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Steve D'Beard Mar 2013
stand fast
raise your warrior arm
in splendour and dissent

carve the path
besieged on all sides;
the penance of deviance
awaits with open arms

embrace the battle cry
let it ring in the ears
of your foes and their kin

fulfill the oathes
uphold all that is good
in a world of devilment
that crawls beneath the skin

You are a Viking
in this life and the next
do not falter

your name depends on it;
resolution and absolution
await only the brave

the Viking exists in you
do not ignore your dreams
until your grave

your last breath
will be the final kiss
upon this world;
make it count.
Yenson Aug 2018
How can my eyes hunger for tormentors bodies
where in my soul can I find desires for sadists
Eves threw on fitted coats of Marquis de Sade
borrowed his manuals and added even more pages
pierced the heart of a Dove defending his nest with lethal pins
And in joyous indignities with devilment aplomp
they reclined and crackled in wanton doltishness
He thinks of and desires us and wants to make amor with us

How can a heart marinated in love truely sincere
a soul ready to die rather than any harm to Eves
Be mother or sister or perchance even a stranger
alas in utter ******* and grotesque situation dire
Come undone with healthy pristine heart ripped to pieces
hung drawn and quartered and sliced in tiny morsels
Like fish baits for mice and minnows or hens clucking
All at the hands of Sirens who worshipped in Satan's cravens

How can a soul with only the spark of Salvation aglow
where it once housed his heart and enduring humanity
With brimful joy and devotions in fitting measures true
as all Eves where to him nowt but sisters and earth angels
Now his burning blood runs cold like rivelets in the Arctic
their words ring hollow and smiles shows rapiers of snakes
Nothing stirs desires for all Eves now seem and look like wicked corpses
Delilahs' wrecking vengeance on Samsons in wickedness supreme

Copyright@LaurenceA23Aug2018.All rights reserved
( Oh..please give over and go ply your delusions somewhere else, says I )
On an apple-ripe September morning
Through the mist-chill fields I went
With a pitch-fork on my shoulder
Less for use than for devilment.

The threshing mill was set-up, I knew,
In Cassidy's haggard last night,
And we owed them a day at the threshing
Since last year. O it was delight

To be paying bills of laughter
And chaffy gossip in kind
With work thrown in to ballast
The fantasy-soaring mind.

As I crossed the wooden bridge I wondered
As I looked into the drain
If ever a summer morning should find me
Shovelling up eels again.

And I thought of the wasps' nest in the bank
And how I got chased one day
Leaving the drag and the scraw-knife behind,
How I covered my face with hay.

The wet leaves of the cocksfoot
Polished my boots as I
Went round by the glistening bog-holes
Lost in unthinking joy.

I'll be carrying bags to-day, I mused,
The best job at the mill
With plenty of time to talk of our loves
As we wait for the bags to fill.

Maybe Mary might call round...
And then I came to the haggard gate,
And I knew as I entered that I had come
Through fields that were part of no earthly estate.
Steve D'Beard Jul 2014
The male demon inside my head
The astral constellation
satellites off the shores of Pluto
a cold crushed diamond
hurtling in hyperspace
sparkling in rotation
silently spoken
the unspoken,
the uttered,
the muttered and the said.

Gas formations spiral
the nebula of new world creations
happening beneath the cobalt sky
the unanswered questions
am I even here
and if so,

Descends me
push and pulls me
the ground holds me
reaching for the stars
just beyond my grasp

That vacuum
******* the corners of imagination
and the lost voices of childhood
running free in the long grass
of colourful dreams.

In the blur I see you
moving slightly amid plucked strings
and vintage wallpaper
the garden of candles
flickering in the near light.

The incubus of devilment
and stolen words
to yet reveal themselves
the forgotten fragrance
of yesterday's radiance
never forgotten
just a short solar burst away
from Proxima Centauri.

I'll get there,
Steve D'Beard Jul 2014
There's this guy who constantly gives me grief online
as if I need a reminder that I am not funny or smart
that I am incapable of posting any story without his remark
as if he should impart and bestow all of social media
with his divine and seraphic academia:
what is with that?

He posts comments about how illiterate my poetry is
how it doesn't follow the rules; the do-nots and the do's
pontificates how its not properly punctuated
as if I should give up altogether and just shine shoes
and forget trying to construct sentences
just wander in the carousel of nebula's
eternally seeking the tentacle of enemas:
what is with that?

This guy enjoys winding me up like a persistent hobby
the reverent devilment of sadistic entitlement
pushing my head under water for a digital baptism
that I should thank him for his rhetoric enlightenment
as if he was blessed with a correspondence talisman:
what is with that?

This isn't even a poem.
I am letting off steam like an overused kettle
fed up of his mortar forever rammed in my pestle
the temples are raging and my brain is just draining
to explode on cue on the next digital heckle
the cracked and broken vessel
into a vengeful steam-driven projectile:
what is with that?

This, < here > , is my only escape
and creative cathartic vent
I'll post this lament
with the stench of discontent
and tag his name and then just wait
for his feverish malcontent
that I should dare to
prevent his God-like dissent:

memo to self
to a digital antagonist
and his verbose verbal cyst
and the keyboard of twists
when you push
sometimes you get
a big shove back
so don't be surprised
by my riposte
and this poetic attack.
I don't hate people, but there's this one fellow who takes great pleasure on putting me down, on everything, all the time. I found it a cathartic release to vent my frustration on here.
And then I returned to clean it up, and make it flow better.
I hope you like it.
CM Rice Dec 2013
There is no ****** in relationships these days!
He proclaimed, swinging amble waist in my direction,
Just them public displays of affection Or PDA’s:
To those afflicted with ‘abbreviationithis’ (ABT) for short,
We are in the custody of a soulless generation,
Bathed in apathy, shorthand speaking, glass-tapping,
Pampered glad-hands glad-handing, over-perfumed,
Statements of exaggerations - investigated in toilets,
On lifeless screens, no skill of conversation required.
Larry continued, unabated by the stares an’ giggles.

****** is what counts; it makes up a sizeable portion,
Of love at first sight, not online but in person,
An animal magnetism takes hold an’ before you know..
You’ve ****** yourself and your attraction in the flesh,
The art of being undressed yet still dressed is an art,
Too easy are these poorly constructed witless lines,
Weak almost polite hugs, clearly awkward air-kisses,
Perceived as the innocent dance of modern romance.
How is anyone to know anyone lusts after them?
How is someone to know if not for someone’s ******?

I feared that I had stumbled upon an early night,
I’d been collared by this mongrel of a forgettable time,
His rigorous attention to showing this ******,
Serenading my embarrassment was now a highlight,
His ramblings long ignored, possibly insightful,
Cried out hilariously for proof of his master plan,
So for the devilment – I asked for a demonstration,
To appease my boredom of debating with this fool,
Larry motioned again; his eyes lit as much as his mind,
To a woman stood waiting, her desire for the taking.

I must warn you, ****** is not for the faint-at-heart,
No use shoving hips of wanting into a total stranger,
Catch the eyes first - leave some distance and discretion,
Smile and move silently – prepare to tell a story,
As with any manoeuvre, there must be some grace,
Double-check your manners an’ prepare for a feast,
Straighten your ready stance to deliver the clincher,
Smile again brightly with no hint of danger,  
An’ in a movement pincer-like yet working alone,
On a wing with no prayers – I’ll show you, my friend.

An’ so he did, sweeping toward this unsuspecting patron,
Larry had managed to scare, scatter and surprise,
This woman and many others, the beholder unwelcome,
The moral of this story on hold, he had slipped a hip,
Into her personal space, and nonchalantly she turned away,
He continued with his thrusting, his way of affecting,
The conversation – dead now for shock and unsettling awe,
She had strangled her anger and suspended her belief,
That a man would be so crass as to ****** her in public,
Accosted by her coldness, he returned to proclaim an ending.

I never said that ****** worked on the charmless,
The per-occupied, the rude, the shy or the frail,
I trust my ****** with one hand free for everything,
My other hand grasped on this lover’s Holy Grail.

It does take all walks of life, some stumbling some not,
To lust, to wonder for love, now left forever pursued,
So a question is forever lost – to ****** or not to ******?  
Deluded Larry had diluted - still I’d been left, amused.
…. Few years back, a man known only as ***** Larry, drunk on someone else’s memories, had told me about the ‘good aul days’ and the way of showing a desire to be with someone was to ****** yourself. I had agreed although as he had spoke that night - I had assumed his flagrant misuse of alcohol and his ‘Irosh’ accent had caused him to mispronounce the word trust.  I was proved wrong after a few more light ales, as Larry prepared to ****** his sweaty, unsteady frame into my side. I had been left me in no doubt – he indeed had meant the word ****** and the action of thrusting. He concluded that it was what most relationships lacked these days…
phil roberts Dec 2017
On wheels
On the road
Off our heads
City bound
Let's go bro
Let the adrenalin flow
In search of narcotics
On Devilment Row
Where the good don't go

Here dealers compete
In a threatening way
And if you're not bold
You better not stay
Young joeys surround you
On the carpark
But you ignore them
And head inside
The deals are better in there
Though the risks are higher
Amidst the heavy hitters

Thirty or forty
To pick and choose from
What ya sellin'?
What ya deals like?
Everyone's suspicious
And everyone's armed
There are people murdered
In this part of town
And nobody blinks an eye
And you know that when
You're that close to death
You feel so very much alive

                                     By Phil Roberts
Marshal Gebbie Apr 2013
Dripping ***, she stood there, completely unaware
That every man about her had turned around to stare.
For in her nubile innocence and when her red lips smiled
She was causing utter mayhem as distracted drivers piled.
The Postmen stopped delivering, Policemen stood agape,
Conductors missed their trolleybus and Superman his cape!
…And as she sashayed down the street leaving bedlam in her wake
And all the while her red high heels were causing earth to shake,
Perambulating gracefully, impossibly demure,
She sauntered down the causeway, with a loveliness so pure.
Whilst just behind and following, a ravenous hot mob
Of nature’s gift to manhood, all slavering at the gob.
Quite suddenly with a swish of skirt she swirled about and laughed
At the frozen apparition there immobile and aghast.
Acutely frozen with embarrassment at having looked so ****** absurd
They all dispersed their different ways without a single word.
“Bye boys” she chortled, with a devilment in play
With flick of skirt and toss of hair she turned and walked away.

Laughing to myself at the silly old mating game we play.
Pukehana Paradise
14 April 2013
It's as cold as a witches *** tonight
do not ask me how I know
how cold that is.

I fly with the black cat
wearing a black hat
on a broomstick.

Hocus poke us
smokes us
hell's just a joke
to us witches
Antony Glaser Apr 2014
we need a broom
to sweep away Sundays clowns
if failing that a noose
to make headway
Mondays so inclined in devilment
her cold chill has enthralled  me
Death affirms and is the term of life;
flesh and firmness, egg and *****, the means.
Breath interred within a Word and light,
deftly perched perpetually in-between:
born to discontinuous distraction,
borne through a contemptuous nadir;
     but in a moment, all's destroyed,
     and in the beauty of the void,
the helix and its hollow core appear.

Baphomet the emblem of Its power,
sacrament the reverence revealing
devilment to Wisdom yet to flower,
absent comprehension of Its meaning.
Pan personifies the All unbounded,
flouts the misconceptions of the seeing:
     Hermes the unmaskèd death,
     Aphrodite's basking cleft,
the androgyne transcends within its being.

O - not called "the little death" in jest,
Gnosis vaunted in the ebb of Lust,
though is Not, the know'r of Life and Death:
know that All It Is is what thou Wast,
Its continuity the end thou seekest
in contemplation, ***, and wist for death:
     Thanatos, eternal sleep,
     Eros, infinitely deep,
Generation poised to manifest.
An invocation.
Marshal Gebbie Mar 2011
Stop right now and NUT IT OUT
Which way you wish to go,
Do you want the wealth and stressful strain
Or blithely flick and throw?

Do you preen yourself with smiling pride
Owning shining  chattels new,
Whilst shallow OTHERS OGLE
With those envious eyes on you?
Or do you seek the clean four winds
Untrammelled by concern,
With sleeping bag, a crescent moon
Whilst crackling bonfires burn?

Have you thought to chuck it all
The car, the house, the boat
And cause your superficial  friends
To snigger, leer and gloat?
To wake without a plan,
To greet the day with unconcern
And breathe a new, fresh man.

Is the courage there to TAKE THE CHANGE,
Can you make the first big move,
Or does convention stay your hand
To stray from comfort’s groove?
Have you thought about what others think,
Reactions from the crowd,
The clamorous cacophony
Of objection rendered loud?

“Absolutely NOT, my dear”
Pygmalion my ****.
To throw it all away, Silly,
Simply would... betray your Class!
“It’s all so rudimentary
This thing of living rough”
“Reminds me of the great apes,
And other basic stuff!”

There’s loads of reasons why YOU CAN’T,
The mortgage at the bank,
Insurance is essential
And while we’re being frank...
There’s the tennis club subscription
And the afternoons I’d miss
Sipping lattes with the ladies
..though, the gossip’s SO remiss.

Perhaps we’ll put it off for now
Another day perchance,
When devilment and joi le vivre
EFFUSE another prance.
When the dream of having freedom
With the cold wind in my hair,
Will drive me to release
The inner WILDNESS hidden there.

Victoria ParkTunnel
4 March 2011
Hal Loyd Denton Jan 2012
Strange was the night the harvest moon would serve as the pumpkin dark foreboding grips his heart as he walked what evil brewed
There were those recurring stories they were filled with mist had a groggy affect you slipped between the calm to the terrifying
Was it true did it really happen he was set to find out he always fancied himself as an investigator one who could probe the stewed
First he must find his way into the incandescing glow there he would separate fact from fiction at the very door of Haitian voodoo

He was set to meet Papa Legba he was in the form of an old man the gate keeper to the spirits and their world nonsense or truth
An old grass shack was where he had been instructed to go he entered saw a few ceremonial items setting on a crude altar
One thing for sure this god was not rich but devilment requires not earthen wealth but the souls of it followers behold the sooth
This babbler this one who transfixes minds on moon lit nights weaves the web no one will ever escape from and why would they

Come to this foreign chasm an opening that invites ever yawning behold its misteh mysteries dare not be afraid you will be wise
Here the weak are made strong the dead assist the living feel the cold clammy hand that desires to engulf you just surrender
The candles they will bring bondje or bon diea French for good god see him coming from the water under the sea oh great one rise
Tell us your humble servant what to do to own the night never to be frightened again by any circumstance you are foresworn as victor

Get on with it face your enemies send forth the vestiges of confusion the essence of delusion they will unknowingly do your bidding
It comes like a tidal wave the power oh what sway it holds you in its dark embrace moods enliven oh how it pervades stunning
There are no bounds no end this was what you were created for rifle the world all contents of moral chains forgotten are you kidding
One small thing our agreement has a catch put forth your hand the ceremonial knife must sacrifice tonight I’m the only one here nooo

Voodoo has mystery one to die for look well into your own soul on this evil Halloween night
Steve Madden Aug 2013
I hunger,
For my youth.
For those lazy,
Hazy, crazy,
*****-filled days.
When my eyes
Feasted with devilment,
Instead of mockery,
Upon the young
School of nymphs
That swam up
And down the corridors
Like silver darlings
Of the sea

The wonderment
Of the flesh.
Memories of
Soft bouncy buttocks,
Budding *******,
Licentious legs,
That tormented,
Teased, pleased
That frenzied, wild
Stirrings of my *****.
How i loved life then,
With it's silent promise
Of great things to come.
Ryan O'Leary Mar 2019
It was more often than
not on Friday nights
when the countryside
was drained of bachelor
farmers attracted to the
chair o' planes bright lights
and bumpers at the carnival.

The latter occasionally had
a few extra fast ones which
were worth waiting for.

Side by side they sat eyeing
up their target with head on
collisions that caused the
launching of spectacles,
watches, ear rings, but also,
false teeth scattered on metal
floors which became the
new focus of devilment.

Drivers aiming to crush them
before the sessions end, but
what strikes me as odd, now
in hindsight, nobody told us it
was supposed to be the Dodgem's.
Marshal Gebbie Sep 2010
Twer it not for pain endured
Would pleasure not exist?
Twer it not for devilment
Would Godliness persist?

Without the surge of lust in life
Would children not be born?
Without the sound of laughter
Would there not be days forlorne?

How is it that the setting sun
Can bring forth tears of joy?
How is it that a wayward glance
Can join a girl and boy?

What is it in our makeup
That breeds the curse of war?
What weakness in our character
That cirumvents the law?

How is it that from ugliness
A beauty will emerge?
How is it on the tidal flow
That waves do ebb and surge?

What makes this child of human kind
A paradox reversed?
What lays the future out before
As history rehearsed?

How interesting this quandry
That circumscribes a man,
How nebulous the blueprint,
How juxtaposed the plan.

Victoria Park Tunnel
25 September 2010
The calling
how can I ever forget
when after all this time
I was activated again

Oh joy to fight this eternal war
good and evil as me as their toy
so I am activated to the great abyss
so run run you human ****
I make the Angel of death
look so so like a gay boy

Oh the glory of the first the fight and might
you will bow to ones I cast down to you
for my name is Eve's of morning
yet I play devilment for I am Neon
my wing I pledge to her
her last knight of heaven sent

For I am the Calling

By Christos Andreas Kourtis aka NeonSolaris
phil roberts Jan 2017
On wheels
On the road
Off our heads
City bound
Let's go bro
Let the adrenalin flow
In search of narcotics
On Devilment Row
Where the good don't go

Here dealers compete
In a threatening way
And if you're not bold
You better not stay
Young joeys surround you
On the carpark
But you ignore them
And head inside
The deals are better in there
Amidst the heavy dealers

Thirty or forty
To pick and choose from
What ya sellin'?
What ya deals like?
Everyone's suspicious
And everyone's armed
There are people murdered
In this part of town
And nobody blinks an eye
And you know that when
You're that close to death
You feel so very much alive

                                     By Phil Roberts
South Manchester in the late 80s. A time of anarchy in the streets.
JaxSpade Sep 2018
Falling off the edge of the earth
              Caught by the universe
Swallowed by the mackerel sky
                     The universe cried
                      For an astronaut

  Au revoir!
Ager chills
I tugged the pulley bone

A wish
           A dive
           In a new alive
Far away from home

Floating in the devilment

                  And high

Avoiding the frog-stranglers
                         And sediment

   I sighed a why
Should I ever try

A return to the life of
You were so beautiful my own country
Your fields and fells the honest sun received
And under open skies the air was free
As all were equal and all bonds redeemed.

My place of birth you have grown sour and old
Uplifting hate to heart with evil lies
And now I find a touch that’s coarse and cold
With devilment in hard deceiving eyes.

No longer does the land I loved seem green:
Three scores and ten to ashen grey have turned
The sparkling summer’s days that once were seen
When truth glowed bright as lamps of justice burned.

For fear of which, I cannot leave unsaid
My dread thy beauty’s summer is forever dead.
bones May 2014
Roll up.
Minds for sale.
Getcha minds for sale.
Step this way
ladies and gentlemen please.
Closed minds
form an orderly queue
for uniforms and direction
to the right.
Step lively now
Chop chop.
Im sorry Sir
all questions are strictly forbidden.
Open minds
mingle freely
if you please,
we will find one another
sooner or later.
Yes Miss
thats right
a penny is all you need
once its dropped
you'll be fine.
For all the Undecided's
there is a fence somewhere
to sit on
or hide behind
while you wait.
I apologise for offering a choice,
there is a little devilment
inside us all.
Please excuse me mine.
Minds for sale
Getcha minds for sale.
Roll up.
Roll up.
We cater for all.
Peter Kiggin Apr 2016

Sometimes the crow sits beside me on his wooden fence
He acknowledges I am here then listens to the world for his own amusement
His eyes are black but alive in a sense that everything he sees is poignant
His body also black but also very pristine like a suit made by the government
The lies he sees are preposterous and he harks at people's discontent
The world is very complex he knows but there is a final judgement
The crow tells all to the Grim Reaper and all people's devilment
The crow eats vermin for the flesh and the blood keeps him vigilant
It must be hard for an intelligent bird to sit so long and see confinement
The bird has wings but they only use them to flee animal's punishment
Sometimes the crow sits beside me on his wooden fence.
Trinkets and what-nots work full moon sorcery on lonely nights , recalling the past both good and bad , staring from shelves without -
blinking , knowing full well what their prey are thinking
Waiting for tonights victim to hit the hay
Inducing nightmares , devilment , sanity held at bay , logic for ransom , Colonel Nutcracker so debonair and handsome , waiting for the final candle to be snuffed , to gather with your comrades on the 'Dutchmasters Cigar box ...  Night of tomfoolery and mischievous happenstance , of devious aim , and unscrupulous circumstance* ...
Copyright September 21 , 2016 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
phil roberts Mar 2017
On wheels
On the road
Off our heads
City bound
Let's go bro
Let the adrenalin flow
In search of narcotics
On Devilment Row
Where the good don't go

Here dealers compete
In a threatening way
And if you're not bold
You better not stay
Young joeys surround you
On the carpark
But you ignore them
And head inside
The deals are better in there
Though the risks are higher
Amidst the heavy hitters

Thirty or forty
To pick and choose from
What ya sellin'?
What ya deals like?
Everyone's suspicious
And everyone's armed
There are people murdered
In this part of town
And nobody blinks an eye
And you know that when
You're that close to death
You feel so very much alive

                                     By Phil Roberts
Joeys.....young runners, generally kids
Grey Jan 2022
Some say I’m an angel,
Some say I’m the devil.
Yet through your eyes I am both & more.
Some fear me because of the devilish black eyes I bear,
Some love me because heart on my sleeve I wear.
Yet through your eyes I am more.
Everyday I grow deeper in love with you,
The world is ours.
My devilment & your kindness.
Many took us for granted yet here are,
Still standing.
Now together.
Peter Kiggin Jan 2017
Sometimes the crow sits beside me on his wooden fence
He acknowledges I am here then listens to the world for his own amusement
His eyes are black but alive in a sense that everything he sees is poignant
His body also black but also very pristine like a suit made by the government
The lies he sees are preposterous and he harks at people's discontent
The world is very complex he knows but there is a final judgement
The crow tells all to the Grim Reaper and all people's devilment
The crow eats vermin for the flesh and the blood keeps him vigilant
It must be hard for an intelligent bird to sit so long and see confinement
The bird has wings but they only use them to flee animal's punishment
Sometimes the crow sits beside me on his wooden fence.
Some of those verses, those biblical curses, those plagues upon a nation and the kicker is, salvation, an emolument for the righteous,

they make devilment

But that old chestnut,
'wish you were here'
was some time last year
and nobody wished it at all.
...dust. Ethereal disgust;
the, revolver, Earthly,
expires, coo d'etats. Droning,
are; discharges, of, mistrust.

Early, empires, of, devilment. Driven-on;
gritty, caustic, roads,
of, gristled, carbon, and, skin.
Exuviated, by, serpentine; clouds, gusts.

Makes, death; evolve.
Caught, in, each, tyre-tread,
is, every, copied, dynasty;
crushed, done, then... Chaos.
Eventually, everything,

From, erstwhile, meagre,
nihilism, upended. Cometh,
mere, scintillating, diamonds. Of,
their; cognition, desires, meat. Dust...

© poormansdreams
Life, death, and, dust.
It seems that Stratford
is a magnet for evangelists
and I've met
lots of those.

Can't go shopping
without someone stopping
me and saying,
I'll go to hell.

Heads up,
I already know
had the devilment
and watched it grow
what's new?
Yenson Aug 2021
Can't you do better than this
go search low and lowest
find the strongest poison go find Novichok
double concentrate and then add more
for what you have
is an ocean larger than the Atlantic
drop as much poison as you like
then add some more
for all your pollution is but a drip
that's diluted and rendered useless
never to take hold
or have any potency
to reach the depths or saturate the vastness
of the true purity of origins
but remember
in radioactive ways you carry poison
and have thus contaminated yourselves
and sooner or later in future nostalgias
you will reap the cancer
of your cancerous devilment
there are No Doubts about that
even a blind man knows day from night
gift-wrapped malicious intents are probably only unknown to the malicious giver all else can see it.

— The End —