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Vicki Kralapp Aug 2018
Within a world of azure blue,
the mantas glide with angel wings,
and fly on winds of ocean waves,
inside their realm of mystery.

Like ancient beings from the deep,
they flash and shimmer in our light,
with other-worldly mammoth forms;
cephalic fins and flattened frames.

These gentle giants of the night,
draw fishes from the briny deep,
their vivid forms flash to and fro,
feed on the banquet of the sea.

They dance balletic in our lights;
exquisite, rings and summersaults,
with bubbles lit to guide their path,
they glide just past our mortal reach.

These stunning marvels of the deep,
are but a finite sampling,
of what our planet offers up,
far past our wild imaginings.
All poems are copy written and sole property of Vicki Kralapp.
Universal Thrum Nov 2013
A desiccated brown leaf remembering greener days,
summersaults stem over end into the exposed cold dirt softened somewhat in demeanor by the grass and radiant shafts
The geese and ducks squawk and honk in the distance
Congratulating each other for the day's richness
and the way the sun feels on their proud beaks
glinting off the water in its way
a shimmering band
A princely golden carpet forever unrolling and yet complete
The sun's spindle weaves gems of light into a gossamer web
laid glittering across the water
A vision for Moses
who saw the true path through the sea
Fireworks Forever exploding sunlight
Gifted to the eye on clear liquid canvas
The wind ripples the waves
wrinkles pushed along
foaming in the sand
Little Kisses
on the grainy cheek
Star Flashes Communicating ancient patterns
Secrets of Existence Coming in Morse code, Fibonacci Sequencing,
Sacred Geometry in Twinkling Motion
Individual explosions blinking on a natural switchboard
Telling the architectural answer
Manifesting the blueprint
to only every reason why
The Last Leaf sings in the Breeze, swinging
Vicki Kralapp Aug 2012
Dead spiders on the ceiling, just hangin’ around,
swinging on their high trapeze.
With every breeze from the window they take to the air,
doing summersaults with the rythym of the wind.
All poems are copy written and sole property of Vicki Kralapp.
I'd like to live within you, the objective world working in tandem with the human imagination, the intersectionality is humor, sparking lust and color and ******, violent and ****, salty and stimulating.  

you're excessive bounty of lies, that which when worked into a fabric create an obscure fact, manipulate the memory and all the sudden the image is juxtaposed with the perception, then they lay on top of one another, creating a illusion so powerful that fact flies out the window, to claim evidence is foolish, for the scenarios flip within themselves as actors change disguises, as acrobats practice their summersaults, as discs spin in the video game set

to wish for a reality so vast, that an open field connecting the ocean to the city is but a comparison grounded by gravity, whereas your portals know no bounds, you give the people a voice and yet the voice is anonymous, therefore the individual becomes collective, therefore the money blends as the ideas blend as kisses blend at a masquerade, fueled by the promise of donation and champagne

Terror, hate, giving way to curiosity
Steven Hutchison Apr 2013
she was born to bend this way
her muscles sing through the air
wrapping physics round her finger
handspring, handspring, tuck,
her equilibrium ponders life and its meaning
every twitch intentional
every smile framed
if life were more like summersaults
and less like crashing planes
if the truth were always inside your ears
and the applause came only when you landed safe
if, when you fell, there were always a dozen friends waiting
to lie to you about gravity
maybe she would tumble beyond the mat
into rumors of spiraling fates
Kate Livesay Jan 2021
I bought some chapstick.

You said to get the kind you use,
So it’ll remind me of you.

In the parking lot,
I unwrapped the tube and spread it on my lips,
Indulging in what felt like you.
The moisture repaired my cracked skin.
A fresh start for my xerosis.

Honey flavored!

I didn’t think twice.

When you called me two days later,
My body froze with your news.
I knew you’d dump me.

Not so sweet after all.

And now I have this ******* chapstick,
Honey flavored, mind you,
That brings me back to a place of a past time.

I use this chapstick everyday,
Hopeful that one day I’ll actually use it all.
What we had will be gone.

Two months have passed,
And I can’t seem to make a dent.

Will you always be around?
At least my lips are always moisturized.

As I moved on,
I watched the parts of you that lingered in me
Completely vanish.

I began to notice,
The chapstick isn’t honey flavored.

It’s scented with hellos,
Flowering bushes,
Springtime summersaults,
And fresh cider.

Every spread of that chapstick tube I use,
A part of you peels away,
Like the dead skin that previously surrounded my lips.

But the more I stare at that golden, honey design on the chapstick,
The more I come to realize that it’s just chapstick.

Nothing else.
No more,
No less.

Little Lady Mar 2014
I'm usually one to count my steps
To shy away & question
My skepticism keeps me safe I suppose
I rely on my intuition,
& my discretion

But then you come
You sweep me off of my feet
You look at me with these soft sweet eyes
And my heart skips beats
and it trips
and it summersaults
And i look into your pretty, pretty eyes and I fall each time I swear I do

So I put my guard down
I allow vulnerability to become me
I share with you things about me
Things I hesitate to share
And this vulnerability grows
It creates a nagging monster of fear that drowns me with negative thoughts
And I fight it but it wins
I'm left defeated, tired, and distraught

This gap grows between us
And I feel you so distant
as if you're a stranger, a bystander on the street
That travels past me just like the short breath of an instant
Who's rhythmic steps don't match my wandering feet

It breaks me into a million minuscule little glass pieces.
Because I feared that I would fall and break.
I'm just a girl with glass bones and paper skin.
You weren't there to catch me.
You aren't here to ease this ache.
Jessica Claire Apr 2014
Trying and trying,
forever at fault;
my ******* brain
does summersaults.
And goes crazy.
I want out.

and you have no idea.
Brynn Mar 2013
I remember when I flew.

The freshly cut grass glued its self to my bare feet, the blades wanted to fly too.
I took off.

A powerful start, rocketed off the damp visage of Mother Earth.
She had great power, gravity, is what they called it.
They said more than kryptonite was needed to stop it.
Gravity, only defeated by breaking the laws of Newton.
I didn't want to break any laws (jail would not be fitting for this hero who needed to be back in time for lunch).

But I kept going, if birds can fly ( and knowing they have much smaller brains ) then I could figure out how too.
I kept going, until my toes kissed the leaves of the oak tree.
Each time I touched the tree time would freeze.
In that moment I watched the wisps of hair flow back and the shadows cross my face.

Soon I was over the trees, doing backflips and summersaults in the air.
I was floating on my back.
The sun warming my face.
The harmonic hum of far off lawnmowers singing in the distance.
I arched my back further and further ready for another backflip.

On my back looking up.
What happened?
I blinked.
A permanent scar on the hero's back.
Sit up.
It hit me, the loss of flight, the loss of that reality
and the reintroduction of the other.
It was all gone Mother Nature won again.
A life long battle.
But I'll try to never forget,
I flew
For the time I flipped off that swing
Dorothy A Aug 2010
You may be wanting from me
Something profound
Some great masterpiece
Something that demands awe
And expands your mind

Something so wonderful
That The Thinker
Will have something to
Ponder on forever
In his ageless, stoic, iron pose
Wondering of its great depth
And wisdom!

But to heck with that!

I want to write of fluff
And all that stuff
Something of bubblegum *****
And unicorn dreams
Something of kittens
Doing summersaults
Something of polka dots
On Dalmations

I don't want to solve
The worlds problems!
I don't want to be a
A nobel laureate!

I want to write of fluff
And all that stuff
Of honey dripping
Off the sugar trees
Of the moon
Made out of cheese
I'll solve the world's problems
Another time!
For now allow me
That fantasy!
E Aug 2015
My hands were sweaty and my stomach practiced summersaults
I wished for my body to fall into a black hole of space and time;
until this was all just a memory. I longed to be flooded with relief
I don't remember how we said hello, or if she asked how I was
Her lips were ruby red.
She once told me Sunday's were for band t-shirts and your boyfriend's sweats
I used to provide the latter
Now I don't focus on who does
She spoke a lot, I smoked a lot
She hasn't grown up much between our years of separation
Did I expect her to? Do I really mind that she hasn't?
She's still the same, she'll always be mine
In a parallel universe I'm waking up next to her
Butterflies bursting from my stomach as she pulls a Fleetwood Mac t-shirt over her head.
As I said goodbye all I was thinking was 'who the **** listens to Jethro Tull anymore?'
Christian Feb 2014
It was dark and you were doing summersaults
As the church bells rang out in the park
And your dress was tangled under your feet
The circuitry of your emotional shadow was lurking in the backdrop
Like a less important family member in a customary photo
The dark was a haze covering us like coffins
With your hopes and aspirations buried in them like ground water

I hope you will remember someday this happened
And it will come back like a prodigal at his wits end
Embedded in your drawstrings
Like sound waves in a pitch bend
Jack Trainer Apr 2014
Remember, my fair weather friend
When all that mattered was coffee in the morning
I don’t laugh when you call it your drug of choice
Coffee in the morning is serious business

A staring contest that I always win
An hour of small talk then we get to the meat
You cry and I sigh
We drift to a place where hollow feelings reside

Docile thoughts evolve into ravenous beasts
Why, you ask?
Answers raise more questions
Never ending questions

The sun is reaching its zenith
We are descending
I want to step carefully down this hill
You choose to go down in summersaults.
Del Maximo Apr 2016
the joy of breaching
have you ever seen stingrays fly?
not just popping their heads up
taking a quick peek at sky
but completely clearing the ocean
even doing alley-oop-summersaults
vertical 360's in mid air
strength and gracefulness
their flight as fluid as paper airplanes
the wetness of salt watered skin
shimmering in sunlight
dark gray against cerulean
fin wings flapping in wavy curly movements
outwardly oscillating like sound waves
wagging tails like happy dogs
leaping out of their element
with confidence and exuberance
and bidding onlookers to do the same
© 04/04/16
Kellin Sep 2018
But find no comfort
in its feathers and patchwork.
despite the wine and rich
food, breaking down into calories,
i feel cold, way deep inside,
and it’s the kind of cold
that can’t be fought

with Hollandaise or alcohol
or a pile of quilts. i wish i had
a joint. a big, fat, stinky j to slide
me into sleep. but no, all i
can do is lie here, brain
turning summersaults.
it’s nights

these when memories
stir, whipping themselves
into stiff peaks of pain. here
comes one now, materializing
like Daddy did that night.
the night he came to
me, crossed
the final line.
Malcolm Price Mar 2020
It was winter in the farmyard. The pond was full of ice
Douglas Donkey said lets have a dance, now that would be so nice
The others said oh not again, but didn’t disagree
And so a new pursuit began, ice dancing like on TV

Reg the ram said we’ll go in turns to do our finest dance
Maybe one or two good reels we’d practiced in advance
And when we finished doing that we’ll vote to see who’s best
Then the winner gets a prize, whatever they request

The first on up was Dan the dog who really did enthrall
He turned and twisted all around, with summersaults and all
He never made a single fault, to every bodies joy
And when he finished the all cheered. oh what a cleaver boy

Next along came Reg the ram, who’d practiced all his moves
His circles were a masterpiece while digging quite big grooves
First he ran on two left legs, then two legs on the right
And when it came to jump the ramp, he went with all his might

Douglas however was not that good, he couldn’t even stand
They propped him up on trolley wheels they borrowed second hand
He spun around without control, relying on a push
And only stopped eventually by colliding with a bush

Mary mule, she wasn’t bad, a bit more skilled than some
She did a few good summersaults, but landed on her ***
She tried to spin around to end. But couldn’t stop the turn
Until Dan came to her aid and tripped her with a churn

Gerald goose came on the ice and showing off he cried
This is what I do the best, the water is my pride
Water yes but not the ice, he couldn’t even start
And slid from one end to the next and smashed into the cart

Harry Horse said It’s my turn, and winning is my goal
I used to do something like this when I was just a foal
However it was not to be, the ice was getting thin
And Harrys weight proved just too much, ice cracked and he went in

So it finished, all was done, no more would have a chance
Everybody voted, Dan the dog had won the dance
They gave the prize, a great big bone which made him jump and bound
He ran across to softer earth and buried it in the ground
haley Oct 2017
she reminds me
with the windows open

she sounds like
pressing a shell
against your ear

she looks like sunflowers
and summersaults
and mowed grass
and picnic blankets


she shows me I don't always have to finish my sentences.

she tastes like pulp free orange juice
feels like the sand in between my toes
looks like a postcard summer
holds me with the kind of hands you never forget

she watches as I tap my feet to the floor
three times
close the door
three times
kiss her cheek
three times


she shows me what it's like to live in a world where unfinished is beautiful and
I try to find the words to explain to her
how I feel
when she rubs her thumb on my palm
how I feel
when she holds my waist
how I feel
when I hear her
even for a second

Amy Jul 2021
Did you know?
That when you turn the lights off,
Your room comes alive--
And everything begins to dance!

The couches prefer to tango
And your clothes prefer to waltz.
While your shoes all do the salsa
Your books do summersaults!

Appliances like ballet
And the art just kind of sways.
Yes darkness can be scary
But do not be afraid.

Because your room comes alive
When you turn off your light-
So wish them happy dancing
When you say goodnight.
Dal90 May 2020
Holding hands is a beautiful thing
When you’re not sneaking off on a treachery binge
You’ve been two timed, and I’ve been ****** over
Does it make it okay that we did it to each other?
Call it quits? press pause and rewind a little bit?
Just so we can make the same mistakes all over again

Why am I so comfortable,
Lying on the floor next to you in total silence?
I’ve never had this experience with anyone before
Looking into your eyes, I can feel your breath on my lips
I’ve tasted deceit before but nothing as sweet as this
Just promise me when you break my heart, this time,

I dodge your calls with the best intentions
Yet your acrobatic antenna always picks up my reception
Performing summersaults around my diversion tactics
Always results in me crawling back to your bed

Don’t get me wrong though
This isn’t love that has me gravitating to you
For a young dog you’ve got old tricks
Taking me for a half-wit, dip ****
Sorry to burst your bubble
I’m just a sucker for relentless punishment
Your clichéd complexity fuelled by a relentless toxicity
Is the perfect combination for someone who’s got nothing going on in their life,
Like me

We’re both young
With undoubted class and style
Weighed down by naivety
Unfilled ambitions and alluring debauchery
Even if the end results in us being stung
You’ll always be my cure for incessant boredom
And I’ll be yours
But I’m okay with that…

— The End —