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James Oct 2018
A pale glow,
Nocturne elegance and grace,
Break free of its confines
And illuminate thine beautiful face,
Soft lit glimmer,
Frame the windows of your soul,
Radiance withheld beneath surge forth
And prelude the day,
Of the tide you are,
To and fro,
There is a beauty to both,
And yet more in the succession,
For sun and moon lock in eternal dance,
And what is a dance without a partner?
I wrote this for my wife who struggles with depression sometimes. I wanted to express that, to appreciate the good times, we all must experience bad times.
Karijinbba Nov 2018
I thank you all poets poetessess moderators this thanks giving.
To one or two foe serpents in my paradise writing uglily to me on HP, I am sorry I had to block you and your friends since I am highly intuitive.
One of you posing as female sent me to your page drawing a page full of scissors! without a word in it very cruel sadistic of her an old poisonous snake from my old paradise hanously destructive. Another a female wrote mocking a woman aborting her child!! Abortion is legal to me only if medically adviced.
Grow a brain write, don't mock or judge me. The only child I aborted was one whose heart had stoped due to massive antibiotic dose prescribed by a butcher because MD he was not. That was my missfortune and your oportunity.
What is it to you anyway to write to me derrogatorily so?. It happened in my teens! Long ago. ENOUGH!
I had to block you. I am highly intuitive and gifted first pure blood RHO negative.
I know it's you even when you hide masked behind this HP mirrors.
Please make peace with your ghosts, head voices or seek medical psychiatric help, many of you need it. Poetry isn't to mock hate assault the mind heart and soul of fellow men and women who communicate beautifully even in their distress but evil won't be rewarded or tolerated not by me, if you play your holier than me role.

Theres plenty malice where I am no need for me to pay monthly to be cursed on here.
Please spread love, live life forgive yourself be genuine, share your true life experiences, instead of looking who to dishonor and hate.
For the one or two females who created an account just to spread evil grow a heart a brain and then tell us how you did it.
we might even apreciate your courage to share!
My past love life with wealthiest elite true love, sweetheart soulmate, twin flame isn't any of your business.

G* d, and cause and effect in the universe are my only judges not a malignant infective fungus poor excuse, a human **** like yourselves who tried to defile me unprovoqued undeserved and unsolicited.
You are forgiven and loved still but I had to block you. I don't reward or ignore destructive behaviors.
To all genuine poets moderators and poetessess be well
Happy Thanks giving this November 2018.
All the best to you all

As for killing a turkey,
for six years now, I forgive the turkey and spared it's life but I still have fun eating all other delights of season's greetings.

also I love and pamper myself
I am my own best friend
so that loving, tolerating and understanding others becomes that much easier and enjoyable.
Happy Thanks Giving
jennifer ann Aug 2014
apreciate the world for all of its beauty,
& please dont dwell on all of the negativity,
eventhough society is cruel and ugly,
please remember my love, that you are lovely.

you're too young, to be so broken down and sad.
dont let bad people, make you feel so bad.

& i know, you have a million scars on your broken
heart, but its time to let it go, dont let toxic people tair you apart, its time to move on, be strong and let yourself grow.

lifes too short and too precious,
time flys by far too fast, dont destroy your
future, dwelling on your troublesome past.
hug more, fight less.
relax, and dont stress.
live every day like its going to be your last.

if i had a time machiene.
these are the things that i would tell myself.
at the age of seventeen.
Marian May 2013
L* Is for love
O Is for Onyx and you're my Onyx gem
R Rare You are a Rare gem
I is for I love YOU, and for incredible

C  Cute and cuddly
A  Always love you
L is for lovely
L is for lovable
A is for I Apreciate you
H always honest
A Always adorable
N Always nice and noble

Happy Mother's Day, Lori Lovable!!! :) ~<3
Jacquelyn Sep 2012
Ya know how sometimes
you can eat a certain food for
your whole life and never
really apreciate it untill you
don't have it for like 8 months?

Then, when you finally do eat it
again, it's like a whole new
thing and you never realized
how good it was in the first
place, even though it had been
staring you in the face for years?

Well, that's how I fell in love
with you- never appreciating
how great you were then all at
once it hit me, like a suprise
summer rainstorm.
Michael Parish Mar 2014
Old lady who smiled at me
Through the resturant window
On proctor street.  You ruined
Everything when you
Turned your head and
Noticed I had a camera.
Thats when you made a pose.
I apreciate the humor.
But please dont do it again.
You destroyed a great portrait.
Take care ill drop off the print
In a couple of weeks.
If you dont work ill assume
You are a well known regular
And do the same anyways.
Dont take offense I needed
To be quicker with my camera.
Ba by.
Chiara Jan 2019
We are tiny little ants,
Living of plastic chants.
Open your eyes and look closely,
The life you're living is ghostly.
Thy neighbour, you can smell,
Whats wrong with that, I can tell.
Space and time is what we need,
To fully apreciate every deed.
Paying with paper sweat,
And living in hoarded regret.
What are we, but plastic dreams,
Wrapped in radiation screams.
gina Mar 2018
I had to meet you to learn to apreciate myself
I had to meet you to see how it feels to be loved,
I had to meet you to see how it feels to be truly in love,
I had to meet you to understand what keeps me away from being myself,
I had to meet you to see how easy it is to lose yourself if you let them to put a spell on you,
I had to meet you to see what a huge mistake is to trust someone's words,
I had to meet you to understand how easy it is for others to pretend being in love
I had to meet you to accept myself,
And lose myself once you've gone.
One day I sat down listening
To one of your songs
Just waiting for the man to come

And then in the other day
I refused to go onboard that ship
Cap didn't seem very well to lead me somewhere

Some years had gone
Some new songs had come
Some new exciting feelings too

One day I got up to go to the zoo
But there were warnings
"Do not feed the animals"
I don't mind, I don't care
Certainly it was a lovely day
Spending with your records in my ears

The other day I saw my face
And hated myself, I've wished
I was someone else, a better person
Someone good, like I always thought you were

But as dreams come true
Nightmares does too
I would really apreciate
If you had an imortal body
To never listen what I have listened
On that sunday evening...

Lou is gone
Jose Rodriguez Dec 2015
You know I do apreciate
The friends that facilitate
Getting drunk
that's how I know it's getting late
Gimme some
Feel alright but going for great
Getting dumb
Im only here to waste away
Empty fridge but it keeps the beer colder
I guess I got em right where I want em

— The End —