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thymos Feb 2018
i find it, like a book finds its reader.
like the reader finds an old friend between the pages.
and the friend, their love returned in full.
and love, its givingness become relay.
and searching, its pilgrimage.
thymos Sep 2017
terrified again
of speaking
of speaking but the words not coming
of speaking and the words coming but not reaching
of speaking and the words coming reaching but losing
all significance upon arrival
as if they had wings
but no feet to stand on
and so were always already destined
for crash landing—and lo,

what flights of folly.

was i seen and heard and perceived for what i really am?

if anything is clear:
i must learn to listen harder
if i am ever even to dream of truly speaking:
this itself is what it is to think.

these things are most difficult of all:
(not to scorn, mock, or despair at human action, but) to understand
to be kind to yourself
to pledge your body to the Idea
to persist in being
                           kind to yourself.

all Ideas have been betrayed.
a philosopher says:
all the world will ever offer you is the temptation to surrender.
the ethical act is to resist
to transgress
the transcendentally
law of this world.

there will be risk, there will be laceration, and anguish
but no one moment
is unendurable.

mieux vaut un désastre qu'un désêtre.

and so what might become of us?

imagine the most beautiful being in all of existence
and you'll almost be there.

i know nothing of love
that is not an extension of the sun.

i have become light.

i know nothing
but fascination.

what chance
to have laughed and danced

and to go on.

our song will never end:
it will only be taken up
by other instruments.

i have become light.

all that is lost
returns in altered form:
disguised, transfigured.

we will be transfigured.

what you seek
is seeking you.

how certain i was the dark would find no end!—and lo,

i have become light.

stronger than time.

a site of communication, ecstatic love, art
in the eye of god.

a dancing star.

i have become light.

what chance!

—i and all the others that will love you
forever and forever and

what chance
to have laughed and danced

and to go on.
s/o my teachers
KathleenAMaloney Mar 2016
Sometimes they eat just like a gourmet rocket ship
landed on the moon
And other times
Well, other times...
They could be the last stop just before the garbage can
The real Last Super.. After..
.....for crimes that had never been comitted

If The Word says.. "I love you.. "
Which one woild it be?
Garbage returned?
Garbage dumped out?

Pure Essence of Life..
pouring thru the space between fingers...
Now forgotten hand's Divine Givingness

Judas Price
Gold for Some
And bloods watery emptiness  for others
****** for Greed

Death of Christ

Tears are the realness of a Mothers Touch taken away
Witnessed, by God's Own Law,  Compassion.
Are their any who passed?
KathleenAMaloney Apr 2016
Black Stohl
Black Robe
God's Life

Thou Art Me

Black Robe
Black Light
Lift the Mantel
Of Givingness
From Raised Shoulders...
Bodies last Stand
Chalice of Grace

Life Eternal
Love Immortal
thymos Feb 2018
i hold it, like roses hold on to the snow.
like the snow holds on to the cobblestones in the sky.
and the sky, its wandering light.
and light, its arrival in its absence.
and releasing, its weary seeker.

i flee from it, like time keeps fleeing from the clock.
like the clock flees from its last stop.
and the last, its living truth.
and life, its vast unnameable.
and questioning, its pallid resting place.

i forge it, like the moon forges the waves.
like the waves forge the cliff's labyrinth.
and the labyrinth, its single thread.
and the thread, its thousand fragmented words.
and dissembling, its puzzle pieces without end.

i ask it, like a sinner asks forgiveness from a God he believes dead.
like death asks of life nothing but patience.
and patience, its tender faith.
and faith, its open hand.
and answering, its fragile soliloquy.

i reveal it, like the holy spirit reveals itself to non-believers.
like belief reveals shelter from its own incompleteness.
and incompleteness, its secret freedom.
and the secret, its anonymous keeper.
and hiding, its unspeaking reply.

i seek it, like the waves seeking to return from the beach.
like the beach seeking footsteps unfading from the sand.
and footsteps, their fierce stampede.
and ferocity, its crystal shape.
and reaching, its impossible limit.

i find it, like a book finds its reader.
like the reader finds an old friend between the pages.
and a friend, their love returned in full.
and love, its givingness become relay.
and searching, its pilgrimage.

i hold it, like roses hold on to the snow.
like the snow holds on to the cobblestones in the sky.
and the sky, its wandering light.
and light, its arrival in its absence.
and releasing, its weary seeker.
Blue Flask Dec 2015
Dreams of childhood dementia
Castrated from ones own mind
Self delusions of a grandeur time
When the flames are snuffed around you
You never do realize where that horrid disease lays
Apathy is the killer of death
And the givingness of life
It rules over all of time
But allows single iotas to roam free
When this familiar world crumbled
I wanted to be remembered for something
Other than my silent gaze
And my hollow words
I'm sorry I can't care more
I'm sorry I couldn't I couldn't care enough
Because now you are gone
KathleenAMaloney May 2016
Thank you
For your Best
May we Love each other
from afar
With no request
Or asks, or Wants
Of Hearts Desires
Sweet Loves
Already ours

The words Breaking NGOs spontaneously appeared upon posting.. Hmmmmm
KathleenAMaloney Aug 2016
Ich IchIch

Born of Sickness
evoking I'll

I'll I'll I'll
Too Close To Hile
For Me

They all chose to Play
That Was the End

No Hiding In That
A Civil Defense System
Of The Soul?
Proud Majesty of Light?

You Cannot See
Where you. cannot Go

That Rage and Anger Dies Depart
But By Willing Adoration
I come Into thy Presense
Love Shining
For You I Am
And Always Am
No Present Time Like Moment
Will ....     Have Won.

Secrets Hidden
Within Self Defense
Age Old Mystery
Of A Military Battle
Covered and Uncovered

Rising Higher
Rising Higher
Secrets Given
Away From The Public
Praise God For This Givingness!!
My Mind
Our Mind
Forever Connected  Morrow
Life Now Dumpty
Return Not Without a Rose
Make It Willing
My Lover Waits
Her Sadness Is Your Heart
All Mystery Sorrow
Til it's Know In Flesh

Truth Reveaing Happiness

— The End —