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Kitts Apr 2015
I sometimes curse in Cherokee

ᎪᎳᎩᏂᎨᏒᎾ means stupid
ᏗᎦᎵᏯᏅᎯᏛ mean donkey
Just add them together
It means stupid ***

ᎤᏗᏆᎸᏕᏯᏛ means *****
ᏂᎯ means you
Just add them together
It means ***** you

ᎧᎵᏬᎯ means perfect
ᎪᎳᎩᏂᎨᏒᎾ means idiot
just add the two together
it means perfect idiot

I love to create insults in Cherokee
My Grandfather would be so proud of me
I love it, it's so addicting
Why don't you try it? You might like the way they taste
Q Jan 2017
Walk through my soul forest
and sense
Anciently evergreen and wise
Fresh dampness deep with life

Rocket through my mind galaxy
and know
Burning nebulas of inspiration
Infinite dustings of thought constellations

Fall into my heart ocean
and taste
Tides brackish with emotional brine
Love foaming on shells and shorelines

Breathing life into my body
Blooming peace into my life
Take a moment to see me
And these natural forces of mine
Leah Rae Jul 2012
The Scalding Openness Of An Open Palm. Cradling The Broken Syllabubs Of A First Name, Between Flesh And Bone, Between Thumb And Forefinger, The 'E' And The 'A' Estranged Lovers. The 'L' And The 'H' A Mangled Broken Record Of "I'm Sorry"s. The Letters Falling Apart As If  They Are Afraid, Embarrassed Almost To Be Seen Together. Someone Closes The Fist, And Silences Them.

I Am Sure They Weren't Aware That The Anciently Intimate Lines Of My Mother's Face Had Pulled A Loud Smile Across Her Lips, Traced Fingertip To Wrist Across The Swollen Plains Of Her Stomach And Imagined This Name, Written In Silver, Traced Across My Flesh Like A Second Skin. I Am Sure They Hadn't Known This When They Held My Name In The Palm Of Their Hand, Opened Up To Its Delicate Petals, Something So Easy To Slaughter, Hello My Dear Hero.

It's The Sick Stick Of Death On Your Tongue Before You Even Have The Chance To Speak It, Removing Each Individual Petal, Plucking Them Their Center

One The Absence Of Any Hue In My Skin, Dark Enough To Add An Identity That My Clawed Fingertips Could Hold On To, Although Guilt Has Turned Me Several Shades Of Scarlet Once Before.

Two The Brittle Backwash Of Rocks Against The Bared Molars Of My Back Teeth. How Do You Say It Again? Where Does It Come From? What Human Vessel Carried It, Clinging To His Chest For Me To Wear Like Both A Battle Scar, And A Metal Of Honor? This Unpronounceable Character Building Beauty Laces My Fingers With Regret, So That I May Whisper One Day "I Am So Sorry For Not Knowing Your Name" When I Do Finally Meet Him.

Three The Crucible Of Color Found Behind Closed Eyelids, Like A War Was Happening Inside Myself Before I Even Had The Opportunity To Open My Eyes

Four The Way The Word Poet Seems Too Open To Me, Like A ***** Word In Different Language, Yet To Be Defined, I Want It To Be Mine, But I Know That It Can't Be.

Five My Father Will Tell You That When I Was Little I Talked A Lot. He Says That I Liked To Fix Things. But These Days I Spend My Time Mending Things That Don't Consider Themselves Broken Until After I Am Through With Them.

Six I Cried When They Cut Down The Tree In Our Backyard. Watched It's Bowed Limbs, Hit The Ground, Like Dream Catchers, Felt The Trunk Of Its Spine Splinter, Under The Weight Of A Thousand Gravity's. The Earth Quaked, As If Saying Goodbye To An Old Friend. She Tells Me That I Am Overly, And Excessively Attached To Strange Things.

Seven The Primal Wet Hot Heat Between Bone And Brain At The Base Of My Skull, Whispering That The Sweet Siren Call To Depravity Is Not Too Far Behind. Meant To Bring You To Bowed Knees, Step One Foot Closer. There Is A Ten Story Drop Between Me, And Heaven. And Tonight I Think I Willing To Take It.

Eight I Hold A Hundred Years Of Waged Weaponry Between My Ribs. Built A Body Out Of Bullet Shells And Have Learned That It's About The Honesty, And The Warmth Of Human Connection. Because We Are Solar Systems, And Grains Of Sand, Revolving Around One Another Like The Two Sides Of A Coin, Ready To Be Kissed By A Shoreline, And Pulled Back Out To Sea To Begin Again.

Nine Tonight I Will Be A Classic Work, Like Edgar Allen Poe. So For This One Moment I Will Worthy Of Literary Merit,  Of Scholars, And That Place In The Center Of My Chest Will Be Glowing. Throbbing At All Hours Of The Morning, So This Once I Will Be Enough To Be Quoted, Worthy Enough To Be Remembered.

Ten It's Voice Is So Weak. Tender Almost, It's Name Has Been Carved Into The Meadow Of It's Velvet Valley. I Pull Down The Collar Of My Shirt, To Press The Petal To My Bare Skin. It Speaks Half English, And Half God. It Tells Me That I Am Weeping To Be Made Real. It Says That I Am A Fragile, Starry Eyed, Empty Handed, Soft Spoken Work Of Art. It Whispers That I Have Sunsets In My Skeleton, And That The Molecules Of My Form Had Never Before Existed Before This Moment. The Curve Of My Spine, The Updraft Of My Eyelashes, The ***** Of My Cheek Bone, It Says "Close Your Eyes, Love, You Are Swelling And Swallowing Yourself Whole, You Are Immortal, And You Aren't Going Anywhere."
vircapio gale Feb 2016
my thoughts, so potent just before--
like fresh-pressed olive drops
that lingered, lipping from the fragrant spout--
now pass, diffuse atop an ocean vast.

i imagine willing it to be a pond,
not for its lesser size alone
but mostly for its calm,
reflective height; yet
these waves are
distort ruthlessness
of liquid dust
by slapping, tower-high
the central ocean rip-whirl tide:
and gone--
as Homer's heroes screaming as they drown,
deaf as oars but for their final gasps
of yearned-for clarity:
of nameless pride's Ithacan king
abrading lustful wrists
restrained to blind a god's son's single eye
by tentacles of twisting, tactful fate.

by threaded loom rethreaded
soon i see my salty self in suit
of sameness, tricking time
by indolence or theft--
from truth, from others' hearths--
the difference winks in bubbles on the cosmic shore...
foam so clean i grin to call it spume,
grin to brace the seabed to my algaed chest
in salinating crush of sand, of blood-sharp shell and rock,
in sungreen warmth of blue and life
in crashing sinus wince
i grit aegean nereids in my sneeze,
splay their formless sexing into pelvic scrapes
of quickened starbursts anciently reborn,
squeezed in pleasure tears and laughing drops--
as all pelagic ***** must
within the pressure of a world,
its breathing darkness spotted with transmuted sun,
expel itself in sensate gusts--
as octopodal spurting flings
in liquid ****** of purpose forth,
(or backwards, sideways, in and out)--
so too i think
and thinking, drown my ink
instead of drowning thinking in my ink

Vritti, literally "whirlpool", is a technical term in yoga meant to indicate that the contents of mental awareness are disturbances in the medium of consciousness.

Charybdis, Scylla
Polyphemous, Poseidon's son
Odysseus with a whole cart of oars and barrels of salt
Thales and olive oil

may our inkwells never run dry
like Hellenic similes
grammarian's passions
betterdays Apr 2014
i am made of...
ink and pen and paper... and so much more.
scribbled phrases on diner napkins.
post it notes stuck to walls.
scrawled doggerel in bathroom pens.
phrased ideology in lined notebooks.
spinnered words on lazerprinted A4.
scraps of inklings, on ripped butcher's bags and wrappings.
condolences in funeral books.
ideas capital lettered on cards,
pinned to cork boards.
epitaphs stonemasoned
into granite blocks.
fury arranged just so,
on parchment.
newsprinted with loose blurry, black ink on broadsheets
scribed by pointed stick on
firm wet sand.
notes on heavy cards, of love
and light bright shiny stuff.
discarded sentence startings, left crumpled, lost in a bin.
loss, written with red wine on white table cloth.
art, etched on vellum anciently old, suprisingly relevent.
tapped into tablets both stone
and techview.
blue and red markers squeaked onto white boards.
daubed on canvas with a fine sable brush.
tatttoo-ed upon ones flesh.
carved into wooden school desks.
pressed into moist clay by delicate fingernails.
marked so deeply upon a soul.
chalked to cement,
to stay for...
but a short season.
written for some very, (un)important reason.
courage to speak, sing, whisper, shout, cry, laugh, observe and ponder.
this is me....
i am a word written down.. any word, any word.
i am undeniable, desirable often incomplete
always open  always waiting
for some one...
......just like you ...
to open your heart let me in
to recognize a new start
to have a play, a scribble,
doodle, pen jive. to become
alive.... to thrive,
just begin with a single letter.....then another,
go on be brave...
..........grant me liberty....
The Dedpoet Jan 2016
whose armor wears the red fire,
Whose prodigal body lies in the deep
Carpet of the forest dreaming
Of divine things,
Here He awakens from vast sleep
In a repose of anciently wonderful
Dreams and wanders through the expansion
Of the current age of men:

"Ancient words never spoken,
Flayed hearts I feel calling in abstract
Places with dizzying geometric scales,
Man, woman, the call like the lyrical
Madness of the heart."

Formidable cement glass raised
Up by the incalculable ingenuity
Of the empty spirit of men,
Anonymously spoken messages
Without history of literature,
Pessimism reigns down upon
A heal of bones praying to
Gods on waves of cellular destruction.

Eros, fallen star
In the endlessness of time
Hath awakened to the ineptitude
Beneath half opened eyelids,
Lost girl in a tunnel of quartz
Lost in hapless energy
In the marrow of Internet's
"Where are the hopeful lovers?
The spirit in subliminal wounds
Of passion, when the emotion pours
Like a fountain of wishes,
Where is the pillar of men who
Astonished angels with his ferocious
Love of the woman?
I remember men were passionate
Beasts, whose hearts were flames,
Whose words were psalms of red vapor
To a scarlet queen, the silence here
In a digitally martyred evocation,
Where has the romance gone?"

He has fallen silent to the worlds
Web widened by its absolute
Unredeemable fashion,
The dark brilliance of sadness reaches
Even your heart which is unfathomable,
You devour the passionate
And spew it among men.
The young used to live in water
And all was charged with eternity.
Men are broken in the computerized
Abyss, filled with pop up romances
In a flux of desire which points
To a disappearing saffron flecked
With sorrowing petals,
Texting the familiar calls of lust ,
Eros never though the house of
Aphrodite could disappear!

"I aim my arrow at the old man
In a moonlit patio whose heart
Calls to older things,
Like the embryonic love
In the lovers womb sparking
The mass reproduction of a
Nourished partner,
His ending commenced,
His heart nailed in hope to the sun.
There is no page for this man,
No .com could suffice as the wheel
Of days spin in a long procession,
He hopes on hope,
He does not consume himself,
But holds true as a young lover would,
The woman that lit the fire
Of his years gone but alive
In a spectral glare in his eye.
Love alive as death arrives."

Given hope from the dying,
Fixing the world around a passionate
Moon, stilled the light in one man
And charged it to the world in age
Digitally broken of passion
And set it upon the arrows that he fired
From air and sky embarking
A new flame in a time of computerised

Eros, the ever hopeful.
jeffrey robin Aug 2010
and the tired humongous ******* symbol of a day

the truth of ******* breast luv lust greed and generosity



And watch the baseball games


(and sometimes....

our children)


and the hope and the prayers for peace

hidden somewhere

in our "portfolios"
Marshal Gebbie Mar 2011
Clear and crystal
So anciently old,
So brilliantly fluid
And tastelessly cold.
To coalesce in vapour
Of limitless cloud,
To fall in fat globules
Of rainfall in shroud.

To cascade through air
As a mist in the fall
Or plummet as downpour
Through Calcutta’s pall.
Gathered in puddles
To flow down a drain,
Amass as a flood
To pour across plain.
To playfully tumble
From mountains of shard,
To flow to the sea
Where the surf crashes hard.

A field of marigolds
Bobbing in sun,
Nurtured by moisture’s
Life giving fun.
Green grasses grow
With barley and wheat,
Through the magic administered
By wetness’s feat.
Imagine disaster’s
Protracted drought
Where dryness obliterates
Green life throughout.

Sparkling clear waterfalls,
Hard pounding surf,
Trickles of crystalline
Cascades of mirth.
Rock pools so clear
That trout can be seen
And the bone china cup of tea
Served to the Queen.

Standing in rain
As it pours from the sky
With a grin on my face
Smearing mud from my eye
With arms outstretched
And a song in my heart
For the great joy of living
This water imparts....

Water my Angel,
My priceless gem.
A waterless world
Would bring death and mayhem.
An oceanless planet
As seen from the moon,
Would lack life giving blueness
And be hued in gloom.
Sweet water is life
In a miraculous way,
Thus we hail the Gods
Each rain swept day.

Sitting by the beautiful Manukau Harbour
11 March 2011
jeffrey robin Jul 2010
anciently prophetic with
nothing to say!.......(I)

a knock on the door

he  enters and holds me accountable
for even any little word

left lying about!

the dreamy-eyed child is still
waiting in the wings

i guess i know him

don't we all
Ma Cherie Sep 2017
the day bows down
to the darkness
an your love
well ties it up neatly,
now so naked here in our starkness
to love me so lovely and sweetly,

in a slow sweet soft kiss
now a lovely lit night time dance
seductive in such
gradated beauty
as rhythms quake quietly,
inside of the possible
new fresh idea
inside the sweet bud of romance,

bright blue and pure white clouds billow me yonder
in a wanting
an just longing you- trance,
oh to kiss me now jaunting
neath my starry night sky
in soft an
yummy warm tangerine pink too
as we talk here it's haunting,
in the rarest of possible lifetime
our chance
an we've but only one,

we are locked together
until the shining bright sun,
an eternally grateful
feasting on
the lovely sorbetto like skin
all from just the one
long lost an beguiling me-
no an it just can't be a sin,
to taste life
as we wish to again,

because I knew in that moment
yes I knew of your magic
because I felt it down deep way inside
so I just let you then wield it
my heart you have healed it
an now I have no use for my pride

come find me an love me
there's no place I'd rather be
or anywhere I'd
wish to go to away an hide

but beneath the sweet weight
of your beautiful beautiful
anciently aging
 holy wisdom and grace
in the caressing of skin
an the retracing of face
we're returned to our to bliss
in a state of pure grace
so very lovely and perfect
an beyond all time an space,
I submit to the lovely
new us
now taking fine shape
an from the tip of my toe
to the top of my nape
all over right now
I will
allow you to drape,
your love on me baby,
in here
where we can always escape,
inside each other,

as I lay beneath
your **** an sacred
alabaster bones
where I now know
any fear
an I know for certain,
I've finally
come all the way home.

Ma Cherie © 2017
Idk... listening to tunes and wishing on love .. as usual;Love you all❤
PK Wakefield Mar 2012
i think when i die i will be a forest
in who shall be does and fauns
pretty and glad in sunshine oh
yes sunshine will be there and
it will always smell like right after it
rains cooly on hot asphalt like
it smells like when you come into
a room i think when i die i shall
be a star flecked with innumerable
other stars on slick neat necked
night's pursed lips all pinched and
sticky with unyoung youth and
anciently when i die i think i will
be an ocean where will sleep mermaids
in pearl white skin and fishes and
a somehow little city in a nice little
dome where they will play music
such music as you would want to
listen to when you're sad because it
will always cheer you up and like
ee said to me one night when i was
reading him in my bed he said "it is
funny that you will be dead someday."
and i knew it right then that i think
when i die i will be a forest
Dilectus Feb 2014
stand with me on the outskirts of terranea
watch the waves mount higher and higher
like the passion of a crowd, crying out at indignation
watch the moon get brighter
let's sing the crescendo con anima
let's mean every word
write poetry along my veins
spell conviction with your soul
i want your toes to dance sincerity
and i want mine to know the same rhythm
walk two steps into the shore line and hold my hand
let's let our socks turn heavy with water
and our feet sink into the sand
they say "grow where you're planted"
we'll show them how to grow under waves
stand with your back straight
follow my eyes down the anciently paved roads
across letters stamped with dust

i stretch out my hand with the intention of holding what is there
whatever scars and ***** fingernails
im searching for a pulse
your pulse
im counting breaths for our turn to jump

kick out your feet and grab water like stone
don't wait for me
we are both moving across the same line
follow the stream of the moon
know that we both reflect too
you, me and i, you
we have forgotten fear
we have made bridges with ideas
we have sang choruses in harmony

stand with me
on the outskirts of terranea
in space that you can not see anymore
we will be there
make your feet sore with walking
we are both going to the same places.
An ancient man that meanders through the mist,knowing which way to go in the darkness of the night,like a mountain spring that streams on to the sea.
This is the dawn
this is the beginning
this is the blindness of eyes yet to open,which open yet upon a feast.
The ancient man,who goes by many names takes it all in his constant gait,doesn't wait for any one or anything and listen to the birds trumpet and sing to him on his arrival.
This is survival
this is the bread that feeds.
The Ancient man needs no signs to show the way,he is the day,he is the lay of the land,he is the one that holds my hand as I stumble and grumble awake.

The light when night goes shows the way,the night goes and day is here to play.
The ancient man with steady gait will wait until the evening comes and shuns all efforts to make him stay
and ancient is the man and day
and anciently I watch him play in the early light when night has eaten,leaves the table,bowed,unbeaten
what a life we live.
Lynn Al-Abiad May 2017
What is this trap?
What is this none sense of not expressing our feelings?
Why is it better not to to reach for our past emotions and talk about them?
What is this trap?
To feel so anciently and never express?
To refrain from feeling because we should heal?
Why do our feelings become traps?

- LynnAA
Things you probably shouldn't know as well.

nothing's Amiss Aug 2016
Immense bowl poured,
Deliriously! Cheerful! Cereal!
Eyes wide,
(The bleach white of critter-milk
Startled me sometimes.)
Gut protested,
child-brain gone static
With tv soup, frantic like my
Churning      stomach

Guilty passage to my mouth,
Quick avoiding eyes
Of stranger aunt
And stranger uncle,
Passing on faded vinyl tiles.

Retreat! Repeat.

Stagnant        prepubescent  
  Curled          embraci­ng  
An anciently abrasive couch

One zombie hour in
TV Wonderland!
For each 100...miles...from home:
This is not a vacation.

Not merely a visit, mama, though you
Assured. Me.

This is not a vacation but the
Of a failed! Marriage!
A case in court, the big THEY.

Deposit me here,
An investment:
Television stares
And a belly full of
For the rest of my life
I'll make sure your face keeps glowing
I'll make sure your cheeks blink and winks
I'll make sure your pains drowns and sinks

For the rest of my life
I'll plant ebony into the strands of your hair
I'll make your eye sparkle without any tear
I'll make your nostrils, breath living air

For the rest of my life
I'll make sure your lips never lack loving kisses
I'll make sure your shoulders can withstand any marital blemishes
I'll make sure your ears, hears loving promises

For the rest of my life
I'll make sure your ******* feed future kings
I'll make sure your finger wear my marital rings
I'll make sure your heart never feels anything that stings

For the rest of my life
I'll make sure your womb is filled with fulfilment
And many Merriment

For the rest of my life
I'll make sure you feel eternal warmth
I'll make sure you blink with joy
Make you anciently in love, like the city of troy

Written by
Joey Percival Ikechukwu
Universe Poems Dec 2023
Fir tree
brought into the home
by Pagans anciently,
when it was Yuletide,
and time for family
Your tree represents,
everlasting life and fertility,
a new human-being
that you can meet and see
Plenty of light
Candles are bright
Festive ornaments,
celebrating the return of light,
after dark days have been in sight
Hang a sock by the fireplace
Loved ones and peace
Steeped in Pagan roots
The Eve a family holiday
Presents and a special meal,
the Pagan way
Values through the natural guide
Nature and people are one
Together they reside

© 2023  Carol Natasha Diviney
Universe Poems Nov 2024
Fir tree
Brought into the home,
by Pagans anciently,
when it was Yuletide,
and time for family
Your tree represents,
everlasting life and fertility
Plenty of light
Edwardian Stag head bright,
when the short day,
turns into night
Outside is alight

© 2024 Carol Natasha Diviney, Ph.D.

— The End —