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Viewtifulink Dec 2014
Dreams of being
free literally.....

Not this *******
they breed, equality
planted with momentary
seeds at a time things may
seem beautiful but were destined
to lose our leaves

Buses and water fountains
don't mean **** to me, You
throw my brothers on tv for
for what God gave us naturally
to mostly benefit you so that
don't mean **** to me

something my people aren't
use to seeing so you use
it to introduce a new form
of slavery.....

We bring
in the money
you own the
teams,I've never heard of
an owner being the
highlight of these kids
dreams.... Never witnessed
you be the reason for an arena's
sold out seating we serve as your
entertainment blinded by your
"rare" pocket feeding

unsegregated schooling.....
yet were granted those who's
declared least capable of
teaching..... I've encountered
way to many classroom instructors
who were incapable of

English, math and reading
subjects taught for our daily
needing yet every GYM instructor
perfect now tell me that's not
strategically planned breeding

Neighborhoods overcrowded
flooded with options for poor
consuming..... Neighborhoods over
crowded swarming with destructive
solutions for financial bleeding's
place two rabbits in a cage with
enough food for one feeding and
sooner or later you'll witness a
presentation of how survival earned
it's meaning

I love everybody,
never favored a particular
flesh concealing but it's proven
everyday day those who mimic
my complexion are constantly
victims of horrible dealings  


© 2014 viewtifulink

R . I . P trayvon martin
                mike brown  
               Eric garner And anyone else who has
been a victim to a hate crime
Stark Mar 2019
i like it when my vision fills with color
kaleidoscoping into hybrid hues

or when skinny fine lines
grow into weathered wrinkles

i like it when borders border on nonexistent
and everything blends together

i like it when lines grow bold
the strokes of a paintbrush gaining confidence
with every motion

i like it when lines are crossed
over and over
into a tangle of yarn
everything connecting
a ball of wibbly wobbly timey wimey stuff

i like it when lines are blurred
and reality breaks down
letting my imagination roam wildly

i like it when things don't make sense
because i always know
that i can find that line
that leads me back home
just a poem about lines, guys.
Carlo C Gomez Nov 2020
Earth is in orbit.

I can see it in the window.

From the window of this

A crew of
Four souls

In gravitational symphony.

A crew of
Four colors

Ad rem and

The vastness of space
Brought us together.

What's the transmission?

"Why can't the world below
Live like this?"

— The End —