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If I could write my thoughts
You may not quite understand
For the words we are stapled with
Seem ridiculously bland

Music flows like colours to beat
Hypnotising my soul, sparking my senses
Controlling my body I'll jump to my feet
Unimportance of visuals like seeing through lenses

If emotionally moved why not be 'fantabulous'
Eyes closed I see clearer and all is so peachy
Bisto relates to Sunday but life is better gravy
Grey Monday's depress but not 'Grey..You get me?

Just separate your instincts of colours and such
Words are just letters You'll see in a bit
Brains installed with viral fake mush
Some never stray from the path of life's Pit

So blasphemy like '*******, **** and ****
Bad letters because swearing is ...wrong?
The four letter 'C' word the worst though admit
Cos **** is just letters made worse for too long

Sue is my name all over the world
Yet Mum can be Mom, Dad, Pa, Pere
If taught **** for Mum wisdom are not pearls
Red is not hot blue is not cold transparent unclear

So simply my mind see's what's gone so wrong
To un -train what's been taught like losing a limb
People are 'Crazy' to not follow and conform!
Don't get the page yet? read on its no sin

Fantabulously individually Humans
My DNA matches no others so why  march to the tip TOP beat
How beautiful we are 'ALL' Races of humans, Us
The recent power crazed gave racism a ******

****, Racism, diets, Religion
War, Rich, Poor, just made up words
Humans empathetic risers to imagine
No hate, selfishness, Malice in Humans that's Absurd!

Do we find Racial abuse amongst Dogs, Cats and such
So many species but a ***** is a ***** regardless of colour
Rabbits in the wild don't live in a hutch
Straying the point lets try to mull over

From born colour coded, numbered and named
Associated colours, Pink Girls, Blue Boys
Lemon and white if scans are waylaid
Colours are just preferences or visual noise

Taught to be the best you can be
Strive to the top, the higher, the best
Already are wedging the You and the Me
Hang on..Oh look.. I come from the 'West'

How hard to be taught to embrace our uniqueness
Respect, Love and cherish the short time we're here
Selflessly love, change this bare rotten bleakness
Humanity release this dark You enslave

No rich or poor just balanced and happy
Heinz not for me still love store brand
Caviare Hallooga Ballooga, Whatever, Really?
If not jisting my drift now... You're not of this land!?...

All I'm saying is we are all unique so live life to the full, embrace love and happiness, help others where you can, be selfless, respect costs nothing as does a smile, no need for fad dieting, embrace your unique self, let's strive to make Humans be the best we can be but embrace the journey together, life is not a competition or a race, beauty can not be visualised or bought, true beauty 'can' be the ugly ducling surrounded by selfish nasty swans.  Feel the love in all Humans globally.  The one's who lead us at the tippedy top have been hypnotised by some othre in-humane greedy, selfish sub species, who I shall name the darkness and unknown fear we only feel, because remember to visualise is irrelevant to our existence , it's through our feelings, fears and thoughts they attack first, causing panic amongst the trustworthy of our so called Governments.  If they all wanted the best for us then by al means pull together as ONE Government, but to diminish the value of money is just a way of controlling us, keeping the rich rich and richer and making the poor the lowest, ,maybe now homeless **** in society we all feel uncomfortable around?  If all houses cost the same, all wages paid the same rate and no unnecessary taxes to park a vehicle, drive the vehicle, toll costs when in the same country and no tax on wages...What they spending that **** on? We already pay tax on the area we live, yes roadworks, police, fire crews, New Homes even, street improvements have to be funded by tax to pay wages... fair enough.  No taxing us on our hard worked, underpaid jobs that we lose blood sweat and tears over and lets face it 3/4 of that goes back into the government with tv licence, overpriced food, tobacco, extortionate fuel companies conning you out ya money with standing charges and charging you more kw for the £ on the ever gracious £5-8 emergency they put on pre payment machines.  Then If your lucky enough to have worked and lived an average life you can buy your own house which you pay of untill your pension years.... god forbid you need residential care if u lose your mind or you can kiss your financial future for your kids cos that care don't come under the good old NHS.... and is soooooo over priced and understaffed by mostly aliens of society that the government take the house and money to pay for their care???? ******* rediculous.  And of course when U die you have to pay a % of the value of that house to the government.....for?? Yea what the **** for? My house? Go **** yourself!...The free bus pass don't cut it, the discount priced fish and chips DON'T cut it!!

You know the thing that grates me the most? TV Advertisements, e.g Washing powder ads.... 10 years ago it removed 'all' stains and made whites whiter than white... now 10 years on and Fantabulously new and improved with colour protection and stain, bomb, bullet proof...Yes you have guessed it, makes whites 'even' whiter! ha.. white is white it don't get whiter.....all scams for money....stick a trusted celebrity in the ad....and you could sell chocolate teapots to the masses...

My Motto..... Eat well, live life, embrace our imperfections cos perfection is unreachable, unachievable and installed into us to get more money, more power, more **** knows?  Don't be ruled by the soldiers and the puppets of society, believe in what you like and respect that others may not always agree with you but we are entitled to our opinion, not everyone is going to agree, that's what makes us different, never seen a war starting over country A likes coffee Country B likes Tea....lets go to war to battle it out....Make war against the law... would solve asylum seekers, ad that god dam racism word, bring back golly Wogs and baa baa black childhood was when thatcher was in reign.... oh how the man 'o' species let 1 woman come into power and claim she ****** it..... anyway straying again...Wake up People Freedom is lost,  lets not let them take our souls too!!
RyanMJenkins May 2013
Writing whatever comes from the tip of the iceberg in my brain.
Sanity has banished me, willingly jumping down the drain.
You'd think that it'd cause strain,
I mean I do have to rearrange and explain myself more often than not.
I was gonna say something else, but I forgot, haha.
There's a lotta blahblah, but I shoot straight for imagination, fascinating conversations.
Thinks can get kinda crazy, with little to no persuasion.
Sometimes, I think I should proceed with more hesitation.
But instead I just project the thoughts for manifestation.
Gotta lotta love to give, and I'm happy to do it.
I can be your best friend, who'da knew it?
*Known, I know, exploding in my own zone with thoughts of fantasy.
Yet always happily tied down in this intricate sea of reality.
Don't forsake the give and take,
Embrace the love then reciprocate.
Life becomes all the more worthwhile when work turns into play.
I may end it here, so you, have a fantabulous rest of your day! :D

Just kidding, I want to keep going.
I want to explore more with my oars and keep rowing
Flowing into the unknown consciousness.
Emotions are based on perspectives, and let right now be BLISS

Brittany House Jul 2011
We are trees,
growing close together,
branches touching,
reaching for the stars.

We are trees,
planted in the ground,
spreading our roots,
happy with 'here'.

We are trees,
swaying to nature's rythm,
a part of the Earth,
paralyzed by the thrumming of her heart.

We are trees,
we are plants,
we are birds,
we are stars,
we are humans,
holding hands,
hugging profusely,
and full to the brim with kissing.

We are humans,
with awkward silence,
with embarassing moments,
with silly jokes.

We are humans,
and writing some more.

We are humans,
we are us,
and it is fantabulous.
There was a boy named Tim
Who had some dodgy friends
Fantabulous by nature
With a few too many loose ends
One day Tim followed them out
He didn't even have to ask
As the two boys bent him over
And ****** him in the ***
Dev A Jun 2013
Saying Good-bye Part III
To NP:

5 years.
We’ve been through it ALL in 5 years.
Sugar highs
Inside jokes
These years have been long
And absolutely fantabulous!!!
But it’s time to say good-bye
And I have no idea how.
How can I say those words after so long?
Promise me this
Before I say good-bye.
Just promise:
4 hours isn’t too far away.
We will see each other soon.
We won’t be too far apart.
And finally,
We will talk and stay in touch.
We’ve put this off for too long
But it’s finally time
As you walk out my door,
I love you
My best friend
My “sister”
The person who understands me.
I’ll miss you!
(But only for a little while, right?)
Travis Green Sep 2021
I highly admire his earthy beauty
How he shimmers sublimely
All throughout the day and night
His swagger so alive and extra fire
So hot to feel, he gives me thrills
With his fantabulous flamboyance
His lovely walnut brown eyes
His bright punch brown lips
A man of slamming jams
And wild explosive nights
Everything I extremely hunger for
Ashwin Kumar Jun 2024
I miss you, dear friend
We share a beautiful bond
You make my day brighter
And our office warmer
In fact, are you the ray of sunlight
Which can pierce even the darkest of nights!

I miss you, dear friend
To your constant chatter, is there usually no end
I love the way you enter the cabin everyday
It helps keep tension at bay
Also, have you a great sense of fashion
Rarely, are you out of action!!

I miss you, dear friend
Always, are you kind
Not to mention, exceptionally smart
Your work is an art
It also helps, that you are **** helpful
Always, are your tips useful!!

I miss you, dear friend
If ever you get into a bind
I will be there to support
We share a wonderful rapport
Sometimes we tease each other
Which only shows how close we are!!

I miss you, dear friend
You have an uber cool mind
Even when you get stressed
Never, does your work get affected
Nor, does your behaviour
Really, are you a friend to savour!!

I miss you, dear friend
Always, are you patient
Though can I be **** irritating at times
I love it when you beam
Every time, does it keep me in high spirits
Also, are you a great fan of cricket
On this topic, can we go on discussing for hours and hours
As for work, seriously who cares?

I miss you, dear friend
Going through the daily grind
Is definitely not the same without you
Anyway, you and your family should enjoy yourselves
Have a fantabulous time
About work, give not a ****
Take care and stay blessed
With this, shall my long poem finally end!!
Poem dedicated to Tamanna, my colleague and friend, who is working from home for close to a month; since she needs to attend (and make arrangements for) a very close cousin's wedding.
Vicki Acquah Nov 2015
If I examined or I compared
Myself next to the greatest
person that ever was
That would place no feather
In my cap.
If I become greater still
Than Muhammad Ali,
Still that would be no proof,
nor treasure in my lap.
If I sailed the ocean;
Navigated without a map
Measured up to the greatest Captain
that ever sailed the sea.
I still would not feel fantabulous;
Like my worth on earth complete.
"To thine own self be true" is universal law
Unless I fill my own two shoes
And stand on my two feet.
The task is... fulfill my purpose now or
My purpose I defeat
To know my what-my who -my how.
Many before me were great,
On that I must agree, and from them
I’ve been inspired.
The righteous workings of my soul
Is my only test, being better than
Myself, will be my all-time best.
The Creator hears my plea:
“God make the best of me”
"let me be true to me"
The only person I need
Strive to be better than a me.!
R B M Nov 2019
I don’t actually know what I am typing
This is going to be like one of those sentences that you start
But don’t know where it’s going so you just keep talking

I am happy
Happier than I have been in so long
For a really long time
I thought God was against me
I didn’t know if I should put my faith in him or not
It’s actually called agnosticism
But I felt as if I had done something really bad when I was young
Because God kept throwing punches
And then he gave me some happy back
But then he took it away
And then he gave it back

I don’t know
It’s confuzzling
Yes i just used that word
I’m one of those people
I use fantabulous as an actual adjective
And I add -ly to any verb to make it an adjective
Yes, in case you were wondering
I’m pretty sure I’m crazy
But besides the point
I am happy

I’m not sure if anyone is reading this far in
This is pretty long anyway
And basically I’m just ranting

I have some major mental problems
If y’all have read any of my other poems you would know that there are a lot of things that ripped my heart out
And yes, I am also one of those people that uses the word y’all
I have anxiety, worried about everything and I get anxiety attacks at a good chunk of the football games I go to
I have depression, or some sort of mood swingy thing goin’ on there
I don’t really know
I’m just really sad all the time
There’s a lot more, but those are the most demanding of them all
It kinda makes life unbearable
But I live

Oh, oh, oh!
I just came up with what to call this piece
The Dumpster Fire Rant
That’s my mom’s favorite saying
Or at least a close second to ‘do you want to be sent to live with your dad’
But the point is
I don’t know what the heck in huckleberry heck I’m talking about
Again, yes, I am that kind of person to say that
I’m basically just ranting here
Ranting about my major dumpster fire of a comedic life
And no one has probably even reached this far in the poem
Because it’s too long
And it’s basically me being a major dork
But I don’t care

I get made fun of quite a bit
I’m a nerd
And I’m considered smart, even though I’m pretty stupid in my opinion
I sing
To be exact, I sing and dance
At the same time
It’s called show choir
And no I’m not queer in any way, shape, or form
That’s not a question I feel like talking about
If I answer what I am
I get scared and run in the opposite direction
Even if it’s something I can’t change
So I rather not think about the possibilities
I am the girl who stands in front of the mirror each day
And decides I am pretty
Only to be told by everyone
Including my family and closest friends
That I am ugly
Even if they don’t say it directly
They make the slightest comment
And I feel like I was shot

I am also the girl who reads at lunch while listening to Frank Turner
The artist who no one I know knows
I am the one who says the darndest things
Like fudge buckets, or shiitake mushrooms on a swiss burger on a Wednesday afternoon
And I say croutons like crouwtons, and tells autocorrect to shove off when it tells me that’s wrong
I am the one who eats mac and cheese with ketchup and ranch
And I am the one who drinks orange juice with my spaghetti
I get it
I am weird
And I am a target
And I practically am asking for it
But I can’t explain it
That’s just the way I am

I am pretty fricken sure that no one is still reading this

I just need a good rant
And I only know you virtually
So you are my therapist
Except with less awkward silence and the weird fact that you’re being evaluated by another person
And can practically see their thoughts behind their eyes
Or is that just me?
You didn’t have to say anything
Or even read the whole thing
Or any of it at all
But it’s out there
My rant is out there
My dumpster fire is burning bright
And it is out there
So thank you virtual therapists who I don’t know and probably haven’t even read this far in.
Thank you.
HaHa, just need a good rant. sorry I'm such a dork. don't worry I know you prolly won't finish this, but that isn't even the point of it so that doesn't really even matter.
Ashwin Kumar Dec 2024
Dear Namrata, wish you in advance, the happiest New Year
As a colleague, were you quite dear
And as a friend, we share a lovely bond
By nature, are you exceedingly kind
Always, have you been on my side
Through many a rollercoaster ride!

Dear Namrata, wish you in advance, the happiest New Year
I miss you more and more
As the days pass by
Indeed, was it hard to say goodbye
However, shall our relationship last for life
And firmly shall we support each other, in times of strife!!

Dear Namrata, wish you in advance, the happiest New Year
You are a fantabulous wife and mother
Almost godlike, are your children
Your home nearly feels like heaven
You too are welcome at my house, any time
Your mere presence would make my family members beam!!

Dear Namrata, wish you in advance, the happiest New Year
May 2025 bring you infinite cheer
May you have a life almost free of stress
Come true, may all your dreams
Have fun, take care and see you soon
And till then, may you shine as brightly as the Sun!!
Advance New Year wishes in the form of a poem, to Namrata; an ex-colleague and a very close friend of mine.
Flora Apr 2020
Delve deeper in the ocean of love;
Relish and cherish every moment with her.
The care and affection she gives makes you know;
For there is nothing in this world so dear.

Dumbstruck by the patience she yeilds,
And the kindness she is ready to share,
One always runs to her as she shields,
And protects from all the evils that date.

Love abounds and overflows from her acts,
Sometime, we take a long time to learn that,
Foolish are we, that we don't understand facts,
And always be the last to react.

Blessed are the ones, that get this ocean of love,
Fantabulous and special is she, my dear.
Earthly name for her now is mother,
Let her reside in your heart and let that be clear..
In the land of fairy tales lives a tiny Pixie with golden orbs, etched in detail  
with two pointed ears and pointy hat she is untouchable like the Holy Grail
In the fairy Kingdom lives the Silvan Elf contented with all his Tolkien lore
and every tale brings laughter and flighting, in the Forest of "open doors"  
In this land of fairy tales, a gaggle of mages use elements without trail ;

Little dwarves no bigger then my thumb ducking beneath tall blades of grass
reconciliation spells by magic lanterns lit, from gold to yellow, copper, brass
Their territory and dominion is the land between the trees, while the muses
scribe, on illusionary parchment as translucent as a moon beam, they douse
the fires of reality. In the land of fairy tales only magic lives with cheeky sass

In the mind of children and the very old alike, lives a splendorous green haven
where all fears and loneliness is spoofed away, and all hunger quickly shaven
With mushrooms as tall as I, and crunch bit Cashews as big as a drop of dew,  
no one slumbers without a full tummy and a yamusical song of sweet renew
Magical moon whispers and pranksters with a lisper, they even got a raven

Flying solo in the sky, in this fantabulous land of imagination Victor, is hero.
Travis Green Feb 2023
Super-angelic sensational Samson
His scintillating imagination
Amazes me in the most substantial ways
Creative long-craved captivatingness
Commendable, comprehensible, and mentionable supremeness

I ache to investigate his flamboyant engaging realm
Bask in his matchless fantabulous splashiness
I burn with high-reaching passion
Moan his name, hanker for him to claim
My foxy chocolaty body

Force me against the fog white wall
In my sturdy sumptuous home
Make me feel his damnably huge
And rude boy thunder
Lure me into his fearless universal allure

Give me more of his enormous glorious formidableness
Step through the open door of my homoness
Grab my neck firmly
****** my juicy junk in the trunk
Slap it savagely

Travel his mighty skillful hands
Down my perfect perfumed back
As I gasp at the prepossessing power
Of his fiery towering profoundness
My attractively hairy, jazzy, and zazzy splash

Great, earthy mantasticness
Propel his thick, vicious creamstick
In my sleek squeeze box of sweetness
Give it to me hard, mister smooth, good-looking cruiser
Make me lust for his rock-hard throbbing machoness

Fill my guts up with every invincible inch
Of his destructive hot stuff
Invade my nation
Force me to feel his top-grade raging sensations
Make me more aroused as he deflowers my entireness

Make my legs shake uncontrollably
The more he insane flaming bangs
Press his delectable robust flesh
Against my flawless polished softness
Tell me I taste extra exceptional

Mesmerize me with his astonishing pillow talk
Attack me, saucy sparkling Papi
I wanna feel him deep inside of me
Drive me wild, cause me to cry out
The fieriest foul language
As he knocks down my heartland

Make me feel the overpowering magic
Of his extraordinary world-class masculineness
Feel his bouncy banging *******
Slap against the back of my immaculate thighs
As he spouts out frothy meat sauce
All over my ravishing architecture
Chris Mar 2020
Hey Mr Tambourine Man
You played your song for me
I'm floating flying flitting
Round the universe
Tomorrow doesn't matter
I'll be here today
Tramusing til the end
I'll be wandering
Nothing matters now
I'll enjoy just what is
The sun is shining  down
And the people passing
Hey Mr Tambourine Man
You played your song for me
And now I'm living long
For peace has come my way
It came through the music of your song to me
The sun is shining down
And the people're passing by
It's fantabulous
In honor of lazy cats who lie in the sun and poets and Bob Dylan
Travis Green Mar 2022
You are my luscious lucky charm
You shimmer more intensely
Than brightly shining diamonds
Your drip impresses me more
Than the sunshine that illuminates the skyline
I wanna soak in your showiness
Taste your precious passionate lips
Your **** iridescent beard
Your golden glistening cheeks

You are transfixing handsomeness
Magnetically sculptured magic
Your slim, tasteful, and celestial body
Rocks my world infinitely
I wanna steal away
To his immaculately fantabulous galaxy
Where he surrounds me with his relentless flex
Travis Green Sep 2022
So mentally enchanted and confounded, I am
When I come into contact with your flashy radical galaxy
When I stare at your magicalness
Your biteable and inflamed lips
Dopely mustachioed and soulful Romeo
I clasp to every fraction
Of your fantastically surpassing immaculateness
Scrumptious bang-up thugness

You scoop me up in your rugged, vigorous arms
Give a new lease of life to my entireness
Be my freshalicious fantasy flex
Enrapture and ravish me incontrovertibly
Feel your absolute smooth fluidity of movement
So silkalcious and slickalicious
Take me beyond reality
Into intensely dreamy and splendorous wonderland

Let me burn for your flourishing and immersing fuel
Lead me into gleamingly limitless limits
Where your hotness pops in the spotlight
Exalt in your marvelously glossy and olive skin
Incomprehensible manly pleasurableness
Bright butterfly blue eyes
So relaxing and invigorating to gaze deeply into

Your splashiness is a fantabulous canvas
Of amorous, creative, and self-made art
A loving and showstopping charmer
A mind-blowing and prizewinning centerpiece
A paradigmatic mantastical rarity
A heart-filling, flabbergasting attraction
An emotionally charged and boundary-pushing profoundness
An expressive, psychedelic, and visually stimulating engagingness
Travis Green Oct 2021
You were flawless hot sauce
My munificent magic mulatto
Deeply delightful waves
Black and spectacular beard
Your swagger on top quality mode
Showstopping J’s
That demonstrates your **** taste

I envisioned us as lovers
Entwined in your rousing refinement
Your fantabulous framework
So exuberant to breathe
In your wild boy dreams
To feel your red-light fire
Rising inspiringly over me
The flames evincing
A strong fondness
That I have for you

If our worlds were converged
If our thoughts blossomed in harmony
If our voices shared incomparable sounds
If our extremities were concentric
If our dimensions streamed systematically
If you were my man and I was your woman
We would be an unsplittable couple
I could feel you forever
Travis Green Mar 2022
His love is insurmountably desirable
It’s electric, eclectic, and prepossessing
It’s a vibrating and enamoring cadency
That stimulates my splashy gaytastic nature
His immersiveness is permanently etched on my *******
His grandiose glowing magic is written all over my body
He has captured me like a chalice in his palace of majesty
His masculinity has my world scatterbrained
Such a flawless artastic masterpiece, he is to me
His swagger is madly fantabulous enchantment
The way he stands so bold with a magical flow
He makes me wanna go all the way with him
Travis Green Sep 2022
Country loving studmuffin
Crazy hot jacked star attraction
Collapsing in your mantasticness is
The most breathtaking sensation ever
Smooth soft-hued coup
I sparkle like a gorgeous glowing garden
Of fragrant, romantic, and captivating roses
Perfect immersing magic lover

Your meaty manlicious buns so enrapture me
Your broad bewitching back
Your rugged, thundering thighs and legs
Vigorous veined arms
Beauteous sinewy neck
Your heavily built and tattooed biceps are
So outstandingly enchanting to behold

To smell your ever effervescent specialness
Stunningly elegant manfulness
Your astonishingness holds endless steamy secrets
So killer kissable, sexually fetching flex
Tenderly sensual and supreme dreamboat
You pull me in closer into growingly
Smokalicious dopeness
Where I feel your manly muscled thighs and legs

Melt into your delectable zealous majesticness
Feel your deftly prominent tarantulas trail
All over my boldly aromatic and attractive canvas
Feel you enchant and enter my headspace
Stroke my flashy fantabulous flabbergasters
Devour my rock-like crests
Venture deep within my vivacious tastefulness
Regulate my thoughts and feelings

Let your greatness pervade my gayness
With unassailable breathtaking exhilaration
As your majesty crashes into my senses
Make me feel like a glazed zombie
Unable to believe my eyes
Seeing the unrestrained wildness
Deepening within your bangingly bright
And spellbinding divineness
Travis Green Aug 2021
I was heavily enamored by the glowing
Bright cityscape emitting a galaxy
Of magical fervency in his masterpiece,
The sexalicious entrance to his vivid
And pleasant dreams, sweet-made marvelments
That lure me to his impossibly wondrous
And luxurious smell, cyber yellow, brown eyes
Of the countryside, an incredibly fantastical
Light of invitingness, his youthful, sensual lips
An abundantly alluring place for my vessel
To venture and take in his rocking hotness

I was gayer than ever when I wondered
What it felt like softly brushing my fingers
Over the frontal of his majestically beautiful
Forehead, his ageless rosy cheeks, voluminous
Lumberjack-like beard, fine-***** features
That made me fantasize about him in my bedroom
Thinking over how fantabulous it would be
To spend a dreamy and spellbinding night
With him, drinking champagne, listening
To the thick, melodious rain outside as it peltered
On the window, my sensations unraveling
Our hands feeling the sheer freshness and softness
Of our flesh in inseparableness, loving
Each other’s rocking hotness
Travis Green Aug 2021
I found profound excitement
In the creative field of writing
Allowing my mind to venture
Into vast realms and feel the magic
Of my matchless talent rouse my universe

I feel so thunderstruck
To be surrounded in this statuesque love
Jubilating in greatness
Think of how fantabulous it is
To be a highly regarded poet
Creating priceless, lively poems
That continues to inspire me
To a large extent
Travis Green Nov 2021
What I wouldn’t give
To seep into his addictive manliness
Taste the many exhilarating flavors
Of his lavish lips, rub my fingers
Through his brushy, wavy beard
Feel my inner being bloom
As I delve excessively
Into his delicious artwork
He is an astonishing invitation
To the grandest and brightest mountains
Of his sweetest, sincerest affection
He is so terrifically toothsome
Full of personality, a fantabulous
Fairy-tale so trendy and thrilling
I long to enclasp him, feel his head
Stroke my hands down your solid
Swelling chests to your sturdily built abs
Rouse his masculinity, circle his divinely
Golden and velvety cheeks, escape into ecstasy
Adoring his showy and majestic framework
Travis Green Mar 2022
Your flaming fantabulous frame
Makes me wanna get lost in your astonishingness
Cling to your thick intriguing beard
To embrace your quintessential sensual masculinity
Move my fingers freely against
Your flawless fascinating lips
Kiss the alluring surface
Your delicious cheeks
Your delightful smile

Drown into the many extraordinary wonders
Of your tantalizing shining eyes
With a tint of glistening green and gold
Treasured rarities of the world
Your eyes are resplendent with the purest luxuriant dreams
Rich, vivid honey, shimmering seamlessly
As succulent hazelnut syrup
As Devil’s River Coffee Bourbon

I hail at your deep expressive amazingness
Your eyes are like the gorgeous autumn morning
Like a divine chocolate diamond
Like a gleaming tourmaline
I sink into your dreaminess and unforgettableness
I am in an incredibly intricate labyrinth
Where the brightness of your beauty surrounds me boundlessly
Travis Green Jul 2021
He was the sexiest Daddy
I had ever been so close to before
A soul-stirring hotness
That made me desire
To succumb to his
Sensational creation

I was in bedazzling raptures
Deeply drunk off his infinite sublimity
How he looked lasciviously at me
Making me overemotional
With his nightly bright eyes
His seemly lips, his snazzy beard
So **** fantabulous and commanding to me
Travis Green Sep 2021
Everywhere I stare
I can see him gleaming
Like a spectacular seascape
Dark devouring eyes
Angelic eyebrows
Thick comely lips
Overpowering physique
Slim, sophisticated king
With a satin, crimson red
Bandana around his head
His swagger on one hundred
So on deck with his flex
How he gives me fantabulous
Feelings of deeply loving him
Capturing him in the shadows
Undress him, caress his ***
Test his ******* game
When we unforgettably love
And disremember everything else
Travis Green Jun 2021
I’m so obsessed
With your swagger
Wondering what treasures
Lie under your white tee and tank top
How electrifying it would be
To slide my fingers
Over your **** muscles
Following the path
To your fantabulous chest
And shoulders
Feel your big arms with fervor
Your sharply defined V-line
Your tough thighs
Your oversized package
Pumped up to unwrap it
And taste its mouthwatering paradise
Travis Green Feb 2023
I gape into the gateway
Of his breathtaking hazel eyes
And hanker for his unrivaled desirable strikingness
Navigate the greatness of his unparalleled imagination
Encased by his inspirational and sensational nation

His radiant elevating takingness
Amazes and stimulates my gayness
Inhale his distinctive masculine smell
Hover high in the endlessly deep
And dreamy sky of his entireness

Drawn to his dark, enthralling charm
His unconquered tallness
Lapse into his matchless fantabulous splashiness
Register the compelling elements
Of his digestible magnetical freshness

Kiss and tease his heavily built physique
Taste his heavenly velvety sweetness
My romantically rugged and succulent lover boy
He melts in my mouth like flavored, intoxicating, and
Homemade milk chocolate cake

I am so soft on his top-quality exotic hotness
His firm mouthwatering splendor
I love how harmonious his charmingness is to me
How he haunts my undersense
The more I stream through his rigid fulgid exquisiteness

He quenches my feminineness
Arouses my curiosity with his grandiosity
I find unsurmountable solace in his bold ambrosial machoness
He guides me on an inviting flight
To the tantalizing delights of flaming bright paradise
Travis Green Aug 2021
In his vacation home
I became infatuated
With his stylish attire
His mountainous power
The bursting bright vowels
Written around his voluptuously
Well-defined lips, his enticingly
Dancing eyes luring me
Into his fantabulous flight
With his black luxurious beard
His youthful, creditable chest
He took me into his land
Of milk and honeyed dreams
His gleaming gallantness
Shook my world with his
Stunning thunder touch
Travis Green Sep 2021
He engulfs my body
In a desirable wave of ardency
His eyes gripping and glistening
His eyebrows irreproachable and thick
His lips passionately consuming
A flame of dreams that leads me
Into erupting lust, stimulating scenes
Fantabulous flesh, suggestive stance
His world greatly spellbinding
Quintessential masculinity
All that I can surrender to
Travis Green Mar 2022
Draped in dashing black drip
Thick, manlicious, and prodigious beard
**** fresh-smelling lips
Bewitching obsidian eyes
You are a sweet silken dream
Suffused with measureless enchantment
A supereminently tender love
That expressively dances
And enamors my heart
A treasurable velvet heaven of perfection

You are magical like lovely sparkling stars singing
In tune with the rhythm of my soul
Your immersiveness whirls me out of reality
Into ecstatic galaxies where your passion consumes me
You flood my fantabulous frame
With limitless lively light
I revel in your stellar electric treasure
Your bursting bright dreams
Glorious, notorious allure
That lures me into the high shining sights
Of desirable paradise where your triumphant affection
Crowns my body considerably
Travis Green Apr 2022
It’s unbelievable that I have this gripping addiction to being with you
Marveling at you with the intent to clench your dreamy masculine skin
Wanting you so much, it’s not enough to just notice you
Without poring over your extraordinarily gorgeous body
I crave to caress the sublime countryside of your thighs
Hold your long luminous legs like a thick, towering tree

With your fresh fragrant neck and chest, your bad boy arms
Your hypnotically charming hands, your lovely indestructible back
Your soft succulent ***, you draw me into your remarkable rawness
I lose control when I witness a crunk hunk of a man
So slick, sensuous, and seductive at the mouth
A galvanizing game-changing beard
That has me feenin’ to feel the flawless fantabulous surface

I am so lovesick and twisted in your irresistibleness
Your dark bewitching eyes are so dangerously devouring
I succumb to you, drunk on your hot striking drip
Your presence glistening like extravagant Christmas city lights
You grab me hard, rub my head passionately
Gives me that mesmerizing stare that makes me melt

Slick sweet boy with the mad swag, ****, electric lover
Turns my world into shimmering spectacularness
You are all I can ever think of; I need you to come my way
Ravel me in your unparalleled romanticness
Bless my vessel with your prepossessing affection
Travis Green Oct 2021
I wished for him
To give me his world
Let me be his ebony sweetness
Embrace his lean, fantabulous chest
Magnetic abs, eye-catching shoulders
Such a hot hunk, so comforting to my soul

I want every word he speaks
To flow undeviatingly
Down my throat
Inhale his blazing smoke
So dope as ****
With his bold black bandana
Enveloped around his head
How I wish to be his wifey
His lit chick, his soul woman
Embolden his masculinity
Travis Green Feb 2023
I wanna be where he is
Enwrapped in the magicalness
Of his passionate ravishing splashiness
In the sheer warmth
Of his flawless marvelous hotness

Fly into his powerful, enticing divineness
Where he divides and conquers my entireness
Gives me a rush, makes me blush
My lush, rugged crush
I lose myself in his earthy peerless wonders
His intellectually majestic perfection

I crave his enamoredness
To be locked in his awesome sauce
In his assertive, rock-solid arms
Of super-colossal machoness
Where I am so addicted to his seamless mellioloquence

His handsomeness caresses my eyes
Draws me into his rare magnetic elegancy
His mantasticness is a fantabulous fabric
Of gloriously personable and nourishing alluringness
With ideal physical appeal
That has me unbelievably speechless

My top-shelf velvet compeller
I ache to luxuriate in his picturesque place
Of ingenious and enthralling passion
Feel him against me endlessly
Taste his dangerously dreamy wildness

My strong and darkly disarming marvel
His intimidatingly engaging visage
Charms my thoughts and feelings
Makes me melt in his delectableness
Savor his honeyed treasured manliness
Travis Green Sep 2021
His pleasant earthy smell reels me
To his swagger splashiness, his overpowering
Inspiring, inviting masculinity that melts my flesh
Like molten fiery lava, confined to his melodic
Muscles, his hypnotic popping chest, his
Well-cut, sun-tanned neck, his stunning
Punch-colored lips so succulently addictive
And kissable, how I hunger to unweave
His existence, his stark supremeness
Adulate his summery dynasty, nuzzle
The soft space of his masterful cheeks
With my probing fingers, feel around
His sleek shaped beard, his shoulders
Roped with muscle, his fantabulous
Thick arms, so astronomically ingratiating

I dream of entering his being, devouring
His continent, his ripening rhymes, his
Romantic stanzas, his myriad metaphors
Brightening inside his core, press my lips
Against his, knowing how it feels to taste
The deeply delightful fragrance of his manly lips
His eyes directly on mine, digesting his magic
How he entraps me inside his castle of spontaneous
Passion, a carefree dude, a well-endowed
Thick-skinned, unbending king, ivory-towered
Sapphire, argus-eyed, high-quality, best-loved
Multidimensional gentleman that intensifies
My gayness, has me aching to place my fingers
Around his flourishing mustache and beard
Cherishing his ruling refinement, how he pulls
Me into his overarching desires and afire masculinity
Travis Green Sep 2021
I can’t think
Of you not being
In my life
Not feeling
Your touch
On my skin
In the vividness
Of dawn
Not hearing you say
That you love me
As the sun sparkles
Inside our house window
Upon where we lay

I can’t compose poetry
If you aren’t around
If you don’t stay
By my side
To give me
All the love to create
Without hesitation
To feel every word
Emanating from the surface
How your captivation
Keeps me streaming
Through dynamic nations
Fantabulous enchanted worlds
Your caring kisses stuck
On my lips
Infusing me with replenishment
Being all the art
That my heart recognizes
As a one in a million affection
Travis Green Jan 2022
Intense and spectacular enchantment
Enveloped our bodies
The shimmering stars and moon
Brightened the stunning scenery around us
The tender wind blows against our skin
The landscape is broad and serene
The bright green and picturesque trees
Sway with the dancing cadence of our heartbeats

We kiss and caress one another
You press your chest against my *******
You enfold me in your heavenly wings
Your skin is so smooth and irresistible
I inhale your mild and fine fragrance
My fingers creep around your fantabulous beard
I marvel at your midnight eyes
Like black M&Ms, like a perfect black jasper

Drag me into your palace
Let me adore your swagger
Bask in your passion
We can take a relaxing shower together
Get lost into the magic
Feel our worlds shuddering sensually
The heat progressively increasing
My hands snake over your back and ***

I clasp your firm thighs
Take in your wildness
You put your mouth on my shoulders
I feel your tongue coiling close to neck
Enrapturing me more
I don’t want to draw back from you
I succumb to your power
I am crazy about masculinity

You move me like ocean waves
Why do I feel this way about you?
Why do I love you immensely?
You got me wrapped up in your world
Bound to the halo of your heavenliness
Abundantly blissful melodies
Blanketing the area around us
As we fall into each other’s paradise
Travis Green Nov 2021
I followed you into the night
Where we disappeared
Into a fantabulous fairytale
Infused with flowery
And shimmery sweetness
In your luscious straightness

I sway in a dreamy and endless maze
Of marvelously alluring magic
You make me so gay
When I stay around you
For far so long, feeling
How strong you are to me
How comforting your skin feels
When embracing mine

When your sumptuously
Silky lips kiss mine
I drift into a wild time
Of intoxicating thrills
Stroking your sensual chin beard
Lustful jaw structure
Ears of superiority
Immaculate forehead
Lush, shiny, and wavy black hair
Glowing dark eyes
How you delight my mind
With your fine face-framing features
Travis Green Sep 2021
His scent was
Intense seduction to me
Major attraction
Creating ecstatic action
Massive sensuality
Deep chocolate eyes
That drew me
Into timeless dimensions
Mesmerizing my senses
With its monumental designs
Eyebrows of tenderheartedness
Lips of fantabulous art
That spark my thoughts
When I marvel at them
When I muse on kissing them
To be in his universe
Flowing in harmony
With his ardent soul
Travis Green Jun 2022
The pure pleasurable scent of him
Entrances my ebullient inner dimension
Fences my senses in his supremeness
Tangles every angle of my frame
In his flaming fresh sexiness

The way he expresses his impressive
Impeccable flex to me
Makes me so impossibly
Charmed by a saucy hottie
He is my sprightly nightly delight
My magically divine aphrodisiac

I lapse into his fantabulous
Dopetabulous masculineness
I am utterly high on
His mantastically freshalicous delectableness
To taste his silky hot body
So naughty for a colossal macho prodigy

I soar into his peerless revered realm
Like an extravagant unmatched phoenix
Drifting deeper into his masterful musical mancave
Where his sweetest and most loving embraces
Sway me out of control, with nowhere to go
But to remain in his domain

Let him tame my game
Come closer into his lane
Let him rain his wild fiery lightning
Upon my remarkably striking body
We can slip away into the glowing indigo night
Where I bring relaxation to his creation
Be his motivation
Give him heavenly hypnotic medication

Let me be deep inside his vast
Torch-lit chamber of charmingly
Picturesque irresistibleness
Hold on to his powerfully built tattoed biceps
His hypnotic pythonic chest
Call him my baby Daddy
He got the magic game
That drives me insane

— The End —