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brandon nagley Jul 2015
I told mi amour' this morning
I didint want love no more
And that I didint believe in it anymore....
As I told her these things
I felt the pain ripple from her soul,
Not realizing at the moment what I just did.
I realized at the last moment
I said all these things from mine own
Fear's of losing her,
Mixed with the demon's around here telling me different..
Because people don't realize,
Demonic forces and being's art real ( as mi amour' doth knoweth)
And they canst maketh thee depressed, hurt, angry, think things we normally wouldn't think at anytime.....
So to mi amour',
I'm sorry mine love for telling thee I didint want love no more
And saying I didint want to be with noone no more...
Fact is I want thee,
I need thee, as thou knoweth,
I'm in LOVE with thee to mine soul, from mine head to mine toes,
To mine eyes, dripped to mine bones ..... Thou art mine all, life and world .. I just wanna know I'm thine only one.. Even though just friend's ... When I start thinking the way I did today, just please as you'd want from me.. Shut me up, telleth me thou loveth me and thou only wanteth me, and If thou canst for now on... Showeth me thy all..  I beg for It. I needeth it..  I yearn for it. And thee to... Everyone knoweth were in love... Everyone except Maby a few. I just want thy all, so please forgive me for acting as I did mi amour', thou art mine only girl...
Mine ocean
Thou art mine sea
I am thou,
Thou art me...
I loveth thou
Thou needeth me,

Please forgiveth me....
Mi amour'.....

For that just wasn't who I am to say all those thing's this morning,For I'm the biggest romantic out there.. Lol doth thou really think I'd tell someone ( meaning thee) I don't want love and don't believeth in it no more??? Not me!!!!!!! Not who I am!!!
The demon's that cometh around ...
Influence in the worst way,

©Brandon nagley
©lonesome poets poetry....
A asking for forgiveness from mi amour
Don't care if others think I'm nuts. Spiritual demons are real and can make us do things we wouldn't do... I have proof they are more than real from all the sounds me and family hear, from orbs we see, or full apparitions, voices just in ear, or out loud where whole family hears it at once, physical scratches I have taken... Though they hate when I pray to Christ... Thats the only name they hate. And they leave ... To christ I ask to make them leave...  As also mine mother yelled at mine father this morning for nothing .  me and her both acted not who we are due to demonic forces that came in.. But prayer to God and saging the house was needed.. And they left our house for now.. But they will be back... They hate gods children.  !no joke... And so many wonder why so much depression and doubts in the world... Can thank demonic beings for that..  No depression pills gonna help you.  Only God will.. And for those who think I'm nuts I happen to have a radar free app that's 100 percent real . and does tell me when spirits are around and I can feel it even don't even need app. But when I turned app on it showed me asap when. I got off texting with amour that there were three spirits in me presence so yeah I know that so does mum to... From how both me and her acted this morn .. So sorry mi amour
brandon nagley Jun 2015
Αυτή η ουσία σθένος είναι κενή
Ανάγκες πλήρη του

Δεν γιατροί
Ούτε οι νοσηλευτές
Δεν ασθενικά χάπια

Χρειάζεται mi amour »
Ωστόσο, αυτή δύνασαι να μου δώσει αυτήν όλα
Κοιμάται όταν την needeth
Αποφεύγει το βράδυ κλήσεις

Έχω didint ρωτήσω πολύ
Απλά απλό έφεραν στο φως την αγάπη
Τώρα είμαι λεηλατήθηκε
Τώρα needeth κατεύθυνση
Τώρα κόλαση είμαι σε
Τώρα αμαρτίες αναλάβει
Δεν υπάρχει πλέον το κρασί τοστ σε
Δεν εραστή αν τριφύλλι
Δεν λάμψη με διαφωτίσετε
Δεν τραγούδι για amour τη νύχτα
Απλά μια μοναχική κάθοδο
Ένα παιδί
Φοβάσαι με τρόμο
Soo Kay αυτό το μαύρο ταιριάζει ψοφίμι
Κάτω από τα καλύμματα,
Τυλίξτε μου, όπως ο Χριστός
Διότι εγώ δεν είμαι σαν τους άλλους
Ponder μνήμη ορυχείο
Σπόρους φυτών σε ορυχείο δάχτυλα
Πλάκα μου με ασήμι
Σβήνουμε με χρυσό
Αν τα πράγματα δεν χρειάζονται για τον ουρανό
Μόνο η δική μου πνεύμα θα πραγματοποιήσει
Κρατήστε το ορυχείο τάφο ανοιχτό
Για αν έρχεται πίσω για να παντρευτεί
Βάλτε μαύρα γυαλιά ηλίου
Πάνω από μάρμαρα ορυχείο
Για μένα τυφλά από τους πόνους
Αυτός ο κόσμος έχεις απομείνει
Έχω didint ρωτήσω πολύ
Ακριβώς μια καρδιά όλα ως ένα
Πολλοί ζήτησα σε πολύ
Είμαι απλά παράξενο και ετοιμοθάνατα
Αν αγάπες δεν είναι τόσο σκληρά
Απλά μια ανθρώπινη και θεϊκή συναίσθημα
Θα εξακολουθούν να καταζητούνται σε ένα φίλο
Αφήνοντας της μου έδειξε την αφοσίωσή της
Αν και
Ξέρω ότι θέλεις κατασκοπεύσει μου
Επειδή δύνασαι να αφήσει να πάει
Το ξέρω αυτό γιατί
Έχω δικό am
Και αυτή είναι η δική μου σπίτι !!  ( Greek tongue)

(English version-)

This essence vigor is vacant
Needs its fill

No doctors
Nor nurses
No sickly pills

It needs mi amour'
Yet she canst give me her all
Sleeps when I needeth her
Avoids night calls

I didint ask much
Just simple unearthed affection
Now I'm plundered
Now I needeth direction
Now hell I'm in
Now sins taken over
No more wine to toast in
No lover of clover
No shine to enlighten me
No singing for amour at night
Just a lonesome descent
A child
Scared with fright
Soo lay this black suited carrion
Underneath the covers,
Wrap me as christ
For I'm not like the others
Ponder mine memory
Plant seeds in mine toes
Plate me with silver
Douse me in gold
Though things not needed for heaven
Only mine spirit I'll carry
Keep mine grave open
For in if she comes back to marry
Put black sunglasses
Over mine marbles
To blind me from the pains
That the world hast left over
I didint ask much
Just a heart all as one
Maby I asked to much
I'm just weird and moribund
Though affections aren't so hard
Just a human and godly emotion
I still sought a friend
Her leaving showed me her devotion
I know she shalt spy me
Because she canst let go
I know this because
I am hers
And she is mine home!!!!
I messed up on few greek words but don't feel like changing its only three words put wrong letter in Greek lol oh well
brandon nagley Jul 2015
I miss mine homie,
Who in the world's name is homie? One mayeth ask.....
Well homie
Is mine old German Shepherd.....
Dad named him that
Funny yes I know.... Long story ....
And though I haveth many Angel's here on earth......
Was mine true pet angel....

He always watched out for me when I was around nine years old.
And when one day,
At mine birthday party...
Mine friends tried to be OK with homie,
As me and homie were soulmates friend and being wise...
So mine friend's tried to feed homie through his fence hotdogs,
Like I did with no problem...

And mine old buddy Danny found out.
Homie didn't eat hot dog's
Unless I Gaveth them to him ....
Me, his best friend and soulmate!
Fed them to him....
As I saw homie ready to rip Danny's hand off...
I just chuckled and told homie...
Down boy down...

Homie always listened...
He was mine soulmate....
My do I miss mine homie...

As I remembered one day coming home from school...
Mum picking me up from that young learning center,
She said son I got something to tell thee,
On the way home...

(Yes mum)
I said...

Homie died
I found him whilst thou was at school son...
( said mum)

I couldn't say nothing
I think I just said really?

As mum told me
He was found in his doghouse
Curled up

I questioned her?
Where is he mother?
Wherein did thou layeth his body mum?
I asked....

She told me she had taken him to some place about fifteen minutes away,
And buried him in some wood's....

I wasn't angry with her.
Nor even father,
I was hurt because I didint get to see his body...
I was hurt because I told mother and father all the time...
Bring him INSIDE!!!!!!
When it got cold...
As I remember it was cold
And snowing when he died........

Yes I understood homie was a big dog
And couldst be a little wild at times....
Though we had a basement
With rooms in that basement
And couldst haveth put a cage down there....

So I felt horrible I didint just bring him in
Even though they thought it was fine to stay outside
During winter......

Mum thought he was poisoned
By someone putting something in his food....
My opinion is he died alone,
When I was gone,
And froze to death....
Don't like thinking of it...
I just miss him to mine soul!!!!!!!!!
I forgive mum and dad not angry,
Just canst waiteth to see mine angel again...

R.I.P homie baby boy...
See you in heaven (:
Miss mine puppy who didint look like a puppy lol rip homie baby (): /
brandon nagley Apr 2016
Around two weeks ago, part of a three-part dream,
I hadst seen Christ as he is; and always wilt be.
I wont speaketh of the other sections-
Just the part of the Savior,
Get thou to the right direction.

I sawest mineself, what looked to be in a hospital bed,
Fear and anguish wrapped mine mind, was I living-
Was I dead?

The two women I thought, originally to be nurses,
Saidst to me Brandon art thou ready for thine
Shot, I felt the rush and high they gave was

They stuck the needle in, pain medication's rush,
I calmed, de-stressed, mine spirit un-bunched.
After a few minutes, of this reality's vivid way,
The two I thought to be nurses spoke to me-
"Brandon art thou ready to meet God",
Mine high started floating away.

They saidst to me, come on " follow us", twill be ok-
I argued " I'm not ready " not ready today;  yet they
Hadst a tranquility about them, as I noticed these
Weren't thy average nurses, I followed them out
Of curiosity, as the shot faded from working.

They led me to a gigantic tree, not the norm you'd see,
It was like an oak, but it's height spoke, from heaven's
Reach. The tree hadst a door, they opened it for me-
Again they saidst " Brandon art thou ready "?
I stepped into the tree, getting first view,
Their was a stairway leading up, the path
Narrow, darkened, with handrails on the
Sides, as an abode, or earthly view.

As soon as I looked up the stairway, to the unknown,
I sawest a face observing downward to me; mine eye-sight
Hadst froze. I couldn't seeith the ****** features, just the glowing
White thick glorious beard, and thickened wool-set hair, I didint look at the body, because his countenance shone- as a million sun's, I got ****** into the light, from his face I felt one.

Beams were rapturous, as if a halo around his head, though
Twas not a halo, just the way he glow's tear's wilt be shed; then the man I sawest, disappeared as if mist, it hit me it was Yeshua ha'mashiach, Jesus Christ in mine midst.

The two women saidst again, ready to meet God? Fear built inside me, I wasn't ready because the sin I've got; though the man I sawest, didint cause me any fear, he was waiting for me, ready-
As tis I followed these two nurses up into the tree's care.

Getting up inside this tree, I stepped mine feet on hard ground,
It looked as if I walked into a new York flat, if in luxury Earthly
Bound. The room was big, with a brick wall in the back setting;
The two women took a right, into a wall they disappeared.
Again I thought, " Lord I'm surely not ready ".

I kneweth where they went, into the realm where God's throne-room was, I cowered behind them, I ran back down the step's for mine own good. I ran all the way back down the tree, closed the top door, ran out the bottom, shut the other one behind me, coming out of the trunk, not needing to know more.

At the end of the dream, switching to the last part, I took mine parent's to the scene, as mine story touched their heart's. I showed them the wooden giant I was taken up into, I told them of the two women I thought to be hospital worker's; though in reality being Angel's of God's truth. I spoke to them of the face I sawest up the stairs in the tree, how it shone like the star's all together for thou and me. In the tree there was a shelf, mine parents walked in, saw it for themselves. The shelf hadst huge tomatoes, and fresh vegetables I've never discovered, this was a tree of life with Christ, it's signifying mean's soon a death for me, as Christ awaits me; or like all the rest having rapture dream's- Yeshua is telling me his coming is soon, I'm just warning one another.

©Brandon Nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
©My dream 2 seeks ago,
Saidst- said.
Twill- it will.
Hadst- had.
Twas- it was.

This poem is based on a ( real vivid dream I had meaning more real then real can be) I'm not only one having these type of dreams. As a Christian I know Christ will soon be calling up his people when he raptures ( calls up) saying as in Revelation ( come up hither, come up here) taking his chosen off the earth before the coming 7 years of tribulation. I speak truth and many by the thousands are having rapture dreams by the thousands now. And seeing prophecy tribulation dreams by thousands to. I've had three prophetic fireball dreams along with seeing a huge mothership ( what mainstream news calls aliens is not alien as Hollywood pushes...) Pastors now agree there is coming a GREAT alien deception as what many Christian scholars that mainstream hides is what the watchers were.. The ones that corrupted gods man by the watchers in Enoch ( meaning fallen angels, demonic beings) coming down sleeping with women putting their seed into women... Creating giants also known as nephilim, though mainstream alien theorists don't believe in a good or what really happened as even scientists know the ( great flood from Noah happened) though will try to deny the fact why all these giant beings were swept away... As genesis spoke. ( 1And it came to pass, when men began to multiply on the face of the earth, and daughters were born unto them, 2That the sons of God saw the daughters of men that they were fair; and they took them wives of all which they chose. 3And the LORD said, My spirit shall not always strive with man, for that he also is flesh: yet his days shall be an hundred and twenty years. 4There were giants in the earth in those days; and also after that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to them, the same became mighty men which were of old, men of renown.

5And GOD saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually. 6And it repented the LORD that he had made man on the earth, and it grieved him at his heart. 7And the LORD said, I will destroy man whom I have created from the face of the earth; both man, and beast, and the creeping thing, and the fowls of the air; for it repenteth me that I have made them.

Noah's Favor with God
8But Noah found grace in the eyes of the LORD.

The watchers ( fallen angels) By mating with women tried to stop christs perfect line of blood which connects to Noah and other generations... God found favor with Noah and destroyed the corrupted bloodline here on earth that the watchers ( sons of God also known as, and demons in reality) tried to create... The men of renown and old were nephillim and called giants same thing that were around before and after the flood. Mainstream knows that and hides it.. Thus why schools leave anything out with God . and your history books dont teach you on nephilim or giants... Anyways back to story had three fireball dreams plummeting the earth last dream saw a huge ship ( not of alien kind as Hollywood preaches, the watchers returning during tribulation... Meaning demonic beings.... So I'm very aware what's coming... If you see what's happening in your world right now Quakes of huge magnitude have Hit daily from equador Japan Mexico 5-7.0 plus sizes... Volcanoes from Mexico to Alaska to now Russia to by where Jane lives in Philippines to other places are all popping tops off at once!! Scientists are shaking their heads who know not Christ and God but deny him saying this is all happening at once? What's going on?? They are scratching heads they know California is way over due for a major quake... Fish, animals whales species of all sorts are washing up worldwide dead matching prophecy Hosea 4:3( 3Therefore shall the land mourn, and every one that dwelleth therein shall languish, with the beasts of the field, and with the fowls of heaven; yea, the fishes of the sea also shall be taken away.) The seas are in perplexity as bible spoke would happen right before Christ calls his people up in the catching away, harpazzo, rapture ...( The Greek word from this term “rapture” is derived appears in 1 Thessalonians 4:17, translated “caught up.” The Latin translation of this verse used the word rapturo. The Greek word it translates is harpazo, which means to ****** or take away. Elsewhere it is used to describe how the Spirit caught up Philip near Gaza and brought him to Caesarea (Acts 8:39) and to describe Paul’s experience of being caught up into the third heaven (2 Cor. 12:2-4). Thus there can be no doubt that the word is used in 1 Thessalonians 4:17 to indicate the actual removal of people from earth to heaven. Quakes are happening globally huge now and everyone's worried. What did Christ say before he calls his people up??? He said( Luke 21:11
“And great earthquakes shall be in divers places, and famines, and pestilences; and fearful sights and great signs shall there be from heaven. Divers also meaning diverse meaning ( many) places shall quakes be hitting and in mass form which is happening now more then ever... Pay attn why all the Islamic people are coming to Christ converting in the middle East... Why? Because Christ is coming to them by dreams and visions and in death for these people to return and tell you same... Also he's showing himself to Hindus Buddhists monks, atheists agnostics in dreams visions and deaths... Many are seeing like me fireball dreams visions, quakes opening up California and seeing souls coming up into the heavens from the cracks...many are seeing global side tsunamis, seeing rapture dreams of actually being caught up into the air with many others with Christ and his angels right before the calamity hits planet earth!!! By the thousands friends!! Thousands!!!! In my dream... I saw two nurses I thought to be nurses... They gave me a pain shot. Looked like I was in the hospital, I felt high and good after they shot me up.. They said you ready to meet God? I wasn't ready because sins I must overcome in my life I'm not perfect, bible tells us to be perfected in Christ I'm still perfecting myself working on things I need to wipe from my life and need prayer for that ...anyways two women who I didint reallt see their features what they looked like I just knew they were good brought me a peace... They took me to a tree huge one. I looked walked into it door at bottom. Look up a staircase looked up in narrow dark way looking up with another door you must pass at top...  First thing I see looking up Jesus Christ!! Which fun facts... Mother got in a car accident  about two weeks ago little after I had my dream ...before she got in car accident she had dream of people taking her van( that crashed ) parts away. My mother chased the people and a man stopped her... A man she now knows was Christ as she was picked up into him arms as if christ was saying stop worrying it's gonna be OK....she got ****** into Jesus Christs turquoise blue like eyes... She said looking in there are pools of water... Guess what people say same thing in death??! They say his eyes are bluish green..and there are pools of water or oceans of water in his eyes and safety is there and peace... As all describe my mother saw that!! She saw his brown hair and how he was on earth before transfiguration.. I saw him like others do see people can see him two ways in death or visions or dreams... seeing him how he was human on earth. Or seeing like me when he will come back after Armageddon with white hair and beard with white robes and purple sash at bottom as people have seen him like that in death and the fiery eyes because he was transfigured .. Spoke of in Revelation....Revelation chapter one John the revelator speaks... ( 2And I turned to see the voice that spake with me. And being turned, I saw seven golden candlesticks; 13And in the midst of the seven candlesticks one like unto the Son of man, clothed with a garment down to the foot, and girt about the paps with a golden girdle. 14His head and his hairs were white like wool, as white as snow; and his eyes were as a flame of fire; 15And his feet like unto fine brass, as if they burned in a furnace; and his voice as the sound of many waters. 16And he had in his right hand seven stars: and out of his mouth went a sharp twoedged sword: and his countenance was as the sun shineth in his strength.

This is reality!!! I just don't know if it signifies coming death for me having death experience coming back to tell everyone or just dying? Or if it means like all the thousands of others having rapture dreams signifying he will be calling me up soon and to get ready. But yes told parents of this dream like my other prophecy dreams to Jane and parents and others... So I tell you now if you know not Christ a loving merciful Savior forgiving of all sins and wrongs...if you know him not as Lord an Savior won't you accept him while their is still time? Because I like many know reality... Time is short... Not mentioning your last breath could be today.... Please accept Christ as Lord and Savior.. Please don't be fooled because an Antichrist and false prophet are already on the earth and alot is happening prophecy wise I could tell you of for hours matching all biblical gospel ad christs words are coming true now.... Are you saved in Christ? Where is your eternal souls destination? Heaven? Or hell?? Not sure?? You can be sure in Christ... Christ said ( I am the way truth and the life , no man comes to the father ( God) but by and through me... Not works will get you to heaven ... Christians are saved by what christ did for us on the cross proven true... If we accept him as Lord and Savior... He died for you and me. This isn't mythical. All prophecy is being unfolded and has unfolded and mores happening as I write you this... Bible sais whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved... Will you accept him and say prayer of salvation accepting Christ into your heart soul and life as Lord Savior? If want to please write me this is reality... Time to wake up poets!!!! I am sending you a message... Heed the prophecy listen to my warnings. Don't be caught up and left behind when everything takes off... Find Christ please.... Reason I dont write here much anymore I'm busy paying attn to prophecy happening around me I'm preparing myself or trying to. Praying more... Telling others more truth waking others up...been busy busy paying attn to prophecy and letting others know what's happening... So I'll continue to like poems as much as can also my dad had heart attack March 31st and mulitple ones April nineteenth which I had been given signs by God through numbers something was gonna happen to my mother ( her car crash) and dads ( heart attacks) dad had dream of his father who died years ago months ago speaking to him .. Dad couldn't remember what my dead grandpa Nagley told him in dream. I knew was warning when loved one comes to you usually... As dad had dream the day before his first attack seeing me whispering to him two men are at the door... His dream came to life... When the first two men to walk in our home March 31 was two emts...thanks for reading.....!!!

BTW when the nurses ( angels I knew to be) said are you ready Brandon to meet God? I know God and christ are one!! Yet both separate. There is father yaweh Jehovah God, the son ( Jesus Christ who came in the flesh to die for mankind's sin. And the HOLY spirit a literal holy spirit that God will give you in times of trouble and when needing peace that flows from gods throne said by tons who have died and come back.. So when they said God .. Remember Christ and his father are one!! Facts fun for you.

As Joel 2;28 spoke
“And afterward,
I will pour out my Spirit on all people.
Your sons and daughters will prophesy,
your old men will dream dreams,
your young men will see visions...
It's happening now
And by thousands!!!

Last part of the dream taking my parents into the tree, showing them gigantic size veggies in that heavenly tree .. Signified to me everything in gods kingdom isn't touched by man it's perfect..  Things there that mankind can't fathom..... Though I can .. The apartment looking place I landed my feet into up into the tree with the ( brick wall) signified to me I am blocking myself with fear.   And need to not worry as mother said.   Because with Christ I have peace.  . such truth!!!
Its halloween  my favorite time of year.
Grown women running around half naked.
Makes me wanna awake the spirt and grab a beer.

Boy i wish my last nurse dressed like that.
My recovery would have been so much fun.
Oh please miss witch cast a spell on me and turn
me into your loving puddie cat.

oh miss **** police women ya can handcuff me.
I'll go commit a crime just to be guilty.

Yes it's  this goblins favorite time of year.
Where women dress like naugthy  little vixens.
And instead of candy I hand out cheap pickup lines
and beer.

Boy that chicks hot but wait.
Didint  I just  see her  in the guys restroom.
Doing something standing up straight.

Hey man whatcha going as hell who cares.
Im more interested  in  what your hot
wife wears.

From a **** school girl to a smokin french maid.
It's like going to the worlds biggest *******.
No cover charge need be paid.

Who cares bout Freddy and Jason  and other worn out
monsters from the eighties.
Cause all i got say it halloween ladies.
dennis drain Aug 2016
.   listen....
.       i never had a decent position in witch to breath in.
got the genes of heathens deeply in seeded.
A product of underage teens breedin.
mother was a young fiend, decided to leave cuz she could see my understanding.
Father fled before he ever meet his son
who grew up thinkin he didint have one
a young boy yearned for affection but found addiction
An affliction given by wrongly driven individuals given a child to keep innocent
Wanted me to sleep and didint think of  the consequences
an only child grew up isolated from friends
Had a cousin he he loved but wasent allowed around enough because he knew to much.
knew more than they thought cuz early on he was taught the rules on keepin your mouth shut.

Its kinda like, how is this alright
It could be described as just bein life
Sad as it is same thing goes for alot of kids
could blame the parents but neglect breeds patients And exposure leads the mind to act older.

never pitty yourself for the lack of a shoulder
Grow your mind stronger and take bein pushed aside as a time to grow older
Don't live with regret even if you didint cause it  
Every moment you live is then reason to know you came to earth independent......

Be proud to grow up with out
ain't a reason to shout but when make it at least you know you didint cop out
and the world can't take **** away cuz everything you have today you built from the ground with bare hand and past full of white sound
brandon nagley Apr 2016
I ask you poet
Whom do you worship?
Where does your souls eternity stand right now?
Broken? Despaired! Pained? Sorrowful? Burdened? Seeing all the chaos in the world and yet don't know where to turn or whom to turn to, OK you can flip to the next poem if you'd like that speaks of worldiness, *** maybe, lust, hopelessness, a state of being lost. May I ask you? What gives you pleasure in this world? Idols? Things of gold, such as statues? Jewelry? Maybe dope? ***? Maybe video gaming, escaping anyway possible in food? By beating your loved ones? Or abusing those whom love you? Maybe cutting yourself? As many here do, they cut to feel alive. Do you? The thought of not living there where all hope is gone, unseen and lost? Wanting to give up? What you don't know or may have turned a blind eye to by so called ( fake pastors, religious nuts, Jesus freaks whatever you wanna call them.. Yes! There are false pastors for money, and Greed's purpose... As what you may not truly understand is this world isn't just physical, revelation 12:3-4 States Satan and 1\3 Of gods once good angels as Satan him ( Lucifer) was also a high or one of highest angels ruling over other angels.... Revelation 12:3-4 speaks of Satan and one third of the angels who were kicked out of heaven. Satan in other words wanted to play gods role.Luke 10:18 sais this. ( And he said unto them, I beheld Satan as lightning fall from heaven.” )
King James Bible. There is a literal battle here poet whoever reads this for your soul. God wants you to come to his son Christ who said ( I am the way truth and the life, NO MAN comes to the father but by me) John 14:6 ... Christ offers salvation and hope to the whole world. As there is no life in Islam, nor Buddhism, nor Hinduism, nor all these other false ways and false ideologies of the world. Christ is the only one to have claimed to be gods son. As what you didint know. Christ was sent down to a ****** called mary, scientists now have a word for it where mothers literally have children by miracles of not having a man enter into them sexually at all. God put his son Christ who always was from the beginning before the foundation of this world. That's why us Christians also call God the great I am. Meaning he always was and will always be. God sent his son Jesus Christ. Also called in Hebrew original tongue. Yeshua ha'mashiach-. Meaning Jesus the Messiah or anointed one . Christ came in the flesh in the form of a man. To be sent here to teach everyone to love one another. And that he was the way truth and the life. He literally healed the sick, he healed lepers . opened eyes of those without sight and without hope...he was who he claimed to be . he came to die for me and yours sins... As the gospel in the Bible States..Romans 5:12- 12 Wherefore, as by one man sin entered into the world, and death by sin; and so death passed upon all men, for that all have sinned: Adam and Eve sinned against God, in the garden of Eden where scientists now know just about the location of the garden... Sin passed down to all mankind. Our bible teaches. Romans 3:23- 3For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God; so I tell you friend to friend poet to poet... No good works will get you to heaven as the pope falsely preaches of the Catholic Church. Why works won't get you to heaven? Ephesians 2:8-9 main verses.( 8For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: 9Not of works, lest any man should boast. 10For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works, which God hath before ordained that we should walk in them.) Notice how it sais for by grace you are saved through faith? Meaning by grace of God if you accept Jesus as your Lord and messiah and Savior personal Savior not some far away man. Or myth. A personal Savior you can speak to in prayer and hes always there for you. Also notice it sais ( it is not of yourselves, meaning you can't save yourself neither can works you do good on earth. It also said not of works, that any man should boast??? Boast showing off pridefulness. Buy through christs shedding of blood on the cross, we have redemption through that blood if we accept him or not. I'm sure you've heard from worldly religions and one world together we are all children of God? False lie! Fact is were yes all created by the same God. Though we don't all worship the true God we should be and wonder  why our lives and your lives are haywire? We are children of God ONLY through the adoption of Jesus ( meaning coming to him as your Savior you are adopted as gods chosen and children... Christ btw spoke more on hell then he did heaven. Though here's what he said on heaven. (
1 Corinthians 2:9 - But as it is written, Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him. ( meaning in life, and after death in heaven.)
John 14:2 - In my Father's house are many mansions: if [it were] not [so], I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you.
10 And he carried me away in the spirit to a great and high mountain, and shewed me that great city, the holy Jerusalem, descending out of heaven from God,

11 Having the glory of God: and her light was like unto a stone most precious, even like a jasper stone, clear as crystal;

12 And had a wall great and high, and had twelve gates, and at the gates twelve angels, and names written thereon, which are the names of the twelve tribes of the children of Israel:

13 On the east three gates; on the north three gates; on the south three gates; and on the west three gates.

14 And the wall of the city had twelve foundations, and in them the names of the twelve apostles of the Lamb.

15 And he that talked with me had a golden reed to measure the city, and the gates thereof, and the wall thereof.

16 And the city lieth foursquare, and the length is as large as the breadth: and he measured the city with the reed, twelve thousand furlongs. The length and the breadth and the height of it are equal.

17 And he measured the wall thereof, an hundred and forty and four cubits, according to the measure of a man, that is, of the angel.

18 And the building of the wall of it was of jasper: and the city was pure gold, like unto clear glass.

19 And the foundations of the wall of the city were garnished with all manner of precious stones. The first foundation was jasper; the second, sapphire; the third, a chalcedony; the fourth, an emerald;

20 The fifth, sardonyx; the sixth, sardius; the seventh, chrysolyte; the eighth, beryl; the ninth, a topaz; the tenth, a chrysoprasus; the eleventh, a jacinth; the twelfth, an amethyst.

21 And the twelve gates were twelve pearls: every several gate was of one pearl: and the street of the city was pure gold, as it were transparent glass.

22 And I saw no temple therein: for the Lord God Almighty and the Lamb are the temple of it.

23 And the city had no need of the sun, neither of the moon, to shine in it: for the glory of God did lighten it, and the Lamb is the light thereof.

24 And the nations of them which are saved shall walk in the light of it: and the kings of the earth do bring their glory and honour into it.

25 And the gates of it shall not be shut at all by day: for there shall be no night there.

26 And they shall bring the glory and honour of the nations into it.

27 And there shall in no wise enter into it any thing that defileth, neither whatsoever worketh abomination, or maketh a lie: but they which are written in the Lamb's book of life.

( revelation chapter 21) speaking of the new temple God will literally bring down to earth that's already In heaven until after Armageddon where he brings down a new temple from heaven already ready and made to go for his chosen and believers who accept Christ Jesus.

And many more verses... Which btw just type in near death experiences on youtube see the thousands of REAL results of many whom have died meaning brain dead, heart dead both, no just one issue wrong. Both things dead some people for minutes, some for hour to hour and half. All telling you same things they saw in death. The tunnel of death. One way leading to heavens gates where there are literally pearlescent gates, and a door you pass through into gods throne room and huge place. They all describe how everything's living and alive.. There is pure joy there and peace. ( as bible speaks, the peace of God surpasses all understanding) told by a black man who's story in famous on CBN and world news. As thousands of others who match the same accounts yet may all be different in forms alll conclude who they saw. Jesus Christ, literal angels by thousands who sing and praise God all the day because in heaven there Is no time clock or time in human level. You know not time. For our bible teaches... 2 Peter 3:8 ( 8But, beloved, be not ignorant of this one thing, that one day is with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day. 9The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance.) Notice how verse also sais God is long-suffering toward us meaning suffering in patience willing that NONE of you should perish in a real hell Christ spoke on dozens of times, but that all ALL should come to repentance. By accepting Christ as Savior and your messiah and turning from your old ways which I'll tell you as a Christian not one Christian is a saint or perfect. Though word tells us we are to be perfected in Lord Jesus meaning working on self to be as Christ was... Holy. I am a sinner like all the rest of human beings in this earth. And daily Christians must work at doing God's will, and yes takes practice patience and work. Though Christ and God his father gets you through any trials you face and tribulations. 2 Corinthians 1-
1/Blessed [be] God, even the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies, and the God of all comfort;2- Who comforteth us in all our tribulation, that we may be able to comfort them which are in any trouble, by the comfort wherewith we ourselves are comforted of God. Christ came and was scorned, mocked nby the scribes and Pharisees  of his day even though the Jewish Torah spoke of their coming messiah and the world's coming messiah. Though they rejected him as told in old testament they would do, he came preached love, to forgive another always!!!! Always no matter how many times one wrongs and hurts you. And as all say who die and meet God on his throne in a LITERAL heaven, seeing God on his literal throne, and seeing Christ his son, they always come back to say the same thing from death experiences, people will say I'd watch all hundreds of vids as I have..  Christ either told them to go back to earth thir job wasn't done from stuff needing changed in the person's life... These are accounts from Muslims, atheists agnostics, hateful people. Many ex terrorists from middle East. Many Buddhists , Hindus and people from All backgrounds and beliefs will say same thing... Christ told them to go back to love one another... To change things... That HE is the way truth and life. And no man ones to God but by him. And noone gets to heaven but through Jesus the Messiah... They also say God the father said the exact same to them. To tell humans to love one Christ will tell them in dozens of accounts, dozens!!! Tell my people ( Christians ) I'm coming back soon. Or tell them I'm calling them up soon.... Meaning rapturing up his Christians before the 7 year hell called tribulation on earth! When the Antichrist makes fale peace deal between isreal and Palestine. And the world will cry peace and safety! Peace and safety then will sudden destruction come upon man as a woman with child. Spoken in bible. As antichrists peace deal is mentioned in Daniel 9;27 27(And he shall confirm the covenant with many for one week: and in the midst of the week he shall cause the sacrifice and the oblation to cease, and for the overspreading of abominations he shall make it desolate, even until the consummation, and that determined shall be poured upon the desolate.) He shall ( Antichrist will) make a false peace deal giving isreali land over to the Palestinian people who have no claim on that land... As even a Saudi prince cams out to say Palestine doesn't own Israeli Jewish land. But the Jews do through Abraham Issac and Jacob!!! Media mainstream news tells you none of this why? Their ran by 6 elite companies who run all news stations. As Rockefeller ( billionaire elite) has his hands in most politics TV news everything you watch and read is controlled by him, the cia. And false reporting. all for the love of money and greed they lie to the American public and world. I suggest anyone to look up the RFID chips matching Antichrist mark of the beast that will be coming money system, also healthcare info. On one small tiny microchip placed in the forehead or right hand to. Spoken of in Revelation 13 which btw It's already being tested in the forehead in monkey heads in labs. And chips are being bought sold and put into USA soldiers, high officials for money. Ignorant people who have no idea what the chips are are literally PAYING to have them placed in their right hands!!! Continue at bottom....
Mark of beast - RFID chips- Revelation 13:16-18King James Version (KJV)

16 And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:
17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.
18 Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.
This RFID chip is already in Barack Hussein Antichrist Obama's healthcare bill. Call me insane for calling him that, though he matches scripture 100 fold to who he is, as pope Francis is predicted by two St Malachi's to be last black jesuit pope. Black not meaning skin color. As everything the pope preaches to the Catholic good people. Is false. He preaches doing  good even athiests can get to heaven. Though anyone who knows coming beast system and new world order to come knows the world wants togetherness end quote... A one world religion. A one world dictator Antichrist. And their will be a false prophet to help push the Antichrist message ....this is coming and I warn you now who don't know Christ! Know him now!! Our bible speaks many will come saying they are the Messiah DONT listen to them! Accept Christ now while you have breath in your lungs! Why??? Here's why! Number one when dead and you don't accept christ as your Savior you eternally seperated from God. From gods light, love protection. Only in Christ will you be protected and saved not the world not Muhammed not Buddha. Which none of these people claimed to be of God or a part of God. Buddhist theology preaches in enlightenment that all can be a budha enlightened!!! Muslims Muhammed what they don't tell you mock Christ. And preach Christ will come back with the Islamic Mahdi ( messiah to Islam, Antichrist in reality who they will accept,) and Islam teaches that Jesus will return to claim to Jews and Christians he's a Muslim! FALSE he was a Jew born in Bethlehem lived in nathereth born of  a ******, as Muhammed as a man, who lived in sin, killed to get converts yes Christians in!past days pushed on wrong ways converting following believers as even Christ wouldn't of wanted that. Muhammed converted by the sword. Meaning follow Islamic law, or be beheaded and die just as isis does now to thousands of Christians in middle East matching scriptures in our bible. Where in old testament it sais ( when you see them coming by the sword claiming to do God a service, know the end is near.
Who's coming by sword claiming to so do god a service? Islamic real teaching that even most Muslims won't follow!!! Why you see so much bloodshed being led on by Palestinian radicals and terrorists from Al shabbab in Africa, from also Iran's ayotolah ( religious leader) telling his people go **** the Jews and Christians wherever you find them!!! Just as Islamic law teaches ( The Quran contains at least 109 verses that call Muslims to war with nonbelievers for the sake of Islamic rule. Some are quite graphic, with commands to chop off heads and fingers and **** infidels wherever they may be hiding. Muslims who do not join the fight are called 'hypocrites' and warned that Allah will send them to Hell if they do not join the slaughter.) Examples- of Islam-
Quran (2:191-193) - "And **** them wherever you find them, and turn them out from where they have turned you out. And Al-Fitnah [disbelief or unrest] is worse than killing...
but if they desist, then lo! Allah is forgiving and merciful. And fight them until there is no more Fitnah [disbelief and worshipping of others along with Allah] and worship is for Allah alone. But if they cease, let there be no transgression except against Az-Zalimun(the polytheists, and wrong-doers, etc.)" (Translation is from the Noble Quran) The verse prior to this (190) refers to "fighting for the cause of Allah those who fight you" leading some to believe that the entire passage refers to a defensive war in which Muslims are defending their homes and families. The historical context of this passage is not defensive warfare, however, since Muhammad and his Muslims had just relocated to Medina and were not under attack by their Meccan adversaries. In fact, the verses urge offensive warfare, in that Muslims are to drive Meccans out of their own city (which they later did). Verse 190 thus means to fight those who offer resistance to Allah's rule (ie. Muslim conquest). The use of the word "persecution" by some Muslim translators is disingenuous (the actual Arabic words for persecution - "idtihad" - and oppression - a variation of "z-l-m" - do not appear in the verse). The word used instead, "fitna", can mean disbelief, or the disorder that results from unbelief or temptation. This is certainly what is meant in this context since the violence is explicitly commissioned "until religion is for Allah" - ie. unbelievers desist in their unbelief.


Romans 10;9-10
9 that if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved. 10 For with the heart one believes unto righteousness, and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation
It tells their own people to **** infidels ( Christians and Jews wherever you may find them) and that is religion of peace!!!! Wake up!!!! A false prophet Islam follows. What mainstream news didint tell you is so this ..

Quran (3:56) - "As to those who reject faith, I will punish them with terrible agony in this world and in the Hereafter, nor will they have anyone to help...
How false of a God is that to worship? You see for yourself.

Quran (3:151) - "Soon shall We cast terror into the hearts of the Unbelievers, for that they joined companions with Allah, for which He had sent no authority". This speaks directly of polytheists, yet it also includes Christians, since they believe in the Trinity (ie. what Muhammad incorrectly believed to be 'joining companions to Allah'). This speaks on casting terror at Christian people. And others who dont wanna follow Islam ( sharia law, in their world that's what Islam wants meaning an Islamic new world order and it's happening before your eyes in USA and world as gvts are falling to their faces giving into them ..
There are over 330 million Hindu gods. Not many know that. Though Christ spoke ( he is the ONLY way, the truth and the life. Who was mocked beaten, beard ripped out, scorned. Whipped all over his body. Bloodied. Placed a Cal ( or crown of  thorns over his head which ripped into him more, mocked by scribes Pharisees, and Roman soldiers. His own Jewish people turned him over to pilate to fulfill scriptures,  to be put on a cross next to a thief and a murderer... An innocent sacrifice for mankind!! The only sacrifice! As noone else has ever died for mankind's sins and for us to have chance of salvation. In Islamic belief you got to do many things and pray many times a day as Muslims are some of the most devout in the world. Yet have no real hope!!! Take a look on Google and YouTube of truth you don't hear!! Why is the whole Muslim world converting to Christ? For one their sick of their false teachings of Muhammed. Which you didint know there's something called the satanic verses in the Islamic world. The satanic verses Islam argues of. Meaning, Muhammed literally had Satan's words in his mouth as he admitted speaking them. Islam will argue amongst each other over this! Though a dark reality!!! Even what many don't know ...though search yourself ....Christ was crucified on the cross... On the hill of Golgotha called the place of the skull known in Hebrew where a LITERAL hill sits high in the city with a skull actual skull in the rock. Christs tomb has been found years ago. He was buried in a tomb where Joseph of Arimathea a rich man who buried Jesus put Jesus in this tomb. The garden has been found. The trees are still there Jesus prayed and weeped under... The tombs found the rock that rolled over the tomb has been found. The nails in Christs wrists not hands as paintings falsely showed scientists know nails went into wrist in isreal. The nails were found with bone connected now in isrealis university. They were found in high priest Caiaphas tomb the high priest who had Christ killed... Story goes back ages Caiaphas kept the nails to find mercy with God because he realized who Christ was. Because after Christ died. The earth literally shook recorded in the Bible a freak quake happened, the moon was blood red. And the sky darkened the exact moment christs soul left his body. And the Jewish temples veil ripped into two. And shook. BTW scientists can look back in past cultures and even back in space and time. And see the quake that happened, actually did worldwide when christs death occurred. All religions and cultures recorded it at time Jesus died all way back to where mayans are and across the globe. Scientists now know a blood moon would have occurred during christs death signifying the messiahs blood was just shed!!!! For you and I!!!! WOW I can go on and on. Fact is you can accept truth and life? And God's son who came in human flesh who cried laugh joked like me and you felt what we felt. Because God loves us so much he sent his own son to die for you and me. Though those who reject God. This is some verses on that.

Revelation 21:8 - But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death.
Every story I've heard where people died literally brain heart dead for minutes or hour or more.. Describe the real flames. Real pits. Prison cells underneath your feet in the earth, real demons who tortures day and night unbelievers and who take you down there .  as there are real crys. Pain. All senses in afterlife all will tell you are a thousand times more real than senses on earth! This is REALITY!!! Poetry is poetry I give you truth.
Also hell verses which Christ spoke more on because he loved us so much to die for us  that he wants noone to go there. Because mankind has free will and we can choose life in Christ? Or hell and death by free will of rejecting Jesus Christ!!!

Matthew 25:41 - Then shall he say also unto them on the left hand, Depart from me, ye cursed, into everlasting fire, prepared for the devil and his angels.
This verse refers to the great white throne judgement ( meaning judgement of non believers who deny christs salvation and all of him. Who follow not him. As even Christians are call themselves Christians who aren't Christians but didint follow Christ will say in the day of judgment. Lord have we not prophesied for you? And did good works for you? God will tell them. Depart from me you workers of iniquity I NEVER knew you, we make our decisions and choice now where we go. Hell wasn't designed for you. It was oringal made for Satan and his angels his fallen angels... Though many deny christ and if don't accept him, will be there with Satan and his angels in a real horrifying place that Hollywood can't even put a finger in a movie on!!!
Also -
Revelation 20:15 - And whosoever was not found written in the book of life was cast into the lake of fire.
The book of life is a real book in heaven your name is written in when you accept Christ if you didint accept Christ. Your name shall not be found in that book.

Romans 6:23 - For the wages of sin [is] death; but the gift of God [is] eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.
Eternal life is the gift of God through Christ alone.... For the wages of sin is death... And denying Christ is death.
the fire that never shall be quenched:

Matthew 10:28 - And fear not them which **** the body, but are not able to **** the soul: but rather fear him which is able to destroy both soul and body in hell.
Meaning don't fear man who can just destroy the body, but have a healthy fear of God coming to him humbly, knowing God can destroy both body and SOUL in hell. As where man only can touch the body .

1 John 5:12 - He that hath the Son hath life; [and] he that hath not the Son of God hath not life.
Simple saying- he that has Jesus christ as messiah has life eternally, literally. Those who have not the son, have not LIFE!!!!
I am not here to put down anyone's beliefs or religious thoughts and ways you grew up. If I had more space here I could go on with factual evidence more of Christ and tell you what's happening now in the world. I tell you not as some crazed poet, or some quote conspiracy theorist which the gvt calls those that's a threat to them. I tell you this as a being who loves all people. And I'm just giving you truth, truth maybe noone told you of. That there is hope, though also there is death and a real hell. Though God is light, he's love.. As our bible said. In heaven there's no need for a moon or sun for God is the light. And God is pure love spoken by thousands who have died to come back to tell you that!!! As there is God the father. The son Jesus Christ. Whom he sent to you to die one a cross so there wouldn't be need for Jews to sacrifice animals no more,or pray to false gods. But real sacrifice for our sins were carried on christs body in death!!! Now you have a chance of being saved! And WILL be no ifs and or buts about it. Christians if accept Christ are eternally secure and saved. Why do you think we have so much hope and can smile at ease? And in death when our loved ones are dying we can rejoice even in death.??? Because we know where our home is in heaven, and with our messiah Christ there. And God the father... What media doesn't tell the people in CNN fox news, MSNBC so on mainstream. Why muslims are converting to christ right now by thousands??? As China and middle East have biggest population of Christians around apbeing persecuted and killed ( for Christ said, remember the world first hated him. Before it hated us) and it's happening now!!! The hatred for Christians and God's chosen land the Jewish people!!! Muslims are coming to Christ by thousands shown on Google and YouTube by seeing Christ in dreams and visions by the THOUSANDS friends!!he's coming to them telling them by dreams, and visions and many death. Telling them he is the way truth and life and he is salvation... Muslims will tell you this... As in book of Joel in bible it speaks.... This just as I've like thousands of others haven't seen Christ but have seen the prophetic visions and dreams as are happening by thousands of accounts. Fireball dreams of asteroids I had three of them!!! Smashing the earth! Many are seeing those tsunamis, quakes in California and world. Floods, and seeing dreams of the rapture when Christ calls up his believers before the 7 years of tribulation and all hell on earth and God's wrath hitting earth and mankind's big bloodshed leading to world war three called harmageddon in Hebrew. Armageddon in English!! Joel in KJV sais Joel 2:17
17And it shall come to pass in the last days, saith God, I will pour out of my Spirit upon all flesh: and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, and your young men shall see visions, and your old men shall dream dreams!!!
Its happening!!! Gods warning us.. Im warning you... Christ is calling his chosen soon. Very soon... And I ask you, right now as a poet, and friend. Who do you believe in? Do you have Christ as your Savior? Or do you trust in world that will be renewed one day by God, and messed up by man? Do you trust in riches? Gold? Money? The razor to cut the wrist? Yourself? Bible said the man who sais in his heart there is no god, is a FOOL!!!Choose wisely. Whom do you believe! Do you feel worthy? Saveable? Well despite your beliefs Christ will save you no matter what you've done. Murderer  or thief or liars, or idol worshippers satanic worshipers, followers of Islam. Buddhism, atheist agnostic, those who don't worship Christ. Those in ****** sin, in any sin....He will save you. Christ forgives all if you want him as your Lord and Savior for eternity. Romans 10:13

Romans 10:13King James Version (KJV)

13 For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.
Meaning if you believe christ was born of a ****** Mary in your heart sent
dennis drain Jul 2016
There's a reason I do drugs,
Weather it because my mom did em when she was carrying me,     OR,
If it was because my mom was to young, her friends were all crazy and as much as i yearend for a sibling i was the only one.
I don't mind that i spend all my time and hard earned money on them,
But everybody says it's just a hole,
I'm 18 and one poem can't tell the world my story,
I eat em, smoke em, drip em, or snort em till they're all gone,
I wanna Wright a song but sober it fells like i can't turn on,
Blond hair and blue eyes, if only the world would uncover all my lies,
I have this one friend of mine, she's not to much but when she's around i stay up all night thinking of the fame and city lights,
Once when i was 10 i found my good friend, spent some time together, then i started telling her i was gonna make myself famous.
if you were around i would hide her and even when she was yellin at me you couldn't here a sound.
Id conversate with her when it got late, I'd tell her all my young thoughts and i would keep speaking until i heard my grandpas snoring stop.
i have a few other friends that help me out they all smoke, snort or and when im broke and with em i feel ***** and poor.
My mother and her friends introduced me and we've even had some talks together.
my grandpa always kept my friends away he he said the were bad and could turn and **** me one day. But i loved my friends so i kept em close.
As i got older i meet some other friends kept some and lost some if i liked em they were mine till the end.
They love me just the same and when im not around the look for me till we reunite again.
This morning i ran into crystal she's not always around and i didint meet her first but **** she's got me so down to earth. I can tell the world anything, and she always promised to get rid of the haters and keep me on high alert.
When she was getting handed to me out a window she needed a blanket so nobody saw her naked. I rushed her him and tucked her away.
I have a girl friend and unlike my friends she's a real thing. When we met I had to hide some friends cuz I love her and care what she thinks. Almost 1 year together and crystal was in the living room with my aunt and her husband. My girl knew but she didint understand, so i spent all knight defending her so that we could hang. An hour later i was sneaking in our room i introduced the 2 and put my friend away comfy.
My girl has become my world and when she meet my friend she was kinda frightened. But we spent some time and i showed my love how to treat her.
When i brought her home i didint wake my girl up i made sure we had a peice to smoke from.
When that was done i woke her up and we kicked it by ourselves for a minute in in the shed. Taking turns with her, filled my head with brilliant things i saw my girl smile and my heart spead up and grew wings.
I love all my friends and im not sure how i would make it if i told em to leave. I've known em so long and were so close it hurts but it's time i be real and admit im broke as dirt. They made me give all my money away so we could talk. I hide my blue eyes and keep quiet  all the time, i love my friends and im not ready yet but when i great a life im gonna have to say good bie.

They've been by my side my whole life and for a wile my little ray of sunshine wouldent pay them any mind. But every time im asked I promise I'll be a better dad. So what happens when they find were my friend is stashed, even under lock and key if there anything like me they'll be full of curiosity.
The one time they find the key i know my friends will invite them in without asking me. Were all chill now and crystal is still around but on my life I swear my child won't ever see me up all night or asleep all day. I know I mean what I say I just pray for the strength to be a man about what I say.

There's a reason I do drugs and  im done thinking about how I started but as long as my friends keep me smart and not retarted when iv created life I will have no hesetation to say goodbye.
even if it hurts like a knife to the chest my child will be the best for my choice to quite ****
I'm high right now and it came from the heart
brandon nagley Jul 2015
Anyways more about me lol.. So yes believe 9 is big number to me and 23!!!! Not crazy just pure facts!! More about me. Well me mum BTW always see's the number 3:33 on clock ironically Christ's death age giving me and her a sign.. See I'm not like humans I tell you all for reason .. I see dreams visions so on. I'm not a psychic but I see people inside their souls. I see ones hurt fears pain depression and beauty... I have had dreams of an asteroid / asteroids coming down in a mall I was in destroying so much.. Also a dream I had of me in me apartment building parents weren't in dream but all was scorched around me.. All apartments were on fire while I was on porch trying to get help but I wasn't burnt as if God protected me... See I'm a believer in bible prophecy believe it or not thy own choice and everything is adding up to more to come. And me dreams add up with what's to come and happen to!   It's been confirmed what the gvt is hiding is what goes been showing me since a young boy... More of me I love Mexican food. Italian food . Asian and middle Eastern food. I'm Irish Scottish native American from mums side and french on her side. Though grew up on mashed taters gravy and fried chicken lol mm.. Her dad and mum came from Ireland and Scotland.. Dad came from Greece as his grandpa. And his sides all Greek lots of English to and french all way back to 1604 in our ancestry book from ancestry. Com also swiss in me to... His English side came on ship on the Mayflower to USA!!! I love native american culture / American and south american. I'm into lots of their customs... Their beliefs . they knew stuff long ago our gvt tries hiding like for instance!!! U think all their pics of quote ( star people and ant people) drawn in every native culture around the world and men in space suits and flying craft is some native myth? Wake up world and America..... So its same thing in all cultures and religions around world... I believe in angels good and bad .. Those factual as so many have seen them.....  And died came back to tell of them God heaven and hell... Though I'm fifty fifty on aliens... Yes I believe God made many kindoms dimensions principalities so on.. I just know facts their is Satan and his fallen angels who were sent to earth because they betrayed God.. So u wonder why all evil in world that's why..... God gave his angels freee will like he does us to serve him. If he didint give us free will to love him and eachother wouldn't be love would it?? Would be forced like ****... Anyway that's more of me... I hate racism not racists... I love all peoples cultures nations so on.. I don't hate gays or transgender people or diff colered peeps... I believe in forgiveness and love no matter if one wants to **** me or hate me I will always  forgive and love... Number one if even God didint want me to do that!! I still would *** that's just the spirit I am.. I'm not better than noone else at all... I'm a sinner . I've lied in past ive stolen.. Robbed from past drug addiction.. I've hurt alot due to me selfishness and due to demons messing with me with that addiction... So I feel guilt daily trying to move on from what I did to others though I can say its humbling even telling u all this.. But this is me... Not done more biography in minute .. ();
Bill murray Jun 2015
Just heard bout young man who passed on from the word on the line being passed down well all I can say is I didint know young man to well but may your good heart rest young man as I saw everyone loved you.may his family get peace and may all remember him as he was the good dude he really was didint know him really but I can tell if I was dying I'd definitely have a man like that on my side. Rest easy young spirit poet
-E Jun 2017
You were searching for the stars
You didn't notice the moon is fading
You were looking for a single drop of love
You didn't want to see my ocean
You wanted attension
You took my hugs for granted
You say you want a serious relationship
You played my feelings, tore my heart
I left
You wondered why
Your searching for the moon
You realized the river dried up
Your missing my hugs
You noticed to late
Im already gone
Learn to love things when you have them,
because things get lost so easily
I Didint mean to do it!
What Have I done!
Ive corrupted people with my creation
I cant belive what ive done!

Its just some cardbord
A pipe cleaner and Half a paper towel roll!
Its not what its made out of its something more!

They all seem to be ****** into What ever this is
With boxes and bags and streamers they did.
Making them prettier and fancier with every chance they get
They tape anything they can
To trees
to friend drama
Just reporting it all!
Just watching cause happen
And making the call

They surround all the bully's and watch them get beat
No one steps in
There too buzy reporting
All they care is about the videos
Not about what's happening
Not about this evil that grows like fire

And I created it
I started it all
The world is forever doomed
This is the camera man
Sighning off for good
Tommy Jackson Mar 2016
She sat there alone and cold and naked
I picked her up
Put her in a jar
I really didint think
The little sun flower
Would make it
Tommy Jackson May 2016
Zipped through the laser in her sleep
I tip toed, she didint know, like a girl
Fast she was so sweet. no peep, no not
Scurry. At dark Eve I couldn't see the
Milk and cookies I was for;in a hurry.
I didint worry, just made my getaway
When it was her cookies, I chowed in
The night, stashed by day, bad husband.
brandon nagley Jun 2015
Walking in the grocery aisle today
A shan't little place called ( aldi's)
Cheaper food I must say

I saw a man
An older man
Maby seventies or so
Well whatever age

This man I could tell
Could tell the wildest stories
As in his time
Maby he fought in a hellish hideous war

Maby world war two
Maby Korean war
Maby no war at all

The sleeves on his button up shirt said to me quietly
They whispered

As I didint know why his sleeves were rolled up
Maby because he was just hot
I mean
The sun is blazing today like hell at night
Well anyways
Back to storytime
This man's harsh look told me
He hast seen a world of things
Us younger ones couldn't fathom or want to

I thought his sleeves rolled up showed he was a man
Who didint give two craps on what others had thought of him
And for that grocery shopping cool man
Kodos to thou dear sir
Kodos to thou!!!
brandon nagley Jul 2015
As tis I've noticed in this new dawning age, men and women used to know what the real meaning of love was. Men used to open doors for their women, men would take care of all of their women's needs, and treat her as a queen, as if you notice hardly any men no more call their women Queen's anymore. They've put them on magazines to be eyed down by perverted men, the media and newscast makes it as if ( normalcy) to lust. To put a false reality in man's head. To make young BOYS and men alike think " gee, these women ( actuality being Queens) are nothing more than a ****** object, nothing more good to life than to be a ****** object, material, and slave to man's wants and devlish desires... As verily, I tell you, Satan is behind the magic screen, in spiritual realm, and on our own hellish planet. As my god of Christ taught which BTW don't care what you feel of mine own beliefs. The scripture sais (Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour.).. 1st Peter chap 5 verse truth is Satan walks around seeking who he may devour.. He's a master schemist and artist at falsehood. As man is following the way of him.. Man since a young age has been taught the woman is a slave. A *** object. A material, which sickens me to see men these days all around this earth call women their ( *****, *****, ***, ****, ****, the list can go on....... As I don't like to *** whatsoever I don't believe in cussing, just because I don't *** doesn't mean I'm better than those of you who do BTW. Just my god taught for one to bridle our tounge, meaning ( hold it back,) and to watch how we speak. Because how we say things is an example of who we are and what be believe.... As I said I'm not better than any of you as some may think that I think that I am better... I'm a sinner Im no saint I'm just giving you truth ones may not seek to hear or listen to... We are suppose to speak holy in a way at least not in that manner... And for a man to call a queen ( **** or *****) he has lost sight, a woman was put here to be loved, cherished and treated as a queen, a jewel, a gem. A treasure!! if you would go out in the desert and look for gold . wouldn't you treasure that treasure? Wouldn't you respect it? As you would yourself? If you even have respect for you? If you do not respect yourself I pray you will see your own beauty friend, as god doesnt want us like that, and wants us to cherish our queens and loves... And it isn't just men, fact is women to do same to men, call their men ( *******, so on) can't you see? We are here to cherish, comfort, and love another beings,  many ask the ??? Who believe and don't believe in God... What is your purpose eh? For one your purpose is to love. That's the fulfilling of gods law. Whether you believe in him or not we are put here to love cherish and forgive another and comfort another. As I say always. Without forgiveness there is NO love, and without love there is No forgiveness.... You must have both. As do I notice daily so much hatred for your fellow man, and even pets/and animals around the world, you **** another, and hurt, and hold onto grudges against another.   Don't you see??? God taught us to forgive. You wanna know why forgive?? Because when you hold onto those grudges of past pain's and anger against another... It hurts you more than it does the other person. And for one God doesn't want that for you. He wants us happy. He wants us not slave to our angers and hurt and fears... As so many hold back their love BTW because of fear of everything. And we wonder why we aren't moving ahead in life. Yes the human in me fears things to. I'm not perfect but when it comes to love, why hold back? Why? When tommorrow we might not have another chance to forgive one or to love the people we truly do in this life... And then when we die we have to carry that burden or anger, hurt, regret and the things we ( didint say, or do) onto the next life... And that is a far bigger burden than I need or anyone else does friends... And people these day's will put all their time into car's, money, homes, materials, earthly things!!! Which yes, are wonderful to have... But what if that lover you love that you show no love to or have been mistreating or putting on the back-burner dies today? Or tommorrow? You'd regret every last minute as the ones who have lost their loved ones whether family,moms, dads, brothers, sisters, wives, husband, boyfriends, girlfriends, so on have found out... When they loose sight of what's important, love , then we loose who we are, we loose all meaning to what life should be about.... Love... And if you loose sight of love. Surely you've lost sight of what your life should be about many take life and love for granted, Maby you should take a look at what's important, because in the next life we can't carry our money, cars. Or houses, or materials on, we only have our souls, and the things meaning actions, love, and feelings we have onto the next life... Maby you should think of that

God bless,
Brsndon nagley

©Brandon Cory nagley
©Lonesome poets poetry
©love and truth and thoughts...
This is for all people not aimed at one.  All
brandon nagley Jun 2015
Whilst standing their hugging.......

I slipped into her arms,
And got lost into her soul..

And no ,
I didst not try to escape!!!
brandon nagley Jun 2015
I tried to be human once
Though tis it didst not work out!!
brandon nagley Jul 2015
This goes for all
And anyone,
Before calling one a troll
Get physical evidence first
Because paranoid thinking and backbiting
Doesn't do anyone any good
Get facts .....
Stop being paranoid
And stop trying to point the finger
Only pointing back at you...
This goes for all
Not one person..
As so many sit behind like cowards behind a computer screen
And call one out to be trolls
Outta what? Assumption? Thy own misery? No physical proof?
Lol wake up... No physical proof is like the judges in America who put people in death row outta assumption and wanting a conviction with no blood evidence. Then the quote killer gets released because he didint ****** fifty years later so sad Makes none sense to me lol lets stop the hatred of this place and start loving another.  The end

Ps- don't hate noone love all being's but when others get crucifixed by the dozen. Then people need to speak up!!!! As Bob Marley said that best.. Get up stand up.. Stand up for your rights? Get up stand up and don't give up the fight... We can't back down that is coward way.we must forgive and love and forget others pains they strike us with! But never back down..  As the world does from fear.. It's like all when the Nazis killed jewish innocents back in the old day, and the German innocent people that weren't Nazis sat by and watched this nonsense... We gotta stand up for another when we see hatred!!!! Spread peace til others get sick!!!

As mine friend Gary L on here has facts who some of the trolls are . he's done research lol unlike me.. But good to have physical facts from our own internet... Lol

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
Jake muler Sep 2015
Grades better now at school
Bills payed up
Hair cut fresh check
Clothes washed check
Forgot to get car fixed which leads me to I actually didint do any of this stuff I'm out of luck . this ***** *******
brandon nagley Jul 2015
Me and mine inamorata shalt travel to the nine known planet's of the earth's solar system.........

See me and her born on different places, she was born on the crescent moon between a thousand or more ages,as tis I was birthed in a place not yet discovered by mere creature's in the milky way galaxy's center tis I spent much time on Saturn as well, as also I sat and watched comet's maketh love whilst on top of mine Libra scale's....... Each side of mine horoscopal scale I couldst seeith the good and bad of the universe how God balanced out all....... Me and mi amour' met somewhere in the middle of all this creational love making,. So we ventured into planet Pluto, the ninth from the sun, cold rocky and yet we succumbed to the little hidden caves wherein we madeth graffiti on its slate, writing ourn names ( King, and queen of old) as tis we were relic soul's.....than we flew off to planet Neptune discovered in 1846 by mere human's though it's whirlwind's tried to subdue us, yet me and her's wings overcame that ( Roman God of water)....After we were done ice searching there we went on to Uranus, the seventh planet from the sun, it has methane to cover it's surface, just found by human's in 1781, previously thought by man to be a star, on one side its heated by the hot star for over eighty-four life years, so we couldst not stayeth on one side for to long, me and mi amour's wings would be crisp..... So next we went onto planet number six (Saturn) mine favorite planet of this solar system, as tis I wanted to give mine amare all the ring's of the planet to taketh them and put one of them on her finger, she was amazed by mine love and dedication to her, Though as we all know those rings art far to big.. Though we broke into Saturn as its helium stratus filled ourn lungs, we giggled and chuckled, laughing so high we stumbled on ourn own love....such a beautiful laugh she doth haveth... We left that laugh box of a place and moved onto The fifth planet Jupiter, mine mother's own planet by birth and astrology, it was a huge planet with many moons, as mi amour' sure loveth her moon's... She danced upon the moon's like an old muse turning 3 again, as tis I was high off the helium that hast entered me with no end. For this planets helium overtook me in a fancy sense... Laughing I couldn't stop as mine lover had to taketh me away from that large ball... Than we journeyed onto planet mars (number four from the sun..) A place mankind hath been fascinated with from long and mine sweetheart couldst smell its iron blood smell that giveth this planet its cruor deserted look.... Storms were on its dreary horizon, as tis we saweth old pyramids, similar to the Egyptian ones back on the human planet earth, we noticed such similarities between the two planet's, yet it seemed as any being's here just packed up and left everything to go to hell, yet funny part is, humans haven't left their planet, they still art there letting it go to hell by their own means, and purposely, what foolishness.... So as Mars swirling storms started dragging on in, mine amare saved me from the funnel and pulled me by her appendage away from that thing.... Moving onto planet number three from the sun ( earth) as thou all shalt know it as... See, me and mi amour' cometh here time to time by choice to showeth human being's the meaning of ( amour') other times we art forced here by God, I like to think to learn from ourn mistakes, but me and her always meet no matter how long we must wait for another. And no matter how far the distance ... Anyways, here on this lifeful planet, me and her discovered the most beautiful things of the solar system, that's what makes earth so grand.... The mountains, seas, creature's, human being's, poet's, artists, musicians, animals, trees, and her favorite part is......... Seeing the earth's moon standing next to her favorite quarry in her favorite melts mine heart just to seeith her smile... Knowing though me and her don't belong to this place, I shalt cometh back more just to see her watch her moon... That's heaven seeing her happy to me... So when leaving we moved onto Venus the second from the sun, considered the ( Roman goddess of love and beauty) its pressure is to strong so it wouldst crush us... So we just floated above it to see it was alot like earth, same structure and size... We didint stay there long.. Me moved onto Mercury, closest planet to the human sun. Mercury hath no atmosphere, so though me and mi amour' art not all human, but spiritual beings to, we couldst still land on the planet ... Though it's rocks that always belted it we hadst to watcheth for.... The planet looked in a way like earth's moon... A dangerous place to be . So we escorted eachother off... Though to scientist beings back on planet earth only nine planets art considered to be in this solar system, yet fully they art finding now there couldst be really thirteen and possibly more to be discovered.... But me and mi amour' left this solar system to travel other's... We went to ourn own made just for the two of us ..... It's title and name is ( Mi amour' X) a place  God made for just me and her .. Only me and her know wherein its at.. See , thou wouldst haveth to go through the middle of thy own Milky way galaxy to get there....

And that's not possible to humans.....
As tis we must return
To ( Mi amour' X)

©By-Brandon Cory nagley-Lonesome poet's poetry....
A Lopez Dec 2015
My body
Is carved
From sticks and stones
As they say
But words
Shall never hurt me.
I was filth,
From past words named to me.
But what he didint
I wasn't his
I was a princess.
A tone,
And hue of
What he missed.

Simply this,
He missed
Out on what goodness
He could have had
A loyal girl,
A sènora
Who was beyond his
Wildest imagination!
Beyond any other woman
Or grab!
Jake muler Dec 2015
Paying into taxes yearly to get some small type of payoff around the first of the year. And those taxes going to what? Killing people? Stuff I didint even know about! Stuff the American people don't know about.
What a scam!
A Lopez Sep 2015
The accuser
Is really the

The prey
Always falls victim
To these predators,

And after their done ******
Us victim's,
And say they didint realize what they were doing.
How could you not know,
You are the predator.
Us victim's though,
We dust our feet
And get back up.
brandon nagley Jun 2015
I feeleth for thou
Stripper trying to make a buck
I feeleth for thee homeless one
No home food nor truck
I feeleth for thou
Mother with no lover
I feeleth for thou panhandler
Being humble and ashamed
I feeleth for thou innocents
Getting caught in wrong time and place
I feeleth for thou
Kids with no mums nor dads
I feeleth for thou
Slave trade beings
Made as material of trend
I feeleth for thou
****** on mainstreet
Noone told thou of God
And how thy soul for him he could keep
I feeleth for thou
Angry and frustrated
I feeleth for thou
Lost and forgotten
Old and outdated
I feeleth for thou
Lonesome one in back of the room
I feeleth for thou
Because I'm him to
I feeleth for thou
Because mine God maketh me feeleth
I feeleth thou even on mine own
Just who I am
Didint thou knoweth?
I feeleth for thou hopeless romantic
Who seeks all the wrong places
I feeleth for thou
With mascara stains
And cuts on wrists
I feeleth for thou  wonders
That hast been called slave, ****, *****,  *****, ***, ****, sick
For only if those men kneweth thou huh?
I feeleth for thou who canst see one inside
I  feeleth for one
Who think the only way out is suicide
I feeleth for thou
I feeleth thy pains
I feeleth I know
I've been scorned all the same
But please forgiveth others
As they shalt do thou
I feeleth thou
Oh yes
How I feeleth thou...
brandon nagley Jun 2015
I remember being a fledgling of this old polish town, though "not polish mineself", I still had a respect for this place despite all the bad reputation for the polish many shalt speaketh of ( yet I loveth all people's) !!!

Back to the story lad....

There was an older, kinder, gentler, stranger soul in this town. As all of ( Rossford) "mine town" kneweth it as well..... This soul that lingered the old mainstreet strip was named ( Yanos) a man that wasn't ordinary by any means!!! An original Polish being from across his motherland. His knees weakly, his finger's frail, a brown old hat, with a coat to match.....People never got his walking up and down the corridor drag ( with candy in a bag), whilst at the same time picking up lost pennies, ( loose change) jewels to him off the ground!!! Some thought that he was some homeless man, some thought what a crazy fool, others knew it was just his strange soul that was different in all ways to them.......... He wasn't them (as I can more than relate with)!!! He'd  waltz up and down the artery ( Dixie highway) as if he was a spirit with not a care in the world, as if the world was oblivious to him... Heck, the world couldst haveth been burnt down, ( Yanos) wouldn't know.... See, Yano's always did something I shalt always remember,and something children back then couldst not forget...... He always tooketh some of that spare change he found from the ground, and even his own money ( from retirement with this old city) and go to the store ( used to be the pharm, now rite aid). And he wouldst buyeth bags of sucker's, ( OK Maby the cheap kind)!!! But the fact he'd spend all his time going and buying these sucker's, and wouldst passeth them out to any little children who wouldst walketh passed him.... All kiddies loved him, and even the one's who didint knoweth him ( Had great respect for this wandering soul that was just visiting in spirit form)..... Some of course thought ( just another ****** walking picking up pennies and giving candy to kids) ... Yet those art the same people miserable who knoweth not what love is!!!! Yet as I saweth Yano's do this for years for other's ( including giving me sucker's) I kneweth that this specimen was just visiting to giveth us a hint of love( then return back home)..... When he died, I went to his funeral..... People like me who didst not knoweth him, payed ourn deepest respects.... He cameth over here in the 1940s I found out by ship. From Poland of course !!!! And he was an ex-polish soildier... A man of high dignity, and most respected... As me and mine mother and father all stood in front of his casket, I thought how strange since noone kneweth the real him!!! Only his kind act's of love and and kindness to other beings...... But I kneweth this man was just passing through....... As god sent him here in the form of a humble peasant buying and giving away sucker's out of his golden chalice energy, God wanted him back home..... And I'm sure now, ( Yano's is the one who's getting the sucker's now, instead of him passing them out)... Or Maby He's still passing those suckers out to the infant ones in  heaven... Because he's a humbled soul.... And I shalt never forgetteth ( the candy man)

God bless thou Yano's old friend......
R.I.p Yano's ( Candyman)
Bill murray Mar 2016
What's going on
Where is all that
Kerfuffle coming from. Can't you get along?
Hey now stop playing dumb.
I'm hearing all negativity
Noones getting along
People got it in the 60s
Whether fake or not
They played their songs.
Hey what's the commotion
Getting mad at others
Haven't you learned a thing
To love one another.
Still you shed innocent blood
Not talkin' just by steel,
Words like deadly poison
To and fro get real.
Talkin down another
Hey " throw away that cutter,
Didint your mother teach you to
Hold your tongue
Don't say hey mother f.. ..
What you speak is
What you are
And what you are
Is what you speak
Am I getting to you
Do I seem unreal
Though it's many realities
I teach
Kerfuffle is a fun new word trying out Kerfuffle (noun) has been around since the early 1800s. There are two ideas as to how it came into English. It probably came from either Scottish Gaelic or from Celtic Irish, the languages that were used historically in Scotland and Ireland. It's like saying what's with all the commotion, came to like this word instantaneously
Bill murray Mar 2016
To my friend
Bill Hughes
Who just lost his kitten

Hope that lonesomeness
Gets back in its cube
With all the other itches.

To my friend
Billy Hughes
Dear rhymester of hellopoetry
And SoundCloud.

If you need a Bud
I'm here with love
I can be your cat for a day
And speak to you as a friend.
Long live your black cat.
He's eating mice by heavens dozen,
His life has just started
It didint end.
dennis drain Aug 2016
Man... I'm so sick of this ****, taking like a politician, tryin ta act like a different person.
Even when im wrightin an gettin twisted.
Stayin up 3 days without sleepin even a second.
I feel like I abandoned my mission, of relatin to the worlds neglected children.
Started spitin **** that  made me sound like a *****.
but the truth is im still white, high, wearin black hoodies and  refusin to accept what I don't like.
Didint notice I was writtin any different I was just hella trippin on the white ****,
sittin up all night on hello poetry half dead, can't remember half of what I said. Just remember i wasn't making sense,
finly went to bed and im back again...

Finley Wearin all black again, bandana ironed in my back left again, but even on my brightest days i was born to sin.
So im still north side 14 only white boy allowed in. Pipe loaded with whatever for forever  someone better burry me with a peice in my pocket to chief on when they lower down my casket and lock it. Then pour little bit of 40 on top for the homie who never stopped kilin it.
brandon nagley Jul 2015
What canst I sayeth?
We never really talked before...
Yet yesterday thou hath written a poem for me to stay
Thyself hath shown me kindness
In a world full of pain.
Though we don't know each other that well
I saweth a light in thee
So wonderfully swell
As a friend I need to thanketh thou
For the poem thou hath made me to not leave HP but stay...
Now I seeith the real people
And today shalt be brighter for me
And I canst be happy once again....


Thank you arlo
Though we don't know each other
You have shown me kindness when I was dealing with darkness
And I know you are going through your own darkened time right now .. Well I can say you ever need a friend im here miss arlo.
And thank you for believing me unlike the few that didint
You are real person and friend and all of HP is here for you to miss arlo (:

Thank you soo much
Brandon cory nagley
Ps- thank you all supporters to me again
God bless you all who have been there
For those who missed out there loss right lol
Thank you for help arlo and caring for me when others didint thank you
dennis drain Jul 2016
I have meet the love of my life, i never asked for permission i just made her mine.
It isint always easy, sometimes we fight
True love is said to be impossible to recreate and when you get it you should hold it tight
I don't always show you how much you matter to my life because if i did you'd probly never sleep at night.
I'd talk till the sun rise then put you to bed while i slipped off to work. So i didint miss a moment of your life
I promise to try hard and keep you  on my mind because there's no one else i would rather have by my side.
You have changed me more than you realize and I've made you my ride or die
I hope we make make it through the good and bad times.
but right now just remember were young, and we might have a long time to love but it isn't always gonna be fun
Ill never touch you with a hurtful hand under any circumstance, im a young man with class.and promise that ill keep you out of harms path.
Im glad life gave us this trance, this kinda love can't be found by chance, 7 billion people and the world made us to match

i love you forever my beautiful monkey.

.           sincerely, dennis/ bunny
I can't imagine any other woman being as perfect for me as she has proven to be
dennis drain Aug 2016
Day dreams of having a home that belong to me bought in cash didint get a loan and im the only one who says who can come  and go
In the front its lookin nice enough for a president to roll up
Int the back tho its a party lets ball till throw up
Gang signs excluded unless your included in mine If you wanna chill around font be actin like your learnin is behind no  scraps allowed any ****** time
A Lopez Jul 2015
I should have known better
Releasing the thread
I was concerned but yet OK for myself to feel content
Yet content I went through the traffic of life, leg's crossed
Arms were bent forward in a state of comfortable position.
Yet when crying didint lose my invention,
Of the better things to come
I slapped my hand back
And now I'll live
And have fun.
Bill murray Sep 2015
The ****** rats
Didint escape old man's trap
So now they nap
Next to my pups food bowl
And yummy monkeys
The puppy's full.
Caught the little varmint rats that have been sneaking into my house day to night so the dog helped me catch one as the other wound up in the ol' rat Catcher. Now puppies got a new snack tonight.
Natalia mushara Jul 2015
Chin up, I knew today wud comee
I ran in the store wit budda bean in da car
Budda bean ma puppy
He brown and he spotted like pokadot baby
I got me sum milk
Ma hart split and spilt like a flower falling aparte
Ma baby didint call me bak
Broke dis dull heart
Jakie poo
Pleese take dis dum girlie back
I'm always at your side
We will flow like a watering ***
brandon nagley Jul 2015
When one hateth thee friend
Doth thou repayeth them with love? Or scorn?
Doth thou taketh for granite, thy true amour'?
Doth thou forgiveth as the God thou forgot taught?
What's wrong?
Hooked on technology? Machines? Materials? Store bought!!!!
Hath thou forgotten thy family?
The ones thyself hath left out?
Hath thou treated other's unfairly?
Not giving them the benefit of the doubt?
Wherein is thy heart oh reader?
Hooked into false tales in thy own head?
Thou canst even notice the ones who art living,
Guess thyself hath forgotten thine own dead...
Hath thou been charitable today?
Or buying fast food again passing the homeless beggar?
Hath thou lost communications with true romance?
Can't even write a heartfelt love letter?
Art thou hooked on texting?
Cloaking thyself in?
Guilty from thy own actions?
Doth thou knowest thou canst be forgiven?
Art thou happy?
In thy fantasy world?
Doth thou giveth all?
Or seeketh wrong people and places of boys and girls....
Doth thou get mad?
When others to thee speak truth?
Didint thy mum or dad
Telleth thee of everything shalt be made brand new???
Doth thou knoweth oh man and woman,
That inside thou hath a spirit????
Try opening up for once
Let god and thy loved one thyself taketh for granite cometh near it ..!!!!!!
This is for all not any one person... Pure truth. Thanks
dennis drain Mar 2017
From the moment of your first breath till your chest has no oxygen left.
I will stand with you in life an death...

I wasn't raised, I was only paid attention to when I misbehaved.
My mother left me to run around the state's. Drugs money and *** kept me from havin any bond with the teen mom.
A man was there,
a grandfather who didint welcome me to stay where I was left.
The man that gave me life wasn't there for any point, or any time.
I learned through my eyes, tried to follow in the footsteps of the in my life.
Learned about drugs first thing.
Respect, fear and how to fight wernt far behind.
As I grew up I was slowly caged, school and home was my only choice, everyday.....
4 acres in a farm was my place to play.
Met a man that was in deep with the gangs.
I was shown love by the ENE'Z!!
Then prison took some more from me.
Kept em away, and gave me letters from my homies talkin bout better dayz.
I went years without friends cuz my anger liked to hit em.
My pride liked to make me look like a dangerous villain, with weapons concealin as I threatened the other children.
I found out I was pour when the teachers asked why my clothes never changed, and when the kids ran away saying I stunk.
All the years I was  growin up, my feet were always rotted in my shoes.
Felt like they burnin, looked and smelled like it  to.
Age 12 I put a red bandana in my back pocket and went to school, all the scraps new!
Started towards me takin all my stuff and throw in it on the roof.
Haha I swear tho, that principal was a sewer rat too, they were ok cuz I was flamed up at school.
On day I made my uncle proud when I announced that I was a norteno too.
14 and I was facin time in prison, cuz we ran up to a punk *****.
He beat my aunt and tried it again when it was just her and a 3 year old kid.
So I cut that scrap and a homie pops that gat.
Can't even get in the house before the pigs pointed every gun in town straight at us
2 and a half wasn't half bad, sleep eat and work out
Forced to be released to family i hardly every see.
But it turns out that the new town was a gateway to ***** and drugs.
I was feard as a gangster ****, with a record to prove that I put in work.
I got bored of bonen random women every night, a man can only stay entertained for so Long in the same way.
Met a women, she was together with a ***** I knew.
Till he got that white in his controle room.
Then I swooped in and had a day wit her
That night she stayed and I gave it to her.
She came back late the next night, then never left again.
We left together , ran from  a crazy, thievin, white women only 30 days before i was 18 year of age
2 years we been goin strong, hard times hit like a planet. There wasn't nothin soft about it.
7 months in a box on weels me, my girl, and our puppy made 16 feet into our first home.
Till we found a space, back in my birth place. It was just after that my lover made it official, i was to be a father because she was bearing a child in which I had given my strength.

We're only waiting for his birth now, 21 weeks so far.

This was a little of my life. I promise tho, yours will be a great journey that myself and your mother will be there by your side.

  P.S. I will never promise the future....
I will never have power over the past...
But I will break myself into rubble to make every moment you live, better than anything I could ever physically give.

  I will live in poverty.
I will not allow you too.

I will go hungry, and feel pain.
I will feed you , and cure the hurt.

I will lose sleep, and work for cheep.
I will read you to sleep, and teach you how to be  what you dream.

I am your father
I am young, only 19
I was given no chance
I will stand so you may sit
I will give you every bit of my knowledge
I will never allow you to go without for my own happiness.

Your mother is the women  I love.
We will fight and disagree.
But love like ours rejoins quickly.
So your mother will have me standing at her side as you grow.
Together we will give you, life and the knowledge in which to live on any path that you choose
Natalia mushara Jun 2015
I could pore out a cryful river
To bring him back
Would be a winner
But he not here now
Other's didn't appreciate him like me and others
Well miss yuo best poet
That this wurld has erve known
Well miss yuo hopeless romantic
Now yuos gone
Baby fly to your happy place
Where noone can hurt yuo
Or smack your beautiful face
You've been hurt to time many
But now yuo can't be
Bekause udders were hurtful
Though I know you forgave dem
But yuo still loved
Despite players and liar's
Maby now they'll think of you
As you gave all for their attire
But now again as I said
You fly with real wings
I can't believe I shocked
To hear you left us so early
Yeah I heard you took your life
I didint wanna hear
I thought all lies
Til the call from my bf ended wit tears
I'm missing you know
Soon the world will all know
A true poet of this world
The best I did know....

R.I.p baby boy.  .... Wish I kuould of known yuo more. But. I knew enough to know you were wonderful
dennis drain Jul 2016
see I always got told Dennis your smart but  you need to look into your heart, you got one life and you had a hard start but your lucky cuz you get it. Other kids grew up in ****** positions and never learned what it takes to make it. But 4 years old and you could smoke and hold a conversations not to glorify kids getting high but I got a share a story with the nation tonight.
Now imagine that you dealin  dope and a 4 year old is sitting watchin  as your bagin seein how you actin reactin  to your passion for broken glass in a bag you think that they won't remember cuz there just to young but then they grow up and strung out cuz you tought em what to do when they chill out. Smoke down drink till you *** out go hard never go home **** everybody I'm talking  from a lonley voice in my soul.

Growing up I remember how my mother didint seem to old. She took me round the states and and taught me how to hustle at every show. Never got **** for free and I grew up quick took every moment as a lesson cuz  there's no way ima be considered an adolesont. I was born into this world to wreck it lost the section of my brain that  told my mouth to shut it but **** it I don't need to act hard I look the part  so while you flexin for your girl talking on how you ball all hard im shakin out my pockets like ima hella broke under age white boy half your size but you still hidin in you car like a ***** im just trying to ride  standing out your window blowin clouds of **** smoke thick and white like I don't give a **** bout the police or the snitches im a boy on a man's mission switched positions with my target. afraid to fight me cuz im actin hifey tired of this ***** so we role quick ******* out the window you don't notice cuz you busy getting taught a lesson by yo *****
brandon nagley Jun 2015
I died already once
Didint do the trick
Now I must die again
But death shalt be sweet
Time is not my friend
Never has been
Never will be

Time is a weight
That we as humans
are forced to carry

The clock gose around
And NEVER slows down
whether you in love
or sad and down
The clock will always go round.

Faster and faster the clock will turn
While you head spins
and you feet start to burn.

Constantly running from place to place
Time will never care
If you are late

Running Jumping Leaping
into fate
You start to wonder
When did I gain this weight?
When did my eyes start to wrinkle and fade?  
And when did this gray hair come into play?

Time is a curse
Time is a sighn
That death is upon us
We never escape our time
We wait for the right moment to say good bye
Not even realizing, we are past our time.


Time is a jorney
To forgive and forget
To learn our mistakes
To see where others lead.

Time is a beat
That a melody plays
That makes us laugh
And dance in the rain.

Time is a miracle
That let’s us grow
Creates evolution
And things we still dont know!

Time is a curse
A sighn
A weight
You always run from place to place
And yet
Time is a gift
A blessing
A beat
Because we could never have life
If we didint have this need
To say good bye
To give a kiss
To never relax
To never have progress

Time make’s us see our right from wrong
You only have one life
Make it right before your gone!

Time is a friend
That calls you on your ****
And sometimes rewards you
For the right things you did.

Time is not my friend
Never has
Never will be

Lets just say that me and time.
Are just close frienimies.

— The End —