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WhyamIaSpoon Dec 2011
I think that I might fly away, in my hot air balloon,
And hide from worldly worries on the dark side of the moon;
There’s but one thing I need before I float into the blue:
I need a sky companion and I want it to be you.

We’ll fly beyond the storm clouds and we’ll watch from up above,
I’ll cover you in rainbows as we feel each others’ love;
You’ll shower in the stars at midnight in our special place,
I’ll dry you with a comet’s tail and kiss your beaming face.

Dreamy drifting panorama, changing every day,
Every night your loving smile will be my milky way,
The moon will wane before us, sailing there in heaven’s height,
For nothing else can challenge our love’s everlasting light.

Venus shining on us, glowing soft at our devotion,
Our daily drifting dalliance in love’s celestial ocean,
I’ll write you lovers’ poetry, and you will be my muse,
Orion and Andromeda will oversee our cruise.

We’ll sleep with clouds as pillows, maybe steal an angel’s wings,
Then fly as magic lovebirds, or slide round Saturn’s rings,
And should we tire of drifting and the stars all floating by,
We’ll hook onto a meteor and soar across the sky.

Will you consent to be my mate on our celestial ship?
I’m ready, heart all packed with love, to last us for the trip,
Take my hand and step aboard, we’re heading for the sun,
We’re flying till we find the place where our two souls are one.
Against these turbid turquoise skies
The light and luminous balloons
Dip and drift like satin moons,
Drift like silken butterflies;

Reel with every windy gust,
Rise and reel like dancing girls,
Float like strange transparent pearls,
Fall and float like silver dust.

Now to the low leaves they cling,
Each with coy fantastic pose,
Each a petal of a rose
Straining at a gossamer string.

Then to the tall trees they climb,
Like thin globes of amethyst,
Wandering opals keeping tryst
With the rubies of the lime.
I Don't Care Jun 2013
And they all laugh at her dreams. She laughs along, too, acting like each giggle and 'never' doesn't feel like someone stabbing her repeatedly. But just one more "You'll never make it." One simple "He'll never love you." is enough for her to pop.

she lets go of everything she held on for.
Poetic T Nov 2014
And so the green balloons did grow
Inflated, nurtured over time,
This tree of air
Traces of other gases too,
Out side was warm
Internal temp minus triple degrees,
What had been barren branches
Now sustained as these
Strings matured forth
Buds of latex and rubber grew,
Liquid air exhaled as the buds nurtured  
Air expanded with warm the green balloons
Sprung forth in to life what once was
Small, now expanded fuelled by the
Cold fuel of the tree of white,
In the winds they did gesture
As if dancing putting on a show
Green balloons flourished there veins
Feeding air anew,
Blustery winds picked up
Strings did snap, green balloons did
Float away, drifting upon high
Into a sea of blue,
But as seasons change,
Green balloons became loose
Many floated away to places new
Those that did not,
Nourishment of air, no longer green ballons
Phenomenon's of gases changed
And green faded now this tree of air
Brought forth new shades of
So these colours did fall from the tree,
Floating not as before,
They did descend, slowly to the floor,
Biodegradable. they did fade
From view, not what they were before,
The life cycle of these green balloons
The tree of white grows evermore cold,
For seasons change and green balloons will
Grow again next spring  floating in the air once more.
All balloon poems/writes can be found by  balloon-series
Nature science & balloons
mark john junor Mar 2013
as each daytime infects the night sky
rousing the masses to the labour that socity demands
the lost and the maligined
the hopeless and the twisted seek shelter
by trying vainly to blend in
or simply go to ground till it is "safe"

this road stained with the tread of all
thouse who have perished before we stepped
onto this self destructive love affair
of balloons and spoons

i am freeing myself of this
many-layered monster
and we both see tommorows daylight
infecting the nights sky
calling us to take our place
in the masses below
it is a better fate than
the one we have striven for

better than balloons and spoons
Sorrow Jul 2013
Don't forget
Your name today
As it passes,
Don't let it fade away.

Please remember
How I looked at you
And all you saw
In the days before your grave.
Reanna Horsley May 2014
And I guess one could say this is the pinnacle of all that is us. My feelings could never be put to rest.When the acrimony of departure has come at last, I will stay here for all of my life. You will see the world and you will love many others. Deep in my clandestine mind, I won't love again when you leave me behind. I simply will not ; even if you say I must.
Akira Chinen Jul 2016
There once was a boy who lived above the clouds
With only the sun and the moon and the stars
Collecting all the things our hands
Did foolishly let slip away
Kites with string
And ballons with ribbon
And planes of paper
And hearts both whole and broken
And he played with it all
Dancing and running and singing and laughing
Soaring high with all the kites
Floating softly on each balloon
Flying swiftly with the racing wings folded from paper
But kind and carefully with each heart
Softly mending the broken with thread colored purple by rain
Gently kissing the knots on every last stitch
Shaping wings from stray clouds
And placing them on the whole hearts
Then showing and teaching them they could still fly
Both to new and old faces
Each heart free to choose itself
Letting them stay when they
Needed more time
Wether to heal or cry
Before knowing what to do next
Letting them play
With the kites and the ribbons and the ballons and the strings
And the paper and the planes
Every heart welcome to laugh and run and sing and dance
Until it felt ready to fly back home
And the boy who lived in the clouds
Lives there still
Watching and waiting for more planes and ballons and kites
And for hearts that need mending
And hearts that need homes
He may live by himself
But he is never alone
Akira Chinen Jan 2017
The childish heart of mischief and innocence beating with wonder and awe and kindness and magic and soft beauty
Keep it well and keep it always
Don't foolishly let it float away with lost ballons or abandon it like an unwanted kite tangled in the dying branches of an old oak tree
It is the best heart you will ever have and the best heart you will ever be loved by
It is no easy task to keep as the days go by and the years add up
Don't fall victim to the lures of what comes next or to those who insist you must let it go and you must grow up and old
This is not true
Not at all
In no way
And no how
You will age and that is certain
If lucky your body will collect many many years
There is no fighting time or fate on that
But the soul and spirit of your heart is a timeless entity
A will and mind of its own
Half crazy and fully mad
The wild card in a deck full of jokers
The maker of things impossible possible
The final guardian of magic
The last knight of wonder
The only protector of kindness
But it can stray
It can grow old
It can even turn cold
and bitter
and cruel
It is much harder work to keep the childish heart than to give into doubt and disbelief and follow the flow of the normal world around you
And how do we keep this heart
This childish beautiful heart
How do we keep it safe
How do we hold on
We feed it the magic of childhood dreams
And the sweet kindness of wonder
We encourage the impossible
We push it through failure and skinned knees
We let it soar with kites in open skies and dance among cloud high ballons
And most importantly we believe in its love
For there is nothing more important to the childish heart
than believing in its love
Feeling its love
Giving its love
and accepting its love
The childish heart
Is ours to always keep
and it is simple as believing
all though that is very difficult to do
but there is no better life to live
Than the life lived
Protecting and keeping
The childish heart
Adam Childs Nov 2016
Daft, scruffy, crazy hair unbounding
Bouncing piece of bursting joy.
Sensless madness going berserk
  but please take me on a journey.
I love you, really love you so very much
I am happy to merrily trot and follow  
the path they all call LOVE.
As you float like a bubbles
perfect pink ballons.
Happy I am to be lead by LOVE

While those ever so precious cats
tip toe the rivers edge cringing at
thought of getting wet.
I just jump jump and jump
While others hold back
make plans control.
I pull pull say lets go live in the unknown.
I say lets play a silly game or two.

I am submissive not controlling
I let go of my ego
as a plastic crown falls of my head
I am filled with love.
Driven by something inside me racing
faster than any wind so let me jump inside
your heart and drag you kicking
into something beautiful.

And even though I really love all my
life so very much frightened that
I will loose it all.
I Silently tentatively sit by the rusty
waters edge as spring flowers blossom.
And wait for the signal
from you too
Love and Love.
To simply let go
to love and love.
As I jump ,jump and jump
Love ,Love and Love.
With a great big
Clumsy Splash
So the whole world can hear.
We let go and go,
dissolving all our ego.

Driven on by a deeper yearning
I love and long, love and long.
As I swim in a river that
has no tomorrow or
As I surrender to you
the great master OH GOD
what ever you wish
of me I will become.
Just throw me a stick
I will truly run do anything.

There are many who
rush away from great pain
I only rush towards joy.
There are those frightened
of getting lost to afraid to let go.
But I even though I melt like softest
butter in the sun. And fall in love
deeper than an ocean.
Expanding outside of the sky
into other greater worlds.

For deep inside I cradle myself
cherish, nourish blow kisses in
my heart.
As I am never running away only
running too.
As I am touched by a tender softness
inside I always hold myself.
As I gather myself to make a leap
hold myself to make the jump
as I carry myself through a hoop.
But I never loosing myself always
taking myself with me on the journey
into LOVE.

Much can be gained by listening to
mans best friend his Dog.
As we can all live in a river
paddling, expanding in
a Blissful  LOVE and JOY
Just spent a little more time trying to improve it as I felt it needed a bit of extra attention. exploring a more positive side of codependents
And using the example of our best friend.
À Maxime Du Camp.


Pour l'enfant, amoureux de cartes et d'estampes,
L'univers est égal à son vaste appétit.
Ah ! que le monde est grand à la clarté des lampes !
Aux yeux du souvenir que le monde est petit !

Un matin nous partons, le cerveau plein de flamme,
Le coeur gros de rancune et de désirs amers,
Et nous allons, suivant le rythme de la lame,
Berçant notre infini sur le fini des mers :

Les uns, joyeux de fuir une patrie infâme ;
D'autres, l'horreur de leurs berceaux, et quelques-uns,
Astrologues noyés dans les yeux d'une femme,
La Circé tyrannique aux dangereux parfums.

Pour n'être pas changés en bêtes, ils s'enivrent
D'espace et de lumière et de cieux embrasés ;
La glace qui les mord, les soleils qui les cuivrent,
Effacent lentement la marque des baisers.

Mais les vrais voyageurs sont ceux-là seuls qui partent
Pour partir, coeurs légers, semblables aux ballons,
De leur fatalité jamais ils ne s'écartent,
Et, sans savoir pourquoi, disent toujours : Allons !

Ceux-là dont les désirs ont la forme des nues,
Et qui rêvent, ainsi qu'un conscrit le canon,
De vastes voluptés, changeantes, inconnues,
Et dont l'esprit humain n'a jamais su le nom !


Nous imitons, horreur ! la toupie et la boule
Dans leur valse et leurs bonds ; même dans nos sommeils
La Curiosité nous tourmente et nous roule,
Comme un Ange cruel qui fouette des soleils.

Singulière fortune où le but se déplace,
Et, n'étant nulle part, peut être n'importe où !
Où l'homme, dont jamais l'espérance n'est lasse,
Pour trouver le repos court toujours comme un fou !

Notre âme est un trois-mâts cherchant son Icarie ;
Une voix retentit sur le pont : " Ouvre l'oeil ! "
Une voix de la hune, ardente et folle, crie .
" Amour... gloire... bonheur ! " Enfer ! c'est un écueil !

Chaque îlot signalé par l'homme de vigie
Est un Eldorado promis par le Destin ;
L'Imagination qui dresse son orgie
Ne trouve qu'un récif aux clartés du matin.

Ô le Pauvre amoureux des pays chimériques !
Faut-il le mettre aux fers, le jeter à la mer,
Ce matelot ivrogne, inventeur d'Amériques
Dont le mirage rend le gouffre plus amer ?

Tel le vieux vagabond, piétinant dans la boue,
Rêve, le nez en l'air, de brillants paradis ;
Son oeil ensorcelé découvre une Capoue
Partout où la chandelle illumine un taudis.


Etonnants voyageurs ! quelles nobles histoires
Nous lisons dans vos yeux profonds comme les mers !
Montrez-nous les écrins de vos riches mémoires,
Ces bijoux merveilleux, faits d'astres et d'éthers.

Nous voulons voyager sans vapeur et sans voile !
Faites, pour égayer l'ennui de nos prisons,
Passer sur nos esprits, tendus comme une toile,
Vos souvenirs avec leurs cadres d'horizons.

Dites, qu'avez-vous vu ?


" Nous avons vu des astres
Et des flots ; nous avons vu des sables aussi ;
Et, malgré bien des chocs et d'imprévus désastres,
Nous nous sommes souvent ennuyés, comme ici.

La gloire du soleil sur la mer violette,
La gloire des cités dans le soleil couchant,
Allumaient dans nos coeurs une ardeur inquiète
De plonger dans un ciel au reflet alléchant.

Les plus riches cités, les plus grands paysages,
Jamais ne contenaient l'attrait mystérieux
De ceux que le hasard fait avec les nuages.
Et toujours le désir nous rendait soucieux !

- La jouissance ajoute au désir de la force.  
Désir, vieil arbre à qui le plaisir sert d'engrais,
Cependant que grossit et durcit ton écorce,
Tes branches veulent voir le soleil de plus près !

Grandiras-tu toujours, grand arbre plus vivace
Que le cyprès ? - Pourtant nous avons, avec soin,
Cueilli quelques croquis pour votre album vorace,
Frères qui trouvez beau tout ce qui vient de **** !

Nous avons salué des idoles à trompe ;
Des trônes constellés de joyaux lumineux ;
Des palais ouvragés dont la féerique pompe
Serait pour vos banquiers un rêve ruineux ;

" Des costumes qui sont pour les yeux une ivresse ;
Des femmes dont les dents et les ongles sont teints,
Et des jongleurs savants que le serpent caresse. "


Et puis, et puis encore ?


" Ô cerveaux enfantins !
Pour ne pas oublier la chose capitale,
Nous avons vu partout, et sans l'avoir cherché,
Du haut jusques en bas de l'échelle fatale,
Le spectacle ennuyeux de l'immortel péché

La femme, esclave vile, orgueilleuse et stupide,
Sans rire s'adorant et s'aimant sans dégoût ;
L'homme, tyran goulu, paillard, dur et cupide,
Esclave de l'esclave et ruisseau dans l'égout ;

Le bourreau qui jouit, le martyr qui sanglote ;
La fête qu'assaisonne et parfume le sang ;
Le poison du pouvoir énervant le despote,
Et le peuple amoureux du fouet abrutissant ;

Plusieurs religions semblables à la nôtre,
Toutes escaladant le ciel ; la Sainteté,
Comme en un lit de plume un délicat se vautre,
Dans les clous et le crin cherchant la volupté ;

L'Humanité bavarde, ivre de son génie,
Et, folle maintenant comme elle était jadis,
Criant à Dieu, dans sa furibonde agonie :
" Ô mon semblable, ô mon maître, je te maudis ! "

Et les moins sots, hardis amants de la Démence,
Fuyant le grand troupeau parqué par le Destin,
Et se réfugiant dans l'***** immense !
- Tel est du globe entier l'éternel bulletin. "


Amer savoir, celui qu'on tire du voyage !
Le monde, monotone et petit, aujourd'hui,
Hier, demain, toujours, nous fait voir notre image
Une oasis d'horreur dans un désert d'ennui !

Faut-il partir ? rester ? Si tu peux rester, reste ;
Pars, s'il le faut. L'un court, et l'autre se tapit
Pour tromper l'ennemi vigilant et funeste,
Le Temps ! Il est, hélas ! des coureurs sans répit,

Comme le Juif errant et comme les apôtres,
A qui rien ne suffit, ni wagon ni vaisseau,
Pour fuir ce rétiaire infâme : il en est d'autres
Qui savent le tuer sans quitter leur berceau.

Lorsque enfin il mettra le pied sur notre échine,
Nous pourrons espérer et crier : En avant !
De même qu'autrefois nous partions pour la Chine,
Les yeux fixés au large et les cheveux au vent,

Nous nous embarquerons sur la mer des Ténèbres
Avec le coeur joyeux d'un jeune passager.
Entendez-vous ces voix, charmantes et funèbres,
Qui chantent : " Par ici ! vous qui voulez manger

Le Lotus parfumé ! c'est ici qu'on vendange
Les fruits miraculeux dont votre coeur a faim ;
Venez vous enivrer de la douceur étrange
De cette après-midi qui n'a jamais de fin ? "

A l'accent familier nous devinons le spectre ;
Nos Pylades là-bas tendent leurs bras vers nous.
" Pour rafraîchir ton coeur nage vers ton Electre ! "
Dit celle dont jadis nous baisions les genoux.


Ô Mort, vieux capitaine, il est temps ! levons l'ancre !
Ce pays nous ennuie, ô Mort ! Appareillons !
Si le ciel et la mer sont noirs comme de l'encre,
Nos coeurs que tu connais sont remplis de rayons !

Verse-nous ton poison pour qu'il nous réconforte !
Nous voulons, tant ce feu nous brûle le cerveau,
Plonger au fond du gouffre, Enfer ou Ciel, qu'importe ?
Au fond de l'Inconnu pour trouver du nouveau !
Mark Jones Aug 2016
Way up high they fly,
               Way up high,
               In the sky.

Touch of joy they give,
               Touch of joy,
               Simple toy.

Red ballons and kites
               Red balloons,
               Laughing loons.

Way up high they fly,
               Way up high,
               In the sky.

Moonbeams ride the tide...moonbeams inside.
Dancing and laughing, spending the day with a smile.
Sharing the well-kept secrets of youth for a while.
Kites and balloons, they soar free above the trees.
The string is secured to someone so easy to please.
Sean Jan 2012
When I was young
I had a body made of rubber
And elastic bands
That mother tightened
So I would sit up straight
But she grew slack with age.

When I was young
I was pliant
I had too many ballons in my ears
So mother pulled them, but I disappeared-
Tucking my head into my collar
And my hands into my armpits
To escape.

I was reminded of this yesterday,
Driving by one of those street advertisements
Car dealerships, Verizon wireless
Where they communicate to get your attention
Balloons growing
To the dance of wind inside an empty sleeve.
Sai Anne Feb 2019
Balloons floating up in the sky
Balloons fly high in the sky
A story is in each balloon
One by one each story is told
Balloons make such a beautiful array of colors.
The balloons then float up too high
One by one they pop
Such pretty colors are gone
That marks the end of the stories it told
Vampyre Kato May 2016
Violence, I Don’t Hold Those Rains,
Silence Beside My Eyelids Inside Know My Pain,
Were Just A Number Don’t Own A Name,
Social Security, Tags Sincerely,
Passing Through Earths Plane, Piercing Purity,
I Call My Conscious Kato ,
Cos Andrew Michael Gammons Just A Label,
I’m The Eye Rolling The Die, & The Decision Implied That Lys Upon The Table,
I Am Infinite, Able To Untangle The Tangled,
That Gold Ratio, Element Lighting, Vessica Pieces,
Hyper Space Igniting, Lapse In Time, When Beauty Shines , Love Is Always Present,
A Gift Inside, Of Course Were From The Same Source , That Sprit Light,
That Multiplied, Manifesting Universal Matrix, Some Moments I Feel Foreign , I Face It,
I Am Right Here On Some Real Outer Space ****,
I Feel Out Of Space When, I’m Faced With Low Vibrations,
I’m So ******* High , That’s Why I Can’t Take It,
Shrooms Showed Me Truth In Life Illusions Like Liqour & Ballons, Is Just An Act Of Consume, Prophet
It’s Full Of Aliens, Beautiful Harmonics, Space ships . Healing Onyx,
I’m Neither Humble Nor Modest, I’m Honest, They Key Is Within,
Lying Out Your Chin When You Grin  Got It In Your Pocket,
G.E.D Bleeds Deep Won’t Be Forgotten,
With Shattered Knees By Close Friends That Deceived Claimed They Got Him
You Will Be At The Top Brother Man, Understand They At The Bottom,
What Others Did . Glad No Body Shot Him,
I Really Morph Into A Monster When I’m Feeling Rotten,
At Least Ged Didn’t Turn Away,
Kash You Blamed Me & ******* Burned My Face,
I Am In Galactic Space, Manifesting Amplifying , High Exchange,
Inner Out & Outer, I’ve Just Written My Ritual, Visuals The Perfect Hour,
I’m On My Way To The Mo urge, But Before I Need To Take A Shower,
I Sit Under An Oak Kick It For An Hour,
Embrace The Hearts Of Stars That Wore Torn Apart By Cowards
Francisco DH Nov 2012
Man, I wish I had a gun to shoot all the ballons that carry you away from me
I wish I had an axe to cut away the ropes that bound you so you can be with me
I wish I could **** all the ones who prevent you from being with me
but you know you too would die

So I only wish that you will have a change of heart and choose me
Cause Right now I am losing my mind with all the wondering
Words that want to come out just dance in my head making it throb
I wish to hold your hand
I wish to kiss those lips
I wish to feel your skin against mine
I wish to make love to you
But all the wishes are stuck in my head
Man, I do wish
Sarah Michelle Oct 2010
time cannot thrive here
lost ballons measure my life
and big silly hats
Tony Luxton Aug 2018
Buses are emptied unlike
many minds at this time
in the trudge to work
beneath the canopy of
buoyant barrage ballons.

Another factory day ***** in
the dark figures downcast with bad
war news and routine ritual.
But there is comfort to be had
in the chorus of familiar talk.
Lowry's painting 'Going to Work'
Akira Chinen Apr 2016
The naked truth is suffocating under
The emperors new clothes
The big bad wolf was murdered for exposing the greatest lie of the king
That evil is an invention that was born from his greed
And little red was left for all the kings horses and all the kings men
To abuse again and again
Humpty jumped from the wall because he was helpless to do nothing but watch
Goldilocks and the bears
Dare not make a sound
And choke down cold rotten porridge
Desperately waiting for their graves in the ground
Jack tried to raise the giant back from the dead
But magic was outlawed and he found his head in a noose
Snow White fell back into a coma
And the seven dwarfs feasted until she was nothing but bone
The mirror mirror had nothing to say
For the queen was bored with her beauty and sewed its mouth shut
The witches and madmen cackled and laughed
And refuesd to take part
In the shadow of darkness they rescued the truth
They took leave of the senseless
With a handfull of ballons and floated up to the man in the moon
Akira Chinen Jul 2016
The children of the cloud live high above the places we all call home
They play and laugh with the sun all day
Way up in the stratosphere they collect the things
That our hands do lose
From kites with tails
And ballons with strings
Folded paper shaped like planes and cranes and flying things
And hearts badly broken
And hearts sad and lonely
And hearts far from home
The children of the cloud
Love all the things we lose
They run with the kites and chase their tails
They dance and jump from ballon to ballon and play hide and seek with every string
The race and zoom and vroom with every type of paper wing
From folded birds to creased precision fighter planes
And the hearts
They love them best
The gently mend the broken first with thread entwined with purple colored rain
With innocent kisses they wipe the tears away and tell tales of comfort and of places where no heart is every lead astray
With stray soft clouds they shape and sculpt brand new wings
They teach each and every heart that has forgotten how
How to laugh and play and sing and fly again
Every heart loved with gently care
Each heart made welcome and at home
They can stay high above or go back down below
No rush for the hearts to decide
The children of the cloud are grateful for their time and the  chance to help
And each and every heart is let known before they go
Whenever needed
The children of the cloud will welcome them back to their home
High above the stratosphere
To play and laugh and sing and fly with the sun all day
More illustration options than with "boy in the clouds"...
Alice Kay Nov 2012
I believe in releasing ballons
Writing a message on them,
letting them drift away... carrying with them, your worries.

I believe in the night.
It conceals your true self,
and takes of your mask... for just a moment

I believe in the blank spaces.
Letting others decide what you think,
laughing at their guesses that are so wrong
nazu Dec 2018
Why can’t we just be like everybody else?
Life isn’t fair.
Why balloons?
Everybody is born with a balloon.
Some red
Some blue
Some green
Some popped.
But we have none.
We are the unlucky ones
Without balloons.

Why can’t we just take unwanted ballons?
That would be stealing.
Make our own?
Not the same.
But we deserve it,
Don’t we?
Life is unfair
Life is unfair
Life is unfair
Life isn’t fair.
None of it is fair.
All I want is a
this is my first time writing a poem... i hope at least somebody takes their time to read it!
It was a joke the balloons know one heard his voice yet ' As he walks across the floor Pop POP
Poping along Pop pip Pop Know chance thats it.  Lets Ask why she popped her Balloon. He's short and just not my type. Next one He's from Texas.  I'm from New York the distance And your trousers to wide in the leg. OH REALLY ' yes REALLY.  Lets move on Let's He's cute Nice looking GUY  Y"all its the shoes and the style lm just not attached to You BOWY BOY " Ladies REALLY. Any Matching UP out of the 25 hope SO KNOW POP lN TO LOVE AS YET.
JaxSpade Sep 2018
The sasquatch
Holds blue

Ran over the morning
The skies wore gloom

They were
Sporting their normal
Dark grey

And the sasquatch
Walked along
With his blue balloons

Drifting away
His feelings
On a string of blues

Nobody sees him
Save for few

Once in a blue moon
In Washingtons view

You could see him on the side walks
In cafe or two

A lonely ole
Holding blue ballons
Mike Hauser Jun 2024
******* on a hunk of helium
Every time I'm up to speak
So, every word that comes out my mouth
Is nothing but a high-pitched scream

Morning, night, and noon
I carry an array of colorful floating ballons
To help me breath as deep as I need
When talking to the likes of you

Bringing me to a higher frequency
Of what doesn't make much sense to me
Helium filled bounds and leaps
Dealing with those with special needs

******* gobs and gobs of helium
Like it's going out of style
Laughing my way through the end of days
In and out of oblivious crowds

How did I get to this point where I live
With a voice that is this high pitched
Why, by adding helium
Into my daily mix,
of insanity the likes of this
Ryan O'Leary Jun 2024
Wish Upon A Star

Oh Israel, you are,
Wart of the world.

You blemish the
Face of our earth.

A congregation
Of corruption, a
Bile to be lanced.

An evil, such as a
Sentence in need
Of rédaction.

Not censored, but
Exorcised from our
Minds, eradicated,
dispersed or diluted.

Sin of the Universe.

Attach you to one of
Kim Jong-Un’s ballons.

Solar escape goat, first
Bag of faeces in space.

— The End —