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gee i like to think of dead it means nearer because deeper firmer
since darker than little round water at one end of the well   it’s
too cool to be crooked and it’s too firm to be hard but it’s sharp
and thick and it loves,   every old thing falls in rosebugs and
jackknives and kittens and pennies they all sit there looking at
each other having the fastest time because they’ve never met before

dead’s more even than how many ways of sitting on your head your
unnatural hair has in the morning

dead’s clever too like POF goes the alarm off and the little striker
having the best time tickling away everybody’s brain so everybody
just puts out their finger and they stuff the poor thing all full
of fingers

dead has a smile like the nicest man you’ve never met who maybe winks
at you in a streetcar and you pretend you don’t but really you do
see and you are My how glad he winked and hope he’ll do it again

or if it talks about you somewhere behind your back it makes your neck
feel pleasant and stoopid    and if dead says may i have this one and
was never introduced you say Yes because you know you want it to dance
with you and it wants to and it can dance and Whocares

dead’s fine like hands do you see that water flowerpots in windows but
they live higher in their house than you so that’s all you see but you
don’t want to

dead’s happy like the way underclothes All so differently solemn and
inti and sitting on one string

dead never says my dear,Time for your musiclesson and you like music and
to have somebody play who can but you know you never can and why have to?

dead’s nice like a dance where you danced simple hours and you take all
your prickly-clothes off and squeeze-into-largeness without one word  and
you lie still as anything    in largeness and this largeness begins to give
you,the dance all over again and you,feel all again all over the way men
you liked made you feel when they touched you(but that’s not all)because
largeness tells you so you can feel what you made,men feel when,you touched,

dead’s sorry like a thistlefluff-thing which goes landing away all by
himself on somebody’s roof or something where who-ever-heard-of-growing
and nobody expects you to anyway

dead says come with me he says(andwhyevernot)into the round well and
see the kitten and the penny and the jackknife and the rosebug
                                                                      and you
say Sure you say    (like that)    sure i’ll come with you you say for i
like kittens i do and jackknives i do and pennies i do and rosebugs i do
RAJ NANDY May 2015
Declared as an UNESCO Heritage Site in 1983, is today a place of tourist attraction, - this ancient city of Inca pride! Please read its absorbing story, you will not regret it ! Thanks, - Raj Nandy


At those ethereal heights where only eagles dare,
And where the Condor glides to gently perch;
Above the Urubamba Valley of Peru, -
Stretches the peaks of Machu Picchu and Huayna
Where the sky above is a clear cerulean blue!
And on a cloud-draped ridge connecting both
these Andean peaks, -
Lies the magnificent site of Machu Picchu, –
which many tourists seek!
A city hewed and carved out of rocks and stones,
Which in proud defiance to marauding time,
Stands there for nearly six hundred years, -
A majestic symbol of Inca pride!
The Inca Kings were the ‘child of the sun’,
Their chief deity was the Sun God - ‘INTI’,
Their ninth king who expanded and consolidated
their Empire,
Was known as the great Emperor Pachucuti!
This king and his architects, at an altitude of
8000 feet built the great Inca City!
To worship their gods and honor their ancestors,
And as a royal family resort and a summer retreat!
Inca religion was based around Nature, and their
architecture blended with the landscape around!
At Machu Picchu they felt closer to their gods,
And could almost hear His sound!
Pachucuti also built the city of Cuzco, the capital
of the Inca Empire,
They never had horses or wheels those days,
Their ‘runners’ covered their kingdom entire!
With posts located at suitable distances, for
relaying messages throughout their Empire!
The ruins of Machu Picchu covers 13 sq kms,
Lying some 70 kms north-west of Cuzco city,
Nestled amidst the navel of the mountain rocks,
Hidden from the praying eyes of all adversaries!
Surrounded by gushing mountain rivers and
yawning chasms going down deep;
And with secret ropeway bridges, this Inca hideout
was all complete!
It escaped the greedy Pizarro’s eyes, that Spaniard
who came for Inca gold,
Leaving Machu Picchu untouched, for the entire world
to behold!
So the urban sector of Machu Picchu has 140 buildings
still intact;
With steps and terraces cut into steep granite face,
And streams and aqua-ducts to irrigate their lands!
The citadel lies on a flat surface, which is a 20 hectares
With a sacred and a residential area, and houses for
priests, nobility and guests!
‘Amautas’ were men both holy and wise, conducted
ceremonies and read the stars;
But the Incas had no written script, and took help of
the ‘quipu’ by far!
The ‘quipu’ was a numerical system using many
knotted strings, -
With which they kept records and accounts of almost
any and everything!
A Sacred Area had temples and buildings,
All dedicated to the Gods by Pachucuti;
A Sun Temple, and the sacred Intihuatana Stone,
For ‘binding the sun’ – the great Inti !
During the Equinox on the 21st of March and September,
When the sun was directly above the Intihuatana Stone, <
The priests performed ceremonies and offered prayers, -
To keep the sun caged and in control!
Legend has it that should a sensitive man, keep his
forehead on this sacred Stone, -
His ‘third eye’ would open up, and the ‘spiritual world’
he shall behold!
It was Hiram Bingham a professor from Yale University,
Who in July 1911 rediscovered this miniature Inca City!
He took three years to clear the jungles and the wild
And the artifacts he had found were sent to the US -
as precious finds!
The modern architects who visited Machu Picchu,
all marvelled at the techniques used;
A ‘dry stone technique’
* without mortar, had all of
them pretty confused!
Many stones weighed around fifty tones, and others were
cut into various shapes and size;
And were fitted with such precision, leaving no room
even for a blade of knife!
The peaks there often get covered with mist,
And is the abode of white fluffy clouds;
This stairways to where the Inca gods dwell, #
Is where Machu Picchu is to be found!
- Raj Nandy
Notes: -Huayna Pichu stands behind Machu Picchu -
40mtrs higher! It has a steeper climb and has the ‘Temple of
the Moon’ inside a dark cave! +Declared a Heritage Site
by UNESCO in 1983.< Sun being directly above the sacred stone did not cast any shadow, so the priest said he had caged the Sun! *
Dry stone
technique without mortar also used in Egyptian Pyramids! #Many
tribes believed Incas were Gods! Thanks for reading, - Raj Nandy.

............................................. ................................................. .....................
Julian Delia Aug 2018
M’hemm ebda mod ieħor
Li stajt niddivina, biex forsi tisimgħuni –
Bil-Malti issa qlibt, jekk forsi qegħdin tinnutawni.
L-ewwel ħaġa:
Fehmuni għalfejn għadha tezisti d-duttrina.
Akkost li xi ħadd jibgħatni nieħdu jien u nirfes il-bankina,
Ser ngħidha!

Għax ma ngħallmux lit-tfal tagħna
Jifhmu l-imħabba lejn il-proxxmu
Minflok il-liġi inuffiċjali
‘Min mhux magħna kontra tagħna?’  
Għax ma nitgħallmux niddiskutu u niddibattu,
Forsi nċedu ftit, flok dejjem nċaħħdu u nirribattu?
Forsi immexxu bl-eżempju; flok immorru sa’ tempju
Nitpaxxew b’deheb misruq u b’moħħ magħluq,
Nitgħallmu nieqfu niskappaw u nistaħbew,
Wara wiċċ imżejjen falz, jew xi metafora.

It-tieni ħaga, u għalissa nieqaf haw’:
Fehmuni għalfejn lesti li l-futur taghna ninġazzaw?
Nikkompromettu, nidħlu fid-dejn,
Il-valuri tagħna nirremettu, basta fl-aħħar tax-xahar
Jidħlulna imqar dawk l-elfejn.

Qabli hawn oħrajn li dan il-kliem diġà qaluh –
Malta m’hijiex ward u żahar u kollox ifugħ.
Anzi, l-intiena tal-korruzzjoni tqanqallek id-dmugħ.
Jien ma ġejtx hawn biex immaqdar u nitlaq,
Nixtieq li nkunu konxji u nieħdu dak li jixraq.
Jekk inti tixtieq hekk ukoll,
Mela ejja ningħaqdu, għax għandna ħafna xoghol.


­[in English]

There is no other way I could divine
To make you hopefully listen to me –
You may have noticed I switched to Maltese.
The first thing on the list;
Can someone explain why (religious) doctrine still exists?
Although this may elicit someone’s anger as I step out on the sidewalk,
I shall say it!

Why don’t we teach our children
To understand loving one’s fellow man
Instead of the unofficial law
‘Whoever is not with us, is against us?’
Why don’t we learn to discuss and debate,
Maybe concede a bit, rather than deny and rebate?
Maybe lead by example; instead of going to a temple,
Awed by stolen gold and closed minds,
Learn to stop escaping and hiding
Behind a fake, decorated face, or a metaphor.

The second thing on the list, and I’ll stop ‘ere:
Can someone explain why we’re ready to ruin our future?
Compromising, racking up debt,
Our values we are regurgitating as long as, at the end of the month,
We get a couple thousand (as in, money).

Others before me have already said these words –
Malta isn’t all flowers and roses, and not everything is fragrant.
Actually, the stench of corruption will make you cry.
I am not here to complain and leave,
I just wish we’d be aware so we can get what we deserve.
If you want this as well,
Then let us join together, for we have a lot of work to do.
A poem in my native tongue, Maltese.
John H Dillinger Oct 2020
They both let go and take control
falling, they get caught
in each others spaces
so that, compassionately,
they can look one another in the eyes
as they dance like a seed on the breeze.
part of a series exploring intimacy in our world.
D May 2019
Yang bermula dengan suara,
Berakhir juga dengan suara.
Disaat kita harus sepakat bahwa semuanya mesti disudahkan
Sedunia tak henti-hentinya mencekokkanku dengan bayangnya
Karena belum genap 24 jam sejak kesepakatan bahwa semuanya sudah,
Ku dengar suaranya dimana-mana,
Kali ini, lagi-lagi, tanpa rupa

Disaat dunia mendengarnya bercerita tentang gadis manis berduduk seorang diri,
Atau tentang bagaimana akal serta tubuhnya dikupas habis oleh hidup sehingga dia tak punya pilihan selain menerima bahwa ia dan mutlaknya semua manusia adalah tunggal; adalah sendiri; adalah harus menelan, memahami, lalu (jika beruntung) mencintai kesendirian itu sendiri
Atau sekiranya tentang bagaimana ia mengibaratkan air mata bagai tanda suatu yang kuat, yang tak malu, yang berteriak, yang patut diwadahkan jika bisa;
Lalu disimpan, bukan dilihat untuk sekedar menyenangkan diri bahwa kita ditangisi
Namun sebagai tanda bahwa pada dasarnya semua manusia akan berserah diri

Tak ada habisnya menganalisa karya—ataupun jiwa—yang memang dari lahir sudah pamungkas
Karena disaat bongkahan karyasuara itu berisi wejangannya untuk mereka yang mencari
Suara itu bercerita kepadaku tentang hal-hal yang agaknya butuh dua kali hidup dan dua kali mati untuk menemukan inti;
Seperti perempuan
Seperti keyakinan
Seperti kesendirian dalam kehidupan dan kematian
Seperti jarak dan waktu yang superfisial disaat kita sadar akan Tuhan

Dimalam itu,
Dimalam saat aku menyadari bahwa ada hal-hal yang jawabannya tak bisa kucari dalam prosa Sang Nabi atau puisi Jalalludin Rumi,
Ia berkata,
“Tak akan—sampai mati—ku mencampuri urusan akal perasaan dengan keyakinan yang sebetulnya sudah ada sebelum apapun.”
Disaat itu juga aku memutuskan untuk mundur sepuluh langkah,
Karena disaat kalimat itu kelar terlontar,
Adalah bukan suaranya yang kudengar,
Namun Ibunya.
Ibu, sama halnya dengan keyakinan, sudah ada sebelum apapun.

Malam ini aku pamit.
SimpleWritings Dec 2018

Mhux dejjem naraw għajn b’għajn
Imma nħobbok

Naf li dejjem pruvajt mill-aħjar li stajt
Biex tagħtini dak li int qatt ma ngħatajt

Imma sfortunatament mhux dejjem irnexxilek
Il-Mulej mhux dejjem provdilek

Jien qatt m’għidtlek meta nqasstni
Meta bin-nuqqas tiegħek warrabtni

Qatt ma ridt niksirlek qalbek
U ngħidlek li ħadd mhu qed jisma talbek

Imma iva Ma,

Għaddejt minn ħafna u int ma taf b’ xejn
Alla ħares tkun taf kif u x’ fatta u fejn

Bħalek Ma,
Għaddejt minn dak li m’ għandu jgħaddi ħadd

Ġarrabt id-dlam
U bkejt fis-solitudni

Imma issa Ma
Sa fl-ahhar...

Inħoss li sibt il-kuntentizza
Inħoss li qbadt it-trejqa li qed nibni jien

Ma rridx nibqa naħbilek iktar
Għajjejt nigdeb u nħaref

Allura għidtlek

Ma flaħtx inżomm iktar
U għidtlek

Kienet diffiċli għax kont beżgħana
Imma ridt naqsam din l-aħbar ferħana

Stennejt li ser tifhimni
Stennejt li xorta waħda ser tibqa tħobbni


Ir-reazzjoni tiegħek ma kienetx dik li stennejt
Ma kienetx dik li f’ moħħi pinġejt

Għalfejn Ma?
Għalfejn ma tridnix?
Għalfejn mhux taċċettani?

Għidli Ma

Lil min inħobb ma għandux jaffettwa kemm inti tħobb lili
Lil min inħobb ma għandux inessik li jien xorta waħda bintek

Mara offritli dak li dejjem fittixt
Mara għallmitni nagħraf x’inhi l-imħabba

Mara urietni kif jidher id-dawl fost id-dlam
Mara qed tgħini nsir inħobb lili nnifsi

Iva Ma

Inħobb mara
U mhux raġel

Għalfejn qed tħares lejja b’ dak il-mod Ma?

B’ ħarsa ta’ diżappunt
B’ ħarsa ta’ diżgust

Bintek għadni Ma

L-istess b-i-n-t li kont tgħannaq miegħek
Meta kont tħoss li d-dinja qed tikrolla

L-istess b-i-n-t li kont tiftaħar tgħid li hi tiegħek
Lil kull min taf meta tilmaħni fost il-folla

Ħobbni Ma

L-istess għadni
Biss, ħrigt mill-moħba

This poem is written in Maltese.
Marleny Oct 2016
He is all encompassing.
His fire propelling sustainablity
In a place that's void of oxygen.

A foreign body against domestic needs.

How can I appreciate his presence in my life,
but fear him all the same?

Maybe it is just me, but
it feels as if I let myself cook in his heat.

As if I make myself absorb his rays with no protection.

Que lástima.

The things I have to do to not go up in smoke quema, to not be charred, quema, to not turn into a crisp, ¿Que más?

His understanding is beyond my reach.
Miles and miles over my head,
over to the beyond where I cannot breathe.

Yet he still manages to reach me
(always had and forever will)

I want to face this aspect of my reality,
but no matter how hard I try to make eye contact,
I must look away...

My father casts his burning gaze upon me again,
expecting answers to questions he has not
even asked me yet.

It is physically taxing to even swallow, much less to move around in the environment he created.

Every step I take around him sizzles as flesh makes contact with pavement.

What must I do to win back your favor, Inti?

What part of myself must I sacrifice to appease you?

To avoid being set aflame,
I do what comes second nature to me now.

My eyes close in search of shade, to preserve the reservoir that my father has yet to dry up.  

And all I see is orange.
English translations:
Que lástima - What a pity.

Quema - burn

Que mas - what more/else

Inti - incan god of sun and harvest also known as apu punchau
What is it?
What can that be?
From where does it come?
Whence doth it's power?
Whom gave it birth...
If you think about it, the Sun, as God.
JidosReality Sep 2016
Im suffocating and breaking hopefully waiting, dreaming and thinking, silence screaming and dreaming.

Basically waiting listening and searching, I'm breaking and crumbling tears watching and smiling.

Water drops searching and biting, hunting me breaking me, my life is dangerously watching me.

Amazingly teaching me running and chasing me, basically biting me taking me, writing had my pen smiling and talking. 

When I was crying and dying thinking and searching, watching the whole world suffocating. My fears were drowning because they were always crying. 

Words cursing and attacking chasing the meaning of the memory! Reality had now become scary.

Thoughts attacking me me like they wanting something, whilst desert storms protect me from the subs heat.

Water drops trapped in the reflection of the mirror that's watching me. Now can you see? Why poetry had to set you free.

Give you letters and words the meaning was so deep. So please come with me inti JidosReality amazingly poetry was an upside down gift.

It was a gift from the pen because words were attracted to me, they broke me and held me, loved me and hated me. 

And now I'm suffocating holding onto the words that are trying to leave me. 

When I write I feel a buzz it's like a star has fallen from the sky from up above. My heart seems to rush the pen speaks so much.

My poetry is amazing because it comes from the heart.

JidosReality 18.6.14
Sito Fossy Biosa Sep 2019
oklasasadu is a diction that was deliberately created by Sito Fossy Biosa to express his frustration with God, disappointment, against God, and the concept of Godhead. ⊙a concrete poetry project⊙
Nabiila Marwaa Nov 2020
“puisi itu hanya enak untuk ditulis, bukan dibaca”

“hah, egois sekali, terus siapa yang mau baca semua puisi yang sudah kamu tulis?”

“bukan begitu, maksudku puisi itu kan ungkapan hati penulisnya, dan ketika kita membaca puisi, kita harus selalu menebak nebak apa arti dan makna sebenar benarnya dari puisi yang kita baca. melelahkan”

“lalu apa bedanya dengan hidup? inti dari hidup juga mencari makna sebenar benarnya kan?”

“memang tidak ada bedanya, sama sama melelahkan”
Percakapan di sepanjang Jalan Matraman yang membuatku tidak pernah membaca puisi apapun dengan cara yang sama lagi
Sito Fossy Biosa Dec 2019
♢♢♢♢♢♢♢♢♢♢♢♢》 ♢♢♢♢♢♢♢♢♢ 《 ARGUNI & BEDORE》 ♢♢♢♢♢♢ Ru      Ru           Ru               Ru, empty space is not solid black                      The core empty space is full of fatigue New metaphors are present in every fiber Arguni is loved like Bedore Ru, Blank                                                           Ru ♢♢♢♢》

              Ru, Ruang kosong bukan hitam pekat
                     Ruang kosong inti penuh penat
Metafora baru hadir dalam setiap serat
Arguni dicintai bagai Bedore Ru, Kosong
                                                          ­                  Ru♢♢♢♢》
oklasasadu is a diction that was deliberately created by Sito Fossy Biosa to express his frustration with God, disappointment, against God, and the concept of Godhead. ⊙a concrete poetry project⊙
Michael Marchese Dec 2017
We’ve all embarked on Shining Paths
As Puka Inti’s chosen suns
When chains are all that we had left
We offered jobs and guns and theft,
Then conquered us a new frontier
Where once we saw empires golden
Burning in decline like all
The fields of green we’ve stolen
Still we’re wondering why so much red
Still treads on tyranny that shed
These trails of tears and severed heads
For loaves of bread we’ve overFed
To make this nation great agains
And voiceless votes invoking violent
Revolution never ends
Until the dead see not of war
Until the pigs fly in their planes
Until the rich become the poor
Until the honest Abe exclaims
That we’re all slaves, not worth our graves
The only way we hope to change
This broken record history
This cyclical hypocrisy
Democracy dividing us
To love thy neighbor hatreds
In our churches, states and other stuff
Is seeing all we need to be
Is our instinctive liberty
United in a common cause
Against the freedom industry
Infamous one Apr 2020
Thinking of those NO
Turning them inti YES
Be more accepting
Not be so dismissive
Always open to grow
Listen to new ideas
Appreciate new perspective
Develop new skills
Go on new adventure
Instead of wondering what if
Take a chance not fear rejection
Accept more challenges step it up
Rise above limitations strive forward

— The End —