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Thomas Conlan Oct 2017
A Dotard deals directly with death
His empty head wastes it’s breath
Fire and fury; war and worry
Life lost like a blink of an eye
A flash in the dark and then we die
Another ****** on the news
Black, white, Muslims, Jews
Fears of terror on the rise
Weapons of sizeable lies
Pray for Paris, stand with me
Pray in public for people to see
We’ll send our thoughts, a share, a like
And we’ll declare another drone strike
Tears shed for the injured and dead
For every white city stained red
Another elementary school mess
Caused by a child’s carelessness
Or some ****** having fun
With the barrel of his gun
A classroom of souls sit silent
Victims of a life so violent
Education spent on waging war
Using the pockets of our poor
America’s defence, say the boasters
Our children, new age holsters

A mother explains the world to her son
That’s ruled under finger and gun
Until a time when tragedy hits here
We all live life, paralyzed in fear
A world in decay and that’s okay
Because her child won’t ever know
The sky on fire raining ash-like snow
Won’t ever see the rising sea
Will not hear the screams of the free
As they rally together for peace
And are rained down on by police
Higher he will have to rise
Higher, after he dies
No longer burdened by the blow of living
In a time of eternal unforgiving
Plunged into a nightmare, he screams
Softly, slowly, delved into drowning dreams
As his mother stands above
Holding him under with love
A monster, a fiend they’ll see
An American reality
Another victim of violence
A soul becomes silence
Hearts break, tears are shed
Out of jealousy for the dead
For all the world’s war and strife
He’s just another casualty of life
On the news, a leading millionaire
Offering a thought and prayer
Lou Mar 2018
What do you see in me?
Every time you like a picture of me?

Is it just another pretty face you wanna put to your waist when you PM or do you seek eternity?

I'm told that everyday,
It's always just about my pretty face.

I get it three sixty-five,
I swear I can read minds
I hear it all the time
You think this is news to me?

You're speaking a lot of spirituality
Talking a lot, like you figured everything out about me.
Why don't you finish this conversation real late then without me?

I don't owe no one an apology.
If responding is an obligation consider this revelation
another blank page in your outdated patriarchy.

Do you actually believe in me?
I need more than a compliment,
I starve empathy

Are you a real human being ready for my beat
Or fiend ready to devour me?

I'm not afraid of men who can eat.
I'm afraid of a man I attract with no means.
I'm scared of someone who leaves when the table is set and doesn't eat anything.

I need somebody that isn't afraid of me.
A real head holder,
I don't want anymore fake supporters by likes and boasters.

I need completion and that's my biggest complexity.

Will you always pay attention to me?
Even when I say repeatedly, "I think I'm ugly?"

I have all these anxieties that build walls to society
I need love one second but the next second I can hate everybody

Do you still like me?
Are you willing to take a step with this girl in the darkness under electricity?

I need more than love I need all of your energy.

No more smiles with no teeth.
No one liners that are bold and weak.

If you want me,
fight for me
but this war could be over before the blitzkrieg.

This is just me.
My heart has a lock connected to a short chain
and opens to one key
I don't make copies!

There's one way in
and one way out.

Tell me what you see now...
So I have been trying to dabble with the thoughts of a woman diluted with messages in her pm on social media. Probably a bad representation but it was a good learning experience. Gotta stop listening to rap when I write lol
Jerry Howarth Jan 2018
        John 17:1-6; 11-18

Subj. -The world

Prop: The Bible speaks much about this world in which we live /and usually not in a good way.

Object: From this message I hope to illuminate our understanding about
why God warns us about the dangers
of getting chummy with this world…..
1. The World Defined
2. The world’s Design
3. The World’s Danger

I. The world defined -IJohn 2:16; 5:19
   A. Gk. Xprts: “world” is a system that operates
on the foundation of “The lust of the flesh, lust of the eyes and
        pride of life.”

C. Worldliness is pursing the activities of   life, with no regard or thought of God’s will… no consideration of whether God is pleased with our activities.
   1. Even innocent activity pursued apart from God can be classified                                                       ­             
       as worldly, not so much the activity itself, but the attitude of the        
       the activity.
  2. For example, I knew a man who was   so taken up with dirt track
     racing, that he neglected his wife and children. His wife divorced
     him and his kids ended up in prison.
       a. There is nothing sinful about racing in itself, but his attitude
           towards it made it worldly.  

II.  The World’s Design

Ephe. 2:2 explains to us that Satan god of this world system is the prince of the power of the air and the spirit that now worketh in the children of (mankind) of disobedience

A.  Who are these children of disobedience?
Anyone who has not believed in Christ a personal Savior.

B. Anyone who pursues this world’s
    Godless system based on the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eye
and pride of life.”

C. It doesn’t have to be something immoral such as adultery, ******* or some form of ****** transgression; it could be:
         * Self-centeredness
         * Selfishness
         * Lying/cheating
    * Arrogance
         * Unforgiveness
         * Jealousy
   *Just plain ol’ meanness
       IOW anything that breaks the bottom half of 10 comm. “Thou
      shalt love thy neighbor as thy self.”
      b. Nor does the lust of eyes have to be limited to viewing  
         immoral things, or Pride of life limited to bragging or acting
        superior to others.
    a. If truth was admitted, the underlying motive for most        of our words are pride.
     b. One of the marks of the last days according to 2Tim.3;2
        is pride - “For men shall be lovers of their own selves,
        boasters, proud and & high minded.”
      c. These words describes the world system of which Apostle Jn,
          warned against the believer in Christ of getting caught up in it.

III. The danger of the world.
A. It is a danger to family unity.
     B. It is a danger to living apart from
         God and dying apart from God and
         suffering in agony forever in Hellfire.
    C. For the Believer in Christ as personal Savior, danger of the         world is personal indifference towards Bible study, prayer,
       church attendance and soul winning.            

Sadly, many have been snared into his world system like a fly in a spider web, to  their own spiritual detriment.

Falling into the sin of worldliness is like a slow leak in car tire; It start with a little compromise here and a little there, until before we realize it, our spiritual tires have all gone flat and the ride of life has lost its joy.

So let me ask you this. How’s your tires of life. ? How’s your fellowship with the Lord? Are you filled  with the joy and peace of the Holy Spirit? Do you have concern for the unsaved?

Your answer to these questions will reveal to you, your relationship to God.
                                                            ­                 By G.E. Parson
Big Virge Aug 2021
Ya Know There Is This THING...
That TRULY STINKS... !!!
That Some Just CAN’T Resist...
The Bliss of IGNORANCE... !!!
And How It Now Functions...
In Today’s... Humans... !!!
It’s NOT All of Us... !!!
But There CLEARLY Are Some...
Who Think The Rest Are Dumb...
And Just CANNOT See...
THEIR Jealousy And Envy...
And... INCREDIBLE Lack...
of... Compassion... !!!
When It Runs In Blacks...
Some Resort To Guns...
Or REFUSE To Act...
With Respect For Those...
Who Are Quick To EXPOSE...
How Their Ignorance Flows...
Because They Hate To Be Told...
How It Is That They Roll...
So Choose To Behave...
Whose Brotherly Love...
Becomes A Thing That STUNS... !!!
When They Cannot Agree...
To Just... DISAGREE... ?!?
And Show RESPECT...
Instead of IGNORANCE...
Especially When...
Their Attempt To Be Friends...
Proves To Be A LIE...
That They HIDE BEHIND...
Because of Their PRIDE... !!!
So Of Course They Then TRY...
To DISTURB Your CHI... !!!
..... INCESSANTLY..... !!!
By Using Moves...
Like... Ku Klux Guys...
And Even Wives...
Choose To Stand Behind...
These IGNORANT Types...
Who Are TRULY SLY... !?!
You See Ignorant Minds...
Let Friendships DIE... !!!
Because of Vibes...
Where Their Thinking Incites...
The Type of Fights...
That Children Like...
Or The HATEFUL Type...
That Drives Racist Whites... !!!
But This Also Applies...
To... ALL Skin Types...
Within Our Human Kind... !!!!!
It’s A Flaw That You Find...
Who Seem To Ignore...
That’s Right Their Own Flaws... !!!
Always Running Their Jaws...
With The Type of Talk...
That Makes Them Squawk... !!!
Just Like Chickenhawks...
Or... Foghorn Leghorns... !!!
The Type of Jokers...
With Standards Lower...
Than Donald Trump Voters... !!!
Constant BOASTERS...
Whose Ignorance Smoulders...
And Burns Away...
The Type Who Make Claims...
That Real Fakes DON’T MAKE...
Imma' Say That AGAIN...
The Type Who Make CLAIMS...
That REAL Fakes Don’t Make... !?!
Always Trying To Do Good...
But Look Under Their Hood...
And What You’ll Find...
That They Choose To DENY... !!!
Who Define The Word Feeble... !!!
In The DEEPEST Way... !!!
These Words I Say... !!!
As Meaning That They...
Don’t Make Their Way...
Within This Life...
Because Many Have Wives...
And Have Yes Bred Child...
And Have Built A Life...
Where They’re Living Alright...
What I’m Saying Is THIS...
They EXHIBIT Things...
In How They Think...
That You SHOULDN’T Dismiss... !!!
Because There’s...
Something AMISS... ?!?
In People Who ACT...
Like They Shouldn’t Retract...
Or... Apologise For...
The Type of Talk...
That Runs From Their Jaws...
That Is... WEAK And FLAWED... !!!
That Helps Them To Function...
Like Some Kind of PUNK... !!!
Who CLAIMS To Deal In LOVE... !!!
When Their Form of LOVE...
Truly STINKS Like SKUNKS... !!!
Like The Skin They Live In...
That Embraces THIS THING...
That Is Simply THIS...
“ The Bliss of Ignorance “...
A twist on the saying, that is sadly something, that a lot of folks are now embracing !
akshat kaushal Apr 2020
Something that can make relations or break relations
Something that can gain trust or break the bond with ******
Something that's part of humanity
Something that's found in every liar's profanity

What's the costs of loyalty in human
Lust? Affection? or another beautiful woman?
Thousands promise, very few keeps
Foundation for relation, if missed you may roll on bounty steeps

For poker heart, it takes years n years to prove them
For boasters, it takes hours of conversation to captivate the stem
For cheaters, few pretentious days can do the harm
Once it's done, no medicine in this world can stop the storm

Victims of such chiseler are left awestruck
Left with some broken promises shattered hopes in gooey swamp stuck
No emotions to believe, No gesture to make
Life no more seems the same, everything seems fake

Burn old bridges if that what it costs
Disloyalty will be mankind's biggest lost
From being pretentious to being a cheat, that's what loyalty bounds
With a hairline difference between keeping heart and keeping heart all sound
Ken Pepiton Aug 2024
Gnoshit, reco-gnosis,
makes one imagine I am, no, know I am
one, in the largest ever population of nobodies.

I am as anonymous as privacy needs to be, open source,
casting pearls to pearl eating entities, noticing

taking notice, marking time for recollection,
whiling away on missed perceptions correction duty.
We, the public entity,
did we ever have a republic
without slaves, as a we, did we become
the people who constituted the distribution of power,
to the people,
under authorized sanctified known terms?

On the border between all languages,
the gift of translation, we have
to trusted reasons why we keep war alive,
in season,
the bulls all wanna breed,
the biggest boasters become kings,
let Lyndon tell it, ladies. History records
the incident as sometime after 20 Aug 1968.

While we replay the audio from the show at Khai Vinh,

put the mark anywhere? think wonder the verb, if
ever once it all seemed much like now
the experience, live
at the *******
across the highway.

Not many had the exact same experience,
but the music is all still played in that order,
chance opening a vein unexplored limnal spaces.

Playlists with metadata dendrite meandering mods.

Did you say you once wrote a book a day, by golly,
did you think that you wrote with extreme
prejudice, or did you slide each phrase,
along the edge, to the hilt, each phaze,

phinally spinning luck elucifity, apologize
for lies I left believed, as certainly as turbulence
mastery leaves lads and lassie's breathless,
globally on TV, the most imagined sin,

connecting, carnal knowing with dis connected
what kind of master would forbid knowledge,

start there o man of god, make me believe you know,
while you know I got you at the grand jesuture,
for all to hear, as all believed the lie about us,
let all believe the truth,

Job was right, no immortal knows a mortal's ignorance
of patience's perfecting function, waiting seems sufferage.

Endure until the end, pretend you are attending a judgement.
And notice, the remembering use by the accused to account
for idle words, with penitent acknowledgment, I was beguiled.

That's it, we know, the side the enlightener entertains
contains all the luminaries of our culture's global echo intent
chabad chata hamartia, principle idea, wisdom's dominion,

at the point of first precept, no noise, a twist, to on.

Our signal through tomorrow, prepaid.
Some days, time spent feels undeserved, and time taken in thinking,
seems to stretch to the inner edge of this bubble, where every way is up.

— The End —