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Noah May 2013
He was amazing at being a friend,
Would stick by you till the end,
Never let you down,
Could turn your frown upsidedown,
He always had an open hand,
He was the best guy in the land,
Had a nack for bein great,
But his parents sealed his fate,
He had an amazing girl,
She was the best for him in the world,
His parents didnt respect her at all,
And so that was the relationships fall,
So his mother snapped,
And she attacked,
But his girl was done with their ****,
She was so over it,
She wanted to be friends instead,
And to his parents are we all dead.
She bought his sister a 30 dollar cross,
And now they snap and the relationship is lost?
**** his parents i have a suggestion,
Here is my one and only quetion:
Do we care what they think at all?
Or shall we all like them fall?
Should we ignore them? Yes we should,
Lets go back to being what we were: a brotherhood,
Her furry is being the conduit for it,
His parents think they are doing all the right ****,
We can see the hurt in his eyes,
But at least we know he has his pride,
If she would get with him, it would settle down,
Go to one cook out, and be there i his town,
Be in his territory, but dont explode,
I think they should kindly invite her to his abode,
This is crap, and no matter how hard, forgive and forget,
So lets all be friends, and forget all of it.
This is a true story about my friend. His mother was blowing up his now ex-girlfriends phone, and so she was done with it. She refrained from blowing up, and explained that she was helping their son. But his parents, being *** holes, decided it best to make up any random peice of **** that they could. ALL BECAUSE SHE COULDNT GO TO A COOK OUT!!!
Keith W Fletcher Jul 2019
I saw the guys quick darting eyes
That slight jaw drop and look of surprise
I've seen It often as we walk along the park trails
And come to accept It for the truths that it details
I was 25 and she was 21 when we first met
A friends wife set me up on a blind date
That I did my best to politely refuse and...
Well you know friends wives and that debate

I rang the bell  and said Hello I'm... Here to...
The door buzzed loud and the intercom replied
Come on up left out the elevator the doors open
Here we go I muttered as I stepped inside the lift
3rd floor tile , wall hangings , plant urns and blind dates
Actually I really liked the decor that was on display
Not bright and glaring and not subdued shades of grey
I knocked on number 7 my lucky number " or was once.."
Open an inch so I started to push when it opened wide..And a beautiful smile on a beautiful face said Hi to a lucky dunce

That was almost 10 years ago now and we've been...
Let's see Married in June so in 2 months it will be 8
Sometimes life just rolls out the red carpet for those
Lucky enough to have friends with wives that
And funny thing is the looks she gets have increased
As the years go by she has just gotten more stunning
You know that saying..idk..oh.. something about fine wine
Anyway todays  Saturday walk through the
Now different from all those hundreds we've taken before
Where I've walked so proud and watched guys from 10 to......aint dead yet
Try not to show too much reaction as we pass on by , but I see
I understand the reaction , and I've known how stunning she is...and yet...
As we walked beside the duck pond where we would always stop
So she could  feed the breadcrumbs that we always bring along
When I turned to hand them to her I saw that something was wrong
She turned from me and cautiously approached an old woman
Sitting alone on a bench and staring into some far away place upon closer look I could see the tears silently running down her face
So I sat down about 10  feet away   as I watched her take  a seat
Are you okay I heard her say then I felt the sun and could smell spring
To take it all in , the sounds and smells and everything I closed my eyes
It was then , without the distractions to draw my eyes , my attention
I could hear them talking as the woman sputtered a bit, but then got started  
I don't know what to do , my granddaughter lives with us and she just ten she said
This morning after I watced her off to school I accidently let her dog out
He saw a squirrel as I was entering and...and was hit by a car! He's dead
She will never forgive me she sobbed And I'll never forgive myself Never never
She will forgive you , and you will both cry together , and she will hurt
But if she lives with you she probably had other pains to deal with..yes?
Couldn't make out what the woman said but I heard Elise say that's what I wondered
So I promise you she won't hate you and she will forgive you
But for her sake and her future forgiving yourself is an absolute must
With all she's been through it wasn't her dog that she left in your care ...allowed you to share
It was her ability to breath again , her dreams instead of nightmares her love and her trust

Dogs live to chase squirrels and I'm sure she knows that
But you need to realize that she didn't give you her love and trust lightly and she won't take it back that way either
We ,my husband and I are going to brunch
and if you want to accompany us....
.afterwards -if you wish ,we will help you home
And my strong man can dig you a spot,
Then together we will bury him so..she doesn't  have to see
By leaving some cups of earth she doesn't have to
And the earth you each scatter will be...
In the days to come
A good memory to share  in the face of such a tragedy

I opened my eyes to see this woman staring at Elise and I had no idea what was to come
  Where are you going for brunch..if you don't me asking
Elise let out a subtle laugh, if you join us the choice is yours our treat
Do you know Denellies Deli on...yes we do I spoke up and it's one of our favorites
  Mine too she said with the smile like sunshine breaking through grey skies
But I was wondering about that quaint little nick- nack place next door
Do you think we could find a suitable market of some kind there
Of course we will said my lovely wife as she helped the lady rise
And that man following us is my husband David and you are  ?
Elise turned back to look at me as I fell a few paces further behind
Giving me that knowing smile and subtle nod that said
she knew that  giving them space...
....Was what was on my mind!

So yes today is the day that turned out different
Because for the very first time I realize
To really see how beautiful my wife truly is
I had to see her by closing my eyes!
Jim Burgess Jan 2010
A poet not

Perhaps someday I’ll write a rhyme
If so inclined and have the time

A play on words, a touch of wit
Tis true, I have some nack for it

Of pace and meter, twisted words
Passion, feelings, things I’ve heard

But not just now, my soul is old
My mind is numb , my muse too cold

My thoughts are shallow, as a pond
While poets need, an ocean strong

And so for now I’ll meditate
On poems of friends, I know are great

Just a rhymer - Justa Civileon 2003
Geno Cattouse Jun 2014
I Stand firmly with my hands relaxed cause the kid looking down on me just cant FADE me.
His eyes smirk with disdain as he rubs against the grain but my years in the realm keep my hands firm at the helm just smirk him right back and now he's feeling wack cause I slipped his attack and the punk can't fade me. body is tough and conditioned. Swift still powerfull and lithe.
Six decades see I aint ***** made ....still cool as the shade and makin the grade...I moved in and stayed...aint shaky and the kids cant fade me.

Payed those dues early and often.....not boasting. Just love confounding young ducklings snotty  lil fucklings.
My mind is quick I pay my dues...use it or lose aint bout to dodder become cannon fodder for rooks with no stripes... talk that **** if I have to.
Walk that **** too.
Blessed and respectfull.
Man I love checkin chickens who get it wrong.My body is my carriage my spirit an amalgam of knowlege and physicality.
They try to cubby hole.This old dude dont fit mold.
Kick your *** and get witty. Aint fresh of no *****.
They shake their heads or feign disdain g
But again and again they misread. Down for the de de.
Aint no play pretty.Energiser bunny. You cant fade me punk.I might spank your *** like your uncle.....Nephew.
Your hands cant hit what your eyes cant see.
You cant chump me off play me no dozens. I aint old cause I'm lucky. Plucky.
Every dog has his day and one day the magic will end ask Houdini .....   ..... but till then my young friends,this old man's gonna play nick nack on your ****. And ya don't stop and ya don't quit. FEEL ME ? Cause ya caint fade me.....Yet.
IsReaL E Summers Oct 2015
Some things,
I do really well.
Other things,
Eh, not-so-much.
But seriously,
What the **** man!
Can I just live and stay my hand?
Branded disbanded
He commanded that I be banished.  
'Like speaking spanish
The linguistics twisted
Not nearly gifted enough in language.
A soul in anguish
All of my control is been vanquished.
Heap on the coals and the ashes
For my Savior endured the lashes;
That my back practiced.
have a nack for the static
Whack as a pack of crack addicts
I attack at the blackness
In the back of your hearts little attic
I impart cause its holy habit
Here is my life
You can have it, just grab it!
Fell into arms of a planet
Freestyle always
Eva Burke May 2014
MAc AnD ChEeSe,
I lIkE to Eat MaCC NAd CHeSEE WITH my FeLLow,
iT mAkE em UrN YEllOw.
I lIke IT aS A s  nACK,
iT mAKes Me wACK.
Michael Ryan Mar 2012
I am not a voice

change my tune

I am a choice

sounding like the afternoon

Kid sitting in the back

head down on the desk

thinkin about some nick nack

I'm not tryin my best

ideas are flowin

all the other kids chatting

the wind outside is blowin

their words combating

like the old do to the young

they just want them to be quiet

they just can't stop their tongue

all they want to do is riot

I exist:

kinda like a tree

something that wants to be free

I just gotta find my need

back to the kid

he makes a few bids

can't find himself

he'll end up on the shelf

In the end

his head is down

ideas used to defend

all is goin to the ground
Just more randomness.
Arcassin B Aug 2016
By Arcassin B

♦I know just what your thinking of,
You want me to come along in a mental state where I could hardly stand,
I can't be that man for you,
The more you learn the more you know about me,
The more you'll never doubt me,
The ship we sail just sounds astounding,
In the rivers of the valley,
.........Love Me,

♦Just hoping that we could find peace in a better setting such as this one,
Don't hide your face from my sight again,...
I got a nack,
When you react,
To kisses up and down your back,
You blame me for the sensual tension with that well-known fact.
johnny solstice Jun 2019
At ringend on june sixteenth nineteen hundred and four
                                                                     Molly opens her door
and Literate Leopold plonks his kosher black pudding into her hand
                                                                                        Isn't it grand
                                                                 to be remembered this way?
Walking the streets and ******* the teats of the sow that eats its children
Searching for meat on O'Connel streeet that has the tang of scented *****
The well known literate degenerates
long to have  their hot-dogs stroked by baaaaaaaaaarnacles
whilst sellin' knick-nack Paddywackery of dear old ***** dumpling
                     How do they walk with her sausages
                                  and inner organs  of beasts and fowls?
their shanks ****** dry of whuskey on Denny's big breakfast show
                Well **** your ****! With a flame-grilled
                                                                                 becket burger
                                                                             and a side order
                                                                       of oscar wilde fries

"warmth showered gently over him, cowing his flesh. Flesh yeilded amid rumpled clothes.
Whites of eyes swooning up. His nostrils arched themselves for prey. Melting breast ointments.
Armpits oniony sweat .
Fishgluey slime.
Sulphur dung of lions
Young!  Young!

                 In the petri-
spitoon culture
           the illiteraaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaati
                                      hold a party
                "I'm a tiny tiny thing
                     Ever flying in the spring
                       Round and round a ringaring
                                                  Long ago I was king
                                        Now I do this kind of thing
                                     On the wing, onnnnnnnn the wing!"

Professor Latelate Lateshow Late review
Was talking to ME……..        about yew
What do yew think of that aesthetic crew?
                                  The opal hush poets?
                                   The master mystiks?
The wanz thit
       *** to me
          in the sma' oors
               o the mournin'
                    tae ask aboot
                       plains o consciousness?

They're all Barbers, says he, from the Black Country that would hang their own fathers for five quid down and travelling expenses!

In Dublin's fine city
Where the wine bars are pretty
You can't find an ashtray
You must smoke alone.

                                                                                  Isn't it grand
                                                               To be remembered this way
Walking the streets and ******* the teats of the sow that eats its children?
fluffel Apr 2018
fee fi fo fum,  
I feel ******* dumb  
hickory dickory dock 
just want the clock to stop 
knick nack paddy wack 
my life and mind have no slack 
where it will stop, no body knows! 
my mind always running but I wont let it show!
wichitarick Apr 2017

Oh the endless possibilities,all that is or will become within our sight to be touched  smelt or  felt

Personal memorabilia builds into more than recollections ,from buds to blossoming into full blown obsessions  

Numismatic  fancy word for adding another to the ***,dates or weights all pitching towards the wealth

Postcards from yonder,seashells to make us wonder,each time feeling more & more obliged to add another to our possessions

Many admire a rhyme another note always gets their vote ,passion play often the only way, sounds helping their health

Never hear of a person acquiring empty shelves,books will fill any nook ,stacked vertical or leaned horizontal,their words have answered many questions

Rag doll & a race car now turned to bunches of Barbies spinning Hot Wheels
their true beauty just another notch in the belt

Ticking of clocks always keeping time ,some require mere cases, meager to monstrous taking on entire museums

Sending a simple letter has now gone postal,finding that rare picture will make their hearts melt

Garbles of marbles across from mismatched matchbooks,their  appeal is real
as we add more pieces

Bats & ***** gathering dust,minor leaguers gained no fame ,now  junk transformed to memorabilia their distinction now unparalleled  

Avon calling the scent once a common present,not so old bottles now treated like divas

Knick or nack another's brick brack  maybe a future adorers prize
our simple junk adds some *****,past brought to present at a glance
those many baubles just waiting to be shared. R.C.  
Little fun,also a reminder when doing spring cleaning:) Not Junk that is my ???:) Thanks for reading any & all in put is appreciated . Rick
Always a crystal blue or a deep navy
They took my heart by surprise
As you gaze into my eyes
And gently caress my hair, wavy

You reach into my chest and take my soul
You make me feel special, intelligent
Your lady, so fair and elegant
Only now do I know I was a fool

Even though I look past your many flaws
You can't help to catch me on semantics
And neglect you ever had a nack for the romantics
Now, I must watch with my heart covered in gauze

That sparkle in your eyes is still there
I see it when you talk to them
They are the new shiny gem
It is their hearts you wish to snare

Why won't you look at me the way you did before?
Instead of how you currently view me as a chore
Pozowie Dec 2018
I was told once that i have a nack for writing and expressing my thoughts.

But in school they don't want that,
So i had to write in black and white leaving the colour and the art i loved so much out
Just so i could pass.
Mary Gay Kearns Feb 2018
Late in the 60s
It became all the rage
For women to wear dresses
Without any cage
Take a bit of material
Cut a hole for the neck
Sew up the side seams
You'll quickly get the nack
Put in a zipper
Long as can afford
Finish with a gold belt
How could one want more.
Everyone looked pretty
Whatever shape or size
Hid all the bumpy bits
Producing a sillth like bride
The young looked gorgeous
Even without a chest
Did not need to bother
With a bra or a vest
Nothing was as simple
As the tricel shift dress.
Never creased or wrinkled
Always looked its best
Now they are vintage
Collected by a few
Twiggy must still have some
To put on view.

Love Mary

— The End —