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Matt Sep 2016
Respect your fleshlight
Keep it clean

Not every man
Finds a woman
So it seems

Hot water
Bacterial spray
And powder too

Cleanses and restores
Makes the fleshlight
Like new

Treat your fleshlight
With great care

Waves of pleasure
It will take you there
I hope some of you really enjoy reading this as much as I did writing it.
Laokos Mar 2021
a shake weight table steak
powdered sugar cigarette
break burning in alcohol
and corn flakes

a big ******* cluster-****
of broken noses and carefully
crafted poses posting pictures
of processed hipster's and blisters,
****-stirrers and culture twisters
jockeying for a spot
all melting in the ***

quiz show **** beads and
fleshlight teenage dreams
soaking through entitled
suburban screens choking
on plastic screams

chocolate dipped cancer fingers

city bus exhaust lingers

prescription bottle salvation bringers

and underneath it all the bible
belt girdles the gurgling masses
of glazed diabetes and frosted
faith pooling in the belly of

a fat flabby mess of
snake oil boiling
in stomach acid
and pesticide

"welcome, honey! grab a seat
anywhere you'd like --I'll be
right with you!"
Matt Jan 2015
Look at me!
Alone in my room writing poems

So ladies, is my profile picture ****?

You know I am a ****** and almost 30 right?

I have been practicing with my fleshlight, haha
I have been practicing
OOhhhh *** and *** and more ***
Americans love ***
And I am a 21st century ******!

I hope a woman finds my writing arousing
And I hope it makes her ***, hehe
your neck is concrete
where once it was limber;
but your hair was pulled once
too vigorously
and now all you can do is nod.

and it’s not that you forgot how to say
it’s that you simply cannot say
no, I don’t want to hook up with you
no, this isn’t giving me any pleasure
no, you treat me like a
sub-human fleshlight.

but you still go ahead with it;
a fantastical distraction.
but that’s all it ever is
in it’s many forms;
a distraction.
Matt Aug 2016
Last night
I watched a guy
Play a Perfect Dark Mod
With Golden Eye levels

He created simulations
To play against
In a free for all

Today I watched
A Halo 3 AI battle
Spartans vs Elites

One absurd event
Leads to another

I workout
But I don't get
Big muscles

I came into
My fleshlight yesterday

Human life is sad

Oh there is the paper there
Health care costs
To rise in 2017

Everything costs
And i have no money

Who cares?

Why do we need
Two expensive BMWs?

I don't know

Money is power
And I'm paid
By the hour

The expression
On my face
Appears quite dour
Sethnicity Aug 2017
Who plays the game of love
What's the definition of
this game of give and tug
There must be some rules of glove

What's the length an field of play
Who refs the risks and rates the lay
When can you win, lose or draw dismay
Why aren't there more tactics, array

This game of love seems to confound
When some is lost some more abound
The winner gives up bounty to mound
Loser takes and takes and rakes the ground

You play to win but the match won't make
You play to lose and the match you wake
Flame fueled fire burning through the fleshlight
Or slow burning  coal that may last through night

When playing this game can you retire
To focus on life's more true desire
Making a place for memories, to aspire
Or running cross bridges lit by your *** on fire.
Tired of the game? Just stop playing.
99promblems & Love ain't one.
Matt Dec 2014
What a day

First I pleasured myself in the morning
Then I used my fleshlight
It got me to ******

Felt pretty good
Better than real *** I guess
If I have *** than I will grow attached to that person
Better not to do that

Life is so empty
And full of Emptiness

Then I chatted online for hours
Mostly about well-hung black men

I wish I had a bigger *****
5 inches is too small

You know I am just looking for love
I am listening to Dylan
The song is "When I Paint My Masterpiece"

Sometimes music
Is the only thing that makes me feel
I like it
Thank God for music
Sometimes it saves me

Is There Anyone Out There
Anyone who cares?

Seems like life
Always ***** me over
Might as well bend over and take it

And enjoy it
Since I am sure it will continue

Oh well
Just try to be a kind person
Still looking for love
Le Beau May 2020
I believe that writing is different than typing it takes more concentration with less suggestions unless u brain stormed our thoughts are powerful ideas spark inventions & inventions spark evolution if I’m right this just a opinion on the topic of writers having soft hands compared to someone working in construction I’m constantly being tempted by the she devil to be a *** toy for her pleasure not mine I don’t bust a nut all the time I use my fleshlight because of the material needing lubricant instead of natural juices it causes tension on top of the tension I’m trying to release in the first place I won’t a new perspective to be appreciated & loved is all I want I’m getting support from friends & family so I’m in good hands needing a check but I’m a felon with a fetish for marijuana I’ll quit but I don’t know what it would take to replace the feeling or would the desire just vanish ?
Justin S Wampler Nov 2021
30 M 5'8" 160lbs

Don't really have my **** together.
Live in a small apartment with drop ceilings.
Still **** the bed occasionally.
Borderline alcoholic.

Rolled the dice on a **** the other day
and I **** my pants.

Balding prematurely.
Emotionally unavailable.
Intimacy issues.
Afraid of commitment.
Vape constantly.
Currently ******* my Fleshlight twice a day.

I don't fold my laundry,
just dump it in a pile on the couch.

Can't cook,
clean occasionally.
Brush my teeth once a day.
Pretend to be a writer to garner attention.

Outwardly come off as brooding and intellectual,
actually just endlessly introspective.
Have no valuable skill set,
will not be able to provide.

I have curtains,
but they're really just leftovers from my ex
and now I use them as fancy hanging napkins.

Bad case of foot fungus.

Terrible with money,
impulsive and predictable.

Generally lethargic but still skinny
due to malnutrition.

Looking for a woman to love me then leave me,
fulfilling my endless cycle of self-pity.
All in all a total man-child with little to offer.
Hit me up, prolly not doing anything.
You'd think honesty wouldn't be so revolting.

— The End —