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Pauline Morris Mar 2016
She's an emotional vampire
She'll **** out what she desires
She preys on the lonely
Making them think they are her one and only

She lives off their emotion
Love or hate, just as long as it's commotion
She thrives on the drama
Leaving behind only trauma

She'll take you down slow
You won't even know
Till she releases her hold
Leaving behind only holes
Where she's ****** out your soul

She's an emotional vampire
She'll burn you like Hell's fire
She's quite the enchanter
Her whole life is a banter
It's only the emotion that matters
She sparkles like a sapphire
That emotional vampire
Pauline Morris Apr 2016
She's an emotional vampire
She'll **** out what she desires
She preys on the lonely
Making them think they are her one and only

She lives off their emotion
Love or hate, just as long as it's commotion
She thrives on the drama
Leaving behind only trauma

She'll take you down slow
You won't even know
Till she releases her hold
Leaving behind only holes
Where she's ****** out your soul

She's an emotional vampire
She'll burn you like Hell's fire
She's quite the enchanter
Her whole life is a banter
It's only the emotion that matters
She sparkles like a sapphire
That emotional vampire
Pauline Morris Jan 2016
She's an emotional vampire
She'll **** out what she desires
She preys on the lonely
Making them think they are her one and only

She lives off their emotion
Love or hate, just as long as it's commotion
She thrives on the drama
Leaving behind only trauma

She'll take you down slow
You won't even know
Till she releases her hold
Leaving behind only holes
Where she's ****** out your soul

She's an emotional vampire
She'll burn you like Hell's fire
She's quite the enchanter
Her whole life is a banter
It's only the emotion that matters
She sparkles like a sapphire
That emotional vampire
Pauline Morris May 2016
Poets are the watchers in the tower
Scribbling, watching, waiting, hour after hour

They watch the depravity of man
They see their sinful plans
They watch the planet breath
They mourn as it bleeds
They watch the changing of the seasons
Connect the dots, make it all rhyme with reason
They watch the winged things fly
Shot down, plummet from the sky
They watch the good and the bad play out
From the paper the poets scream out and shout

They write about beauty and about what makes one cower
For they have endless combinations of words, endless power
They can drain you of hope, or make you flower
They are the watchers in the tower
Pauline Morris May 2016
Please pass me the spoon
I need a hug from Jesus and I need it soon
My body needs to relax till it forgets to breath
Don't worry about the marks you can cover them with sleeves
A little ***** and the pain will all fade away
Let me nod out, I'll deal with it another day
Let my mind get lost in the sway
It's the ritual of the needle and the spoon
It's the hug from Jesus that can't come to soon
Hannah Gaines May 2016
Left, Right,
Up, Down,
Backwards, Frontwards,
Everything is scrambled.

Like a labyrinth,
My mind is scattered,
I'm lost and confused,
I can't understand.

As I wonder,
My sanity is slowly going,
I'm saying things that people don't comprehend,
What has become of me?

I'm wondering thorough this labyrinth,
Not knowing the exit,
Praying for an escape,
Forever stuck in my own scrambled mind.
Pauline Morris May 2016
Poets are the watchers in the tower
Scribbling, watching, waiting, hour after hour

They watch the depravity of man
They see their sinful plans
They watch the plant breath
They mourn as it bleeds
They watch the changing of the seasons
Connect the dots, make it all rhyme with reason
They watch the winged things fly
Shot down, plummet from the sky
They watch the good and the bad play out
From the paper the poets scream out and shout

They write about beauty and about what makes one cower
For the have endless combinations of words, endless power
They can drain you of hope, or make you flower
They are the watchers in the tower
Pauline Morris Feb 2016
Please pass me the spoon
I need a hug from Jesus and I need it soon
My body needs to relax till it forgets to breath
Don't worry about the marks you can cover them with sleeves
A little pick and the pain will all fade away
Let me nod out, I'll deal with it another day
Let my mind get lost in the sway
It's the ritual of the needle and the spoon
It's the hug from Jesus that can't come to soon
Jennifer Staples Feb 2014
I don't know how to sing my abc's backwards
I don't know how to do a cart wheel
I don't know how to write with all correct grammar
I don't know how to sew or knit
I don't know how to speak fluent French even though I kind of should seems how I've been taking it for 3-4 years
I don't know...

I don't know who anyone in my family is anymore
I don't know why my father left us,
Or why he didnt fight for us
I don't know if he thought he wasn't responsible for us or if he didn't love us anymore
I don't know why I hate to love him but I know I love to hate him
I don't know

I don't know how love happens
I don't know why love happens
I don't know why relationships don't always work, but god dont I wish they would
I don't know

I do know that I can sing my abc's frontwards,
And honestly that's all that matters
I do know that I try to write with correct grammar
I do know how to crochet
I do know

I do know that my mother never gave up on us
I do know that my mother loves us more than anything in her world
I do know that I love my mother and I don't love to hate her
I do know

I do know that love, real love, finds people not the other way around
I do know that love is a powerful, happy, and peaceful emotion
I do know that love may not always work but when it does good
I do know that people try to make love work to the best of their ability
I do know
I wrote this in hopes that people will be able to relate to this and if not I am sorry but if you do great I hope maybe it helped in some way or form.

— The End —