30 M 5'8" 160lbs
Don't really have my **** together.
Live in a small apartment with drop ceilings.
Still **** the bed occasionally.
Borderline alcoholic.
Rolled the dice on a **** the other day
and I **** my pants.
Balding prematurely.
Emotionally unavailable.
Intimacy issues.
Afraid of commitment.
Vape constantly.
Currently ******* my Fleshlight twice a day.
I don't fold my laundry,
just dump it in a pile on the couch.
Can't cook,
clean occasionally.
Brush my teeth once a day.
Pretend to be a writer to garner attention.
Outwardly come off as brooding and intellectual,
actually just endlessly introspective.
Have no valuable skill set,
will not be able to provide.
I have curtains,
but they're really just leftovers from my ex
and now I use them as fancy hanging napkins.
Bad case of foot fungus.
Terrible with money,
impulsive and predictable.
Generally lethargic but still skinny
due to malnutrition.
Looking for a woman to love me then leave me,
fulfilling my endless cycle of self-pity.
All in all a total man-child with little to offer.
Hit me up, prolly not doing anything.
You'd think honesty wouldn't be so revolting.