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Mason Feb 2019
I am, I think, the last survivor of my kind. The arc ship had chosen the wrong sun for our new world. Or maybe it was the right one. Either way. A solar flair had destroyed us. By some fluke I was in my space suit on the far side of the ship doing a final exterior check of all system on what was supposed to be the eve of our landing day. Or maybe is wasn't supposed to be. Either way. I had seen everything around me engulfed in flames as I was accelerated away from everything I had ever known at impossible speeds smashed against the renforced rib of the hull that somehow protected me from the all consuming fire. I say it was a solar flare but I don't really know. It's just the best conclusion I can draw from the evidence given. And I have had lots of time to conteplate it. My space suit contains its own air scrubbing ecosystem that will provide me with a breathable atmosphere indefinitely and whos little bacteria happily march their dead into my stomach keeping me never full, but never malnourished nor starving. My species had only developed such overbuilt bioengineering after it was too late to save our drained and polluted home world, but we had it on the ship.

We were supposed to do better on the new world. Or maybe we weren't supposed to. Either way. I would lie against this chunk of wreckage and watch the hideously slow procession of the stars. As I hurtled through the universe, away from the nothing that remained from the nothing that I had know and towards new nothings that I had never seen before.

Either way, empty space is all the same and doing nothing is a drag even without the time dilation from the ungoddly speed one can attain when propelled by an angry star. It truely is a miracle that I am even alive. If you can call such a thing a miracle. Like I said, when taking to the heavens for our long journy, my people did it with sturdy stuff, but still, whatever force that hit us destroyed everything else. If anyone else did survive, their fate would be similar to my own and we would be getting further from one another by the moment, so it didn't really matter anyhow.

Before you ask, no, I couldn't just take off my helment. My people had instaled suicide prevention measures well before the launch. People tend to get depressed when confined to a ship, much less a spacesuit. My people knew this.

I prefered to lie with my face on the rib looking to my right. That way the left half of my vision was consummed by the dark mass of the rib as my right half, while mostly darkness contained a particularly bright star as well. By watching it inch toward the rib I was able to maintain some semblance of a sense of time passing. Then, one day, I saw a second light. I saw it wizzing pass and I could barely believe what my eyes told me it was. A shoulder mounted light on another space suit. And in it, I assumed, another person.  I hadn't moved since I had made it out of sight of the explosion. After what felt like days, it faded into the black that surrounded me, and I , resigned to my fate had laid down on the chunk of wreckadge and not moved since. But now, my body started up with a fire before my mind could even think to do next. I scrambled to the edge of the rib and I could see their light floating away from me. I hesitated for a moment. I have always been the type to hesitate even if my previous movement would suggest otherwise.

Then, I did it. I swung myself onto what had once been the interior side of the last souvenir from my ship. I planted my feet on it and I pushed with all my might. I demanded that my atrophied legs explode with all their remaining strength and then some. I pushed away from the last piece of everything i had ever known and pushed myself into the vast emptiness. The light seemed to slow in its escape, but it wouldn't be enough to catch it I knew. If I didn't do something immediatly I would spend the rest of my days watching it move further away from me.

I didn't have to do anything. A rocket propelled teather launched past me and again, with out though my body reached out and grabbed it. My mind realized that as soon as the teather ran out of slack, the tension would rip it from my grip, so I clamped it to my utility belt using the built in vice grip. It wouldn't let go for any force less than an exploding star. When the teather did run out of slack, the deceleration was so jarring that I thought it would break me.

The other creature and I fell into orbit with one another. The centripetal force created an artificial gravity. While the reintroduction of force upon my body pained me, feeling the grip of gravity against me was bliss, even if it was just an illusion.

And this is where you find me, spiraling in tandem through the universe with my companion. We are different species and share no means of communication. It is likely that we were born millenia apart, but time means little in our vacuous relm. We tried to pull ourselves closer together, but the increased rate of orbit made the endeavor sickening as well as exhausting. Though we had no language between us, we agreed that it was best we maintain our distance.

When you're alone in space, there is no point of refrence for movement and acceleration except ones self. As such, from my partners perspective it would have appeared that they stood still while I hurtled pass. But the truth is that they hurtled toward me and saved me from the broken prison of the rib. I don't mind them seeing it as such, but I smile in my knowing of the truth.

And so we tumble through the universe as close together as we can manage. Which is all one can really ask for anyhow.
Death-throws Apr 2015
Introducing someone to poetry is like
rubbing steel on concrete
the grit makes sparks,
and the sparks grow and glow
and though the steel is dull,
and the back abiss of its coloration can be depressing
still the sparks glow
still they grow
but this time, with *vengeance
Quentin Briscoe May 2012
They say come shine with us brotha
We'll make you a star
Above the life your living
Into a new beginning
They Really want you to Illuminate...
So They'll scope you out, take your talents
and you'll Illumainate..
Out of the darkness
of nothingness
the normal everyday
Into a new relm of darkness
Blinded, guided all the way,
So You'll do as they say
becasue you want their way
of lifestyle they portray,
But thats not their everyday
But You Illuminate.....
On the black and white
cause colors don't exsit
well not by themselves
just hidden in abyss
But you Illuminate....
Climbing to the top
your light can't be stoped,
As a pawn in their chess game
you just want the fame
Because you Illuminate....
You think we are not the same
And you do as they say
found no better way
to see but out one Eye
an As You Illuminate...
All You see is I
Cuz To you thats who got you there,
But they know it was them
and You so unaware
You Illuminate
For Him,
Marrying the night
with contracts that seem so right
and then Your tied to strings
To Illuminate
All there things,
the corruption of the pure
No longer your own source of power,
But they're your electricity
Causing you to Illuminate
The way they want you to be
Binded To the ROC
Universal Mind control,
But everyone Once a chance
To Illuminate The Soul....
Making this your goal
you dont understand,
They say to be great...
You Need To Illuminate....
A Feb 2016
I believe people can change. Anyone, in any time of their life can change, but only if they are willing. The problem lies in the fact that most people are not willing to change, they are, instead, trying to change you.

I have tried to reach through their mental barriers, but words only push so hard. I tried to show them videos, certian circumstances, I even took a stand against an entire community, risked relationships with people that I love, people who looked up to me, people that were important... But, I guess, not as important as the big picture I see.

They will always refuse to see my picture and rather show me theirs. I listened, I watched, I read, and I submerged myself in their world, and tried to see what they saw... And I still said "no".

So when I try to do the same, I am not even aloud to bring it up anymore, unless it's from their relm, because they are cowards. They want to believe, not take action. People are timid to bleed, to cry, to feel what another feels. The truth makes them cringe because they don't understand. They don't want to understand. So therefore it's wrong, or it's right, or it ceases to exist.

Change requires action.
I hope you're comfey in your chair.
Wrote this in a rush
mark john junor Sep 2013
his leisure suit is neatly folded
benith his sweating palms
each exact line per-measured and tailored
to demonstrate to all who gaze on his corrupt face
that he is a man in need of a beach
a little drink with an umbrella and
a dusky girl named Lola

she walks the fenceline
she mends the gaps with patchs from
the pants of this girl from phish tour
and peices of the tye-dye tapestry she uses as a blanket
we mend our lives with the things we have at hand
we see our lives in the slow motion
of each days new reality
regardless of its bearing on what reality really is
its a painting of a man painting a smile on a sad womans face
sitting on hasting's whisper wall

the corporate man
with his far eastern flavors
tends to exaggerate his bent frame
over people sitting at the whisper wall
his face sings a sweet song
but his fingers set fires in the pockets of passerby's
stealing the coins of the relm
but only the ones with a stuttering king

gone down this road many a time
seen this same company of rabble-rousers
dressed in folds of scented linen
walking along the river road
disscussing in mid-evil painters and poets
but they never resolve  the questions of the universe
they never even agree what topping to get on the pizza
so much for the rule of wisdom

been many years since i sat at
hastings-on-the-hudson's whisper wall
with that girl
but i still cherish the conversations we had
and time i spent there with her
i have a new whisper wall
on a beach facing the setting sun
dara steinberg is the girl mentioned....thank you for everything you did and said...friends like you are irreplaceable.
Meka Boyle Jan 2011
alone in the depths of my minds chaotic commotion
trapped in the relm of my ever changing emotion
trying to make sense of my hopeless devotion
instead i turn, holding my gaze to the ocean

caressing the shore, the waves pull me in
unleashing, unlocking something deep within
teasing and taunting daring me to begin
for life is a game i can never win

the lull of the waves whisper softly in my ear
silently beckoning me to surrender my fear
awakening my senses, pulling me near
as i look out to the ocean my perception becomes clear
Amber Lynn May 2019
"Take me back to Jupiter" the little girl cried.
Tears in her eyes, releasing a sigh of....
A release of a subject, something not quite in the relm of love but that of loathing.
Losing by the tail feather of cupids arrow.
Grazing his cheek.
Pricking the skin in her chest.
Planting a flower of heart petals which blooms in her eyes-
Mid blink.
When her eyes open. She sees you.
And you let that feeling,
The dopamine feeling.
The chemical experiment which runs through your veins,
Pounding in your heart,
Fluttering in your stomach,
Pressing against your lips
Without realising....
She also saw someone else when she opened her eyes.
Instead of a monogamy of romance youve invited yourself into a competition you can't win since she'll always love the both of you...
And there's nothing you can do about that.
Angela Jun 2010
I've always heard silence is golden
but, what if your voice is stolen
Is it then as precious as gold
or is it more like steel bars bitter and cold

I've always been told the grass isn't greener on the other side
sometimes I wonder and sometimes I think they lied

I have heard on the wind, you reep what you soe
I ponder this as I weep for a foe

All these expressions , these old wise tales
They try to nutshell the human nature
All that we fail and all that we hail

I believe life is short
we must set sail , we must leave port
Explore the relm on which we grace
Hand in hand and face to face

Love all that you hold dear
cherish every hug and every tear
Never ...ever live in fear

Always follow your heart,
but let your mind co-pilot
Hold on to your pride
but keep it in your pocket
Live your dreams
but,don't dream your life

Your life is a vessel upon a vast sea
Do you want to be the sail that guides your way
or continue being the anchor that holds you down today.......
My drought had been long
My thrist severe inside
The desert cold of my loneliness.

Such a pining I felt
And could not describe but
My need was easily understood.

I had a craving for contact
Of warm skin, conditioned hair,
Under the saftey of a comforter.

The Night's cold that chills
May speak of my need, but the
Wounds of my soul held the truth.

I could feel myself withering
In the cold desert of my feelings-
Such a death I wish on no one.

My rewaking arose with the cold
Sting of a blade, feeling warm
against my icy veins.

The blade made a flow of
words into my mind and
bid me to write them here.

Of such reminders I have few,
But I remember this feeling,
Which I asked to wait outside the door.

Upon Her entry I remembered why
I had avoided Her for so long,
Her cold gaze penetrating my heart.

It was not in my strength to
Fain a second defense against
The onslaught of her will.

She held me in her frigid embrace
And I thanked her for it,
For within it was a hint of what I longed.

I knew the blade was Hers,
And bid her again my gratitude,
For I knew this death would let me live.

It is almost morbidly humorous
That Loneliness can take care of
Those enslaved to her so well.

Clasping the wound from the blade
I walked out the Door, wishing to
Turn back and show my rejoice of my freedom.

There was little time however,
And I wished to say goodbye to a
Chosen few, and the journey was harsh.

The wind outside howled and snow
Bit at my face, much like those
I felt necessary to bid my adieu.

While I can scarcely recall
My meetings with both, I know
The burden was lessened by the visit.

The touch of a warm hand lingered
On my cheek, and the taste of a kiss
On my tongue were the only memories I left with.

At the Gateway to the
Relm of the Warm I looked back
quietly on the Land of the Lonely.

I know many despise that Queendom,
But I cultivated a fondness for it
Few can grow, and fewer can explain.

At 2AM I took a longing breath
Of the coldness that surrounded me
And with it I walked out the archway.
(c) Eric Courtney Haines 2015
Mike Hauser Dec 2017
We will never understand the reason
If we only focus on this life
Or the purpose of God and the plans that he's got
For the good of all mankind

If we only see daily mounting troubles
And not the Glory that's soon to come
That God set aside when his son came to die
Offering that free gift to everyone

While some gladly take, others seal their own fate
Judging themselves apart from God's Love
Setting all of the blame on the God who loves them
Thinking they know when they clearly don't

In speaking those words they just add to the curse
An eternity of Hell fire and brimstone
Because somehow they think for them to believe
They first must give everything up

No way could they know the treasures bestowed
For those who die to themselves
Giving all that they have to what forever lasts
Forsaking everything else

We never will understand the reason
If we only focus on today
Instead of what's to come in the heavenly relm
While what we have here quickly passes away
Immersed in deep and warm waters
In blissful, warm, and clear sparkling oceans
I swim to a relm of deeper awareness
Thoughts connecting radio waves from my another..excited emotions.
Two souls connected as one.
More powerful as one mind
Than as two separate minds thinking alone..
Electrified waves of deeper discovery
To the answers to the  complex problems that ate through to the bone.
A team
Fighting, together, to aid in the strength of our future.
Clairvoyance doubles security and the power of our intellects
To defeat those full of blind ignorance
Once at our weakest
A disease,to us, once infects
Us to a scared fever of delirium
Now the ones who were the disease
Through combined teaching
Are the cured ones.
Miles apart..however ,in mind, we are always together.
Connected as one
We defeat overwhelming odds
As one energy, forever.
Mike Hauser Aug 2016
This is a repost of a repost I once posted
Just to get somebody to read
As I'm quickly running out of ideas
In the relm of poetry

My hopes is it's far enough back in the pack
Where the first repost has faded from mind
Along with the fact originality I lack
At this moment in time

I might add an extra line of rhyme
That didn't come to mind the first, second, and third time
In case it looks too familiar
When brought out in the light

Then with this repost of a repost I once posted
No one should suspect a thing
Although they may have their suspicions
In its rhyming and its ring

Sometimes I figure if even I can't remember
Myself writing out this poem
Then I have no worries as we all read in a hurry
And no one will ever know
Let alone the music
It is the feeling
Sure do can dance
I'm not watching
I'm participating
I'm dancing with angels
Sure do can dance
This verse inked
In the
Physical relm
In the
Spiritual relm
It must be a trance
Still, I enjoyed the dance
Nameless Oct 2014
My insomnia is getting to me,
seeing things that should only exist;
in my dream relm.

I wonder,
can the people around me see them too?
...No, or they'd be screaming too.
DC raw love Jul 2017
As the pain of the knife i felt stabbing me in the back
The black whole and black universal abyss pirate treasure map cracked
Open seasame on seasomy street elmo and big bird snack
The plate and tunnel vision tube with birning pictures attack...
The records of archives and tape recorder ******
Maxing out credit cards until andromada Pandora bOX crack
Thankfully the painting on the picture in the kitchen MATCh MAX
Max a million in mortal and immortals WW{3} combat
The water is broken and the paint on the Mona Lisa cheek smack
Still with a poker face straight face held in perfection barracks
One military commander and commandress controlling a corporation sleeping sack
In church with briefcase packed
My relm is never out of wack
Black cat crosses ducks quack
Ducking and dodging paper stacked
Natalie Rivera Jan 2019
The sun took it's first breath.
The moon flew downward,
Attempting to take a rest.
The beautiful rays of the sky,
Drew a question mark written across
The blue oasis asking "Why?"
That's when I first saw you there,
Oh, and if any words could tell you where
Myheart is,
it is lost.
Disappeared in an invisible relm,
Washed away by numb feelings
To overwhelm my body, my mind, my soul,
To grasp every word drawn up in my
Occupied mind would surely be a blessing,
For you have definately, undeniable, amazingly stole my heart
I don't understand what went wrong;
My love,
Or my song,
Sung for you.
Which one came first?
My reasoning or my verse
Read to you?
What made the words form oh so
But where did I leave you?
Marked up,
Bloddy, lain upon a road I only wish I knew.
Fell past behind an opposing fate.
On that road, I left my soul.
All smiles slid down to my shadows,
My shadow smiles now.
My mind stole my words,
My mind speaks for me now.
My body breathes,
My body lives now.
My soul has a voice,
My soul screams now and cries
For you.
Every breath departed from these lips
Sings a song only for you.
Line by line,
Layer by layer,
I express every feeling for you.
When your palms rested against my skin,
My whole entire being felt you.
Pumping gratefulness through the veins.
I feel beyond myself in your grasp,
The warmth of your touch.
Sarah Ramlal Mar 2018
She stands in front  the mirror,
looking from head to toe.
She stands in front the mirror,
as the tears flow.
Why can't she be pretty?
Why can't she be strong?
Why can't she be the one,
that anyone wants?
She stands in front the mirror,
all broken and alone.
She stands in front the mirror,
hoping for a home.
Just wishing she could,
walk through the glass,
to another relm.
Closing her eyes,
She begins to dream.
A life.
A love.
A hope,
for better it seemed.
She looks up,
and hope something's changed.
Sadly only a broken girl staring,
into the mirror remains.
Just the way I've been feelings lately.
Alex Watson Feb 2020
Many months have gone by as I place myself on my throne
For in this world, I am Queen
The silence that cursed me has now become me.
The seeds that were once sewn have twisted its vines around my spine, tightening its grip to make me mimic what it wants others to see.
This forest is now my home.
It's deep undergrowth swallow my feet, with its mist binding my ankles.
There is no escape.
Acid rain covers my skin where tears once fell, burning scars into my cheeks.
The decaying branches shield all light from my relm, I long for the feel of sunlight or even the angelic touch of the moon. But alas, it never comes.
This is my fate now.
Mike Hauser Oct 2020
If you're looking for the answers
About to come undone
You know you take your chances
If you do it without love

If the hate inside you festers
Until your heart is raw
If all the love has left here
Who is left to sing its song

You can try and seek forgiveness
From those on the other side
But with God as your witness
Love will never be denied

You can blame the sin of man
For that's exactly what it is
When Satan plays the upper hand
On how we interact

You can move out from the here and now
Into another relm
You can take a class to show you how
Pay attention where you can

But unless you convince the others
That it's the perfect move
You will never find another
To join in love with you
Steve Bailey Oct 2014
The windows are dark,
No one home to kindle their deep vacant eyes.
And so they blankly stare.

The sky is naked,
No shreds of cloud to shroud its vast relm.
And so its single unblinking eye stands vigil in the emptiness.

The distant train cries out,
No comfort to ease its lonely journey.
And so its keening echos on through the night.

The trees are silent and still,
No breeze to rock them to sleep.
And so the air hangs thick and black.

All these threads in the tapestry of night,
I notice because I'm trying not to remember
That this is our last night.
earthchild Apr 5
Our lips were destined to meet, with the Gods as our witnesses.
They had already foreseen our fate.
The lions den, a felicitious setting for two warriors passion to be ignited.
Neptune commanded his waves to crash at our feet, to join us, mirroring the intensity between our bodies.
The water that is a part of us both, wildly swirled.
Then as swiftly as a storm brewing can shift, it serenely synthesized into a tranquil lapping as the ocean caressed the shore. 
Zeus' lightning tore through the clouds somewhere on this earth that night, which illuminated the electricity flowing between you and I.
It was as if we had known eachother in another life, another relm, another time.
And irrevocably were in perfect harmony, reunited, at home within eachothers embrace.
The way our minds effortlessly merged, the familiarity upon my lips as your tongue danced with mine.
As I dived into the layers upon layers of your energy, a synopsis, a sliver inside your soul.
My body instinctively and magnetically drawn to sink deeper into yours, to move with you, to be as one, to let you deep inside me, free to wander, to explore all that is me.
Bewitched by your brown eyes under the moonlight, I knew then and there that the Gods had designed me only for you.

— The End —