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Darkness invadeth my empty soul/
With and unquenching thirst to watch the world fall/
Society is doomed to the tomb
Cause we dug our own graves/
The manner in which we behave, displays/
How easily we are swayed//
Taibhsear Nov 2011
It was on that Eve of softness and sighs
that a deepest passion of uncontrollable want,
unlike any other want that has reached the cyclone heart,
and truly not ever being experienced in its perpetual emotion,
claimed for its own my soul.
lo! how magnificent and admirable is the
obtainment of emotion, let alone passion!
One will discover, quickly, the unquenching and
infinite magnitude of life's bulwark lion.
Passion, oh passion!
You have moved empires, destroyed worlds, ignited revolutions.
You have seduced Helen, inspired Shakespeare, corrupted Lenin
and now you have me.
What will you do with me?
Through chance and fate I have become your servant.
There is no returning after the whirlpool ***** one
into the cavity of longing.
One will forever long and forever be captivated
in the stare of true beauty.
For passion is true beauty and master.
I ask again "what will you do with me?"
Will you forsake me and leave me crawling
to a light that is not rightfully mine? Or,
will I be granted solace in the haven of an embrace?
One can only wish that it will never end
and a kiss remains as sweet as a rose.

Your ever humble and obedient servant,
Your deep seated treasure trove of words on love
layeth at the throne and is sealed in a crystal case,
meant to be broken in case
there is an a famish in the kingdoms,
an unquenching,
an unending,
an unfading
hunger for love.
The haybarn of mild prosperity.
It transitions with frequencies
ranging from the cosmic dimesions of the galaxies
to the unforgiving, mauve depths of the ocean.
It resonates with my ambivalent soul,
at an existential level
as thy velveteen buds
are of my photvoltaic stem.
I was Choke to affirmity
In a compromising stance
A course of no regrets
A desire that's undeniable

What a pleasant mood
Unquenching thirst of fun
With a Lap tempting dance
ah, An engulf emotion
But Short lived moment

Wasn't I choked by illusion
A virtual love blinded by lustful vision
An undeniable motive of wanting
Of an unquenching thirst for ******  
A portrait of seductive curvy outlook
The craving moment of deception
A fake composure of deceit
The abstruse feeling of the unreal

Behold, a regrettable nostalgic
Of a fallen memories
Of the affirmed mood
Of virtual affection
Of the past that came to hunt.
Got hooked up in a party, which I can't deny the happy activated mood but at a point, my past memory of sort  destroyed my moments...
Drunk poet Aug 2017
Arise, O ye unworthy sons
Conceived in the belly of an harmless zebra
Raised by fathers of gutless mind
Who dug our Graves with golds
Gotten from their unquenching cravings for dusted
Fantasy of our shoveled dreams
They battled with the ones in white skin
"heroes" they were called, cause they fought
In one anchor
The sang of songs from the lips like birds
Defending their territory, lyriced freedom.
But the corpse of shame litters our gaze
The injured hearts with withered hope of greatness
Bleed our progress
So we weep  heavily in saddened outburst
Cause we failed and our blood has turned black
For we "unworthy sons" they begot
The black bird of woes cries in a desolate
For even the bones mourn us for their odds
We are!
Of what now be their heroic deeds?
Of what scores now be their victory?
For we search apprecia-fun,
When our little knowledge is torn.
©️ Balogun David Tolulope
{drunk poet}
A parody my country's national athem
Rob Metz Aug 2019
This escape, the illusion within that we are profound,
Bound by desires, entirely suggestive and out of context.
The primal shift, the unquenching thirst for acceptance,
The struggle to find a peace of mind within the melancholy.

This apparent shift, from subtle cues to textbox illiteracy,
Catering to the masses, a massive reaction building.
Spiraling down, these dopamine fueled reactions transiting,
How do we escape this rabbit hole of constructed illegitimacy?

Turn your back to the crowd as hard as it may seem,
On this fueled paradox of mobilized dogma and hypocrisy.
One day you may find likeminds who speak volumes to the soul,
Free yourself from this cage, this existential identity entirely.

Escape the void, that’s created by fault lines in other’s eyes,
This crisis within, fixed with tools crafted by other’s time.
What seems to be worthwhile could be worthless in an instant,
Selective content fueling this machine of uninhibited design.

Like moths to a flame, hovering the fire that could scorch their wings,
These shadows in the sun, seeming bigger but not at all the same.
These irreverent norms guided by fallacies of ignorant beliefs,
The audience remains the same, listen to the point but leave out the tragedy.
Rob Metz Jul 2019
Staring out at the starlit sky, with these dark wings I harbor,
Waiting for the perfect sign, all though blinded by the dark.
The tears that streamed through these rivers of lonely,
Waiting, slowly waiting, for signs of redemption to spark.

I feel the distance under these dim lights of the moon,
Looking for answers but always seemingly to come amiss.
Maybe in the darkness is where the answers do lay,
Waiting, slowly waiting, for the taste of life’s vicious kiss.

How I wish to see the sun again, the rays of warmth I seek,
To fill this cold heart, so it can learn to beat once more.
The struggles seem endless, but the winds of change carry on,
Waiting, slowly waiting, for these troubles to pass that I endure.

There isn’t an escape from this lifetime of misery and pain,
Only at the end of days is where all of our answers lay.
This timeless sorrow, the unquenching thirst for relief,
Waiting, slowly waiting, for these cloudy days to go astray.

As I long in waiting, all these feelings come to summarize,
The meaning of tragedy that pours from tightened eyes.
Through this suffering, I’ve felt the bottom in search of height,
As the waiting ends, carry these wounds to the end of the night..
I dedicate this to my Father who recently passed. I wish we had more time...
Javier Garza Mar 2019
Upon the ultimate bed, you lay
Exquisite as ever, with an angelic smile

You tarnished your gift, gave in to the seven deadly sins
You stole, you lied
To sedate your unquenching lust
You let loose your unrelenting wrath

Guardian angles flock together
Lay eyes upon the one they failed

Let the trumpets sound loud and clear
And Heaven's light shine upon the final secret revealed

Your greed damaged our singing heartstrings
For now, they play the melancholy song of dissolution

Your gluttony for sweet release left us void
Took from us what you had once given
Left us starving to hear your joyous voice

Your wrath scorched our wings
Grounding us to earth
The fire of your agony still unknown
Yet the fire of anger begins to burn

Pride expelled you from Heaven
The lies you tightly wove masked the truth beneath

Upon the ultimate bed, you lay
Is that smile even real?
We mourn and sing the final farewell
Even that you stole from us
Upon the ultimate bed, you lay
Your exquisite corpse forever mocking
Scrolling down only to scroll back up,
life, it seems, is rolling your eyes at the
pasture of dreams but not grazing,
only joining the seams where your gaze
sits light on the sights that you see, the
nights where you've been with those queens
of desires, the lit and the unquenching of fires,
the needs, oh desires, the wires you've walked on
the wanting you've longed for
the songs that they've written,
the times you've been bitten
by the lovebug,,
hugz to you all.

— The End —