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(At Inversneyde, upon Loch Lomond)

  Sweet Highland Girl, a very shower
Of beauty is thy earthly dower!
Twice seven consenting years have shed
Their utmost bounty on thy head:
And these grey rocks; that household lawn;
Those trees, a veil just half withdrawn;
This fall of water that doth make
A murmur near the silent lake;
This little bay; a quiet road
That holds in shelter thy Abode—
In truth together do ye seem
Like something fashioned in a dream;
Such Forms as from their covert peep
When earthly cares are laid asleep!
But, O fair Creature! in the light
Of common day, so heavenly bright,
I bless Thee, Vision as thou art,
I bless thee with a human heart;
God shield thee to thy latest years!
Thee, neither know I, nor thy peers;
And yet my eyes are filled with tears.

      With earnest feeling I shall pray
For thee when I am far away:
For never saw I mien, or face,
In which more plainly I could trace
Benignity and home-bred sense
Ripening in perfect innocence.
Here scattered, like a random seed,
Remote from men, Thou dost not need
The embarrassed look of shy distress,
And maidenly shamefacedness:
Thou wear’st upon thy forehead clear
The freedom of a Mountaineer:
A face with gladness overspread!
Soft smiles, by human kindness bred!
And seemliness complete, that sways
Thy courtesies, about thee plays;
With no restraint, but such as springs
From quick and eager visitings
Of thoughts that lie beyond the reach
Of thy few words of English speech:
A ******* sweetly brooked, a strife
That gives thy gestures grace and life!
So have I, not unmoved in mind,
Seen birds of tempest-loving kind—
Thus beating up against the wind.

      What hand but would a garland cull
For thee who art so beautiful?
O happy pleasure! here to dwell
Beside thee in some heathy dell;
Adopt your homely ways, and dress,
A Shepherd, thou a Shepherdess!
But I could frame a wish for thee
More like a grave reality:
Thou art to me but as a wave
Of the wild sea; and I would have
Some claim upon thee, if I could,
Though but of common neighbourhood.
What joy to hear thee, and to see!
Thy elder Brother I would be,
Thy Father—anything to thee!

      Now thanks to Heaven! that of its grace
Hath led me to this lonely place.
Joy have I had; and going hence
I bear away my recompense.
In spots like these it is we prize
Our Memory, feel that she hath eyes:
Then, why should I be loth to stir?
I feel this place was made for her;
To give new pleasure like the past,
Continued long as life shall last.
Nor am I loth, though pleased at heart,
Sweet Highland Girl! from thee to part;
For I, methinks, till I grow old,
As fair before me shall behold,
As I do now, the cabin small,
The lake, the bay, the waterfall;
And thee, the spirit of them all!
Melissa Eleanore Aug 2014
As candy thaws neath my tongue
My eyes take dilation.
I fall into an inception
as I walk into a place
where my tender age went...
I saw sevenths of an illusion
Acidic iridescence
Suffused in a type of dimension
I was present.
Bound to life's existence...
Each and every Earth-bound object
was formed
by masked bodies
that cradled each other.
Lifelessly connected to one another.
Expressing the same dainty love
we are mad for...
Jade orbs
were absorbed
by a topiary lord.
Caught me devoted in all sorts of emotions.
Repetition. Repetition.
Sight distortion.
Colors stacked on colors.
I saw modulations.
But they spoke to me in motions.
I felt as if I was breathing this all before.
And that I was anticipating on something that I could not get myself to ignore.
Some moral.
That I've been awakened for...    
I was reverted back into a timeless age,
where matters were forgave
and where passions were seemliness.
and because of awareness
you become unable to love like a child
when you abandon your innocence.
So here's the message.
"Seven is perfection."
The eye to see life.
Making a connection.
Breathing Earth's affection.
There's so much more to this poem that I wish I could explain in words but unfortunately I just couldn't. The graphics in my head were too much and truly was perfect...
Your body bleeds beauty
Dripping grace and splendor
Oh how much i adore
your seemliness
Enclosed in your depths...

Your elegance shed softly
As weary leaves
Escaping weeping branches,
Scents of luring strewn fragments
Caresses my craving,
I have eaten from the crumbs of ardor
To the ones who have witnessed impeccable beauty
Samuel Lombardo Oct 2014
In the beginning,
I was a hard rock,
full of lost energy,
no breath, seemliness
pieces of atoms,
and broken glass
with many citrons.
How ignorant can
one hard rock be-
so, stubborn that
in the deepest
dark spot, there
where there is no
air, meaningful
measurements of life
only can be made of
microscopic pieces
of energy.
This energy instills
within me,the gravity
of floating meteorites
that come down on me.
The shape of one
red granite,
only with hope that
You made me!
Augustus Sep 2017
I like the rain
More than the sunshine rays
I like it more than the days
I like the grace and power in them
The unforeseen and unappreciated invincibility of it
We are utterly powerless to stop it
It does what it wants, whenever, and wherever it wants
Sometimes it just a drizzle maybe even just a fizzle
Sometimes it pours like there is no tomorrow
And most of all, I like it because it cries
How beautiful the droplets fall
It cries with so much passion
So much emotion, so much humanity
And as much as I like the rain
I like you
More than any other gal
And you just lift up my morale
I like the seemliness and strength in you
The out of the blue and unacknowledged invulnerability of you
I seem so helpless to you
You do what you want, whenever, and wherever you want
Sometimes you are so meek, maybe even stoic
Sometimes you live life like there is no tomorrow
And most of all, I don't like to see you cry
But sometimes you must
You cry with so much passion
So much emotion, so much humanity
And as beautiful as your teardrops fall
You fall beautifully
You cry into a ball
Laying in bed trying to cry out the pain
And it just feels like you are going insane
But do not worry, my lovely
For this is not your downfall
It is a stepping stone
The birth of a new star
So my lovely rain
Rain reminds of a certain girl that cries a lot. Try to comfort the girl through this poetry
David Hilburn Sep 2023
Tale of the none, with silence
The risks we endeavor, are forever?
And a daydream, that has a moment to suffice
Create me an avid soul, shrewder thoughts for lovers...

People of charming since
And guarantee's hence, with a smile
Of recourse, I will know a rage, insight lends
The times of virtue in calm, and duty to shyness...

Mercy in a carried few
Witnessing the gifts and presence of mind
With the senses of curiosity come patience, we due
To a passion of simply asking for help, in time

Allied solace, the terms and needs of equity
Privileged intuitions of a charity in call, and prowess
The turn of composure into gold, absentia in divinity
Suggesting hope, is a long cool look at love we guest

Many days like these
Energy in forms we can understand
Solitude forth a response, to aging tomorrows we please
First and foremost, the basis of comparison to answer a land

My needs are my promise
Salutations in couth, the liberty to accept austerity
With the sincerity of kind, a sharing seemliness of the wise?
And to a shrewder how in the season of now, the candidness of disparity?
Funny how the future catches, first there is wonder, than a shoe, then the tying of shoe laces, and off we go to tomorrow...
Travis Green Jun 2022
Boldacious beardacious trailblazer
Contagious flextatious Samson
You keep me carried away
Locked in your tastiness
Your nakedness, your wickedness
I stream into your gentleness
Cherish your seamless seemliness

Drippy Daddy, you keep me lit
You keep me ripped, you got me gripped
You are gritty with your stellar **** ****
Got my mind all amazed and fazed
Encased in your crashing city-bred magicness
You spit thrilling fiery slang
That makes me fall in your lane

To hang in your hotness
To kiss your juicy **** lips
To caress your exquisite, expressive neck
Look into your dancing, commanding eyes
And know that you got me
Enshrouded in your chamber
Of red-hot top-shelf sauce

Mesh our electric sweaty bodies
Our hands interlocked
Rollin’ down the roadway
Extravagant with delightfully
Imaginative and fascinating romance
I covet to feel your thugness in my ignition
Let me feel your litness lingering
In the extremes of my invention

Console me, stroke me slow
Look into my soul, infuse me
With your whole glowing flow
Babe, you are the greatly intoxicating
Liquor that I love to gulp up
My bright honeylicious stunner

You got my heartbeat hip-hopping
Falling into your showstopping astonishingness
Lover boy, you are such a poetic macho pro
I love when you are behind the wheel
Of my world, carrying me to where I need to be
Travis Green Sep 2021
I saw the sun
Shimmer in your seemliness
In your eyes
I found all the galaxies
That elevated
With passion
All the stars
Infused with dreams
All the light
From the serene moon
That found refuge
Inside your room of radiance
Travis Green Sep 2021
Last night, I became awake in your deliciously dreamy enchantment
Your starry, blossoming being like an aesthetically appealing dahlia
Your springtime seemliness providing me the sweetest lavender poetry

I feel my universe burst into exhilaration, the way you take me
Into the awesome dawn of your heartland, holding me close
Stroking the tenderly penned poetry of my body breathlessly

I drown in your unnumberable depths of affection, your thrillingly
Toned chest, your dopacetic biceps, your deeply cut abs, your
Well-built hips and thighs, how I desire to weave our empires

I want to caress the sizable and extraordinary gardens of your heart
Embrace your serene stems, your dreamlike leaves, your perpetual petals, feel the dulcet beat in your velvet existence rouse my feelings

I crave to consume the various voluptuous verses throughout your
Superbness, watch you sparkle in the moonlight as my fingers sinuate
Over your fragrant formation, dreaming up loving honey

That glistens in my temple of thoughts, extricating my nation
As I become a blushing bright diamond in your mouthwatering
Paradise, your luxurious highs, your whispering forever’s

You take my body to rosy and showy places to stay, encloses me in your hard empowering dynasty of sumptuous muscles, how you magnetize my eyes with your striking stances, your beautiful body hair

I thirst to be covered in your poeticized devotion, diaphanously
Kissing the salacious trail that takes my thirst-quenching lips
To the space station vacation of your finely framed V-line

Like love lingering supremely serene wind, you have my limbs
Lost in motion, my emotions floating in blue southern oceans
Entrapped in your amazing embracement, in your cuddle shuttle

Wrapped in uncountable sensations I can’t translate, I become
An ardent target of ageless affection in collision with your vision
Of bliss budding ideally, taking me into your electric consummations
Travis Green Sep 2021
I want to be a part
Of his masculinity
Our worlds in universal magic
Feelings rising high
Like an airplane aloft
His bright cognac brown skin
Bringing me into his paradise
His eyes gold brown and intriguing
His lips an angelic place to kiss
And forever feel shielded
In his seemliness
Travis Green Dec 2021
*** with you is a galvanizing game-changer
I am superheated, flaming amorously
I am lost in your astonishingness
Infused with hot ****** thoughts
You cause my body to burst
My throat chokes on your dopeness
My masculinity is full of immensity
Your tantalizing fingers are a seamless sight to see
To feel moving upon my superb, large *******
Stimulating my gorgeous, sweet *******

In your pure, ardent love, I am rising higher
Than flying, full-size airplanes, and enormous, beauteous birds
I am validated by the way you embrace me
How your commanding and penetrating eyes stare at me so hard
Makes my body convulse as you persistently touch me
In the deepest and sexiest pinnacle of my existence
I anticipate more sexually exhilarating enchantment
Venerate the way I lay before thee like a priceless white blanket
My beating heart bound to thee, my world boiling hot
As you rock my thoughts to the luminous stars in the night

The infinite intensity inside you draws me
To your glorious seemliness, to your summer splendorous dreams
Your drip is magical, like two thrilling lovers on a pleasing and Palatable picnic, the air is so thick with your lovingness
The distinct, brightly white, and puffy clouds are charmed
By your marvelousness, how you harbor the horizon in your heart
How your love eclipses everything existent in reality
Your gravity flourishes enduringly like a sizeable and tasteful garden
Your fingernails are sensually satisfying as they trail
Down my soft shoulders, lovely arms, and nimble hands

You are strong as an intoxicating alcoholic drink
I perspire more when you immerse me in your enchantingness
When you engrave manly-lit poetry on my body
Rub my flat, fragrant belly, reach for my hands
Soothingly kiss me down below my chin
Tell me that I am your soft, golden sunshine
A timeless, passionate tune elevating unadulteratedly
I gently grin; you must be heaven-sent, my dream diamond
More spectacular and substantial than a charmingly uncharted island

— The End —