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Are you sad or unhappy
Depressed; Feeling lonely
Each day dark and dreary or blue?

Do not worry my friend
I know just how you feel
I have all the right answers for you

So to counter the downward
You start thinking upward
Bad thoughts will stick to you like glue

It takes more than just effort
You must remain strong
Fortitude; So this trip you'll see through

Now I want you to think
of a time you were happy
When things in the world all seemed new

Full of love and carefree
Innocent; Truly pure
Crisp and clean
; Much alike morning dew

When inside of your mind
you project types of thoughts
that are positive; Like "dreams come true"

It rewires your brain
new connections
Gets rid of the old residue

But you must stay the course
Don't give up in distress
And in time it will start getting through

It is hard I confess
But would never attempt
or could make a false promise to you

So if happiness is
what you want from your life
Yet it always finds ways to elude

The change comes from inside
Must have faith; Must believe
Make a batch of fresh "positive brew"

As you drink this elixir
In time you will see
Billiard ***** have all left but the cue

A blank slate to create
What you want of the world
Every color no longer just blue

Disagree or debate
If you finish the race
Like a big gust of wind that just blew

All the darkness now gone
Feel like 'here I belong'
Peace of mind; Life that's filled with love too
Written: October 21, 2018 (started) & January 31, 2019 (finished)

All rights reserved.
[Anapestic Heptameter format]
Devan Proctor Nov 2011
indecision moves-
pulling waves
unfurling her-
mute under slow drift-
she considers
coy eyes
or none at all

multiple kinds of rush to keep steady–
multiple rushes to make numb–
multiples fractioned attention–
all this to feel it fit to breathe–
to feel fit for getting–

in its own language
her visage stills-
softens the gaze
full unto his need

the inclination–his
and executed en pointe
sa vie–précise–

of dropping knives–
the delicacy–
reminding her of uncertainty
pending smiles 
cheekbones raised–
his and hers–

maidened features
spool delicate rhythms
evoke love songs from her palate
and her face–
he paints it–  
dressed in light–

his attempt–this
requires heart–
rewires nerves-
creates a caution
and her lamplit orbs-
stirring in vein–

across heads are more heads under sense-arrest
but just two pairs of eyes connecting brown to black 
throughout entwining want-threads–
the myriad–oblivation–

upon her neck thoughts exhale
upon the choleric-
suddenly the sanguine-
upon a thought–
her neck–
Justin Michael Nov 2013
Browsing, surfing, clicking
From inane, to insane, to profane
Running down a rabbit hole
That rewires every brain

Stumbling, bumbling, tripping
Into troll caves and lucid irrelevance
“Welcome to the interwebz, I’ll be your guide!”
Cries the three toed unicorn elephant

Museum of human ignorance
Vortex of time and creativity
At least Pre-NSA
We had some anonymity

Wellspring of inspiration
But don’t trade watching for doing
The internet gives and takes from us
And there’s a high price for using

Such worthless brilliance
Human biology isn’t ready
To start slurping up
This endless virtual piece of spaghetti

Grant virtual power to the people
So we virtually feel free
While you track and categorize every click
And quantify our humanity

I’m not asking to cut down the tree
But dead branches need trimming
I’m not asking to drain the reservoir
But stop sinking, start swimming

I’m not asking to cut the cord
Just intermittent unplugging
Don’t unload the gun
Just don’t aim at your forehead
Debanjana Saha Sep 2018
There are times,
You take the sword
You take the shield
And keep fighting
Within your mind
Not knowing
Whom to hurt
and whom to save!

Let's just throw the sword
And the shield
Conquer from within
Let it hurt
Until, the mind wires
And rewires
To form a new You!
I read somewhere, 99% of the battles are in the mind, which is so true. Hopes are always there to conquer and come out afresh!
Journey of Days Jun 2017
stress injury is concussive
compresses and pummels
rewires and reroutes
rumination rules
tossing and turning in it’s bed
rumpled and flung pillows
a mountain of mismatched linen
pushing the brain to limits
pulsing then seeping
beyond skull
I have had enough
craving colour co-ordination
with simple, single-strand thoughts

Amanda Sep 2018
Driving through the de-stress of another day
I can feel miles of worry fall away

Home, I am coming home

As tyres tread the familiar pass
The minutes drip through the hourglass
Only five more minutes to the underpass

Cars swarm like bees in honeycomb
Following the scent, the path leading home

Feeling the pull of your cologne

I can see the hug in your eyes
As your smile lights the world like fireflies
And your kiss rewires the heart ties

I am home.
Traveler Oct 2021
Did you do the work,
get your train on track?
Hearts get burnt out
That’s just a fact.

Did you learn to swim
in the deeper end
Did you trust the hands
that let you go?
Panic rewires the venerable!

Will you face some more
with head held high?
peace is a war
fought inside
Traveler 🧳
See the pains tears adhere listing fears peer
Pressure steers the hardest from the rear
I use to coast the host of a space ghost close
To myself was my heart that didn't boast
I was caught up in a champagne toast dose
Way over far from sober hoping I'd love over
And over again but pain strikes again and again
careless whispers in the wind deciphering
My rotting thoughts that was already brought
Sizzling to a froth holes in my heart part
By the swarming moths and slow sparks
Set forth in the darkness of a church ministry
Looking at myself looking at me gloomy
But roomy far from spacious sagacious
To my surrounding see the fog clouding
My ever conscious so clear from downing Everclear
Gave me much more to appear see the Spears
Pinching inching every wound and soon
To be kissed by the leaking stabbing grooms
Orange blossoms to blooms let the stars zoom
Its the spur of the moment standing firm
Burns desire every turn oh how I yearn learn
From my past mistakes of taking intakes wait
I was rushing to hard to create a hate fate
Was following and swallowing me wholely
Two broken vessels hoping to coupe thresholds
That the flesh holds but notion the molds
crafted scolds towers of sadness scaffolds
Blind folds even though I can see vividly
I thought me and you and I was meant to be
Fastened to sanctity with no seatbelts
Welts felt on the back of my mind kind
Was one of my closest homies til you burned me
Without lighting a fire now my brain rewires
Your provoking words thrown my swords
The mighty pen ascending devils grinning
Magnitude of rude record breaking crudes
How could you ever walk away from me and flee
The everlasting love trinity through divinity
Now I gotta guard my soul with golden gloves
Of stress and agony that surfaces chaos above
Red May 2018
Does she know?
that my heart throbs
at the sound of her ignorance
her mind,
her unforgiving inferno
scarring me with each self-serving word
spitting blame upon my naked soul
justifying her sadistic superiority
guilt's eating at my spine
tissue of tranquility
ripped from my body
paralysed by shame
powerless to her crooked finger of accusation
my defensive glaciers of redemption
melting down into her ocean of allegation
shelter of speech dissolving into doubt
mouths mirroring guns
both pointed at me
lips move in sync
insecurity rewires retaliation
I do not recognise my reflection
am I battling this woman of manipulation
or I am simply demolishing my self-worth
I'm unsure of what I've done
but I feel it in my sickly bones
it most definitely was wrong
must be my fault
must be
my fault.

she knows.
Erwinism Dec 2024
A song can hold me together
when I’ve been torn apart,
when I’m at the verge
where jagged edges jut out
popping bloated bright
many a things of life.

Lost notes coming together
and stitching my seams
with threads of sound.

Music doesn’t ask for permission
—it breaks in, a trespasser
who knows all the rooms of my head,
who rewires the walls with chords
until they buzz and climb on air’s back.
On the top of their ethereal lungs,
they belt out polished groove
where reflection of my days are caught.

It’s there when I need it
—when silence has teeth,
When the world gnashes,
pressing its weight on my chest.
in the blackness of spirit,
when the lesser light pale
into insignificance,
when all of me is ground to atoms.

Like spring faeries, they uncap the lid, lift it, unleash the lilt cloistered in secret years, they ride gilt-edged fireflies, flitting and fluttering in the mist of colors. And like spring, life comes back to the earth.

I have heard harmonies
build bridges across days
that feel like sinking ships.
I’ve watched melodies
cut through the static
of my thoughts,
Clean and sharp as a blade
sliding through skin.
The bass is a heartbeat,
steady and human,
the strings—veins
unraveling their stories.
Syncopated at times,
as if an arrhythmia.

A song can hold me together,
there was one leaping out of nowhere,
lost in the night,
found its way in my ears,
then in my heart,
in my half-awaken state,
while I clung into sleep under an eye of dreamless rest,
it was light on its feet,
free of gravity.

When I feel lost,
I press play,
and I teleport here,
a night crawler  
a room filled with
nothing but sound
and no judgment,
my acoustic soul gets to drink,
where my fears untangle themselves
like knots in a rope.

Music doesn’t lie.
It doesn’t care,
It’s not a ***** coyote
the petulant thief
mistaking mediocrity for simplicity,
Music forgives,
about what I’ve done
or who I’ve been.

It cradles me as I am:
raw and flammable,
A man with a match
clenched between his teeth.
In the slant of the highway,
I roll with tunes sanding
until the roads are even
and the bends straight
for this drifter with a match
clenched between his teeth,
the song pulls it from my mouth,
lights it,
and says,
burn, if you must—but listen.

It tells me I am brave
when I don’t believe it.
It tells me I am whole,
even when the pieces don’t fit.
But I’ve always been a puzzle,
a riddle to myself,
a mystery in a mystery
and a Jack-in-the-box.

When asked why I trust music
like a heathen
collapsing down drear gloom,
funereal mood,
sulked out.
I’ll pause,
let a silence fall
where words should be,
And instead let a rhythm
beat through the air.
A small offering.
Because some things
are answered best
by the sound
of their own making.

There is a gaping chasm in all of us.
One way or another,
we loaded our fractured hearts
with longing,
hoping for an escape,
we shot an embittered gaze
at words that danced on the pages,
swirled in the air on winged notes.
In the dark, I didn’t find myself alone,
I swept the pieces,
ugly, but a whole,
the way a song can hold me together.
junie Feb 24
Eyes glued to my unlaced shoes,
Fingers picking at the skin I lose.
Friendly chatter pierces and flows,
Through the walls where my silence grows.

I think to myself — why couldn’t I be normal?

As I step out, a thousand glares pierce through me,
Seeping into my soul, my mind, my very being.
Screeching rejection and denial of my existence,
All too familiar, yet I shiver in unwilling perseverance.

I think to myself — why couldn’t I be normal?

My feet tap on the linoleum floor,
Eyes adjusting to lights that roar.
Fists clench tight at sudden sounds,
Hair ripped out as overstimulation surrounds.

People think to themselves — why couldn’t she just be normal?

A shift in routine rewires my brain,
Lingering fears of my portrayal as disdain.
Just another “quirk” to break a beloved bond,
Maybe I’ll hide who I am so we can move on.

I think to myself — maybe I’ll try to be normal

The longer I mask, the more I ache,
From every movement I dread to fake.
It doesn’t matter how I feel,
I work, I serve, to turn the wheel.

I think to myself — how do I even be normal?
Day of the dead rise of the clones and drones
Let the sticks n stone canvas the fire desires
Rewires ya mind conscious sitting with the divine
Rewind back to the days of ol slave wages
Rage I'm breaking out of my cage Luke warm
Guns bring ya tempt way below sub zero
Violent hero Smith n Wesson judo Swiss
Cheese secured with gats from hands to knees
Please don't wait up for the miracles pleas
Me and the Jesus been had beef since I peeped
The scenery out of the scenery inner self
Battling self tryna find out who I really am
Spam all critics gimmicks who live up to mimics
I don't give a **** who's in it cannabis
I spin it skins peel it leave rashes energy crashes
Contagious outrageous fools playing ridiculous
Fire the corporate crush live by it I'll die by it
Soldiers bred for the art of the war sevens
Hills no longer sore seals gone Americas
Done for nation's building blacks rising
Through cosmic healing and killing out feelings
Happy on a maze frankly so don't thank me
Aliens been here watching the atmosphere
Timeline rod serling prophecy spine let it shine
Suns getting closer linking my green synergy
Master of the hulk frequency let it be my peeps
Been locked down too long now we uppin
The strong bongs let it vacuum in my lungs
No damage brung celestial energy suffocating
All of my enemies forged victories new aeon epiphany

— The End —