile,ndiku thembile.Bendisithi soze thina sohlulwe na kukufa! Kanti ndiyazikhohlisa.Nanga awokugqibela,uzuhlale uyazi ndiyakudinga.Ngaphandle kwakho ndililolo.

Buya Sthandwa Sam ndiya kukhumbula! Buya Themba lam ndiyakudinga! Obam ubu doda bemka mhla kumka Wena! Buya Sthandwa Sam uzolungis'ikhaya liyadilika!Buya Sthandwa Sam uzobuyis'obam ubudoda!!
Like my page good people plzz!
Ngiyazi awungibuzanga
Ngiyazi phoqa ukukuhlebela
ngalolu daba olungathi shuu
Leli jokwe ngilikhethisiwe. Kepha
hhayi ngamandla egendlovu iyangena. Angizitakuli obisini
njengempukane kodwa kuyasho,
ngiziqhelisile kokuningi, ngeqa
ngama buqamama ngomfudlazana.
Ngaketha ukufunana namanzi
acwebileyo. Kwasala inhliziyo
ibalisa, ithi hhawu mfo ka Phakathi
Usho ukuthi lomuzi wethu usuyohlala
unqhunu kanje, kungesena sphalala
esihlekisana naso nenhliziyo yaso"

Hhawu Mpangazitha waze wasibulala siphila, mina Nhliziyo kanye nabafowethu Imizwa siyakhala, buka
nje uhleli uwedwa ubhalana naloludaba olungathi shuu. Ubulalisa
thina ngalesiyasitha sethu Umzwangedwa. Khuluna iqiniso Duma dumane owaduma ezizweni, usho ukuthi awukulangazeleli ukumoyizela kwesi phalaphala. Phela
wena usese yisoka lamanyala ubu dume ukutshakadula nezindoni zamanzi kuphela o Nandi no Dudu.
Uzama ukungitshela ukuthi njengamanje awubuhlungu ngalokhu"

Hhayi bo Nhliziyo mana ngodlame, ufuna ngithi kahle kahle. Phela sisonke kulolu hambho thizeni lwethu. Akekho esingamthanda
ngaphandle kokuthanda thina
sodwa esizinze kulomzimbha.
Ake siyeke ukusukela inyoka

Hhawu mfo ka Kunu ufanisa uthando
nenyoka, ngaliphi kodwa. Hhayi kodwa ngiyalibona iphuzu lakho,
kokubili kunobuthi.

Ngiyabonga Nhliziyo ngincede ke mfo ka baba ukhumbhuza
abafowenu Imizwa ngaleli jokwe, nobungozi okumele sihlale silugadile.

Ngiyakuzwa Hhawu lweMpisi, mzukulu ka maShenge no Ndlangamandla, thole lakwa Mthabela. Wena othi gazi
emaNtungweni nakwa Malinga.
Mjaji, Ngwane. Madlokovu
Duma ndumane owaduma ezizweni.
"You had *** with her on a first date?".
> I don't care,you are just her ex and now she's with me.
• "She's not beautiful, she is fat and she has stretch marks".
> well , To me she is perfect & that's what matters.. You can talk.
• "She used to date this other sugar daddy and she has many ex's".
> Thats her past and I dont care
about that because now I'm her only guy.
• "She had an abortion while she was in High School."
> look She had her own reasons, so thats none of your business and I wont dump her for what she
did in the past.
• "She used to go clubbing a lot, with the guys."
> so what!! you think she is a bi*? well she's my girlfriend
•"She got pregnant when she was 17, what a shame"
> look, you dont know her story,Stop judging other people as
if your life is perfect.
Moral: 1. never judge anyone by their past activities.
2. Never let anyone's opinion stop you from dating the person who makes you happy.
3. stop letting people make you feel ashamed of your scars. –
4. Scars remind us that our past is real, and that we have grown beyond it. Every scar has a story.
5. Don’t be afraid to tell it and own it.
6. Stop letting people use your past to poison your present. –
7. Life is too short to tirelessly struggle with old news and
those who refuse to let it go.
8. Some people cannot stand that
you’re moving on with your life and so they will try to drag
your past to catch up with you.
No matter what, people will always talk.
Anyway Let them Talk my love i don't care ngithanda wena wedwa.
as long as she/he loves you let them talk is yours they have they don't want to see people happy cause they are not happy in their relationship.
Dave Williams Dec 2018
the state of the state
it's a bit of a state
it lies, and it hates
it takes and it takes

gauteng freedom fighters
gauteng freedom fighters
gauteng freedom fighters
boom boom boom boom

on point!

gauteng freedom fighters
gauteng freedom fighters
gauteng freedom fighters
boom boom boom boom

it'll all make sense
in present tense
a ***** is a *****
that got the grade

gauteng freedom fighters
gauteng freedom fighters
freedom fighters wena
boom boom boom boom

ubaba ka duduzane!

— The End —