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karleigh Jul 2016
the child sings a song to the sea whom the child loves beyond measures existent only in context for the world may never know the power from which a seaborne holds within the depths of the child's soul.

"you make it oh so easy
                                easy to love you
                                                      you put me in this ocean
                                                                ­                        ocean state of mind
where everything makes sense
                                             sense that only children know
                                                                ­                        know the sea so well
and so i am                                                               ­                                     and  
        so am i
                    i feel at home with you
                                                      you make it oh so easy
                                                            ­                          easy to live in a dream
                                                           ­                                                       dreams that
       are without an ending time                                  
                          ­                      time is but a figure
                                                                ­       figure of speech
                                                                ­                   of imagination
and so i am                                                               ­                                     and
        so am i
                   i roll the tide and take it
                                                             with me
wherever i may go
                                                             with you
                                                             ­         you are my home"

seaborne the child sings this song and if you listen closely you can hear them hum among the waves where the music plays and the children dance in praise of the world they belong.
Shoulder to shoulder you bands of brothers landed.
Code name Operation Neptune was underway.
You noble breed, not knowing what lay ahead
Just knowing that your duty was called upon.
The bugle sounded, you all answered the call
nobly you waded those waters for all.
06/06/1944 was the day.
The largest seaborne invasion in history.
Yet, you brothers in arms were not caring of history making
Just making it to the beach, alive.
I can but humbly thank you for what you all did that day,
you that lived and those that died.
What thoughts must have played in your mind.
A lone piper played throughout, what courage you all displayed.
No wonder we that came after you, leave you feeling dismayed.
Many wars have been fought since, their courage is also undenied,
but, you, you thousands on those beaches showed the world the meaning
of pride, respect and warrior.
On the beaches of Utah, Omaha, Gold, Juno and Sword,
you carved a way in. To end the war.
Nobler people I doubt exist, and soon this 70th anniversary
will fade in time, but not that date of June the sixth (1944)
fray narte Sep 2022
My throat is heavy with August’s sorrows
I sit by the shore and wait for the weakest waves
to drown my little feet — I  stagger over them like a clumsy giant.
But it’s seaborne sadness wraps, a constant, unrelenting embrace
like a mother’s grief,
a gentle creature’s death,
a rabid dog feasting on a poor, meatless bone.
I am alive — so cruelly alive for it all
as it falls

down my throat, down my chest like a child’s pained whisper.
My body is heavy with August’s weight as I retire to my filthy bed
and hold myself.

Cold are the nights in their quiet,
lackadaisical, taunting hours.

Come now, September. Come, kindly, if you please;
sweep me away into a million, invisible dust particles

under clueless, flickering lights.
She didn’t look awfully well that day
Though she never would make a fuss,
I said we should get to the hospital
That I’d travel with her on the bus.
The weather was terrible, snow on the road
And a seaborne yellow mist,
So I wrapped her well in a scarf and coat
And did my best to assist.

She leant on me, walked out to the stop
And we sat on the ice cold bench,
I thought for a moment she’d faint or drop
So taking the bus made sense.
The car would be hard to manage that night
For the roads were covered with ice,
I couldn’t hold her while driving the car,
But we needed a doctor’s advice.

The cough had got worse as the day went on
And her hanky was spattered with blood,
I prayed it was just a vessel that burst,
Not that I thought it should,
But consumption sat at the back of my mind
It was rare, but still around,
I was praying a lot, but still my head
Would cover the same old ground.

We watched as the lights of the bus rolled up
So dim in the mist to see,
A double-decker, we climbed aboard
It was number twenty-three.
The passengers all were grey and drab
And some of them seemed asleep,
A skeleton sat hunched up at the rear
And Kathie began to weep.

‘It’s only a medical student’s thing,’
I said, ‘there’s nothing to fear.’
But Kathie flinched as we walked on past,
‘Then why did he leave it here?’
She settled down in a window seat
While I sat next to the aisle,
And the bus rolled into the swirling mist
So we sat quite still for a while.

The lights in the bus were more than dim
And Kathie was looking grey,
While I got up at the hospital stop
Kathie was looking away.
Then suddenly I was out on the road
As the bus took off in the mist,
While Kathie stared through the window pane,
It was like she didn’t exist.

I ran and I ran, and chased the bus,
But I ran and ran in vain,
For the bus veered off, went over the cliffs
And vanished into the rain,
I found her there on the bus stop bench
Where we’d sat, all grey and still,
And I wept, and thought of the phantom bus
That had taken her over the hill.

I could swear we’d stood, and climbed on the bus,
My love, my Kathie and me,
But they said there never was such a bus
As a number twenty-three,
And I see her now in my dreams at night
As she stares through the window pane,
Of a phantom bus that takes her away,
Over the cliffs in the rain.

Over the cliffs on a freezing night
When she died, ice cold on the bench,
What was I thinking, I ask myself,
Where was my common sense?
Then I take some comfort to think that I
Had once been a part of us,
And travelled some of the way with her
Where she’d gone, on the phantom bus.

David Lewis Paget
Edna Sweetlove Oct 2014
A life on the ocean wave, **!
In the olden days of sail
When pirate ships were proud and brave
And their crews were very male.

Captain **** stood upon his bridge
Looking smart and flash;
But below the decks, the orders were
*** and *** and the lash.

First Mate **** went to the **** deck,
His willie at the ready;
Initiation time had come
For trainee pirate Freddy.

"Thtwap him o'er that cannon, ladth!"
Roared the hirsute lisper,
"Gag hith mouth thecurely, ladth,
Thilenth hith evewy whithper."

The pirates did as he had bid -
Refuse and they'd be punished -
And they knew their turn would come
Once First Mate **** had finished.

The lisping brute went up the poor young lad
And soon was pumping away;
Poor little Fred looked rather pained -
As he wasn't really gay.

Then came the turn of the other men
And they joined in with a will;
Little Freddy could not say "no"
Until they'd had their fill.

What a life our pirates had,
Always singing shanties;
When men were men and big and butch
And the skipper wore silk *******.

The pirates' frigates ruled the waves -
Good sailors feared them coming;
If captured, they'd be condemned
To a life of seaborne bumming.
I weally think stanza four is pwobably the finest one here.
It'th vewwy nithe, weally.
Kashish Lahrani Jul 2020
Strolling down the bridge I was,
As I witnessed a day of dappled seaborne clouds
A sudden clash of wind caressed my cheeks
The sky turned into shale grey, and I knew the rain has come

I got the first splatter of rain
I looked for a tree to hide under
But I also couldn't resist dancing in the rain
Despite the mild lightning and thunder

I got drenched, I got soaked
I felt every splash that touched my skin
As the droplets fell onto the ground, the sound seemed melodious
That reminded me of a heartfelt croon.

Scintillating beams of light broke through the clouds
After a heavy yet, soothing downpour
The flowers got covered in dewdrops, the tiny droplets fell off the grass
And I cherished the musty petrichor
Arthur Adutt Mar 2020
Milky wavelets flow over contours,
Reminiscent of its marine origins,
Crests erupt from placid planes,
As if shoals of seaborne creatures,
Have been enveloped by a duvet,
And the dorsal fins of the sharks,
Still protrude from the quilt of silk,

Or as if mountains precipices,
Have been encased in ivory curtains,
That ripple like the ocean of its birth.

Beneath its coarse carapace,
Hides its amorphous cream belly,
So smooth and polished,
That even the faintest of light,
Creates a lustre of such radiance,
It appears to bear its own luminescence,
Like a refulgent relic,
A sacred sculpture,
Sprung from the fields of Elysium.
Dawnstar Jul 2021
islands wide the ocean comes to close
mouthing off to nature's maid in wait
deep violet horizons overflow
strike the stars and spill the walls of fate
out in Canterbury, crests of red
cocking o'er the faithful clapping crowd
meat one tired soggy seaborne head
drolly shaking hands and laughing loud
life goes on, one stupid span of time
life persists without reason or rhyme

— The End —