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The water surrounds her
And takes away her breath
It consumes all she is
Free, at last

Teal and peach, mixing and mingling
The mess that she has created flows in and out
The left-over oxygen, escaping her lungs
Giving in, once more

And in her darkest hour
She decides to flee
Back to the depths of the sea
Sunlight, gracing her path
Yet another older poem. I really like this one
There once was a bundle of poppies
The brightness of their life
The flowers brought the children joy
The adults, some hope

For if something this beautiful
Striving in the darkest hour
In the good vase

Some flowers wilting
But some bursting with red
This gives them hope, and joy, and peace
Some forget, that though beautiful, the poppies are simply

I've been writing a lot more recently, this is an older poem
I'm afraid that I'm losing
To myself
In everything that I do.

I'm afraid
That I'm failing
When I try my best

I'm afraid
I'm overwhelmed
With no foreseeable escape

I'm afraid
I'm drowning
Which is my own fault

But most of all
I'm afraid
That I'm losing myself

With every new breath

I'm afraid, I guess
Brown hair, some highlights.
Pale skin, slightly tanned, many imperfections
Blue eyes.

Black glasses.

Pink, thick lips
Usually smiling
But sometimes frowning

Not even 5'0
Slightly curvy

Tank top
Scull leggings

Small feet
4s in woman's
Or 4.5

I can't remember.

Grey or brown
But it's usually boots.

Is this me?
All I will ever be?

But you get it.
I lie to you.

You, of course, lie back.

And then the lie spreads to
An uncomfortable degree

But no one decided
To stop the lie
Because we all wish it to be true.

And so everyone now believes the lie
To be truth
All thanks to me.

And I lie to you.
The stars are just
So beautiful
At night

I've missed them
So much
When I was away

The stars are just
So wonderful
Too look at

And I just
Want to be a little
Closer to them

The stars are just
So brilliant
And distracting

When I look at them
I am distracted
And loose my problems

The stars
Are so Marvolus
So cunning

And they are all
So beautifully

The stars are so beautiful
In the dark
We lit the sparks
And smiled in our happiness

The fireworks were bright
We had nothing to fright
And we danced around our lights

Then the man came
You have no one to blame
And this started your shame

You pour the liquor down
I sit there with a frown
And now all I want is to get out town

My love for you had no bounds
Is it not lovely when your friends do stuff you're uncomfortable with? Ya, me too:)
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