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you see it was hard for me when my school mates were just in my voices in my head
and my dad and mum gave me carers, for me to do things with, and i can relate to maggie here, cause i wanted everything, i wanted to go everywhere, but it was the
cost of the ****** petrol, i look at this episode, and i view it from the eyes of maggie
because, i wanted to be cool, and i still wanna be cool, but having carers were good
and some carers were religious freaks, some carers, shown me the dangers about the man i used to like to be, and some carers wanted to show me a good time, or how to be an organised adult and some carers wanted to be on the community together, i like most of the carers i like, but there are a few rich arrogant *******, and also i had to pay money for my carers, ya know petrol, one carer, tristan, who reminded me of my brother
and patrick, took me on a holiday to merimbula, i paid for the petrol and my share
but we had a wonderful time, actually i learnt from tristan, about meditation, which i later
found out it was buddhist meditation and i believe in that, and he was a musician, and
i went to see his band at the *** belly, and i enjoyed that, he told me to eat vegetables
raw, he was a bit of a health freak, but i liked him, because, he inspired me, to love life
and he inspired to help my mate the messiah, in the same way, but, inspiration is a funny thing, i shouldn't try and be like other people, you should be yourself, but tristan was giving me stuff i have never done, a holiday with someone other than mum or dad
and later i took the messiah to merimbula, and i watched the pigs perform, not real
pigs, the music band the pigs, yeah, i felt like tristan in a way, but i really should be myself, as hannah montana, don't let anyone tell you that your not strong enough
just be yourself, and nothing bad will happen, you see one carer, who i will not mention
his name, tried to joke with me, by leaving me at revolve, but he didn't, and i had 2 crazy christians, a Y leader, and many more, this made dad and mum relax a bit, but mum and dad, were worried my past, is coming back to me, but what is wrong with looking young
or trying to look young, now, i have the same people clean my house, for me, i help, by making it easier for them, no i am a lazy person, when it comes to housework, but
i am a great community worker, this episode shows when arthur paid maggie to look after her, and i accepted carers after a few years of arguing with them, and keeping
pats voice in my head, until i behaved, i liked patrician and he was no carer, but he was as
nice as a carer, but tristan was a great carer, and he reminded me of pat's nice natiure
and he reminded me of my brother, in his music tastes, and occasionally his manners
with the adults, there is nothing with having carers, no matter what is your problem

but the messiah gave me a mate, behind the scenes, cause, he was nice to me
i need carers, only for housework help, and occasional shopping, and the NDIS might
help me with future goals, like helping the homeless at common ground
maggie beare is like me i am afraid to say, but not really, i am creative enough
to rid the stupidness out of my body
Paige Potts Mar 2010
I'm up 'till wee hours in the morning
writing about you.

Restless and depressed.

I love you?
Selio Aras Dec 2014
Andy my friend I am praying for you
I know what happens is hard to go through
We all love you and hope you will smile
I hope to see you for a long time trial
I know cancer is a hard battle to win
But I am hoping that you will stay in your skin
The reason you fight the battle so long
Is the same exact reason you will become strong
Andy, you are not the cancer that is inside
Just push all the stupidness of this illness aside
Us people will still look at you the same
Within my heart you will always have fame
You are a great person and someone I will never forget
Even though to this day we have never met
Andy, you are important to this world and me
Even though cancer is in you, we will fight it, agreed?
I will stand with you and fight this battle until the end
I hope that you know that in me you have friend.
This is for a friend who's name is Andy. He is fighting through cancer. Please help support him by repost this or writing you own poem and name it Andy. Please. He only has 3 weeks to live. Let us all stand up and fight this battle with him. <3 Love you all.
Taylor Nichelle Apr 2015
Please forgive the lies.
Those lies you realized were real lies in your eyes, that look at my eyes that cries.
Please forgive my tick, my tick that flicks when you click my impatience.
Please try to forgive the tears I cried, my hands tied down to the chair of my stupidness.
Forgive me for the different masks I've worn because I was born with a face torn..
Please, forgive me for looking at that mirror
Preparing, to attack and smack
Break this make-up of me and off my face.
Forgive those scars across my heart that left marks on my inner wrists, forgive my fists that ball,
hit walls and doors to settle the score between love and hate.
Please forgive me for wasting your time, I'm fine. That line, like the line you wait behind dozens of people who I've said that to.. please forgive me when you tell me "I'm beautiful" because the thought of me possibly, being pretty, is new to me.
Forgive me when I say I'm lonely or feeling alone because I only have myself in my mind
and behind the door of thoughts are secrets kept, sept underneath the rug if uncertainty.
Insecurities, get the best of me,
Forgive my darkness
Forgive my awkwardness
Forgive my serial killer mentality, hunting down, killing off my confidence and any compliments I receive.
I enjoy bringing myself to low points
And at this point, I need a new point. A hight point. And the distance between my low point and my high point is a long line of self awareness and weakness.
I digress, my progress is better, my confidence is higher, I guess..
You'll be impressed with what you don't know,
What you should know,
But what I don't show.
My confusing image of myself
"Love thy self"
Lord please forgive me for I have sinned.
Trying to die earlier than intended is a sin.
Trying to force pain amongst my body is a sin.
Please forgive my dark thoughts, my depressed ways.
Forgive those who attempt the same attempts  i attempt.
Forgive those who drag themselves to the ground, buried underground with tomb stones above their heads.
Forgive the knives they used to bleed out their tears and sadness.
Forgive the pills that sit in the stomach of the people lying on the bathroom floor unaware of their scared mothers faces.
Forgive the flowers you place in front of their grave of hopefulness buried with terrible self consciousness.
Please forgive me when I say, please don't delay, but I really can't stay..
David Bojay Jul 2014
got poetry to show to my friends but im thinking of deleting my twitter
my thoughts aren't as cool as I wish they could be, so bookmark my HP page for the updates
the summer is chillin and im going places my mom doesn't want me to go to
just because a place brings back bad memories doesn't mean I shouldn't be there
Im past all of the stupidness and accepted my foolishness, no need for the reminders my ego is drowning
my link on my insta no need for tweeting my emotions my tumblr is boring but so are your hobbies
im writing for some dollars for more pencils, im running out of them
i got some money but thats for anything that comes coincidently coincidence
no need for some pens because I cant erase mistakes with them
nhom site under construction so give us a few weekends our weeks are productive we hustle until we get it **** what you're doing
there isn't any way but the need way so excuse your missing bikes, we're 16 and we're foolin
we order pizza and write down ideas no time for galleria
we ride for adventure on two weels
interacting for promo no need for hiding behind some screens
my life is a run on but thats how it should be no time for breaks, sleep is an option lead is necessary
rooftops capture sentences paintings illustrate our visions
if you dont contact me then why should I
I should be humble but my account has 4 zeros, my mom dont trust me with it so I dont know the pasword
That child support is piling up, I dont really care
got miles on miles on miles on miles on miles ridden on my bike but I haven't gone anywhere but the city
Im aiming for the carpet so when we go back to school I'm bringing my summer
Got numbers as options but there's no reason to hit them up, got a good one I'm grateful
I'm riding fast my way don't slow me down, is this a comeup? I don't know I'm just going along
Come up from suburbs, I want to live high until my view is the moutains
Im from Dallas but that don't mean nothing, no city defining where I'm going because I was on the 26th floor when I was at my lowest and I wasn't even on coke
these days my grind is so lowkey, im sleep deprived
my paint never dries, my brushes are always getting washed but these projects aren't for the public
I only have a few questions, is love really real? should I sleep more?
i dont know but Monarch dr is gonna be in a book one day
wrote this while my mom was screaming at me
MikeyP May 2016
You picked up a salt shaker
mistaken for a pop
You went to take a drink
And the word stupid came up

You caught yourself in a stutter
Unable to speak
People began to laugh at you
And the stupidness started to creep

Your memory wasn't the sharpest
And you received ****
As people made fun of you
The word stupid slowly began to slipped

Now you sit here in a dark corner
Beating yourself senseless
Continuously convincing yourself
You'll alway be stupid
You can only be told something for so long by your family before....before you start to just truly think, Yes.. I am stupid...
I am nothing more than just.... A *******
Jeremy Duff Feb 2014
Abigail Turnman walked along the same sidewalk she did every morning before she had to work. She had the same breakfast from the same dive as she did the morning before.

As she was sweetening her coffee she looked up and into two very dazzling blue eyes, belonging to a young man seated at the table across from hers. She looked down quickly, sweetening her coffee, while she blushed.
She usually didn't get flustered like this and she hated that she was just because some dumb boy was looking at her. She looked back up and he smiled at her, revealing a mouth of uneven, yet not horribly uneven, stained, yet not horribly stained teeth. She blushed again, this time she smiled back.

"Are you Abigail Turner?" The young man asked in a voice that sounded as if it didn't get much sleep the night before. While he was asking this Abigail noticed his hair, a dark shade of brown, lighter and shorter on the sides, as if it had months before belonged to a military man.
"No," Abigail responded humorously, "My name is Abigail Turnman." She blushed again, at the stupidness of her joke. God, how she hated that this young man was making her blush this way. As if in response to her stupid joke or in embarrassment in having gotten her name wrong the young boy laughed and blushed, but not as much as she had.
He had only a coffee on his table and so she asked him if he would like to join her for breakfast. The young man smiled again before standing up. As he did, his hair fell into his eyes, which he quickly brushed out of the way before nodding and sitting down, across from her, coffee in hand.
"How did you almost know my name?"
Again, the young man laughed.
"Mark, uhh Callahan. He said he cleans up at your office and that I should speak with you."
Oh, Mark. There's a sweetheart if she ever knew one.

And in that instant she knew she could grow to love how this young man made her blush. Instead of hating it she would prize and cherish and she would include characters modeled after him in all her novels.
She didn't even know his name.

"So, you're a friend of Mark's huh?"
She asked this in a more confrontational way then she meant to and the young man seemed to recoil before he saw her blushing again, knowing that she had not intended to ask it in such a way.
"Yes, Mark is a friend of mine. Since high school actually. Uhh, my name is Henry, but uhh," he laughed softly, "my friends call me Hank."
"Well Mark is a sweetheart. So, if I'm not mistaken, you must be native here? At least since high school."
"Yes, I was actually born here, but uhh, if I'm not mistaken, you're from uhh New York, right? The city?"
As much as a sweetheart Mark was, he sure was talkative as hell.
Before she had a chance to say anything, Hank began talking again.
"So, uhh," he laughed softly, nervously almost, "I uhh, I hope this isn't too upfront, but I was hoping, uhh wondering actually, if you were doing anything tonight. My band and I are playing at the Stonehouse, it's a uhh, a charity show for Jonathan, our drummer, uhh his mom. She's fighting cancer, uhh, her condition has been improving but she still needs money for bills and stuff. I mean, you don't even have to pay, you know, I could ahh, I could sneak you in the back or whatever, I mean, uhh, it woudn't technically be.."
She cut him off,
"Yeah, sure I'll go. What time is it?"
He smiled even wider than he had the whole conversation,
"It starts at 8, uhh, it's at the Stonehouse, uhh, ****, I already said that. Oh ****- oh, sorry, pardon my language."
She pulled a pen out of her purse and began writing the address to her apartment on a napkin. Hank continued talking, mumbling, uhh-ing, but he trailed off as she handed the napkin to him.
"Pick me up at 7," she said, "We can go get some dinner before the show, you probably half to be there early right?" He nodded, "Okay, make it 6:30. This is the only diner I know, I've only been here since the start of summer, maybe you could show me some nice place to eat?"
He nodded, smiling and blushing and pushing the hair out of his eyes and scratching his arm and shifting in his seat anxiously.
"Now, it was lovely meeting you Hank, but if I don't leave now, I will be late walking to work, I'll see you at 6:30"
"Yeah, I'll uhh, I'll see you at 6:30"
She stood up and so did he. She was halfway across the diner before Hank kicked himself for being so stupid.
"Hey, do you need a ride to work? I mean, it's uhh, it's no trouble."
"Thank you, Hank, but I'll walk. I'll see you at 6:30, okay?"
She smiled a dazzling smile of white teeth, framed by golden hair, cut short, almost short enough to be considered a pixy cut.
She was out the door as Hank mumbled something stupid.
Wolfey Jun 2013
I can't wait for you to notice me.
I can't wait to spend hours on the phone.
I can't wait for the butterflies to erupt.
I can't wait for you to laugh at my stupidness.
I can't wait for the late night walks,
hand in hand.
I can't wait for the lonely yet romantic kisses.
I can't wait for the cute, ******* photos that I'll remember.
I can't wait to make memories that will never be forgotten.
I can't wait for 'friendly' touching.
I can't wait to fall.
I can't wait for you to say 'I love you'.
I can't wait to say it back.
I can't wait to get heartbroken.
I can't wait for the tears and agony.
I can't wait for the moment your forget me.
I can't wait for the times I can't forget you.
I can't wait for you to actually remember me.
I can't wait for you to say you miss me.
But what I can't wait for most,
is when I fall back in love with you all over again.
Tavia Robshaw Dec 2012
Hating my self for feeling unloved.
Hating that people say I Love You to many times.
Hating when people cry about spilled milk.
Can't take it....................But I Have To.
Can't get out of here.
Can't make my life better.
Can't move an inch.
People complain about life.
People aren't thankful for what they have.
Sick of the complaining.
Sick of the sad stories.
Sick of You.
Can't take It get away from ME.
Leave me be. Did you get the hint?
No. Ha Ha Ha...........
You will never get the hint.
You are so blind by you sure stupidness.
You are blind and can see whats infront of you.
Im sick of you hurting her, Complaining that she's no good.
She does what she can. Not what she can't.
Do YOU get the hint know.
That we are better off without you?
Leave me be. Leave her be. Just leave disappear in to the abyss of my
Memories. Leave now. Run away. Get away from me.
eclipso child Jan 2017
..where's the reason to wait..
   's coming.. it my fault..or your's..

..there are too many people waiting to be seen..

               ..guess why..

       ..we still ain't the only one walking here..

                      ,,'cause there's all ways so many thing's to see..hear..feel..
             ..and live trough them..

                       ..there you go..
jeffrey robin Sep 2013
We been


for 1000 years


We run like **** eatin lunatics
Thru the spread legged high school corridors

Looking for death or some other toy


We find eachother & tear eachother apart

Looking to hurt the most vulnerable


We love to entertain !

We hope the masters are amused

And find our stupidness non-threatening


At the height of our debasement

We cut OURSELVES with razor blades

Like good little slaves!


So uncool !

So  bleak!


We compete to see who is capable

Of expressing the most grief!


We boast that we will NEVER CHANGE






All the creative power!

(LOVE itself)

So abused and laid to waste
Running was our thing
My connection to you
Now I have to share with her
She who always is trying to best me
And is ruining the fun
And relaxation
That comes from so many of my favorite things

Reading was our thing
Something I could relate to

Our shared sense of humor
Is now being forced into stupidness
Because I have to share with her

We didn't have much in common
But the few things we did are gone
Because of her

My friends that are closer to my age
I'm gone one time because of a conflict
Now they're not my friends at all

They say I'm a role model
She looks up to me
She doesn't
She just sees it
As a competition

I try to be patient
But I can't
People say we are so similar
But we are nothing alike

She is loud and commanding
She wants attention
And has different sides to her
That no one else sees
Because she is so fake around others

People are disappointed in me
When I dislcude her
But when she does that to others
No one cares
Or is disapojnted in her

Because she isn't supposed to be mature
And I'm supposed to be setting the example
Blah. A small rant about a sister who constantly frustrates me.
jeffrey robin Mar 2015
She was so proud of herself !

She had turned her soul

Into such pure despicable ugliness

That all the girls were jealous of her

Mastery of Misery !


They would gather before her

And with worshipful songs

Would *******

To her image

And sing praises for her

Magical malignancy

And self abusing prowess

( it was the golden age of HELLO POETRY poetry ! )



it was the very epitome of WONDROUSNESS

The total

Of *** & DEATH










to me

It was just

******* BORING


as is all display of

Alisha Vabba Dec 2016
Back to bite, back to bite, don’t breath, thump thump.
Lights, gone. Food, gone. Drugs, gone, Hope.

Desperate *** and wobbly legs.
Get me drunk, look after me, stop the thinking, stop the world.

Back to bite, back to bite, bite me harder, **** me harder
Than this silence, than this screaming, are they screaming, is it me?

The terror is like popping candy abusing my skull,
Like angry clots of blood trying to burst out of fingernails

Pulsing, screeching, moaning, and then silence.
The constant ringing and now your face has gone all blurry.

The thought of all the itches we will never get to scratch.
It’s all rotting, it’s all gone and you just keep being so ******* kind.

The bile in my stomach, my hands in your pants, is there even a point?
Splashing about in mud, looking for familiar faces, for a trace of something human.

Slaves demanding justice, then wanting the crown.
Grey days, skipped days, were you slowly drift away.

I don’t want to be pretty, I don’t want to write pretty
To hide behind niceties and disgusting adoration.

In the darkness I’ve stopped tripping, I walk steady now.
I’m not longer funny but I’m lonely, as you roll me the millionth cigarette,

As I gulp the millionth gulp of bitterness, my bitterness.
We lost a long while ago and we’ve wasted all our time.

Toxic waste and suspicion, is that mask because of me?
They’ve turned us against each other and there’s no going back.

There’s no life during wartime, only slow self-destruction.
Before the bombs, before the lights went out,

Before the mould and the stench and the disease and the hunger,
The mind numbing stupidness had already knocked us out.
tiaamaariaa Aug 2013
theres love in my eyes that no one is able to see, i dont think anyone is able to see the despaire i have inside of me i try and try to  let it out but nothing works except crying just balling my eyes out it feels better like im refreshing my screen, or talking to  people who are actually there to help, with helpful words that help with the tears just makes me feel better in the end i dont know how to explain the feeling to certain people because a lot of them dont understand it maybe i just feel the need for attention so im forcing myself to feel like this..i have no idea. those thoughts i have of "i wish i was sick or hurt so people would notice me or see me or at least pretend to be my friends" i hate the fact that some days i can be off in my own world in this mood that just sweeps over me and starts tearing me apart piece by piece and then i just sit there in silence eating my lunch with friends all around laughing and smiling and having a good time or even a bad day but they seem to make themselves happy again with a fake smile that almost everyone brings along with them. but instead i forgot mine and i just sit there thinking of all the things, maybe thinking of that stupidness that i want myself hurt so people would notice me more, or  just maybe people will notice how i look today and they'll ask or wonder and i'll be able to tell them all about it and they can help or relate or just say a few words to put a smile on my face. but then the fear comes back..the fear of what if they dont care? what if they get annoyed..that big fear too its like how do i get the attention i want when its hard to . i think now i should nust continue getting all the help and advice and support i need from friends because thats the only thing going to help me keep going.
just a little inside into my life.
Tavia Robshaw Dec 2012
I stumble in the darkness.
I try to see but I am blind from what is happening to me.
I cannot see.
I don't see the lies.
I don't see the stupidness of you love.
I stumble over everything.
When you say.
You love me I stumbled.
I keep coming back for more.
Wanting more.
After more.
Can't I just leave you here.
Can't I just forget.
Its like my memories keep playing back and forth.
In my messed up head.
Confused at the point of not coming out of it.
Sing me a love song one last time?
Donall Dempsey Jun 2017

* * * 1


She sits feet up
(at last)

with a strong cup of tea
(the way she likes it)

he and his weak tea
( pisswater she’d call it )

she’s ignoring him
because he’s ignoring her

(he can’t say she didn’t
call him)

she’ll be annoyed if
he’s forgotten to bring

her washing in
now it’s raining

(he can do his own ****** ironing)

always tinkering with something
in that old shed of his

(just like his father)

probably never even saw
the sunset she wanted him to see

how many times
did she have to call him

always a puncture to be repaired
or a neighbour’s radio

that needed to be

“Give it to Jim...”
people’d say
“...he’ll fix it! ”

as if he were an old adage
or proverb or whatchmacallit

too vain to wear
his glasses

his eyes almost closed
her laughing at him…watching him struggle

half way
through the ads

she falls asleep
mouth open snoring.

Jim only looks like
he’s sleeping

a neighbour’s dog
finding him

in the early hours of
the morning

his hackles

* * 2


The heart attack
a moon

by the silhouette of the hill

pain a wolf
howling your name

as each heartbeat
a naked fleeting footstep

running through wet grass
frantic to reach

the lovely lady who laughs

at the stupidness of
your question:

“My name is Death
...why do you ask? ”

Your own name
in a slightly foreign accent
lingers about her lips

in a kiss.

* * 3


The heart attack
carelessly yawns

unimpressed with
the beautiful sunset

an automatic sprinkler
watering the lawn

the grass wet against his face
as he clutches the earth

trying to hang on

as if the Laws of Gravity
have been reversed

the tic-tic-tic
of the automatic system

lost every now & then
in a dog’s bark

water droplets
staining his skin

like washing on a line
that somebody’s forgotten

to bring in
out of the rain

blue and yellow pegs
lie scattered on the ground

a favourite blouse
that horrid lurid Mexican shirt

run around

before deciding to elope
with the breeze

an old fashioned

playing: “Careless love
...oh careless love! ”

the glisten of the shellac

the music stuck
in a groove

repeats itself
repeats itself

until it
winds down

his wife’s voice
searching for him

room by room

“Oh, where’s that man
when you want him? ”

“Jim...Jim! ”

her voice echoing
at the end of Summer

a skein of birds
moving as one

wheel across the sky
first one way and then the other

taking her breath away

Jim’s favourite programme
is about to come on

the night listens
to her calling him.
Mbali Dlamini Mar 2018
I hate that I miss you
Why my heart did I have to give?
How I miss my beautiful care free days
Heart un affected by your stupidness.
Sick of every thing u say to me
Your sweet nothings, like a scratched CD.
Feeling angry and frustrated, cause I chose to love.

Thinking that I love you, is a bitter taste to my mouth and a lump in my throat.
Silently asking my self, what the **** did I just get into.

Loving you is hard, for its taking my everything to not walk away.
For the heart is fooled and letting go, it doesn't want to do.
I HATE THAT I LOVE YOU. Cause that's why I'm missing you.
persefona May 2016
I sit for most of the day
almost always by the window

I place my muzzy body in a tall wooden chair
run my fingers through my eyes
smear dreadful thoughts
which begin with pain in my left thumb
deadness plocks
I am captive.

I want. I tell myself what i want.
I want it to be mine, to come from my aching bones and tingly devilish spasms
but its not me. or is it
a solemn search
where the lights are off

I want a vessel to open
in soft creamy sunlight streaks
with warm feel
gushing the stupidness out
numerous arms will captivate me
others. not mine
in crisp air
easy kisses
jeffrey robin Jul 2015


the new heading


( though it should really say

WHO'S HOT  ? )


I mean


without the POETIC PICTURE

of some *** - crazed babe

Lying in a pool of BLOOD

begging for some


to fill her " private parts " ( hee hee hee ! )

with his THANG ( hee hee hee ! )

while she writhes in helpless ecstasy


and then (?)

OH MY GOD MY ******* GOD !

he dumps her for a real girl !

and she cries and cries



NO ONE WILL ..... EVER !  .... LOVE ME !!



NO ! NO ! NO !

We all cry together


you look so **** in your naked ****** stupidness

and we all want you so bad IT HURTS !


a broken girl !

This image reminds me of a helpless country

and shows us why AMERICA would want to

Bomb it !

Or of a poor black man

And why a cop would want to just shoot it !!








I can't write anymore !

Knowing that right back there on my home page









Oh baby !!


don't break me too babe !!


I almost got my pants down !


and you look so hot !

In your ****** stupidity
Poetic T Aug 2016
They had waited in ill conception upon the
reality of man, between the moment this was
but a flicker in the eternal motions of what waited
eons for it unwitting birth of perpetual existence.

But where there in metaphorical thoughts urges
the reality of thought into eventual birth. And it
tasted upon existence and succumb to it taste and
wished to depart more on its hungered birth,

The signs had fallen upon the calendar of mans
folly, where there  had been no relevance now
conjectured thought had birthed it into place.

Like an egg it hatched upon the civilization of mans
wanting of retribution. All ill conceived musing
now given an illegitimate form of what feel on the 13th

13th moment of mans fall of what was meant as luck
now befalling into disrepute. Now given the day of
mans weakness upon its self wheres its weaknees falls short.

Feed me glutton upon the stupidness of mans folly and reap
the seeds sown in tempestuous ignorance and on this day the
worst tiding will fall on the many now called man.
Agnes Wahyu Dec 2014
feeling your heart is frozen
no beating heart for love
you will see it is very cold
looks so strong but fragile
so much beautiful
but everyone afraid for catch it

red turned black
harm turned cold
fervent become desolate
because a little stupidness

waiting something will make it harm again
make it melted
or it will broke into pieces
Zizaloom Aug 2018
Oh. Why.
Simply, solely why
Why why why why why
Why why why why why
A brain filled with big, bushy questions
All summarized by why
Why this, why that
Why me
Why me
Why me
I am aware, fully, completely aware, it is not just precisely me, specifically
Yet all my concerns, are me, mine
Oh yes, selfishness
Arrogance, little piece of high-nosed nonsense
You talked and talked
About what you believed in
What you thought of
Ideals, theories
Ha-ha-ha, they laughed
As if they were somehow understanding
Receiving the message
Brain in a mush of stupidness
Of ignorance
But you're worse
You are so sensible to little useless, easily-perceived reflexes
Realizing that their blank eyeballs were staring at you
Billiard *****
Motionless, waiting solemnly for their turn to shine and roll
On their gossips
And you joined their stupid cascade
Of mascarade
Because you cannot, not listen
And hide information, in the pockets of your ear
Because you were made to shut that ******* mouth of yours
Because all you said was a mess
Of words
All you were ever destined to be was chaos
You were always meant to be disastrous
And you shook the wrong things
The wrong people
The ones with enormous plastic globes just underneath their foreheads
Boundless mouths, that stretched words till the capability of visibility
And cosmic nostrils that sniffed your brains out, till all you were left was a black hole drifting into their credibility
Jeffrey Robin Apr 2016
^ ^ ^ ^ ^

/    \


she walks the earth

She honors all life

And thusly is she honored


the light that shinneth

Only does so forever


The gods and goddesses are real


You too

Might be real

( I don't know )


( I DO read your poems

But they are so devoid of any

Understanding or Compassion

It's hard to tell what you are )


she walks the high hills

When she looks

You are seen

As you really are


the dream !

The prayer is answered

With a vision of reality

It's up to you

To actually go there !


Thru the fierce wars of ******  illusion


And emotional stupidness

We plunder and pillage

And laugh for awhile



( however )

Taste freedom !


& when they do !



They are gone from here !!!

Me and her (?)


Only get things done

We do not give a ****

About infantile cookie cutter love !

Nor how you fill you souls

With blood

The saints are here


I think I'll sit

In meditation for awhile

me don't cry,  men don't cry.
we tuck it in, we pass it by
emotions are for babes
as if that's not lame.

boys don't cry that's what they say
we grew up believing the other side of the tray
anxiety, pain, emotions we keep  at bay
and you think we won't die of depression and emotional disarray

I have always had execrable taste for foolishness
boys don't cry?  that's sheer stupidness
yes we live in a credulous society
that's insouciant to values and humanity

but listen and listen good
men do cry, it's not a disgrace to our manhood.
snap of that make believe since chidhood
it's pretense, that's the point we misunderstood.

it's sheer hubris to say man up.
it's not some kind of duty;  abdicate that throne.
cos in the end, we all give up.
i feel, i cry, i dont hold up emotions, and guess what?. that is my aberrant behavior

so cry when it hurts
feel pain when you're burnt
pour emotions out, it help keeps you sane.
so you don't write a note that you'll sign with your name.
Graff1980 Jul 2021
They are the dark
overbearing powerbrokers,
not into power sharing
only lying and declaring
all that expands
what we are able to understand
an enemy of the state.

They lost the capability
of any sort of mimicry
cause they are deficient
in any sort of empathy.

The capacity
to imagine with even
the slightest bit of
has vanished from these
social engineering

So, from the depth
of their stupidness
and reckless pursuing
of personal gratification
they have set up
a system of stratification,
that regularly pits everyone
against those with the least
power and prestige
in our deluded society.
Donall Dempsey Jun 2019

* * * 1


She sits feet up
(at last)

with a strong cup of tea
(the way she likes it)

he and his weak tea
( pisswater she’d call it )

she’s ignoring him
because he’s ignoring her

(he can’t say she didn’t
call him)

she’ll be annoyed if
he’s forgotten to bring

her washing in
now it’s raining

(he can do his own ****** ironing)

always tinkering with something
in that old shed of his

(just like his father)

probably never even saw
the sunset she wanted him to see

how many times
did she have to call him

always a puncture to be repaired
or a neighbour’s radio

that needed to be

“Give it to Jim...”
people’d say
“...he’ll fix it! ”

as if he were an old adage
or proverb or whatchmacallit

too vain to wear
his glasses

his eyes almost closed
her laughing at him…watching him struggle

half way
through the ads

she falls asleep
mouth open snoring.

Jim only looks like
he’s sleeping

a neighbour’s dog
finding him

in the early hours of
the morning

his hackles

* * 2


The heart attack
a moon

by the silhouette of the hill

pain a wolf
howling your name

as each heartbeat
a naked fleeting footstep

running through wet grass
frantic to reach

the lovely lady who laughs

at the stupidness of
your question:

“My name is Death
...why do you ask? ”

Your own name
in a slightly foreign accent
lingers about her lips

in a kiss.

* * 3


The heart attack
carelessly yawns

unimpressed with
the beautiful sunset

an automatic sprinkler
watering the lawn

the grass wet against his face
as he clutches the earth

trying to hang on

as if the Laws of Gravity
have been reversed

the tic-tic-tic
of the automatic system

lost every now & then
in a dog’s bark

water droplets
staining his skin

like washing on a line
that somebody’s forgotten

to bring in
out of the rain

blue and yellow pegs
lie scattered on the ground

a favourite blouse
that horrid lurid Mexican shirt

run around

before deciding to elope
with the breeze

an old fashioned

playing: “Careless love
...oh careless love! ”

the glisten of the shellac

the music stuck
in a groove

repeats itself
repeats itself

until it
winds down

his wife’s voice
searching for him

room by room

“Oh, where’s that man
when you want him? ”

“Jim...Jim! ”

her voice echoing
at the end of Summer

a skein of birds
moving as one

wheel across the sky
first one way and then the other

taking her breath away

Jim’s favourite programme
is about to come on

the night listens
to her calling him.
Big Virge Aug 2021
Now I’m NOT Trying To Be Funny...

But My Artistry...

The Types Who Think...
That Life Is JUST LOVELY...
Because They Have Money... !!!

So Have NO LINK...
To The One That’s UGLY... !!!

Where Poverty FILLS...
Like Music That DRILLS...
And Leads To KILLS... !!!!!!!

My Verse Instils...
Lyrics That BUILD... !!!

Instead of Those...
That Are From The Fold...
That DUMMIES Control...
That’s Right You Know...

These INDUSTRY **’s...
And Government Dopes... !!!

The Type of Folk...
Who Like To Joke...

About EVERYTHING... ?!?
But Here’s The Thing...
That Folks Should Know...

Every Smile Does NOT Profile...
A Person Who’ll Take Care of You...
When It Comes To Doing...
What They Say They’ll Do... !!!

Dummies Whose Jaws...
... EXPOSE Their Flaws... !!!

As I’ve Said Before...
The Type With...
Consciences That GNAW...
Right To Their VERY CORE... !!!

BAD EGGS Whose Yolk...
AIN'T There No More... !!!

Because They’re Broke...
And DEEPLY Flawed...

From The Old To The Young...
These Dummies Run Their Stupid Gums...

About Doing STUFF...
That Makes Them TOUGH...

When The Truth Is...
They Just LOVE To Pull Stunts... !!!!

Yup... ELDER Chumps...
Who Are Bugs Bunny Funny...
When It Comes To Money... !!!

Always Acting Like...
... “ BUGSY “... !?!

CLONES In Zones...
Where Stupidness Roams... !!!

So What’s Their Excuse...
For Behaving Like FOOLS... ?!?

Cos’ It Sure AIN’T Youth... !!!
And That’s Some TRUTH...
That These Dummies CAN’T Refute... !!!

When Their ISSUES...
Are SO LONG In The Tooth...

That New Age Crews...
NOW See Their Moves As NOTHING New...

It’s Hard To Now Make Moves...
When Dummies Are The MANY...
Instead of Being... The FEW...

You Know It’s True... !!!

Or Do These Words...
Apply To... YOU... ?!?

If So... NOT COOL... !!!

Which Is Why Like I Said...
I Now KNOW The Coup...

So When It Comes To My Scripture...
I’m A... KILLER Guerrilla... !!!

NOT Some... “Cuddly”...
Dummy Trained Monkey... !!!!

From... Creative Moves...

You’ll Probably Need...
To Have A Few In Your Crew... !!!
Whose Delights Are NOT Sunny... !!!

Or DUNKLEY Like ERROL... !!!
They’re More Like... FERAL...

... Rats In A Trap...  

So Are DIFFERENT But Brittle... !!!
And Like Stuart Are Little... !!!

In Mind So DEFINE...
What It Is To Be A FLUNKY... !!!!!

Which Is Why This Poem...
Is One That Suggests...
That My Art Is CLEARLY...

BEYOND These...

...... “ Dummies “..... !!!!
They seem to be a growing breed !!!
Donall Dempsey Jun 2020

* * * 1


She sits feet up
(at last)

with a strong cup of tea
(the way she likes it)

he and his weak tea
( pisswater she’d call it )

she’s ignoring him
because he’s ignoring her

(he can’t say she didn’t
call him)

she’ll be annoyed if
he’s forgotten to bring

her washing in
now it’s raining

(he can do his own ****** ironing)

always tinkering with something
in that old shed of his

(just like his father)

probably never even saw
the sunset she wanted him to see

how many times
did she have to call him

always a puncture to be repaired
or a neighbour’s radio

that needed to be

“Give it to Jim...”
people’d say
“...he’ll fix it! ”

as if he were an old adage
or proverb or whatchmacallit

too vain to wear
his glasses

his eyes almost closed
her laughing at him…watching him struggle

half way
through the ads

she falls asleep
mouth open snoring.

Jim only looks like
he’s sleeping

a neighbour’s dog
finding him

in the early hours of
the morning

his hackles

* * 2


The heart attack
a moon

by the silhouette of the hill

pain a wolf
howling your name

as each heartbeat
a naked fleeting footstep

running through wet grass
frantic to reach

the lovely lady who laughs

at the stupidness of
your question:

“My name is Death
...why do you ask? ”

Your own name
in a slightly foreign accent
lingers about her lips

in a kiss.

* * 3


The heart attack
carelessly yawns

unimpressed with
the beautiful sunset

an automatic sprinkler
watering the lawn

the grass wet against his face
as he clutches the earth

trying to hang on

as if the Laws of Gravity
have been reversed

the tic-tic-tic
of the automatic system

lost every now & then
in a dog’s bark

water droplets
staining his skin

like washing on a line
that somebody’s forgotten

to bring in
out of the rain

blue and yellow pegs
lie scattered on the ground

a favourite blouse
that horrid lurid Mexican shirt

run around

before deciding to elope
with the breeze

an old fashioned

playing: “Careless love
...oh careless love! ”

the glisten of the shellac

the music stuck
in a groove

repeats itself
repeats itself

until it
winds down

his wife’s voice
searching for him

room by room

“Oh, where’s that man
when you want him? ”

“Jim...Jim! ”

her voice echoing
at the end of Summer

a skein of birds
moving as one

wheel across the sky
first one way and then the other

taking her breath away

Jim’s favourite programme
is about to come on

the night listens
to her calling him.

* * *


She sits feet up
(at last)

with a strong cup of tea
(the way she likes it)

he and his weak tea
( pisswater she’d call it )

she’s ignoring him
because he’s ignoring her

(he can’t say she didn’t
call him)

she’ll be annoyed if
he’s forgotten to bring

her washing in
now it’s raining

(he can do his own ****** ironing)

always tinkering with something
in that old shed of his

(just like his father)

probably never even saw
the sunset she wanted him to see

how many times
did she have to call him

always a puncture to be repaired
or a neighbour’s radio

that needed to be

“Give it to Jim...”
people’d say
“...he’ll fix it! ”

as if he were an old adage
or proverb or whatchmacallit

too vain to wear
his glasses

his eyes almost closed
her laughing at him…watching him struggle

half way
through the ads

she falls asleep
mouth open snoring.

Jim only looks like
he’s sleeping

a neighbour’s dog
finding him

in the early hours of
the morning

his hackles

* * 2


The heart attack
a moon

by the silhouette of the hill

pain a wolf
howling your name

as each heartbeat
a naked fleeting footstep

running through wet grass
frantic to reach

the lovely lady who laughs

at the stupidness of
your question:

“My name is Death
...why do you ask? ”

Your own name
in a slightly foreign accent
lingers about her lips

in a kiss.

* * 3


The heart attack
carelessly yawns

unimpressed with
the beautiful sunset

an automatic sprinkler
watering the lawn

the grass wet against his face
as he clutches the earth

trying to hang on

as if the Laws of Gravity
have been reversed

the tic-tic-tic
of the automatic system

lost every now & then
in a dog’s bark

water droplets
staining his skin

like washing on a line
that somebody’s forgotten

to bring in
out of the rain

blue and yellow pegs
lie scattered on the ground

a favourite blouse
that horrid lurid Mexican shirt

run around

before deciding to elope
with the breeze

an old fashioned

playing: “Careless love
...oh careless love! ”

the glisten of the shellac

the music stuck
in a groove

repeats itself
repeats itself

until it
winds down

his wife’s voice
searching for him

room by room

“Oh, where’s that man
when you want him? ”

“Jim...Jim! ”

her voice echoing
at the end of Summer

a skein of birds
moving as one

wheel across the sky
first one way and then the other

taking her breath away

Jim’s favourite programme
is about to come on

the night listens
to her calling him.

— The End —