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A rest stop outside of Richmond VA.

The sun is bright and annoying as **** as usal the woman pull's up  in a brand new Mustang
cherry red gleams in the parking lot.
She's living the life but hey sometimes when ya stop to take a restroom break ***** happens.

Halfway back to Carolina me and my loyal hetro companion Bone.
Are doing what two full blooded American men would do riding like bats outta hell
going through this womans cd collection Alanis Morrisett dear lord man do they hand these ******* out as soon as they get there periods?

But isnt it ironic dont ya think?
Flying down the interstate music blasting beers gathering on the floor like brainless ***** at a
Justin Bieber concert.
I gaze into the rearview only to come to realize like weirdos in a schoolyard we are not alone.

Looking at from the backseat appeared to be some sort of old ****** in a diper hey ***** but whatever
floats your boat jesus these flashbacks are getting to be hell.

My amigo slash  fellow tripper of the light fantastic was in  a trance already
into track seven you oughta know the brainwashing was a ******* dam lesbian **** front!
Even I was fighting the urge to go to the lilth fair and stop shaving but the fellas
were so against the natural look oh snap.

Bone dear lord snap outta it were not in a movie thearter!
Sorry Gonz what the ***** up ?
Well my mexican amigo I belive theres a little perve dwarf in the backseat that or that acid
crazy Larry sold me really is kicking my ****.

Looking at me like most do with that strange since of hey should i just get out here
or go with the trip he looked for a second.
Silent in a awkward sense like when my prom date caught me masterbaiting in her closet the night befor
hey it looked better on me anyways  yeah dont ask.

Bone finally spoke you crazy ***** it's a ******* kid **** we stole a ******* kid were so ******.
Jesus we had both been so safe how was i gonna explain this i thought deeply then finally
took a detor from my usal insanity to do something i seldom do.

Well Bone looks like were gonna have to get a abortion.
It's already born *******.
My deep thinking and total drunk amigo made a good point it would get kinda messy.

Well maybe we can check it's collar or drop it in the post office box or even a dumpster
hey dont knock it thats where momma gonzo misplaced me strippers there so care free
and total ***** im just saying but enough  bout Katy Perry

Dude are you totally ****** nuts?
It was at that moment the little bald man began to cry.
Bone calm down cant you see your upsetting it Jesus wheres my manners give him this.

Gonz dude it's my last one.
Bone had a point but this little hairless doorstop needed to take the edge off so
the beer was his.

Miles passed as we thought what to do but with this little jumping bean
it wasnt gonna be easy getting into the ******* or getting him a fake ID.
course we could always say he was that dwarf from Austin Powers
But hey even I had some morals the poor little ******* had it bad enough let alone to be connected
to Mike Myers im just saying.

The ride to grandma Gonzos chop shop proved to long for my two drunken companions hey it was past Bones bed time after all he starts drinking at 6 am  .
I gazed down apon the little amigo as he slept so peaceful must have just had a ******* ahh memories.

Then Bone finally came to Gonz what the **** dude I told you stop cuddling with me people are gonna talk!
Like they havent already just go with it and yes I am happy to see you.
After a brief fight and some make up hugs and cookies mmm cookies and ****** harassment it goes togather like poetry and misery winning.

Gonz where the hell is the kid?
My friend seemed concerned I wonder did these two have something going on
yeah maybe that was it hmmm never trust a drunk or a bald headed dwarf in a diper
but grandpa wasnt all that bad.

Gonz wheres the baby !
The sound of the car being crushed made it hard to hear yet still I could here jagged little pill
playing ranting bout what true ****** men were amen to that sister.
Jesus that Canadian ***** died hard!

  Gonz !
Finally I snapped outta my trance oh yeah that dwarf dont worry he's in the trunk.
The trunk! The ******* trunk!
Hey dont worry I left him some beer and penuts jesus man calm down must been his time of the month.

Bone was frantic like when he herd there wasa beer truck overturned on the interstate.
Tears rolled down his eye's once like any good friend i did what all true men do when a bro is crying.
Video taped it and put it on you tube to laugh my *** off later.

Gonz how could you ?
Bone he's in a better place now whats wrong?
You killed him how could you destroy such a innocent thing.

Dear lord I know my pinto is old but it's far from a deatn trap well okay it kinda is but relax
see i popped the trunk grapped the little hamster by the leg held him up high
he's fine a little stinky hey if he cant hold his  ***** thats his issue.
Btw where do we get feed for this thing cause im almost outta dog biscuts?

After Bone finally stopped being such a drama queen Jesus that album had some strange powers.
We were off with are little stinky drunken friend brothers bent on sharing experience
and drugs and maybe some strippers hey kids are chick magnets im just saying
I should have stole one ages ego.

We laughed we cried we found out dipers can really get filled up .
He sometimes it's best not to hold everything in.

And as are money flew from us like braincells from a ******* shoot.
I called the smartest most rational person i knew Richard Shepard.
Who after cussing me for waking him up at 3 in the morning finally explained
it all to me Jesus who ever knew thats where babies came from.

So there we parted togatehr the three amigo's
Man what a party hey Bone?
Dam right hey Gonz i got the stamps on his forehead help me get him in the
post office box.

And after a brief moment like my mind are little amigo was gone
Outta are lives.
We stood there silent.
Hey Gonz wanna go back to the *******.
Amigo all i gotta say is **** yeah !

And like that we were off to more adventures that rambled on for hors till ya want to strangle me or take me home and keep me like a demented perverted puppy that although seemed cute
if petted would just **** your leg.

A week later

the woman sat there with little wahtever the hell his name was in his high chair.
Harvey get the camera I think he's gonna say his first word.
The two parent's so excited  come on whatever the hell your name is say it it.

The little rascal grinned from ear to looking at the object of most means thoughts
I belive the proper term is *******.
Building up the strength from somewhere deep inside.
His parent's so excited and happy he was gonna talk also  hahaha im not right.

Finally little whats his name spoke
****!  ****! ****!
His parents stunned I told you frank not to cuss around him.
I didnt and my names not Frank *****!

***** you I told you your family's ****** up side would ***** everything up.
Yeah couldnt be the total ***** side rubbed off either huh?
It was like a scene from the Waltons.
Little whats his name speaking his first word  two parents
cussing each other out it's so holesome reminds me of home.

Untill next time watch your kids cause theres some bad influences out there
unlike my wholesome ****.
Stay crazy Gonzo
My head is reeling
What a feeling
Bass line pounding through my brain
Skull is cracking
Quite nerve racking
I need something to help dull the pain

Images horrific
Pressure is terrific
Listening to what the station plays
Eyes are burning
The world is turning
It's like it is the end of days

I need to spend some time relaxing
Getting my music back into my head
Listening to ABBA oldies
followed by David Gates and Bread
An afterword or two by Chapin
With The  Carpenters along as well
Will help me clear my mind of what's there
And take away the images of hell

KHEL, hour of power
The station of the hour
Killing my braincells by the day
Hard Rock bottom feeders
Rotten Singers, silly bleeders
I don't know why I stay

Thrash and Metal
Brain won't settle
My head is almost set to burst
Glass and Glitter
Makes me twitter
I no longer think disco was the worst

I need to spend some time relaxing
Getting my music back into my head
Listening to ABBA oldies
followed by David Gates and Bread
An afterword or two by Chapin
With The  Carpenters along as well
Will help me clear my mind of what's there
And take away the images of hell

Hey There DJ
That's what the kids say
I do it just to help to pay the bills
Super sonic
I need a tonic
To help me swallow down the pain pills

Every morning
Without warning
The pain begins in my head
Metal grating
Music hating
I guess I'll feel alright when I'm dead

I need to spend some time relaxing
Getting my music back into my head
Listening to ABBA oldies
followed by David Gates and Bread
An afterword or two by Chapin
With The  Carpenters along as well
Will help me clear my mind of what's there
And take away the images of hell
Random thoughts of a morning dj at a heavy metal, thrash, radio a dj who likes Neil Sedaka, The Carpenters, Bread, ABBA and other groups of that ilk.
Mateuš Conrad Mar 2020
i still managed to catch a whiff of britpop...
i was going to st. augustine's
and all the boys were all about the oasis
look... so ben sherman shirts...
          never tucked into the trousers...

but this was in the 1990s...
             of course the celebrations were short-lived...
sooner or later a prog variation of brit-pop
had to come about with radiohead...

i kind of skimmed over the early stuff...
there, there - from hail to the thief is my stand-out

having just watched a movie about
the iceman... a one ryszard kuklinski -
well... if the icecream truck:
mongrel dutch-irish and this one ******
would never make into the guinea club...
or the elder fathers of zion...
guinea? seems i was misinformed...
rome's best wops... or donatello goombah...

i'm having trouble with all these
anglo-saxons slurs...
     back in dandy ol' england...
             it's not a great period piece:
happening right now...
to be in the protected class of citizentry:
no mosque... oh hell:
protected status with a falafel?
exactly... where's the falafel?

             but from the movie... wow...
it is: but it isn't... a racial slar...
the one word from skiing these oomp'ah-
loomp'ahs *** 'ight...
and in mewwy ol' england i come across
the natives... almost for a second time...
not the same sort of natives
i met prior to my 1997 / 1998 interlude...

perhaps 7/7 happened?
                      i really don't know...
                  but no great cultural export...
no oasis was sang on the continent
after oasis songs were sung...
it's not like kasabian made it into that
transcendental meaning on offer...
      hey! variations: pollack!
   paul-lack! st. paul's lacking? what?
a head... in athens... ah ha... dry martini of
a joke...
    but who am i?
        profession? pole / paul...
       ******* in my spare time, jackson jr.,
because... it's hardly a slur...
it would be a slur if i were called
a *** or a goombah...
the anglo-saxons wouldn't exactly
the rooted natives...
but they would...
it's as if expected:
from speaking latin and the eagle-fetish
to brewing cappuccinos...

a dutch-irish... well a dumb pollack joke...
yes... and now that the virus is caughing
via the retards in the supermarket isles
or licking ice-cream / toilet rims...
i guess an honest workforce is...
something to be less ashamed of...
compared to this ****** nation of:
the readily to be exile puke of reason...
"of their own"...

               i seem to have elevated my...
concern for words...
     i have just started to read my Charles Dickens...
and relying on Monday
to eat a more delightful roast dinner:
i says... it taste better... because it's not
a Sunday... it's a Monday...
plus... the roast is not exactly a roast...
it has some elements of bleau at the center...
because... you can't expect three
people to eat that much meat in a single sitting:
given the recipe for those yorkies from
ol' grandma of a james martin...

100g of flours, 4 eggs... circa 200ml of milk...
salt, pepper...
the dough is left in the fridge for an hour
at least... the yorkie trays are put into the oven
at 220C with the oil...
while the tatties are browning and the beef
is readying itself for the abstract
of my mouth... and the cubism of my ***...
pristine squeeze...

        if only in h'america...
            what wouldn't a norman davies call
the polacks if not industrial albino (s)*******?
then who were or would be... eire-
just -ish?
                         but the new continent:
i'm toppling down into the torso of a well-off
snowman built from an avalanche...

if there were britons here prior...
which includes the welsh and the scots...
and those people of Shropshire...
and those botanical tsars of Kent...
whoever these people are...
the noble barbarians...
   the better of vikings with no fjords
to revel in farming on?
   maybe those kind of people...
that sort of the native...
oh god forbid i should entice the cosmopolitan
brood to enter the debate...
not in the heart of the matter: come york
and its shire...
                      some longshank hobbit might
just pop its head up to high and kiss
a guillotine!

if there were the anglo-saxons...
    eh... some of us came... settled...
we wanted to... find... the englishman...
circa... 1860 - 1950... that sort of timeframe...
i guess we finds him...
question is... czy ja jestem, lecz czy on?
that's a good question...
is he the host and i the parasite...
well... funny that...
he isn't a body...
                       he's an oak that was uprooted
from somewhere among a many many
pines and birches in the eastern provinces
of this continent...
and moved... into a garden...
lurking: shadow... hunched crow
and some other hideous comparison...

am i the parasite? what host of a mind i did
acquire: who's me...
or i am him... then i'll drift into the other
trench and i'll tell the germans
that they're fighting anglican saxons...
what? yes i'll tell them...
they're not lutheran saxons...
they're anglican saxons...

              how? they have a monarchy...
a crown, central...
no petty princes bound to a federation...
i have also some across the modern natives...
the alt-right and the ethno-nationalists...
apparently: i'm not in the club...
how could i be...
i overheard them talking about...
electing a monarch...
election of monarchy...
    well... no point investing in the gene pool...
last time that was tried...
was in the guise of the polish-lithuanian
the brothel of kings...
some were hungarians, some were "germans"...
some were even swedes...
the aristocracy elected a king...
a john lackland sorts from across europe...
until their big brother richard
or some variant of Otto or the proper didlo in
hand charles gustav would...
appear to wrestle with his baby brother's:
"betrothal" - evidently thart's one for the misnomer
and inversion...

the anglo-saxons as they were to be later known
as... no point beating about the bush...
but... i have measured myself against
these other inhabitants...
the welsh, the scots, the irish... and... well...
i'm not here on part of a conquering army...
my fellow countrymen are just about overwhelmed
by enjoying 100 years of privy
and freedom... little much of good will that do them...
a half-bred popular opinion:

that i hide my language in the freedom
i allow myself within english...
i'm here for the Dickens and the sunday roast beef:
and the yorkies... and the haggis and the neeps,
the mashed and roasted tatties...
and the black pud'...
            i'm not here to see how far west my ***
will point while bowing toward mecca...
if you don't mind me saying...
like i am not here for that kippah u.f.o.
ghetto of Golders Green...

                    i'm not here for a Marx on loan...
i'm here for a... "hashtag"...
   eh... the saxons have their unifying:
nomadic perspective to mind...
it's not like the saxons were not liked by...
say... the pomeranians...
   or the swabians... or the brandenburgers...
the saxons: semites of the north...
pseudo-vikings wishing for the proto- prefix...
well... are the modern saxons...
saxons? the saxons ****** off to england...
later ****** off to build the british empire...
i'm sure... the modern "saxons" are just
that... brandenburgers... some swabians...
the germans that stayed and were the enemy
under kaiser wilhelm...
that great... grandson of queen victoria...

yes... that war wasn't the war to stop all lineage
in-breeding... because...
it would take whittle adoolf the failed
art student to wake up the petty-bourgeoisie...
fully donned in khaki...
  and in hugo boss schwarz...
               and in... gulag grey-leash... of the wehrmacht:
of course...

    but anglo-saxons are, and were...
and there's this... grand ethno-etymology...
         listening to the natives...
   codes: white-genocide... ethnic displacement...
let me run back and check the state of affairs
in mother russia and ******-land...
polonia (in latin)... oh right...
i just heard... that a woman in russia...
university educated, a doctor, no less...
also believes that churches should be exempt from
restrictions on social gatherings...
because they are holy places...
and... viruses... in their primitive square / rectangular
modes of abstracting vectors...
or de-abstracting for a better cushion
of solid ground made... also have...
a sense of a higher-beings modus operandi
when plagued with doubt, or denial...
the virus knows what's scared to the russians...
too bad for all those russian buddhists...

dunno... what european are the westerners
worried about?
                         i'm here on "holiday"...
to read my Dickens: finally! it only took me
20 odd ******* years...
and my sunday roast on a monday...
   if there came a wave of anglo-saxons...
while the pomeranians stayed strapped
to the holy german empire "thing"...
and because there weren't any anglo-bohemias...
or modern anglo-czechs...

i'll branch out anyways...
                to the "greater" picture masquarade...
i'll be an anglo-slav if...
     and... oh look! they're here already...
i'm an anglo-slav... among the other minority
of the afro-saxons...
after all... there are tiers to migration...
there's that tier of polacks moving with the government
during the "affair" of circa 1943...
the no. 303 boys...
    and... after that? no one from ******-land
wanted to come to britain... h'america...
the golden retreiver...
               given the cold war... de facto:
to the antonym of the mensa harvest...

i came in the 1990s...
******-land and the other 8... joined the already
failing european union in 2004...
          well... you did get that cabbage plucked...
that carrot too...
from... the sort of people without tic-toc
who... would rather **** braincells with a *****
after a god's monstrous maxim...
while i started sweating from my armpits
hunched with these words...
enough of braincells to ****...
not enough imaginative in a quasi-vivo state
of... the cannibal narcissus...
attention spans a week's worth of
goldfish adventures... licking ice-cream
you won't buy...

                            then again: a lacking paul...
is an otherwise over-eager pauline...

even if "we" were to become fully "integrated"...
like hell i was giving my mother tongue up
after that 1997 /1998 interlude...
i still wouldn't be able to teach my father the english
they speak: peppered with nuance from
the old mother grammar...
too bad... but the pronunciation is spot on...
i don't know why i should feel obliged to
the ******* on the cross to feel "circumcised"
for... his labyrinth...
      i couldn't teach my father better english
than the english already spoken: among the natives,
for the natives...
at home... mother is the cue... tongue
and everything otherwise...

we'll sample with the natives their delight in
minority cuisines...
but come monday... esp. a monday...
after a lunchbox worth of food of a sunday
feeling lazy... well... it just tastes better when
it's not... predicated on a riposte of...
conventions and harangue of: past-participle

that sentence is littered with misnomers...
to add to the... otherwise... bland... talk...
correct... talk...

                   but i really couldn't teach my father
better english...
i have made this language sacred in my own
right as... both parasite and host...
interchangeable... of course...
eh... master and slave dynamic doesn't really
get me all hot and bothered...
i much prefer the lessened hiararchical nuance...
the co-dependency the symbiosis...
of a parasite and a host...
after all... it would seem the head of the pyramid
is a... fungus infection of the brain...
or at worst... a placenta martriarch of
a family of tapeforms: where, otherwise...
a foetus should be...

                i'm not into boot-licking...
but... if the anglo-saxons used these isles
as a spring-board to forever imitate the children
of zion...
i'm just the leftovers...
           the anglo-slav among afro-saxons...
the "great replacement"...
  woe'woe'woe... and that's a word that
should devolve into a calm down / halt insinuation...

who came after 2004... the people who didn't see loopholes
and wouldn't be seen gambling...
the sort of people that would most certainly
go back to the ***** and: the law & justice party
   the xenophobic extracts of:
                        the impossibilty of the red sea
parting story... since they would never be the ones
              that grey area...
like i am a grey area to them...
given... how many times did i want to spend
a summer at the ****** version of Woodstock...
Pol'and'Rock at Kustrin?
         lack hell i am...
   i'm confined to my little abode of folklore
             rather: not having played the boogie man
from an 1960s period piece of:
vaginal and viagral expectations...
or... that thing known as brit-pop in the 1990s...
or... i've passed through york...
on my way to edinburgh...
           but yorkshire... beside the yorkies...
spuds? they call them?

         maybe... i'm counting 7 x 5cl to leverage
me at half a 70cl... but... looking at
what 35cl looks like turned into dosage...
i'm seeing more... than half an empty bottle...
i'm seeing the bottle as half full...
i guess this "predicament" came from
alcoholic slang and... positivism...
it's hardly optimistic... given... it's only
a perspective on only one bottle...
and there's still that sea to drink!

                      well... that's that... it was a most
enthralling ride back toward a square-root of 0...
much appreciated...
       now i'll just turn to the bed and the cushion
my head rests on...
and tell myself:
           this person was never born...
nor will his words take to boast about...
          a nativity play...
                 nor a pride in Shakespeare...
       it's one thing's worth a good reading...
quiet another... to treat it as an enzyme for
the collective: a catalyst...
to "re-invent" the wheel... as it were...
i have given birth... to perhaps...
the greatest thing i could "steal"...
         then again... i am very much...
  but this was not born from the ****** ethnicity
of some european island folk...
  it was born on the continent...
   and it was somehow lived in and with...
never allowed to exfoliate into a courtesan...
annoyance... i gave it a limbo cage
both the host and parasite could enjoy...
after all: this language is a parasite...
i acquired when integrating...
    i am the host...
the parasite can dictate what it wants...
a blank page to exfoliate a boquet(t)e with / in...

it would most certainly appear more
orthographically sound: if boquete had an added T...
well... some will cite Shakespeare the first of and
the end of... what's defined as Ęglish...
i like to think of the... "subtle" master...
     i somehow knew it was in him...
after watching the film-adaptations... not good enough...
not having read David Copperfield...
a brush with J. D. Salinger and all that
holden caulfield Son-of-Sam sort of crap...

             i guess you just have to age a little...
a little is never greedy... and pounce on that great
big peacock playing: the pink elephant in the room!
that's me... Dickens wasn't impossible
to "unsee" or "not see"...
                                  i just needed...
the right sort of hashbrown sort of nudge...
enough organic encounters with yorkies...
baked tatties... h.p. brown sauce and enough baked
  yep... now i'm ready...
                  it's time to gently slide away from
Macbeth... and into Dickensian prose...
the Pickwick Papers is as any good place to start...
all the better: since it came highly
recommended why i was still in high-school...
all those... ****... 18 years later.
Morgan May 2018
I set the pace of my breathing to match the healing of my heart;
It's painfully slow and I'm not sure how much more it can take.
I watch myself from outside the window
As my chest struggles to rise against your weight.

I'm lying down and she knows how difficult it is for me
Yet she takes another step until both feet are firmly planted on top of my ribcage.
Gravity crushes every glimmer of hope that I had to make it through this task alive.
Once she sees the light leave my eyes she begins to relieve the pressure.

The world around me is hard to discern.
My eyes are unable to frame each detail which engulfs my body,
But when I look at her it's like God himself has washed me clean
And I am able to make out the outline of something I once loved.

But I can't help but to writhe in discomfort as his arms wrap around her waist
While I diligently sweep the floor that they dance across.
My head is drawn down towards the ground in an attempt to spare myself--
It didn't work.

I tried.
Oh god, did I try,
But my limbs became too heavy to withstand the weight of you leaving me,
So I had to slip outside.

This heart feels foreign as it battles for its life.
I do not know her anymore.
Green eyes have become desaturated and all I can envision is a hollowed body.
Are you really doing okay?

If there is a god, or if magic was real I think I'd wish for her to be happy again.
I long to love myself and to feel vibrant in my own skin,
But I'd be lying if I said I wouldn't sacrifice it all
Just to see her truly smile.

Time is elusive and I know this is a dangerous place to be seen in.
It's torturous to toy with the notion that somehow things could've turned out differently,
So I return back to the girl inside the window pane.
She hates me, but I'm not ready to let her go...

I set the pace of my breathing to match the healing of my heart;
It's sluggish and morbid, but it feels like a fresh start.
and here we go again something completely new
dont interest me i want to copy my old wings
self never recognized the different reasoning
so take my paragraph like you take war police
banging down your door at the alarm of a total
Nobody. gonna shut down this claim that is truly
interesting. but only because the gods got torment
in their left hand and its aimed at the war police
bang bang ******* do or die trying
dont release me till ive gotten noticably interesting
just kidding want that zombie glare of your adderol adding up for one romantic flunk
of an i love you too soon on the release a loaded
handgun adding up for the hanged cliff of a
no i didnt notice that you even had one
**** darling youre a little too marooned for good
i may be an island but ive got too little much time
for a skip and walk away from a main land
so if one siren does end up staying on the rocks
long enough to scare me into so/so sobriety
ill always have a place to be when i get abandoned
but its just another excuse for me to stay dry away warm till rescue in this imaginary existence
cruise line lexus like admiral for excusing favors
aint asking for the roseary im asking for the papers
legally im entitled to two doses of riddlin *******
dont believe me ******* here this is my perscrption
my dad prints them tenfoldin his crowded sub basement but i really need them to keep a day job
ancient time frame of a snitch who didnt know it
root cellar lack of oxygen braincells didnt grow in
see there lets blame it on the unintelligence then
connect that to the fact that hes  a convicted felon
ohhh touche and a top hat to you stay straight
snitches only seperate themselves from shittalkers
when they dont know a god walking among them
other wise they can stay down talk **** for days
bang bang another door down from the war police
you didnt know your neighbors were the sameside
as you how do you expect the numbers to blind the truth.  ba ba ba ba ba duh ba ba ba ba duh
take our troops out to dinner
MKF Apr 2015
I learned today
That our cells regenerate
Every seven years.
It gives me peace
To know that in seven years
My body will no longer know you.
In seven years my skin
Will no longer tingle
At your touch.
In seven years my tongue
Will no longer remember
The taste that your lips allowed.
In seven years my eyes
Will no longer see you
On every street corner.
In seven years my ears
Will no longer hear
The music in your voice.
In seven years my nose
Will no longer smell
Your cologne in my bed.
But I learned another fact today:
Your braincells never go.
How tormenting it is
That you'll be gone from all my senses
But, in seven years, still haunt my mind.
Justin S Wampler Aug 2015
I'll be the slumpy man
caught on the clotheslines in the wind
strung out on powerlines
graced by the company of crows
and the circling buzzards
all hungry for my eyeballs

I'll be the slumpy man
hung over the sofa
draped across recliners
trying to dry out
before my braincells die out
trying to stay awake and sober
Yeah know I might be labelled a racist
But this is a different case
I'm just tryna build up my race
Eradicate the place
Once I show up on site with my braincells laced
With knowledge never went to college
Skipped ebonics  
Learn wisdom from gainful experiences
I hope you hearing this
My folks wake up and form the alliance
Black Panthers ain't dead they just went away for a few years
But now I'm back here on this atmosphere
Clogged conscious can't make a thought
And forget what you was taught
They say we was slaves at the beginning of time
But if you researched you know they was lyin' got the heart of lion
Still sheddin' tears to street soldiers
Who dyin'
In the hand of police brutality
And evils that lurk our community
Its all a set up to get us wet up
Then locked up 25 to life
Without a chance of bail aww hell
Here we go again With same sins
Folks lets unite and bring back the power within' cuz

This for my peeps only for my peeps
My peeps throw ya hands up

Now ever since I introduced myself
To politics
Now i know they got many tricks
Once ya get a lick they quick to split
Your mentality if you try to help society quietly
Tactics plan carefully who better than me?
To confront the secrecy ran by demon entities
Can't stop me I'm tryna build a dynasty with my mafia families
Titles never honor the
Person in charge I'm feelin' large
Ever since I broke the prison charge
Naw mean
So I'm equipped for battle snappin' rattles that tattle load up the saddle
Its a long journey from home
But wait America's my home
Tryna reestablish my constitution some where else I be a moor
And been here before its the essence of war
My great granny picked cotton
So who's really rotten?
Our history forbidden and forgotten
But still I'll be plottin' and dottin'
Yeah we want our reparations
**** the litigation **** any stressful situations
Mobbin' deep with legal gun penetratin' no more waitin'
We had enough now it's time to expose the children of Satan cuz

This for my only for my peeps My peeps throw ya hands up
Tuesday Pixie Jul 2014
"But you are never sad"
Oh Bless you, dear sir!
It's the world and its weight
That I bear so desperately!
The tragedy, not of my own,
But of all that is unjust and evil
Of the lives and dealings of man - and woman- folk

Pray, stay a while
And think of the poor
Those caught in widening inequality
Devoid of happiness,
In materials rich but spiritually lost

Pray, bid goodbye
To rainforests
The creatures of God within
Mercy to their own natures
As they are to us and ours

Pray, let us be merry
Nevermind the pain
Mother Earth is wailing
And I will join in this cry
With a howl of my own

But first.
First a drink or four
To numb reality
- as so many do, life being unbearable
My braincells have been used
For observing the bitterness and greed
And this is too much
For this young lady to bear.

Pray, God will hear you
As God is love and light
And surely he, or she, or it, tries
But we are out of bounds
Munching on our outcast apple
If we found Eden now
We would log the trees,
Drill for buried treasure,
Put the creatures on display
Behind bars
- As if it were their crime, not ours!
Or, failing these,
It would be the destination
"Paradise is just a plane ride a way...
And here is where our first sin took place,
Would anyone like a bite of the very same apple?"

Too late, no need to offer, we've been munching away for centuries.

No place too sacred.

No place untouched.
In response to a startled "but you're always happy" from a traveler who didn't know any better.
I ask myself why I was sent on Earth to die
But why even ask why I blaze thoughts to the sky
from a natural high hopefully catch a glimpse of a spy
I see the demons leeching from miles away
So I gotta stay away from all of those adversaries who prey say
I make doomsday look easy judgement upon thee
How *****? I'm just the devils son kin to realist the one
A revolutionist at heart so I know I'll part
Soon to be in a grave see Moses rod save
Me parted polarities of heaven and hell my thoughts dwell soon to sail
Over the oceans smooth coastin'
Yo I got more brothers than the Isleys
Despite the distraction most might see
But I knock em out like Mike Tyson round one in the eighties boxin'
My wit you'll see ya third eye pinched like a ***
From a babies grip these days fools actin' like ladies
D'angelo rappin' in angles I smoke mics like Monte Cristo take sips slow
Of Dom Perignon
Then get back on my grind embrace the shine
My face is in the sun my platoon is the moon
Army of darkness watch me spark this
Flint damage braincells til it swells
Bodies smell from that gats that derailed
Ya body off of the tracks my flows loco-
with the Motives rhymes explosive
Take em down like Otis don't try to quote it
Hip hop i re word it you heard it from me
I'm that last of the dying breed holdin'the seeds
Of hip hop replanted the crops
Now all the weaklings begin to drop
Feelin' victorious once I reclaimed the top
Of the pyramid ya dig I'm Michael
True ****** snatching ya title you don't want a rival big Yosef the fittest for survival
Nanna Gregersen Sep 2014
you are not their definition of beauty.

they say that you are nothing more than your white, cracked bones
but they don't see the crystalblue sea that's flowing  inside your bones

they say, that you are nothing more, than your destroying cigarettes
but  they don't see the daisys, that grow in your lungs

they say, that your blood is nothing more than devasting alcohol
but they don't see, that it's that blood, that makes your lips more red, than a thousand roses on a sparkling springday

they say, that there are nothing more,  than braincells, ruinning through your head
but they don't see, the effervescent stars, and the sparkling snowflakes falling out of your eyes

they say that your skin, is nothing more than the faults and scars in it,
but they don't see the sunset, hiding under the first layer of skin.

*You are not their definition of beauty, you are not their definition of you.
The Jolteon Jan 2015
Fill up the liver
Fill it till it drowns
And eats through the organs
Fill up the mind
Turn up the tv and drown
**** off all braincells
Fill up the lungs
Hot with smoke
Until they collapse or disappear
Fill up the cup
Overflowing with coffee
Revved up 24/7 until heart attack
Flying here is alot like falling
Only falling here seems.....
To be like bumping into a long lost friend....
One your not quite sure
You had ever missed until
You speak again
The words spilling out
Like *** over poured inside a tiny

You begin remembering dvery detail
Of those forgotten days
And memories seem
To reappear... only different...
Like you forgotten why
You had ever stopped trying to

High as you were in those younger days...
At least theres braincells left
To recall why
Sometimes its best to
Leap in good faith.....
That only birds fly
But fallings bliss
And lifes not forever
Yo before I let my tape pops I'll let the beat drops
Fears for all of my hating peers shine a spear
Pierce the skies with my wisdom ties wise
Beyond my wonder years I'll die young and hung
Glory over fame same ol same sip champagne
Victory mane lion instincts suckas dont get a blink
From me only when my pistol needs company
Full force resurrection souls up for collection
No protection god the father made me peasant
Found pleasures pains treasured over measured
By society's pin point I stay with the sharpest anoint
Told yall I spark heads without meeting of a joint
Appoint by the spiritual supreme justice just as
Let the music blast til ya touches the cast everlast
Make ya hop around it's a show down underground  
But I tied to the rituals I'm mystical crack sell miracles
Huh yall fools ain't living it cristal I'm spilling it
Icy cup interrupt the corrupt the 6th jackson on a come up
Travel east of 99 you'll fine the great beast of all time
Standing in line with the kings and queens that shine
What's a light without no shine back no spine decline
My wills took the crossroads of Elijah miss the fire
My desire higher learning from thai burning turning
Ya braincells welcome to yosef hell where all fails
Melanins swell no fairytales survived Gods spell well
Cuz I learn the gospels of thomas yo tomorrows never promised
Born in this world as angel ***** then later turned into a demon
Got me plotting like a scheming triple teaming no fleeing
Souls capture from the eye of the rapture hurricane
Carter smarter what about the sons to the daughters
Humanity slaughter my triple 6 kiss all you ******* wishlist
A downplayed to uplay bring astray with no delays melees
Of the streets go unrest civil liberties put to an attest yes
I dont stress the ******* I rather use tools and ****
And I may not be like nas the don but I'm still a sun
Shining intellects with my lyrical text super threat cold inject
Bullets from heaters collect dont join deaths continuing sets
Cools as funzaerli wear pelle pelle girls keep they hands on my belly tryna feel me
See what's weighed below me ***** ya dont own me
Switch scenery mayne from harris to Paris dejavu crews
I blues Junior Walker Miles Davis Mingus black sinner ladies
It's crazy off the rip take a trip see how many beats I can rip!!!!

Oh yeah they thought I was done but I'm still a don
Referenced by the falling ones see tears in a gun
Sweating armageddon I ain't letting suckas betting
against my will I'll just chill til my soul feels
The moons minstrels cycle check the title rivals
Putting up numbers but in the end they catch slumbers
From gun runners can you feel pains happiness bliss
Lifes a ***** so it's hard to switch and break a glitch
Tricks are for kids that's why I refocused my bids
Twice the size of Solomon wives so check the beehives
Never played jive all the way live twins collars
Jachin and Boaz impalas blueprint dollars scholar
Of the ghetto cathedral eradicate the faces of evil
Different sigils drawn up mazes that frankie dazes
Living the golden time of phases still amazes me
Monk discipline see the bravery in my pen ship slavery
Master of the words vocals jumped on board as I hoard  
All of the souls out of control ice on my pinky rings clings
All the kitties in the ring sound the bell escape through jail
If all else fails I'll still prevail goetias tactics never fail
Sitting on the third rail forreal grinding shining
My candle amongst the dark see all visions get parked
Sparked from seeds of Noah I'll show you a boa
Constrict the perfect hits no **** we flip a grips
Not a blood or crip but I'll make crip from the blood  
Seaping body weaping weighting for the devils meeting
Paimon gave me many damiens but then again offers
Made from writing on the red rose pink candles parch papers
Escape the luscious vapors of reality yall fools killing me
Same hatred made before me see my CDs sitting nice
Welcome to the 5th rock from the sun wheres the sunshine
Dimensions intervention mxylsplk snaps ya to detention
Gain strength from minors I'm a true forty niners
Make ya feel like the death of Colchese when I release
I see a beast far from savage above the average havoc
Loves to see adversaries leech souls cant be breached
As I reach to a higher peak mc Everest never rest
As I cup the mic likes it's my baby dark scrilla catchin scabies
Påłpëbŕå Nov 2023
oh dear heart, your nerves did he hit
with those abs on display, did it feign a fit?
for my braincells couldn't stop me
from looking at this gorgeous-gorgeous being
with hair that curl in my hands
and eyes that travel upto foreign lands,
for when you look at me
i turn a little breathy,
you **** all the sense right out my body
doing this to girls, isn't this your hobby?
i have heard stories of your sexcapades
a "God" in bed, you think you're an ace of spades
so even if i desire you, your hands, your lips, your tongue
in your ocean of wilderness, i shall never plunge
because i ain't like one of your ****** or groupies
i have a ****** backbone, which i know, that you fancy
so i won't be another notch up your bedpost,
another one of your score that you'd like to boast
i am more, i am better and shall never fall for a bad boy
i have too much life to ever become your ******* toy,
but i can't help this stupid beating *****
that makes me think of you quite often
of all the things that i shouldn't do
-it's your name in CAPS, it's always you
for i have had one taste
even though it was chaste,
and now?
i can't stop myself from calling you tonight
because you're a piece of cake and i'd like a bite
your hotness gives me a fever
your coldness gives me a rush
your sweetness gives me diabetes
but it's your heart covered behind all those hard exterior layers that gives me hope
Closed my eyes see the devils
Down the corridors opened the pores
Of my membrane that was long closed
Keep a long nose forty four Magnum
In case body I gotta drag em out the park
Every cop thinking I'm selling narcs
But I stay concealed in the dark spark
Up my braincells with the bomb ****
No seeds attached as I hatched
Out the pain long ago it's a path
Of mad man with a sinister plan understand
I was made to die cuz I exist reminisce
On the days of Nat Turner with the burner
Revolution in my eyes til the sunrise
And moon dies see the see blood cries
Cuz of the souls now magnetized
Hypnotize as I feel the temperature rise
vibratin' the earth with my lighted enterprise
Another demon spawned from hells *****
See them ******* tag teamin schemin'
Our every moves but everywhere I move
They follow me closely to thr needles groove
Can't shed more tears cuz i all I hear
Is the silenced fears living near the speer
Eyes on the modern day Pharaohs
Borders set to go feel me glow
Like heat from the pistols callaspe
Ya in a permanent pose as the casket froze
Tears shed from eyes to the  Earth's floor

Return the legacy of prophecy
So many homies to homettes feel me
Runnin' the beat without my feet
I feel complete once I deplete
The alcohol to blind my downfall
Visions growing stronger how much longer
Will I last til I blast my self wealth
Ain't what it used to be my gat next to me
Lookin' so lovely finna be a wifey
To death cuz life's in celibacy
Creating enemies cuz of my chemistry
Got the plants talking to me walking with me
Down the valley of death rows know
That I'm down to my last breath
Like they did Nipsey since I was tipsy
I seen how the spirits lifted me gifted me
With the armor of God agains all odds
Play ya enemies close cuz they turn ghost
When you ain't got **** but dependant
When ya money ain't spent hard to repent
From the world's wickedness
Sick of this madness that was sent
Since I touched birth crade to grave
Angels riding with filthy faces traces
Of blunts to strengthen my stunts
A bold man with a bottle of Gin waging
Hopefully I can escape the waging blazin'
Eternally through the path of the goetias
Knowledge was born in the eye of the storm
They claim I'm crazy cuz I broke from norm
AJ Farruco Dec 2018
Searching for my soul/
Finding myself in wrong places/
Lying on a bed of nails/
Bug-infested crucifix blanket/
Hitman in a hall of smoke and mirrors/
Hot broken glass slippers, firewalking/
Vanilla skies have fallen prey/
Metallic wings bent out of shape/
Mobius-stripped down to the bone/
Until they break/
Homemade wolverine claws/
Scratching at the surface of a cracked mask/
The real face has leprosy/
This meal tastes like ashtray/
A naked lunch of creamed corn/
Life is a waiting room/
Death is a closed door/
The lady in the radiator serenades me/
But the birds forgot the beetles/
And turned cannibal/
It's happening again/
I don't know what day it is/
Time is a tangled pile of tripped haywire.../

Pins in my head/
My own antipop consortium/
There is no bubble/
That's why I'm struggling/
How can I not be myself?!!/
There is no "real" me/
Obsession is a ghost in a shell/
Two charred braincells that short-circuit & spark/
Cross-chatter, but the words are all slushed/
Giant tarantula in the bedroom/
Reality is a scramblesuit./
© + ® A.J. Farruco, 17/06/2017.
Hold power like Meech,
Pops, told me to never be leech,
Young heads, i tried to reach,
But they too, caught up in the beat,
And not, watching the words that speak,
Poison into the soul, cleanse the drought, now its time to re grow,
Iike cornfields,
Suckas gotta take yields,
As make like pressure and build,
Rock with words, you can feel,
To ya braincells i heal,
No wack verses, for the thrill,
I spin it real,
Avoid strawberry thots,
Forgive me not,
Got me rushin, slowly brewing a concussion,
From these rhymes bustin',
Over the booth,
Most pick fakes over truth,
Attract hate like Trump,
Hang the Messiah, folks saying they holy, but only preaching to the choir,
God is on the street,
Let me repeat, latter day saints,
Aint really got the speech,
Say it in ya head, til the thoughts bled,
We at the cornerstone, of a bloodstone, hail fire,
Modern day truth tellers, sold as lair,
Stuck in the heavenly quicksand, no need for a back up band,
I stand,
Alone, wrestle forty days to forty nights,
Now i feel, closer to the sunlight,
Images appeared, i never seen before,
Conscious playing tricks,
I hear a knock at the door,
Is just my inner self, introducing me to more,
Let knowledge weigh supreme,
This aint a dream, just a glowin soul at a higher risin',
Lumin Guerrero Nov 2024
I have a lost for inspiration
so I’m offering to you
A poem about this lost
cause I just don’t know what to do

I have thought of many ideas
A poem about perfection
A poem about stars
A poem about a piano
A poem about feelings and emotions
Poems of all kinds
But all the end results were bland
So I’m doing what I can
By writing this poem
This horrid poem of mine

The chance of me submitting this poem is low
But if I don’t do this I wouldn’t know where to go
My mind a confusing mush
So this is a poem of nonsense
If you want you can just stop reading
And you wouldn’t have to hear this rambling

I honestly don’t know how poets do it
Cook up all these ideas from their mind
How can it can be so full of thoughts
Cause from how many most of them write
I’m sure their filled with lots
I would be blessed to have a mind of a poet
But I don’t… so that’s unfortunate

I guess I may end it here
You probably didn’t like this poem
Neither did I
But if you did like it
I guess that’s fine

I hope you haven’t lost too many braincells reading this
Honestly, with writing poems, I’m helpless
I wrote this poem in elementary school because I didn't know what to write for a poetry assignment.
I haven't changed, except now my mind is very full of thoughts.
Oh, and I suppose that I am a poet of sorts.
Tom Shields Nov 2020
I want to leave you on a better note, every day away from this is like a broken toe, I lose balance when time passes by words I haven't wrote, I run afoul of vowels in slim corridors across the labyrinthian mind, A Major rings in sonata, tenor to soprano tremors, bells of horrors, tight and highly-pitched the orchestrated punishment of tinnitus, this is my mind's bliss, a warning issued at the fourth corner, warm up before you run there won't be any disbelief, no slab for the coroner, cold beef, a ghost you won't meet, like a sheet on a stretcher, the home stretch is the long run, bask in the villainy, I hound myself to waking nightmares like these verbal vibes that flow freely on tap for saps from the vines in my brains that pump through my veins creating this vitriolic viscosity, giving the impression I'm of equal likelihood to ascend to higher planes of peace in touch with divinity as I am to engage a killing spree with explosive, violent velocity, verbose verses versus society, I eat my own rage and bomb it back onto a page, ***** that into pieces, let my spirit leave and levitate over self-loathing so I can see myself clearly, before I am set to go off on any and every figure, past, future and present of authority, fictional or based in this unfortunate reality, I am the risen-to privileged proponent for anarchy, vicarious nature my pair of sights survey from the perspective of the hungry what possessions are beset in my vicinity, and they used to call our democracy one of two parties, that just kills me

I want to be known in my own time for what I'm going to write, not to live a life of luxury, not to be followed and affirmed by every other popular consensus crowd member who follows me, the opinions that are loudest and heard most often are deafening and ones on which we can mostly, almost, partially, chaotically rampage over those who disagree, so I'd rather never put my face on the back of a book and have to give you my biography, in my ambition, those who like it, look for it and when they see my pen name they know it's me, it'll be spoiled by the date I see that come to fruition, I am no role-model, and all the fish will wash up dead and frozen from a boiling sea before I'm a teacher, I'm no hero, I'm just a writer and barely a human one at times, for I may rarely if ever raise a fist and if I hold you in consolidation I may also commit the violation of holding your neck in a twist, I am no model citizen or proper young man I am the spirit of a writer holding this flesh vessel captive, a demonic denizen, while life leaves and all his passions incarcerate and hold judgement over him, driving natural desires away from the light and shadows further in, I see events unfold before me so many steps prior I arrive a kilometer before catastrophe strikes again, my mule trods beneath me, the oni jockey who races his disgraces and chases last places leaving all the trademark traces that makes us traitorous ingrates laughing in saintly, gracious faces with frothing venomous spit at the lips we split to inspire the higher seated those we all admire, the rich and smooth-feeted to hang themselves from their ivory-gold-laden towers by their silk shoe laces, that their laurels awaken to see the golden geese lives taken and then I'll beat my dead horse, and spur it on to trample the begotten generation of idols whose idle idiocy breeds complacency, degeneracy and self-generates the disillusion of individuality in unison of voices all voting in unity for their unique indecency, the power of the cult of personality, until I finally wither to finely ground dust before the over-trusting, ever-loving, new brand of nuke via the actuality behind the pop of the culture of popularity  

It's easy to be a devil's advocate, a spokesperson and a woke-person, while the world worsens and the arsenal of subjugation deepens, your subconscious doesn't register the seeds of indifference and supremacy, poison comes cerebrally, live across all the media, one lone voice starts to look like a medium for insanity or immediacy, impossibility and ludicrousy, intelligence comes into question and they ask why listen when you could stay sitting, divisive mathematics are the key, they keep everyone against each other, the art of snakes in the grass who agitate the viper pit they slither right in it and then shatter like a dagger made of glass, stuck deep so the powdered remnants remain, and no matter how much of their influence is removed there will always be pain, take it back to the top, the labyrinthian mind, that means it's easy to get lost in your thoughts, I don't feel overwhelmed by myself, sometimes I just get lost in my brain and I know I'm not one of a kind, no matter how proud I might get over some clever turn of phrase, you can't twist my arm to give myself a pat on the back, I'd rather be writing anyways, there's no shame in any artist's history that gets them through the days, concepts realized and learning about real misconceptions can give you the chance to wake from a daze, to find time when you've been drifting in a trance through a haze, the mesmerized eyes glazed that just need to get back in touch with one spark to reignite their craze, and hypnotists know this, creativity will never die as long as the game to weaponize control lives on, everybody plays, originality somehow suffers the Mandela Effect, an infrastructure of greed stays, to see the same rehashed creations with promised innovations, everybody pays

For rest, forests exemplify the upmost standard I would live and die by, my mind's eye wanders over the death of all things hungry for exfiltration from this fraught and weary tortoise back world as an expectant fly might beat its wings one last time before the dinner table, its hat hung on the rack, fourth quarter about to begin after it rubs its hands together in prayer and with silverware ready lets out a sigh, and now allow the sun to rise to the sky and all things to know the light of the moon and stars as this at last we rectify; forests fraught with fires raising forth four hundred more foretold score years forlorn of yore, shorn of shores for lore of fifteen forty, Jesus of Lübeck sailed with slaves, Christians filled hundreds of graves in the Red Summer, on domestic soil Jesus saves the foreign force you're in store for, dreamed of exoticism and allure, sure, maybe a cure to the core for the massacres that occurred, the gore and the horrors that four million klansman can commit door to door, they don't teach about the nationwide headcount in nineteen fifteen to nineteen forty four in school, or what happened on July first, second and third in nineteen seventeen before the US joined the first world war, talk about who the murderers were, ****** and morons moreover in their bedsheets, Georgian confederates opened the door for the second iteration of the **** which declined because they enlisted to hand Nazis defeat, the irony is sweet, the third iteration three to eight thousand members off hand, declared terrorists, one hundred thirty chapters of a book that activists and active listeners, anyone with a few braincells on hand just wants to end, their hatred ******, a tour of who's been shot by the luck of the draw, calling out to the white and poor, insecure, unintelligent bores, Biden their time for a public outburst, there was a poll in the land, not an invasion of Poland, I wouldn't even vote, these brats are the worst, so sore from their storied ancestral homes to the inhalants and never having the right bills on the trailer floor, flustered and face-flushed at the lack of sinister will of fellow whites, forgetting choice amendments when they recite them they might as well rewrite a document and call it the Bill of Whites, so hard-working, so hard-headed, outraged at welfare, well it's fair, when it comes out of taxes they can't even afford, if they hate everyone so much, just leave, homes on four wheels that are one doored, the only freedoms they actually use they manage to borderline abuse and then cite their weakness (constitution) of their own accord, truly subversive, you make your own race ashamed to be the same species, if nothing else the fully indoctrinated are to their own pinnacle as a jackboot scraping of feces, cannibals to zombies, crackers to crumbs, when Armageddon comes, assemble Four Horsemen, take back the fourth day of Genesis and the warmth of the sun, even if there is an ever after and Kingdom Come, there are some so dumb all their own, they'd rather be separated from, into a little cosmic barrel to form the fourth iteration, in the infernal eternal segregation of the pitiful, infinitely small-minded, multiplying in their mindset, forever trapped and cyclically blinded, bound to hate and be numb.
please read and enjoy

— The End —