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Qweyku May 2014
Just how does warm weather conjure
the inebriated
on to
Londons’ Tube?

Are sweaty nights
an aphrodisiac tune,
to an alcoholic groove?

tight stepped shuffles,
paired with

Inward thought
toothpicking the corners of mouths,
as cheerful eyes spy
the Underground antics of the South.
That off the shoulder dress,
stranger clothes,
newer shoes;
a fashionista bazar,
A fleeting memory is
Winters’ white metaled fire.

Hapless in this weather
what else to do but smile?
Is it not so much easier than to revile?

Warm weather has a mission…
dismiss disgust.
Go on London smile.
It’s a must.

**© Qwey.ku
Robin Carretti Jun 2018
We went to the Vatican Palace
The Persona Grata feeling
Royal but not so loyal
Why did they serve
"Pina Coladas"
((That Good Eats)) Alton Brown
Please join us
A plus money greens
Whoa!!! $$$ Alice tea-light dresses
and gowns

Why does this good earth
only have lettuce

Alice got malice only VIP Lettuce_**
Only for me very fancy Bell a-me
Feed the solivagant lonely lettuce
Roll out the mice

The safest place to be for Alice
Love more worry less
So high tea bad batch of lettuce
no man no God
Gets my land and treehouse
That Prima Donna's their names
Are not anything close to Alice
The children Baby Bella greens
Those vendettas of Vamps
Lady  and the *****'s Disney
The ****** British teas fight
The Kings speech host
The headline (News Alice Nowhere)
To post
  Only Lettuce hear me!
The college sophomores I pad
so poshly followed
Alice felt like Giant Pea Pod with
her plants

He galavants he hit the jackpot ((Greenhouse))
Her spouse has the rabbit foot
the Jolly big dollhouse boot
shape Sicily
That stuffy girly cabbage
Hollywood Alice look a likes
The garage sale if only only
Came with two brains there
better than one
Doing the airplane the girl
Alice so highly Jaded spoon
She went to (Dallas) cute
teacup pups
They shredded important
papers instead
of shredding
her lettuce
The stewardess marked malice on
her dress the mess
She got arrested by the Police
The plain Jane looking, Alice,
The only Bow do the Grace
The Palace aurora borealis,
Her four-leaf clover Venus
(Green Planet Day)
Ahh I need your love girl
Guess you know its green
Eight days a week so mean
But she goes three days a week
for dialysis

Alice got laryngitis
The others team of brothers
Other Mothers and
lady Mary Alice
in her own wonderland

Premeditation green
between meditation
She saw something eat me
The picnic so vindictiveness
She saw the rabbit hole
Alice expression mark mole

New Alice face Holyland
she missed her crownland
Another trip to Rio De Janeiro  
Surrender to the (Scottish kilts)
Face close near a computer and
her crazy cat on her Lapland
She finally ate the salad 
 the green ticket Oliver tea bags pocket
Drop to you shop at ((Londons Harrods))
Alice in the wonderland friends
The Gods Shamrock pudding silly
Aforethought if only_ this wonderland
Off with the Queens Brass head froze chilly
Malevolent  so malice
She came back with a flying
colors no more greens she wished
if only__
My Rainbow how it always seemed
This is a fantasy land very far from the real Alice in Wonderland it has a cute style I hope you enjoy this divine tea party of a treat
Anna Jul 2015
silhouetterne af trætte, unge, smukke, svage og stærke mennesker er hvad der spiller for mine øjne
midnatten har bredt sig fra sind til sind, og jeg kan selv mærke den bankende tørst efter stilhed og hvile.
mens jeg sidder i dette tog, på vej hjem fra natten og dens gerninger,
tænker jeg stadig på dig
og hvordan du fortalte mig,
at du altid ville holde mig i hånden
når vi kørte gennem Londons tomme gader i januar måned,
imens natten bankede på udenfor.
men her sidder jeg
i en tom kupé
og jeg ved ikke om min frysen
er på grund af kulden
eller fordi det er det eneste jeg kan føle nu
On London Bridge to harrowing sound ,
Of. Ambulances  sirens all around ,
and terror strikes at Londons cosmapoliton night .
Another day break ,
another dawn ,
another ****** morn .
I awoke .
The R S P C A shop left outside bags with rags and books ,
and children's toys for girls and boys ,
Open to wind and rain soon strewn accross the pavement .

Left against a wall ,
And those that leave them drive away unable to read .
To blind to see in the name of charity ,
at the end of my road ,
Fly tippers leave bags tables and chairs .
Or those who smoke outside coffee shops with espresso
and cigarette buts and chat for hours on Sunday morning streets .
Or Alex who sold the Big Issue last week ,
Who returned home as his nephew had died ,
Who won't be back soon .
And to those who pass by and don't bother to buy .
Or stay for chat ,
Or bother to ask

How are you?
Outside the coop supermarket .
Near by
And what once stood proud ,
Now pigeon finds its nest and once where table and chair  
To learned children would sit stands **** and birds nest .
Then vandals came and bid it to shame to disrepair
They left it .
Ashfords  history left to rot   .
Mad politicians the bulldozers came ,
a crazy plan left to ruin .
What The Luftwaffer failed ,
The council with Bulldozer nailed ,
Brought crashing down in ruin .

Around the corner. The church was packed with freedom songs
Inside .
To God be the Glory .
Last night the ends of the earth came to London Bridge , to Borough market evil came .
When we should go to the ends of the earth to save the Godless from hell , and
As darkness fell and young hearts beat so full of love ,
One last time
One love.
Big Virge Jul 2019
Why Do People ... " HATE " ... ?!?

Because of Someone's ... " Race " ... ?
Because of Their ... " Religion " ... ?
or Because Someone's ... " Gay " ... ?

I Don't Believe In ... HATE ... !!!
But Hate Is Getting ... GREAT ... !!!

Because of Things We're SEEING ...
On Our Streets ... TODAY ... !!!

I Don't Believe In ... Guns ... !!!
I Don't Believe In ... Bombs ... !!!

So ...
Let Me Ask THIS QUESTION ... !?!

WHO Made ATOMIC Bombs ... ?!?

Was It ... MUSLIMS ... ?
Was It ... BLACKS ... ?

Let's Look Back .................................................
and Find ............................................... THE FACTS ............ !!!

Bombs Were Made By ... SCIENTISTS ...
Scientists Who WEREN'T Muslims ... !!!

Let's Just ...... THINK ......
Were They ... Black ... ???

I Think ... NOT ...
What's Up With THAT ... !?!

If You ... Think Back ......................................
Words Like THESE ...
Were ... Matter of FACT ... !!!

" No Irish, Dogs,
and KEEP OUT .... Blacks .... !!!!! "

These Were Words ...
Blacks HAD TO SEE ... !!!
On ... LONDON Streets ...
In The ... " Sixties " ...

NOW It's ... CLAIMED ...
That ... " WE ARE FREE " ... !!!

FREE From .............................. FEAR ........
and .................................................................­. POVERTY ............. !!!!!

If That's ... TRUE ... ?

Why Do We Face ...
A Country NOW ...
That's Spreading HATE ... !!!

HATE of ... MUSLIMS ...
HATE of ... BLACKS ...
HATRED cos' of ...

... BOMB ATTACKS ... !!!!!

Maybe I'm Just ... "PARANOID" ... !!!?!!!

OF COURSE I AM ... !!!!!!
When Guns Are ... " TOYS " ...

Used To ... **** ...
By ... " Police BOYS " ... !!!!!

Some of THEM ...
Who Harbour ... "HATE" ... !!!

HATRED Based ...
On My ... " BLACK FACE " ... !!!

DON'T ... Deny ...
DON'T Even ... TRY ... !!!

MANY Now ...
Are Being .......................... " Found " ...........

From Texts They Send ...
To ... Training Grounds ...
Right To ... " Londons' Underground " ...

Shooting Asians ...
DEAD In Town .... !!!


Things They're Doing ...
MAKE ME FROWN ... !!! ...

But I'm ... NOT ONE ...
So ... CAREFUL NOW ... !!!!!

DON'T ... SHOOT Me ...
Because of ... HATE ... !!!

Shoot Me When ...
You Have A CASE ... !!!

Try ...

Yes ... " FALSE ALARM " ...

What I'm Saying ...
Is .... STAY CALM .... !!!

Try THE ... " U.S " ...
To FIND ... ****** ... !!!

My Hands Are CLEAN ...
Look IN ... " My Palm " ...

Those LAST WORDS ...
Reflect ... My Ways ...

I'm A Man ...
Who REJECTS ....................................................... HATE ... !!!!!

Can Politicians ....
Say The ... SAME ... ?!?

Or ... Are They Playing ...
DEADLY ... " Games " ... !?!

With ... Things They Say ... ?!?

While Streets Become ...
A Fate FILLED ... Place ...

Where Do ..................................... THEY LIVE ............ ?!?

YES .......................................................... FAR Awaaaaayyyy .... !!!!

That's The ... PROBLEM ... !!!
THEY ........... DON'T FACE .......

At Those ... Like ME ...

But When I Think ...
of Where ... I BE ...

Those Around ...
Are Nice To Me ...
Cos' They SEE ...
I'm ... Hatred FREE ... !!!!

Sometimes YES ...
We .... DISAGREE ... !!!

But ...
Why Be HATEFUL ... ?!?
I CAN'T See ...
How That HELPS A Community ... ?!?

Times Are TROUBLED ...

BELIEVE Me ... !!!!!

Could We Face ...
Todays' ... NAZIS ... !?!

If We DO ...
Let's Wait and SEE ...
What This Means ...
For ... HUMANITY ...

Freedom of Speech ...
Through ... Poetry ...
Is My ... LAST MOVE ...
To Send To You ...

A Message Saying ...

Find The TRUTH ...

BEFORE Acting ...

Affects Our Youth ... !!!

LOOK Around ...
They're ... " Living Proof " ...

Hatred BREEDS ...
A ... VOLATILE State ... !!!!!

So ...
Hear My Words ...
Do What's RIGHT And ...

DISMISS .................................................................­.............................

..... " HATE " ....
It's pretty simple, hatred doesn't serve humanity well.
Big Virge Nov 2019
Why DENY Me Because I'm Black ... !?!      
Why Try To Stab Me In My Back ... !?!          
Why PUT ON ACTS ... ?          
Why Be Like That ... !?!?!          
I'M SAYING Man ... !!!          
Stick To THE FACTS ... !!!          
Why Act Like I Do Not .... Exist .... ?          
Why Do Chicks Act Like A ***** ... !?!?!          
Then Wonder Why Their Face Gets HIT ... !?!?!?!          
I'm SICK of Female Hypocrites ... !!!          
Who Tend To Be These ... " FEMINISTS " ... ?!?          
But QUICKLY End Up On Their BACKS ...            
Come On Now Girls Why Be Like That ... ?!?          
You'll End Up With A STUPID MAN ... !!!!!          
I Guess My Views Will UPSET THEM ... !!!!!          
Why Be Like That ... ?          
What's The Problem ... ?!?          
I'll ... AIR My Views ...          
What You Gonna Do ... ???          
Disrespect Me ... ?          
Well Here's The Coup ... !!!          
I May Decide To Do It To YOU ... !?!          
Don't Make Me HAVE TO Give You PROOF ... !!!              
Why Be Like THAT Just Face The TRUTH ... !!!          
Most Girls These Days Now Act The FOOL ... !!!          
And CLEARLY Need A ... " MANNERS SCHOOL " ... !!!!!          
NOT Just Them ....        
But BIG MAN Too Are So **** RUDE ... !!!            
And Clearly Think They're ... BULLETPROOF ... !!!!!          
I'M SAYING Man ... !!!!!          
... " Why Be Like That ? " ...          
Do You REALLY WANT To Be ATTACKED ... !?!?!          
There's NO WAY BACK ...            
When Men Decide To TAKE Your Life ... !!!!!          
So Far I've Kept My ANGRY SIDE .... !!!!!          
Well AWAY From ................................ " IGNORANT GUYS " ... !!!!!          
But Don't Presume Or Worse ASSUME ... !!!          
That I'm ABOVE ... Taking THAT RIDE .... !!!          
That May End Up With ... LOSS of LIFE ... !!!          
BELIEVE I've Tried To REJECT ................................. Pride ... !!!          
But WANT My Piece of The DEVILS PIE ... !!!          
Why Make Me Live A Poor Mans' Life ... ?!?          
... " Why Be Like That " ... ?          
GREEDY GUYS May Not Survive ... !?!          
If They Decide To Take MY SLICE ... !!!!!          
Black or White ..... !?!          
You'll Pay THE PRICE ... !!!          
If You Incline To Use Designs ...            
That Make Me RESORT To Committing Crimes ... !!!!!          
My Mind Has SHUNNED ... !!!          
Such .... " TEMPTATIONS " .....          
But Like Tupac ...            
I Will PROMOTE The Use of Guns ...          
If Britain Becomes ...          
.... " American " .... ?!?          
IT ... ALREADY IS ... !!!          
NEW AGE Racists ...        
Are ECONOMISTS ... !!!          
Why Be Like THAT ... ?          
Why Feed Us ... RAP ... ?          
About Selling Crack ...          
And Gun ATTACKS ... !?!?!?!          
I'm TRYING ...        
NOT TO Be Like THAT ... !!!!!!          
But English Cliques ...            
STILL Seem To ENJOY ...          
Promoting Blacks ...      
Who SNORT The Coc'...    
And End Up BROKE ... !!!!!          
Now PLEASE TAKE NOTE ...          
of The Following Quotes ...          
"Your technique Virge, when using words, has left me stirred !"          
"Virge, the kids would love your words !"          
"As usual V, your poetry, has touched something inside of me !"          
"Virge, I want to hear some more !          
Away from Londons', Poetry ****** !"          
"You seem to be, an amazing guy,          
I did not mean to feed you lies !"          
YES These ARE QUOTES From Certain Blokes ...          
And From Girls Who ... SNIFF The Coc'...            
And Some Who Want To See Me BROKE ... !!!!!!!!          
The Poetry Scene Seems To ATTRACT ...            
Those Who LACK ... " Humility " ...          
Or Any Sense of ... DIGNITY ... !!!!!          
I'm SAYING MAN ... !!!          
... " WHY BE Like THAT " ... ?          
I'm Seeing Through Their ... "Shady Plans" ... !!!          
They're REALLY SCARED of Who I AM ... !!!          
And DON'T Believe In Giving Me .......          
A Chance To SPEAK ... About English Society ... !!!            
Well Now I've Had To Write A Piece ...            
To Let Them ... KNOW ... !!!          
I've Got SO MANY DiFFeReNt Flows ... !!!          
And Forms of Scripture Known As Prose ...          
I May Turn Up At One of Your Shows ...          
And CHOKE YOU With One of ... " YOUR Quotes " ... !!!!!          
I Can Hear You Now ... !!!          
"Virgil, STOP !!!          
WHY BE LIKE THAT !?!" ...        
DON'T Take My Patience ...........................      
As A .......... Gap .............          
For You To ......... Leave  .....          
My Wordplay .... "TRAPPED".          
Because TRUTHFULLY ...            
You Might Get SLAPPED ... ?!?          
By Words That HIT ... !!!          
Like ... THUNDER CLAPS ... !!!!!          
I'm REALLY NOT A Violent Man ... !!!          
But WON'T Let You OBSTRUCT My Plan ... !!!          
To Spread Some TRUTH ...          
To Women Men And Our Children ...        
Because They NEED My Poetry ..... !!!          
NOT Your Phoney ... "Secret Cliques" ... !!!!!            
Who Refuse To Choose To Let Them See ....            
Wordplay That WILL FILL UP Gigs ... !!!!!          
And May Just Help ... ?          
KEEP THEM Off Streets ... !!!          
By Feeding Them ... REALITY ... !!!!!          
Just ... ONE MORE THING ... !!!!!          
Come CORRECT When Paying Me ... !!!!!          
Cos' Now I Won't Do Gigs For Free ... !!!          
If You Don't ...          
Just Wait And See ...          
I've Seen ENOUGH ...          
of How You ... " ACT " ... !!!          
That's Why THIS PIECE ...          
Is ... Simply Called ...          
" Why Be Like THAT !?! "
Sometimes, you've just gotta ask the question when seeing how people do things ......
Why are you sad ?
as if time could not travel so I can only see your beauty from afar ?
If time could but hold one moment that's mine ?
We could have danced in supermarket isles ,
walked along Londons streets all paved in gold ,
taken a glimpse of the light as the nights get cold .
Watched Big Ben chime as carts rattled by ,
and the gass lights being lit in the twinkling of your eye .
For the trees have now withered. and the leaves have all gone ,
as the day time comes easy with a bird and her song .
What of you looking so rejected and blue ?
Could a smile on my face ever bother you ?
You could be my King of Queens  ,
We could have laughed until we cried ,
Love could have been our haven without any secrets and lies
,let us.  walk hand in hand listening to sea gulls as the the waves crash into the sand .
Eat fish and chips out of brown paper bags ,
and walk home with our feet in the sand .
Mateuš Conrad May 2024
this is not a shared experience,
this is why i don't write: or if i write i do out
of spare details in some variation
of leaving opening the gates of ditto
                        like so:    


australian visa assessment registration,
fee: i only learned of there being a fee
after i scrolled past each month
from the year 2024 back to 1986
to find may 15th in may

                    some "miraculous" date obscurity
like there is a need to celebrate
with song akin to Aud Lang Syne:
but there isn't cause for celebration

a very quiet formal affair of champagne
black forest gateau
                         roasted chicken and tatties
with some coleslaw to my astonished
not just mayonnaise but apple cider vinegar
to give the cabbage and onion
and carrot the added semi-pickled crunch
and some mustard and some mary-rose
sauce and some parsley
then before coffee was served
a shot of Polish bimber (moonshine)...
a sobering slob of a tongue slithering into
the shot glass before the guillotine
of knocking it back...

girlfriend future wife on Kauai (Ka Wa E)
woke me in the morning
finishing a shift in a restaurant cleaning
pots and pans: clamor of stainless clutter
a happy birthday song
i haven't heard since i was still a child...

sto lat sto lat niech yje nam niech

וה     (almost forgot that i still had the vah
stashed on my dashboard...)
to remedy the 'yje - from the clutches of RZ..

i.e. learning new words from Cambridge:
is used as an allographic variant of the letter Ż:
Ƶ is a handwritten form of the letter Xi (ξ


ʒ or subscript 3
partial beta-clause...

                         of Iraq and the ziggurats...
whatever your choices
there will always be pockets of
unabashed chaotic memory revelations
not caused by the calamity of
but life pushes on and through
to no greater measure of the worth
of living beyond the one already
testified with: as
the lived - to my amusement how living
is coupled to experiencing:

that there is talk of a lived-experience
like experience is a word less
harsh than existence:
out of every instance
the incapacity to hold a thought-narrative
that could be summoned intact
an intact-self the self-intact-ness

    -less is also a quality that can be
best summarized via
scrambled eggs without the yolk...
pale scrutiny of fats missing...

of Yemen and their zhoug...
like a variation on the Argentinian
   because i believe that's where
said origins of the paste-blob that could
be used to spice up dull paintings
2nd best utilized prospectus...

or stay in one place like Gloucester Harbor
and count seagulls like
Charles Olson
                or perhaps like Kant
count footsteps toward the further away
point of mind the anchor
and thoughts the seas
sacrifices of adventure no further
than the vicinity of Königsberg at a 10 mile

to now think from humble origins
to the deafening boom-echo vibration
of London under the arch of Wembley
to suppose i need to step a foot outside
the reality of sea and bring
the sky to the sunrise
and venture toward Polynesia

this Palagi...
Haole...                    at least in the category
of: us "vs" them or rather
                            us v                non-

leben sie wohl!
                   leben sie wohl!

ah: a day's interlude...
a working pattern...
start writing in the morning and afternoon
micro dosage of Putin Marijuana
i don't think i drank...
no... i didn't drink...
i micro dosed

on marijuana juan's mary...

            then got on with life
put on white shirts on in the PRALKA
PRALKA a word which i will allude to in a triangle...

1st person
2nd person
3rd person


                                Matthew (2nd person,

        ­      I                                                    He
(1st person,                                        (3rd person,
PRENOUN)                                             PRONOUN)

why do children from syllables
in Asia and continue
our ontological genesis is syllable bound
we only later much
later discover atoms and letters

not Om and twice on the rhythm struck
boom boom boom
heartbeats of the cities of Glob Hades
we only come to letters after making
sounds in imitation and gratifying
other life...

GA GA of the tooth of mama
                        what are pre-nouns?
before man learns names of things:
rivers, objects...

there is no defining subjectivity of the hypothalmus
hippo experience:
existence out of every instance
of those reciprocating life
with due pardon: death is wait
death is wasted space
not time per se...
death is less time invoked as a waste of space

Martin aside: HE was a waste of space
even intellectually...
perhaps i don 't have a day job
but i have a dream world job
of writing for free to the attention of:

sobering note: ever watch 66 thousand people
walk past you so slow
like they did
at DC3 cordon on Olympic way
only one bazooka of cordon ON
with the megaphone ALARM
i can say alert with an accent to give
elert the -sch- it so ******* fatherly
desires... to originate myself in old germanic
working father germany
liberal daughter england
old saxony...

pre-noun is closest I
I who from giggles and laughter
and computer: say NO
reading ****** expressions
knowing boa constricted ******
tension from good ***
and *** implosive
rather than *** explosive
i'd like to see a ***-implosive society
without annex:
nunnery in the bay area
of how internet is used:
a shop, an encyclopedia...

     dating app? shopping app?
pornographic adverts?
******* is like advertisement
in the real world...
people hyper focus off of one
like 0.5 of a person... anchor or bridge?
forgot whether this ship got stuck
in the middle of the river
and turned N/S
from its usual course of E/W
i.e. from east to west
but aeroplanes travel across the tropics
of Cancer: Edie
Capricorn: Promis...

the latter's words ring so true now:
don't try to save these women...
Linda is mother's reflexologist
Lydia is Edie's mum...
and Reyla is the "5th wheel apiece"...

i can finish this right now or waste my efforts
to "refill":
no... until the elbows hurt and the idea
of poetry becoming only cascade
rather if rambling poetry is like a newspaper
is like an escape from books
from prose tight sell-by-date-spacing...
poems don't sell
but books sell
and they sell not by a xthought
of +++digressions...

                            poems like easily discarded
paintings but better... trapped in time in memory
of individuals of individuals
off of individuals
off individuals
collective events like me returning
from Hawaii on the 7th October 2023
and a hell that came with me:

not as a direct result
but then again walk into a protest
and scribble any semitic letter on a flag
and chant your chants
and what do you expect...

but poetry can be more than an outlet of
confections and conditions
like some safe-space what with
Dante and Byron?!
is poetry something easily made to print
and not made to indent
on the tectonic plates of mind
this Earth Baron Vishily
and his Salt Mines of Power Bland...
some idea for a former book of science fact
look how the immediate explosion
of man's compa...


    (i had to look that spelling up...
does one word make me dtslexic? qwerty dyslexi
typo?                           ?)

the explosion of science came with the humanistic
explosion of science fiction...

second, soft scientific revolution
there was an industrial revolution

ergo the obvious for the common man...
but there was a scientific revolution
therefore there has been a
hard scientific revolution
with the chemistry and the physics...

now the soft scientific revolution
with the AI the engineering
and the psy-ops
soft machines and make-ups
and downers big big downers
of the ***** brigade
disillusioned somehow what?
somewhat, yes...

conversation with a DJ at a street party...
soft science that's all
counter productive ontological
first becomes a beginning
and outcomes a hierarchy of endings...
films like ghosts on inflamed vinyl
fireplace marshmallows
and burnt stars of Anise...
           that sweet hash of Morocco i am somewhat
new to you...
Europe is a museum
let us forget
all robots and stubborn farmers left:
new hygiene of ego like spider in a web
of truths and untruths
openly saying: what do you want?
unfair, what is: i thought life was rather generous:
the argument from nothing or off of nothing
god said and why not give humanity
all that i am
in all that's good and horrid and a torrent
of unabashed but never i usher my word
from the: but i needed man for my bureucracy:
                                sea­: see Baltic Sea...


                       second dyslexic example...
life's complicated and sleep is heavy
with a cat nearby and
i am abusing whiskey and ****
and putting it to good use
imagining myself the street DJ
on the cordon at DC3 that Netflix doc
about bastion Wembley being town apart...

and this is life
my Neckari... a word from the dimension of
the prenoun...
MA                       AM GA
         AT TA          

                      much later much later the noun:

Matthew... could you?
who is Matthew?
this is Matthew?
oh and much much later there comes the narrator
I and then he should he wish realise
the 1st and 2nd and 3rd and his nth
terminology seek guidance when
trying to seek the world...

          I comes from nowhere rather than nothing...
not a rigid concept to be honest
enough scalpels in the air as it is...
"i am" Matthew to then abstract Matthew
as the countless number of them
and discriminate with there being only
one River Thames
but at least twice as many Londons...
"i am" Matthew - m other said father said MATEO...

later much later when all the other nouns
started to sink in and become
vocabulary antics of:
            then once Matthew knew the air
the sky the moon the sun
the chair...
the cat...
          only when Matthew became Matthias bar Adam
did Matthew finally understand
a way to say: Matthews...

   i am "matthew"...
                                  only then and only thus...
then and only from then and there:
the idea of pronouns...
and trans-genderism and this "philosophy" of Silicon
coming from the guards at the Iron Curtain...
i've been woken up by tremors in
the Silicon Curtain and all that soft
talk technology like bio-tech is not the most
maneable...  ▽ ◼◼◼


             what if one create a genre of AI
communication pretend Sauron?

a sample:

konrad eschlert
can you fathom a geo-political transition from the Iron Curtain to the Silicon Curtain give the Silicon Valley social media tech billionaires wanting to be part of the conversation, soft trans-humanism etc... i am drunk and writing a poem and this will be a sample in my creative endeavor

certainly, i can help explore that concept for your poem. here's a draft idea for your creative writing.

from the iron curtain to the Silicon
Veil,m a shift from cold steel to the soft
glow of screens, where once the shadows
loomed in brick and rail,
now algorithms whisper in digital

Silicon Valley's titans rise, enshroud,
their networks weave a tapestry unseen,
in data's grip, the silent masses crowd,
new borders drawn in binary sheen.

trans-human whispers hum through
the wire, augmented selves in clouds,
begin to form, the billionaires,
like gods, our new desires, their coded
realms the eye of every storm.

yet, echoes of the iron curtain's past,
remind us of the cost of hidden walls,
in this brave new world, where shadows cast,
beware the veil where freedom slowly falls..

but there are AI limitations
on say: invoke smart phone Morse
or E. E. *******'s punctuation for
ol' 'am of D'A'S...
      lazily not hyphenated...

hats, rabbits and who was sitting in the rights
   no subjective experience of...


THE FRONTAL LOBE is for personality and emotions, higher thinking skills, like problem solving; and controlling movement. It continues to develop until you are in your mid 20s.
THE TEMPORAL LOBE helps process your hearing and other senses, and helps with language and reading.
THE PARIETAL LOBE is involved with your senses, attention, and language.
THE OCCIPITAL LOBE helps your eyes see, including recognition of shapes and colors.

which part of Martin is ****** up?

so much of what's the subjectivity of the brain
is simply a QUARTER of
what the reality of the brain is
name the eyes
and tongue
and skin and movement and so much of the brain
is something
quiet an experience unlike
a heart-attack
like a shaman drug trip sort of exhausting others
in how he can perceive himself
having an early retirmenet
in a care home freed from life's constraints
that might have been a kamikaze mission
if i were to conjure up a bonanza of quests of Q?

a poem a day keeps the psychiatrists away
but sure as **** invites a god
a word that's a god personality / medium
a devil
a cat several angels
and dead people and hmm hmm hmms
and botanical king the curious green
itch from brown below
to sieve through roots
and find enough sand to create a bridge
toward the kingdom of the snorkeling
apes from white Odysseus pale pale pale
by comparison
this kingdom from the sea not associated
with a north i'd sooner find upon waking
north to my left
and east ahead of me and
west behind me every time i travel into London...
much easier at the Firth of Forth
in Edinburgh
but so too there there was youth...
not the clamor of age and sensibility...

how to date this... hmm: perhaps with age:
38 on the 16th May 2024.
Mateuš Conrad Dec 2024

the most tumultous dynamic of the elements
- currently - known to man
can be best observed through
the dynamic of how air interacts with water:

not in previous times was this phenomenon
so well documented with the storms
from the Atlantic battering the British isles
or the tornados of American mid-west
or the hurricanes that    "
the eastern coast

history once spoke of earthquakes
and volcanic eruptions...
Pompeii and the earthquake of Lisbon...
but these have become vague
(almost) not as frequent or at least predictable
when fire made peace with earth...
now... since the 5th element is not yet
recognised: that we live in insomniac times
that electricity is... lightning is...
not a fire: but a light...
why was light never considered to be
of elemental stature: status?

then comes the question: shouldn't vacuum
of space, also, not be, considered elemental?
why fuse human being: ontology etc
and couple it with some Promethean ambition
as if "we" were able to tame it:
who of the demigods and titans brought
down "nothing": nothingness to our benefit
like it might have been fire?

this aside...
        a schizophrenia or just a dichotomy...
or merely: "relativity"...
i was educated in science but i retracted my
education for the purpose of:
and it's a study of vagueness in the fog and darkness
of both the void and the vague...
i'm not happy for you: but why should i be?

i just managed to read 50+ pages
of Jon Fosse's septology:
with the ****** and a couple in a playground:
first on the swings
then on the seasaw
then ******* in the sand pit...
and if i managed to get through all that
and learn not one iota worth of chemistry
concerning Mr Noble and Mrs Dynamite..
apparently i write as if i were on ecstasy...

                 Einstein and the time-space conundrum...
in human terms, beyond the proud Protestant
perhaps even Enlightenment basis for scrutiny
how can i could translate the space-time conundrum:
bring it together...

   for something corporeal... relatable...
well... there are the philosophies that espouse...
a coupling of being to time...
and being to "nothingness": Sartre...
i dare say i haven't read the work: being and nothingness
because French thinkers outside the realm
of gag **** of an unconscious wife
and pederastry are not...
ma tasse de thé...

how could i make away with a translation-confication
of concepts as time and space
and give these dimensions a human harangue of
understanding... since...
in transit: i watch these IC3 females
and IC4 males in this "disguise"
of either cannon foddler or laconic-translatable:
as goofy... lazy... disorientated....
LETHARGIC... not stupid:
just duped to believe that these people
could thrive in these nether-regions of biting
an Eskimo's hard-on *******...
so i came up with it:
Heidegger was big on historiology:
etc etc, etc.
so i had a thought and thought:
time is easy: i can translate time into history...
but space took me a while to translate:
in terms of defining these paraphrases... ahem:
and parametres...
if time is history: on human affairs...
what is space... ah! bingo!
time is history is written down is therefore two dimensional!
what is space? three dimensional:
give or take...
who the **** knows what is Copernican north east
when you're floating in space...
         what could... possibly be arrived at
given time = history...

               hmm...     the pyramids... the colliseum...
hey presto! architecture!
space! the finite frontier!
so if in science there's this magical coincidental
time-space dynamic...
then on the very basic: human: subjective level:
there must be a history-architecture dynamic...
which coincides with what is housed
in this way of man of his inability
to conquer time: immemorial: mortal:
till death do us part and...
eternal: the pyramids were:
i suppose... erected as a testimony to the "gods"
concernings man's arrogance
or rather:
    virility and abundance of chance...

so i came up with it...
          technically: these are not arts:
but rather sciences...
or... engineering feats...

   whichs brings me to the ingenius concern for
the map of the London underground....
by now i think of the London underground map
as a would-be map of Budapest...
because there are clearly two Londons...
there's Loondon       and there's Londoon...

sly Saudi and ever more the slyer paytakers
of western media...
it would only take a supposed ex convert
like apostasy was not worse than death
in Islam:
proselyte Islamists?
and a psychiatrist?
what an ingenious new breed...
of               wankers...
                         so now tipsy-turvy we are
to get told:
like... living under the Iron Curtain of old...
because Islam in Europe is norm:
but wait...
wait until the nights and the the winters
and you will have the Islamic Ummah
like the Roman Empire
asking itself: via each and every individual:
why why did we conquer with
moon riddled rock?
this... night? no safety of ******* wipe
and brow...

               oh i'm living under an iron curtain:
but whereas there was once a competition
of idea:
communists with their slings and lack of...
with the capitalists and there off..
i now have Islamic freebies...
or... not so many... freebies...
          it's like unlike any like...
just ***** Arab women:
oh my god... the turnout for Hyde Park
Wonderland was amazing:
the biggest mass crave "protest" of compromise...
but i was walking around
and every time i saw a niqab?
i was shooting imaginary
bullets into those skulls..
doing a count funny
one down two down: three? does it even matter?
one down two down three: hullahoop
who gives a **** scarf or whatever those BINDIS
care to adorn keeping their ***** ultra-private...

but now they have the "psychiatrists" out there:
so... it's only certain if it's RIGHT WING...
but now the Islamic fuckeries need a blessing
from psychiatric nuances:
like caged animals are not simply wild:
now they're doubly mad...
so much for western cultural: ****-a-thumb:
ask a squid to pop out...
       what a load of *******...

   i'd rather live under the Iron Curtain
than under this ****!
these leeches these pompous ******* leeches!
opinionated bogus furore of
a designated class of... "intelligence"...
          when it comes down to cannibalism...
when it does come down to cannibalism...
           i'll be thinking of a ******* recipe
to suckle at this marrow
or waste: the potentiality of the human ordeal /
Karen Feb 17
I was very lost in London.
But I knew my destination.
I was not familiar.
With Londons busy vibration.

Panic attacks arisen.
The train platform I had to find .
It was like the universe conspired to hide.
To keep it hidden from my mind.
A man with shopping bags I asked .
Stepped up  with no hesitation.
We went around in many circles.
It had become a bewildering
In the end we found it hidden.
The only platform with no number.
I then shook his hand with great affection.
This man  with the kindest heart ❤️.
And beautiful spirit .

— The End —