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Victoria Feb 2015
This is not a breakup poem
This is not me liquifying when I open my eyes in the morning
This is not my furious animal tearing at my chest to control the thrashing inside
This is not the bile that burns my throat
And this is not the hollow in my abdomen

This is not a breakup poem
This is not your static sobs and back-breaking voice cracks
This is not your acid apology
This is not your deadly uncertainty
And this is not the jagged shards of yourself

This is not a breakup poem
This is not the blood bursting from my scraped elbows and knees
when I went head over heels because you promised you would catch me
This is not my pavement-smacked stinging palms
This is not the gravel in my wounds from when you let go too soon

This is not a breakup poem
This is not your whiskey bottle on the shelf at the foot of my bed,
a gentle reminder that now I have nightmares alone
This is not the toothbrush and the hair gel and the speakers and the things that have more staying power than you
And this is not a breakup poem
PrttyBrd Dec 2014
I pull out your picture
Smooth skin and hazel eyes
Even in photographs they hypnotize
Calling my name in whispers
Pounding at my *****
Electric shocks to the groin
Waking the senses
Feeling revived
Revitalized, alive
There, ever unchanged
Your gaze upon mine
Motionless, emotionless
Frozen, in time
When you realized I was she
An alternate reality
Returning affection
A two way street of romantic love
Unseen. Unnoticed. Unrealized
Yet real just the same
Innocent, unthinking
With no one to blame
Knowing you want me
That you always did
Nothing but glimpses
Of an awkward kid
Turned man
Turned desire
Lascivious by design
Liquifying resistance
Wasting no time
A bit of shy
A hint of coy
Vanish all remnants
Of that innocent boy
By the light of the screen
I lay here
Feeling the heat of you
Making me moan
Desire unabated
I finish unsated
Abusing your picture
In ways you condone
Cody Veal May 2013
lunar luminance lights his lucent lordly lair.
leaden legs languish lazily as he lay, laconic--
lexical loquaciousness long lost.
his latent lupine lust lignifies and lengthens,
longing lonesomely for his lovely limber lioness.
with lips of luxurious labial liquer,
and licks lapping like lashing lingual lightning,
liquifying his lavish lover, luscious lyrical lubrication.
JWolfeB Aug 2017
We are empty whiskey bottles
Apologizing for always helping the helpless
Damning the ******
Liquifying any motivation
To make things better
Pouring ourselves out
To soak in sorrows
Begging and wishing
Someone would pour us back
Lana Feb 2014
Your words,
like silken tendrils,
crept along my skin,
Passing shivers flared,
Brushed off
with an uneasy smile,
Now these diaphanous strands  
threaten to mummify,
Encase me in a cocoon
of slights,
and casual cruelty,
Liquifying my insides
to better feed you,
Bloat your predatory emptiness
with my life-force,
Your clacking mouthparts sharpen,
As does my resolve,
My innards are not for your
Skitter back to your shadowy lair,
This corpse will not play,
I rise, awakened,
The sun waits for me.
shåi Apr 2017
her mind
wove assorted ornaments
          of vivid hues

each stitch
      an alternate reality
a story she wished she knew

her view,
a distant spectacle--
a casual onlooker
upon the lovely scene

emotions spin
      making its own ball of yarn
a tight knot forms

she is
her own
great nightmare

distorted reflections
grimace in horror
                her own doing

a black sea
bubbles and gurgles
liquifying sensual sins

beauty hides
the facade
         of her own madness

Squanto Apr 2015
Something that cannot be stopped,
elusive. I am loving.
Coming, breezing about.
Heard and felt--
a gushing disturbance,
whispering breath through
Strands of  hair on heads on shoulders on feet
Liquifying globes of blossoming trees,
prancing upon crisp leaves.
Bringing chill and stealing breaths
Burning and breaking down.
Quietly expanding,
        hushed voices,
             growing louder
We will rise in the midst of the falling,
we are the wind--
carefully sneaking through the cracks.
liz Feb 2013
I am rock candy
and I melt

and your mouth is warm
i am liquifying
decrease in matter
fall in on myself
and inside you

and all is left
is a wooden stick
and sticky lips
from rock candy
K Beau Feb 2015
Little faults
like the surface of the desert
where the water once moistened the floor
gave life to the sweaty and salty substrate

Exposed by the small fractures
the sun barely penetrating
the crust grows miles thick

The perishable content
suffocating under the weight of its own swathe
melting from the warmth
liquifying everywhere
all over everything
brooke Aug 2014
I'm at work on my day
off, drinking Toddy and
watching the spokes on
the city commuter bikes
glint in the windows
it's so weird to want
to be everywhere and
then nowhere, because
everywhere and nowhere
require the right kind of people
so when my mom asks if I want
to see a movie, if I want to go to
the gorge, if I want to go thrift shopping
I tell her that I am restless, that in 1909
subatomic particles were fired at a
solid object and passed through
that humans could possibly
vibrate fast enough to
travel through time
but might end
up liquifying
but that the
atoms in my
bones are
firing so
fast they
appear to
be not

but that doesn't make a ton of sense
so I tell her I am a little restless.
a little restless.
(c) Brooke Otto 2014
it drips down,
off the ceiling,
over the candelabrum
and right into my own lap.

i'm sitting catty corner to an old lady that once told me i'd never find love.
now, she is spitting lines like,
"you found it and you let it go."
and "you'll never be so lucky again."

you think i'm not aware?
or that i cannot remember
the spit shake,
the transfer of blood?

i've drained myself emotionally,
almost done so physically.
i'm stammering,
liquifying my insides.
simply put,
i'm laying on my floor
as i am told that the way i handle love,
is no way to handle at all.

all the while,
i'm wish you would come over and cover my ears.
you up
laying atop of me while i bury my face into the pillow,
running your hands through my hair and
speaking directly to my brain,
"if you feel it a crash landing, land softly."
i'm broke.
Spt Jun 2014
What's in a word becoming a verse
Stuck on repeat clicking delete
Depleting the courage of send
Killing by the fear of your dreams
Diluted into the reality of today
What was once yesterday
Turned the time fast
liquifying life past
Running through my hands
Letting go the unknown of tomorrow
Never repeating yesterday's sorrows
The shudder shakes the fear
Of thought even just to wonder
Living once in the moment
A multitude of failures
Backed in the corners of nothing
Im ignorance becoming obsolete
Becomes me behind the scene
That defines the word regret
never knowing what I avoid yet
Ripping the pages of yesterday
Failed by the image of my shadow
That courage left hiding in it's face
Tearing it down waiting for tomorrow
Ayesha Nov 2020
"I can stop whenever I want," I thought.

Days pass on in a blink or two, nights even lesser
Sometimes they linger to catch their breath
while the moon sails like a leaking, exhausted raft—
forever rowing, never moving— in a silent sea
And even if I could grab hold of the sky
and spin her till a peachy blush lit up her face
what good would it do to this melancholy land?

When a grief-stricken snake banged at my door, one stormy night,
I let him in for his toothless, shivering lips
—blue like cold himself—
became the very cause of my liquifying heart;
what could the piteous reptile be offered but
a chalice of fresh, steaming, crimson blood
He gave me his ruby smile and I tied it around my neck
How do you repay such love— how so
if not by surrendering your own doomed flesh?

Did I, or did I not
Roam about narrow alleys of ancient cities housed with words?
make home with wounded rugs left
in places even orphaned kittens avoided
—slept like an unborn child through sunless hours of dark's embrace
Swam through tireless waters—
with a pillowcase filled with tales
Crowned by impressed kings in some lands,
robbed by faceless folks in others.
Carried a plank or two when stories stopped earning me food

All worth another flip of the unheard page
Did I or did I not then forget it all—

As winter moved on to the land next door
sky stole away the very snow she had once abandoned;
lifted the frosty veil off her sun's flushed face
But even as fox gloves and lilies opened their arms,
I let the snake stay in my castle walls
sent out an army and fought wars against stars
when he said he deplored the light
He grew up fast, developed a habit of hissing—

And the neighbourhoods passed like ecstatic tides
left behind by unstopping ships

The moon keeps chasing his blooming sun,
never too far from her rays
and they kiss in the mornings and kiss in the dusks
And the sky steals quick glances at sea,
as he smiles knowingly
The snake fills up a goblet of wine,
feasting upon treys filled with meat—roasted and boiled and baked

And I stumble through empty streets, vomiting out all but him—
Vomiting out all that’s left of me—

"I can stop whenever you want," he whispers.
c quirino Sep 2014
it melts on your tongue,
liquifying with the house’s undulation.
brick-bone dancing matron.

in the house of my mother,
i light one candle and leave it,
lit and flickering,
sweetly rotating with its pin ***** flame.

some wonder, quite casually, if this‘fire’ has organs,
limp, molten flesh sacks within its walls.
tendrils of light that could drape,
lover heavy astride the chair.

limp and languid fingers that barely escape to the surface

how far you were able to see,
what it must be like,
to live at its edge,
seeing an other place similar to yours.
levi eden r May 2018
it all felt like it was making my brain turn into mush,
crushing it together,
pounding it,
liquifying it.
"what are you going to do with your life?
what will you be?
in hell
the sin
you fostered 
you ******
hope you get
flattened by a truck
and die 
a slow death
i hope you're afraid
when you draw your last breath
i hope the world
grinds you down
i dream you'll fall off a bridge
and drown
i imagine peeling
back your face
then shredding it
and throwing it in a fire place
while your raw face
it looks on 
and sees
the face of a villain
turned to ash
you better NEVER EVER ******* EVER
come back
you are repulsive
you're senile and bleak
you were never strong
you preyed on the weak
i wish you would 
just die
avoid the consequences you *****
commit suicide
do us all a favor
do yourself in
you're a useless abuser
pay for your sins
look what you've done
utter devastation 
continued this narrative
bleeding through each generation 
it stops here with me
as i break the cycle
you destroyed so many dreams
and broke so many smiles
so as your burn 
down below
i hope that you know
i smile at the
of your eyelids
burning off
and your eyeballs
no one is sad
that you're dying
will ensue
the day we are finally
without you

i hope you die the most lonely, painful, and excruciating way possible and that you know that this has been what i've wished for a long time and that you will be forgotten. 

no one loves you.

burn in hell you disgusting repulsive weak man.
I remember that night not vividly, but excitedly.
Awakened by his wildness, his quiet freedom, his lack of care.  
I remember watching him maneuver between structures like an animal uncomfortable being confined by anything man-made.  
Cautious, watching, going after only what it needs.
I remember feeling his scent through my entire body.
Each inhale filled with adrenaline and abandon that dripped into my lungs making my heart pound.
I remember him peering at me through a curtain of thick black lashes.  
Accentuating fierce almond brown eyes with golden tones reminiscent of the sunsets we'd both known so well.
The moment he was close, my skin piqued with the heat of the desert that ran through our bloods.
His hands gliding across my back freeing my ******* in a snap before his mouth demanded to be met.
I remember being lifted onto a cool metal work table only for a moment before incandescently melting into the scorching ****** of him.
Holding on and letting go.
Riding his freedom.
Tasting his heat.
Feeling his wild.
Losing the me this world sees
Liquifying into the connectedness
Of the memories of we both craved
What we both ached for.
Becoming the sand and the sky
The red earth and painted desert
Our heated breath amplifying into thunderous purple clouds.
Sweat dripping down our bodies like a craved desert rain.
Until the monsoon took us over and left us quivering.
Relishing in the freedom.
The wild....
I think there might have been music playing somewhere in the background that we laughed about later...but I can't remember for sure.
Lee Sep 2020
I get it now

I saw so much in her
Perfect in every imperfection.
Heart of pure love
A smile that warmed my broken heart
The dream girl I'd always imagined
Intentions so pure.

My Hearts
Fallen Angel

All I needed
Life material you might say

But I

A stupid heart reduced to coal, mercury arteries, yes my intentions were true but I had to be the idiot to question Her!

No-one will ever know of this but I truly did love her

I loved her smile
The way it warmed me from the inside

The way she'd play with her hair liquifying the inner crevasses of this heart

I loved how kind hearted she was and how she cared so much but I always believed she deserved better realizing I am tormented, a burden unbaringly deserved.

I should've said what I felt
I should've kissed her

Instead leant Apon the door
I wouldnt allow myself

I looked You in the eyes and shot myself

Although all I wanted was to see you
I couldn't for your own good
You knew it was coming
That's why you ask dme to leave you alone
So it wouldn't be as painful

A Necessary Sacrifice
Your Happiness and Well being
All I want for you

Til time flies and paths not overstep

I'll be wishing you well

From a Place, Time and Location Never Known

Just as much the mystery to me than you

In search of







A piece of Myself I could never forget because of You
𝐖𝐢𝐬𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐬𝐢𝐧 𝐒𝐞𝐧𝐚𝐭𝐞 𝐚𝐩𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐬 𝐛𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐭𝐨 𝐝𝐢𝐬𝐬𝐨𝐥𝐯𝐞
𝐝𝐞𝐚𝐝 𝐛𝐨𝐝𝐢𝐞𝐬, 𝐝𝐮𝐦𝐩 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐦 𝐢𝐧 𝐬𝐞𝐰𝐞𝐫

Alkaline hydrolysis, or 'water cremation,' which involves
liquifying the human body and dumping the remains into
the sewage system, is already approved in 20 states.
(May 13, 2021)

MADISON, Wisconsin, May 13, 2021 (LifeSiteNews) – Wisconsin
senators approved a bill earlier this week allowing dead bodies
to be dissolved in a chemical bath and disposed like sewage.

The bill, Senate Bill 228, authorizes a practice called alkaline hydrolysis, or “water cremation,” which liquifies the human body using a mixture of water, heat, and chemical agents, leaving only bones behind. The liquid is then dumped into the sewage system or boiled off, and bones can be crushed and deposited in an urn.

— The End —