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Patrick Austin Sep 2018
Our Backgrounds before we met...

I'm an only child born in Montana in 1983, from a divided home. Parents divorced at seven, Mom was unstable and unfaithful. Dad obtained custody of me and we moved to Oregon Coast to live with my Grandma. I had unhealthy visits and relationship with Mom thereafter. My Grandma died at 12 and at 13 my Dad remarried an alcoholic woman, I had a strained relationship with them until adulthood when she stopped drinking. I had exposure to trauma; alcoholism, mental illness, verbal abuse and juvenile troubles. I rebelled by using drugs in my late teens and early twenties, I lived on my own for a few years after high school but had little direction.

My bride is the eldest with two little brothers, parents stayed in same area of Portland during childhood with lots of family support and her parents stayed married. They had Christian values but some anger and anxiety issues at home. She was sexually assaulted at 17 and never had good closure with this. She told me her parents didn't provide her enough help with things like this growing up. Status quo was the backbone of the family dynamic, challenging emotions were discouraged. She rebelled by being reckless with herself, financially and sexually. She decided to join the Navy at 19. She lived alone briefly, but mostly with Grandparents & Parents before our marriage.

I loved how we both grew up reading Archie comics. No other girl I had ever met had that in common with me. I think we wanted a surreal life like the one in Riverdale.


She and I were 19 when we first met in my home town on the coast at an arcade. We became friends and secretly liked each other. I was too nervous to ever make a move on her. We traveled together, she stayed with me, we used drugs together and drank at times. One night she drank too much and had *** with a guy I knew at a party. I was devastated by this. She was Navy bound and I didn't see a real future for us. The next morning she left and I didn't talk to her again for two years. I figured she would be gone with the Navy soon and that she must not have been interested in a relationship with me despite the time we spent together.


I was depressed about this rejection. I dated an older woman who was interested in me but was no substitute. I eventually moved to the Portland area to work and live. I still had few plans and was lonely, in or out of the few brief relationships I attempted. I never found someone that I felt safe with or had a true connection, let alone true love. She ended up not following through with the Navy and continued working her way up in her job at the call center. She attended community college and dated a few guys. She dated one guy for a couple of years who was not a good match for her but stayed with him off and on despite issues. His family was wealthy and treated her well. He slept around on her as did she. At one point he gave her an STD. She also had an ongoing affair with a married man in the military that she went to high school with. He had a child and a wife with mental health issues. She was still hurting a lot at times and not always doing well.


She reached out to me via email after two years of no contact. We emailed back and forth a couple times over the next few months. We talked about meeting up. We spoke on the phone and eventually met up in Portland. We had an amazing night getting to know each other again and work past the confusion of our earlier days of friendship. I realized that she did in fact like me before but since I was timid and trying to be proper and take things slowly she didn't understand my motives. She apologized for her actions at the party as well. She claimed she was in a really messed up place and was making bad choices at that time. Getting our feelings out in the open was good and she appreciated my attitude towards being slow to make moves on her when we first met. I was worried about falling for her based on our history but eventually I was determined to give it a shot. We soon after starting dating and being intimate. Our love was extremely powerful and beyond all others we had both experienced. She broke ties with other suitors and shortly after we talked about marriage and started planning a wedding for the next year.

I remember when we first held hands. We were so shakey and she was quivering on my couch as I had my arm around her. We felt so safe with each other. We could finally be ourselves and do what our hearts desired. We knew we were on to something new and so amazing. We were so patient with each other as we navigated our new love and emotional thresholds.

I remember when we saw Matisyahu in concert together. That was a once in a lifetime experience and a life-changing moment for us. I feel it set the tone for things to come in our future.

I remember how creative my proposal to her was, in the Arcade where we first met. I hid the ring in a prize container from one of those claw machines. Pretending I got the ring from inside by reaching into the machine on one knee I was so nervous and wasn't sure if I could pull it off before she caught on. She looked so shocked and surprised. I was so excited she said yes! We took pictures in the photo machine and had burgers afterwards, I'd do all of it all over again just to see her face in that moment.


We found an apartment for us in Portland. I moved in while she was still living back with her parents until the wedding. She had to change her number because the married man she was previously involved with kept calling her about changing her mind about marriage and continuing their relationship. She was offered a job in Denver and we decided to move away together after our sandy wedding in Cannon Beach. I still had a very hard time and was embarrassed with my past history with her. Many of my friends knew what had happened at 19 and how much it hurt me but I was so crazy about her I think I tried to pretend it didn't happen or that it was not a big deal because we were younger. We got married and moved to Colorado soon after. We made friends at a church, I became more active as a Christian and really loved being married. We were very involved in keeping spirituality in our marriage. I began to notice her poor financial decisions and practices more. This caused conflict but we always tried to communicate and work on things.

I remember when we went down to my folks for New Year's in 2005. We sipped tea in my Datsun as we drove to the coast over the snowy mountain pass. We told them of our engagement. We were all so blissful and excited. We never knew what was to come. We didn't even know about the opportunity in Denver yet. Our story is amazing!

I remember when I wanted to go see her in Portland and the roads were iced over. I left my car at a park and ride before I caused a wreck. I took the light rail across town then rode a bus to the Eastside shopping mall. The bus to her house was not running because it wasn't safe so I walked the rest of the 4 Miles sometimes having to crawl on my hands and knees to make it up hills in the ice and then I finally made it only to just spend a couple hours with her and fall asleep on her parents couch. Her Dad drove us back the next morning to my car so I could get to work. It was all worth it just to see her for that little extra time. I would have done anything for her.

I remember when she was interviewing for the new position in Denver? I drove all over Portland trying to find little toy cars to help with her illustration about how a team is like a car having all four wheels and how they work together to accomplish a goal. I was so proud of her for giving it her all and succeeding at earning that position. Now that I think of it, that car analogy applies to our family and us. We all need each other to be better and keep on track and be a team. I am so motivated by that and our boys. I lose my way without that and I want to be her reflection and motivation as she has been that for me. I truly thought we brought out the best in each other when we were together.

I remember when we were given tickets to see Fiona Apple. That was so spontaneous and a great way to kick off our time in Denver together. We always used to watch our same movies over and over again. Like the Friends DVDs and White Christmas every winter break and The Wedding Singer. We walked everywhere and lived simply. "I wanna be the guy, who grows old with you"

I remember in our first Denver apartment when we took baths together in our claw foot tub in the big bathroom. We put a board over the top and played cards. I liked playing Uno with her in bed too. She was so funny being slightly color blind and in the dark, mixing up the greens and blues. We played Uno in Breckenridge too at that cool bed and breakfast in the fall.


We had continued fun and adventure in our new home of Denver. She was doing well as a trainer for the bank and I started working in health foods. We went camping in New Mexico a couple times with friends and we both took individual trips to Oregon as well as one together for her uncle's wedding. We had marital spats on occasion but always bounced back. The issues we had seemed like part of a normal marriage and were far better than what I had grown up around. I realized that marriage was a lot of work but I was up for the task. She occasionally became aggressive throwing things at me or breaking things during conflict.  I believed I was the problem and tried to change for her in many ways. With two incomes we still had trouble making our bills at times. She had debts that I never knew about that started to catch up with us but I took care of getting them settled and we paid off her car and traded it for an older Volvo Wagon that we both loved, I even had it repainted her favorite color for a birthday gift. Overall things seemed like they were progressing in a positive way.

I remember when we saw Midnight in concert in Boulder. That was the peak of our hippy days. We were alive with pleasure in our healthy vegetarian diets and practices living in a time and place like no other. I want to be like that again. Reggae was our music. We had much in common.


We really fell into our roles in our marriage and the community; church and culture, friends etc. Things seemed very balanced and appropriate for us at that time and that age (24-25). We had separate bank accounts and jobs. I had money in savings. We started the process of buying a house so we could invest in something. She became pregnant shortly after. I embraced the challenge with positive energy but we were both in for a big change. We started having more fights. I didn't have many friends and would write to old friends via social media just so I could to catch up and tell them things were going great with being married to make myself feel better than I actually did. She hated the dawn of social media and also felt isolated I'm sure. She felt I should be doing more for her and I didn't know how to do what she needed but I failed to ask a lot of the time. After one argument, she left the house. My instinct told me to look at ******* and ******* as a retaliation. I had not done this much once we were married because she always met my needs but when things were difficult between us I felt more emotionally isolated. She walked in and realized what I had been doing. She was very upset, and because she was pregnant, thought I was not attracted to her. The truth is I found her even more beautiful and in fact when I looked at ******* I tried to look at women I found less attractive than her so that I feel good about what I have. I mostly fantasized about how these women were more submissive and loving than her. That is the part I needed to feel good about and feel better about myself with because I felt very dominated and controlled. She has never forgiven me for this and I will never stop feeling sorry to her for my brokenness. During one particular argument that year she was getting close to being violent towards me again and I pushed her away on the chest with my fingertips. She got very mad and said I hurt her. I immediately felt terrible and apologized. I never let something like that happen again. I have always avoided violence towards others especially women and of course her. I was defenseless against physical and emotional abuse.


Our eldest son was born at the beginning of the year, it was a traumatic birth for everyone. We wanted a natural birth with a midwife but we were transferred to a hospital and she ended up having an emergency C-section, nothing went as planned. We had a really hard time coping with the emotions of this experience. A lot of buried feelings and trauma from both of us started coming out. We moved a month later into our new home outside of town. No more walking or biking to places, we had to drive everywhere. This house was next to our friends from church. We thought this would make us feel less isolated but we didn’t really have the community with them that we had hoped for. They were upset that they didn't have a child of their own yet and being around us might have been hard for them. My wife stopped working and stayed home with our son. All these changes made for a very difficult time. I did my best to support them but this was the first time we shared a bank account and needed to follow a budget more than ever before. We had no debt at the beginning of the year with money in savings but then the hospital bills put us down about $7,000 and rising with new home and moving expenses and baby needs. My job could barely keep up. She and I had a hard time adjusting. We could not afford to travel home to Oregon and visit family as much and we felt more and more isolated. She started showing me more signs of instability, locking herself in the bathroom with kitchen knives and scraping her legs which continued off and on for years to come. Talks of divorce and suicide threats seemed to happen more than before. I felt responsible and tried to fix her ever changing issues with me.

I remember when herr ******* were full and swollen with milk. It is so beautiful the way she could feed our babies. I wanted her in every way, our bodies belonged to each other. I was there for her and our shared pleasure. I loved it when she told me that she was mine in the heat of passion. This spark could only be a bandage for so long but I didn't know that yet.


I tried to promote within my company but was not selected, they were cutting budgets and employment all around me. I felt worried about our future. I had always thought the military might be a good opportunity and could move us closer to family back home. My father-in-law encouraged me to look into the Coast Guard. I felt this would be a good way to get moved closer to Oregon.  I ended up joining the Navy because we found out we were pregnant again with our second son and that was the only way I could join a military branch. She worked off and on as a nanny and later in the year at a coffee house working nights. We barely spent time together and when we did it was a lot of hard conversations or arguments about finances with making up intimately in the middle of the night between times of caring for the baby. She once scratched my neck with her fingernails during an argument. People I worked with noticed. It was a hard time and we knew change was on the horizon with jobs and moving. We did visit Oregon that summer though and had a great vacation at the beach with a borrowed 4x4 and staying at a hotel and picnicking out of a cooler as well as going to her brothers wedding. I was 26 and about to join the Navy to provide better for my family at all costs sacrificing myself for their benefit because I would have rather died than look like I didn't try my best for them.

I remember when our babies would kick and move around inside her belly. I loved laying by her and feeling her tummy. I would hum to the baby and hear them move and squirm. I loved giving our boys baths when they were babies too. We had our little bundles of our love, wrapped in a towel in our hands, so tiny and vulnerable. I miss those days and want to remember them with her, aside from this state of melancholy.


The Navy recruiters would only take me if we rented out our home and had her stay with family during boot camp and training. We moved to a furnished apartment in Denver and put our things in storage. She was 5 months pregnant and our eldest was two. I shortly after was let go from my job. Our second son was born in April. I got a contract with the Navy at the last minute but didn't leave until August. We sold our beloved vehicles and lived off retirement funds for six months and moved down to Florida where her parents had just moved out of the blue for work, to stay with them until I left for boot camp. I applied for temporary work in Florida at a dozen places but had no luck in my three months there. I took care of our eldest a lot while she took care of the new baby. Being in Florida was a culture shock for us but we had our moments of romance and made the best of it. Eventually I left for boot camp in August. It was really hard and sad to be gone. She stayed in Florida and came to visit me with the baby at boot camp graduation in October. I then went to Connecticut for five months of training. It was also hard but at least I could call home every day and be in the same time zone. I visited Florida during the winter break and saw my boys and her. We went to Disney world and had a great time on her parents. We also made a romantic home movie I could enjoy while away from her. I flew back to Connecticut and tried to make the best of things. My roommate was very abusive of substances and I resisted the temptation for a long time but the threat of being submarine service bound and missing my family pushed me to drinking every weekend and getting messed up to escape before I left.

I remember when we drove to Key Largo, Florida and stopped at a crazy bird wildlife center. I remember our oldest was so amazed hearing a bird say hello back to us. It was so foreign and fun there. I am glad we all shared that experience together.

I remember our trip to the citrus grove in Florida. That was such a great day for our family. I always look back on that with really fond sentiment. I felt like I was in a beautiful family music video with them.


I finished Submarine Training and got orders back to the Northwest. The plan was all coming together. I arrived first and bought a car and got our items moved from storage in Denver to our townhouse rental in Washington. She and the boys joined me a month later. I didn't report to my Sub for another month as they were at sea. She became pregnant again with our third son right after arriving. We had just bought a small car and were not planning on another child. Towards the end of the year I was working a lot and having a really hard time, being bullied and treated poorly at work plus our financial situation was still very difficult. Adjusting to the military was hard among younger men being 28. I dreaded each day in that environment but I tried to endure it for my family. I went to sea for a couple months at the end of the year stopping in Hawaii and California. During this time She reached out to her ex married affair partner after six years of no contact. She didn't tell me until later. She said she needed closure with him, we were not in counseling yet but she decided this was appropriate. I flew home early from sea and wanted to surprise her. The stress and trauma of this quick transition home after being to sea for the first time (which was also traumatic) made me want to drink and get messed up before flying. I arrived home and surprised her but I seemed off to her which I was but didn’t explain why, I have never done that since. I got to be home for two months almost work free while we celebrated the holidays and prepared for the new baby to be born. She started getting more involved with a church and building a community for us which was great. Our financial struggles almost led us to foreclosure of our home back in Colorado but by the grace of God we got it sold with a short sale just in time.

I remember when I came back from Hawaii and brought her a beaded necklace and she wore it naked with her big beautiful pregnant goddess belly and we made passionate hippy love together. I want to grow out my beard again and spend my life making hippy love and feeling free again.


Our third son was born in January. It was a very positive birth experience and much less stressful than the other two. Shortly after I flew out to finish the other half of the deployment I had missed. I really focused on being positive and spiritually connected by reading my Bible at sea which was helpful. I called her when I arrived in Japan halfway through being gone. She was upset because she tested positive for an STD while trying to get on birth control. I became suspicious of her yet she was suspicious of me. We both got tested again and I was clean, she told me she had a false positive after all. This put a big strain on our trust, especially being so far away. This forced us to be honest with each other about some things such as her contact with her ex lover and my drinking to cope. We were both very upset until I returned home and we could start some counseling to work through things. Forgiveness seemed to be difficult for us. It brought up hurts of the past when we were 19. She also had severe postpartum depression that became worse after each birth. I was still having a hard time with work and the submarine environment. Our church friends tried to counsel us but it was not the most helpful. My submarine was scheduled for extended repairs and not going to sea for three years, I would be transferred before the end of that period. I used this time to bond with her and my boys. I wanted to get better involved in our community and do volunteer work and side jobs to earn extra money. Our boys were all given diagnosis's for autism which begun to fill our lives with appointments and challenges for years to come but we were a good team in dealing with all of it. It gave us something to work together on but took our focus away from working on our own personal issues and relationship with each other as much as we should have.


We had new years with both sides of our family in a snowy mountain setting in Oregon. It looked like it was going to be a great year until her Grandpa passed away suddenly. It ripped our entire family apart but especially her. He kept the family grounded and she was very close to him, he really loved all of us. She and I started going on dates again because we had Navy sponsored child care. It was the beginning of a really good thing for us. Tragically one night after a date we were dancing with the boys on the patio and I tried to pick her up and I lost my balance and fell on her, breaking her collar bone severely. She needed surgery and was very mad at me for years to come. She has a scar, a metal plate and numbness in her chest. We worked through it with our community from church but she still is very mad at me. I feel more terrible about this incident than she could ever know. I would lose a finger in place of that incident if I could. I continued having a really hard time in the Navy and I didn't want to stay in but She insisted our boys needed care only the Navy could offer. She also said she would divorce me if I ever left the Navy. I took this threat seriously even though she assured me later that she would never actually do that. Against my own convictions I reenlisted because I wanted to do the best thing for my family. We moved into base housing at the end of summer and didn’t go out to do things as much anymore. The house was nice but it ****** us in, we also had less community with people around our home. I started volunteering at church more and doing work with special needs people. I felt like I was doing good things and that I had purpose all around. I think she appreciated this about me.


We started seeing a professional counselor together and individually. It became a regular event. I worked on myself and she worked on herself. I had a lot of issues with my Mom and eventually broke off communication with her for my own well-being and the betterment of my family. I got past a lot of the bad feelings I had. She worked on her traumatic experiences and our relationship dynamics. Just when things were going well I got a new boss who made things hard for me and others at work and I started messing up more. I got in trouble for messing up a job at work and was given strike one on my record. She lost respect for me as a provider but I tried to stay strong showing her that I would continue to do my best.

I remember when we had an appointment in Tacoma and we had a brunch date together afterwards. She looked so beautiful that day, I took her picture and was so proud to enjoy  huevos rancheros and momosas with her. I remember going to the Tacoma Art Museum seeing the Georgia O’Keefe exhibit, we have a great time together doing new things and feeding each other's interests. I loved laughing with her too, sometimes we just bust up like nobody's around. I loved the sound of her laughter. I loved watching Portlandia with her, it is so funny to remember the funny place where we became close and be able to relate together.


I kept working hard and being involved with family and appointments for my boys and her. I still maintained my volunteer work and part time side jobs. I got strike two with the Navy for messing up again... I had just gained orders to leave the sub for local shore duty. I could not get out of the extended repair situation soon enough. She was very disappointed in me and not so understanding. I worked through this situation with our counselor as did she. He always told her I am a good man and that I do a lot for her and the boys. It's true, I care more than anything about them, I made mistakes and I feel bad especially when I cause my family stress. I left for shore duty in April. It was a hard time adjusting to the new routine but eventually we seemed to make it work. That summer we took a trip to visit Texas where her parents had just moved from Florida. We spent a great night together for our 10th anniversary in a hotel in Texas and went dancing. We had a lot more time together as my work schedule was less. The more people we had in our home working with our kids on issues the less useful my input seemed. I was not included as much in making family decisions because they all seemed to happen while I was at work, despite my objections. We tried to get our budget under control but she still had anxiety discussing spending. She continued to struggle with depression and was put on medication because she had still been harming herself. She was put on Prozac daily and anti anxiety medication as needed. He family members were not very supportive of medication which upset her but I always tried to be supportive in seeking help and continued care for both of us.


We had a busy routine of kids in school now and home school and preschool and appointments for all of us. She wanted to go to church less and less. I started drinking a couple beers at night almost every day. I tried to mask my stress from her mood swings. She decided not to go to church at all anymore and focused teaching the boys about Jewish traditions exclusively which was hard for me to adjust to and confusing for the boys. I loved her and wanted to be supportive. As usual I was submissive and removed myself from the Christian church and some friendships. I feel like we lost our community at that point. We searched for a good place to have a new community with Jewish people but it was like starting over. I felt like I converted to Christianity for her when we got together and now I had to convert again, either way I would have done it for her because I loved her that much. The kids were confused by this change. After trying and failing at many synagogues we finally found one that seemed right for us.


We finally had some money in savings because I kept it a secret and ended up planning a trip to visit her parents in Texas but it fell through due to lack of military flights. Instead we spent three nights away in a nice hotel resort as a family in February. We had three days of pure family time. Playing Battleship and other games in our room as a family, watching movies and eating at all the different restaurants and getting room service. Going swimming everyday in the foggy pool. I love our family and how we can have a great time together doing nothing but at the same time so much. That was so peaceful and relaxing. I wanted to keep doing things like that together as a family before our boys got too old. Shortly after this vacation she wanted to go back to school, then we bought a third vehicle so she could. Shortly after this she changed her mind about school and wanted to buy another house instead. I went along with it to please her and we practically killed ourselves trying to get the move accomplished with not much help or money. We had a good year over all. We got away for a romantic anniversary together in the summer. Just before the boys were going to start public school in the fall, her parents moved back to the area. She had anxiety with this and cut off contact with her parents and brothers for a while. Her Dad called me very upset and I tried to keep the peace until they reconciled. I was doing better with work and made up for lost progress as well as making arrangements to change jobs in the Navy to something more fitting. Since the boys started public school, I planned on leaving for Navy training in my new position after the beginning of the new year when they would be at a more settled place in their routine.

I remember when we went to the Olympic Club for our anniversary and we stayed there for a night away. We drove the long way through the countryside talking about new music that she wanted to share with me and she made notes of it on my phone notepad. We brought our own cooler and picnic that included Session Lagers and chocolate. We checked in to our room and made noisy bohemian love on the edge of the creaky bed in our small European room inches from the door. Then we went to the theater downstairs and watched the late showing of a really interesting Sci-fi movie "Valerian and the City of a Thousand Planets". We took showers and slept sweetly together. We made love again in the morning before we had a delicious brunch outside on the patio. We took the long way home and drove around on new roads and found our way out of cell phone reception. We figured out the road less traveled to get back to our home. We loved being alone and away together, just one night can make such a difference and mean so much.

I remember going to the Forest Theater to see Tarzan with our boys. That was such a great time. I would love to get our boys into theater and go see them someday. I wanted to keep our dreams and goals together alive and not lose opportunity and fall short by losing our partnership.

I loved going camping in Seabeck. Loading the truck with all our gear and getting away. Archer got sick from the cowboy caviar and I had to clean him and the tent up in the night. I was glad we had each other to be a team in our marriage in that situation as with all the other times. These sorts of things are what escape a person's mind when they are determined to get a divorce.


We had a lot less money than the year before, again buying a house took its toll on finances as did the boys school and after school activities. I stayed very involved taking the boys to appointments and sporting practices. We stopped going to synagogue but tried to practice Judaism at home as much as possible, which I was very supportive of and involved with. She was still depressed and talking about suicide at times. I encouraged her to get help as I always had. Eventually she was diagnosed as Bipolar 2 and manic depressive by a new provider. She started taking new medicine for this and was worried I would want to leave her. I assured her I would never leave her and that I always wanted to work on things with her and help her. I left for training in Mississippi February 8th. It was going to be hard but I thought it might be good to have some time apart from each other to miss one another and reflect on things as well as prepare for times when I would be away at sea. I got in trouble in Mississippi for giving junior personnel a ride and being negligent of people who might be underage and possibly drinking, this became strike three. I never thought this could happen. I became recommend for separation from the Navy shortly after and was stuck in Mississippi for six months instead of six weeks. She was supportive through most of it but seemed to fall into hopelessness. Money was spent by her that we didn't have without discussion. She quietly leased appliances and tires and purchased a vehicle as well as having a secret bank account and email address. I discovered through our insurance company that she wanted to leave our policy for divorce. I didn't know this and she had even told the boys she wanted a divorce before I even knew. I was caught off guard and confused. I kept trying to communicate and reason with her but she didn't want to talk. I refused to give up and wrote emails and a letter but it only seemed to push her away further. By the time I left Mississippi she had filed for divorce and a restraining order against me saying I was unstable and a threat. I couldn't return to my home. My whole life fell apart in just a couple months. I found out she had been talking to other men in the Navy and keeping more secrets. I assumed this was her way of taking control during a difficult situation. I really needed her support during this hard time of transition out of the military. I became homeless, jobless and without my family in a month. I prayed to God that given time things might change between us but it was of no use. Bipolar had consumed whatever was left of my bride and there was no turning back.

I felt that our love was not one to be cast away. Other people might not understand or agree but what we had was truly special. We may have surely needed some time and space to get counseling as well as reconfigure and repair our marriage but I didn't feel like our relationship was irretrievably broken. She was so important to me and I thought she was the love of my life and would always have my heart. I wanted to be her partner in love and life, watching our boys grow up and being there to support each other. Being that she is Bipolar I knew she will need a lot of help and I was more than willing to assist her in making sure she was taking care of herself and not throwing herself into harm's way, ensuring she sticks with a plan we agree to for consistency. I cared about her deeply and had much compassion for her. I didn't believe she was thinking this through or thinking about the future. I really wanted to look at the long and short game with her, neither seemed appealing to me if we progressed but here we are. Things are not going to be easier. She will still have to face her problems and deal with me on a regular basis for the rest of our lives no matter what happens. She can believe her lawyer when they promise she'll get the moon and stars out of this in the end but they only see half of the story. Above all they want our money. It would have been good for her to face me in person and tell me she wanted to divorce and we could have started talking about it with a counselor to figure out how that could even work. Instead she chose to avoid as much responsibility for her actions as possible by doing everything in my absence as if I am not a real person. I had to find out about it from our insurance company and was last to know.

Immediately after I hear the word divorce I looked into her cell usage history and find she has a new military boyfriend that she talks to 20-30 times a day. She felt she owed me no explanation for this and it was none of my business. A mature person would have let me know about this months before and I would have seen it coming but there was no sign until it was seemingly too late. She strayed down a dark path and never turned back.

Her proposed parenting plan was cruel and had no thought put into it. Two hours a week with supervision, no holidays but father's day? She said she’s not trying to keep me from the kids but this is the exact opposite of what she’s saying with the paperwork she filed. She seems very mixed up and still you continues to make rash and sudden choices. Like a completely bogus restraining order against me that contradicts so many facts she has stated herself on record during my Navy retention process. She was so bold as to want to change her identity and even put it in ink on the divorce paperwork as well to a whole new name. That is not the actions of a stable person. She has since changed her mind again on that just as quickly as everything else in her recent life choices. I can't trust that any decisions she is making right now are for the right reasons or that she is of sound mind. I have never seen her so conflicted and confused, grasping at straws and running scared from herself.

Using the legal system so carelessly and going back and forth makes me feel like she is not ready to be making big choices and changes for her and our family. It is very unfair that she can’t consider my feelings on things and what I wish for the boys as well. Very reckless behavior. She can’t anticipate that the day would come where she has to face me and talk to me like an adult. She wants to hide behind the legal system which only leaves much to be unresolved. Ghosting me is not really an option in a marriage of 13 years with children.

Having relationship conversations is too difficult for her at this time and she would rather avoid it and skip to divorce because she thinks that will somehow be easier. I suspect she knows she is making poor choices, possibly out of fear and lust for something new and less painful than the reality of things right now. Our marriage was nowhere close to divorce when I left. She was sad to see me leave and woke with me at 3:30 am to say goodbye, making me coffee and cookies for me to take with.

Our community and accountability seems to be gone due to the continued trend of isolation that she is drawn to. The God fearing loving committed wife I thought I had is gone or trapped inside a terrified shell of herself. She cut me off from her family members and I can't discuss my concerns about her with them either. She only seems to have community with those who are not going to discourage her from these destructive choices.

I understand we have had issues and struggles but we are no worse off than other couples during challenging times. I think that because we loved each other so much it just hurt more when things got hard. I can't accept or believe this is justified or the right choice based on the positive trend we were on before I left. This was the longest break we have ever had from each other and I think she just needed someone to be there more for her, no matter who it was. Time can heal all wounds and I hope that is true for our relationship as co-parents.

She still refuses to tell me about why she wanted a divorce or talk about anything beyond caring for the kids. I have fought the restraining and I can see my boys again but I am still not allowed to my home without her permission.

I have risen from the ashes in just a couple months. I rent a room from a nice couple from our old church and obtained a good paying job while I continue paying the household bills.

This is a really hard time, this difficult spell could have been a tool to better our relationship. I wanted to experience more beautiful memories with her. We had so many more beautiful memories and dreams left to create. This is what marriage looks like to me now as I lower the casket.
This is a timeline of the major events during my 13 year marriage. Amidst the reality, I injected all the lovely memories that refuse to leave my mind.
armadura viste el fuego)
calorífero de combustión lenta
entre las fauces de la chimenea
-o mármol o ladrillo-
                                          tortuga estática
o agazapado guerrero japonés
y una u otro
                      -el martirio es reposo -
impasible en la tortura.

nombre antiguo del fuego
y antídoto antiguo contra el fuego
y desollada planta sobre brasas
amiante amante amianto

                        en la ciudad abstracta
entre geometrías vertigiosas
-vidrio cemento piedra hierro-
formidables quimeras
levantadas por el cálculo
multiplicadas por el lucro
al flanco del muro anónimo
amapola súbita

garra amarilla
                            roja escritura
en la pared de sal
                                  garra de sol
sobre el montón de huesos

                        estrella caída
en el sinfín del ópalo sangriento
bajo los párpados del sílex
niña perdida
en el túnel del ónix
en los círculos del basalto
enterrada semilla
                                  grano de energía
dormida en la médula del granito

                      niña dinametera
en el pecho azul y ***** del hierro
estallas como un sol
te abres como una herida
hablas como una fuente

hija del fuego
espíritu del fuego
condensación de la sangre
sublimación de la sangre
evaporación de la sangre

Salamandra de aire
la roca es llama
                              la llama es humo
vapor rojo
                  recta plegaria
alta palabra de alabanza
                      corona de incendio
en la testa del himno
reina escarlata
(y muchacha de medias moradas
corriendo despeinada por el bosque)

                      animal taciturno
***** paño de lágrimas de azufre
(Un húmedo verano
entre las baldosas desunidas
de un patio petrificado por la luna
oí vibrar tu cola cilíndrica)

Salamandra caucásica
en la espalda cenicienta de la peña
aparece y desaparece
breve y negra lengüeta
moteada de azafrán

bicho ***** y brillante
escalofrío del musgo
devorador de insectos
heraldo diminuto del chubasco
y familiar de la centella
(Fecundación interna
reproducción ovípara
las crías viven en el agua
ya adultas nadan con torpeza)

Puente colgante entre las eras
puente de sangre fría
eje del movimiento
(Los cambios de la alpina
la especie más esbelta
se cumplen en el claustro de la madre
Entre los huevecillos se logran dos apenas
y hasta el alumbramiento
medran los embriones en un caldo nutricio
la masa fraternal de huevos abortados)

La salamandra española
montañesa negra y roja

No late el sol clavado en la mitad del cielo
no respira
no comienza la vida sin la sangre
sin la brasa del sacrificio
no se mueve la rueda de los días
Xólotl se niega a consumirse
se escondió en el maíz pero lo hallaron
se escondió en el maguey pero lo hallaron
cayó en el agua y fue el pez axólotl
el dos-seres
                        y "luego lo mataron"
Comenzó el movimiento anduvo el mundo
la procesión de fechas y de nombres
Xólotl el perro guía del infierno
el que desenterró los huesos de los padres
el que coció los huesos en la olla
el que encendió la lumbre de los años
el hacedor de hombres
Xólotl el penitente
el ojo reventado que llora por nosotros
Xólotl la larva de la mariposa
del doble de la Estrella
el caracol marino
la otra cara del Señor de la Aurora
Xólotl el ajolote

dardo solar
                    lámpara de la luna
columna del mediodía
nombre de mujer
balanza de la noche.
(El infinito peso de la luz
un adarme de sombra en tus pestañas)

                      llama negra
                    sol tú misma
y luna siempre en torno de ti misma
granada que se abre cada noche
astro fijo en la frente del cielo
y latido del mar y luz ya quieta
mente sobre el vaivén del mar abierta

saurio de unos ocho centímetros
vive en las grietas y es color de polvo

Salamandra de tierra y de agua
piedra verde en la boca de los muertos
piedra de encarnación
piedra de lumbre
sudor de la tierra
sal llameante y quemante
sal de la destrucción
y máscara de cal que consume los rostros

Salamandra de aire y de fuego
avispero de soles
roja palabra del principio

La salamandra es un lagarto
su lengua termina en un dardo
su cola termina en un dardo
Es inasible Es indecible
reposa sobre brasas
reina sobre tizones
Si en la llama se esculpe
su monumento incendia.
El fuego es su pasión es su paciencia

Salamadre                           Aguamadre
r Sep 2014
it was suggested
that there be no nexus
between texas and your pal-
omino - tagging the alamo, **?

en el barrio, yo(u)-
and your gringa  homecoming
queen in tight-assed jeans
-running with ms-13?

-playing twister with your hipster
sisters misters smith & wesson
oiled up and and ready to go
- new mexico?

i found you in tres piedras
at a place called ortega's
eating huevos rancheros
- shooting jose cuervo?

-muthafucka mara salvatruchas
in a red camaro and two bruthas
on a burro with bow and arrows
-stole your palomino?

-they shoot horses
don't they?

riding the black el camino
-on the blue mesa.

r ~ 9/30/14
KA Sep 2016
Mary, Bumby, Mousy, Rest of Gang...

Been thinking. Tough after all the electro-shock. But here goes.

What will Hemingway leave behind?  A few good books?  OK. That ought to be it for the obit. ‘He wrote a few good books.’  

Yes, there was the drinking and the hunting and the ******* and the fishing. And the talking about the drinking and the hunting and the ******* and the fishing. That was all good too. But that was for pal consumption. By invitation only.

Always hated the star part. Shy as a doe under this elephant hide. Only thing hated more than signing name on checks to the tax-man, signing it on dog-eared editions of The Sun Also Rises. But hating fame doesn't keep it away. Swat a fly, ten more appear.  

Do they read even the few good books anymore? Nope. Only people who read The Old Man And The Sea were thirty Swedish nitwits in Stockholm. The Nobel Prize for Nitwiterature.

So what has Hemingway left behind?  Well, this...

Every young punk with a Liberal Arts degree and a chinful of fuzz and his huevos bursting with juice, wants to be...Hemingway.

Two generations of them now. At least the one in the ‘30s had some politics, fought wars, fished fish, ****** ******. Knew how to read and shoot and drink and talk. A few even knew the back end of a bull from the front.

But this second one, these crew-cut corn-fed Eisenhower mommy-boys? Who’ve never seen a comrade shot dead at their side or an elk breaking cover at first light?  With their butts like the fenders of a ‘55 Chevy, unread paperbacks in the back-pockets of their chinos, babbling bits of Spanish to each other but never to Spaniards, the only hard muscle in their soft bodies that faithful drinking arm...  

They think all that is...being Hemingway.

In Havana, the Floridita was full of 'em. Couldn't go in there anymore. Key West the same. '59 encierro in Pamplona, punk comes up in the Txoko Bar, me talking quiet with Antonio after a good fight...  Wants me to drink from his **** bota.  Threw it in the street. Him after it. Can't go back there either. Won't be able to go anywhere soon.  World full of wanna-be Hemingways.

That’s all Hemingway’s really left behind. A bushy salt-and-pepper beard and an ever-faithful drinking arm.  

Time to check out, gang. A quick clean ****.

The sun also sets.

But here's the beauty part. Forty, fifty years from now, when all the wanna-be Hemingways are old and fat and their chin-fuzz is fried to bristle and their huevos are dried up like figs in a dusty street... But they still want to do it all like Hemingway...

They'll have to eat a shotgun too.


The Dedpoet Jul 2016
I'm eating bean and cheese,
Suicide bomber attacks airline;
I spill some salsa
And the body count isn't in yet.
There is no suspense here,
Just tacos and the horrible news;

I change the channel
And look for my huevos rancheros,
Terror does not exist anymore
But the salsa stain remains.
How and what can we do when we see these things?
Joining the army? Or keep on living and not let the fear take us over. Live your life and give and help when the opportunity arises, simply living on and moving forward is fighting in its own right. There is no fear but fear itself.
David Lessard Aug 2014
I blot the sun out with my thumb,
don't want to burn my eyes;
it's hot enough to fry an egg,
someday, by god, I'll try.

I'll place it on my car's hood,
in the middle of July,
in desert heat outside of town,
I will let it fry.

I'll take a magnifying glass,
in the case that it need be;
and my widest brimmed hat,
so the sun will not scorch me.

I'll take along some pinto beans,
huevos rancheros of a sort;
on corn tortillas with red sauce,
if it's good, I'll take snort.

A Mexican fiesta dish,
with jalapenos too;
then I will burn my mouth,
before my meal is through.
Desde el amanecer, se cambia la ropa sucia de los altares y de los santos, que huele a rancia bendición, mientras los plumeros inciensan una nube de polvo tan espesa, que las arañas apenas hallan tiempo de levantar sus redes de equilibrista, para ir a ajustarías en los barrotes de la cama del sacristán.

Con todas las características del criminal nato lombrosiano, los apóstoles se evaden de sus nichos, ante las vírgenes atónitas, que rompen a llorar... porque no viene el peluquero a ondularles las crenchas.

Enjutos, enflaquecidos de insomnio y de impaciencia, los nazarenos pruébanse el capirote cada cinco minutos, o llegan, acompañados de un amigo, a presentarle la virgen, como si fuera su querida.

Ya no queda por alquilar ni una cornisa desde la que se vea pasar la procesión.

Minuto tras minuto va cayendo sobre la ciudad una manga de ingleses con una psicología y una elegancia de langosta.

A vista de ojo, los hoteleros engordan ante la perspectiva de doblar la tarifa.

Llega un cuerpo del ejército de Marruecos, expresamente para sacar los candelabros y la custodia del tesoro.

Frente a todos los espejos de la ciudad, las mujeres ensayan su mirada "Smith Wesson"; pues, como las vírgenes, sólo salen de casa esta semana, y si no cazan nada, seguirán siéndolo...
¡Repiqueteo de campanas!
¡Campanas con café con leche!
¡Campanas que nos imponen una cadencia al
abrocharnos los botines!
¡Campanas que acompasan el paso de la gente que pasa en las aceras!
¡Repiqueteo de campanas!

En la catedral, el rito se complica tanto, que los sacerdotes necesitan apuntador.

Trece siglos de ensayos permiten armonizar las florecencias de las rejas con el contrapaso de los monaguillos y la caligrafía del misal.

Una luz de "Museo Grevin" dramatiza la mirada vidriosa de los cristos, ahonda la voz de los prelados que cantan, se interrogan y se contestan, como esos sapos con vientre de prelado, una boca predestinada a engullir hostias y las manos enfermas de reumatismo, por pasarse las noches -de cuclillas en el pantano- cantando a las estrellas.

Si al repartir las palmas no interviniera una fuerza sobrenatural, los feligreses aplaudirían los rasos con que la procesión sale a la calle, donde el obispo -con sus ochenta kilos de bordados- bate el "record" de dar media vuelta a la manzana y entra nuevamente en escena, para que continúe la función...
¡Agüita fresca!
¿Quién quiere agua?

En un flujo y reflujo de espaldas y de brazos, los acorazados de los cacahueteros fondean entre la multitud, que espera la salida de los "pasos" haciendo "pan francés".

Espantada por los flagelos de papel, la codicia de los pilletes revolotea y zumba en torno a las canastas de pasteles, mientras los nazarenos sacian la sed, que sentirán, en tabernas que expenden borracheras garantizadas por toda la semana.

Sin asomar las narices a la calle, los santos realizan el milagro de que los balcones no se caigan.

¡Agüita fresca!
¿Quién quiere agua?
pregonan los aguateros al servirnos una reverencia de minué.

De repente, las puertas de la iglesia se abren como las de una esclusa, y, entre una doble fila de nazarenos que canaliza la multitud, una virgen avanza hasta las candilejas de su paso, constelada de joyas, como una cupletista.

Los espectadores, contorsionados por la emoción,
arráncanse la chaquetilla y el sombrero, se acalambran en
posturas de capeador, braman piropos que los nazarenos intentan callar
como el apagador que les oculta la cabeza.

Cuando el Señor aparece en la puerta, las nubes se envuelven con un crespón, bajan hasta la altura de los techos y, al verlo cogido como un torero, todas, unánimemente, comienzan a llorar.

¡Agüita fresca!
¿Quién quiere agua?Las tribunas y las sillas colocadas enfrente del Ayuntamiento progresivamente se van ennegreciendo, como un pegamoscas de cocina.

Antes que la caballería comience a desfilar, los guardias civiles despejan la calzada, por temor a que los cachetes de algún trompa estallen como una bomba de anarquista.

Los caballos -la boca enjabonada cual si se fueran a afeitar- tienen las ancas tan lustrosas, que las mujeres aprovechan para arreglarse la mantilla y averiguar, sin darse vuelta, quién unta una mirada en sus caderas.

Con la solemnidad de un ejército de pingüinos, los nazarenos escoltan a los santos, que, en temblores de debutante, representan "misterios" sobre el tablado de las andas, bajo cuyos telones se divisan los pies de los "gallegos", tal como si cambiaran una decoración.

El Sagrado Prendimiento de Nuestro Señor, y Nuestra Señora del Dulce Nombre.
El Santísimo Cristo de las Siete Palabras, y María Santísima de los Remedios.
El Santísimo Cristo de las Aguas, y Nuestra Señora del Mayor Dolor.
La Santísima Cena Sacramental, y Nuestra Señora del Subterráneo.
El Santísimo Cristo del Buen Fin, y Nuestra Señora de la Palma.
Nuestro Padre Jesús atado a la Columna, y Nuestra Señora de las Lágrimas.
El Sagrado Descendimiento de Nuestro Señor, y La Quinta Angustia de María Santísima.

Y entre paso y paso:
¡Manzanilla! ¡Almendras garrapiñadas! ¡Jerez!

Estrangulados por la asfixia, los "gallegos" caen de rodillas cada cincuenta metros, y se resisten a continuar regando los adoquines de sudor, si antes no se les llena el tanque de aguardiente.

Cuando los nazarenos se detienen a mirarnos con sus ojos vacíos, irremisiblemente, algún balcón gargariza una "saeta" sobre la multitud, encrespada en un ¡ole!, que estalla y se apaga sobre las cabezas, como si reventara en una playa.

Los penitentes cargados de una cruz desinflan el pecho de las mamas en un suspiro de neumático, apenas menos potente al que exhala la multitud al escaparse ese globito que siempre se le escapa a la multitud.

Todas las cofradías llevan un estandarte, donde se lee:

                      S. P. Q. R.Es el día en que reciben todas las vírgenes de la ciudad.

Con la mantilla negra y los ojos que matan, las hembras repiquetean sus tacones sobre las lápidas de las aceras, se consternan al comprobar que no se derrumba ni una casa, que no resucita ningún Lázaro, y, cual si salieran de un toril, irrumpen en los atrios, donde los hombres les banderillean un par de miraduras, a riesgo de dejarse coger el corazón.

De pie en medio de la nave -dorada como un salón-, las vírgenes expiden su duelo en un sólido llanto de rubí, que embriaga la elocuencia de prospecto medicinal con que los hermanos ponderan sus encantos, cuando no optan por alzarles las faldas y persuadir a los espectadores de que no hay en el globo unas pantorrillas semejantes.

Después de la vigésima estación, si un fémur no nos ha perforado un intestino, contemplamos veintiocho "pasos" más, y acribillados de "saetas", como un San Sebastián, los pies desmenuzados como albóndigas, apenas tenemos fuerza para llegar hasta la puerta del hotel y desplomarnos entre los brazos de la levita del portero.

El "menú" nos hace volver en sí. Leemos, nos refregamos los ojos y volvemos a leer:

"Sopa de Nazarenos."
"Lenguado a la Pío X."

-¡Camarero! Un bife con papas.
-¿Con Papas, señor?...
-¡No, hombre!, con huevos fritos.Mientras se espera la salida del Cristo del Gran Poder, se reflexiona: en la superioridad del marabú, en la influencia de Goya sobre las sombras de los balcones, en la finura chinesca con que los árboles se esfuman en el azul nocturno.

Dos campanadas apagan luego los focos de la plaza; así, las espaldas se amalgaman hasta formar un solo cuerpo que sostiene de catorce a diez y nueve mil cabezas.

Con un ritmo siniestro de Edgar Poe -¡cirios rojos ensangrientan sus manos!-, los nazarenos perforan un silencio donde tan sólo se percibe el tic-tac de las pestañas, silencio desgarrado por "saetas" que escalofrían la noche y se vierten sobre la multitud como un líquido helado.

Seguido de cuatrocientas prostitutas arrepentidas del pecado menos original, el Cristo del Gran Poder camina sobre un oleaje de cabezas, que lo alza hasta el nivel de los balcones, en cuyos barrotes las mujeres aferran las ganas de tirarse a lamerle los pies.

En el resto de la ciudad el resplandor de los "pasos" ilumina las caras con una técnica de Rembrandt. Las sombras adquieren más importancia que los cuerpos, llevan una vida más aventurera y más trágica. La cofradía del "Silencio", sobre todo, proyecta en las paredes blancas un "film" dislocado y absurdo, donde las sombras trepan a los tejados, violan los cuartos de las hembras, se sepultan en los patios dormidos.

Entre "saetas" conservadas en aguardiente pasa la "Macarena", con su escolta romana, en cuyas corazas de latón se trasuntan los espectadores, alineados a lo largo de las aceras.

¡Es la hora de los churros y del anís!

Una luz sin fuerza para llegar al suelo ribetea con tiza las molduras y las aristas de las casas, que tienen facha de haber dormido mal, y obliga a salir de entre sus sábanas a las nubes desnudas, que se envuelven en gasas amarillentas y verdosas y se ciñen, por último, una túnica blanca.

Cuando suenan las seis, las cigüeñas ensayan un vuelo matinal, y tornan al campanario de la iglesia, a reanudar sus mansas divagaciones de burócrata jubilado.

Caras y actitudes de chimpancé, los presidiarios esperan, trepados en las rejas, que las vírgenes pasen por la cárcel antes de irse a dormir, para sollozar una "saeta" de arrepentimiento y de perdón, mientras en bordejeos de fragata las cofradías que no han fondeado aún en las iglesias, encallan en todas las tabernas, abandonan sus vírgenes por la manzanilla y el jerez.

Ya en la cama, los nazarenos que nos transitan las circunvoluciones redoblan sus tambores en nuestra sien, y los churros, anidados en nuestro estómago, se enroscan y se anudan como serpientes.

Alguien nos destornilla luego la cabeza, nos desabrocha las costillas, intenta escamotearnos un riñón, al mismo tiempo que un insensato repique de campanas nos va sumergiendo en un sopor.

Después... ¿Han pasado semanas? ¿Han pasado minutos?... Una campanilla se desploma, como una sonda, en nuestro oído, nos iza a la superficie del colchón.
¡Apenas tenemos tiempo de alcanzar el entierro!...

¿Cuatrocientos setenta y ocho mil setecientos noventa y nueve "pasos" más?

¡Cristos ensangrentados como caballos de picador! ¡Cirios que nunca terminan de llorar! ¡Concejales que han alquilado un frac que enternece a las Magdalenas! ¡Cristos estirados en una lona de bombero que acaban de arrojarse de un balcón! ¡La Verónica y el Gobernador... con su escolta de arcángeles!

¡Y las centurias romanas... de Marruecos, y las Sibilas, y los Santos Varones! ¡Todos los instrumentos de la Pasión!... ¡Y el instrumento máximo, ¡la Muerte!, entronizada sobre el mundo..., que es un punto final!

¿Morir? ¡Señor! ¡Señor!
¡Libradnos, Señor!
¿Dormir? ¡Dormir! ¡Concedédnoslo,
i’m going to steal you….

In the middle of the night

I’m going to steal you

Like an expensive piece of art

I’m gonna steal you

Like the rain steals the dryness

Of the dessert i cry on

I’m gonna steal you

As you sleep

As you dream

As you mourn

While you eat cookies con leche

While you watch a random movie

As you iron a wrinkled old shirt

As you cook huevos rancheros

I’m gonna steal you

Voy a robarte

A la antigua

A la buena, a la mala

Between sombra y resolana,

I will carry you in my canana

As a bullet for revolution

I’m gonna steal you

While worlds wage war against each other

As the  corn goddess watches over

Little children of a poor neighborhood

In Vegas

Voy a robarte

Y llevarte entre las piernas

Like bootlegged tequila

During the prohibition

I’m going to steal your superstitions

And show you

That words carry such a strong action

So strong

That we seldom belong in our own realities

The realities imposed

By every single law of attraction

I’m gonna steal you

Like la Llorona

El calzonudo

El Diablo blanco

Los gitanos

Or el viejo del costal

As you rest your feet on the floor

Ponderously looking at the sky

In your search for a perfect star

In july’s cielos…

I’m going to steal you…
Cora Salas Apr 2014
Hablas cuando duermes.
Bebes te sin azúcar.
Te gustan los huevos revueltos.
Dejas los libros a la mitad de la sala.
No tapas la pasta de dientes.

Todo eso me desespera
Todo eso me encanta
Con un menino del Padre,
Tu mandil y mi avantal,
De la cámara del golpe,
Pues que su llave la trae,
Recibí en letra los ciento
Que recibiste, jayán,
De contado, que se vían
Uno al otro al asentar.
Por matar la sed te has muerto;
Más valiera, Escarramán,
Por no pasar esos tragos
Dejar otros de pasar.
Borrachas son las pendencias,
Pues tan derechas se van
A la bayuca, donde hallan,
Besando los jarros, paz.
No hay cuestión ni pesadumbre
Que sepa, amigo, nadar;
Todas se ahogan en vino,
Todas se atascan en pan.
Si por un chirlo tan sólo
Ciento el verdugo te da,
En el dar ciento por uno
Parecido a Dios será.
Si tantos verdugos catas,
Sin duda que te querrán
Las Damas por verdugado
Y las Izas por rufián.
Si te han de dar más azotes
Sobre los que están atrás,
Estarán unos sobre otros
O se habrán de hacer alIá.
Llevar buenos pies de albarda
No tienes que exagerar,
Que es más de muy azotado
Que de jinete y galán.
Por buen supuesto te tienen
Pues te envían a bogar,
Ropa y plaza tienes cierta,
Y a subir empezarás.
Quéjaste de ser forzado,
No pudiera decir más
Lucrecia del rey Tarquino,
Que tú de su Majestad.
Esto de ser galeote
Solamente es empezar,
Que luego, tras remo y pito,
Las manos te comerás.
Dices que te contribuya,
Y es mi desventura tal
Que si no te doy consejos,
Yo no tengo que te dar.
Los hombres por las mujeres
Se truecan ya taz a taz,
Y si les dan algo encima,
No es moneda lo que dan.
No da nadie sino a censo,
Y todas queremos más
Para galán un Pagano,
Que un Cristiano sin pagar.
A la sombra de un corchete
Vivo en aqueste lugar,
Que es para los delincuentes
Árbol que puede asombrar.
De las cosas que me escribes
He sentido algún pesar,
Que le tengo a Cardeñoso
Entrañable voluntad.
¡Miren qué huevos le daba
El Asistente a tragar
Para que cantara tiples,
Sino agua, cuerda y cendal!
Que Remolón fuese cuenta
Heme holgado en mi verdad,
Pues por aquese camino
Hombre de cuenta será.
Aquí derrotaron juntos
Coscolina y Cañamar,
En cueros por su pecado
Como Eva con Adán.
Pasáronlo honradamente
En este honrado lugar;
Y no siendo picadores,
Vivieron pues de hacer mal.
Espaldas le hizo el verdugo,
Mas debióse de cansar,
Pues habrá como ocho días
Que se las deshizo ya.
Y muriera como Judas,
Pero anduvo tan sagaz,
Que negó -sin ser San Pedro-
Tener llave universal.
Perdone Dios a Lobrezno,
Por su infinita bondad,
Que ha dejado sin amparo
Y muchacha a la Luján.
Después que supo la nueva,
Nadie la ha visto pecar
En público; que de pena
Va de zaguán en zaguán.
De nuevo no se me ofrece
Cosa de que te avisar,
Que la muerte de Valgarra
Ya es añeja por allá.
Cespedosa es ermitaño
Una legua de Acalá;
Buen diciplinante ha sido,
Buen penitente será.
Baldorro es mozo de sillas
Y lacayo Matorral,
Que Dios por este camino
Los ha querido llamar.
Montúsar se ha entrado a ****
Con un mulato rapaz:
Que por lucir más que todos
Se deja el pobre quemar.
Murió en la Ene de palo
Con buen ánimo un Gañán,
Y el Jinete de gaznates
Lo hizo con él muy mal.
Tiénenos muy lastimadas
La justicia, sin pensar
Qué se hizo en nuestra Madre,
La vieja del arrabal,
Pues sin respetar las tocas
Ni las canas ni la edad,
A fuerza de cardenales
Ya la hicieron obispar.
Tras ella, de su motivo,
Se salían del hogar
Las ollas con sus legumbres;
No se vio en el mundo tal,
Pues cogió más berenjenas
En una hora, sin sembrar,
Que un hortelano morisco
En todo un año cabal.
Esta Cuaresma pasada
Se convirtió la Tomás
En el Sermón de los peces
Siendo el pecado carnal.
Convirtióse a puros gritos,
Túvosele a liviandad,
Por no ser de los famosos,
Sino un pobre Sacristán.
No aguardó que la sacase
Calavera o cosa tal,
Que se convirtió de miedo
Al primero ¡Satanás!.
No hay otra cosa de nuevo,
Que en el vestir y el calzar,
Caduca ropa me visto
Y saya de mucha edad.
Acabado el decenario
Adonde ahora te vas,
Tuya seré, que tullida
Ya no me puedo mudar.
Si acaso quisieres algo
O se te ofreciere acá,
Mándame, pues de bubosa
Yo no me puedo mandar.
Aunque no de Calatrava
De Alcántara ni San Juan,
Te envían sus encomiendas
La Téllez, Caravajal,
La Collantes valerosa,
La golondrina Pascual,
La Enrique mal degollada,
La Palomita torcaz.
Fecha en Toledo la rica,
Dentro del pobre Hospital,
Donde trabajos de entrambos
Empiezo ahora a sudar.
Ron Hurlbut Apr 2014
He knew it would take muchos huevos to play,
but his game plan was good, and he’d be okay.
Cause his were as big as the black or the bay

patrolling with tabletop backs that were stacked
with corrupt, hairy pigs who loved to talk smack,
and who bristled with weapons to fend off attack.

And, though the opiners would say it was rash,
he never could stand it to sit on his ***.
So, he hurled his armored gelatinous mass

with a splurge of insouciance at all those legs.
The guards slung pejoratives – bent to fillet
his ovoid trajectory into a splay

of malfeasance – but their slashes only caught air
as he flew like a mortar past their stony glare
and that bold lettered sign he had read as a dare:

“Tis Forbidden To Sit On the Wall” -- the King
Ari Mar 2018
This pumice really rubs me the wrong way.
Matadors moisturize with oil of ole.  
Heidegger has moves like Jagger.
Any critic - Jaeger; Typhoid Mary - plaguer.

Who's the top chef that goes derpa derp derp?
Wyatt Earp.
I'll drain the swamp like Dagobah's.
A Clovis Person.  Legolas.

The ******'s best on chicken breast.
Pin that on your Pinterest.  To show all the dispossesed.
Witness Godwin's Law at work:
******, you're a ****.

Pick up the phone and call Cthulu.
Get hung up on by Shaka Zulu.
Chalupa mis huevos, says the chihuahua.
Hey Tarzan. Ungawa.

Jesus walked across Titicaca.
Crane thinks the Bridge is over.
Biddy bah bah.
hombros hermosos brazos hermosos tripa tan linda pie chiquito
pero también marido viejo regalaron a helen carmody
los diablos de Karthum los marcos de oro
tanta sabiduría acumulada

tanta sabiduría ¿no va para la muerte?
¡ah helen! ¡qué hermosos ojos tiene helen!
de allí crecían sus pechos verdaderamente y no de su mujer
los pechos suyos

un día que las notas del buey rey en la mañana clara
entraban y salían de los amores de helen como
pan de vestir a la hora de salir a la puerta
la llamaron para oírla llorar

"no apartes la muerte de ti helen" dijeron
"no quiebres el espejo árbol florido"
le dijeron e helen carmody en función
qué triste era todo esto

mejor hubiera sido callar
las verdes hierbas saben dar amarillo
y helen sola oscura
no sabe nada nada

sino calar y deshacerse como
la voz del padre en mesa puesta
no pregunten porqué criaturitas
ella callaba llaba

como las ánforas del hijo triste
ninguno lo tomó de beber
las gallinas todas vestidas de *****
ponen sus huevos conmovidos

peor helen carmody ya no
no la persigan caballos yeguas
mámenle la memoria
ah siempre para siempre
topaz oreilly Dec 2012
Huevos Cabreaos
followed by an Americano,
taking respite from those morning Lowry figurines with their bon bon shopping priorities.
A Puerto Rican girl has just passed the La Tasca informal interview
and is immediately hugged by her awaiting friends,
life is so fast and we all think like wikipaedia, fragments of momentary knowledge ,
even the menu here has a photographic memory lock,
outside a Big Issue seller makes his first sale
the broadest Lancashire accent,
can soothe somebody's day,
here is the reality of listening too.
Laura Apr 2018
Rich rigid bricks,
your sheen green cat eyes.
Your mom’s huevos rancheros -
spilling into noons.

Fireplaces off the window panes,
crisping open a warm chest
for a bed of new delights.
Dozing in my ice sheet hands -
I was meant to be bitten,
then bitter.

Lips pushed their forgetful illusions,
His rememberable forehead lines -
tasking away at lost minutes
of too many 14 hour days.

Here between long firm legs
lying in your large white cottons,
over collections of moles,
and forests of scars.

Wondering if she hurt you
in the same ways
that he hurt me.
cuando a joaquín se le cayeron
los ojos al suelo vio:
a la reputa de la muerte
pasando suave sus navajas
adelantando como siempre
en la tarea de apagar
vio el golfo de Samborombón como un copón lleno de
vino y vio mujeres calentadas por la muerte a modo de
sol mujeres de nalgas que hervían y encendían fuegos
en la siesta para quemar a sus verdugos oh grandes
brujas al revés

vio a las dulces desamparadas
agarrar la desolación
recortarle las orejitas
mascarle las cepas amargas
sacarle ***** en el crepúsculo
golpearla con el corazón
y darle forma de navaja
o de suave madre grandísima
que se ponía con la noche
del otro lado del mundo

vio que lloraban mucho por
los sospechosos de 8 años
los chicos de 14 que
se suicidaban en Versalles
por el niño ladrón de Jersey
por los que roban en Santa Fe
oh ángeles como empleados
de Dios atento a su estrategia
abajados como testigos
a esta terraza de dolor

vio que le sacan la amargura
al abrazo para el hijito
que se iba para la guerra
que se volvía de la guerra
y vio que hablaban con Ted Molloy
del niñito de Montreal
que mató a su madre dormida
con un palo del que salieron
madreselvas en flor con flor
a posteriori de los hechos

vio más situaciones extrañas:
querubes envenenadores
bastantemente envenenados
o chicos que se ahorcan en los
garajes de fin de semana
mientras temblaban de placer
los juntadores de estadísticas
para demostrar la maldad
de la sociedad de consumo

en Oakland, 51,
uno de 15 hachó a la mama
como si fuera un árbol verde
y después le echó querosén
le prendió fuego calculando
que de ese modo no la vieran
y ella sacó fuegos internos
antiguamente conservados
para acabarse or irse como
su entrañita se lo pedía

eso veía joaquín cuando
los ojos se le fueron a
tierra como huevos entonces
los empolló por otra vez
y de uno le salió una madre
revoloteando de testigo
mientras del otro se asomaba
con suaves navajas la muerte

esa reputa de la muerte
adelantando como siempre
en la tarea de apagar
se tomó el vino del gran golfo
y miraba fijo a joaquín
que ardía bajo la siesta ya
se la abrazaba como madre
Alan S Bailey Jul 2024
Completed Jimmy Dean Breakfast

Sang to the tune of Micheal Jackson's original song Billy Jean-1983

Verse 1
With the milk poured-bowl of cereal, hash-browns and melted cheese
I said, "got coffee grinds, sugar and cream and a cinnamon bun-
a fried egg-on your toast golden brown.
Yea a cinnamon bun-with
a fried egg-on your toast golden brown."
Said "I just added sour cream, to the bagels with Philly cheese,
These pancakes almost burned, flip em' now-with a cinnamon bun,
a fried egg-on your toast golden brown."

Someone once told me, "be careful what you do,
Syrup goes terrible with salt... (Hee-hee)
And melted butter drippin' "be it food that's on the grill
And just add chives to as well, cold pizza's
Good breakfast to!"

Jimmy Dean, Breakfast Frill's on,
Bacon and Chorizo-just put the Griddles on,
Ya' know-the Waffles are almost done...
I just put the Griddles on,
Ya' know-the Waffles are almost done...

Verse 2
For forty danishes and for forty pies, the juice on the side
Choice of sausage or raspberry jam? Pineapple and ham
And a fried egg-on your toast golden brown.
So next some cream of rice
Some croissants should do just fine
(Yea, real nice) Do just fine! (A-hoo!)
I asked could we have blueberry muffins (please?) lemon cakes with whipped cream
Maybe even Frittata's and strawberry's on the side, they should do just fine (Oh, oh)
With a fried egg-on your toast golden brown.

Someone once told me, "be careful what you do,
Syrup goes terrible with salt... (Hee-hee)
Whatever kind of pasta you eat
Huevos Rancheros with chili's
Beef hash and sauteed mushrooms
Even got egg omelette's too

Jimmy Dean, Breakfast Frill's on,
Bacon and Chorizo-just put the Griddles on,
Ya' know-the Waffles are almost done...
Jimmy Dean, Breakfast Frill's on,
Bacon and Chorizo-just put the Griddles on,
Ya' know-the Waffles are almost done...
Just put the Griddles on,
Ya' know-the Waffles are almost done...

Woo! Woo!

Just put the griddles on, uh
Ya' know the waffles are almost done
Jimmy Dean, Breakfast Frill's on,
Bacon and chorizo-just put the Griddles on,
Ya' know the waffles are almost done
No-no-no, no-no-no-no
Just put the griddles on,
Ya' know the waffles are almost done

Just put the griddles on
Waffles will soon be done
Put the griddles on
Yeah, yeah, Jimmy Dean, Breakfast Frill's on,
yeah, Jimmy Dean, Breakfast Frill's on, uh
yeah, Jimmy Dean, Breakfast Frill's on, uh
yeah, Jimmy Dean, Breakfast Frill's on, uh
Jimmy Dean, Breakfast Frill's on, uh
Jimmy Dean, Breakfast
Jimmy Dean the sausage king and lots of breakfast food while sang to the tune of the well known song Billy Jean by Micheal Jackson.
Food humor lyrics Weird Al Yankovic style!
Victor D López Dec 2019
Tu esposo murió a los 40 años, dejándote sola con siete hijos a mantener,
Pero no antes de que tu hijo mayor más, Juan, muriera ahogado en el mar,
Aun en su adolescencia, trabajando como pescador para ayudarte a ti y a tu esposo
A poner comida en la mesa.

Habías también perdido a una hija,
Toñita, también en su tierna adolescencia, a la enfermedad.
Sus gentiles almas puras encontraron
Su camino de regreso a casa demasiado pronto.

Más tarde en la vida que perderías dos hijos más a la tragedia, Paco (Francisco),
Un, hombre sumamente trabajador, honesto, y bueno cuya inclinación a usar lenguaje ******
Nunca pudieron desmentir una naturaleza apacible y un corazón generoso. Se electrocutó con una
Luz portátil defectuosa mientras trabaja en torno a su piscina.

Y el niño de tus ojos, Sito ( José ), el último en nacer y tu preferido, quien
Había heredado la hermosura física de su padre y también su conciencia social, su política de izquierdas, Su imponente presencia, su ***** de oro, y su mala, mala suerte, terminando su vida tal vez por
Accidente debajo del carril de un tren en movimiento.

Ni la desesperación ni la pobreza pudieron doblar tu espíritu. Tú te levantaste todos los
Días antes de la madrugada para vender el pescado en un puesto en la plaza.
Y cada tarde colocaste una enorme cesta de mimbre en la cabeza y
Caminaste muchos, muchos kilómetros para vender más pescado en otros pueblos.

El dinero era escaso, por lo cual a menudo recibías otros bienes a cambio de tu pescado.
También le dabas tu pescado a quien solo te lo podía pagar con su bendición. Caminabas
De vuelta a casa, a altas horas de la noche, a través de la oscuridad o por
Caminos iluminados por la luna, cargada de lo que te dieran a cambio de tu pescado.

Verduras, huevos, y tal vez un conejo o un pollo llenaban tu cesta de mimbre sobre tu
Fuerte cabeza. Caminabas recta sobre tus piernas repletas de venas varicosas, impulsada
Siempre hacia delante por un propósito noble: alimentar a tus hijos y poder darles
Esperanza de que vendrían tiempos mejores.

Durante la peor época de hambre mediante y después de la Guerra Civil, la chimenea de tu
Casa alquilada con vistas al Puerto de Fontan, expulsó humo ***** todos los días.
El fuego de tu lareira alimentó no sólo a tus hijos, sino también a muchos vecinos aun
Menos afortunados que tú, alimentando su cuerpo y manteniendo en vida la esperanza.

Fuiste criticada por algunos vecinos cuando lo peor había pasado, después de la guerra.
"¿Por qué trabajas tan duro, Remedios, y permites que tus niños pequeños trabajen
Tan jóvenes? Los sacrificas a ellos y a ti misma sin necesidad por un orgullo imbécil
Cuando Franco y la ayuda extranjera otorgan comidas gratis para los necesitados”.

“Mis hijos nunca vivirán de la caridad pública mientras mi espalda lo permita,” era tu
Contestación. Resentiste a tu esposo por poner la política por encima de su familia, y por
Arrastrarte a ti y a tus dos hijas mayores de tu cómoda y sana vida en tu casa, en el
Numero 10 Perry Street cerca del Grenwich Village a una Galicia sin esperanzas.

El optó por inclinar su lanza a molinos de viento por a la eterna gloria de otros hombres
Necios. Y te dejó a ti sola para enfrentar la ingloriosa lucha por la sobrevivencia diaria.
No obstante su corazón enfermo, el trabajó  con gran diligencia para promover un futuro
Justo en su querida España, ignorando la realidad practica de tu doloroso presente.

Te llenó de hijos y construyó con gran cuidado la cruz en la cual lo crucificaron, una
Palabra a la vez, dejándote a ti la dolorosa tarea de recoger los rasgos de su idealismo
Destrozado.  Pero tú sobreviviste y prosperaste sin sacrificar tus propios principios
Sólidos y sin permitir que tus hijos sufrieran más privaciones que las del trabajo duro.

Nunca perdiste tu sentido del humor. Nunca tomaste a nada ni a nadie con gran seriedad.
Enfrentada con la absurdidad de la vida, siempre optaste por reírte con ganas.
Te vi llorar muchas lágrimas de risa, Pero nunca te vi llorar lágrimas de tristeza o de dolor.
Nunca te verías a ti misma como una víctima ni permitiría que otros lo hicieran.

Te encantaba la gente. Tu sentido del humor fue siempre irreverente y repleto de suave Ironía.
Y de gran sabiduría. Te encantaba reírte de ti misma, de otros, y especialmente de
Tontos pomposos que invariablemente no se daban cuanta que eran los objetos de tu gran
Diversión, inconscientes de tu despito, proveído con gentiles palabras y ojos luminosos.

Tus cataratas y miopía hicieron difícil que leyeras, No obstante leías
Vorazmente y te encantaba escribir largas cartas a tus seres queridos
Y amigos. Eras una anciana sabia, la persona más sabia y más fuerte que jamás conoceré.
Eras sabia, si, pero con el corazón de una niña y el alma de un ángel.

Fuiste el ser más sano, más racional, más bien ajustado y humano que jamás he conocido. Eras
Traviesa, pero incapaz de malicia. Fuiste aventurera; nunca tuviste miedo de probar o de aprender algo Nuevo. Fuiste amante de la diversión, interesante, amable, traviesa, divertida e infernalmente inteligente.

Habrías sido una de las primeras adoptadoras de toda la
Tecnología moderna, si hubieras tenido una vida más larga,
Y te hubiera encantado jugar-y trabajar con
Todos mis juguetes electrónicos.

Habrías sido un terror con un procesador de textos, con el correo electrónico
Y con las redes sociales y una gran campeona con mis juegos de video.
Me habrías ganando en todos ellos. Éramos grandes amigos tú y yo,
Y compañeros de juego a lo largo de la mayor parte de mi infancia.

Nos seguiste a nosotros aquí en breve después de que emigramos en 1967, dejando atrás a 20 nietos. Nunca entendí a plenitud la profundidad de ese sacrificio,
O el amor que lo hizo soportable para ti. Lo comprendo ahora. Demasiado tarde.
Es uno de los grandes pesares de mi vida.

Jugamos juegos de mesa, a vaqueros e indios, carreras de coches eléctricos,
Volteamos tarjetas de béisbol y compartimos miles de manos de cartas juntos. Nunca
Se me ocurrió que tú eras el más mínimo inusual de ninguna manera. Te amé profundamente, pero Nunca me moleste mucho por demostrártelo. Eso también me pesa, y es también demasiado tarde.

Después de mudarse a Buenos Aires, cuando mamá se había ganado suficiente dinero
Para llevarte a ti y a los dos hermanos más jóvenes, el sistema de cuotas entonces
No permitía que emigraran también tus dos hijos menores, quienes quedaron
Al buen cuidado de tu hija casada mayor en España, María, y su esposo, Fausto.

Los querías contigo. Te dirigiste directamente a Evita Perón para pedirle ayuda.
Como era de esperar, no pudiste conseguir esquivar a sus porteros. Pero no eras nada si no persistente. Sabías que Evita salía temprano cada mañana para su oficina. Y te
Estacionaste a las 6:00 de la mañana, mediante muchos, días por su camino de salida.

Con el tiempo, Evita le hizo parar a su chofer y te señalo que te acercaras.
"Abuela, ¿por qué me hace señas a mí cada mañana cuando salgo para mi trabajo? "
Ella preguntó. Tu le explicaste acerca de tus hijos en España. Evita se apiadó y
Te escribió un pase en su tarjeta para verte en su oficina al día siguiente.

La fuiste a ver al día siguiente y ella te aseguró que la visa se expediría inminentemente;
Cuando se enteró de que hacías la vida de lavandera y de limpieza,
Ella te ofreció una máquina de coser y entrenamiento para
Convertirte en una costurera con la intención de promoverte una vida mejor.

Tú se lo agradeciste, pero declinaste la oferta. "Dele la máquina de coser a otra madre Necesitada. Mi espalda es fuerte y mis manos me sirven bastante bien, igual que siempre Me sirvieron. “Evita debió haber quedado impresionada, puesto a que te pidió que la Visitaras una vez más cuando los niños hubiesen ya  llegado a Buenos Aires.

Te dio otro pase y tú cumpliste tu palabra, como siempre, de volver a verla con tus niños.
Evita te volvió a ver en su despacho brevemente y compartieron chocolate en taza y Galletas tu, Evita y tus dos hijos menores—Emilio y José (Sito). No eras partidaria de la Política ni del
Peronismo, pero siempre defendiste a Evita mediante tu larga vida.

Te fuiste demasiado pronto. No te había dicho “te quiero” en muchos años, estando
Demasiado ocupado con mis estudios y con otras ocupaciones igualmente inútiles.
Falleciste sin poder volverte a ver. Mamá tuvo que ir a tu lado sola. La última vez que
Te había escrito te envié una foto de mi graduación de abogado.

Según mamá la llevabas en el bolsillo antes de que te diera el ictus cerebral del cual
No hubo recuperación. Como siempre, me quisiste con todas mis faltas que me hacen
Indigno de tu cariño. Yo presentí el momento de tu muerte. Desperté de un profundo
Sueño desperté y vi un pájaro blanco parado encima de mi escritorio al pie de mi cama.

Ese pájaro de tamaño humano extendió unas enormes alas y voló hacia mí,
Traspasándome y dejándome en un fuerte escalofrió. Supe en ese momento que
Habías muerto. Lloré y recé por ti. Mamá llamo el próximo día por la mañana
Para confirmar la triste noticia.

Mamá también me comunicó muchos años después que habías estado en una
Coma por un tiempo pero que habías despertado y que, sin conocerla, le
Habías dicho que viajabas a Nueva York par ver a tu nieto. Luego te dormiste
Por última vez, según mamá.  Te echo de menos todos los días.

Translated by the author from Of Pain and Ecstasy: Collected Poems (C) 2011 Victor D. Lopez (Amazon Kindle and CreateSpace)]
A las cinco de la tarde.
Eran las cinco en punto de la tarde.
Un niño trajo la blanca sábana
a las cinco de la tarde.
Una espuerta de cal ya prevenida
a las cinco de la tarde.
Lo demás era muerte y sólo muerte
a las cinco de la tarde.

El viento se llevó los algodones
a las cinco de la tarde.
Y el óxido sembró cristal y níquel
a las cinco de la tarde.
Ya luchan la paloma y el leopardo
a las cinco de la tarde.
Y un muslo con un asta desolada
a las cinco de la tarde.
Comenzaron los sones de bordón
a las cinco de la tarde.
Las campanas de arsénico y el humo
a las cinco de la tarde.
En las esquinas grupos de silencio
a las cinco de la tarde.
¡Y el toro solo corazón arriba!
a las cinco de la tarde.
Cuando el sudor de nieve fue llegando
a las cinco de la tarde
cuando la plaza se cubrió de yodo
a las cinco de la tarde,
la muerte puso huevos en la herida
a las cinco de la tarde.
A las cinco de la tarde.
A las cinco en Punto de la tarde.

Un ataúd con ruedas es la cama
a las cinco de la tarde.
Huesos y flautas suenan en su oído
a las cinco de la tarde.
El toro ya mugía por su frente
a las cinco de la tarde.
El cuarto se irisaba de agonía
a las cinco de la tarde.
A lo lejos ya viene la gangrena
a las cinco de la tarde.
Trompa de lirio por las verdes ingles
a las cinco de la tarde.
Las heridas quemaban como soles
a las cinco de la tarde,
y el gentío rompía las ventanas
a las cinco de la tarde.
A las cinco de la tarde.
¡Ay, qué terribles cinco de la tarde!
¡Eran las cinco en todos los relojes!
¡Eran las cinco en sombra de la tarde!
Yo no sufro este dolor como César Vallejo. Yo no me duelo ahora como artista, como hombre ni como simple ser vivo siquiera. Yo no sufro este dolor como católico, como mahometano ni como ateo. Hoy sufro solamente. Si no me llamase César Vallejo, también sufriría este mismo dolor. Si no fuese artista, también lo sufriría. Si no fuese hombre ni ser vivo siquiera, también lo sufriría. Si no fuese católico, ateo ni mahometano, también lo sufriría. Hoy sufro desde más abajo. Hoy sufro solamente.
Me duelo ahora sin explicaciones. Mi dolor es tan hondo, que no tuvo ya causa ni carece de causa. ¿Qué sería su causa? ¿Dónde está aquello tan importante, que dejase de ser su causa? Nada es su causa; nada ha podido dejar de ser su causa. ¿A qué ha nacido este dolor, por sí mismo? Mi dolor es del viento del norte y del viento del sur, como esos huevos neutros que algunas aves raras ponen del viento. Si hubiera muerto mi novia, mi dolor sería igual. Si la vida fuese, en fin, de otro modo, mi dolor sería igual. Hoy sufro desde más arriba. Hoy sufro solamente.
Miro el dolor del hambriento y veo que su hambre anda tan lejos de mi sufrimiento, que de quedarme ayuno hasta morir, saldría siempre de mi tumba una brizna de yerba al menos. Lo mismo el enamorado. ¡Qué sangre la suya más engendrada, para la mía sin fuente ni consumo!
Yo creía hasta ahora que todas las cosas del universo eran, inevitablemente, padres o hijos. Pero he aquí que mi dolor de hoy no es padre ni es hijo. Le falta espalda para anochecer, tanto como le sobra pecho para amanecer y si lo pusiesen en la estancia oscura, no daría luz y si lo pusiesen en una estancia luminosa, no echaría sombra. Hoy sufro suceda lo que suceda. Hoy sufro solamente.
Tendríamos ya una edad misericordiosa, cuando mi padre
ordenó nuestro ingreso a la escuela. Cura de amor, una tarde
lluviosa de febrero, mamá servía en la cocina el yantar
de oración. En el corredor de abajo, estaban sentados a la mesa
mi padre y mis hermanos mayores. Y mi madre iba sentada al pie del
mismo fuego del hogar. Tocaron a la puerta.
-Tocan a la puerta! -mi madre.
-Tocan a la puerta! -mi propia madre.
-Tocan a la puerta! -dijo toda mi madre, tocándose las entrañas a trastes infinitos, sobre toda la altura de quien
-Anda, Nativa, la hija, a ver quien viene.
Y, sin esperar la venia maternal, fuera Miguel, el hijo, quien salió a ver quién venia así, oponiéndose a lo ancho de nosotros.
Un tiempo de rúa contuvo a mi familia. Mama salió, avanzando inversamente y como si hubiera dicho: las partes. Se hizo patio afuera. Nativa lloraba de una tal visita, de un tal patio y de la mano de mi madre. Entonces y cuando, dolor y paladar techaron nuestras frentes.
-Porque no le deje que saliese a la puerta, -Nativa, la hija-, me ha echado Miguel al pavo. A su pavo.
¡Qué diestra de subprefecto, la diestra del padre, revelando, el hombre, las falanjas filiales del niño! Podía así otorgarle las venturas que el hombre deseara más tarde. Sin embargo:
-Y mañana, a la escuela, -disertó magistralmente el padre, ante el público semanal de sus hijos.
-Y tal, la ley, la causa de la ley. Y tal también la vida.
Mamá debió llorar, gimiendo a penas la madre. Ya nadie quiso comer. En los labios del padre cupo, para salir rompiéndose, una fina cuchara que conozco. En las fraternas bocas, la absorta amargura del hijo, quedó atravesada.
Mas, luego, de improviso, salió de un albañal de aguas llovedizas y de aquel mismo patio de la visita mala, una gallina, no ajena ni ponedora, sino brutal y negra. Cloqueaba en mi garganta. Fue una gallina vieja, maternalmente viuda de unos pollos que no llegaron a incubarse. Origen olvidado de ese instante, la gallina era viuda de sus hijos. Fueron hallados vacíos todos los huevos. La clueca después tuvo el verbo.
Nadie la espantó. Y de espantarla, nadie dejó arrullarse por su gran calofrío maternal.
-¿Dónde están los hijos de la gallina vieja?
-¿Dónde están los pollos de la gallina vieja?
¡Pobrecitos! ¡Dónde estarían!
el caballo de Juan Velázquez dio de cenar a muchos aquella noche
americana y más piadosa que otras donde los que morían
eran hechos tasajo por los demás y el último
que murió fue Sotomayor y Esquivel lo hizo tasajo
y comiendo de él se mantuvo hasta que lo encontraron los indios

destino aciago pero ¿cuál?
¿el de Sotomayor o el de los devorados por Sotomayor?
¿el destino de Sotomayor comido por Esquivel o el de Esquivel?
y esos españoles que comían caballo y caballeros
¿qué venían a hacer por aquí?
¿quién los mandó llamar?

y Lubchik Nachalnik y demás polacos presos en la celda 13 del Pabellón de la Muerte en Auschwitz
muertos de hambre allí como los compañeros de Álvar Núñez
y devorados por sus compañeros especialmente el hígado
¿oyeron como en un relámpago el galope del caballo de
Juan Velázquez cayendo en el río Suwanee?
¿olieron las tunas bermejas y negras tamañas como huevos de la isla del Mal Hado donde Esquivel comió de Sotomayor y Sotomayor de otros?

y Lope de Oviedo Dorantes Castillo Estebanico
¿alcanzaron a divisar apagándose
el cuerpo de Lubchik disputado por los presos políticos de Auschwitz
bajo la noche europea consumida por los fuegos del año 1943?
¿disputado por Ciranciewicz después Primer Ministro
de la República Popular de Polonia muchos años?

y el canario de la jaula en la cocina ¿qué vio? hace meses
que la compañera se le ha muerto y él
come y salta entre los olores y los besos de la tarde
y hasta empezó a cantar bajo el otoño
¿canta para Ciranciewicz o Esquivel? ¿canta por Sotomayor o Lubchik?

estas y otras cosas me pregunto
la gente camina como antes ríe y se preocupa como antes ¿para siempre?
¿o dónde se desgarra por los devorados de Auschwitz Suwanee? el canario
empezó a cantar como antes
es el otoño caen las hojas como pedazos de sol
James Floss Jun 2018
HE: do you want huevos rancheros?

SHE: we don’t have tortillas

HE: no problem; we have tricolored tortilla strips!

SHE: we don’t have salsa

HE: no problem; we have cherry tomatoes. We have onion. Half an avocado

SHE: we actually have fresh cilantro

HE: we have salsa!

SHE: fresh eggs of course

HE: thanks, girls

SHE: beans?

HE: yes! Left over from February; when I turned 60. Thank you, freezer

(Half hour later)

THEM: those huevos: yum!
Riegan nuestro jardín. Huele a violetas
aún. En el renovado laurel, el gorrión inicia
la Marsellesa.
                          ¡Oh, qué delicia,
amigo, ser poetas
y esperar, como a un dios, a abril florido!

¡Trueque de almas y de cielos!
En los huevos del nido
del corazón, a la serena luz templada,
sentimos un moverse de polluelos,
entre un olor a lirio apetecido
y a rosa deseada.

¡Corazón perenal, laurel sin nombre, blando
sol del alma:
                        Viva la hora venidera!

... Bajo el arco que, afuera,
nos pone el agua azul de primavera,
la nidada, por dentro, está piando.
J Eduardo Ramos Oct 2022
La Fría: Te encontré.
Yo: No, yo te busqué…siempre.
La Huesuda: Mientes, no mientas, conmigo no hay mentiras.
No existira quién me escape, quién me mienta, quién me engañe.
Yo: Pero yo soy Don Calavera. Mi nombre vale algo, no?
La Fría, ríendo: NADA.
Nadie vale nada cuando me encuentran. Además, haz robado algo mío.
Yo: Lo sé. Tu mito.
Ella: Ladrón.
Pero tienes huevos, y yo respeto a los valientes.

J. Eduardo Ramos © 2022
Rosas rosadas y blancas, ramas verdes,
corolas frescas y frescos
ramos, Alegría!
  Nidos en los tibios árboles,
huevos en los tibios nidos,
dulzura, Alegría!
  El beso de esa muchacha
rubia, y el de esa morena,
y el de esa negra, Alegría!
  Y el vientre de esa pequeña
de quince años, y sus brazos
armoniosos, Alegría!
  Y el aliento de la selva virgen,
y el de las vírgenes hembras,
y las dulces rimas de la Aurora,
Alegría, Alegría, Alegría!
Infamous one Apr 2020
Never been a cheater
Been accused of it
How is too nice a bad thing
Not one to yell a bass less voice
Talk con huevos to prove a point
Told to be ready minding my business
Judged for not speaking Spanish
People mad for the hard work
Didn't make them look bad
They did it to themselves
Not labeling others using it to manipulate
Writing this story no one else can dictate
Never one to blame living with the guilt
Over trusting and rushing to love
All the wrong people had to let them go
Zuck the Cuck
Musk the Husk
Bezos con Pesos
bereft of spine
vying in line
itching to dine
the **** swine
their facist wine
hate gilded stein
Gueros sin Huevos
hooded at dusk
rusty testicled trucks

— The End —