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brandon nagley Aug 2016
Alow her open pinion's
I glanced aloft mine

Her nimbus was lit
And around her Lip's:
Heaven's color's

O' the strap's from mine feet
Were removed, as I fell
Back in awe and

I remember the day
I saw her face, the innocence
Of God, the beauty and

Into her tropical gates
I entered yonder;

She gave me her love
As tis her love I took shelter.

Mine darling, mine lass; O'
Best friend, mine helper;

What wouldst I do, without
Thee mine Muse;

What wouldst I do;
O' what wouldst I

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
©Earl Jane Sardua nagley dedicated( agapi mou)
Alow- archaic for below.
Pinion's- outer part of wings, feathers, wings.
Aloft- up into the air, overhead.
Nimbus- a luminous cloud or a halo surrounding a supernatural being or a saint.( Halo)
Yonder- over there.
Tis- it is
Mine- means my archaic form.
Lass- young woman.
Thee- you.
Wouldst- would.
brandon nagley Jan 2016

Alow downward Reyna, humanity hunger's and ****'s,
Red liquid they do spill, despoiling, toiling, taking
Lucifer's fill;


We canst only watcheth queen, as their working's and dream's,
Get untied by the string's, of the fine unseen line, of the principalities and power's.


Henceforth the hour's, shalt be as fading flower's, they shalt seeith their government's and darkened power's; falleth as the star's, men who knoweth none boundaries, God shalt rattle the mountain's and deep, as a harlot to her patron. Though the patron's sleep.


We shalt endureth this paining moment amour', the cosmic chronograph is opening door's; erelong love, erelong amour', we shalt sit at a feasting table, wherein the beau monde that hast Satan's barcoded label, shalt not perch. The flame shalt quench it's thirst, as recreation below us takes it's course. For ourn creator spoke this Jane, in the beginning. The world's lost it's way, it needeth cleansing from the sinning. As we shalt be restored by reconnecting on higher planes. To be reborn, in the spirit again.

©Brandon Nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
©Earl Jane Nagley ( Filipino rose) dedicated
Alow- means below in archaic.
Reyna is queen in Filipino. Many different ways to spell queen like reina in Spanish, or reine in french.
Despoiling means- other words plundering or steal or violently remove valuable or attractive possessions from; plunder.
Henceforth-means from this time on or from that time on.
Harlot if you don't know means- noun ...archaic for.
a ******* or promiscuous woman.
chronograph- is an accurate time keeping instrument...
beau monde in french means...-noun: beau monde; plural noun: beaux mondes .. Meaning.fashionable society.
Erelong- is archaic for soon.
Feasting table- meaning in bible talks of Christ joining with his bride ( the church) his believers at a feasting table in heaven .. Enjoying another...
When I say the beau monde that had Satan's barcoded label... They will be the rich men ( elite men) who control the world now. As their God is money fame and power and riches.. How the barcoded label ( RFID chip) tracking device of the Antichrist ( already created ready to be used by 2017,as said by bilderbergs ( secret society, henry Kissinger spokesman, ex defense minister) stuff you can find all online in Obama's health care act he passed and his supreme Court... The barcoded label these elite, high worldly men take, will be their bad decision making. And thus allegiance to Satan. Not God. Not Christ...
Keyana Brown Feb 2018
My emotions are attacking again
and this time I won't let them win
It's clear to God that the enemy
is waiting for me to sin.

is the enemy's thrill for desire,
it's the enemy's greatest obsession,
is the music to the enemy's ears,
is what brought up the enemy's gain.

I was ready to fight
but God refused
he grasped my hand so tight
that I couldn't move.

He grabbed my other arm
as he pulled me close to him
he told me to stop, yet
I wanted to hit the enemy
with every whim!

The Lord held me back
like an imate in a straitjacket
forbidding me to attack
or allowing me to get the first hit

He dragged me so far away
that the enemy sighed in a bore,
God whispered to me in my ear
he said: "Ignore!"

I kicked, screamed, plead
away from God to fight the enemy,
but it's no use after many attempts
he still won't let me leave.

he said as I began to cry
in a fearful dread
it's no use, so I gave up
and alow the enemy to
beat me up until I'm dead.

Few minutes later...
the enemy looked at me
very disgusted and confused
he screamed: "Get sad! Be angry!"


The enemy was fuming,
fire bursting out of his nose,
sweating through his forehead,
at this rate he was about to explode!

The enemy's heart gave out
he screamed again:
"Be upset! Do it now!"


His arms are disintegrating
His legs are inflated like a balloon
His mouth were turning to ash
He was doomed.

The enemy retreats
as I called him weak
it was funny to think
that I was like him,
because my silence
was surprisingly meek.

I have now learned
and understand that
it's better to say nothing
or lay a hand
on the enemy.

We should all ignore
for what the enemy
has in store because it
makes all the difference.

Therefore I will no longer
be his slave... no more.
Emotions are dangerous, yet again.
Whisper Yes Dec 2022
It's ok to miss people
It's ok to miss them
Let yourself feel it
Feel it all
Open wide don't push it down
Don't push it away
Allow the feeling
I miss you
What is this missing?
Let go of needing to know
Allow it when it comes
Alow the love, the missing and the longing
Allow the regret
And the disappointment
Allow it all
Welcome this feeling
Give it a home
Give it expression
Do not suppress or judge it
People touched your life
They touched your heart
Allow it
Don't make it wrong
Don't try and wrap it up as if you understand
Let go of needing to understand
Allow the mystery
Allow it to flow
I love
I miss
I feel
Nothing needs to be done
Open up and allow it expression
Allow it to bring you alive
They mattered to me
They deeply mattered to me
And I miss them
An Angel’s Epoch.
–Jacob Dexter Coffey–
The feathers fall as sun draws dim,
The clouds then spark the songs so grim,
A knock–knock knock–knock way up high,
The thunder cracks–open the sky,
Once clouds hath cleared from Heaven’s view,
The tablet breaks to start anew,
The Haloed Stars doth cloth Earth’s floor,
Consequence of Metal- Blood- and Gore,
The brief battle- ******- scarlet blur,
Tread alow- anon- holy messenger,
When Heaven’s Wings protect the Gate,
The Light shall burn upon ******-Hate,
Time’s chant fails not of constant beat,
Bow forth else face an ironclad fleet,
The hallow grounds doth plague the sight,
By severed ties- commence stellar fight…
Rangzona Mar 2012
It approaches 
That's all that matters
It comes ever closer 
With a speed that none are clear of
But none can live with out knowing the result 
Death is coming
And I feel her hands grasping for my neck

I see her coming 
Not a threat 
But a promise from reality
She is hear to make the balance 
Her presents scatters all
But I wait for her 

My life I wish was worth more
But because of my own mind I never allow my self
To clim
To aprouch the heart of my existence

I sat never grasping 
As death Grasp for me
She is hear and it's all my falt
I have allowed my life pass me by
Just let the sand seep though my hand

I have forgotten the reson I'm hear 
Never venturing
Never gaining 
Just waiting for her to come
To clame what is hers

But as she grasp my through she stops
"why do u not fear me"
She said this to my emotionless face
"all Flea befor me and yet you stair at me
As if  You could cair less if I came"

"I do not fear you 
Since I knew you would come
I do not reglet leveling this place
For I got nothing for me"

She grasped my hand 
She looked in my lifeless eyes
Her eyes was not like mine
But the opposite 
Thouse eyes showed me what I missed
The crush I alow to flote by
The people I pushed away
She showed me what could of been

That crush becoming more
Her braking my heart
My frainds pick the peaces up
And me continuing my life

"I will be back one day" 
She said as her eyes reflected what I could be
But not because of you
I will come for what you owe
But not now"

She left me 
My complete oppiset
And I cried 
Hear I am seeing nouthing but love and life
And all I cared about was the death
The heartache

But she grasped the reality of life
Death knowing more of life 
Than the living

The morning after I cleaned my wound 
Life seemed just the same
But I still herd deth in my head
Tell Me to live
And so I did
I coted my wounds with a jacket 
And seeked what I could not see
With out death
This dedicated to all who tuck their own lives.......
Rangzona Aug 2012
My heart consumes hate
Like a leaf consumes sun light
Just soaks it up
But to no end 
The flow will be constent 
And I with out it
I would be different 
Not dead just hibernating 
Untile that sun light strikes my leaf
I may not like this hate
But it's the only way I can find a way to live
Becuse with out that hate
My heart lives on my sleeve 
With people ready to stab and slash
And so I alow my heart and hate
To enter a Symbiosis relation ship
Hate lives in my heart
And protects its beats
Georgia parry Jun 2018
I'll love myself even if that means breaking my own heart to fix it myself,  I will not let someone else put back the wounded pieces of my soul, I am not fragile but I am not steel I am human and I am real I have emotions, scars and wounds, I have a spirit a soul a brain, I am nothing to be given away, while what lies in others eyes is respect for themselves and not the earth on which they walk, I have done nothing but adore, adore every leaf as it turns from a glorious green into an amber red or seized the warm summer air  before the days of bitter cold rain, but yet I will endure every heartbroken moment and every single butterfly flutter I will alow my eyes to see city lights as beautiful and allow myself to stare at the stars in its almighty form I will whisper with the wind and scream with the waterfalls.
I will alow me to be me and nothing less of who I am ment to be
So ***** your so called reality
The darkness knocked at my door
I opened it, just a crack
I stared and my heart did soar
I can not take it back
That glance i gave to those eyes
The way it stared at me
It made me despise
Everything i had come to see
Without wanting too
I opened wide the door
And it showed me something new
I thought it would give me more
It wisperd inside my ear
That i was all alone
It was all i could hear
It told me i couldn't go home
It handed me the knife
And showed me how to bleed
It made me want to take my life
And commit this awful deed
It took from me so much
And gave me nothing back
My shoulders were always hunched
My heart was always black
I began to lose all hope
I couldn't even see
There was no way to cope
With the darkness eating me
But this wont be the end
Because i wont give up the fight
It just another bend
In the war of wrong vs. right
And i may be in pain
And I may fall down
But i wont go insane
I wont alow myself to drown
Beneath all these emotions
Running through my mind
And all these crazy notions
I will try and bind
Because this is my life
And i will fight back
Even though theres stife
I wont be controlled by my heart even when its all black.
Fighting against depression.
DaRk IcE Jan 2016
Lying at the bottom of a
Endlessly drowning
In the
Blues of ratchet silence
Wasting away among dead
Roses of red
The soil below molds the
The grooves alow them to
*Deep into a blackened
The only one who knows me
The dark side of the
Doesn't smile
The light side of the sun
The crisp air Burns open
My skin sheds
The longest hour taken
By two
God is the manna of our life.
If we choose to take him and alow him in our lives, he will nurture us and make us strong. God has always been here for us, and always will be. That is what is so amazing about god our father. He is an all knowing, all loving father, who is faithful and just to forgive
Kamblamian May 2018
The darkness preveiles over all
So quick to miss the signs of a true lover

Does he hit
Does he sway
Does he fall constantly on his face

A drunken man would become of him or a man who would ******* wine

Hear my wine
Know her cry dosent exist

For the banshee is the one who claws at you

For the Banshee is the one who screams in pain for her lost love

For leo ruled with heart and soul

Too smart for them
Too smart for it-self

love itself

Refining love
Being loved...
Has never existed

Can it alow it to love and be loved apon Fear none for the touch of soft hands is not one to ever shy away from one to another your being compliments my life more than you will ever know for you are the fore fathers son

What is love.. for i know now it in the touch in the movement in itself a whole heart sweat investment
sage eugene zumr Dec 2022
slimeball dragon breathin as the time crawls
heathen got a mind all ballin on these rhymes
fallin for a reason to believe in why im thinkin
bout the twine saul sleek ona freeze of where
even their it sat and wallowed in a vat sleepin
attacked bleedin bad in the limbo mad for a
thimble ask not before the track falls after all
im eattin up the lyrics chewin spirit simple

tickle me shivers brick old be withered
pick of the litter bit of a bitter manchon
ants im prancin critter crampin on em
slide my slitter sinnfull convincer inner
demons lookin for a cookin knife to ride
so here i lye a dead define of mesage
lines i pressed to not be hesitant hookin
chase the night and let alow confide
WhatIHopeToFeel Jun 2018
I want to walk.
I want to walk to LA
I want to see it as the sun hides behind the horizon.
I want to walk to Greece
And see the ancient city
I know I must have lived there once.
I live on an island.
I want to walk across the water and escape
From this unbearable roller costar feeling.
But I only walk for an hour.
I let the music fill me
And then I think about how to rid myself of this hunger that doesn't alow me to eat.
Then, later
I walk home.
That growing pain.
But I feel easy.
I may not have walked to my hearts destination.
But I walked so the wind blows through my head
And takes some fears away.
I walked away from these walls I'm scared of.
Now I walk back.
aldo kraas Sep 2021
All that I have is my soul

All that I have is my soul
That my father had made
With his holy hands
And I try to look after
My soul
I feed my soul
Some good energy
That my father
Give me daily
I love when
My soul
Is in good shape
And also working fine
I will not alow anybody
Near my soul
Because I don’t need to have
A broken soul
The day that I will be dead
My father will take my soul
To heaven
With him
nvinn fonia Aug 2024
well 1st alow me 2 waste some more time forfcksake

— The End —