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One may be  fun
but several can be even better.
She's got that  certin something.
But dam if her sister doesnt look  good  in that sweater.

Had this problem  since  I was  like five.
Two  might  be  tricky.
But ******* off ten  your lucky to be alive.

Im not a man *****  just gotta alot of  love to share.
A tiger  does fear text.
And Nine  irons  okay and left behind underwear.

I think theres a problem  when your black book
reads longer  than gone with the  wind.
I swear honey there's nothing going on.
She's just  a really hot shoulder inwhich I can depend.

Saying goodbye never has been much fun.
Bullet proof  vest  taser   peper spray no it"s
not a riot
Just taking caution  probaly be easier breaking up with only

Hey if it works for hugh's old wrinkled *** then
why not me.
But at this pace I'll  be lucky to make it past
thirty three.

I think theres a problem but that's okay.
Cause if I get the boot.
I got some friends  with benfits  house's
inwhich I can stay.

Im not bad  just a lotta fun.
Cardio is key.
When she pulls out the meat clever
dont play stupid just run.

And if I seem terrible keep in mind
it takes two to tango.
For what is the banna without the mango.

I think  theres problem that I really dont
wanna fix my dear.
Im a bit of a effection ******.
***** the cold shower how bout a warm bed and
a beer?

Call me terrible cause hell even I know
I'm not right.
We should  take this slow.
So how bout we discuss this in a hot tub tommorow night.

And if I did offend  with these word I've spoken.
Then please pull the twig out your backside.
Grab a drink have some fun cause was only jokin.
Life is to short to wallow in misery  live it and have some fun
treat each other right  cause there is no promise of another night.
cheers my friends
The scene was utter madness the good long fell to the boring and bland ***** that now I write apon.
Old faces had long since been replaced by these like button zombies.
Hey commenting is hard I could hear them amoungsnt all the other voices in my head.

And here I thought everyone had a opinion just like a *******.
The zombies were at the door my trusty Pub the one true place i could talk **** about the sites owner without getting banned and taken out back while being tortured having to read the darksides blog for hours listening to Yanni and Justin Bieber.
Good lord man its like starbucks and twatter   had a ******* baby and called it Hello.

My fellow comrades had long since left for higher ground or the nut house really finger painting and graham crackers are so overrated.
Trust me I know cause i have alot of crazy friends who told me so.
Im kidding its cause im ******* nuts  just when im off my meds that is did anyone hear that?

The like zombies just kept pushing that ******* button.
I mean really if it was a free drinks or a ******* button id get it folks.
Hell id probaly have corpral tunnel by now  duh that would kick ***.

Comments had fallen to the evil zombie button of doom.
And no matter were I turned I couldnt get away from it.
This write has fifteen comments.
No the **** it doesnt there ******* likes yes much like ****** the **** was spreading faster than
clap in ******* not that id know.

I couldnt take it any longer moving at the breakneck speed of drunken hampster who cant stay in the wheel
I was off.
To the land of no return the offices of the website inwhich ive annoyed the ***** outta for way to many years
no not facebook  I only go there to read **** that no one could give a **** less about.

Tina just eat a steak mmmm.
******* fasinating Tina!

Taking a long walk okay drive cause walking really screws with my drinking.
I made my way through the land of no return no not Canada.
To the center  of mount who gives a *****.
It was there at the gates of the mighty lair of the dark lord I stood flask in side pocket
The doors opened and as i walked in the empty room I was met by a huge flat screen
hmm must be where the staff watches **** or animal planet thoose animals are
total freaks.

But enough with the foreplay children.

A face appeared apon the screen.
So I see you've finally shown Gonzo   how dare you enter the fortress of the dark lord.
Well ya know the dark lord really needs some security I mean really who the hell keeps there fortress next to a bed bath and beyond?

Look you crazy ******* the anger hampster said .
They have some really great stuff oils and canddles  why me and my other half love it.
Hey did you all meet on a trip in the mountians where you were herding sheep.
Dam you Broke Back Mountian now  my wife really wonders what im up to on my fishing trips.
Thanks for ruining it for all of us.

Well Gonzo you may have  found my hidden fortress but never will you leave.
Yeah I will.
You cant!
Oh Yes I can !
Oh no you wont!
Yeah I will!
We continued this argument for what seemed like ages then finally after a canadian popstars ***** finally dropped it ended.
Duh I do have a life after all people.
Yeah I know but ****** I could if i wanted to.

So just  how do you expect to leave my frotress of doom.
Duh ******* through the front door.
You cant its locked .
Hey like i cant get outta places i dont belong  look i got outta rehab  no no no.
Talk about a ****** party  its almost as bad as my spelling yeah sometimes jokes hurt.

But I do gotta ask lord ***** for brains how do ya get all thoose likes
I mean people used to comment there arses off even me sure i cant remember what i said
but hell i was under the influence I know shocking right?

Okay you drunken ******* I'll let you know witness my geinus!
With that the dark lords fishing buddy  pulled back a curtan to reveil  a room full of
cracked out cyber monkeys all sitting in front of like buttons .
With every push theyd get yet another hit of some sort of fruit duh like monkeys like drugs
yeah you think being they throw there **** around and all but really there just mean ******.

Mr pickles just did a thousand likes.
****** someone needs to stop the insanity.
The evil dark lord laughed like a sinister women does usally when i mention ***.
I swear no wonder I use esscorts im kidding there just regular hookers.

And now Gonzo I reveil to you your own like button.
There at a small desk with my name written apon the table in what couldnt be magic marker dam little monkeys
they love to write **** or with it at least hay whatever floats your boat or tree im just saying.

Mr pickels  pushed the button on my desk a little slot opened up
and a ice cold beer and wild turkey chaser appeared .
******* kick ***  I mean how terrible.

The dark lord slash ****** with a heart of gold laughed his sinister laugh the monkey jumped up and down and played with thenselves  while listening to there God Justin Bieber.

Was All hope lost?
Will Gonzo a infamouse party hampster be able to turn down a free drink?

Will the dark lord win in his battle to **** the site and raise the money for his *** change?
Will MR Pickels finally finish his novel titled No **** A Life story written in all organic ink.

Will Justin Bieber finally fly into the side of a mountain!

Tune in next time hampsters to the shocking finally  Gonzo And The Like Button Of Doom.

Yeah it really ***** when ya dont get a happy ending just ask John Travolta.

Till next time hampsters stay crazy
Autumn Feb 2013
is privacy a right or a privalege?
is it something to anticipate, is it something you expect your fellow people to respect?
is it something you thought your government respected?
is privacy something you are willing to rid yourself of?
is privacy something you feel should be handed to you, not earned?
or is privacy, in your eyes, something that a 'civilized society" deserves?
is it something you deserve no matter what your charecter?
shouldyou be able to have it, without people thinking your keeping secerets?
but what happens once you abuse your privacy?
can you earn it back or will it always be something all to far away?
if you abuse your privacy, do you change your views upon whether it should be handed to you or whether it should be earned?
do you trust yourself with privacy?
do you trust anyone with privacy but, what if, in privacy is when the real you shines?
then is privacy all you are made of and without it you would be nothign at all but a human carcous inwhich talks?
at which all you are becomes you within privacy, your views will change or will they not?
privacy is a right, but it is a right abused and overlooked more than it being used appropriately. like most things in this here country.
The bottles were scattred monuments to beaten livers and bad decisions.
I awoke like any other morning okay afternoon hungover and to void of ***** to deal with
hampsters or flying monkeys .

The agony was what I was used to but the ringing in my head was altogather a diffrent matter.
it grew louder that constant annoying ring and to my suprize much like the voices in my head after my
usal sixpack and half pint of Wild Turkey it was still there.

It rang and rang and caused such a clatter I had to finally get up off my **** and see what the **** was the matter.
I opened the door to the pub to be met by a bright light jesus christ it was the rapture or one of thoose other
big hippie rock festivals dam you  lalapalooza!

But it was just then I remebred to put on my sunglasses.
That huge annoying lightbulb was a cruel ***** indeed.
Now in the realm of what most called the outdoors the noise was clear and to my suprize it was some
strangley dressed ****** slash recruiter for the Forein Legion or Salvation Army really whats the diffrence
ya see one fashion cult ya seen em all ohh snap!

The woman kept ringing the bell as if in some weird trance and like some strange witch she stood by a kettle
dear Lord! what if she was putting a curse on us all.

Hello sir care to make a donation?
It seems I could pay to keep the witch at bay why hadnt i thought of this scheme myself.
In a slurred voice i spoke to the witch in her native tongue most people call it english.
For ?
I said in a naughty school girl way inwhich a ***** ses to the teacher when she wants good grades
or a ride home with a happy ending.

It's to help the needy on Christmas.  
It seesm the pagan was raising funds for one of her bizzar rituals.
being the reporter with the heart of gold and not grain of sense I asked her to speak of this
strange custom.

It seems as though her good had had one to many and made another little hampster
so far this God sounded like someone I could enjoy a drink with.
Then he called on his homeboys to vist the little dude and give him some totally useless
gifts hope they kept the reciets cause ***** that crap give me a gallon of Turkey and a Xbox

She rambled on with her fairy tale and how now people seem to all give things to one another
On this strange holiday .
Boy like that will ever catch on sister .

She jingled her bell as i jumped and screamed like a little girl a very manly little girl may i add
dear lord woman !
That noise you may use your magic to scare other's into paying you but when I pay
a woman it usally ends in *** okay almost always.

She looked at me deepley she must have been undersing me with her eyes i felt so ***** in the right kinda way.
But enough with the foreplay children.
Are you insane?

The witch asked in a angry voice her grip on her bell tighten she spoke again.
get outta here  you ******.
Yeah i know she was totally into me.

Witch I know you've cast a spell on me so why toil with your silly made up holiday scheme.
Of all the pubs you could have decided to hook in front of you picked the home of
Hello's favorite guilty pleasure .
I say we cut through this silly spell  **** and go into the bar and i give you the most forgetable experience of your life.
Hey as long as im happy thats all that counts kids.

She paused caught deep in the moment then asked whats Hello?
Oh that was a site that used to be really fun and now really isnt.
She paused yet again pulling in her magic purse often used by witches
and candy **** singers like Justin Bieber!

She pulled from it some magic spray that blinded me.
the pain was terrible i herd her blow a whistle  lucky whistle.
Calling her warlocks who I feared were powerful and *****.

Soon I  found myself locked in a dungeon with other strange people all under spells.
there was a man dressed as a pagan God calling himself Santa
Seems he liked to play with his candy cane in public.
Yeah who doesnt?

The days passed and i was put through a horrible torture worse than having
to watch the O network or listening to Justin Beiber that musiacal ****.
I went days without  my ***** i was put into a strange state called sober.

Finally the curse was lifted as the guard showed me out he informed me
it was cause it was Christmas .
Dear lord !
The witch had  cast her spell over the world.

So as I sit in the confines of my Pub whiskey flowing like water.
I've learned beware of this bell ringing witch and her tales of strange Gods
and give or fall victem to her charms as did I.

Untill next time stay crazy hampsters.
Autumn Feb 2013
you expect me to care what you do,what you say, what you think,
because you are so use to being judged, because you are so use to being told that that's wrong, not right for you to say, for you to think that,
you expect me to me botherd by your threats,
because you are so use to being scared yourself, because you are so use to not being you out of simple cowardicity, because you are so use to feeding off thoose of the weak you expect us to back down,
you  expect me to scream back in your face,
because so many do that regularly, because you want me to sinnk to your level, because you simply want someone to relate to, someone to be in the same boat as you,
you expect me to rrun away,
because you think you don't deserve what every human does, because you think that if you get help, that if i wanted to help, that you would let me down, because that is what you have been trained to do your entire life, let people down, because you have said no so many times wishing someone would say i know you want to say yes, because you yourself have ran away,
you expect me to stop, and look, and ask what's wrong?
because you think you deserve help, because you think you are lower than i, because you think that i should simply pity you because you are the way you are, because you are in the circumstances you think you are in, because you assume i am a good person,
you expect me to do the right thing,to not betray you,
because you have been cradeld, because you are so naieve, because you have been taught that people in my position ofpower are all good, are to be trusted, are to be romodels to look up to, because you simply want to be right,
you expect me to be loyal, to not lie, to want to be responsible,
because that is what you have been taught is morally correct, because that is what you have been taught is what you must be to go far in life,
you think you are ugly, disgusting,
because you have been told that you are ugly, because you have beentold that people who say you are oretty are lying, because you have been trained, forced, to believe that this is what' s beautiful, that this is whats ugly,
you expect people to care, people to be "good", people to betray you, you expect people to think your ugly, you expect people to say no, to say yes, you expect people to want to strive for better, you expect to be or not to be disapointed,
because your brain was set that opne thing is ight one thing is worng, that you must reach standards to be "good" or to be "bad, because that is wat you have only ever known, because human's are human's. and we are our future death, and we are what will **** this earth, and we are what kills each other, and we are what makes each other happy, and whether we think we are good or bad, whether we need this or thtt it is ecause of society's standards, because of society's rules inwhich "must be obeyed" but what if the true fun part of life is breaking thoose rules, crushing thoose standards, an recreating something that isn't what we have known always.
Life and cigarettes burn to fast.
We waste are time.
So within the moment you bask.

A pretty face has to age.
Every story meets  it's final page.
When life breaks you over its cost.
Then you'll sing a lullaby to the lost.

The lights in the street hide all but the truth my
You can act.
But you can never mask your  fear.

In dark rooms you sell all but your soul.
A wicked moment a stolen encounter.
All things take there toll.

That sweet face has tuirned hard your so warm
to be cold.
A secret that the bitter have already told.

Can you wash away there stench as from
the past you are tossed.
In dark corners blood stained angles
sing a lullaby  to the lost.

Is this hell or a nightmare  that knows no end.
A cell to most.
To others the only refuge inwhich they
can depend.

she falls to the floor a lost look needle  
in arm.
Most will rememeber a doomed fool.
Others her wreckless charm.

She was  a ******  and a easy lay.
More bones are broken.
Over words others say.

She sold flesh but payed the ultimate
In a dingy corner of th world.
Were the angles sing a lullaby to the lost.
Traces of day in sunsets past.
Life's destroy the  painting once bright
has faded at last.

She clings to a illusion for it's better than nothing she's known
so very  well.
Sweetest are the confessions in the shadows we do tell.

Forward in movement still somewhere im left behind.
Goodbye in thought the highway calls yet the chapter is
far from done.
Summers of reflection love as a child when gentle was thought
endless was the innocent fun.

Im not the man that should see the finish happy fairy tails
bleed my dreams.
Glimmers of greatness burn fast in failure  it seems.

Broken souls cast south  tonight we share moment
I have to erase.
Confide in the emptyness collected hopes in a distant angels face.

Fools are many but a loser's path is best walked alone.
A empty court vacant is the kingdom inwhich I hold the throne.
Lesser the man who's never known the start.
Gone are my words.
As I speak empty  mind from a jaded heart.
Sometimes  the best ink is taken dipped from soul.
ColdFire Feb 2011
In the bottom do you often crave to cling
to the  cliff  only to temp its edge?
We change for season  bask in regret.
Every dose  dangles crumbles the thoughts vanishing ledge.

Chaos is home storm my welcome call home.
The sands now painted red.
Thoughts remain no matter the shore inwhich I roam.

Fight of change struggle as of life.
***** are the waters.
Dull as lies the mind set towards change sharp
as the knife.

The streets smell of  battle with a tinge of insanity's reason.
The fools gaurd stands tall.
Stand strong without doubt within the killing season.

On thoose sand's, The innocent bleed and the selfish
ignorance of hatred always demands.
A face of many will overshadow the  lies of one.
Bullets and bricks  crush the same none of which
can cut to the truth as thoose fired from the minds gun.

More than a revolution of angry shouts raised in hand.
Time has become history.
My thoughts bleed now somewhere apon the sands.
Down  by the water

Ive been here so many times broken hearts and many old wounds that never heal.
It's so hard to admit when you hate the person you are.
When catch that dream to relize its a nightmare by design.

Why cant I just break through it why cant I just get past the demons of dessire and cleanse
myself of the sin inwhich I seem to thrive?
Honestly suicide looks better by the second.

Im losing it yet still i linger like some sad prize fighter who's
taken one to many a blow.
I yern to destroy who ive become only to find who I could actully be.
Im a man who cant seem to think past vice.
A wornout joker who's fallen this time for good.
**** this nightmare please help  ive lost befor I even began.

Burn the memory till it scars my thought **** please stop this !
Im losing yet ive grown to jaded to care.
Im not in a good place so im sorry but i have to vent.
Idk sometimes we cant fix whats destroyed.
Trainwrecks always attract a view  sorry for the glimpse
Autumn Dec 2012
some can say hope is beutiful maybe it is in times of when hope is your last reason for taking that last breath, or of not jumping off that bridge,
maybe it is in thoose circumstances,
but when you you hope for oh so long,
hope becomes nothing but you believeing in some pathetic idea,
and maybe when you tell someone this pathetic idea they say
" that's so normal though! how can you  hope for that?"
that's when you  know you arn't right anymore. That somethings wrong with you.
when relizing that hope for you is something the average person thinks is normal, something the avergae person feels every day.
expierences everyday.
when you relize hope, is truly some pathetic overused idea of your.
Your hope has turned into something disgusting,
when you hope for a true smile, one that you don't have to fake ,
a true laugh just once,
that is what hope does to some people. ey are at the end of their to short rope and they hope.
but you can only hope for so long.
and after you are done hoping what is left?
faking everyday for the rest of your life to fulfil someone elses idea's expectations for you?
inwhich at this point death becomes so exotic and wonderful.
and after you first think that thought, of death being the true answer,
you don't care anymore or you just start caring about EVERYTHING and every point off of a one hundred kills you,
when every inisult from him starts tearing at your flesh,
when evert thought of yours isn't "good" starts to ich ever so much more, when every glance that isn't a good one makes you feel o so ******.
death really does become your most faverable topic then, and people wonder why you are the way you are.
stop wondering and simply look at their ****** expressions,
simply listen to what they say,
simply try for them.
the things that come out of your peer's mouth's will truly amaze you.
The Joker Oct 2011
She looked to me as child to understanding teacher.
I needed not to speak just the nod spoke  all that was needed to say.
The razor met tender flesh as her eye's spoke the true plessure of the sting.

The crimsom trail traced her arm leaving bliss and regret washed clean.
She carved the words so gracfully into her arm her pain gave the passion
to my wicked fire.

She yerned to please and I to embrace the darkness that I pulled from her light.
Such a stupid  creature can they not understand there is no true understanding.
Campassion is a tide of emotional ***** left in a gutter of despair.

Teenage agony did he hurt you to bury your tears in tormented scar and
faded composition book.
The sheep was struck by the snake and found shellter in arm's of the wolf.

Deeepr my dear  I comanded  erase the memory  my smile hidden
cast a shadow over my evil cloud of soul.
Deeper bleed the pain in a moments fatal embrace.

Her eye's met with tears and faded slowley as the **** was sliced how sweet
death a beauty I do adore.

The word cast a scar and a final statement inwhich I did and will never embrace again.
Love cast a crimson pool canndle lit chaos she died a angel  in demons splendor.

As I stood above her viewing the art of her demise.
I read the word carved so deeply in her flesh.
And after the release of a fire to nothing i had to reflect.

Kissing thoose lifeless lips  my smile embraced light.
My stupid sweet girl when will you learn.
Love sometimes is so very lethal as well as messy.
Kkkkkkk Apr 2010
sitting here in my field.
the bugs crawl by.

they scream a harsh laugh my way,
out of my mind i laugh back,
at myself.


because of how stupid i was to believe it all.
the love,
the joke,
no reason why you shouldve kept it going but to tell me in an adult manner,

not this.
this way.
this hurt,
is un-worthy.

it should be stronger,

so i dont fall for it again.

sitting here in my field.
with those flowers.
in that gorgeous manner.

inwhich you are not.

yet neither am i.

telling me all the things i did wrong,
will teach me,

it hurts.

but helps.

in some manner...again,

yet i still day dream
sitting here in this field.
thinking of everything...


their jokes.
their lies as well as yours.

and my own pathetic needs/wants/beliefs/happenings.
Evan Crow Jan 2017
Deception breaths in snakes whom slither as they thrive .
My razor of my thoughts cuts deep yet there is no malice in truth.

Simply the words that bare existance for others to reject .
A slap to the face is harsh no matter your gender i hold no mercy as i ask for none in return.

Respect given to all but i am no stone unwhich to be stepped upon.
The path you care not to travle is best left alone for it will find you just the same .

No battle is foolish just the cause inwhich it stands.
The jaws can **** as easily as embrace tread softly when dealing with these.

It lays silent never dead.
So easily awoken the rage of a demon .thrives in the chaos it all exists within.

Be careful of strangers often disguised as friends.
We only know are true sides within the depths of darkness.

Climbing from the pit many will try to claw there way past to suit there egos lust.

Never allow the weak to poison your hearts well.
In the depths is were we find the stranger that is are own reflection.

Never play with that which you do not understand.

Allow the monsters there isolation.
And all will be as you can never truly understand.

We can never unsee the hells we unlock.
And so be the stars .
Clive Winslow Jan 2011
In tombs I gather secrets in shadow I explain.
The torment creeps slow the agony dies with my reason.
Outside the winter's cover is a mask of frozen earth.

Hidden below it's surface  lie corpses of all I dare not
Towards emptyness I gather solice in
pain inwhich I find comfort.

Screams from the cellar  call's of  a return to sanity
I've  long since shut out.
We exist on level's mine is the one from which
there is no return.

In the snow many tracks cross tread far from mine.
There was no casket to be set into the earth.
Only memories were to be  burried washed clean
by the bottles embrace.

Strangers  do we part a vist to a familar cold place
by the oceans shore.
Words spoken never hurt when you  understand
human nature.

The dark inwhich  I only know.
A dark river flowing unto the sea.
Its broken current flow's with no true direction.

As children we start fresh only to loose the spark.
Dancing under a shroud of tenderness  apon lifes
harsh stage.

Bitter souls reflect  anger lost only tears of  regret.
Me i just cast demons down   in some  twisted hope
I just might forget.

Sometimes you gotta realize when you crash through that glass
celling  you only got to look forward to the floor.
The bottle now empty I cast into  the dark waters
eternal bed.
Along  with a memory  I'll pretend to erase.

Distanse is only a thought away.
The road echos  my lifes song.
Underground burried  so deadly the truth
just as sweet as the lie.

Barbwire and daydreams  plague my soul.
Like the bottle that sit's within the depths
of a water cast tomb.

I know strangers  as friends.
Night as backdrop.
Farewell  seems  fitting as hello.
When the river has run dry    
To whom will you go?
NoislessShackles Aug 2014
Words spoken
Through the gliding motion of a tongue ,
across the floor of a mouth
Past the realm of physicality
and  mentality,
Lies invisible strings
sprouting to bind with flesh.

Without the equal support
From both collector and  giver
The weight will be unbearable

The subtracted duty of aid
inwhich had once balaced
half a side;
The remaining will fall

Along will the strings
entwined with flesh,
of  a once whole gift.

© J-d S. J
Michaela Ginter Dec 2011
Some say the the end is near
inwhich so,they live in fear
others repeat repent of your sins
while others just dont give in
I in which, do believe
but care not so to let it trap me
from living my life day to day
Whenever it ends I will be okay
because I am not frightened, I am not presured
I have seized the day and will live my happily ever after
My father worked the plant as
his father befor.
We worked until are hands bled and
are backs were sore.

History we made and many fine men spent there lives
in this very place.
Founded the union.
we are the backbone not a copperate

Didnt bat a eye just said goodbye
catching the first outta town bus.
They saved there over payed *****
but what about us.

The working class people who gave there
sweat and tears.
A town inwhich the factory was built.
Old and young share bitter reflections over
stories passed down through the years.

More than jobs left with the closing
of the factorys doors.
Pain echos from broken souls.
it comes into are very essense seeps into the floors.

Years of memories gone without a
They crunch numbers but were people.
You saved a billion but a whole town
ask's what about us?
Autumn Feb 2013
dear noah,
      i do not understand you, nor do i comprehend you
i do not understand why you are smileing, nor do i understand why you are crying,
i do not understand what i have done to you,
i do not understand why you despise me so,
i do not understand why i seek your approval,
i do not understand what thoose things called words are coming out of your mouth, i do not understand why they cut me so deep with such venom?
is it because i cannot fix you?
is it because there may be nothing to fix and you simply truly are oh so very you?
i do not understand why you do not understand me,
is it because i do not let you see all of what i wanted you to know?
is it because i built that wall too high?
or do you understand and simply dont want to?
oh boy, you are my light that nearly suffocated itself within the dark,
you are my tears that are to strong, to cowardly to fall down my face,
you are my smile, that see's, hear's, no critisizeme,
you are the thing that makes me want to think,
want to care,
you are the thing inwhich i love.
you are what defines what i want, and because of that i will never have you.
because oh boy, it isn't because we are in two seperate worlds,
it isn't because we are so different,
it isn't because i cannot tell you what i have been screaming at you forever,
oh boy, could it be because you are what would give me happiness?
could it be because a single day without you drives me nuts?
could it be because we are both cowards, hiding behind smiles and yeah no problem's?
could it be because you cannot leave your sacred playground, while i create my own, while i make what i want, and do what i want in it?
could it be because you are still obeying thoose flimsy rules, because you want to obey thoose rules?
could it be because we both are trying to hard to live up to expectations?
could it be because we both are so **** close to what will **** us?
Deshunte' B Aug 2014
In our day and era it isnt about race anymore! More along the lines of Those who believe N a higher power or those who do not..or Cannot see the vision inwhich we all are barried beneath our own regrets & self Glory.Foolish pride detrimental to our future judgement...May God forgive those who question, not sure wat to believe lead by multiple sources & similar religions...

— The End —