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Diana C Jun 2015
Freedom is all I have sometimes.
The freedom to walk
or run or to just stay.
The freedom to talk,
to cry or to laugh.
The freedom to love you
or to hate you
or to feel both at the same time.
The freedom to travel around the universe
and never return back to Earth.
I shouldn't have said that,
Now I feel scared...
The freedom to be scared.
The freedom to trust,
the freedom to care
and the freedom to fail.
The freedom to learn
or to fail again.
Diana C Dec 2014
My mother used to hate me. Shortly after she found out she was pregnant with me she started to hate me. She tried to get an abortion, but I wouldn't die. She tried to vacuum me out but I just wouldn't let go... She was late 5 days on her due day , 'cause i just wouldn't leave. She hated me all the way out of her ******, through the ****** and finally out. She hated breastfeeding me, she hated putting me to sleep and changing my diapers. She hated the day i said my first word, "mama", she cursed the day i started to walk. She hated going to my kindergarten recitals, she hated all the contests I won in grade school. As I finished the 8th grade, I left and I moved to a big city with my sister, for grater education and a better life. She didn't say a word before I left, nor the following weeks. Papa was crushed, she lived happily... Until one day, three months later. I was on my way to school, when, in front of the building I saw papa and her. She looked awful. As she saw me she started crying and ran to me. She hugged me and kissed me for minutes, as she kept saying "I love you so much...I'm so sorry...I missed you so much...". Papa said she didn't eat, she couldn't sleep for weeks and she was devastated. I went upstairs with them, I laid her on my bed and she fell asleep in my arms, shivering and whispering, with big tears running down her pale chin...She never woke up... I love you, mama...
                                                        ­                                             DCimpean
                                                        ­                                                       2014
I have some mentions to make first. This is not a poem, so if anyone finds it inappropriate for this site, please notice me and I'll take it down. Also, if there are any mistakes in the spelling of some words, please tell me, because my mother tongue is not english. Thank you and enjoy!
Diana C Jun 2015
Take me...
Take me now and
Push me against the wall
And kiss me like you mean it
And don't let me go.
Hold on to me
Just for a little bit
And take a moment
To look into my eyes
And if you won't see anything
Look away
And I'll dissapear into the darkness
But if you'll see a spark in them
I'll get naked of all my sins and shame
And you'll be the first to see me the way I really am.
I will then take your hand and run it
All over my body
And you'll like it
Because I'll like it
And I'll smile
And you'll laugh.
Then we'll kiss.
You'll kiss my eyes
And my lips.
You'll kiss my neck
And I'll bite yours.
     ­                                                 2015
Diana C Jun 2015
I love the smell of rain.
It's the smell of life,
of renaissance,
of nature in all its glory.
Sometimes i just stand outside,
in the plain rain,
and let it wash my body
and my mind,
let it cleanse my soul
and wash away my shame and sins.
And I just stand there, thinking.
Thinking about the universe,
thinking about the beautiful nature that surrounds us,
sometimes even thinking about you.
Sometimes I laugh.
Sometimes I cry.
Sometimes I can't feel anything but the rain.
                                                           ­                                  DCimpean
                                                        ­                                               2014
This is an older work of mine, and it was originally wrote as a monologue and I just recently decided to make it public as a poem. It was written in a very special period of time in my teenage life, after experiencing love for the first time. It was just a beautiful rain outside and I considered it deserved a little more admiration, so I put my feelings into words. Hope this speakes to someone else there too. It's about fascination just as much as numbness, gratitude and self awareness and acceptance.
Diana C Jun 2015
All together we will fall,
Doesn't matter- our size,
Strong we are when we're alone.
Only by ourselves we'll rise.*
Diana C Jun 2015
I looked for you...
I looked for you
In every flower
Or star
In every night club
Or bar.

I looked for you...
I looked for you
In every stranger
I'd kiss
In every old friend
I'd miss.

I looked for you...
I looked for you
In every hour
I waste
In every problem
I faced.

I looked for you...
I looked for you
In every bottle
Of beer
In every growing

I looked for you...
I looked for you
In every cigarette
I smoked
In every moment
I joked.

I looked for you...
I looked for you
But what
I have found
Is much better
Than how it might sound.

I looked for you...
I looked for you,
You never appeared
And once I stopped looking
My mind got cleared.

I looked for you...*
I had to stop looking
To realise that
Myself was the one
I was desperate to find.

— The End —