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Classified Feb 2014
Watching the world rush by
As she drives by
Just to go get high
By herself.
She's alone
With no home
She needs a distraction,
So he seeks to get high as the queen on the throne.

She loses focus
Looking at something beautiful
Caught in the shadows
Hidden in a tree
That thing in there reminds me of me.
But without that focus,
That loss of attention,
That longing for affection
Seeking perfection
She pays the price.
She can't look twice.
She lost focus
Lack of attention results in no hope for affection, impossible for perfection because now she is doomed in dejection, dead.
You're a fool to believe in correction.
"She was so young" you'd say,
But breathing, your attention you did not pay, but now,
She got her distraction, her high
She believed she could fly.
Never did you believe that that last hit would ever be her *goodbye.
david morales Sep 2014
To all customers from dollar tree **** u all i Say!!.. to all customers at dollar tree K.Y.S **** your self.. To all customers at dollar tree are a pice of **** all customer at dollar tree are stupid!! Hi customer do u have any money to day? " no can u pay for it" what the **** stupid customers.. To all customer at dollar tree **** u all i SAY !!!!
Carolyn Jul 2014
my eyes are not windows to my soul
they are a mirror of yours
not because I want you to love me for someone im not
but because I dont trust you,
or anyone,
to see through.

To see through the tangled web of lies, fear, lonelyness
self hatered and pitty
I don’t want, anybody to see through that.
For somebody to love me after all of that,
well, they must be just as,
well as aweful as me.

I love you because I can see all of you.
I love you because you are scared.
I love you because you know just what to say even when I don’t want to hear it.

I haven’t let you see in yet, but im working on it.
every day I think about losing you,
because Im too afraid to let you love me
so every time we talk,
i tell you a pice of my story.

My eyes are not vindows to my soul
they are a mirror of his, of hers of thiers
Slowly, my mirror is reflecting back on me
showing me that im not as aweful as I feel.

Im also not as great as you say.

But im getting htere

Every time you call me georgous
everytime you remember my favorite song
or word
or color
you remember everything ive ever told you,
even the lies.

Now, you’ve seen it all.
You’ve seen me at my darkest moments,
youve seen me at my lowes points.
You still love me.

My eyes are not a mirror of your soul anymore.
they are windows into mine.
Katlyn Orthman Jan 2013
I have been left here waiting
For you to stop breaking me
And the thoughts I'm debating
Are starting to frighten me
You said that I was nothing
A meaningless pice of dirt
But I thought I was something
And that's why it really hurt
To think I was in your heart
Was so foolish I could die
And tragically fell apart
From all your deceitful lies
I am broken pieces lying about
Be careful you might slip and cut yourself on the glass
Jonah Lavigne Nov 2013
thats what i want
feel the warmth
of my own blood
leaking out of my own body
knowing i went out
the way i wanted
sounds good
but thats just it
it sounds good
i could go with my wrists
id fell my blood
driping down my hands
i could paint a pice of art
let it happen slow
that sounds good
or my neck
i could choke on my own blood
drown in it
fell it fill my lungs
choking me slowly
but thats what life is right
it just chokes you
up untill that day
you give out
thats the day im waiting for
thats the day we all wait for
so should i cut my wrists
paint a beutiful picture
in my own blood
feel myself slowly slip away
or cut my neck
and drown in my own blood
so witch will it be?
i just want to die
but really
nobody gives a ****
nate mattson Jul 2013
Feeling empty like a car out of gas , can't even putter around anymore  , done like like a man in jail , sitting in my ****** apartment letting my mind go in a million directions , I feel as if I'm missing a pice to a puzzle , just gone , can't froget about it like your first day of school , your first kiss ,or the day I first saw you , still sitting in my hell hole of an appartment alone with nothing but memories from the past the " good ole days " to soon to say hi again , still feeling the spark so a hello and good by was the time to soon to say hi the awkward moment of silnce following , as the spark walks away for the fire to be not lit , ,I love you and I can't stop your always there , as a pitied sits on a wall i, I can't get sleep tonight eventhough I know everything will be alright .... This empty feeling *****.
Today you are in my ears, in my eyes and a pice of you still in my soul
remembering the love you used to tell me, the love you used to sing ...
your poisoned love, that fake love surrounded by lies  and compulsive control

this is the last letter, the last words for you, this is my good bye
i will stop wondering how is your world, i will stop worrying about your mental health, about your quietness, i will forget and forgive finally.... cause that is something that will not let me go, that keeps me listening to your songs and checking your updates rarely

i will forget everything about you, my heart will beat quietly to hear something about you, your culture, maps, cuy, pearl jam, with that world we create that faded away ... in the end, will finally end, buried, and will rest quiet this heart to give way to loneliness

good bye
What is this hocus
With a pen?
I cast your focus there,
Upon a prec'pice -
I'll push you off,
Into the pathos
I have quaffed.
Since impacted, my heart mind,
However aged and torn at,
Still grasping at growing over
the skin and keeping close
Forever keeping this burden getting deeper within
this burning hot pice of star dust
With all her rays of light of other worldly
Cosmic perspections in another depth
With her light rays, whether they are her or reflections from the sun
or just her sense of the world
and its wonders
Like her, it wonders itself
Almost in the same way I'm sure
but am i sure
I'm sure not enough
but almost
Enough to the heart from the mind, but forever?
As it seems
All the while
the mind attached to the heart.
Not even the sharpest pains of reality
Of fear
Maybe both in the same
Can truly divide this heart of mind.
My pencil drags
leaving marks on the page
I don't pick it up, in fear of

Lossing my thoughts
my mind
my eyes

But I put it down, and pick up my pen
dragging that too
across the page
smearing ink
afraid of making that one mistake

The one mistake that ruins the pice
the one that ruins the work
my heart

I then put that down too
and chose my colors
so many combinations can be made,

green blue black
red orange pink
silver white black
purple black gold

But it can only be three colors,
or else it looks too cluttered
to messy
too unfinished

I choose my colors, and then
they too get dragged across the page
Mixing occurs

and I worry about the mistakes again
Anxiety spikes in my mind
my heart is pumping
but my hands are steady

And I repeat my steps, over
and over
and over and over and over
until I get It just right

And finally, I step back
I look at the paper
I laugh, I smile
finally, no mistakes

It's beautiful, but not enough so
so I try again
in an endless loop
of pencils, pens, and color
Kole J McNeil Oct 2020

I was sheltered all my life.
But then I went to school
I made friends who stabbed me in the back
I learned what pain was
I learned what it was to be bullied
I learned what it was to hide
I learned that when they walk by to sink into the shadows

1st grade
Laughing and joking
Playing and carefree
Friends and playdates
Sleepovers and games

2nd grade
Sitting in silence
Looking at the front board
Some friends who ignored me
Lonely and anxious

3rd grade
Hurt and alone
I don’t even remember
3rd grade was lost in my mind
No friends
And failing hard

4th grade
Feeling wrong
No real friends

5th grade
Trying to fit in
Hiding in the bathroom
Crying at recess

6th grade
Fell in love
She hated me
Was bullied more for liking someone that was not who I should like
Hid my feelings
Hid in the shadows

7th grade
A new friend
Still bullied
Still sad
Not feeling right in my body

8th grade
Cut my hair
Came out to family
Got a girlfriend
Had two amazing friends
But I was cut
I was broken

Hide in the shadows
Don’t let them see you
Don’t wear short sleeves
Pick up that pice of glass
Burry the blade in my arm
Hurry to the emergency room
Put on suicide watch

Three months later
Eat a peanut that you know your allergic to
Rushed to the emergency room again
Put on an IV for 3 days
Let out
Feeling numb
Cuts slowly grow deeper and deeper

Two months later
Not at school
Won’t answer phone
Friends worried
Still feeling empty

Goes to school
Gets put on watch from resource officer
Feels alone
Can’t breath
Panic attacks in P.E.
Catches feelings for your best friend

School gets canceled due to COVID
Fails all classes 4th quarter
Falls into deep depression
Has mantle break downs
Panic attacks daily
Family downgrades feelings

Summer of 8th grade going into highschool
Starts drinking a lot
Makes it 3 months clean
Not a day clean in August
Cuts get slowly worse, more, and deeper
Breaks up with boyfriend
School starts
Becomes your best friends boyfriend
Comes to school high or drunk
Scares girlfriend

Stressed out and alone

Waiting to see what happens the rest of the year
Kelsey Bohn Apr 2016
I want to kiss you like there's nothing more I could do
I want to touch you hair and make it as messy as possible
I want to laugh at your terriblely dark humored jokes
I want you to hold my hand when we walk toghter
I want to be around you
I want to see your smile appear on your face
And I want to be the source of your smile
I want you touch my **** and I'll touch yours
But most of all I just want you
All of you
The good
The bad
That dark pasts
And the bright futures
When I tell you your mine I mean it, I want us to be a pair, two pice that fit toghter, because they don't work as well if there not toghter
Darling your mine and I'm yours
Cause he's the best thing that happened to me in a long *** time, so for him
the life is a world
compleatly diferent from ours
with trees and animals and beutyful things everywere
flowers and butterfly flying in the sky
lions and tigers playng with cats
elephants and mouses living together in the same house
humans and dogs with the same toys
with not a single fight about who got it first.

the death is a world**
compleatly diferent from ours
with black sky with no clouds
the humans and animals and plant are disaper from the ground
the floor with a gray aspect and gloomy ground
the silent in ths air with any noise
trying to be and have more choise
and trying tho save a pice of green ground.
ThatBrokenOne Jan 2019
We write
We speak
We put words on paper
We say the things we want to

We think
We image
We memorise wat we think
We imagine what we want

We act
We react
We do what we think is best
We react to what others think is best

We are
We are to be
We are who we want to be
We are not always as we want to

We need
We give
We rely on other people
We give other people a pice of our mind

We say
We are
We say to be the person we want to
We are the person we say we are; in between the lines
We are not always the person we say we are. We are not always the person we write down. Because what we write down is just one perspective of our lives. We are what we don't say, we are what we say in between the lines
Zachary Smith Jul 2014
What happens
When a spark dies?
A light goes out?
A heart gives in to the pain?
Do you shut yourself away
Do you try to hide
From even the closest friends
When you are beset by darkness
Should not the stars shine
For every pice of coal
Presser is needed to make a diamond
Think of it not as a death
But as a new canvases
That needs to be cleaned
To put better works on
Every diamond was coal
So darkness is not the end
Only the beginning
Kelsey Bohn May 2016
I love you

I love your smile, and the childlike mischief it protrays

I love your eyes, and how they look at me

I love your hands, and how they care for me as you hold me close

I love how tall my are and how I fit so perfectly in your arms

I love how you kiss my neck sometimes when I'm doing something, and the chills it sends down my spine

I love when we're holding one another so closely you press your lips opon my forehead

I love that late night drive home, when I tried to sleep but I couldn't and I heard you sing along to the song, and your voice made my heart swell so

I love how you found your way out of the crap you've been through

I love how you went for it and talked to me, even though you have great social anxietys

I love you, all of you the fighter, the mechanic, the dreamer, the adrnallen ******, every pice of you


I love you darling, and I know you love me too
Typewriter1 Nov 2017
Life is like puzzle, one pice fits and one pice doesn't, life is full of ups and downs, we can't change anything because that's not how it works.

All your thoughts bottle up inside you and you just can't find a way out it's like digging a tunnel you dig and dig but the more you dig the more you just want to give up because there's not way out. All you have to do is look at a mirror see your reflection and all those thoughts in your head start to come back you start to believe them because all you had to do was look at yourself and see it and now all you do is hate yourself and you can't find a way out
Matt Jan 2016
Go away
Go away

I do not care
If these people
Survive the day

If they die

I do not care

Life is not
At all fair

Not enough money
To move out

Shut up
Shut up
And go away

Or you may not live
To make it through
The day

If you die
I will not care

The funeral
I will not be there

I'll send a representative
To fill in for me

It's plain to see
You really bothered me

I build walls
Around myself
A thousand feet high

When terrible times come
I won't share my food
I'll let you die

Family is obnoxious
And I'm done
Life with family
Is not at all fun

I hate this place
I'll burn it down

Every last pice of wood
Will not be found

The fire was
Very hot

Nothing was left
What a great thought
Will Rogers III Nov 2022
that only helps you fall asleep
once, not twice in a row
not a reliable method to ward away
those still quite seeds of pure evil

it doesn't work
after you're tempted
for the first time in seven years
to cut your legs
from the stress that keeps you
up till past four am
after thinking a day full of biking would
put you to sleep soon

whole day you pretended she didn't exist
whole day you thought it would last
whole semester you pretend that you're healing faster than you are
but even your friends are tired of hearing her name

now it's not only the puppy's face you can kick in
like you did in 2014,
but now you can kick its ***** in
like they're fresh bubble rap
or a pice of trash in the bike lane
shoved aside into the gutter
kick them to keep the puppy safe
safe from falling into love,
falling into infatuation
falling away from God

we used to have to take breaks from talking
our cheeks were hurting from how long we sustained
our smiles
laughter about
how long we've gone smiling

now my legs are tense,
the pain is familiar
like the acid that is deposited
in your mouth,
that taste you get every few years
out of know where

and my nose twitches
when I think about her
as if I got a whif of a sewer
overrun by dying rats
who ate off of nothing but
discarded fast food wrappers
and drank **** from dying, crushed cicadas

dreams of ticks climbing on me
looking for a hidden spot
to bite and **** my blood
maybe in my ear,
maybe next to my taint,
maybe in the small of my back
the exact places you've been before
all the places that no one else has gone
that's where the ticks will go
that's where my flesh was opened
and has not healed yet

the enemy wants to abide in me
to feed off of me
to drain me of what's been gifted

why do you think
there is any chance
that I would want to be with you?
why will this be an event
where we sit down and talk
about our feelings
as if there is a bond between us
to be mended,
just a patch to sew,
just a pice of code to correct,
a poem's paragraph to rewrite,
just a muddy stretch of country road to walk through
before we can get back on the motorbike?

what does your community say about this?
have you asked?
what does God say about this?
have you asked?
what do you say about this?
have you truly asked yourself?

who do you think you are?
is it simply that I'm 21 months older than you
that I've gone through this before
and know that it's not worth the try?

what, you think an ideal relationship
is one where they break up and get back together
is that model driving your decisions
to quit on me just to ask me back?
as if a relationship that never breaks is a weaker one than one that does?

aren't I on the transgender "branch"
in your tree theory of predestination?
aren't I just on some path that is impossible
to leave even without God's help?
aren't I just some *******
that you got to know,
learned to love,
and tossed out
with the rotting, maggot theme park that was our compost bin?

that's how it felt.
I forgave you for that
I don't hate you anymore
and I'm not mad at you anymore

but I don't speak of you
as if you were a low risk investment,
or a peaceful scene along the river,
a short ride through the jungle,
or an integrated unit that knows
how to deal with it's weaknesses

I speak of you to myself
as someone
with a high IQ
and a high EQ
but not with yourself
Human Jun 2018
I sit
And I stay
I watch
And I lay
As I heard that day
The news that u passed away
I didn't wink
Or even blink
I thought I was dreaming
And I looked for tink
All the memories of u were weeded in ink
And my sole of pink
Became a blackhole, a sink
I still to this day think
Of all that has happened between us and I try to link
The memory of us together
But I can't Cz I thought we'd last forever
U were simply like a pice of my liver
I never thought that there'll come a day when I'll see u never
I am about to die
Because u have died
the promises we had u betrayed
U left me here alone and scared
I will follow u where ever u go
Even thought where u are I'll never know
I'd follow u even thought
Bring me back to life when u begin living again otherwise there's no use
Tenshi May 2021
A painfully, horrific and terrible sacrafice,
terror will be near by,
rip off your skin and pull out everything inside,
in a horrific hot and  fiery aria,
will your suffering  be someone's laughter,
someone will have fun to see the painful expressions from you,
someone will enjoy your screaming,
and this one can't wait to see you in much more suffer,
because your suffer will be his only joy in his whole life,
So he create more and more ways to torture you,
and so you will pay for your mistakes,
because you are untrustful,
a pain to be around with,
a shame for  humanity,
your only a pice of ****,
this is why you don't deserve it better,
you deserve to rotten in hell for all eternity


— The End —