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REAL Oct 2013
Woke up
With my eyes stuck together
and my lips dry
and my body stiff

I rubbed my face
and my eyelids  almost closing again

i walked upstairs and walked into my room
and clothes laying eveywhere
grabbed a big sweater and brought it over my head
and slipped my arms through

messed up my messy hair
and walked in to the bathroom
and looked myself in the mirror
my mustache reaching the top of my grey lips
and my stubble growing in slowly
walked out of the bathroom
left the light on
and into the kitchen
i yawned,it left me  feeling weake
opened up the cuboards took out the coffee
walked over a basket with bread and took a slice
made the coffe and let it  to boil
put the bread in the toaster and let it to toast

looked out my window
and the blue sky moving slowly
with the clouds fluttering along
the trees turned yellow
and the streets wet,for it rained

the toast popped out
and coffe was made

sat on the table
rubbed my face
the coffee steam raveling my nose
and my teeth ready to taste the crunsh of white toast

i thought about the day
I did a little research work
And you know I'm glad to say
I found out about my history
I typed my name and there it was
A family tree of sorts
With leaves appearing eveywhere
My family and their warts
There were places on the listing
That I had never been
And the names of the all the people
Well, most....I'd never seen
My grandad married seven times
My nanny married four
My mum was not my mother
And my dad...was out the door
The leaves kept showing up there
Beside each and every name
I sat there for eight hours
I was really glad I came
England, Scotland, Middle East
Nevada and Wales Too!
It seemed that all my family
Moved when the rent was due
I had cousins in Zimbabwe
I had cousins in Peru
They were scattered all through Italy
There were some in China too.
I learned things that I never knew
Tales of family and their kids
I  learned of all their countries
And of all the things they did
Four hundred names in all I saw
And each name had a leaf
I didn't know we were that big
It was truly beyond belief
The pictures too were something else
People, places now long gone
There were photos too of Mexico
And my dear old Uncle Juan
Tomorrow, though I  will sit down
And I'll do this all again
But this time I will make **** sure
That I don't forget the "n".
Victoria May 2014
Not everyone has to go through these struggles
Accusations,  lies and broken glass rumbles

Tempers that flare
Parts eveywhere
Yelling and banging
The neighbors must stare

They wonder how a girl like me could fall for this trick
The promises have all made me quite sick

Name calling,  ranting,  interrogations and such
Have left me to feel like O' quite the 'duck'

But it's my history that has left me scarred and flawed
One which has come back and opened a door

A door for a future that is peaceful and sweet
One which I have yet to meet

But I'm on the brink, with the knocker in my hand
Just about ready to take my final stand

Look my history dead in the eye
I'm finally ready to get over this high

"I'm all grown up now can't you see"
Then close the door
"Stop ******* with me"

It's time to stop repeating the  mistakes of others
For the love of god I don't want to be my mother
mosquitoism Aug 2013
I let mosquitoes **** my blood.
Fatigue pulls down on my eye lids
as I watch them.  My eyes shut.
Happy and bleeding,
my skin borrows my sight.
Greedy mosquitoes getting drunk;
drunken mosquitoes singing songs.
On my elbows, thumbs and toes
I see them dancing,
I see them floating toast.
Rude mosquitoes. They leave;
they never pay the bill.
With the taste of my blood
they fly away and hide.
I open my eyes, "Here we are!"
Red dots eveywhere and I.
We see them the next day.
Fat mosquitoes. Around they lie.
We want them to wake up but
dead mosquitoes just won't listen.
They just die and die and die.

@mosquito 05/25/2012
nate mattson Jul 2013
why? Why are you in my dreams every night every day I can't stop thinking of you you're always there,  I opean my eyes and your'e gone I close my eyes and there you are making me the happiest person alive but then again I wake up and you're not there and it kills me , I feel lonely sad , depressed,  and confused  I don't know what to do all these thoughts in my head, these memories,  I'm just lost I miss everything about you everything we had  , it hasn't even been a week and I'm still a mess it's almost a week one day shy,  just like tomorrow's  night sky it will be beautiful I guarantee , just like you , and that's all I see , eveywhere I look I see you , I'm hypnotize like biggie smalls , and confused like jimmy Hendrix  , I don't know what to do, all I can do is think about you  , what am I going to do when your gone 2000 miles away on the west coast  , am I gonna be okay or will this keep happening, you haunting me in my dreams  , me thinking of you so that happens, why does this happen?  everyone says I can do better  , but there is no better to me you are the best , you understand me , I understand you what's better than that when we don't argue , maybe once or twice and 10 half months that's pretty solid if you ask me, no love can never be as strong as we were once meant to be , but we are different and we stuck through so much I don't understand  what happend to us , we were strong and then weak and we lost each other in less than a week , that's all it took 10 months so strong as one week to break it down so we are no longer  one.  But. Two seperate for now like the west and east, so far , but as friend we are as close as ever before , so what is to come in this journy of life ,  ... Love ? ....Happiness ?.... A new beginning  ..? Who knows except you ... You don't even know , .. time knows , but time can't speak only the people can , and that's what makes time , time is voice , not silence  and that's why you haunt my , dreams well .... So I think , how long will I be haunted ?? I guess as long as I think of it ,,, how long will that last ahhhhhhhh I hate time I wish I could just know, but I can't do for now i still love you , and that's all I can do as long as you haunt my dreams
Holly Golightly Sep 2014
Inhaling clouds of promised dreams
Life more perfect than it seems
Flying high into the night
We were unstoppable
We were free
Under the influence of Cannabis
We were inching towards the abyss
We lit sticks between our fingers
With no guaranteed future
Making our lungs endure
We consumed the liquid
Into the unknown we drifted
We were light as a feather
Slurring words into the ether
We didn't care
Smoke wrapping its tendrils through our hair
We were eveywhere and nowhere at the same time
No one could tell us being happy was a crime
Karisa Brown Jan 2018
You ride
Inside my hair
You are eveywhere
Green beauty

With buds a color
Too perfect to burn
Green beauty
I make you my home
Everytime thinking of you,
eveywhere I turn, I only see you,
each day that goes by is a real ordeal for me,
tortured that you haven’t still seen,
what you do mean,
to me, all the words can’t express what I feel,
what is it, I can’t tell,
is this love?
is this really love?
who can answer this question?
and have a good mention,
maybe I can, but not now,
let the time flow and this feeling will grow,
and surely, I am going to know,
if it is the marvelous feeling that’s love,
I am going to prove,
to myself, that it was not an ephemeral passion,
rather it was a pure and hearty emotion,
I hope you’re thinking like this,
and that you’ll see like me that love is,
the secret, the essence of human genesis.
nature is a wonder filled with lots of things
joy for everyone mother nature brings
flowers with there colors beautiful and bright
growing eveywhere bringing such delight

all the many creatures there are quite a few
the badger and the rabbits lots of others to
there are different trees standing way up high
tall as tall can be reaching for the sky

birds begin sing in the early morn
singing all in harmony bring in the dawn
the wonder that is nature with lots of things to give
filled with  so much beauty that helps the world to live

— The End —