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Mateuš Conrad Aug 2017
don't get me wrong, i believe in competition,
but the neymar conundrum is
slightly bugging me...
    where does actual competition occur,
and where does general inequality begin?
   if you told me that the lie of being
educated was true: i'd laugh it off...
    after all, preceding generations always
valued education as a force for good -
a transition into adept modes of behaviour...
socialism was born from a rift from
the under-appreciation of the so-called
"virtue" of becoming educated...
           evidently only "idiots" gained
the higher economic ground for expressing
the ultimate freedom of "expression"...
   but paying someone one-hundred-and-ninety
pounds, for someone who can kick
a ball is the zenith of western "values"?
  what sort of "competitive" game is being
played out?
a bit like ensuring that mike tyson spars
with a one-handed boxer...
         oh sure... **** me! that's competition!
when will this "idea" of competition spiral
out of control and begin to look ridiculous?
it's, probably, about now...
            footballers' logic would state it
in the most obvious dynamic possible...
                   the individual is worth precisely
what is expected of him:
   the luck of a poker hand... luck!
        in the infinitely random pursuit of
the "individual",
                  there is always the notion of a
shared effort...
             to me, individualism is a fake
               ask the chinese about an individual...
oh yeah... there was one, a long time ago,
some guy named confucius...
    but these days he's in a sea of a billion
                i do believe in individualism,
but not when it's over-arching,
spanning 1 - 3 generations,
         it takes centuries, it takes 3+
generations, as it might take to establish
centuries and call them: the victornian era...
but so many "individuals" in a single moment,
where there is no death-debacle, a death-membrane
exclusion parameter? you *******
kidding me?
                 how will people not react to
this injustice of the "competitive" principle?
      so this ****** gets to kick a ball
and gets so much because so many eyes are
peering at him...
   if this isn't post-capitalism, i don't know what it:
capitalism has conquered socialism,
fair enough...
       but it has also showed us a heresy
inherent in itself: within the principle of
competition (which i agree with, given the spartan
dynamic): it has a handicapped person
competing with an ably bodied person -
  the idea of competition has become unfair...
no, not it terms of physical ability,
but in terms of reward!
                      you can't just do
          a humpty-dumpty um? moment...
so why bother schooling kids in the subject
matters of chemistry, history or english,
if some have the ontologia innatus
   (innate nature of being)
   that supports them in excelling in a particular
area of "interest"...
    you know what's actually socialistic
in a capitalistic system? the education system...
education is actually socialistic in capitalism:
it's oppresive!   it doesn't forge
people of skill... it only forges people
   who's sole "skill"? is to pay off debt!
   you're not creating professionals!
                                you're creating debtors!
so why bother:
1. erroding people's memory &
2. + 3. not teaching them a professional
    mechanism, due to bombarding them with
useless theory: airy-fairy *******
        living the lie of reaching 100 mortal
years, and not... not once! not once!
encouraging the stability of future generations
filling those about to retire
                  spots of competence?!
no... this is not capitalism...
          this is capitliasm eating itself...
capitalism was always going to cannibalise itself
given the disappearing outside "threat"
   it was always going to implode...
                                  it's ouroboros capitalism...
because as of the 1990s... its only competition
is itself...
                      any footballer will tell you:
the neymar conundrum?
    oh, it's there...
                              he's an "individual"
within an advert...
   within a brand?
                but in a football team?
                              he's still only a striker!
i have to say... first the western powers blame
"collectivism", because it's too large to handle...
and then they cherish the idea of
"teams"... team sports, working together...
   at least socialism is a dualism...
   capitalism? nothing but a false serving
            so this socialistic "grey area"?
                         isn't it bound to capitalism
also? whereby the so-called "individual"
over-shadows the group effort?
                    on the hard-on fans could name
me a few manchester united defenders from 1994 - 1998...
garry pallister? denis irvine?
              such a ****** sort of "individualism"...
who the **** actually came up with the paradox
of shoving individualism up everyone's ***-crack,
while at the same time preaching
                              the "team effort" mantra?
Mateuš Conrad Aug 2018
. so yeah, perhaps the aboriginals, the argument for the noble savage is there... point being, they have a narrative, more eloquent than the moneticised outside the frantic fanaticism of Harry Potter, a plagiarism of Merlin... etc. etc., with all the scientific superiority, a narrative in collectivism based upon plagiarism? does it really matter? the people who spurn on the superiority of western culture... let's just say, they love to gamble, but don't understand nature's gambling pattern of weeding out the weak... and... given their opinions? i wouldn't want to share a meal with them... contradictory *******... tell them about the Manchester attacks, and they'll cite Yemen! i find it rather uncomfortable sharing a public toilet with them... to begin with... but eating with them? what a strange anticipation of the most profound profanity!
                                 so yeah...
  nice critique...
"philosopher" *** sophist -
namely a rhetorician...

i love the giggles,
don't you love the giggles?

philosophy is something to engage
with, rather than explain...
more a tartar steak than
a medium-done slash of slaughterhouse

ahem... where's your western narrative?
where is the sociological focus?
the focus point?
the campfire?

  where, is, the, glue?

    can't see it...
western civilization is superior,
i grant you that,
but, where is the self-inflammatory
  the self-reflecting critique?

look at your literature!
my good fellow!
  the pop-***** of vampire-clad-
you have to be kidding me...
too many facts, imbedded with
seeking counter-doubts (i.e. facts):
compensated with an antithesis
of a narrative principle...

a right, without a wrong...
a fact, without a narrative,
is pointless educational rubric -
no more finding an point
of answer, than regurgitating a bunch
of facts...
      i would be so certain as to joke
about the aboriginal culture...
when the western narration continuum
is plagued,
   by inconsistent narratives...
narratives that would never
want me to allow myself
a focus for congregating...

   no, sorry...
           you sit that **** alone in youir
little group-therapy sessions...
i'm about to do a Pontius Pilate
   i'm washing my hands away
from the gloat...
i can't stomach it...

      i don't want to stomach it...
i don't even adhere to an I.Q. discussion
as astounding racial differences...
i have already the point breaker:
and why so few black athletes compete
in the swimming events,
while so many are prescribed the
100m / 200m distance?

            what comes naturally...
800m / 1500m races?
          the quasi-marathon running?
evidently Kenyan or Ethiopian...

i hate this, the vest iz v besht...
                       i regurgitate on this
               with diarrhoea...

for all the science involved...
what is it, exactly, that constitutes,
the gluing fabric of community?

    i hate to say this,
but seldom facts are a differential aspect
    of exploratory conundrums...
Moby **** type of narratives?
the integral aspects...
      science has overtaken the expression
of life, sanitized it,
   securing an antithesis of
misery and mortality...
                    with: "facts"...
i might share the pH scale with someone...
but if i don't share the commonality of
a narrative?
  **** me, third party sources...
why should i share?
we share the same factoid,
why should we even bother consummating
this fact, over lunch?!

no bother!
there is no reason!
      live your life, let me live mine...
but don't you ******* even bother
dictating what i can, or can't do,
on the allowance of having invested
in a private property,
you, *******, english, ****!


  the vest iz z best-chore...
   sure sure...
      love your literature, wonder
of the ******* world!
          YA ******* and your journalism?
makes Mecca pilgrims blush!
...and for not particular reason...
vampires, werewolves,
zombies, the whole generic
exhausted stereotype -
   applause! applause!

              what?! health service?
i was lucky to have met up with my socialistic
accessible doctor,
   how many? 2 years to spare from
the last visit...
   zee vest iz z best!

            because why would i have considered
studying chemistry to an edinburgh university
    and not began a post-scriptum of schooling,
beginning work in a supermarket?!

nice narrative, love the advertisement...
keep up the belittling tactic...
   glorifying your ***** wiped clean...
nay bother...
  as the Picts used t say...
                there is an actual masochistic
attache of internalized hate,
that even i can accommodate...

                     i hate gloating,
i hate boasting...
   and i hate the sort of people who
self-identify themselves as philosophers...
rather than sophists...
the sort of people:
who, simply, can't, keep, their, mouths,

don't criticise cultures,
when your own culture...
   is gearing up to problematic investments
of its own,
most notably, the teenage mental
health crisis...
                       this is not a time scant
for diminishing the already
queuing problems,
   by resorting to I.Q and race arguments...
the ******* can claim to be
philosophers, and entertain
the centre stage...
   i have a bench...
  in a park, talking to an old east london
geezer about rayleigh bikes...
and the scalpel attitude to
finding a prefix, negation,
                in the word disease...

western civilization has been gripped
with an Sunni Islam virus of
a superiority complex...
             they sure as **** know how
to point the good stuff...
   but slightly less...
                dream-detached when it comes
to the current,
                  but hey!
the barbaric peoples are our closest
allies of worthy comparison...
   compare a ******* donkey
to a galloping horse!
  that'll fix it!

- but i thought that western culture was
all for the inbreds,
the down syndromes?
  the last birth mothers?!
        some cultures are somehow
more clingy to a peoticization of
the past...
    which... says much more...
for what currently grips the western
inconvenience in the pursuit of
a narrative, whether historical,
or fictional.
The concept of a whole person is an enigma that evolves within a culture . Often it is not a transitive concept and can only be conjuncted within it's social setting . In fact the realities of social fragmentation make most all concepts of a whole person universally inapplicable .

Literature is often a good tool for developing an understanding of a culture and it's inclinations . In a cultures folk tales , plays , and fictions you find authors making a deliberate attempt to portray the basic dramas of their society .

Greek myths are a vivid example of this ; they are literally frought with characterizations . In their development these multitudes of characters weave into an elaborate tapestry that depicts the developing Greek moral ethic . The intricasies of the analogous content are brought across in a multitude of forms . Names were very important and a major force in clarifying the concepts being presented . The multitudes of characters portray a multifaceted understanding of the human psyche . The chauvinistic banality of their culture and it's gods is graphically depicted against the backdrop of their developing ethics .

It is difficult for a modern man to construct a vision of a whole person from a strictly ancient Greek point of view . The obvious anachronisms envolved make such an attempt partially ludicrous . Contrarily the bulk of their characterization paints a vivid picture of their primative social state .

Of course while the Greeks were muddling through the multicolored quagmire of human frailty many societies where learning to master the powers they had developed through centuries of strict adherence to religious and social mores . The development of their socially biased realities make many Greek nuances seem decadent anachronism . Rather than deitizing their baser natures as the Greeks had thay had learned to master them and turned to new paths to clarity . Spiritual pragmatism and lack of comunication nullified the social attributes of many of these extrapolations on positive orientation .

Jung preaches that man has an innate need to assimilate all external sensory perceptions . I find this untrue . In fact I find it self abortive . Human beings have a complexity factor that is individual and must be protected from overload ; man's moral ethic is a tender and deludable feeling directed by empathy . In the hectic world of modern mass media this tender individuality can become dwarfed by the percieved need to obtain social acceptance . Whole civilizations have become deluded by the flow of their complexities into an outright denial of their moral ethics .

I find this partially estranged condition prominent throughout social history . Children are brought up to respond to a vast realm of presupposed social ideologies and are not allowed to venerate themselves until much of their conscious matrix has been established . This of course makes self evasion an easily attainable goal . Sometimes politically speaking the actual goal . The mind satiated by it's social framwork is the ideal tool for a socialistic or tyrannical government .

To me the value of social history lies not in it's application as much as it's illumination . All the fragmented pockets of human coalescence should instill an understanding of man's posibility factors . Man's inability to supersede his developing anachronism may well be the cause of his annihilation .

Modern man has learned how to use tact in instilling the acceptable social mores . Solviet psychiatrists have spent years on perfecting these social sublimations ; children learn how to make their personalities conform to the accepted mean . I think that the true nature of a well rounded being lies in an ability to reject the fragmental nature of these instilled mores and develop a more universally acceptable social orientation . Does the son of a ku klux **** member have to hate blacks ? The obvious answer is no ; contrarily socially acceptable orientation is a product of environment . This is the pitfall of man's evolution as a race ; his inability to rise above the quandary of his immediate surroundings with all of their overwhelming complexities and demands to become a cognizant and empathetic being . There in lie the keys to his future .

This does not necessarily define the well rounded person . A well rounded person must be able to cope with his immediate surroundings withoutan abject denial of his empathetic being .

I believe well roundedness lies in thoughtful orientation and a well centered understanding of self . One need not be socially active as long as they are thoughtfully cognizant . Obey the golden rule ; you can not allow your objective orientation to supersede your subjective empathy . You can't allow yourself to be thwarted or overcome by your peers into being something they might want to make you because temptation may overwhelm them and you will become a transient tool in their succession .
JeanlBouwer Oct 2010
When is the final round?
         Conception Semesters Birth
         Sit Crawl First step
         Crèche Primary Secondary
         Bachelors Honours Masters
         Junior Senior Manager
         Lust Love Family
         Unemployed Gainful Pension
         Plan Experience Memory  
When is the final round?
         Field Farm Fort
         Tack Gravel Tar road
         Rural Remote Urban
         Wood Rock Concrete jungle
         Developing Established Revitalization
         White Multi racial Black
         Conservative Liberal Decadent
         Pretoria Tshwane Tshwane Metro
When is the final round?
         Bushmen Dutch British
         Colony Union Republic
         Native Settlers Previously disadvantaged
         Undiscovered Developed Commercial
         Subsistence Commercial Corporation
         Oppressed Equal Masters
         Apartheid Democracy Socialistic rule
         Logical Confused Insane
We decide when the fianl round begins.
Jordan Frances Nov 2014
I am that feminist that cites Betty Friedan in her arguments
Who will tell you to bite your tongue if you think women have equal rights
I am that liberal who stands up for the rights of others
While preaching about white privilege
I am that democrat who goes on Marxist rants
And looks kindly upon socialistic programs
I am that American who finds kinks in the system
But also deeply loves my country.
I am that *****, *****, ****
Who thinks I should have the right to my own body
And the government should not
I am that student who thinks the education system is ****** up
And prays for future generations because the common core is going to fail them
I am that Christian who refuses to associate with the Republican Party
But loves God with all her heart.
I am that loud-mouth who will tell you to check yourself
Before you tell a **** joke
I am that activist who will die fighting for her cause
And I will love every second of it.
ConnectHook Sep 2015
You were telling him about Buddha,
you were telling him about Mohammed in the same breath
You never mentioned one time the Man who came
and died a criminal’s death.     [Bob Dylan: Precious Angel]

If Christ and His Gospel are offered you
you squirm—then dredge up the gods of the East.
Your act of avoidance is nothing new—
salvation proposed: evasion increased.
Waxing socialistic – as if on cue
your blustering is consistent, at least.
you brandish your anti-Christ point of  view.
Descending like Darwin: angel to beast.
In Babylon’s gardens you disembark
to deconstruct Noah, the flood, the ark.
On Gilgamesh, Enkidu, in madness
you ramble—and it fills me with sadness.
There is one truth, undiscerned, unadored.
Be still. In silence, acknowledge your Lord.
Proof #1: Man has no natural desire or ability to obey or please God for salvation.

Proof #2: God expressly denies man's will or works in obtaining salvation.

Proof #3: Faith and works are results of salvation, not conditions or means for it.

Proof #4: Jesus Christ saves sinners by Himself without any human cooperation.

Proof #5: The gospel and its ordinances were never intended to give eternal life.

Proof #6: The Bible gives examples of sinners saved without any conditions.

Proof #7: Unconditional salvation is the only doctrine giving God all the glory.
Lupe Jacobson Mar 2013
Rejected used torn apart,
Sadness cascading down your heat
Play it tough; act like you don't care
Trying to drown to the beat of the snare.

You want experience love and reality
But this is a big boys world
certainly not me
your socialistic class hurts
Your tired of all the jackin off jerks.

We get swept into a mind game
padded only with more
your friends become your enemies
looking solely to score.

Once a month turns to once a day
searching for ways to pay
the downward spirals clouding your future
please little sister stay lovely and pure.
Pearson Bolt Dec 2015
an intrepid inheritance
predicated on delusion
processing profuse refuse an
iconoclastic self-absorption suffusing
each and every molecule
we’re confusing consumption
with an inane ideology

as we choke the atmosphere with
CO2 and pump toxins into
our food will we pause as
the doomsday clock tick-tocks
closer to midnight
and the terror alert
goes code red
to consider that we
are at once
this planet’s cancer
and its cure

if Jesus is truly the
reason for the season
do you suppose he’d
impose on those
who do not
share your faith

for the love of Christ
let’s depose the overlords
the Nazarene opposed
that’s something even
i could get behind

did you know
that your baby boy
was an anarchist who
practiced non-violence
and met death on a cross
as a terrorist rebelling
against the unjust

to those who deign to
name themselves Christians in
homage to the divine
why profane the memory
of a socialistic hippie who
bred an insurrection and
bled for the cessation
of human conflict
the negation of
self-serving intentions
disguised in capitalism

in the spirit of Christmas
defy the death drive
propelling us towards mass extinction
abandon corporate bookstores
protest in front of city hall
the kingdom of god is within you
so go home
kiss the ones you love for

“if we are not the word of god
then god never spoke”
it’s up to us to recognize
that we ourselves
are progenitors of the divine
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
Thomas M Franey Aug 2015
For those who grew up differently or had difficulties in life, there is something inside of you that can make you great.  you may think differently, hence,  the world will not understand nor accept  the way you think and act upon existing  is merely your defense mechanism to survive. Only know that socialistic responsibilities is a key to not only adapt to the world but to excel in your abilities. It is okay, to be who you are; It is okay to fall; It is okay to above the line of normal that is defined by society, only if you apply some filter on your self-representation.  Know your skills and go after it. Find your dream and make steps everyday for that dream. Remember that once fallen, everything must go up. To explain, Gravity does not pull you, instead it is a force that pushes to the ground. That said, life pushes you everyday, not to destroy you, but to make you stronger and adapt.

This is what I see you in all, the power of language; Your writing, is the key to an effective communication to others as well as to your self.  
When you're bored , upset, emotional, write your fingers off! Write write write! Make poems, develop stories, teach somebody what you know, express your ideas, as long as it's in a constructive matter. The more your writing skills improve, your personal skills will improve in respect. personal skills, in general ,is the key to any career, lifestyle, and relationship, no matter what you do or what you believe. Words are constructed to sing your song. Sing it so you can find your way to start dancing to complex music beat that the world offers.
I wrote this based on my advice to a friend that was down on himself.
Skogen Feb 2011
When I was young I used to lay and think of having my very own queen,
You know the kind of girl that just makes the scene.
Well I found her and who knew I would find the fairest of them all right down the hall,
An amazing woman with such characteristics, courtesy of heuristics, not ever sadistic, materialistic, or a simplistic statistic, she is so surrealistic, I can’t believe how lucky I am, this ballistic, artistic, socialistic, purely holistic, expressionistic soul that makes up the composition of her life’s position, makes me wanna transition, and prostrate myself to her submission...

...and so I did, I let her in to swim through the thoughts in my brain, and like a broken water main they gush feelings and emotions freely unchecked but she doesn’t need to hit the deck, she stands stall, weathering the squall, she’s my wall, she’s my leopard print baby doll.  She sets me straight, inspiring my urges to create, always a reason to celebrate when i’m with her

She cuts through my life with a concern and care sharper than any knife,  Peeling through the layers to my core, *** man when it rain man it pour, and she catches the drips and drops  as they fall right through the door, and of her I could never ask more, she is the perfect score, the one I adore.  We soar...  

...and together our dreams take flight, you can’t cop this kind of height,
up and beyond far out of your sight, we don’t fight, we play, and I wanna hear what she’s gotta say, Everything wrong, and everything right with her day, how are you doing?  When’s your next play?  And if I may I will, the best image even if its still, is of her, lying on my chest, which is where I want her nest,  with her head on my heart,  she hears the rhythm of my soul as it rocks her to sleep, while I lay in thoughts so deep, and every once in awhile I just might peep, at the face directly below mine, that constant state of grace, life’s sunshine.
Leptal Jul 2013
There are some letters
that moms and dads
of many brats
just can´t read
For example L, S, D, M, T...
Socialistic current affairs:
All the sky turned red
above Siberian tracks
Aurora and her cold heat
**** three times triple C and P
All what could possibly happen
Well that´s the letter B,
It stands for both bless and
bass on jail ,but mostly for the beer
Remember the C you  tried to ****?
Let´s the same hole you can plug
every F for fail and misery
Only G will set you free from gravity
If you meet it greet it H, I
Why would you say N,O?
Nevermind, you who don´t know
I guess the O is taken
from the J, O, K, E bro
You are rude dude
Your head is vacant
Russian roulette´s  rigid rules
V,R,very viscious vagabunds
with triple X
on red necks
Well, well, well,
W, it´s up to you,
Sure,  We should give it a try
But Y?
Just for A´s?
That´s not my case
Even I fit will be only Q,U,i,Z
Kenya83 Nov 2017
I guess I’d say I’m lucky, it all comes down to luck,
Historically, I’m born to a time of not giving a ****

Geographically I’m free, in a nation filled with greed
But in the greater scheme of things,
I’ve never known hunger or planted a seed

Racially I’m privileged, or so that’s what they say,
Though my gripe with my lack of exotic is a vain and ignorant betray
I’ve never endured or felt insecure by the lack of melanin that came my way

Despite the socialistic statistics, I see realistic logistic
Surviving ballistics, Linguistically twisted,
Academically average, emotionally insecure, certainly unsure
What emotions are for

Yes my parents loved me and sure they also ******* up
However, I still had to make my choices
Of getting high in a garage block, or getting up
Dusted on this everlasting scented wish
Path indulged not taken braken broken
Don't speak
How you polish your rod don't you dare
Purr in society
Of begotten socialistic days every sister
Brothers have to unite under the semiotic
Sensual carousels are misinterpreted maps
On glossy paper sheets which formidably
Everybody's hands wide open to traveling
Not taken hands not shaken feelings black
Carrots of a crazy chiuwawa
kirk Aug 2017
Some people often ask me,
why am I so perverted?
Was there a point when things changed,
when I got converted.
I really don't remember,
was it the first time that I flirted?
Or was it when I saw a naked lady,
no knickers and un-skirted
Maybe it was when I had a ****,
when my *** first squirted
or was it the time of my first ****,
and had my **** inserted.
could it have been an ******,
when her **** sprayed and blurted
If its a combination then...
I don't want to be reverted

I believe most people have got the same *******
its from their own point of view just a different version
they've had similar experiences and gone through the same conversation
They would rather be stripped naked with a hard **** insertion
Unclothed and getting ****** a deep wet **** immersion
It is not an attack of character there is no forced incursion
Its just an observation without casting an aspersion
Just admit that you would rather be on a *** excursion
Instead of acting with disgust without making an aversion
So come and get your fannys out and have some **** dispersion
have more ***** than your used to without any more diversion
Once your in that frame of mind don't think of a reversion

So If a lady wanted *** I probably wouldn't stop her
Even if she was all la-de-da and oh so prim and proper
I'll drop my trousers and introduced her to my 9 inch chopper
And hopefully she would think it was a lovely whopper
Slipping her my shinny helmet like a pervy copper
I'd bounce up and down imagining I'm on a posh space hopper
I would love to squirt inside her **** an exploding party popper
she'd get on top and warm me up a tasty toasty topper
I would want us both to ***, I wouldn't want to *** a cropper
She can **** my ***** wonker an everlasting gob stopper
Then we'll do it all again just like a teeny bopper
And when we've finished I hope she'd be a happy shopper.

If this is what you have in mind it proves that your the same
All you're really doing is playing a socialistic game
Your just pretending to be innocent and so ****** tame.
Not admitting to ****** feelings to avoid any kind of blame
Stop acting so refined and prudish it's nothing proud to claim
You should just indulge yourself and don't be so ******* lame
So pull your **** ******* down, reignite your ****** flame
Just stick your fingers up your **** there is no sense of shame

You may be of the opinion it isn't everyone's normality
And **** and **** and ******* **** are the centre of depravity
I think that your just delusional about your own sexuality
and **** what's classed as morals I'm not talking of morality
If you think your less perverse then **** your own tenacity
Your capable of the same thoughts your mind has the capacity
****** acts always take place it's not a matter of mendacity
It's happening world over no matter what your nationality
You may dispute my state of mind no question of insanity
I would rather have a **** and ****, to me it's a formality
And licking a nice wet **** its not just my own mentality
Well **** it I don't care if you think its immoral Immorality
Adolf ******

My mother had an Uncle Adolf who after the war changed his name to Dollen. He walked funnily because he froze his toes off in the Arctic. The real Adolf was an evil phenomenon life throws
at us, but he didn't exist in a vacuum.
After the First World War which he fought with bravery he
nevertheless was a nobody trying his hand as a painter
selling them in the street of Vienna.
He became interested in the National socialistic party
attended meetings and was asked to speak.
His voice was hypnotic when he spoke of injustice
and the bad influence the Jews had in the society he was
a man the masses understood, but he spoke of hate.
His dream was of a greater Germany, but the Jews stood
in the way he wanted a race clean Germany and approached
the mufti of Jerusalem to take them he refused to claim
Jews would destroy Palestine. But for him, the Jewish question
was a sideshow he wanted to rule Europe and defeat Russia,
millions of Jews were murdered as were Roma people
and Russians. He lost the war we should be grateful for that,
in the end, he shot himself and Germany in ruin.
A mystery remains, who financed this ****** to commit a crime
we must not forget because if we are not careful, it can
happen again, and we see the inception of this hate in Israel.
(Adolf ****** 1889 – 1945)
The Dedpoet Jun 2017
I belong to no one,
Slave to the moment
And my spirit is a devastation
Of freedom,
Keeper of the lost nocturnal,
I dwell within the despair
Of a melancholic grace,
The beauty of a depressed
Soul can measure beauty
With a grateful clarity.

Take me away from this ignorance
And show me the truth;
**** the words of nothing
And show me a humble poetry,
Be that I am lucky for this
I know there is more than
The conscious dreams,
A place without ironical
And no socialistic grading,
I will never be a man,
And I am thankful for that.

Drink the blood of this ink,
Die to the lies
And become alone,
There u will find me
And all the others
Whose death was the beginning.

To die of life
Is to be reborn.
kirk Nov 2017
I do not enjoy New Years Day well what a ******* bore
Its meant to be a brand new start but I am not so sure
A beginning of another year its still the same old tour
Everything is​ the same you know what is in store
It is just another day there isn't nothing more
No difference from the previous year same as the one before

Valentine's day is for lovers at least that's what is said
But maybe its for people who want you in thier bed
Sending cards with the intent and they say romance is dead
I don't mean to sound a rotter but its all in your head
it usually ends up in tears so be careful where you tread
Dreams and hopes are always dashed so **** those roses red

Easter is a ******* joke it's never the same day
How can it be historical when its always been this way?
What's good about good Friday when the people had their say
If there was a crucifixion then wasn't it fare play
If he died for our sins it's satanic keeping death at bay
And then being resurrected without the need to pray

What's the point in Halloween with all those ghosts and ghouls
If your not going to dress appropriately then why dress up as fools
Don't bother even dressing up if your breaking ghoulish rules
And going out into the night looking like a bunch if tools
I don't want people begging at my door trying to get my jewels
So say no to trick or treat and lit lantern pumpkin pools

Bonfire night don't make much sense when its a none event
Why celebrate the gunpowder plot or a destroyed parliament
Guy Fawkes had it all planned out and he never made a dent
Bonfires had nothing to do with the death of this high treason gent
So stick penny for the guy and don't you spend a cent
Bonfires and fireworks should be banned and nothing should be spent

Santa does not come down the chimney on Christmas Eve
Cos he is such a fat ******* if that's what you believe?
One night isn't long enough parents do all the heave
There's no magical deliveries Its just a web they weave
There are no flying Raindeer so don't be so naive
Presents don't come from Santa Claus please kids don't you grieve

Christmas day's commercialised which everybody knows
With all of the toy advertisements in between the shows
Christmas carols in the shops months before the Christmas woes
The toy expense the start of the ***** is when the pressure flows
We don't want ****** fairy lights when the bulb always blows
Bah humbug to the turkey and **** the Christmas snows

it's a waste of time singing the new year's eve goodbye
Old acquaintances should not be forgotten it makes me want to cry
What's the point in celebrations when there is no realistic high
False people you don't ******* know they are no longer shy
Wishing you a happy new year why do they even try?
Why do we sing Auld Lang Syne they don't care if you live or die?
Everything in the calender there all of my pet hates
This is what happens when its left up to the fates
Why do we have all this crap, there are no real good traits
All of it is designed for interaction and socialistic baits
Come on you Gregorians your not making any mates
Don't let all this flood out please close the ******* gates
They say that all good things comes to he who waits
But I don't know if I really want all of these crap dates
Robert C Ellis Mar 2018
A paleo-socialistic dig; a regression of vetted meat
Slapped over the shoulders of eternity
Set in a rowboat on a re-digested sea
The butcher, the slayer and the speechmaker…
…the birth of humanity

A terse, muscle livery sack
Dear Christ, Life is just played back
Numbers cantilevering sunlight into three
Time, the Songs of Solomon, and HeartBeat

And where all hands fall to earth we piece
The iridescent architecture of the Holy Trinity
And the poet as Argonaut flung into infinity
To seethe, seize; seas, trees. To please.

Remember to breathe.
It's time that "atheists" found a more pious man to worship as, in print, eugenical zealot Richard Dawkins extols the virtues of pederasty (as he's experienced it), de-population, infanticide, vaccines (including M.M.R. contaminated with rabbit blood), expanding hate crime (thought crime) legislation & pre-emptive war. Dawkins pursues the socialistic goals of Bertrand Russell, G. B. Shaw & ****-muffin Charles Darwin.
What is the afternoon for
but to listen to the sonata
of footprints peering at
pictures hanging on plaster walls?
Perhaps a little child searching
peanuts and parables?
A saraband of gentle sounds
whisper the turning of pages.
I utter causes socialistic,
evoking from the DAR:
"Do you want ruin this country?'
And I pause to swivel in my chair
and think of little people
who lie dying
in the corner of streets
unpaved with human kindness.

Copyright 2019 Tod Howard Hawks
A graduate of Andover and Columbia College, Columbia University, Tod Howard Hawks has been a poet and a human-rights advocate his entire adult life.
Das fuhrer Donald Trump
will return with a vengeance

Trump wracked up an impressive
$122.00 million war chest
accumulating $82.00 million
merely proffering impish grin
between January and June of 2021;
now he sets his sites and will most likely aim
to garner coveted
commander in chief come 2024,
his household name
offers him a strategic advantage
against lesser known contenders,
which rivals best announce their intention
to vie for president of United States
after results of 2022 midterms elections
(less than five months away)
define politicians favorability.

The glory of Republican Party
will once again heat up at Mar-a-Lago resort,
where agitation poised to strike on the brink
presidential election 2024
jabbering incites gotcha -
ha ha ha, he heinously cackles
humiliation, nauseation, repudiation...
(courtesy Taj Mahal size erected ******)
goads desecration as fete accompli *****
in hammered armor
of Democratic rubric, constituting:

capitalistic ethic, generic iconoclastic,
kinetic magnetic opportunistic quixotic
socialistic universalistic webbed world,
nor budging an inch when
manipulated masses swallow
his electric kool aid acid drink
what tha huff huck, –
this belligerent, dominant and
fervent hellraiser doth bungle in the jungle
decreeing tacit Marshall law
fast as a shutterfly eyewink

as his cosmic crotch grab
doth put Venus under his sway
with his Mercury hill temperament
pitches the orbit of planet Earth
tubby comb out of balance
infected by hiz anti Jupiter
damnations, excoriations, fulminations
Huzzah sing how **** derriere
didst Saturn simultaneously
crushing crucible as an Uranus
indiscriminately plopping
unapologetic xenophobic

two hundred fifty pounds of flesh
dub bling down humming his favorite Neptune
that dost affect Pluto hoc crass sea
repeating a self coined motto –
I yam almighty, therefore no fink
simply commandeering the reins of control,
a one man military intelligence groupthink
hut triad and true dyed in the wool
rip pug in ant guise zing rogue
rejoicing tuff fool, governing and hoodwink
king the die hard fans of dictatorial,

linkedin and monarchist ink
cube bus thriving on
wielding indomitable aggression
practiced in the Art of the Deal
incorporating an unanticipated jink
iron fist rule reigning down vis a vis
pro pens heave lee and prop hen city
flashing hiz seal of approval,
which scribbled signature
doth not smooth monkey
serve hay puzzling kink

boot his frenzy to bulldoze
catastrophic, formulaic, and illogic
spells these United States of America
twill become hell
in a handbasket worth repeating
with nary a trace of the grit of link
kin, the sixteenth president,
(whose ruggedly pioneering frontier existence)
found him steady and strong,
plus soft hearted as pelt o’ mink;
the epitome of former forty fifth

elected commander in mischief
touting nepotism with figurative plink
ousting progressive liberal officeholders
who decried January 6th, 2021 insurrection
hashtagged violent rebellious usurpers
as hooligans violating
hallowed halls of democracy
courtesy using sanctioned government property
name attacking Capitol building
in Washington, District of Columbia
and emptying their bowels
using said complex edifice as commode
causing a big stink!
In a closed door speech Saturday April 10th, 2021,
thus far, he accumulated $85 million so far.
*     *     *     *     *     *       *     *     *     *
The glory of Republican Party
once again heats up at Mar-a-Lago resort,
where agitation poised to strike on the brink
presidential election 2024
jabbering incites gotcha -
ha ha ha, he heinously cackles
humiliation, nauseation, repudiation...
(courtesy Taj Mahal size erected ******)

goads desecration as fete accompli *****
in hammered dented armor
of Democratic rubric, constituting:
capitalistic ethic, generic iconoclastic,
kinetic magnetic opportunistic quixotic
socialistic universalistic webbed world,
nor budging an inch when
manipulated masses swallow

his electric kool aid acid drink
what tha huff huck, –
this belligerent, dominant and
fervent hellraiser doth bungle in the jungle
decreeing tacit Marshall law
fast as a shutterfly eyewink
as his cosmic crotch grab
doth put Venus under his sway
with his Mercury hill temperament

pitches the orbit of planet Earth
tubby comb out of balance
infected by hiz anti Jupiter
damnations, excoriations, fulminations
Huzzah sing how **** derriere
didst Saturn simultaneously
crushing crucible as an Uranus
indiscriminately plopping

two hundred fifty pounds of blubbery flesh
dub ling down humming his favorite Neptune
that dost affect Pluto hoc crass sea
repeating a self coined motto –
I yam almighty, therefore no fink
simply commandeering the reins of control,
a one man military intelligence groupthink
hut triad and true dyed in the wool
rip pug in ant guise zing rogue

rejoicing tuff fool, governing and hoodwink
king the die hard fans of dictatorial,
linkedin and monarchist ink
cube bus thriving on
wielding indomitable aggression
practiced in the Art of the Deal
incorporating an unanticipated jink
iron fist rule reigning down vis a vis

pro pens heave lee and prop hen city
flashing hiz seal of approval,
which scribbled signature
doth not smooth monkey
serve hay puzzling kink
boot his frenzy to bulldoze
catastrophic, formulaic, and illogic
spells these United States of America
twill become hell

in a handbasket worth repeating
with nary a trace of the grit of link
kin, the sixteenth president,
(whose ruggedly pioneering frontier existence)
found him steady and strong,
plus soft hearted as pelt o’ mink
the epitome of former forty fifth
elected commander in mischief.
Ryan O'Leary Jan 2019
Of all our Daily's, bread
is the most considerate,
democratic, socialistic and
thoughtful of them all.

Bakeries are the Citadels of
universal philanthropy, be it
Pizza, Sandwich or Pita, it is
there, where crumbs are born.

Tables are but canopies that
protect those tiny morsels
from contaminated boots, for
the little creatures of the floor!
Bob B Apr 2020
This is the tale of a woman--
One who thought she knew best.
Social media allowed her
To get a few things off her chest.

COVID-19, she claimed,
Was merely a media hoax
Created by “radical people”
To hoodwink all of us folks.

She called it "socialistic.”
Moreover, she said it had
The trappings of an effort
To make her dear leader look bad.

We DON'T need hand sanitizer
Or rolls of TP by the tons.
What we need, she insisted,
Are "faith” and "fight” and "guns."

At the time she expressed her feelings,
What was unforeseen,
Was that a couple weeks later,
She'd die from COVID-19.

Had she but listened to experts
Instead of to nitwits and fools,
Maybe she'd be here today.
She should have been following rules.

Not to disparage her faith,
But somehow it didn't prevent
The woman from catching the virus
To such a deadly extent.

Would SHE have abandoned her faith
And her weapons? Probably neither.
But one thing we know for certain:
Her guns didn't help her, either.

The lesson we learn from her story
Is one that is NOT hard to miss:
Fools are not to be trusted,
For ignorance isn't bliss.

-by Bob B (4-7-20)
ConnectHook Sep 14
Now the rainbow democrats gnash their teeth
And roll their wicked eyes like souls possessed.
Obama and crew, ruling from beneath
Recall the crimes they have not yet confessed.
What they hailed as light now turns to shadow.
(Immigrants eat cats in Colorado . . .)

Heaven mocks hell—it’s contradictory:
Your dank Egyptian darkness is our light!
Your suicidal rage, our victory
Memes poke fun at neurotic left-wing fright.
Your socialistic plans are placed on hold,
While faith increases value more than gold.

Unfit to line the cage of colored fowl
Who twitter on, enraged, in revolution,
White man’s rag, that useless Constitution,
Could save the republic. Let jackals howl . . .
Our founders planned for such an urgency
Now put to trial in an emergency.
Donald McRonald and Karmela Harrison
will SAVE our nation!
Let's get together and sing KUMBAYA.

— The End —