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The kids want nooks and Kindle Fire,
The teenagers want Limos on hire,
College grads are busy on Tablets and I pads,
Laptops for moms and DSLR's for Dads!
This Christmas things are going awry,
Fettucine has replaced Mashed potato and gravy,
Hence Ol' Santa's gone really techno savvy,
He's exchanged his deer for a brand new Ferrari!!
Safana Sep 2020
A white flower
wearing an eyeglass,
her eyelash rolled
Like calla lily,
her bright beautiful
sciera looks glassy
like, brown iris and
chocolate pupil rouned,
Stood up
her face
Brighten the Android
phone is softly touching,
when Funda closed the
shop door, she turn
her face to me
and she said
a beautiful flower
Creo a veces que estás a mi lado tendida,
sobre mi brazo izquierdo la cabeza dormida.
Realidad me parece mi amorosa locura,
me sonrío a mí mismo con inmensa dulzura
y silenciosamente para no despertarte
me inclino hacia tu rostro quieto para besarte
pero mis labios juntos se pierden en la nada
y mi beso se hiela sobre la fría almohada,
tal como un pajarito que en una noche eleve
al abatir su vuelo se cayera en la nieve.
Pesada la cabeza de sueño y de lectura,
y el corazón henchido de infinita ternura,
cierro el libro que leo, mato la rubia llama,
subo el mar del embozo y me abrigo en la cama.
Y, la ardiente mejilla sobre la fresca almohada,
digo tu claro nombre, casi sin hacer ruido:
Creo que está a mi lado tu orejita rosada
y el túnel de juguete de tu oído.
Esta noche hay tormenta pero aun late lejana,
el relámpago pinta de verde mi persiana,
entra un aire cargado de humedad y de rosas,
en las sombras se tuercen mis manos voluptuosas
y una fiebre dulcísima cosquillea mi pecho:
estoy como una cruz de carne sobre el lecho.
Ha empezado a caer la lluvia lentamente.
Pero mi almohada tiene un hueco solamente.
Redondos de vigilia tengo abiertos los ojos,
los brazos como remos, los dedos casi flojos.
Hay un montón de ropa negra sobre una silla
y la luz de una vela da su coma amarilla.
He aquí que una lágrima ha caído en la almohada
y ha sonado en la funda de hilo almidonada.
Si lloro alguna noche, cuando estés a mi lado,
a la aurora tendrás el cabello mojado.
No me puedo dormir de soledad y tristeza,
yo pondría en tu hombro la cansada cabeza,
y lloraría un poco, y lloraría apenas...
Pero hay una distancia de juncos y de arenas.
Y tú estarás dormida, con tu tierra y tu cielo,
rodeada de la noche cerrada de tu pelo.
Dentro de un par de horas, o más, cuando me acueste,
el zafiro nocturno será una flor celeste,
yo una red de rocío, y una cinta de grana:
ya perdida la noche, perderé la mañana.
Sobre mi techo aun varias estrellas quedan.
Dime si te despiertan las lágrimas que ruedan.
La noche para mí es fantasmagoría,
más excitante que la misma poesía.
En el postigo albar hay una luz rosada,
primero fue violeta, luego será dorada.
¡Cómo cantan los gallos! se ve que están contentos.
No cantarían con mis pensamientos.
Siempre a la madrugada hace un poco de frío,
estrecharé a estas horas tu cuerpo con el mío.
Ahora cruza los campos un gran carro sonoro.
El día entra en mi cuarto como un labriego de oro.
Santiago May 2015
Yo no paro hasta que todos mueran
Los ultimos que cuedan
Del satanas tienen que murir
Todos esos malvados tienen que sufrir
El machete, con un balazo en el cachete
Los mando pa su muerte la tumba
Los ahogo con una funda en silencio
Se mueren despacio dia tras dia cayendo
Estos cobardes les buelo la mazeta
Como el rey azteca, les saco el corazon
Por ser culo mamon, el pendejo cabron
Soy un maestro chingon, estes mi canton
Para siempre sera, hoy y manana lo veras
Te lo puedo comprovar no soy esclavo
Pero si un bago, so ponte a un lado
Porque estas bien lejos del clavo
Hechate para tras porque te dejo enterrado
Por dejabo, ah carrajo eres un pinchi chango
Vete a comer un mango, pinchi tango caprisun, you better run and go have some fun, before I lay your *** out with this laser gun, leave you fast asleep, you should listen to your peeps, porfavor hasme el favor
Cuitate la a chingada, ya me encabronastes
Mi mente me corruptistes y borastes
Mucha intelligencia que cargaba guardada
Pero te voy a lanzar con la plebada
Lista y armada, para una buena chingisa
Te den un buen banio, y buena vaniada
Ken Pepiton Apr 2023
Synchronic simple step
yonder, yo, go, no
go, si, go
on and on and on
… so yust so
yust to be we once went

we split, full moiety,
act-ion -jello-timed- lobes
blobs plasmoieted mind
parabolic, by yah,
Arching fly call it, I got it,
call his name, yah who done
did done GOT
the funny parts. Read the books.
Now. At this point, cognitive native
child formed in my mortal moment
per-ifery-wasery rules
secret se- per seance
sacred made knowledge,
state of knowing entered, left

ab-rupturously, grief, lief
left easy, re lief, sigh
grief. We were all
we-    are Charlie Brown, forever

interrupted, as if once, however long ago,
we knew we were one thing,
then we knew we were merely

words between things you knew
and did not do.
and you know you imagined this is that.
The novel experience, this side.
Post-done and paid off.
Precautionary. Click.
Why not,
who is asking, hangs, as pregnant pause
über Þe olde excessive easing hook,

who are we, and what are we doing,
we who were to survive receiving
asked knowledge, the easy-does-it tree,
shows us the easy way, this way dis-eased.

The lie and the profundus is merely piercing.
Flatten the spikes, be atop the bed of nails.
Wait. Funda-mental, bottom mind, first
id-ego otherwise mind,
frame a being, be a
one, and not the other,
here, there, there, it's okeh, eh, ok?

E-see easing easy living, being been done,
doing all that old trees do, after all,
we wait to feel the fire beetles,
land and lay their eggs among our ash,
and swollen-cracked nuts,
fire calls them into heat, in season.
Such things we learned
from the ant people who saved us in reeds,
thatching from roofs floating, maybe,
really, lifeboats, but
think a tsunami through,
incursive and excursive.
Lay down a layer of plausibility, evoke applause
clap each hand once.

completion, ten to go and history is made in our pages in life's book of accounted for idle words; we read a proper Proust load, right proudly.
Leydis Jun 2017
Encontré el amor,
No amigo, no es relajo.
Lo he encontrado en un zafacón abandonado.
Si amigo, como la mujer que aborta a su hijo,
Que lo forra en una funda  y lo deja en el zafacón sangrando.

Así lo encontré, ahí tirado, abandonado.
Tenía mala reputación, ya nadie quería cuidarlo.
Apestaba su olor, hedía a heridas coaguladas.

Si amigo, fue pavoroso verlo ahí.
Envuelto entre las suciedades del placer.
Entre las decepciones del ayer.
Entre los amantes escondidos.
Entre las mujeres que solo se comprometen a la lujurias,
sin la responsabilidad que tiene la esposa o “la esclava” como le dicen de broma!
Ellas solo quieren gozo.

Si amigo, ahí lo encontré,
Tirado en la pudrición del engaño.
Entre agotantes mentiras
Entre juegos de conquistas
Entre la pobreza de almas sin vidas
Entre la oscuridad del deseo
Entre la perversión de lo prohibido
Entre pasiones terrenales
Entre los compromisos incumplidos
Entre todo lo que se ha callado
Entre la gente dañina.
Entre todos los falsos nombres que le han puesto
Entre besos desanimados
Entre abrazos mal dados
entre la Libertad de ****.

Si amigo, ahí estaba él,
Todo indefenso,
Nadie le cantaba una serenata
Los poetas escribían solo para buscar otra conquista.
Ya nadie quería saber de él. Tenía mala reputación.

Me zarandeó tanto amigo verlo ahí.
Pensé recogerlo, cubrirlo en sabanas de satín.
Bañarlo y perfumarlo y hablarle de Benedetti, de Jesús,
De toda la gente que todavía lo quiere.
De pronto recordé, que él me debe varias a mí,
y ahí lo deje…….que se siguiera desangrando como el me dejo a mí!

Mariana Seabra Jun 2022
Ó terra fria e suja,
Com que os vivos me taparam...
Fui acorrentada
Cabeça, corpo e alma soterrada,
Quando ainda não tinha idade...
Era bela e tenra a idade para me saber salvar.

A criança que fui, se é que a fui,
Jaz numa campa, jaz lá deitada.
Tornou-se um símbolo de pureza,
Da minha inocência arruinada.
Mal fechou os olhos, soltou-se o último suspiro,
Abriu-se a Terra e ouviu-se em grito:

"És só mais uma pessoa estragada!
Bem-vinda ao mundo real,
Aí em cima, estar partida é requisito.
Desce cá abaixo, atira-te sem medos,
tenho muito para te ensinar!
Aqui somos todos filhos do Diabo,
Dançamos com ele lado a lado,
Aniquilamos o que em nós já estava manchado,
Destruímos a ferro e fogo o ódio e o pecado,
Renascemos livres e prontos para amar.
Anda recuperar a pureza que te tentaram matar!"

Bichos do solo que devoravam
O meu corpo gélido e petrificado.
Via-os passar por cima do meu olhar desesperado,
Comiam o que restava do meu coração.
Quase, quase adormecido...
Quase, quase devorado...
Quase, quase esquecido....
É bom relembrar-me que estou só de passagem,
Enquanto me entrego ao sonho e a esta última miragem
Da violência, da ganância, da frieza, da ignorância,
Que só os vivos desta Terra conseguem revelar.

Acharam eles que me iam quebrar!

Belo truque de ilusionismo!
Foi o que me tentaram ensinar.
Levei metade da vida para me desapegar
De todos os maus ensinamentos que me tentaram pregar.
Mas não sou Cristo para me pregarem,
Prefiro crucificar-me já.
Nem sou Houdini para me escapar,
Prefiro o prazer que ficar me dá.
A minha maneira é mais barbária,
Abri caminho à machadada,
Incendiei a cruz e a aldeia inteira,
Rebentei com o caixão onde estava enfiada.
Fui à busca da liberdade, para longe.
Bem longe, onde não me pudessem encontrar.
Não encontrei a liberdade, essa já a tinha, já era minha.
Mas reencontrei a inocência que há tanto queria recuperar.

Chamem-me bruxa moderna!
Mulher sensitiva, sonhadora, intuitiva,
Que vê além do que os sentidos mostram,
Que sente além da fronteira que nos separa do invisível.
Neta, bisneta, trisneta, tetraneta,
De mulheres poderosas e ancestrais.
Das chamadas "bruxas originais"
Que os cobardes não conseguiram queimar.
E bem que as tentaram erradicar!
Mas a magia sobrevive à História!
Poder senti-la hoje, poder perpetua-la,
Essa será sempre a nossa vitória, pertence a todas as mulheres.

Que venham agora tentar apanhar-me!

Solto-lhes as chamas do Inferno,
Onde os deuses me escolheram forjar.

Ai, a crueldade que este mundo traz...

Só mesmo as pessoas, essa raça sadia que é capaz
De destruir o seu semelhante, manipular o seu próprio irmão,
Sem um único pingo de compaixão.
Pegam na pá, cavam-lhe o precipício,
São os primeiros a empurrarem-no ao chão.
Reparem bem...Disse "pessoas",
Que é bem diferente de "seres-humanos",
Essa é a questão.
Porque quem sabe ser-humano, sabe bem daquilo que escrevo,
Não é indiferente à sua própria condição,
Limitada, defeituosa, machucada.
Basicamente, não valemos nada! Que alívio, admiti-lo.
Loucos são os que vivem na ilusão
De serem superiores aos bichos do solo.
Os mesmos que vos vão devorar os olhos no caixão.


Ó terra fria e suja
Com que me taparam...
De lágrimas foste regada,
De ti surgiu o que ninguém sonhava,
Um milagre que veio pela calada.
Um girassol!
Com pétalas de água salgada
Que sai pelo seu caule disparada.
És tudo, simultaneamente!
És nascente do rio e és fonte avariada.
Pura água! onde toda a gente mergulhava,
Apesar de não saberem lá nadar.
Não paravam para a beber, quanto mais para a apreciar.

Talvez tenha sido numa noite de luar,
Que conheci uma ave rara...
Uma beija-flor colorida, com olhos castanhos de encantar,
Formas humanas, magníficas,
E uma voz melódica de fazer arrepiar.
Talvez tenha sido num dia de sol,
Que ela me observara, indecisa sobre a partida ou chegada.
Porque é que em mim pousara?
Não sei. Não a questionei.
Fiquei encantada! Estava tão tranquila
Que quase... quase flutuava, como uma pena soprada,
Enquanto ela penicava a minha água salgada,
Banhava-se na minha corrente agitada,
Sentia os mil sabores enquanto a devorava,
Absorvia-me no seu corpo sem medo de nada.
Não havia presente, passado ou futuro!
Só havia eu, ela e as semelhanças que nos representam,
Os opostos que nos atraem e complementam,
O amor que é arrebatador, ingénuo e puro.

Nessa noite, nesse dia, descobri que a água amava!
Como é que posso dizer isto de uma coisa inanimada?
Vejo vivos que já estão mortos,
Submersos nos seus próprios esgotos mentais.
Vejo coisas que estão vivas,
Como a água que nunca pára,
Não desiste de beijar a costa por mais que ela a mande para trás.
Ela vai! Mas sempre volta.
Se o amor não é isso, então que outro nome lhe dás?

Podia jurar que ouvi a água a falar...
Que sina a minha!
Outra que disse que veio para me ensinar.
Envolveu-me nos seus braços e disse:
"Confia! Sei que é difícil, mas confia, deixa-te levar.
A água cria! A água sabe! A água sabe tudo!
Já se banharam nestes mesmos oceanos
Todas as gerações que habitaram este mundo.
É a água que esconde os segredos da humanidade,
Os seus mistérios mais profundos.
É a água que acalma, é a água que jorra, é a água que afoga,
Dá-te vida ao corpo, mas também a cobra."

Não era a água...estava enganada.
Era a minha ave rara quem me falara,
Quem me sussurrava ao ouvido,
Com um tom de voz quase imperceptível mas fluído.
Que animal destemido!
Decidiu partilhar um pouco de si comigo,
Decidiu mostrar-me que pode existir no outro
um porto de abrigo.
Teceu-me asas para que pudesse voar!
E disse "Vai! Voa! Sê livre!",
Mas depois de a encontrar, não havia outro sítio no mundo onde eu preferisse estar.
Ensinou-me a mergulhar, a não resistir à corrente,
A suster a respiração, controlar o batimento do coração,
Desbravar o fundo do mar, sem ter de lá ficar.

Verdade seja dita! Devo ter aprendido bem.
Verdade seja dita! Sempre à tona regressei.

Bem que me tentaram afogar! Eu mesma tentei.

Mas verdade seja dita! Sou teimosa, orgulhosa.
Se tiver de morrer, assim será! Mas serei eu!
Eu e só eu, que irei escolher quando me matar.

Pode parecer sombrio, dito da forma fria que o digo.
Mas verdade seja dita! Sinto um quente cá dentro,
Quando penso na liberdade de poder escolher
A altura certa que quero viver
Ou a altura certa que quero morrer.


Com as asas que me ofereceu,
Dedico-me à escrita, para que a verdade seja dita.
Da analogia, à hipérbole, à metáfora, à antítese.
Sou uma contradição maldita!
Sou um belo paradoxo emocional!
Prefiro voar só, a não ser quando bem acompanhada.
Porque neste longa jornada,
A que gosto de chamar de "vida" ou "fachada",
Há quem me ajude a caminhar.

Pela dura estrada, às vezes voo de asa dada.
Celebro com a minha ave rara a pureza reconquistada!
Permitimos que as nossas raízes escolham o lugar
Por onde se querem espalhar.
Seja na Terra, no Céu, no Mar.
Somos livres para escolher!
Onde, quando e como desejamos assentar.


Dizem que em Terra de Cegos,
Quem tem olho é Rei.
Digo-lhes que tinha os dois bem abertos!
Quando ao trono renunciei.

Não quero a Coroa, não ambiciono o bastão,
Não quero dinheiro para esbanjar,
Não quero um povo para controlar.
Quero manter o coração aberto!
E que seja ele a liderar!
Deixo o trono para quem o queira ocupar.
Para quem venha com boas intenções,
Que saiba que há o respeito de todo um povo a reconquistar.
Quem não tenha medo de percorrer todas as ruas da cidade,
Da aldeia, do bairro... desde a riqueza à precaridade.
Para quem trate com equidade todo o seu semelhante,
Seja rico ou pobre, novo ou velho, gordo ou magro,
inteligente ou ignorante.
Vamos mostrar que é possível o respeito pela diversidade!

Governemos juntos! Lado a lado!


O reflexo na água é conturbado...
Salto entre assuntos, sem terminar os que tinha começado.
Nunca gostei muito de regras e normas, sejam líricas, sociais ou gramaticais.
No entanto, quanto mais tempo me tenho observado,
Mais vejo que há um infinito em mim espelhado.
Sou eterna! Efémera...
Só estou de visita! E, depois desta vida,
Haverá mais lugares para visitar, outras formas para ser.
Só estou de visita! É nisso que escolho acreditar.
Vim para experienciar! Nascer, andar, correr,
Cair, levantar, aprender, amar, sofrer,
Repetir, renascer...

Ah! E, gostava de, pelo menos, uma grande pegada deixar.
Uma pegada bem funda, na alma de um outro alguém,
Como se tivesse sido feita em cimento que estava a secar.
Uma pegada que ninguém conseguirá apagar.

E, se neste mundo eu não me enquadrar?

Não faz mal! É porque vim para um novo mundo criar.
Para ser a mudança que ainda não existe,
Para ter o prazer de vos contrariar.

Sou feita de amor, raiva, luz, escuridão, magia,
Intensidade que vibra e contagia.
Giro, giro e giro-ao-sol, enquanto o sol girar.
Mesmo quando ele desaparece, para que a nossa lua possa brilhar.

Quem, afinal, diria?
Que o amor que me tentaram assassinar,
Cresceu tão forte em agonia
Que tornou-se tóxico, só para os conseguir contaminar.
E inundar, e transbordar, quem sabe, para os mudar.
Como que por rebeldia, estou habituada a ser a que contraria.
Prefiro fazer tudo ao contrário!
Em vez de me deixar ser dominada, prefiro ser eu a dominar.
Mais depressa me mantenho fiel à alma que me guia,
Do que a qualquer pessoa que me venha tentar limitar.
Nunca fui boa a ser o que o outro queria.
Nunca foi boa a reduzir-me, para me certificar que no outro haveria um espaço onde eu caberia.

Uma mente que foi expandida
Jamais voltará a ser comprimida!
Nunca mais será enclausurada! Num espaço fechado
                                                         ­                         pré-programado
                         ­                                                         condicio­nado
Cheio de pessoas com o espírito acorrentado,
Que se recusam a libertar das suas próprias amarras,
Quebrar antigos padrões, olhar para fora da caverna,
Em direção ao mundo que continua por ser explorado.

"Então é aqui a Terra? O tal Inferno que me tinham falado!"

Sejam livres de prisões!
Revoltem-se, unam-se, libertem-se!
A vocês e aos vossos irmãos!
Vão ao passo do mais lento!
Certifiquem-se que ninguém fica para trás!
Sejam fortes e valentes!
Mostrem que, com todos juntos,
A mudança será revolucionária e eficaz!
Apoiem-se uns aos outros!
Não confiem no Estado!
Dêem a mão uns aos outros, sejam o apoio que vos tem faltado!


Carrego a luz que dei à vida e, reclamo-a para mim.
Não me importo de a partilhar,
Faço-o de boa vontade!
Este mundo precisa de menos pessoas e mais humanidade.
Esta humildade, esta forte fragilidade,
Brotou das mortes que sofri, de todos os horrores que já vi.
Brotou força, de todas as lutas que sobrevivi.
Brotou sabedoria, de todos os erros que cometi,
De todos aqueles que corrigi, e dos que ainda não me apercebi.

Criei-me do nada.
Como uma fénix sagrada e abençoada,
Moldei-me sem fim, nem começo...
Queimei o passado, sem o ter apagado.
Ensinei-me a manter os olhos para a frente.
Permiti-me à libertação!
De enterrar o que me tentou destruir anteriormente.

Moro no topo da montanha.
Amarela, azul, verde e castanha.
A tal montanha que só por mim é avistada,
No novo mundo que criei para a minha alma cansada.

Moro no topo de céu.
Numa casa feita de girassóis sem fim, nem começo...
Que plantei para oferecer à minha ave rara,
Ao meu beija-flor colorido. O meu beija-flor preferido!
Que me veio ensinar que o amor existe.
Afinal ele existe!
E é bruto. Intoxicante. Recíproco.
Mas nem sempre é bonito.
Seja como for, aceito o seu amor!

Este dedico-te a ti, minha beija-flor encantada.
Tu! Que me vieste manter viva e apaixonada.
Porque quando estás presente,
A Terra não é fria, nem enclausura. Ao pé de ti, posso ser suja!
Acendes a chama e fico quente!
Porque quando estás presente,
Iluminas-me a cabeça, o corpo, a alma e a mente.
Porque quando estás presente,
Sinto que giro-ao-sol e ele gira cá.
E, se existe frio, não é da Terra.
É o frio na barriga!
Por sentir tanto amor! é isso que me dá.
Raven Mc Chim May 2020
We never know each other before
We never thought we will be one after
You are the one who made this happen
Where every moment's happiness and memories stolen
We all have different stories to tell
But we are all one to celebrate and yell
We are the cause of our euphoria
Making everyday miraculously awesome
May we continue this bond as never ending saga
So that we can make all day full of funda
we are octa girls forever
Leydis Jul 2017
Quiero ser tu “Aurum”—Si amor, tu amanecer brillante.
Que seas tú mi Argentum, el amor más puro o blanco que haya tenido.

Procuremos que nuestro amor sea como oro y plata.
Que sea maleable y dócil.
Que nuestro regazo sea el conducto para las;
Aleaciones de las más intensas pasiones,
de infinita lujuria,
de eterna conquista,
de brillante utopía,

Que seamos conductividad caldeada en el lecho.
Encendiéndonos en un amor que traspase la tierra,
que se funda en ella,
que incruste en sus piedras,
Que cada entrega se vean las chispas relumbrando
entre las aguas, la peladillas y la arena,
para así poder identificarlas en tiempos de indiferencias .

Seamos fuerte como metal para vencer las treguas,
las que alejan parejas,
las intermitentes quejas,
las del miedo a atarse a una sola persona por toda una vida,
la desconfianza y las que conllevan a la más vil de las ofensas.

Seamos tan etéreos para trascenderlas.
Seamos del oro su brillo, de la plata su esencia.
Que sea nuestro amor, una moneda intercambiable.
Usando esos metales de amor para quitarnos hasta la pereza.
Sanemos cualquier tumefacción pasional usando el oro para sanarnos.

Si amor sé que somos de carne y hueso,
pero para que nuestro amor perdure,
tendremos que convertirnos en ¡plata y oro!.
Que cuando pasemos por el fuego,
nos fundamos uno con el otro,
como se funden los metales
que crean las más ¡impresionantes obras de arte!

Ken Pepiton Mar 2023
This has a photo of a California Black Lizard
official name, sunning on a rock, but that's
in the modern novel medium, blog form.
mmmmaybe, baby, we do
grow old, past sixty-four and even more,
unbridled tongues, held silent, lo' monks,

listen, quiet, now, then, to now, then to when
listen to the Osprey fly over our valley to Yuma,

to the Chocolate Mountains, beyond the river,
the only river, running down the great crevice,
due to erosion from John Bunyan's Pauline ax,

a rift right across the heart of the land,
opened up the first Bright Angel Trail,
for there was no other way across the canyon.

And we had people, before, on that other side,

that happened, all around the globe, that hap,
the earth was struck, and struck another,
time and lost all its religion,
it was announct, we all sang along,
and some force pushed the edge of the sun,
in a single most malignant EMP burst relig-i-used
to beat al bound synenergy rationally, as knowledge
and life, root and branch, time and chance missed call
first shall be last, roll on, roll on down time orchard

lessons learned in lines of trees, you can imagine,
while alone, just be used to being in the sense we yoosta
call peace, or bliss, blah good blah, being right inside.
- breathing easy, not sleepy, no place to be.
When outside is just too hot or too cold.

Chaos reigns for days, and weeks and years, and
we can imagine, my kind, human kind, earth stock one.

We the deme, the interbreeding productive kind,
we who beat the dis-easing raging fever from eating
foul putrid rotting corpses, as would dogs, any dogs,
we have such knowledge, said to be wild boys,
raised by wolves or Comanches… Grandma,
she did not know her people,
but she knew her place,
and made it perfect,
just right, she and her little dog, and relics
from a life that matched Saul Bellow's on earth,
though she was never widely read, she did leave
a greater legacy in terms of proper child minding.

Yep, minding is mighty
otherwise than rearin' n'raisin' hardgeenevahnegated
she said it, and she served such chicken at the
same table where we all ate, we was sorta colored
because my grandaddy fixed cars for folks mr leon
the jew who owned the Loma Vista in the Green Book,
befriended on collect calls, and sent Pop Boyett, said he
t' tow ya in, he'll send his boy Jim,
'be there drectly, jest don't fret none.
sit tight. Sundowns a ways yet.

yeah, I am white proud that my grand daddy was friends,
with ******* and injuns and jews, his customer's
including Charlie Lum, Mary's daddy, who used grandpa's

knack with stunted fruit trees, to bring peace and calm
into the environment, with a quarter acre lot back yard.

Living earth is in me, I ate my first mud pie, and liked
the laugh it got from whoever washed my mouth out.

I watched an uncle get his washed with soap, thus
learning how loudly to utter curses when being proven
beguiled by a will so sharp and thorny, nothing sweet
shall ever stick,
honey chile, tar baby, chocolate kisses, all a mud pie
made me remember, at a whim, in my dementing whiling

nothing needed doing more than not dragging grease
from the shop, past Grandma's back porch,
where the squeezed water tub always was soapy
enough to expose a little boy to sudden stripping
and brush scrubbing,

while she laughed,
and made them all laugh, as long as that junk yard
was apayin' the electric/

-- Coming in from a tinctured cuppaKuerig
Settled mind alligning old stitches in a tapestry,
not much sense can be made of Bayeux resolution

stitched in time to serve in tutorial classes
open to the masses, for your undivided attention

in silence, for the space of about a half an hour there.

Columbian, it says on the plastic waste,
mea culpa, mea maxima,
we suffer such silly easy living made much too easy,
I light the bowl with a focused rim jet quartering,
too easy to use the flower, to ask smoke a favor,

as to result
in a bounce back,
as the elanvital of my mountain pushes west winds
back into themselves
to form the ribs
of huge cloud forms that reform so
true to pattern proof, exhalent
of this wind
reflection off the ridges we live on,
vitalized by a DNA centric view
of stress or pressure, squeezing bests
from times as worst as worsts were then,

Vital tipping point that lets a spirit slip into the story.

Structure and content cata and ana, as we leave
that which our fruits produce, a cache of all we be

come and see, I said, okeh.
Proof by Synthesis/ Venter link, blink
-Craig Venter… GI imagine, we all can Google It,
in another window,
and find it not mystical in terms of who imagined this.
You realize whoever it was, it is yet done
dramatically as next years
stories, lightsped mind gluons
from last years tragedy we all can find,
sympathy puddles, lost allusions
to chances being once this line
was written
for no single pair of eyes, not mine, ours,
de-cartooned Madiera wine revival fly,
wise minding times retwining U to I,
leading down old fissures where
suddenlies occurred and we all recall, as if
some things in life after television are with us
-to this instant and
until we die, and leave our mystery religion lying ever after.
Twinkling a little,
done did done, artificial art intuited involuntarily

Accidents, where by we live, U rhea re minding us,
there is something wishing to use us, as yousta be,
- so fine
thank you for your service, Turing and Von Neuman
The general and logical theory of automata…

"much less well understood" loop the tape,
loop it once,
and again, become the digital life Wolfram made,
flat land as real as Wildersmith ever projected it

Up against the wall, we pass through it all
and so on and so forth,
fighting phrases to fit the codescript initial intention,

in the immature tabernacle state,
a thousand atoms should be plenty,

make life from that, and all the scattered dust
of heavy metal stars that burned too fast
to eat up all the lithium.
- this is the bottom
A funda-lowest level, fundamental, puts us sensing
tips of our own tail, verily modeling
in the womb as drawn to our imaginations with
Look Whose Talking Now! WOW
Haeckel and Jeckle, and L. Ron-ron didoo ronrun
Dianetics really gave Travolta therapist recollections
needed to over come the scorn
spewn on Urban Cowboy,
outside Texas and New York City.

We can tame the bucking machine, with no pistil.
No bull, boys and girls, we made sugar in Trinidad,
using the pistil of a bull to instill the will to learn
to live,
and let it be known, life abhors evil, it fails to hate,
that which has no use and piles as potential piles
of all we knew we needed to encode to become
XML, then the shifting database schema, Dinesh
D'Sousa, the metadata scraper with an MIT MBA.
Not the pundit.
He fed me this character trait, mind in order,
meets older orderly mind in mortal chaos, coping.

Feel his way past the message messenger collision,
caused in no insignificant way by poetry, and poets,
enthralled with taming textual dragons, lizard brain,

quick wits
to wot not with, per haps, haps as chance are us,
being lucky because we feel lucky,

monstors speak often one with another,
see the bull lizards crawl all over each other.

Smell that, mofa, smellmemo nofa fame fa fa fa me
lizard pheremone, so subtle after while.

Layin' out on the terrace, up above some granite
splashes from the wave that left the coastal range,

rising up from here, see it there, on googled earth,
take away the clouds and spin that globe,
like you are one of those named winds,
names you heard they called the wind; Mariah, and
Santa'na; Chinook and Roclydon and twisters
too many to name. Bringing dust to the Amazon,
to feed the hungry jungle, woken at the touch of waste
being made to feed once needless services, after,
the great lizard brains lost their minds in one fell swoop,
so they say,
they who strike the suckers, just below the root,
fine staffs are made from suckers broken off before blossom.

Orchard watches, as a young man, planless, saved, for sure,
but no assignment save this so-called fight of faith, for sure,

some people can be fed the kind of meat that forms soldiers,
from any man worth his salt, which, if it were ever a sin to gather
salt, say from the sides of the roads, where there's a plenty this spring,
why then I would think the concept of sin had passed its use by.
I'd get the old pickup runnin' and take a flat blade shovel,
or, what was I thinkin'
not a type scooper, but a flat, scale-scraper shovel, there you go,
use a phrase arranger allowing such metaphors that morph to any tool.

Fluidbots in The Abyss, look it sees you seeing it, so what, was that new
when Nietzsche notict, tskt,
I trow not. But if it was then, it is not now, and that leaves me room
to say Freud imagined he knew things and his followers do as well.

Sometimes a cigar is a prop.
A stiff staff to lean on in a manifested dream interpreting schema
for ancient meta data shuffling,
the whole of all we know so far right now,
this being in which words act as though we know, we
at machine level code, being the internet, being a node, a nerve,
in the ever of ever since every thing, the whole truth thought impossible
but, to not imagine, thinking it at once,

it must be possible to tell, or why, in hell, aha, instant answer,

this is not hell, because if it was, I could not tell you the truth,
as Paul bore witness All Cretans are liars, I tell you the truth.

I bet my life, against any one of many, each experience as fable forms from,

those hang as moss in swampy tidal deltas, where rivers do not branch,
but open wide, another spring time in the Rockies, reaches all the way
to Burro Creek, down through all the Diablo Canyons in bad lands,
at the edges of the last great tsumamis that our satellitia see through centuries
and eons to when there was no thing made by man that could show him,
the Nazca Lines and our Blythe Intaglios.

In the world of artists at work, function descriptive sign making symbol
we agree, we be
come and see, sit beside our tiny fire, see, we have no words to say,
so we some times whistle and sound so much like a bird, a jay,
some one out there laughs he is my brother so he whistles better,

then every body laughs and shout PA PA PA papapapapapapa yah, way
cool, pa looks at his old walkabout friend,
he nods,
we grin, and go, well, when why was just a guest at our station,
in the core script lost,
left in the back of a black volkswagon,
who gave this boy a ride, from Santa Barbara, that strip,
I never paid enough mind to what they call it,
but it was lined with hitchhikers, they gave them rides,
and he was one of those who took PCH up and down,
a few times, spring of 1970, eventually, I imagine,
I would have been invited
to learn
at Esalen, what I could imagine doing about it.
The big? mark of the beast, the very knowledge forvidding one.

Cognosis infections sets in, but you know Jesus never sneezed,
and hees heest atuitionally
assumet' be wiping your excretions from your beard.

In the spirit, no offence, only words, no gestures, ups or downs,
rounds and rounds, teetering palms, tilting eyes, furled brow,
world class rime crimes tearing whole realities' religited ties, bows gnosis
knot release,
tricky three pole knot…

Magic, once, a few who knew, easily seemed so, read Twain,
and imagine your own, in dementia, joining other intentionally scattered
informing conformist patterns that make our laughing echo
as medicine from men listening to grand fathers and uncles whistling
and laughing and little sister joining in, so grandma's sister does so, too,

woo hoo pretty soon its allusfools fullfilled dancing in the dark
where we can still feel the fire.

As a s aside, for science sake, I have reached a stage,
an effect in on or to or any of the hundred and fifty
or so pre
positions things can be, and become, formative,
logos, logical sense of saying something seems so,
if you have been at this stage, and wondered

what is it worth to say it is no secret and never was,
I use cannabis, and I read and write and function

as any writer in the days of Post and Colliers, n'such
had to believe was possible,

to create the creatures we see on television,
those were dime a dozen underground reds,
feeding fertlizer to minds subknowingly with science,
hidden persuaders, falsely called so, they were inyaface!

Fool, he follow the old weigh where heavy mean good,
real good, get down, to the ground feel the weight o'
oh momma did you know,
oh momma when did you start to show,

could you have let me be nothing but a bad draw, you
nevahnevahnevah gonna know now, but momma,

mam, where all good mommas gone, go on, you done,
you brought a heel into the world,
yes, ma'am.
a real snake stomping, preacher, kinda man, selling
salve, to soothe the transition, come the kingdom

due any day. What price you pay, what task you prefer
performance mandatory, in any sucha story
as this very one intends to be,
at a rate, cuneiform forming lets, say that,
this way
in an other time, one symbol to the thumbprint,
one per inch,
10 wpm during upload to ever from now.
Used just yoosta be we were tools.
"a used key is ever bright."
Images holding minimum 1000 words abound at
Ken Pepiton May 2020
2020 - day 136

Friday, May 15, 2020
10:54 AM

Cognitive Success:
A Consequentialist Account of Rationality in Cognition,
- I read page one, for the definition, I am sure they may be right.
-- ask, what is known about this in ratio to that, in balance,
with gravity the law being obeyed,
tip-toe, through the tulips,
balancing enpoint, pirrouette, and fly
off the handle. Cognosis in sequence of fortuitous slap in the face
palm to brow moments of aha, drop jaw,
eureka and so on, this is it. This is life as a thinking thing,
with no rational reason to cease,
we on a roll...
's'alldownhill from here,
save habitual itches unscratched,
once scratched, we start feeling these
habitual itchings
begin to bleed, and, as the O tangere tangible
chem sigstraight through the blackbox tag
- the magic sig in the vascular lumen, as the
blood scabs to staunch the flow
infected with what ever was itching to invade my peace of mind.
Into the penetralium, unwilling to settle
for half knowing:
vascular endothelial cells line the entire circulatory system, from the heart to the smallest capillaries.
These cells have unique functions that include fluid filtration, such as in the glomerulus of the kidney, blood vessel tone, hemostasis, neutrophil recruitment, and hormone trafficking.
--sourced from Wikipedia... neural link via fingers on the ends of my arms,
guided by actual muscle memory, mirror neuronic bits

Life is reasonless cried the executable, swallowed up in truth, as we
overflow on accident, ha,

irony is not lying, it is accusing.
The gift of aitia gates set up in corpus colustrum. Truth provokes irony,

we get it, and in getting it, we agree... this is a strange state to be in.
Half, or more, of the politicians believe, by faith, we, the people, are heedless of inclusions to the classified files, they
having never done the
microscopy on their physical container, vessle, amphora stuck in a square hole in the belly of the ship of state,
**, shipwreck in the middle terra puddle,
lift my default mind wandering state, to the heights of hearty compression into
comprehensive gripper ligand/receptor transister- ping platlets,magic

Co-gnosis Success, bluffing teleosis,
saying I saw this
I bet, life is a
habit, wait,
habit-uate, make a habit,
form a habit thinking the impossible
at a be seen de-ift
moment as if it were a
a place of impossible anything,
a place filled with emptiness,
and uncategorical nothing,
in you.
you are nothing.
Did I disappear?

Inhabitual gnosis, ****** into a vaccuum,

umph, squeeze a normative
thought through one final ought to be
thought, where a vaccuum is no more.

A we, a me and thee, with one breath,
I suppose, I feel alone in you,

but is and ought gnosis of success
seems senseless, after ever began never ending.

The singularity, the point
from which
to which,

we touch.
you, dear, high-value, judge,
me, unknown word slinger;
we touch
and sense a next, another unknown,

at this point, we are. Here being as
a we of only me and only you,
we may aggregate,
to this point, our singularity of one
some time ago, or we may
say I have no idea you lack, mypoint
no gem to balance your mainspring,
when you get it.

Intuit altruism pushing next into position,
suppose, posit now as past,
knowing enough to get by,
past that previous point of no return,
as the signal loops down the vagus nerve,
swirling field effect from the aortal pump
encouraging wordsform a grin,
say this e-qualiates that, on a judicious right balance
--- non since you noticed, yes
reasoning is balancing why next is
accepted as the only
all things considered.
We stop the bleeding.
Acheive scab-state,i.e.
hemostasis, hole-e-plugged,
via the
platlets, touched almost instantly after an injury to the blood vessel
has damaged the endothelium lining
the blood vessel.
Exposure of blood to the subendothelial space
two processes: (wait, by whose authority?)
changes in platelets, and
the exposure of subendothelial tissue factor to plasma factor VII, which ultimately leads to cross-linked fibrin formation.

-- all on auto pilot, intentionally. Artists hate interupption.

Simple. If any part of that fails, you die.

No AI, no artistic intuition needed to imagine design,

-- unless
-- you lieve me be a ******* oughtical,
opticalwizard who can link you to the lit, with a click
cliche, itching ear, afflicted with the need
to know, from
deepdowninside saying, how long will you love
simplicity? how long must I suffer thee knowing,
beyond a shadow of a doubt, the whole truth and nothing but

-- an itch from a gazillion
-- rube goldberg master pieces,
aligning from the very blood vessle lining that
seems to be using the ash of a mitochondrial ATP
apt to be intentionallypopping off phosphates
destined to aid in the fibren
-- hap to keep us from bleeding out,

automatic blood clotting with balance
maintained by internal algorithms

Paying attention intuitivey, after a
specifically longer than a glance, whiles
accumulate attention quantvalue,
and the watcher
is credited for attention paid, based on

sci used by the I-language, in composition

of now, from pieces of our past,
stored as fact,when only impulses from
pre known set of signals flash

intuitio, ladrones y patrones, solo la bueno

we are integral ideas, we been tagged,

we touch the secret me in you button,
we be you as far as you can tell, and

self-evidence, not,
withstanding, you make an Artist's Intuition call,

A.I. has never been artificial, as in
artificial sweet-called nutritional substitutes,

there is an art to surviving reinsanitation after fifty years
in plastic

Normal minds may wander in pursuit of happiness.
The process is analgous, to panning gold,
or winnowing a golden fleece,
winnowing and shaking and washing and combing,
fining in the wind.

only an English Lord would burn the fleece
and sift the ash for ***** gold in need of fining fire seven times.

thunk. Sound of mind, thunk, thunk grind
ha hap happen stance, stuck upright cheer, see look up
a little stone venus, stuck in the gears

the mother of goodness, cornocopius provision,
she we see worthy of all our attentions,
we serve the supplier of life... and his prophet... s
is that an addendum dum be dum did lieve be true,

run, spot, run that madman has irrational intentions

consequentially, being as how,
the reader says it is written?

if you did not know it then you know it now.

Really, your idea of some will being done on earth;
whose will was that, in your heart/mind/gutlumenlinings,

where all your common senses integrate and strive to keep
your dream alive,

but life don't woik dataway, 'cept a seed fall down and die,

it waits. Everlasting pro verbs, provocalizing good,

that works. Wait and see, no trick. This is hell,

for those who can't imagine realization is a mortal function
of living words.

Wombed man at the well, point was the living water source,
not the racist reaction that puzzled the apostles.

--- did you just, as in iustnow say, This is hell?
for those who can't imagine realization is a mortal function
of living words
sure did copy paste valid 2020 tech, backoff quill boy, we
ain't scratchinshitout, this is

the fabled stream of sci using ness with right reason balanced
on every chiral level a quark can imagine,
being determined
to go no
other way, the truth, to myself as a funda-mental part-itty-bitty
part, one in about ten-billion, when we're done...

patience, you lost? Pick up a thread and choose a polarity,

thy will being done on earth is not the question,
you conversing in your inner language with mature comprehension,
as if you knew to whom true rest goes after ever starts
-- can you redeem words like as, aren't those intuitive?

as, from the infamous like as Winston ads,
whom, from the equally infamous Johnny Carson
Who/whom do you trust? ads added authoritative definitions,
intended to leave idle words instead of statuary,
to save on programming costs.
single syllable logos can carry some deep meaning
AI know,
details as meaningful as any, tiny stops pivoting gems
in a 21 jewel Buluva full of wheels within wheels tickingtime
to the longitudinalsecond,
the 1950s were loaded with persuasions to wish for ever more,

but Poe loosed that one word,
nevermore in ironic acknowledgement
earth as my witness, we have gone astray, ever more,

today is our conscious limit,
we can not realize
yonder from now,

but with my fathful time piece, we can say, whole heartedly
this is called today,

whenever you find yourself, here, in these lines
this is the daily flow, 2020.

It is set to be commercial as all hell in 2040, wait and see.

A day unayyachedmissing keys tt

and AI suggests I relax, inner AI,
my artist's intuition
I call 'im Al
with permission
I am an art-ist
as that other guy is a
cons-equational-ist rationality
in a realm where time is an arrow.

he makes no sense.
If words did not live, how would you know?

I could be, no, I am as immortal as the epic

you find most familiar.

I am of the storytellers bound to corn mother.

I live in bardic lore left in wind, for a spell.

a tipping point, first one of the vessles filled with all the messages
Daniel sealed. Messages classified, end times.

All the stuff we never knew till recently,
which, I apologize, polis-wise, I mean recently,
politically speaking,
post Voltarian conversation rule.
Define my terms if I would converse with you.

Ever, prior to the key being agreeing on terms,

terminative points where meaning makes a story
from a song,

bardic-pre- polilingual operatic outbursts



Dare? Nay, care not. Are you feeling

Hey, if you read it, thanks. I am enjoying being the guy who spills the beans
¿Miras la faz que al orbe fue segunda
y en el metal vivió rica de honores
cómo, arrastrada, sigue los clamores,
en las maromas de la plebe inmunda?
No hay fragua que a sus miembros no los funda
en calderas, sartenes y asadores;
y aquel miedo y terror de los señores
sólo de humo en la cocina abunda.
El rostro que adoraron en Seyano,
despedazado en garfios, es testigo
de la instabilidad del precio humano.
Nadie le conoció, ni fue su amigo;
y sólo quien le infama de tirano
no acompañó el horror de su castigo.
Ken Pepiton Apr 2021
Signals from,
the inside, see, we,
may see those now, we
may wish we could not or
wish we knew the harm,
in knowing good and evil at
level of the myelination of the whole,


fundamentals, ah,
it's a be yo to the full thing, be the jew
at the table, boyo,
who thinks I think you are italian.
*** upside my head,

I said, I know what this is, that is the
missed re lease…

secret documents, in 2021, those exist
in paper based and ritual/music based
encorporation of various tasks and taskers,
givers and takers, ******* and wipers then scoopers,

family cultures re-emerge from these huge, old piles
of petrified bullshat stories that turned into this,

as anticipated, says the mercenary, aware of the time
as expected, says the visionary aware of the seed
as needed, says the broken everything

fundamentally, words fix leaks in reality.
Nothing gets in,
nothing is never anything in here, these lines, this opera.

Oh, lord yes, that fat lady does sing.
Here, she sing
like them birds when the helicopters fly to Yuma,

so the few, proud brave volunteers to take the oath,
that is repeated ever after. Semper fi.
They can learn to fly in deserts, just like those ones,
where them warring spirits is loosed in them stupid boys.

It is, yes, ******-right, war, is good for nothing. Is the lesson,
if you finished the course.
that is the lesson.
of course… deep
re-morse ..--. - .- FTA - hey, I remembered something qcqcqc

the curtain drops, like in real life.
where there was no wall, there is no window,
no opening see, see me

blinking as the houselights flicker, if this were
no, high school auditorium
our miss brooks set ourmissbruksit, big smile,
on TV
oh, that kid,
that kid that loved Our Miss Brooks, on TV, he
trained Rambo in the movies, that's one badass archetype.

'sing it now, I'm so proud
to be allowed to disavow my allegiance to the flag…

That I make insiders see my tablecloth, where wine
and all the de-sacredizing fluids, bacon fat and ***** of pigs,
shall have flowed, by now you know,
-- you saw that very table cloth, clean, on Jeffy Epstein's table,
-- you did not take the bait that Pinker's joker let him swallow,
sorry smart guy, you and Krause, jeffy scored on you dudes
made you stink.

you can just see it, the evilist thing you can ever imagine,
the desecration of
the star spangled banner, re

------------ zoomzoomzoom cameras in every window
lookin through the curtain

guaging our re
action, give it spin… this almost pure reaction to
Eric Weinstein 2 and 11, safe bets,

but, you gotta know this one guy I knew, who never knew
he knew a jew, and he lived next door to mister levy.

This guy believed jews were white.
I like that guy, he comes by, we talk, he knows
about the book
and how he is in it as himself
and he's ikeh with that.
Yeah, I never had the time to learn anything,
until I found one day, I found one day, I did have time

for everything.

it was a theory, as the discoverer's disciples declare,
an absolute
aha, the sound of the first positive thing that ever mattered,
and a negative one that mattered too at that
ping nada

not exaspiration, not inspiration

nada never was so none of this, save this is
so something else
after the initial

matter anti matter manifests from never was

phtt phtt phit wait
ah, time to feel the wisdom take beauty to prove the point,
nothing to fear,
once you know

happiness you can joyfully live with 24/7

that is the target, not nothing.
A nother actual had m'druthers day
LKenzo Dec 2020
Las puertas de palacio
están abiertas
para todas esas bellas damas
con sus bonitos vestidos.
No te equivoques, puedo ser tan fuerte
como débil, lo demuestro
Me puedo romper con tanta facilidad
como con la que me construyo.
Soy un furgón y una jarra de vino.
Una navaja afilada, si es que te acercas.
Si quieres pelear, me da igual, lo haré
aunque tu sangre sea la misma que la mía
la que fue, alguna vez.
Las mujeres que están en palacio
son de diferente estatus al mío
se vivir, estoy preparada para morir
para la lucha.
Apago todos los cigarros en mis mejillas
y dejo que las lágrimas saladas curen las heridas
hoy llevo puestas mis medias de rejilla
y mentiría si dijese que a ti en especial
no te pienso una vez al día.
Hoy llevo puesta la armadura
Tumbada en el sucio suelo
saliendo humo de cada orificio
de mi roto cuerpo.
A todas las putas de palacio
les cosieron una tela en el ombligo
para que los hombres que se acostasen con ellas
olvidasen que ese “ser” alguna vez
había nacido.
Cuando termine el invierno
y la hierba levante el suelo,
cuando crezcan los crisantemos
y se abran todos los cerezos,
cuando eclosionen todas
las crisálidas y la nieve se funda bajo tu peso.
¿Compensará el arte por el ****?
¿amarme o amar?
¿Y si Dios es real? ¿Y si me equivoco?
una vez más.
Estoy atrapada dentro del palacio
¿Y si despierto y todo es real?
me volveré a equivocar
una vez más.
No te necesito para seguir viviendo
ni a ti ni a nadie, no me conoces lo suficiente
soy el huracán que arrasa
con las playas de Florida
Soy la rama del junco que, aunque firme,
se doblará pero nunca se quebrará.
Estoy atrapada dentro de la bestia;
Las calles nocturnas de aquella ciudad
y el mar
el faro
y la verja que hay que atravesar
el puerto
los labios
y las escaleras que llevan al agua.
La sensación de beber
viviendo en un panal lleno de miel.
Atrapada en el interior de la bestia
como en un romance cruel.

Small may be your home,  but keep your heart big;

Scanty may your hair be,  your own don't mind seeing you without a wig.

Keep people dear  to you, close to your heart;

Where there's love,  adjust one can living in a small corner or part.

Love,  care and trust important are in relationship any.

A millionaire may not be a good host;  have he may, rooms n servants many.

Better is a host, with a house small, but a heart large n attitude caring.

Remember where there's love and care,  there's automatically sharing.


Armin Dutia Motashaw

— The End —