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Tristan Claude Oct 2012
Sick fluttering sullen imagination, I can call you a safe house no more,
You are a diseased heart, acidity burned into your beating flesh,
Tears heard as screams, from the mouths of tortured smiles grasping at the air,
As a sun, set still with jazzy oranges flying in every direction,
You are so still, but move as the twitches, of a silent shock treatment gone wrong,
Tick tock, I can not hear the time pass by, thunderstorms without rain, full of crimson fog,
With this electricity in my veins, I wonder if this is blood I hear, or acid and tar,
My legs move as weights upon tongues that can not speak truthful words, awake but so slowly asleep,
Burning and left black as night, the dripping blood of these eyes that have been open too long,
I am tied down to a chair where I see the same image upon every view, the lips that whisper,
These lips sting a sour poison to see the side of my ears, and tighten ropes,
My neck screeches, hands as squirming spiders flee but squish into armrests that are nothing but pain itself,
Dreams drift, not as monarch butterflies, but as insects upon a corpse, my lingering joy rots into the air,
This reality is but a nightmare, nothing as the films with kissed upon cheeks and moments with eyes that smile,
Grins that open wide through cheekbones and lips a light with amorous memories stained upon them,
What do I trust, the dreams with my mind open, or the reality with my eyes open, eyelashes scratching against me,
There is an itch upon the words, like matches that ignite these terror filled moments, an ivy twisted itch,
I fall into a hope, as deep as the warmth beneath the earth, a wish to keep sleeping,
To be dragged into an eternal heat of dreams that seem more normal than mobid reality, a sense of normalcy,
Sweat surrounds me, I am coated with a layer of fear, swung up against reality, awakened from a night terror,
Am I back, back to see and hear kind voices through unfaltered velvet lips, am I here again, not in paradise,
But am I back, to hear the touch upon my skin, the scratch of teeth tenderly with whispers of sunlit joy,
Here again, not paradise, but not a kin to hell, let me stay, and not fall my eyelids shut again,
Please, I could beg you, I live for these sights, of lilac, rose, and gladness, breaths sweet with candied wind,
Help keep these eyelashes from meeting and staying together, strangle this ungodly imagination, keep it from sleep, keep it awake, and don't let it breathe.
Nik Bland Sep 2012
Escaped have I from bitter chains, from older captive hands
All there is are memories for me of solid land
Only clouds and sky and sea, only clouds and sky and sea
I have found, dear mother sea, that father sun, he calls
Free as a bird upon wax wings with the gods
Only clouds and sky and sea, only sky and sea and me

I have raised myself upon the brim to fly forever more
Fly not to high, they ask of me, or find Poseidon's door
Fear not love, onward I come, a god upon wax wings
To the stars, oh, to the sun, you'll find I too shall cling
To the sun I climb, dear soul, to the sun I climb... oh no

Brilliant sun, why do you lay such heated words on me
Causing this god to become boy again, with wax melting
One last kiss, one last touch, one last beckon and call
One last thing Helios sing, "dear foolish child, FALL"
So have moments turned from me, so must I turn down to sea

Time stands still as if its will's to see my follied ways
Tracing back the time I had before this fall, this flight, the chains
Mother sea, be kind to me as your arms open wide
The son you take, the heart you break, as your wave takes me inside
To scream terror as wax and feather fall into te sea
And tears that fall but can't be found... dear father, forgive me

I will be in my new mother's arms forever more
Never again to see the light of day, never to see the shore
And when sandy beach does meet your eye and sun rise once again
I pray land and live, your son forgive until you too descend

Pray do not forget the tragic tale or sorrowful, little me
Who at first glance had a chance to touch stars, but fell to sea
And I beg you, dry tears from your eyes, do not cry again
For whether land or sea, we'll meet once more, for both are mortal ends
Listen with open hearts, with listening eyes, unfaltered in your core
Reach for sun, dear soul, with humbled hands or see Poseidon's door

Only clouds and sky in view, Only clouds and sky... and you...
Sabila Siddiqui Dec 2018
When you lay there
thinking your life does not matter,
every exhalation meaningless
every unfaltered lub dub wasted.
Go out there
and make a difference in someone's life.

be compassionate
give yourself a sense of purpose.

Because it is then
when you will breathe life
into your life.

When you will find
yourself grounded and rooted
rather than swaying like the wind
and allowing time
to slip like grains of sand unnoticed.

Allow fluffy clouds
of magical wisps
to fill your head
and propel you forward
to fill you with color
and life.

So choose to bring peace and joy
to someone else and yourself
for you will not be just be surviving
but bringing significant difference
in your own beautiful way.
PrttyBrd Mar 2014
Arrogance was strong in this youngling
A child playing at being a man
An air of confidence unfaltered
Unrelenting desire
A wanton yearning to consume flesh

Black rules in a white world
Where all is in hues of ash and cement
Self-knowledge builds strong shelters
Past pain is present mortar
With blocks of crystal tears

So this boy, sweet and tender
Loved withoout learning
Longed without grace
Fell without balance
And cried in darkness to an uncaring diety

Cried for those long gone
Cried mostly for the liars,
The cheaters, the judges and friends
The demons grew in the shadows
Lit with the embers of pain

Now, caged in his tear-stained walls
Transparent and safe
He sees without flinching all he once did
Finding home in strict command
Of all he holds dear

No place for frivolity
No needless emotion
All or nothing in matters of the heart
To break, lest he be broken
To own, lest he give too much
To push against pleasure
And claim happiness in humiliation
For it would never again be him

Clear walls like a skyscraper
A firmament of glass shards
Hanging in wait
Of vibrations to set them free

A man's mind
A man's body
A man's need
With a child's heart

Though hardend with experience,
Scarred with it
And struggling to survive

He will not leave his prey
Though she has lost his interest
He will not leave to cause pain
To cause guilt

Responsibility squarely on her shoulders
A burden she could never understand
So he pushes
And she goes...broken

And the child cries
Unseen within himself

He carries no blame
Feels no guilt
For it is she that turned her back
And the walls remain

The man with rules in bold
Burned darker with each failure to comply
Tantalized by a lady much like himself
Black lines in a white world

She challenged him
He taught her freedom
In giving him everything
He was afraid to return

He pushed, She tried harder
She pushed, He ran
He pushed, She faltered
She pushed, He attacked

They paused for a moment
Her broken and him afraid
Shards shaking as  he fights to maintain control
Loosening bit by bit

This child
Longing to believe all he chose to forget
Fredom in love
Trust in another
Welcoming the truth about love

Which is simply:
When you love someone
You get out what you put in
Your only concern is their happiness

He looks like a man this youngling
Devouring the innocent
Unwaverng in his vision
Of truth and self-granduer

Soon, he will learn
That a real man nurishes that banished child
And shares himself openly
With the one his soul adores

Yes, this child resembles a man
Nick Hernandez Jan 2015
I dreamt you came to visit my Korea Town apartment
we talked about the older days, ways couples made us **** then
you checked your phone said "Be right back!" as you got up quick to leave
I thought how much I loved you and how ****** up I still seemed
you came back fast and Entered through my then still open door
behind you stood , caucasian Ladd I shook his Hand though sore
I took his coat to put away still dampened from the rain
you called him "babe" my brains lame way of telling me shes changed
you called him "babe" I might yet say " I know her not, she's strange"
you called him babe but I Still say unwavering, unaltered
I'll love you more than anyone who walks through your apartment
I'll love you more than one ignored  whom works in your department store
no matter torn lost broke or sore
I'm here for you unfaltered
Taylor Napier Nov 2012
All I can hear
Is the quiet "tick" of my watch
Telling me
It's 8:23.
I guess time
It goes on unfaltered, undaunted
I could be dying
But the large hand would still
Treck on
To 8:24.
And it's crazy to think
That some people won't live
To see
Or even
Because people are dying
Right now
At 8:23.
See, but in the time it took
For me to write this down
It's already
And some people only ever
Got to see
Fish The Pig Mar 2017
My head hangs
like a bridled horse,
I am worked to the bone,
I long for a loosened mane,
for open wilds,
for photographers to seek
my natural prancing
with praise
Oh I desire
to rear my giant legs
neighing unfaltered
and still
be glorified
Bryan Aug 2018
That simple shade
Became something else.
Chemical manipulation
Of myself.
The alternative style
Of the simple apparel.
To be displayed and destroyed,
Put through peril.
This one of a kind,
Unavailable in stores.
Resulted from a craft,
Through friendship,
And something more.
We bore the fumes
Unfaltered by the work.
Our heads were light, and we prevailed with a smirk.
The counter was stained,
And so were the shorts.
But they were better now, and have since been worn.
And worn.
And worn.
This work has an interesting story. My freshman year of college I had my roomate wash a pair of my grey, champion shorts. Unfortunately, my germaphobic friend added bleach to his clothes resulting in a dime-sized stain on my shorts. Instead of throwing them out, or dealing with a very noticeable mark, I decided to dab bleach all over them. My next door neighbor and I took turns making designs on them in the hall bathroom. The shorts turned out unique and fun, but we both had to get fresh air due to the lingering effects of bleach...
Michael King Dec 2018
Twin love

Infest me with your stolen kiss.
The very heart shaped lips I miss.
Creating love, within my breast,
a swollen heart, unfaltered test.

I sit here smiling, I am free,
to sail the stars, just you and me.
I woo, just you, and you, me too,
I love you my sweet Evening dew.

You are the sail. I am the song.
You are the wind. I am the gong,
that goes ahead, a heralds cheer,
and proclaims this... Twin loves are here!

The oceans bow to see our form.
The sunrise cheers to keep us warm.
The breeze regales a soothing balm,
as all about the world is calm

And so...

Aloft into the skies we climb,
two hearts as one; one heart in rhyme,.
And we will here,  forever be,
a single form, to sail the sea.
Isaac Jun 2020
and like light through the gaps
in your homely shelters,
fall from the skies,
unbridled and free
unfaltered, alive

blind the shadows as you fill life with sight and beauty

— The End —