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Nat Lipstadt Jul 2013
I mashup me, myself, and thee: Part II

Excerpts from my poems about poets, poetry and the process of composition. In chronological order, from the earliest to the most recent.

The three poems went about their business,
Bringing heaven to earth,
FYI, even Angels can't be everywhere, so,
God invented poems to do his ***** work,
Cleansing souls.

They rode in~out of town on a prankster wave,
A cheering throng was not around,
But a singular poet saw, recorded the vision,
And thus, this nameless poet,
Below unmasked, unsealed,
Cleansed one more soul,
And that soul, this soul, as required,
Paid it forward.
Nothing produced from this place
where routine means the gorge tastes bile,
When surcease is welcome relief,
Where dancing on ice in bare feet
Is step one to ripping your chest open by your own hands,
The toxins thus released rejuvenated by salted air,
Can be finally be transcribed onto paper
And realized.

Warn them once and then begin, you,
Get serious, delve, with hurricane unambiguity,
to torrential words upon the unsuspecting,
let them taste the rawness, only the truth provides,
let them know salt tears so briney,
They will flee this place, n'er to return.

One day she intro'd me as her fav poet,
To which I acknowledged by addressing her as
My number one fan,
Which seems to have stuck,
so I acknowledge her as such,
And always add a polite, respectful, winking,
Yes ma'am!
Like this new day,
there are always
new poems

Like last night's sunset,
day's efforts reviewed,
a special light,
a yellowed marker,
highlighting a few deserving

Take them home,
kiss them goodnight,
rest them in the poetry file
that is no file,
but a large fabric box where
sewing tools once stored

How appropriate and
how happy that makes me.

Yo! Yo!
Remember your first real high,
That moment
No absolution, no return.
That moment
When you admitted, confessed,
to yourself:

I am
Forever forward,
A home-grown poet.
I am
Soul enslaved to words.
The alphabet - My oxygen molecules,
I am both,
Addict and dealer
A ****** poet

Yo! Yo!
So you do recall,
The exact moment,
God-spark-within, ascendancy gained
You lost control,
Wept words instead of tears!
A ****** poet ******!

Yo! Yo!

Sophie's Choice.
You chose writing over breathing,
Worshiper of the purest pleaure,
******* in deep the smoke-high of
Head-nodding discontented contentment
Stealing anything you saw
For to satisfy the need, the craven
****** poets!

Yo! Yo!

Don't you're ever sleep?
Hear that the city, the state,
Gonna methadone your kind
In a special program
Teach you only language to sign.
**** poets!

I am a ****** poet.

The first step taken.
Poetry is my default rest position,

My drug of choice.
Have you noticed here

Each poet declaims his fellow
The better one, his teacher,
From whom they shall learn and gather up

Gonna run for Congress,
My first bill, Poetry-care,
Will make it a requirement that
All citizens must contribute,
Exchange once a day
To this peaceful place,
Even just a syllable, a single letter,


Literally my eyes see words awaiting coordinating,
Poems flying by, needing plucking,
How a child eats his morning cereal,
His rituals informing, of the man yet to be,
How our bodies lay, hair unbrushed,
Tying us into a conjoined knot...

No matter that plain words are my ordinary tools,
With them I shall scribe the small,
Cherish the little, grab the middle,
Simplicity my golden rule,
Write they say, about what you know best,
Surely in the diurnal motions,
The arc of daily commotion,
Do we not all excel?
The ice of poetry,
glassine smooth
charged hardness,
hits you, ****** you,
unexpected snowball in the face,

the fire of poetry,
cherished phrase, a patois,
comfort food when
whole winter skies
swallow you bleak

mutual contradictions of poetry
savaging the soothed ego,
revealing the raging id

what's in a word anyway?

Please Pop, pick wise,
the life and lies, the faces and disguises,
I will need employ to achieve success
in the eyes of my reading beholders,
who own the liens on my soul
because of the promises I believed,
when you sang me
glowing lullabies of my future days,
how everyone would love my stories,
my poems, someday...
Place your ****** hands upon thy chest.
Let them melt thru and come to rest,
Inside, the battle ongoing, under thy breast.
Watch, eyes open, knowing, fearful.
Swiftly, with no hesitation, from within,
Rip open your body, exhaling the best,
And the worst of what you got.

The cool air rushes in,
Stirring the inside stew of:
Infected grime, shameful desires,
Secrets that should not have been exposed,
The ***** stuff that you alone know exists.

Contact with the atmosphere makes
Self-pity dies, blue blood turn red,
The TNT tightness explodes,
Ashamed, you have only one escape hatch.

Now, you are ready to write.

My life is on the boring side,
So welcome gents to look inside,
The surfed sites, the emails, hardly slimy,
But stay the fk away from my poetry!

Tis obvious from your midnight editing,
That my wordily, working body has been discretely
My data,
My poems,
A comma, a colon, a verb, out of place, capsized,
Little threads kept in door jambs, their alteration,
Your snooping presence, a confirming revelation
Where I write, here, all comes so easy,
Every glance a poem formed,
Every phrase a title to a poem served,
Every conversation overheard and those wind-lifted brought,
A seed, a germ, a word~worm hooked to the pole crook of
My finger saying, see man, time to get more ink and paper,
Go and catch us a few poems for dinner

The snapper weakfish word colors are
Running past my-by the thousands,
We will need a basket to catch but a fraction
Of what you see, more than more enough to share,
Only Happy Poems for all

It is this rhyming way I view the wold,
That is my freedom, is my-present essence,
How the poems come, how thy flow,
Peaking, I cannot berate, rarely eat,
Sleep a thing of the past (as you be aware, beware)
There is poetry in simply everything.

But if my aura be a comfort insufficient,
Let this surprise poetic gift awaiting your arrival,
Give you rest, from crying surcease!

For when the who, the why of me interrogatory posed,
Describe me in a brevity I ne'er possessed, say:
He was just a poet, and I,
Just, his lover, number one fan.

This truth eternal, never to change.
But I am open to learning, the arduous task
Of raising a teenage daughter,
After I have my head examined

Though I am just a bunch of eclectic electrons,
I got powers a few, like making life's happiness
Hearted happier, encouraging your forays into
And when tables turn, a hasty retreat you beat,
For imaginary cappuccinos and poems we will meet,
Comparing notes on who felt lousier when...

But what I can do 100% is assure you
There is no lone nor lonely daughter extant,
Your voice not just clear but soft-edged,
For I have poetically adopted you,
Here and now, assuming you sign on the

Take these words at plain face,
and look not askance
at this fair warning,
for I am but a tragic,
empty vessel for you to fill,
you are the raconteur,
me, just a  
poet poseur extraordinaire,
street urchin, word merchant,
all my verbally, wordly goods expropriated
from the wind,  where your scattered thoughts
lie about, carelessly,
Guiltless in life, we but survived,
Hurting no one, no thing,
Yet, here we lie, ignored, unattended,
Yet, you fail again to see our connection?
You do not recognize us?

We are the shells, the husks of you,
Your poems unread, you labors unpreserved,
All wasted, for unless they are read, they die,
As you will too.
Some fast, by water, some slower, time-eroded,
All, ended, by drowning in the Sea of Who Cares!

What sourced this elegiac distich,
Too many poets, fully disclosing their downbeat, aroma of defeat?

The world is in a **** mood, not one of us, got nothing
Good to say, seems that love storms ripping hearts
With no trace of mercy, the radio has elected nonstop
Taylor Swift and Jonas Bro's
Just to make the point!

It is so easy to feel ******,
When the sun is unshining, elegant distich, **** me.

Thinking back, getting a good idea,
Found some long necked Corona overlooked,
Turn on the tv, pretend I'm a real cowboy,
And for god's sake, shut down poetry,
Good Bye Poetry, for the rest of the day.
once upon a time,
a traffic light rainbow,
stopped n' go, was a word design,
demarcated visions of spun sugar,
bodegas sold me
magic beans by the pound,
masterminded into cups of delight,
treasury's bounty overflowed,
now, dregs drain, sink stained,
as are my writing utensils,
my ink stained, us-less, fingers

come visit me, unknown stranger,
let us exchange fluidity, barbs,
a contest of kissing, eye lashing
wit ands shared vision stashing,
and together, once more,
write with our feet,
while holding hands,
becoming once more
poets of the street.

Only, come quickly.


But reading thy cries, an exercise,
Teeth-gnashing frustration.
It brings no relief.

So sad girl,
Write till you are righted,
May be it will snow on July 4th,
And tho unnatural,
So is thy grief.

Nonetheless, write me write me all about it,
Right us,
For tho snow falls, its loveliness,
Makes the heart rise up in gladness!
She brings me coffee in bed.
I propose a violin accompaniment.
Some babka, with nice-crumbly-in-bed
Streusel topping,
A concerto we could make!

Her derision snorted so loud,
The mollusks on the beach
From their shells come out.

"Good luck with that,
Put that fantasy on
Your **** poetry site,
Cause that is the closest you will ever get!"

For she will be my heroine for all time,

These words to expand with rhyme and verse,
T'is a welcome task, one familiar, but anew,
Each dawn each dusk, a daily trust, a love poem diurnal-birthed,
As if god created the world, but left upon completion,
With a grievous thirst, a new notion, he did burst.

He created the Eighth Day, for celebration of his
Most cherished invention, the idea of love.
This is where, the secret writ Eleventh Commandment occurs,
Love thy Poetry Gods, Honor them with daily verbs.
~ should see me gut a


Slice its belly open,
Sometimes straight, sometimes Askew,
Feed the gulls them
****** insides on the dock, by-moonlight,
Can ya cut me some slack?

Mmm, I see here in your license,
You are a disabled guy,
A **** poet ******,
Who often does his best work
Legally all alone in the HOV lane,
So I'm gonna let you off this time
Just with a warning!

We can share words, we can grant tiny easements,
We can weep with you unseen tears,
We can etsy you little homemade gifts
Like this.

That you can take and keep, and break out in time of need knowing full well that these words will not spoil nor rancid turn, cannot be out grown,, or torn, or rent asunder in anyway for once they are shared
They are irrevocable.
When you write,
It as if you write upon our
One skin,
For I am your tablet,
Your sole/sol/soul composition.

So stop kissing me
Write upon us.

This will not be the hardest poem I e're wrote,
But if there is no inspiration
For you to smote,
And armpits refuse to provide perspiration,
To source juices for a new creation,
Try this trick,
I promise you
No one will lick your ice cream cone,
Nor mistake you for Leonard Cohen,
But when you are done,
You will be High Priest of
Hello Poetry for the rest of the day!
You think you can write?
Then employ  a word outside your comfort zone,
Go it alone,
And write four sentences that will make
The hopeful reader stand up and
you twice as much, and shout


Work. Poetry is work. Hard work.
Don't fret. But, think on it. Have the sweetest dreams.
In the morning, when you but awake,
A poem will be aborning in thy mind,
And dare I say it, you will find a new freedom
In free verse.
(I know you will slip in a rhyme or two,
I can't help but do it too)

Had myself forgot,
That a poem needs a
Frame of jungle gym sounds,
An aural aura resonance unbound.
Purposed to make the heart lift
Your ears say:

Say what!

It needs a tune,
An internal music,
It needs a lilt!
A cadence, that both
Marches and swings,
Even when'd urgent dirge
grief pours forth.
This Sabbath day you fog-hide
Your gift of bay and beach
So quiet implore, beseech,
Keep the sailors safe,
And your poets saved.

I ask much.
But I ask for all of us,
There are so many such
That are booster-chair needy
That I am succumbed, overwhelmed,
Enormity fearsome needs help even from a deity.

Small words, big hopes.

If you cannot grant it,
Won't wait for intervention,
Do it myself, answer prayers one and all,
Best I can, starting now with this

I used to sleep
With pen and paper on my nighttime table.
Nowadays, my iPad tablet rests upon my chest,
Not only does it keep me warn,
It takes my poems from within, Fresh Direct,^
Edits, credits, and delivers them to your door,
While I'm still sleeping.

Which is why they come at all hours.
It is also why they call them,
Love's Labour's Lost saving devices.
**So I spend my cold, hard time
laying down cold hard verse,
Can't stop, cause it's my daddy's dying curse.

I am both: Addict and dealer, a ****** poet ******.
For James Weldon Johnson**

the clock fast approaching
an appointed midnight click
it was time to punch in
for my avocational shift

we sauntered up creaky steps
of the old weathered rectory
its planks loose, its bricks chipped,
the gabled roof still leaking

a CDC on the outer verge
leaning over a bankrupt precipice
catastrophic failure predicted
from chronic cash flow distresses

we’ve  been on the ropes
since doors swung open
to fulfill a sacred mission,
25 years in the hood
keepin the devil in remission

a young ED with firebrand cred
emerged from a cubicle partition
his erudition and abundant zeal
would save many from perdition

he commenced his brief
in the entrance hall
laid out maps of the Silk City
articulating a canvasse plan
bereft of fear and blithe pity

he stood ***** announcing
the surety of his calling
handsome face and balding spire
lent a stern presence of authority

The PIT a Point In Time
Homeless Census annual review,
to root out and count the heads
of the lost and out of view

from Bed Stuy to Boston
Baltimore and DC
San Antone, Windy City Frisco
vols be countin to see

what happening with
America’s homeless folks
who, what, how they got there;
what can we do to help them
besides a hot, a cot and a prayer

last week in January  
in cities all over the nation
missioners fan out  to uncover
the most lowly of station

we’ll discover and recover
lost lambs and prodigal sons
we’ll find street walk daughters
falling through cracks
and criminals on the run

some junkies and crack pied pipers
be yodelling sickness, death and fear
mental illness, castaway children
may licit sorrowful tears

like gnats strained
through the gaping
holes in failing
social safety nets
this night is about
good shepherds
gone forth with no regrets

this mission
is most important
to our agency as well

each head you count
every calf you cull
the coffers of the
agency will grow

program grants are tied
to an index of misery
our streets give ample evidence
of an abundant presence in this city

no poverty pimps
work harder to improve
the blighted human condition
the quality of our work
speaks for itself
its no liberal sedition

we got a dog in the fight
that's undoubtedly true
tending to add an urgency
to the critical work we do

our shelter, food pantry
and job training programs
keep jumpers off the ledge
we attempt to arrest fallers
its the agency’s solemn pledge

for what profit a man
if he inherits the earth
and finds only strife
and devastation?;
community development
our diligent charge
workin hard to build
a better nation

so as your
cross the city’s
food deserts

to search the oases
of supermercados
surreal revelations
may manifest a few
midnight bizarros

E 18th St bonito bodegas
where long shot scratch offs
and stale coconut macaroons
staples of community sustainability
the hoped for lift from poverty soon

busy parsing the three squares
bagged in paper thin brown balsa
cool ranch dorito, a teriyaki slim jim
frothy Colt quart to chase
the winkin sip of dog hair gin

that's where this
story begins...

yes beloved
the road is wide
the gate is narrow
for the many prodigals
off the path living
a life of shadows

they're out there
making a way
through the  gloom
hoping to be given
one more day

sojourning on
trying to get back
to the ***** of love
searching for the room
lit with light from above

take courage beloved
know that Jesus walks
the streets with you tonight

he’ll be your
present helper
as you mine
the dank waste
of the desolate
factory shells
the post industrial
monuments to the
expended labor of
six dead generations
now squatter
for urban nomads
moving through
the sarcophagi of
a nations
wasted labor

afterall, we are
all fallen people
hurtling downward
into torn safety nets
slipping into the
tattered threads of
a handy hangman's

who among us
has not fallen
through yesterdays
best expired dream?
waking to find yourself
in a midnight
nightmare scream

we'll catch them
round em up
as their falling
to build em up
lost sheep knows the
voice of the masters calling

Jesus will
walk before you
as you enter the
closed parks
were swings
of life fly
high and low
merry go rounds
zip by like a terrible
carousel that won't stop
to let you go

and may the
Good Deliverer
guard you as
you descend
into the screaming
rooms of
crack dens

here the fallen
angel finds comfort
in the resounding
chorus of misery
woefully regretted

Lucifer eloquently
hums beguiling
holy smoke tunes
to his doleful
acolytes sadly

you are the
Good Shepherds
leading the lost
back through
the gate

tell the beloved prodigal
children that the good
news of salvation
patiently awaits

we lucked out
its warm tonight
for the past few years
its snowed

heres a clipboard
filled with questions to ask
a box of supplies for lost sheep
and a yellow plastic poncho
so the cops know
you're one of God's own

Mary Lou Williams
Black Christ of the Andes
Praise the Lord

Part 2 of extended poem Silk City PIT.  PIT is an acronym for Point In Time.  PIT is an annual census American cities conduct to count the homeless population.  The Silk City is a nickname for Paterson NJ.  An ED is an acronym for Executive Director.  A CDC is an acronym for Community Development Corporation, a non-profit agency that provides development services to urban communities.  James Weldon Johnson is an African American poet.  This piece is written in a style and manner of God's Trombones.
Leon Labastide Aug 2013
iHonor the history of my ancestors
And their ***** love songs: Nyabinghi
Crossing the Atlantic  with their creative minds
Rooted into their backbones was creative; Black men and women of today
A generation of;  
Bobo Shanti!
Niger Congo
Sierra Leone
Kings and Queens of Africa

iHonor my history
But, my history is in Him
The King of Kings

Dreams hanging on a tree!
Kings and Queens hanging form a  rope nailed to a tree!
They were auctioned off a d sold in corner stores like Bodegas!
Please don’t forget about your ancestors when you speak about History!
He was rejected in the time of earthly kings and Queens
He was rejected in the time of Exodus
He was rejected in the time of redemption songs/ Babylon!

He was rejected at birth
He was rejected for calling Himself
"I am thee I am"
His purpose killed Him
He was rejected, but his purpose lives.

iHonor the King of Kings for being the sacrificial lamb of all Mortars
iHonor Him

Some kings rule their kingdoms surrounded by luxury
this king held a Bible in his hand
stood tall before Nations
with a single dream!
No luxuries!

This king was rejected!
He was shot!
Here comes the dream killers
A voice of a black Panther cried
“what their; guns, bats & smoke bums”
Have mothers clenching their young's
Running down to avenues unknown
To street that are paved with hopeless dreams and  goals

Because of  Dr. Martin Luther King and His Dream
Mothers were crying, digging graves with their finger nails.
Bering their dreams and aspiration into graves!
grave yards became over populated
With creative minds and dreams!

iHonor  Dr Martin Luther King Jr, for dreaming & believing
That whites & blacks will  become  one Nation under the King of Kings
iHonor Him

To my generation and to generation to come,
Where is creativity today!
Creativity was lost, unable to find!
So different things start to shape the mind
Creativity is something we watch on TV
Creativity has become an illusion
what a poor substitution

The mind is a beautiful thing to waste!
Creativity is in the wave pool of our minds
Mothers read to your young  from the womb
Bring creativity and dreams back to life

Doctor Seuss was creating a world of creativity in the minds of our  generation!
I think I can, I think I can was another book that brought creativity to life!

If a Cat can wear a hat
A fox can wear  socks
A boy by the name of Sam I Am, love green eggs and ham!
He can eat it in a box, with a fox!
In a house with a mouse!
With a goat on a boat!
So, who are you to tell me I'm not a "who"
Doctor Seuss created the Who's and the Who Ville!
Therefore I am a Who!
Who are you!

iHonor black mothers and fathers for being
present and never absent/ for being super heroes of monsters in closets.

iHonor my black people for uniting together from the 1960's to 2013
iHonor Mrs. King
iHonor Dr. Martin Luther King
iHonor the King of kings
iHonor all those individuals that made it possible for us to vote today
iHonor you all!
Rodando a goterones solos,
a gotas como dientes,
a espesos goterones de mermelada y sangre,
rodando a goterones
cae el agua,
como una espada en gotas,
como un desgarrador río de vidrio,
cae mordiendo,
golpeando el eje de la simetría, pegando en las costuras del
rompiendo cosas abandonadas, empapando lo oscuro.

Solamente es un soplo, más húmedo que el llanto,
un líquido, un sudor, un aceite sin nombre,
un movimiento agudo,
haciéndose, espesándose,
cae el agua,
a goterones lentos,
hacia su mar, hacia su seco océano,
hacia su ola sin agua.

Veo el verano extenso, y un estertor saliendo de un granero,
bodegas, cigarras,
poblaciones, estímulos,
habitaciones, niñas
durmiendo con las manos en el corazón,
soñando con bandidos, con incendios,
veo barcos,
veo árboles de médula
erizados como gatos rabiosos,
veo sangre, puñales y medias de mujer,
y pelos de hombre,
veo camas, veo corredores donde grita una virgen,
veo frazadas y órganos y hoteles.

Veo los sueños sigilosos,
admito los postreros días,
y también los orígenes, y también los recuerdos,
como un párpado atrozmente levantado a la fuerza
estoy mirando.

Y entonces hay este sonido:
un ruido rojo de huesos,
un pegarse de carne,
y piernas amarillas como espigas juntándose.
Yo escucho entre el disparo de los besos,
escucho, sacudido entre respiraciones y sollozos.

Estoy mirando, oyendo,
con la mitad del alma en el mar y la mitad del alma en la tierra,
y con las dos mitades del alma miro el mundo.

Y aunque cierre los ojos y me cubra el corazón enteramente,
veo caer un agua sorda,
a goterones sordos.

Es como un huracán de gelatina,
como una catarata de espermas y medusas.
Veo correr un arco iris turbio.
Veo pasar sus aguas a través de los huesos.
Nat Lipstadt Jan 2014
my love brought
me tranquility.
my love bought
me tranquility,
in a Manhattan bodega.

late at night in my city,
everything is for sale
where least expected
in mini marts, local delis,
greek coffee shops, spanish bodegas
pizza parlors, hardware stores,
all selling
salves for late night salvation

purveyors of
differential equations of
differing soulful sustenances,
certain imports that will probably never be
for sale in Walmart after midnight

all, readily available,
twenty four seven
in my miracle Manhattan heaven

My woman,
mapper of the byways
of my ****** landmarks
worn broad~ways,
his-toric foot trails of tears,
lines of laughters,
even a
purported dimple
I call a crevasse.

a sole survivor of
a mother's birthing skill marker,
duly recorded by her upon my visage,
in my miracle Manhattan

She knows, as do
some of youse guys,
that my poetry is
water born(e) and water soluble,
but Peconic Bay always
ain't right handy,
so bring on a
substitute teacher,
a hot bath,
helps me to enunciate
my verbal visitations

my love brought
me tranquility.
my  love bought
me tranquility
in a Manhattan bodega.

pour the aromatherapy,
my love brought me
for inspiration into and upon
my liquid writing table,
a summer garden aroma

It soothes
my bad memories,
the herbs salve
accursed ancient wounds
that will never
ever fully heal
or be forgiven

my love brought
me tranquility.

my graces restored,
this poem offered in
grateful appreciation
with unlimited adoration,
maybe even the
very one thing
**that can't be bought,
in my miracle Manhattan
Oct. 16th, 2011
we wuz celebratin
40 years of Hip Hop
at 5 Pointz

dashing tags
reclaiming the
lost land

speaking for a
community of peeps
routed from their
last stand

making statements
about remembering

tellin stories
about ourselves

giving the drab
dead industrial
sarcophagi a
a face lift

freeing the
to let em
walk with
the living

seein things
in a new light

reciting our

writing an epic

splashed across
3D murals

spoken in the
lexicon of
neon graffiti

testifying to
the ages with
our urban

the symbols of
life in the hood
may history be our
witness to aromas
rising from cracked
pavements teaming
with bodegas,
public projects and
store front fantasies
played out in all its
grueling detail
on the corner of
walk don’t walk

them snaps
real down home
of real people

until some

his pockets filled
with low interest

it away

he thinks he
owns the
5 Pointz

he thinks
he can
erase our
with a gallon of
Sherwin Williams

he thinks
he owns our

and is well
in his rights
to launder our  
epiphanies over
with the bland
tag of privilege
he thinks his
dollar bills
can buy

we raised this
place from
the dead

that old warehouse
where men and women
once earned a paycheck
was murdered by
Michael Milken
and his posse of well
heeled predators
busy leveraging
livelihoods by
offshoring them
to Third World
the natives into
wage slaves
tagging this
strange alchemy

now this
latest incarnation of
Morley’s Ghost stalking
Bloomberg’s Metropolis
haunts the neighborhoods
with a wrecking ball
of entitlement

razing our hood
to build soulless
high rises where
they'll warehouse
dead people
ginned up
on pilates,
chai tea and
through life
scoring the
latest fab
yoga gear
on the
urban outfitters

the frackers
are gobbling
the land

strip miners are
gnashing away
at the mountains

now the predators
are eating our art

always famished
never satiated
the beast gnaws
away at its
**** scattering
the bones of
of the living

but this
half assed
will never stand

already images
of the holy ghosts
scrawled onto
the Wailing Walls
of 5 Pointz are
bleeding through
the veneer of a
landlords greed

and as the
future tenants
of the proposed
highrise columbarium
snooze away the night
dreaming of leading roles
in star studded schemes

we’ll be taggin
the streets
reciting our
righteous presence
until our last dying
aerosol breath
escapes our
paint stained

Public Enemy:
Fight the Power

Nat Lipstadt Jun 2013
My Night With Paul Simon

On the night train, the red eye plane,
Flying home to NYCeeeeeeeeeeeee,
From the city of Los Angeleeeeeeez

Feeling flush, dropped some cash,
Got me a seat in extra large first class

Seat 2C, plenty of room for my toes,
To wiggle  to dance,
lay down some poetry tracks,
pretending I'm a **** jive,
bad *** from the
make-believe west coast

A short guy, with fedora down low,
An older man,
looking about nine years older
than somebody I might know,
hiding his eyes @ 9pm
neath some excellent Raybans,
slip slides into 2D,
gives me a smile,
And says Hi, I'm Paul

I look once at his face and say,
Listen Rhymin' Simon,
I'd know you any place,
No worries, your secret,
with me is safe,
Cause dudes in row 2,
gottta stick together, be cool,
We're riding first class,
over the land of the free

What ya do for a living he asks,
A little of this and a little of that,
All of which, ain't no **** good at!
So I spend my cold, hard time
laying down cold hard verse,
Can't stop, cause it's my daddy's dying curse

He said that's cool,
I like to do that too.
Guitars on planes
drive passengers insane,
They take up too much
overhead compartment space,
I just scribble me some rhymes and
Let the music come
when I got two feet
on the ground in the city
we both come from.

Paul:  You got any stuff writ
on that yellow sheet,
or just pretty blue lines,
a big pad of nothing?

Dude: Man you may got diamonds
on the soles of your shoes,
But pay me some 'spect,  
you talking to the man who penned
Sad Eyed Teenagers of the Lowland
on Hello Poetry, gad ****!

Paul smiled and said
you can call me Al,
And if you feel like blowing some lines together,
We got five hours till we can see
the house that Ruth built.

Dude: Hit me with your best shot,
I'll show you what I got

Paul: And she said honey take me dancing
But they ended up by sleeping
In a doorway
By the bodegas and the lights on
Upper Broadway
Wearing diamonds on the soles of their shoes

Dude: Just cause the union of the  monkeys
in the Bronx Zoo done gone on strike,
Don't mean the lion ain't
still king of the hill
inside this New York city jail

Paul: And the sign said,
"The words of the prophets are written
on the subway walls
And tenement halls"
And whispered
in the sounds of silence

Dude: A home-grown poet.
I am, Soul enslaved to words.
The alphabet - My oxygen molecules,
I am both, Addict and dealer
A ****** poet ******

Paul: You don't need to be coy, Roy
Just listen to me
Hop on the bus, Gus
You don't need to discuss much
Just drop off the key, Lee
And get yourself free

Dude: Contact with the atmosphere
makes self pity die,
my blue blood turn red,
the TNT tightness in my chest exploded
I got no place  to store these words,
the cops think I'm some kind of Terrorist

On and on thru the night,
Riffing, rapping, rambling, and spitting,
Ditties and darts, couplets and barbs,
Single words and elegies,
Free verse and a lot of fking curse words,
It was a moment, a time
that deserved
to be preserved,
and so this poem got writ

*You may think this story apocryphal
Which is another way of saying untrue,
But I got his boarding pass and it is signed,
To this crazy poetry dude, long may you rasp,
And it is signed by Mr. P. Simon, a big fan,
And it has never since that day,
Left my grasp
Brett Jul 2021
Summer ice box, bolted to the block like a hustler’s ambition.
King of the corner. Hand to hand to every family man or,
A fiends fever dream. Metal mattress for the meek.
Chill spot on the streets,
For a late-night congregation of labeled freaks;
To people passing by at least.
Neighborhood staple. A practicing painters graffiti canvas.
Crowned with empty coffee cups turned bank accounts for the beggar.
Bent from stray bullets, but never broken.
Stalwart, abandoned bodegas
But the ice box remains.
The signature of a city that speeds away, but
Will never change.
Max Neumann Jun 2021
back in the days, tales from lauderdale...

yakuzzi gang from oakland park, 308
nightly waves flowin' thru brain channels
the traitor of my memories will judge me
no other day, 38ers, toni der assi, stoogie

two existences, eager brothers at arms
shake em the shake, rip and run, zippas
platin zippos, trip-apache, brave bear
the tents of the past remain as debris

as long as doom's grace feeds us lust
struggle on, lights out, turn me on, baby
shivering is the silver sun at dusk here
and gangsta poets speedin' thru alleys

fat **** frank oversees all oceans, inc.
friends at the thames, partners in crime
the green shining, ultra fresh scent, yeah
bodegas are useful for distribution

nevah, tho', enter these places at night
brooklyn heights, floor 64, 65 & 66 locked
merciless fred, sumptuous leather jacket
cuban necklace jeezy boostah, spiderman

dead blueline pitbulls, ****** cages,
rageful is the age of ours, my friends
sunday's dawn opposes my design
in the corner of my room, hidden
        *** 48 SOULS ***
    ***  CREATION 96  ***
Esta sal
del salero
yo la vi en los salares.
Sé que
van a creerme,
canta la sal, la piel
de los salares,
con una boca ahogada
por la tierra.
Me estremecí en aquellas
cuando escuché
la voz
la sal
en el desierto.
Cerca de Antofagasta
la pampa salitrosa
es una voz
un lastimero

Luego en sus cavidades
la sal gema, montaña
de una luz enterrada,
catedral transparente,
cristal del mar, olvido
de las olas.

Y luego en cada mesa
de ese mundo,
tu substancia
la luz vital
los alimentos.
de las antiguas
bodegas del navío,
en el océano,
en los desconocidos, entreabiertos
senderos de la espuma.

Polvo del mar, la lengua
de ti recibe un beso
de la noche marina:
el gusto funde en cada
sazonado manjar tu oceanía
y así la mínima,
la minúscula
ola del salero
nos enseña
no sólo su doméstica blancura,
sino el sabor central del infinito.
Nat Lipstadt Feb 2023
Compare and Contrast (the foliage of the heart)


My work is loving the world.
 Here the sunflowers, there the hummingbird - 
equal seekers of sweetness.
 Here the quickening yeast; there the blue plums.
 Here the clam deep in the speckled sand.
Are my boots old? Is my coat torn?
 Am I no longer young and still not half-perfect? Let me
 keep my mind on what matters,
which is my work, which is mostly standing still and learning to be astonished.
The phoebe, the delphinium.
 The sheep in the pasture, and the pasture.
 Which is mostly rejoicing, since all ingredients are here,
Which is gratitude, to be given a mind and a heart
and these body-clothes,
 a mouth with which to give shouts of joy
 to the moth and the wren, to the sleepy dug-up clam,
 telling them all, over and over,
how it is
 that we live forever.

This is the first poem in Mary Oliver's collection Thirst, titled,
“The Messenger."


Ruler of the Universe, grant me the ability to be alone; may it be my custom to go outdoors each day among the trees and grass among all growing things - and there may I be alone, and enter into prayer, to talk with the One to whom I belong.

May I express there everything in my heart, and may all the foliage of the field - all grasses, trees, and plants - awake at my coming, to send the powers of their life into the words of my prayer so that my prayer and speech are made whole through the life and spirit of all growing things, which are made as one by their transcendent Source. May I then pour out the words of my heart before Your presence like water, O L-rd, and lift up my hands to You in worship, on my behalf, and that of my children!

-Rebbe Nachman of Bratslav


too early on a Sunday morning for a trick or treat question,
still bed-bound @ Nine AM, browsing the internet state of the world,
it’s pre-my-walk on First Ave., in my Manhattan
concrete habitat pasture, where it’s gray and grayer
reveals of raggedy grass, certainly no sheep, and the only flowers
arrayed will be those with price tags fronting the bodegas
that are busy preparing breakfast for thousands of New Yorkers

trick question?

indeed! there is NO contrast, save the compare the kinetic similitude
of three kinfolk prayers, amidst frightfully unchanging headlines of
the dreary state of the world - weather report prototypical,
war, death & destruction, whiny celebrities and sports “heroes,”
editorials preaching, a vast quietude of no one’s mind changed,

but, always the but…

my work is loving the world, the grimy solitary blades of grass, true survivors, hosted & sprouting in dirt cracks miraculously,
letting the foliage of my heart blossoming in early morn warmth within my body’s extremities, clothed coverings of wintery wool,
confess my facts (“no longer young and still not half perfect?”),
filling the styrofoam cups of begging, wretched yearning refuse,
planting sprigs of mint green dollars in blanched froze hands,
wondering to myself, which one is
the masked messiah?

these are the growing things in my fields, 70 years familiar,
the fruits and flowers of my life, are street crated>corners,
a panoply of vest corner garden-parks,
and the people!
people of every color and shade, what variety hath man wrought?

my eyes lack
not for anything, plenty the stimuli joyous within the astonishing spirit and life of all things blooming in hostile soil and you
may yet see the mark of
Abel joy upon my forehead, in my eyes, and see lips whispering this prayer~poem while being birthed, but in a word, a single word,
a pouring, best summarizing of a rebbe’s blessing
shouting out, anointing, appointing:


Sun Feb 19 2023 9:15 AM
Cuando a regiones, cuando a sacrificios
manchas moradas como lluvias caen,
el vino abre las puertas con asombro,
y en el refugio de los meses vuela
su cuerpo de empapadas alas rojas.

Sus pies tocan los muros y las tejas
con humedad de lenguas anegadas,
y sobre el filo del día desnudo
sus abejas en gotas van cayendo.

Yo sé que el vino no huye dando gritos
a la llegada del invierno,
ni se esconde en iglesias tenebrosas
a buscar fuego en trapos derrumbados,
sino que vuela sobre la estación,
sobre el invierno que ha llegado ahora
con un puñal entre las cejas duras.

Yo veo vagos sueños,
yo reconozco lejos,
y miro frente a mí, detrás de los cristales,
reuniones de ropas desdichadas.

A ellas la bala del vino no llega,
su amapola eficaz, su rayo rojo
mueren ahogados en tristes tejidos,
y se derrama por canales solos,
por calles húmedas, por ríos sin nombre,
el vino amargamente sumergido,
el vino ciego y subterráneo y solo.

Yo estoy de pie en su espuma y sus raíces,
yo lloro en su follaje y en sus muertos,
acompañado de sastres caídos
en medio del invierno deshonrado,
yo subo escalas de humedad y sangre
tanteando las paredes,
y en la congoja del tiempo que llega
sobre una piedra me arrodillo y lloro.

Y hacia túneles acres me encamino
vestido de metales transitorios,
hacia bodegas solas, hacia sueños,
hacia betunes verdes que palpitan,
hacia herrerías desinteresadas,
hacia sabores de lodo y garganta,
hacia imperecederas mariposas.

Entonces surgen los hombres del vino
vestidos de morados cinturones
y sombreros de abejas derrotadas,
y traen copas llenas de ojos muertos,
y terribles espadas de salmuera,
y con roncas bocinas se saludan
cantando cantos de intención nupcial.

Me gusta el canto ronco de los hombres del vino,
y el ruido de mojadas monedas en la mesa,
y el olor de zapatos y de uvas
y de vómitos verdes:
me gusta el canto ciego de los hombres,
y ese sonido de sal que golpea
las paredes del alba moribunda.

Hablo de cosas que existen, Dios me libre
de inventar cosas cuando estoy cantando!
Hablo de la saliva derramada en los muros,
hablo de lentas medias de ramera,
hablo del coro de los hombres del vino
golpeando el ataúd con un hueso de pájaro.

Estoy en medio de ese canto, en medio
del invierno que rueda por las calles,
estoy en medio de los bebedores,
con los ojos abiertos hacia olvidados sitios,
o recordando en delirante luto,
o durmiendo en cenizas derribado.

Recordando noches, navíos, sementeras,
amigos fallecidos, circunstancias,
amargos hospitales y niñas entreabiertas:
recordando un golpe de ola en cierta roca
con un adorno de harina y espuma,
y la vida que hace uno en ciertos países,
en ciertas costas solas,
un sonido de estrellas en las palmeras,
un golpe del corazón en los vidrios,
un tren que cruza oscuro de ruedas malditas
y muchas cosas tristes de esta especie.

A la humedad del vino, en las mañanas,
en las paredes a menudo mordidas por los días de invierno
que caen en bodegas sin duda solitarias,
a esa virtud del vino llegan luchas,
y cansados metales y sordas dentaduras,
y hay un tumulto de objeciones rotas,
hay un furioso llanto de botellas,
y un crimen, como un látigo caído.

El vino clava sus espinas negras,
y sus erizos lúgubres pasea,
entre puñales, entre mediasnoches,
entre roncas gargantas arrastradas,
entre cigarros y torcidos pelos,
y como ola de mar su voz aumenta
aullando llanto y manos de cadáver.

Y entonces corre el vino perseguido
y sus tenaces odres se destrozan
contra las herraduras, y va el vino en silencio,
y sus toneles, en heridos buques en donde el aire muerde
rostros, tripulaciones de silencio,
y el vino huye por las carreteras,
por las iglesias, entre los carbones,
y se caen sus plumas de amaranto,
y se disfraza de azufre su boca,
y el vino ardiendo entre calles usadas,
buscando pozos, túneles, hormigas,
bocas de tristes muertos,
por donde ir al azul de la tierra
en donde se confunden la lluvia y los ausentes.
Brett Jones Oct 2011
Twenty-somethings, homeless,
but with perfect fashion,

in muted greys and translucent lilacs
sit outside Union Square.

They have the coolest tattoos
and the coolest carboard signs,

all more transcendental and valuable
than the sidewalk they sleep on.

Some are tweaking, some are sleep,
some lean and have spit dribbling

from their burned lips as they drift
into a coma, like war heroes.

I want to give them a bowl
of my homemade vegan chili.

They can have cheese and sour cream,
depending how righteous they are.

I want to speak sweetly with their mothers
while they prune geraniums
along the cracked and faded sidewalk.

I wont smoke in their parent's garage
like an outcast uncle,
or have more than one beer with dinner.

The next day I’ll go back to the storefront
to explain everything I've learned, over
instant coffee and Entenmanns.

This time it's their turn to share wisdom
as 13th Street muscles from slumber,
achy under the weight of lost bodegas
and barbershops.

I’ve been told every homeless person needs a sign,
no matter what variation or breed.

Some write a new message every day, some stick to one,
but only a few don’t write anything at all.

“Not even gonna lie:
need money for bud.”

The pulse behind the sign renders words irrelevant.

The 500 year old Chinese woman captures the room
like a drunk teenager.

The oily scarecrow with a leather hat dances,
rattling his tin can.

Only occasionally will an assertive hungry hobo be satisfied
with a granola bar in place of anything less than Jackson.

“This is what it sounds like,
when the doves cry.”

Southern church bells ringing through dive bars filled with sinners.
Nat Lipstadt Jul 2013
"Escribe con los pies, poeta de la calle"
"Write with your feet, poet of the street"

days of no inspiration,
nights of emptiness irritation,
labor strife strives to divide,
the desire, the greedy needy,
to unburden, touch lips to tablet,
unsatisfied, muse departed
for foreign lads in foreign lands,
where dark eyed ladies sing
put the load right right on me

where once I saw poetry,
now I see lessons of less,
trees blowing whipped me frenzied,
saw cappuccino foaming,
revisited, now, see but tired dancers,
de-auditioned, sent home to wonder,
poets with paper cuts but no bleeding,
so eager so desirous of conceiving, thinking,
will I ever......................................again

once, every step a poem,
every sidewalk crack,
a smack down of nuance,
eye recorded,
mind disordered,
run home, to dance
each vision into words,
gloria, glorious just to walk
my city streets

once upon a time,
a traffic light rainbow,
stopped n' go, was a word design,
demarcated visions of spun sugar,
bodegas sold me
magic beans by the pound,
masterminded into cups of delight,
treasury's bounty overflowed,
now, dregs drain, sink stained,
as are my writing utensils,
my ink stained, us-less, fingers

come visit me, unknown stranger,
let us exchange fluidity, barbs,
a contest of kissing, eye lashing
wit ands shared vision stashing,
and together, once more,
write with our feet,
while holding hands,
becoming once more
poets of the street.

Only, come quickly,
Oct 13th, 2012
1:36 pm
Tinkered with July 2nd, 2013
Nat Lipstadt Feb 2015
My Night With Paul Simon
(Posted originally on June 5, 2013)

On the night train, the red eye plane,
Flying home to NYCeeeeeeeeeeeee,
From the city of Los Angeleeeeeeez

Feeling flush, dropped some cash,
Got me a seat in extra large first class

Seat 2C, plenty of room for my toes,
To wiggle  to dance, lay down some poetry tracks,
pretending I'm a **** jive,
bad *** from the
make-believe west coast

A short guy, with fedora down low,
An older man,
looking about nine years older
than somebody I might know,
hiding his eyes @ 9pm
neath some excellent Raybans,
slip slides into 2D,
gives me a smile,
And says Hi, I'm Paul

I look once at his face and say,
Listen Rhymin' Simon,
I'd know you any place,
No worries, your secret,
with me is safe,
Cause dudes in row 2,
gottta stick together, be cool,
We're riding first class,
over the land of the free

What ya do for a living he asks,
A little of this and a little of that,
All of which, ain't no **** good at!
So I spend my cold, hard time
laying down cold hard verse,
Can't stop, cause it's my daddy's dying curse

He said that's cool,
I like to do that too.
Guitars on planes
drive passengers insane,
They take up too much
overhead compartment space,
I just scribble me some rhymes and
Let the music come
when I got two feet
on the ground in the city
we both come from.

Paul:  You got any stuff writ
on that yellow sheet,
or just pretty blue lines,
a big pad of nothing?

Dude: Man you may got diamonds
on the soles of your shoes,
But pay me some 'spect,  
you talking to the man who penned
Sad Eyed Teenagers of the Lowland
on Hello Poetry, gad ****!

Paul smiled and said
you can call me Al,
And if you feel like blowing some lines together,
We got five hours till we can see
the house that Ruth built.

Dude: Hit me with your best shot,
I'll show you what I got

Paul: And she said honey take me dancing
But they ended up by sleeping
In a doorway
By the bodegas and the lights on
Upper Broadway
Wearing diamonds on the soles of their shoes

Dude: Just cause the union of the  monkeys
in the Bronx Zoo done gone on strike,
Don't mean the lion ain't
still king of the hill
inside this New York city jail

Paul: And the sign said,
"The words of the prophets are written
on the subway walls
And tenement halls"
And whispered
in the sounds of silence

Dude: A home-grown poet.
I am
Soul enslaved to words.
The alphabet - My oxygen molecules,
I am both,
Addict and dealer
A ****** poet

Paul: You don't need to be coy, Roy
Just listen to me
Hop on the bus, Gus
You don't need to discuss much
Just drop off the key, Lee
And get yourself free

Dude: Contact with the atmosphere
makes self pity die,
blue blood turn red,
the TNT tightness in my chest exploded
I got no place
to store these words,
the cops think I'm
some kind of

On and on thru the night,
Riffing, rapping, rambling, and spitting,
Ditties and darts, couplets and barbs,
Single words and elegies,
Free verse and a lot of fking curse words,
It was a moment, a time
that deserved
to be preserved,
and so this poem got writ

You may think this story apocryphal
Which is another way of saying untrue,
But I got his boarding pass and it is signed,
To this crazy poetry dude, long may you rasp,
And it is signed by Mr. P. Simon, a big fan,
And it has never since that day,
Left my grasp
why some call me

SNL provoked me to repost it
Distancia refugiada sobre tubos de espuma,
sal en rituales olas y órdenes definidos,
y un olor y rumor de buque viejo,
de podridas maderas y hierros averiados,
y fatigadas máquinas que aúllan y lloran
empujando la proa, pateando los costados,
mascando lamentos, tragando y tragando distancias,
haciendo un ruido de agrias aguas sobre las agrias aguas,
moviendo el viejo buque sobre las viejas aguas.

Bodegas interiores túneles crepusculares
que el día intermitente de los puertos visita:
sacos, sacos que un dios sombrío ha acumulado
como animales grises, redondos y sin ojos,
con dulces orejas grises,
y vientres estimables llenos de trigo o copra,
sensitivas barrigas de mujeres encinta,
pobremente vestidas de gris, pacientemente
esperando en la sombra de un doloroso cine.

Las aguas exteriores de repente
se oyen pasar, corriendo como un caballo opaco,
con un ruido de pies de caballo en el agua,
rápidas, sumergiéndose otra vez en las aguas.
Nada más hay entonces que el tiempo en las cabinas:
el tiempo en el desventurado comedor solitario,
inmóvil y visible como una gran desgracia.
Olor de cuero y tela densamente gastados,
y cebollas, y aceite, y aún más,
olor de alguien flotando en los rincones del buque,
olor de alguien sin nombre
que baja como una ola de aire las escalas,
y cruza corredores con su cuerpo ausente,
y observa con sus ojos que la muerte preserva.

Observa con sus ojos sin color, sin mirada,
lento, y pasa temblando, sin presencia ni sombra:
los sonidos lo arrugan, las cosas lo traspasan,
su transparencia hace brillar las sillas sucias.

Quién es ese fantasma sin cuerpo de fantasma,
con sus pasos livianos como harina nocturna
y su voz que sólo las cosas patrocinan?

Los muebles viajan llenos de su ser silencioso
como pequeños barcos dentro del viejo barco,
cargados de su ser desvanecido y vago:
los roperos, las verdes carpetas de las mesas,
el color de las cortinas y del suelo,
todo ha sufrido el lento vacío de sus manos,
y su respiración ha gastado las cosas.

Se desliza y resbala, desciende, transparente,
aire en el aire frío que corre sobre el buque,
con sus manos ocultas se apoya en las barandas
y mira el mar amargo que huye detrás del buque.

Solamente las aguas rechazan su influencia,
su color y su olor de olvidado fantasma,
y frescas y profundas desarrollan su baile
como vidas de fuego, como sangre o perfume,
nuevas y fuertes surgen, unidas y reunidas.

Sin gastarse las aguas, sin costumbre ni tiempo,
verdes de cantidad, eficaces y frías,
tocan el ***** estómago del buque y su materia
lavan, sus costras rotas, sus arrugas de hierro:
roen las aguas vivas la cáscara del buque,
traficando sus largas banderas de espuma
y sus dientes de sal volando en gotas.

Mira el mar el fantasma con su rostro sin ojos:
el círculo del día, la tos del buque, un pájaro
en la ecuación redonda y sola del espacio,
y desciende de nuevo a la vida del buque
cayendo sobre el tiempo muerto y la madera,
resbalando en las negras cocinas y cabinas,
lento de aire y atmósfera, y desolado espacio.
No, I was torn naked and bleeding from the mouth of a death star
and woke to find mountains laid bare by the sea.
In the shallows of blood baths and craters, where the crushers of garlic and the harlots all meet
and the stiflers of dreams, dream on (right up my street)
that's where you'll find me.

In the 'Benbow' with pirates and pieces of eight and with cords tied to timepieces
(don't want to be late)
and the show starts at nine
when after drinking two bottles of cheap German wine
Salome appears with a head in her lap
we clap
because that's what we do.
(Lost innocents are few and we ain't none of all that)

But the ship sailed at four carrying whalebones to Spain
to tighten the corsets
for those Senoritas
who put me to such shame.
What's in a name that it's spat on the floor
by crimson clad virgins
who won't leave the doorways of bodegas
and Degas paints on.

A shanty
a song and the night carries me along on a wave of cheap scent
where oft' I have spent a weeks earnings on unsatisfied

In the end someone will send me a typewritten note or a telegram
to let me know just who and what I am
until then
in the 'Benbow' 'til ten and the crows crow at midnight when the lights all go out.
Where Shelter May 2024
a year ago the doctors ordered me to return,
put down the tablet, cease driving, stay seated,
you a skinny hair from dying, the drop dead
unkindly kind, come back to the city, there’s
an operating table Resy~reserved just for you,
the menu we will decide, two or three courses,
but for
the summering on your sheltering isle, where the
lapping waves sounds of the sound, the greenery
calming befuddles your senses is ended, the congress
of animals too  have ordered your dispatch back to
the hubbub of pizza parlors, nail salons & bodegas,
we will slice and dice, drawn up plans to redirect
the arteries and veins that you’ve spent good money,
lazy years clogging & *******, sending you back after
you’re  in fighting trim, and and recommence dialogus
the sun, sky, animals, the water and the waves, and
write of peace of mind, knowing that your body, too,
at peace, but not at rest, and let the writing begin
again, with a refreshed perspective, and re-greet
old friends, Hafiz and Whitman, who were left
behind in a hasty departure, your retreat is ended
and now, a new re-treating of the soul, to match a
newly refreshed body

where is shelter? why, within and without…both needed,
in happy juxtaposition

but to those who a. companied me on this journey, I give my “undying”love thanks and to all a good night and a god bless…
Sean Hunt Jan 2016
Lama Leonard
Sing me a song again,
Before your life is over
Before you leave the stage and dive
Down below the clover
Before you reap the seeds you sowed
The wild world over
Between the alphas and the omegas
In bawdry nights inside bodegas

Lama Leonard listen to  
My song before you go
I've listened to yours since sixty eight
And now it's getting late
Ukulele days are numbered now
I  finally found my key
I'd like to know,  before I go,
You listened once to me

Sean Hunt  2013
I have been listening to Leonard Cohen's music since 1968.  I used to live in his neighborhood in Montreal, and we crossed paths in the very early hours of the morning in a diner.  He seemed to be in worse shape than me which was quite an accomplishment in those days.  We both pursued Buddhist studies, and meditated for many years on different mountains, he in California, me in Scotland and Spain.  After monkhood he hooked up with an exotic Hawaiian jazz singer many years younger than him;  I hooked up with a Spanish jazz singer many years younger than me.  I think we are both on our own once again.  There have been many curious parallels in our lives.  I see him as a very special person, an accomplished and humble spiritual seeker.  He is 82 and his impending departure from our stage (probably before mine) sparked this poem a few years ago.
Nat Lipstadt Jun 2014
On the night train, the red eye plane,
flying home to NYCeeeeeeeeeeeee,
from the city of Los Angeleeeeeeez

Feeling flush, dropped some cash,
got me a seat in extra large first class

Seat 2C, plenty of room for my toes,
to wiggle, to dance, lay down some poetry tracks,
pretending I'm a **** jive,
bad *** from the
make-believe west coast

A short guy, with fedora down low,
an older man,
looking about nine years older
than somebody I might know,
hiding his eyes @ 9pm
neath some excellent Raybans,
slip slides into 2D,
gives me a smile,
and says Hi, I'm Paul!

I look once at his face and say,
listen Rhymin' Simon,
I'd know you any place,
no worries, your secret,
with me is safe,
cause dudes in row 2,
gottta stick together, be cool,
we're riding first class,
over the land of the free

What ya do for a living he asks,
a little of this and a little of that,
all of which, ain't no **** good at!
so I spend my cold, hard time
laying down cold hard verse,
can't stop, cause it's my daddy's dying curse

He said that's cool,
I like to do that too.
guitars on planes
drive passengers insane,
they take up too much
overhead compartment space,
I just scribble me some rhymes and
let the music come
when I got two feet
on the ground in the city
we both come from.

You got any stuff writ
on that yellow sheet,
or just pretty blue lines,
a big pad of nothing?

Man you may got diamonds
on the soles of your shoes,
but pay me some 'spect,  
you talking to the man who penned
Sad Eyed Teenagers of the Lowland
on Hello Poetry, gad ****!

Paul smiled and said
you can call me Al,
and if you feel like blowing some lines together,
we got five hours till we can see
the house that Ruth built.

Hit me with your best shot,
I'll show you what I got

And she said honey take me dancing
but they ended up by sleeping
in a doorway
by the bodegas and the lights on
upper Broadway,
wearing diamonds on the soles of their shoes

Just cause the union of the monkeys
in the Bronx Zoo done gone on strike,
don't mean the lion ain't
still king of the hill,
roaming free,
inside this New York city jail

And the sign said,
the words of the prophets are written
on the subway walls
and tenement halls
and are whispered
in the sounds of silence

A home-grown poet.
I am
soul enslaved to words.
the alphabet - my oxygen molecules,
I am both,
addict and dealer
a  ****** poet

You don't need to be coy, Roy
just listen to me
hop on the bus, Gus
you don't need to discuss much
just drop off the key, Lee
when get yourself free

Contact with the atmosphere
makes self pity die,
blue blood turn red,
the TNT tightness in my chest exploded
I got no place
to store these words,
the cops think I'm
some kind of verbal

On and on thru the night,
riffing, rapping, rambling, and spitting,
ditties and darts, couplets and barbs,
single words and elegies,
free verse and a lot of fking curse words

It was a moment, a time
that deserved
to be preserved,
and so this poem got writ

You may think this story apocryphal
which is another way of saying untrue,
but I got his boarding pass and it is signed,
to this crazy poetry dude, long may you rasp,
it is signed by Mr. P. Simon, a big fan,
it has never since that day,
left my grasp

June 5, 2013
First posted on HP exactly one year ago.
Lady Francis May 2014
I love New York streets
The sound of speakers pumping beats
Is oh so sweet

Skyscrapers reach for the clouds
and then the stars at night
A canvas speckled
with neon lights

Sirens blare from far away
And traffic never slows
Cars fill the streets
No matter where you go

So many cultures in one place
But still people only care
About race

Cats howl and hiss
In an alley stinking
Of human ****

Thousands of empty apartments
Laying in wait
But the homeless stay homeless
And they call it fate

High fashion
Low self worth

Taxis, bodegas, newsstands, and fruit stands galore
We are 8 million strong and still
Growing more

Hustlers hustle any hours
Crackheads fiend in the streets
for months without a shower

Nodding out junkies sway
Almost falling down
All beautiful, *****, loud and bright
Things make up my town

So chaotic
But all seems to work
This is what it's like
It's why

I love New York
Ha enmudecido el campo, presintiendo la lluvia.
Reaparece en la tierra su primer abandono.
La alegría del cielo se desconsuela a veces,
sobre un pastor sediento.
Cuando la lluvia llama se remueven los muertos.
La tierra se hace un hoyo removido, oloroso.
Los árboles exhalan su último olor profundo
despuestos a morirse.
Bajo la lluevia adquiere la voz de los relojes
la gravedad, la angustia de la posstrera hora.
Reviven las heridas visibles y las otras
que sangran hacia dentro.
Todo se hace entrañable, reconcentrado, íntimo.
Como bajo el subsuelo, bajo el signo lluvioso.
Todo, todo parece desear ahora
la paz definitiva.
Llueve como una sangre transparente, hechizada.
Me siento traspasado por la humedad del suelo
Que habrá de sujetarme para siempre a la sombra,
para siempre a la lluvia.
El cielo se desangra pausadamente herido.
El verde intensifica la penumbra en las hojas.
Los troncos y los muertos se oscurecen aún más
por la pasión del agua.
Y retoñan las cartas viejas en los rincones
que olvido bajo el sol. Los besos de anteayer,
las maderas más viejas y resecas, los muertos
retoñan cuando llueve.
Bodegas, pozos, almas, saben a más hundidos.
Inundas, casi sepultados, mis sentimientos,
tú, que, brumosa, inmóvil pareces el fantasma
de tu fotografía.
Música de la lluvia, de la muerte, del sueño,
Todos los animales, fatídicos, se inclinan
debajo de las gotas.
Suena en las hojas secas igual que en las esquinas,
suena en el mar la lluvia como en un imposible.
Suena dentro del surco como en un vientre seco,
seco, sordo, baldío.
Suena en las hondonadas en los barrancos: suena
como una pasión íntima suicidada o ahogada.
Suena como las balas penetrando la carne,
como el llanto de todos.
Redoblan sus tambores, tañe su flauta lenta,
su lagrimosa lengua que lame tercamente.
Y siempre suena como sobre los ataúdes,
los dolores, la nada.
Poetoftheway Jun 2017
all day long the internet sells wisdom like
fruit in bins fronting the bodegas,
the one Spanish word every New Yorker speaks,
some ripe, some not and
some on the cusp of going home as mulch to the wet earth,
sooner than later

you can't squeeze the wisdoms proffered like a piece of fruit,
from the exterior, there rarely be a dashboard indicator saying
check engine light or this one is one worth picking

so gobsmack like Dylan croaking in an obvious in a way something obvious yet you thinking hey! that's interesting, read
earn good friends
something I ain't done so well and yet here I am,
passing it on like I know what the fruit-picking trick is,  
but on your fourth cup of joe and it's barely noon,
in your seventh decade you take the right to croak,
even if you aint got no expertise, that the emphisis
is on the earn part

you dont buy 'em in the store, no winning the lottery,
gotta use your eyes and no, lovers don't count neither,
guess you gotta stick out that hand, have somebody's back,
and being gracious when saying thanks,
but then again never had more than one or two,
but for fhem
I'd lay down my life for them to survive so not exactly clueless

earn good friends, that sounds bout right...that, the right way...
1:25pm 7/25/17
hay cuatro o cinco nombres obscuros
que sangran la poesía.
El exterminio asiste a los amantes.
Hay quien sin darse cuenta camina en el suicidio
como si visitara la muerte de un extraño.
El hombre dice polvo y soledad y angustia.
La esperanza, asustada, se refugia en los niños
y en los tontos
y en nosotros, los que todavía, por la gracia del verbo, somos desgraciados.
La tierra ignora, el hombre trata
de conocer, levanta la cabeza en que los ojos brillan.
Hermano: estoy enfermo, estamos
bebiendo diariamente vida y muerte mezcladas,
en nuestro pan hay piedras,
tenemos sucio el llanto,
acudimos a nuestro corazón como a una casa limpia,
pero tenemos que dormir sobre montones de basura
y cuando llega el día no podemos tomar leche al pie de la vaca
sino brebajes de perdición en manos de brujas.
Amanecer no es hoy darse cuenta del día.
La sangre a veces se congela en los ojos
que quieren ver el mundo.
Tu mano de amor se hará de piedra
si tratas de secar el llanto a tu vecino.
No hables, no escuches nada, no socorras,
no llames en tu auxilio,
que cada quien se ahogue bajo sus propios gritos,
en sus gestos de espanto para la mímica universal.
Hermano: tu desaliento no tiene sentido,
óyeme hablar de la primavera.
Yo siento a veces que los pulmones se me quiebran,
que la carne toda se me quiebra
igual que un vidrio golpeado por un martillo;
siento que alguien les aprieta el pescuezo a los pájaros dentro de las jaulas,
que alguien mete un perro y un gato en un costal,
que les dan con un mazo en la nuca a los corderos,
que degüellan niñas, juntándoles la cabeza a la espalda,
pero óyeme hablar de la primavera.
La miel se cosecha todavía en las bodegas
y en los libros. La ternura existe.
Vamos a morirnos cada quien en su sitio
calladamente. No hay que darle importancia.
Sobre las aguas,
sobre el desierto de las horas
pobladas sólo por el sol sin nombre y la noche sin rostro,
van los maderos tristes,
van los hierros, la sal y los carbones,
la flor del fuego, los aceites.
Con los maderos sollozantes,
con los despojos turbios y las verdes espumas,
van los hombres.

Los hombres con su tos, sus venenos lentísimos
y su sangre en destierro
de ese lugar de pinos, agua y rocas
desde su nacimiento señalado
como sepulcro suyo por la muerte.

Van los hombres partidos por la guerra,
empujados de sus tierras a otras,
hombres que sólo llevan ya a la muerte su diminuta muerte,
vagos semblantes sementeras,
deslavadas colinas y descuajados árboles.
La guerra los avienta,
campesinos de voces de naranja,
pechos de piedra, arroyos, torrenteras,
viejos hermosos como el silencio de altas torres,
torres aún en pie,
indefensa ternura hundida en las bodegas.

Al terrón cejijunto lo ablandaron sus manos,
sus anchos pies danzantes
alzaron los sonidos nupciales del viñedo,
la tierra estremecida bajo sus pies cantaba
como tambor o vientre delirante,
tal la pradera bajo los toros ciegos y violentos,
de huracanado luto rodeados.

A la borda acodados,
por los pasillos, la cubierta,
sacos de huesos o racimos negros.
No dicen nada, callan,
oyen a sus mujeres (brujas
de afiladas miradas alfileres,
llenas de secretos ya secos como añosos armarios,
historias que se sacan del pecho entre suspiros)
contar con voz rugosa
las minucias terribles de la guerra.

Los hombres son la espuma de la tierra,
la flor del llanto, el fruto de la sangre;
hijos de la ternura son de llanto,
son de piedra y estrella, son de sol,
son planetas que cantan mientras viven.
¿No hay agua, llanto, oh ramo
de soles apagados?

Los hombres son la espuma de la tierra.
Hijos de la ternura son de llanto
y renacen del llanto, diluviales,
y se esparcen por siglos como campos.

Bebe del agua de la muerte,
bebe del agua sin memoria, deja tu nombre,
olvídate de ti, bebe del agua,
el agua de los muertos ya sin nombre,
el agua de los pobres.
En esas aguas sin facciones
también está tu rostro.
Allí te reconoces y recobras,
allí pierdes tu nombre,
allí ganas tu nombre
y el poder de nombrarlos con su nombre más cierto.
William A Poppen Dec 2013
She was known for finding

shiny objects, pennies,

dimes and nickels on the street

in front of bodegas and filling stations.

He liked to look

upward and find priceless views

among trees and in the clouds.

They shared life well together.
Tengo miedo. La tarde es gris y la tristeza
del cielo se abre como una boca de muerto.
Tiene mi corazón un llanto de princesa
olvidada en el fondo de un palacio desierto.

Tengo miedo. Y me siento tan cansado y pequeño
que reflejo la tarde sin meditar en ella.
(En mi cabeza enferma no ha .de caber un sueño
así como en el cielo no ha cabido una estrella).

Sin embargo en mis ojos una pregunta existe
y hay un grito en mi boca que mi boca no grita.
No hay oído en la tierra que oiga mi queja triste
abandonada en medio de la tierra infinita!

Se muere el universo de una calma agonía
sin la fiesta del sol o el crepúsculo verde.
Agoniza Saturno como una pena mía,
la tierra es una fruta negra que el cielo muerde.

Y por la vastedad del vacío van ciegas
las nubes de la tarde, como barcas perdidas
que escondieran estrellas rotas en sus bodegas.

Y la muerte del mundo cae sobre mi vida.
Oh amor, oh rayo loco y amenaza purpúrea,
me visitas y subes por tu fresca escalera
el castillo que el tiempo coronó de neblinas,
las pálidas paredes del corazón cerrado.

Nadie sabrá que sólo fue la delicadeza
construyendo cristales duros como ciudades
y que la sangre abría túneles desdichados
sin que su monarquía derribara el invierno.

Por eso, amor, tu boca, tu piel, tu luz, tus penas,
fueron el patrimonio de la vida, los dones
sagrados de la lluvia, de la naturaleza

que recibe y levanta la gravidez del grano,
la tempestad secreta del vino en las bodegas,
la llamarada del cereal en el suelo.
Santiago Andres Aug 2024
We are all rivers, you see.

Your own reflection is held by the fish you catch, at breeze point of day. At golden oaks Sunday sun.

At summer’s hold, a the chapel’s bell, heard, prayed, taught that…

THE SAND, fate, a stranded old dog, like myself. At early morning lunch, I hunt at rivers. And so my face washed by the glass like greens of water, watermelon.
We are rivers, this is mine, this is reflected by my memories and my torments.

atoned sinners, contrite heart

A book full of blood, washed up, up to her simmering feet, her lovely, tanned feet. The women I’ll forever hold my service too, and my heart hung at the museum for her, to remember devotion.

unspoils ungrateful, heals the lost.

Like a gun in the down LOW of whiskey barrel
O a gambler sombrero, who drinks sotol at the Pacifico of México. And walks by wine bodegas, not found, not lost, but searching. She somehow found me. By my river, her river, both our. You see, we are all rivers.

TIME is much more valuable, when you sort out your troubles with stories to tell…
Oh Cruz del Sur, oh trébol de fósforo fragante,
con cuatro besos hoy penetró tu hermosura
y atravesó la sombra y mi sombrero:
la luna iba redonda por el frío.

Entonces con mi amor, con mi amada, oh diamantes
de escarcha azul, serenidad del cielo,
espejo, apareciste y se llenó la noche
con tus cuatro bodegas temblorosas de vino.

Oh palpitante plata de pez pulido y puro,
cruz verde, perejil de la sombra radiante,
luciérnaga a la unidad del cielo condenada,

descansa en mí, cerremos tus ojos y los míos.
Por un minuto duerme con la noche del hombre.
Enciende en mí tus cuatro números constelados.
Aditya Roy Jul 2019
Sword-like jump over killer blades
Cutting through thinned ice and putting fire to flesh and bonds
Bodegas on the street light up like a tin corner, sending into the spinal cord fears and love foremost
Kintesuroi heaps flares wiping off your und ich lieb dich doch like shiny gold
Free by the lancing
Tell me how I love you, lapas lazuli, with eyes flashing like droll dreams
Ultramarine is where life gets discordant, oh yeah, you fill my fire
With sands of time, buying you a reprieve from the ultimate reward of pulses
Which is I'm not a man of the sword
But, I'm a man of my word
Gashing your thin air of sensual swords in the air of the ******* testing time for our friends who have our condolences
Not a callous coward subject to abandoning the contingent of buskers following feudal Japan and it's mandamus
Without leaving a dollar for the chilling murders
A walk on traveled souls might water and fire, a lot like the hotness of my temper
This tempered glass might stick like the simplicity of the pogrom
Bamboos shield us in the whistling wind of flight, letting us sword dance like assassins
a judicial writ issued as a command to an inferior court or ordering a person to perform a public or statutory duty.

— The End —