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AdrianTheGreat Apr 2014
My favorite game
  love to play
   Never will stop
     Everlasting joy        
      Can't stop
        Rush of excitement
          Always fun
            Feel tired
              Time to sleep
Micaiah Aug 2014
Seduce my delicate
Mind and run after my
Oxygen which is the
Key to my sweet, long
E**verlasting pain
Stanley Zakyich Nov 2012
Stagnancy leads to control and exploitation.
Without the flows of change within
Our society, we can't hope to
Reinvigorate ourselves and
Dig ourselves out of this
Everlasting pit of
Edna Sweetlove Feb 2015
Spiritual hope is in my pleading soul
Until the wondrous Rapture comes!
Christ be in my futile heart
Kindly looking down on me!
O** Lord how I earnestly beg of you,
Fearful and worthless creature that I am,
Forgive me as I grovel before Thy Cross!

Cleanse me please of sin dearest Lord,
Help me to know my own faults,
Raise me from the dust and dirt
Into which I am condemned to lie!
Slake my thirst for Holy Truth,
The Truth which only Thou can bring!

Only Thou, O great Lord, our Hope,
No one else can save the world,
Thou great Savio[u]r up above
Hearken unto our weedy and feeble cries!
Everlasting life is what you bring,
Crucified for us on Calvary
Royal and Holy Hill of Death,
Our only hope of Salvation!
Save us O mighty sweetest Lord,
Save us this coming Eastertide!

All must fall down on their knees,
Not forgetting to confess our sins
Devoutly worshipping the Lord's
Saving grace in this wicked world
Wherein we must toil and strive,
And at the last we must come face to face
Loving you, O great Lord!
Let Thy holy words filter down
On us like humble Easter Eggs,
World without end in thy embrace!

How can we dare to approach Thee
In the knowledege we are hopeless sinners,
Sinful filth from the days of Adam and Eve?
Sweet blessings we beg of Thee,
Prayers we send up to Heaven like emails!
Unless we confess and beg forgiveness
No one may be saved for the
Kingdom eternal in the sky!

Yea, please do not crush us to atoms
Underfoot as we grovel in the dust
Mutely offering up our anthems to Thee!
Are you all blind out there?
Has no one  noticed the acrostic?
Oh dear.
cfw Jul 2019
H ow does love work?
A nnoying them with kisses
P ining for them
P ositive support for them
I ndependence
N agging occasionally
E verlasting
S tubborn, yet stupid, quarrels
S oothing their pain
Roxanne Pepin Jun 2010
All of the times you
Lay in bed
Wishing you were elsewhere
Admiring people who
Yearn for realty, being
Somebody they hoped they would be.

None of the things you
Ever thought would come from such
Vast options are proven to be
Everlasting and will always
R**emain part of your self.
© Roxanne Pepin 06/12/10
Adam Oltrop Mar 2014
If there was no
A** darkness would reside in me, a
Giant storm cloud
In my heart
Never leaving,


What would be the point
Of living in a world
Robbed of rhythm and beat?
Life would be breathless,
Dead quiet.

Imagine A World.
Shannon Jeffery May 2014
Best friends for life
Respect and love unbreakable
Occurances of strife
Treasured trust deeper than space
Hearts chained together
Everlasting link unshakable
R**ichness of soul, love forever
GreyJunebug May 2014
Hell has rose
Everlasting agony
Loneliness lingers  my heart
Pain is all I know, pain is my friend
Maybe one day the pain will go and
Every day can be worth living

Does it get better? Because it has been a year of agony.
Livingdeadgirl Feb 2015


if this makes sense to you....... tell me *** I even said.....
Jocelyn Aguilar Mar 2014
Just for one moment, I wish you could see what it's like to love someone like you, because you rule
Everything around me.
And I'm sure that then you would understand how speechless I get when it comes to describing something I don't have a full understanding of.
Nothing I ever say will help me overcome this obstacle as long as my love for you perpetuates, and as far as I'm concerned my love is
Two too many times, you've broken my heart, and it's a shame because you didn't even realize it. I know you didn't mean it, and it wasn't even your fault, but I swear that you're so provocative and
Tantalizing without trying. And I guess that's what makes you so special, so different from the rest. That is why I long to be
E**mancipated from this restriction of love.
You shall forever be carved into my memory,
And forever carved into all that I do.
Because not a moment goes by that you are not intruding in my most sacred and and inner thoughts.
Joanna Apr 2015
D on't keep using your lips to tell me your lies
O nce again I am broken and left alone in my cries
N ever knowing when I should trust again
E verlasting love is not given by men.
© Joanna Mrsich. All rights reserved

— The End —