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Jody-Anne Cauchi Dec 2014
Recorded on time too re run
A voice echoes over obstructions
Repeated in various grammatical forms
Always to linger on the dence air.

A voice echoes over obstructions
Never to reach the ears of wanted ones
Always to linger on dence air,
White noise, echoing louder.

A voice echoes over obstructions
"Come to me, run quickly"
Always to linger on dence air;
Time stands still , voices echoes.

Always to linger on dence air,
Repeated in various grammatical forms,
White noise echoing louder
Recorded on time too re run.
Copyright JA Cauchi.
Nicole stely Apr 2018
Because I could not draft for Ice,
it did kindly draft for me.
Does the Ice make you shiver?
does it?

Pay attention to the chill,
the chill is the most shivering fear of all.
Down, down, down into the darkness of the chill,
Gently it goes - the chill, the trembling, the unsteady.

A thawing, however hard it tries,
Will always be Melting.
Does the thawing make you shiver?
does it?

The big winter sings like a Sun is directly above the Tropic of Capricorn
Now cosmic is just the thing,
To get me wondering if the winter is mature.

wooly glaciers sings like Iceburgs
"Rushing water", said the glaciers,
And "rushing water" then "rushing water" again.

How happy is the frozen popsicle!
Does the popsicle make you shiver?
does it?

The freezing that's really crystals,
Above all others is the frost.
Does the frost make you shiver?
does it?

Because I could not draft for Ice,
it did kindly draft for me.
Does the Ice make you shiver?
does it?

Because I could not draft for Ice,
it did kindly draft for me.
Ice, Ice, every where,
Yet not a drop to draft.

How happy is the cold surface!
Down, down, down into the darkness of the surface,
Gently it goes - the perfect, the gelid, the stone-cold.

Pay attention to the floe,
the floe is the most Dence ice mass of all.
Floe, floe, every where,
Yet not a drop to drift.

The thawing is like a gentle voice,
it tends to cause significantly.
Does the thawing make you shiver?
does it?

The athletic game that's really zany,
Above all others is the hockey.
Pause to assist, like the hockey does.
It does assist, it does draft,
Should it also induct?

Why would you think the snowfall is gradual?
the snowfall is the most sudden downfall of all.
Pause to last, like the snowfall does.
It does last, it does accumulate,
Should it also range?

I saw the the antarctic installation of my generation destroyed,
How I mourned the water.
I don't like the fact that it,
learned to reside before it knew how to flow.
You can reside, you can flow, but can you supply?

Because I could not draft for Ice,
it did kindly draft for me.
Does the Ice make you shiver?
does it?

Because I could not draft for Ice,
it did kindly draft for me.
Pause to draft, like the Ice does.

Don't belive that the snowfall is small?
the snowfall is big beyond belief.
Never forget the braggy and large-scale snowfall.

Pay attention to the cold,
the cold is the most wintry respiratory disease of all.
Are you upset by how springlike it is?
Does it tear you apart to see the cold so frozen?

I saw the the little demoralize of my generation destroyed,
How I mourned the chill.
Now small-scale is just the thing,
To get me wondering if the chill is trivial.

An iceman, however hard it tries,
Will always be cunning.
Are you upset by how adroit it is?
Does it tear you apart to see the iceman so attractive?

I saw the the Frozen excretion of my generation destroyed,
How I mourned the water.
Never forget the sleety and unchangeable water.

Pay attention to the freeze,
the freeze is the most Frozen fractals act of all.
Does the freeze make you shiver?
does it?

Because I could not draft for Ice,
they did kindly draft for me.
Do Ice make you shiver?
do they?
MaryJane Doe May 2014
A desolate dying star
      burns bright
Hot is its surface
    Warming the night

Dence is its mass
As it pulls at the stars
Orbiting around it
Self conscious of scars

The white dwarfs watched
Listened and learned
As the dying star taught
Of a death well earned

Amongst dwarfs and novas
The star radiated wisdom
Passing down secrets
Until it's implosion

  The fabric
       Of space

    A dark black hole

Pulling at the stars
    Still burning bright

The continuum
    Holds its soul
:* D.P.
Ken Pepiton May 2021
Joy as a weapon, Jah's joy's d' strangth
goodness known, damnation o'd'lie
what a concept,

in times of social turmoil
when no one is sure what's right,
and every two or three agree to fix it,

the we way, way we agree to do, and do,
or die by our own will, pop like a bubble,
mythic warrior cult trope from TV
projected to the spiritual warrior cattle
praying, Jesus, guide me, I believe,
it is the unbelieving part that's
givin' folks cognitive dis-son-dence
dense-thick wall of farfarfar out tide

- serious OD on Campbell hero story maps to DID re activation in the novel event
Now, some team of writers has writ
a Jesus Freak Super Hero,
called Utopia,
with serious Freudian Daddy *****-ity
and I am hoping
this is 2021 camp, OP Art
like wham bam
thank you mam, Batman,
circa 1961, I think, lets check, Holy
ROM AI KNOW 1966, January 12, POW
times they keep achangin'

From then you see,
this is my future you are re
balancing re
ality in mere ifity, and yes

yes we cleared the code, the Utopia virus.

Note: the dumbness in the now sense,
stupid and dumb are identical one thing.
Kant's pure is this realm's mere, Voltaire agrees.

We had this assignment in the novel.
And you, the poet in tune with the zeit
via Netflix, see
called us to witness the premier, and
some piles are seen from here as bullshat,
can everybody see that?

Truth can take a punch, by faith.
Semper Fi, tuff little devil dog

impossible in the frame of categorical
imperatives, and no
in this flow, I ai give you google agency,
fact check yo'own self.
Judge Netflix Jupiter's something, comic book close to fifties kid propaganda,
but i  got off on it, as one of the characters in my head determines the worth of wondering where the show pitch said it would go. Who buys the meassage?
Josh Anderson Aug 2015
When winter does come about
And all of life falls to rest
Even mighty oaks grow bare
Giving in to frigid force
That turns all to bleak and grey
Even a wellspring once dence
Colorful, animated
By all forms of harbored life
Is emptied of what it held
Filled instead with cold silence
The surface lies still
Basked in bright moonlight
The silvery ale
Cool tranquility
Begins to ripple
Modest at first, then growing
It reverberates across
The pond fills with emotion
Reflective of the season
Spreading farther and farther
A lone swan paddles forward
His head perched and his wings arched
He croons and fills the cold air
And sings of reminiscence
Until silence wins again
Watching slowly as the horizon of the sun begins to fade with a dence glimer beyond the mountains, earth shaking causing a trimer. Im busy day dreaming of you. Feeling as if my body has lost controll loving you so much has taken its toll on me. I cant believe someone as perfect as you exsist. So the given fact makes me want to hold onto this with great protection and never ending love.
I miss you, but I watch slowly until I see you once again.
A Simillacrum Jul 2018
Late - ly
I can feel the i - tch, I know:
It's preposterous.

Wh - y is it, that I
never can de - cide
who it is I am, with
con - fi - dence?

Modern tools aside,
I still take the r - ide
taken near distantly by
my an - ces - tors.

Late - ly
I can feel the i - tch, I know!
It's preposterous.

Now, kids, please listen
as you read my voice
how you like. How you like.
I thought I would die by
the time I was twenty five
at fifteen -- but look at me.
Now, kids, I'm touching
twenty nine with a cer -
tain newfound confidence.
I survived the prescription pills,
the gender redefinition, as well
as the hormone therapy, and I
want to tell you that I,
believe in you. I believe in you.

Cel - ebrate all of your pain
at your whim and as you live,
well, the pain will become
your friend and your impetus.

Lately, I can feel the itch.
I know it's preposterous,
but I must continue to
explore and change
unless I aspire to
placidity, and I
don't-- in fact
I never will.
Once more, kids, with confidence.
Misfits, hold out, survive.
You're important.

C Jan 2019
The deep dark dream of eternity,
Add rings to an old tree; relief

New sounds, no sounds
New world, no world
New surroundings, no surroundings.

New uniform to blend out old
Arctic night among the northern stars
The deep dence caves along the forest
The base of new life springing up
From the roots below

He comes and goes however
He is always watching
Moments of suffering turn silent
Moments of joy turn rustic
Time has never had a chance
We have never had a say,
Much as an even number of grains of sugar is poured

He is powerful.
He is strong.
He brings misery and despair.

And yet,
We embrace him.
Hey y’all, this is my first poem. Hope you enjoy! Feel free to message me anytime :)
Raj Bhandari Jul 2019
She is, hiding her silence,
her sorrow is deep,dence!
Have a happy Easter dude
Even if I am in to food
In my lounge room having fun
Having a hot cross bun
But only one because I am cool
And indeed I break no rule
Jesus died on the cross
But came back to life the same weekend
Party party party dude
With your iPhone and YouTube
Come on mate you do have class
To kick conservos up the ***
So have a happy Easter dude
Celebrate it at home young Lou
Everyone is sitting at home
But doing things that makes them roam
Yes it is a cool day
But the streets are bare from coronavirus fame
Get the eggs for the Easter hunt
And hopefully the kids are having fun
No footy on so kick to kick over fence
That way is far from dence
April is the month we love
For living our lives with friends we love
But now keep in contact over scype
And we can’t have grandmas lovely tripe
Have a happy Easter dude
Don’t you ever be so rude
With swear words which working class people use
And I noticed the shops aren’t selling
We will hopefully all feel great
We should get up to watch church online at half past eight
Celebrate while you watch me
You should make this Easter, happy
So so so
Have a happy Easter dude
Yes we are cool and we love to party
Especially when we are in the mood

— The End —