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Sofia Von Aug 2012
Its all just words
No faces
No looks, no clothes, no smell
A simple connection

It could have been anybody

But it wasn’t

It started off as a hobby
Something to keep boredom at bay

By now you’re junior olympics... At least

It can be as flawless as beach glass

Or jagged
and farspread like the trees still dieing

I never know what to expect
An idea
... Clearly I could continue

It’s like my little escape hole
A therapist that Actually understands and wants to
We just click
Alined by the sun
Some would say

But I dunno if that’s true
All I know is what I feel

Should I not feel what I feel?
Do I feel what I feel?
Is what I feel real?
Or is it fake

Is it a lie?

Or should I make it one

I don’t know what’s best
How can I

I’m new at this remember

All I know are the words of the known
Who are unknown to me in one world
And an empty chair in the next

I sit down and wait patiently

Until it’s finally my turn, here is where I’ll sit

There is no shame finding comfort in the little things the chair offers
Its smooth silky surface
The wine stain down the middle
the dots that resemble a smile in the corner

You don’t forget what you know so well
You open up your palm

A baby snake inside

He doesn't take it
He doesn't **** it on the spot
He doesn't grimace with disgust
He doesn't burst out in laughter

He picks it up
and cradles it in his hands

And sets it free

Back into the world where it belongs

And then he gives you a dalia

You take it and tuck it behind his ear as something to be admired

He blushes

He needs you too

But its real
Almost too real

So you push it away
It’s impossible
It might not even be close to what you think it might be


And stay silent


We start again

A haha here
A smiley face too

Climbing up the uncertain mountain that has never been climbed before

The chance of falling high
But you like the chase

And for now
It’s enough

You don’t really care if you summit anyway

A possible “when”
always dangling
Inside the clouds
Arcassin B May 2014
by Arcassin Burnham

flowing like the earths motion when i take a puff,
blowing out some the gunga,
could you help me up,
ambient as all things,
when its dark and quiet,
hand structures and wedding rings,
your mind is not alined,

too many ******* in this world,
if you find the time to pick up the pieces,
it will be fine,
let yourself be the host of your own enemy,
of get therapy to comfort you,
havent been right since elementary,
hoping they all turn against you,
and look!!! there it goes!!,
cant remember the first time i ate a mango.
Sofia Von Dec 2011
the laughing ***** shrieks on
a masculine bellow till dawn

the young girl fades
into the paint
to find a way out, before she faints

the almighty angel
is shot from the sky

she has alined with satin
the unbreakable tie

the blanket sits
crumpled up in a lap

shared with the many
and yet no claps

they all sit staring
at one another

the tension’s high
yet they all are brothers

they pretend to not care
it's what they know

but beneath all that
you feel it show

a tattoo of sarcasm
ripping them open,
from the inside out
so they can't keep quiet
they always shout

no one knows the scars it makes
no one wants to, they'd cry lakes

so the young girl sits
repeated back by the mirrors

she knows a secret,
and yet she fears

that if they knew,
she'd be gone

and still she whispers it
to herself
and tucks it away,
or puts it on the shelf

the single truth in the bag of lies

unnoticeably simple,
the surrounding eyes

it's just the cast away

the rotten apple

she's aflame with the pupils of loathing.
That was how it always was with her.
Everyday she tried to make perfect.
She will try,
she will try hard for things to be alined.

Her life is ***** and spam.
For her,
Perfection isn't this far off thing like it is for us,
Its right over the hill for her,
Around the corner.

Maturity is within all of her decisions.
There seems to be no mistakes in the way she lives.
Sophistication is in her voice.
For her she can only step forward,
There is no going back.

A bitter world she attempts to make great.
She will try until the very last sunset.
Til her body gives her no more energy.
Everything must be precise.
She is a perfectionist.
Melody Dec 2010
Everything is not perfect.
But titles are alined.
In a way unimaginable.
Nothing is perfect in a world that fights.
We scream in  a cave and it echoes.
All titles are alined.
In an unimaginable way.
But it's possible.

Everything is possible but only in unimaginable measures.
Everything is here and we just don't know it yet.
Will we ever solve such a mystery?
A mystery in unimaginable ways?
We shall wait and see.
I hope this isn't depressing. I asked my mom if she's ever gotten on and seen what I've written and exact her words were:
"Yeah, but I think you've got some serious depression issues."
I'm sorry. If they are I promise I do not intend to make them like that but it's not my mind writing it's my heart and soul.
Graham Murphy Jul 2012
Holding hands with Amber,
As a sweet melody plays.
There are bells in the distance,
As her crafted face stares at empty space.

I could point out a thousand stars,
but none seemed bright enough.
Her interest captured,
by her own hands.

Stuck in mud,
that sound could not wash away.
The beat intense,
But events quite clear.

Apollo has alined the stars
and the planets stand still.
Almost to attention.
To the dying embers.

Shanath Jul 2017
The heat knocking through the glass,
Shaking the metal,
Our seats impersonating
Our body heat.
I looked out, a brief pause in journey.
The red light tirelessly blinked
Then and now,
Green would be a go.
He was peeling it off,
He asked me, as usual I said no.
One was handed to the man
With an upturned mustache on the front,
I could tell that was his pride.
Three were alined in a plastic bag,
Their fate still undecided.

Gentle but hurried taps on my window,
They had cars to cover
I think now.
Two little kids in ragged clothes,
I wonder is it the dust of the world
Or the filth of a society's failure
That stains their clothes brown,
Their faces black?
One was of the usual age
They're grown up at,
The other, the age
They begin at.
After a brief and short
And "matter of fact" discussion,
Bearing in mind the kids' busy schedule
I wound down the window,
And decided the three bananas' fate.

The grown one just ran to the next car,
Grown you see,
The little one
Yelped in happiness
Of the fruits rejected by me.
Nothing could sound more beautiful
Than the kid's exclamation
A giggle.

The red turned off.
The driver smiled
Yet every act was but a drop
I could not collect
To fill the desert of doom.
The heat hovered
And hovered,
The heat that turned
Back at my home
Many bananas black
Until they were discarded.
The flies feasted upon,
The gun is pointed
At the kids.
Sometimes blood leaves no stain.
Sometimes the black stains
On bananas are of our souls.
The ant, the flies,
The lion, the man,
Who is important?
glenn martin Jun 2015
the planet Earth alone in the great Universe
built by the Star called sun pulling the earth
93 million miles in each and everyday of Eternity
a little Planet timeless a self nurturing to survive
the wondrous being grows smarter
the magnitude of Earth destiny refined
for within its self discovery a predator race
consuming the earth with inventions making
every modern convenience to enrich life of humans
while on Earth causing extinction using up
the entire planet as Earth revolves around the Star
the human senses taught to pillage  **** in greed
while the love of Star light celestial beings cry
stop polluting  grow sustainability grow grow
cosmic consciousness for all life thinking
I run singing beware of the predators
humans consuming at an alarming rate
exterminate  exterminate stop over populating
the song of life needs to love the maker of life
feed drink run  play buy modern invention ....
back in the Bay so carefree so good
the breeze on a warm summer day  
eclipsing the terror of humans with weapons
sustainability for all  Stop making weapons
a distant with their heads
we need to look at their ideas stack up these
round hairy orbs...stop these heads from thinking
the race is on to own every modern convenience
ownership the brotherhood of power and greed
a Shylock selling the goods first you got
to have a weapon allows instant gratification
the adrenalin to preform theft **** manipulation
don't need an education weapons  mental strength
to pull the trigger a modern christian born again
getting his ***** on the right foot in
la kook aracha getting its antennas alined
when the lights turn on  they disappear the room is vacant
Evangelical nation knows no borders
on land in mind rights of women
gods nation with guns killing pillage ****
alas what of education  got it  pull the trigger
for GOP the oily Democrats one world government
brought to you by the makers of weapons
killing for profit 60% of each tax dollar made
to own the Planet one welfare nation over all
in god we trust    little jesus people
a human race for humanity
every thing created was once an idea
a thought is a spirit that  becomes a being
flesh and blood living life created
the right living in the shadows
on the edge of night til all the Stars are alike
til the other time lord casts its shadow
a quake a night rising falling middle land
a beauty in life creed to be a home
the strong will to proceed  
the race of humanity
such beauty...
gjmars 6/17/15
Umi May 2018
The last six,
The end of a long journey brought by the judgement of my eyes,
Alined to make up eighty pages, making up a hundred and sixty one poems, which too has the horizontal checksum of simply just eight.
But why eight ? Because it is equivalent to four pairs of wings,
Carrying me, softly, gently across the sky of emotions and thoughts,
Eight is a round number, yet a pretty imperfect one wavy alike the sea
Built in a castle of crystal starlight, misery and happiness unite,
As time ticks on I too will find one which makes me just melt away
Like no one else has, in a unique style, a honourable moment to fade,
The broken pieces of a dream remain shattered as I can't move,
Yet I am not sad, for I finally have done what I loved the most,
In a world of art and devilry I created both, became immortal,
So I will try and write through the night, until I exhaust myself or achieve my goal, hence, what is left but destruction at this point ?
Your brilliant smile is burnt and rots, transient carried away by wind.
And I remain standing, livng on forever.
In limbo.

~ Umi
Jade Elon Apr 2014
If my mother read my poems
She would think I was in love.
I'd have to explain to her
"How could I be in love with anyone if I can't even love myself?"
If even the thought of love makes me sick
To the point I feel like going days without eating
Humanity has a notion of love
It's all consuming
             all powering
      all people want
But if I can't care for myself
How is it right that others expect me to care for them?
My mother, if I were to line my body
With my favorite quotes and phrases and lyrics,
Would think I was in love
But aren't love and hate closely alined?
Coiling around your body and gripping you till you don't know yourself
From your obsession
If my mother read my poems
She'd think I was in love
So deep in love that I've lost myself
So deep in love that I've found myself
So deep in love that I never had a self to begin with

If you see my mother read my poems.

*You'll see her cry
Lotus Mar 2012
His name is netcar against my tongue,
It is a warm...breeze through my teeth,
And the sound,
Oh the sound!
Once escaping my lips,
Upon meeting the air,
Resembles the delicate ruffling of wind through the leaves of a willow.

His face is a mysterious...
Mirror of the sun's golden rays,
The moon's silver shivers,
Blended into one whole...
Forming a creation of the Earth...
One out of the millions  of galaxies
And all their individual stars.

His eyes are twinkling stars,
Two alined lovers in the sky.

His smile is the unraveling of a full moon,
Lighting where ever darkness lurks.

His energy is
and full of love.
galen treger Aug 2010
love is complicated.
there are a million different kinds of love, and a million ways to feel it.
there are no rules or guidelines, and it is impossible to verbalize exactly how your mind and your body, your head and your heart, suddenly feel alined.

love brings out the comfort in my thoughts and my feelings.

love is dangerous because it clouds our ability to make healthy decisions using our own intuition. seeing the good amongst all of the bad is human nature. that is instilled in us from birth. second chances, forgiveness, seeing the other side of things.

but ironically enough, it almost always leads me into a dark tunnel. part of growing up and learning to love is achieving a balance in judgement of character. and knowing yourself well enough to be confident in your judgement.

i’d rather over analyze everything than be oblivious to the obvious. i go over every detail, taking each one for what its worth, and then put them all together for one rational conclusion. but this time, with this boy, there is no rational conclusion. i have been up all night, thinking about love. i think i’ve felt it. but i’m trying to figure out, firstly. if it has to be mutual. and if you can fool yourself into thinking you feel something so intense and how people fall out of love. and why, even when you’re completely rejected from the one you love, how you can still feel it. and how you can be blinded by it. and how there are love songs that profess so much of it. and if the love in the world is the same as it was years ago, since old love songs are so real. and so touching. and so - classic. do people feel love like that anymore? is it societal or technological? did the fact that up until a certain point in history... lovers wrote letters, and couldn’t have the impulsive instant gratification people are awarded with today have anything to do with it? but years ago men would go away to war, and their wives would love them through it all, as long as they lived. and how come people say absence makes the heart grow fonder, but typically distance makes everything harder?

how do we know what is real?
Josephine Nov 2014
witness me now
out of a dream
like a nightmare
without a scream
safely guided out

witness me now
by the obscure
i broke from the herd
that held me captive

witness me now
free from restraints
that bind me
i never looked
behind me
when i left that day

witness me now
as i run yet
stand alone
in this town
i found my home
that's where you'll find me

witness me now
in my chi
alined with zen
in you
i found a true friend
ZWS Sep 2014
Should just leave you alone
All I'll ever be is a change in tone
I think I could love again
But the doubts already been reflected in my lens

People are probably more right about me than I've never been
I thought my past was supposed to tell me what I want for my future
But that accident was more than a fender bend

I try to take all the bad with the good
I figure if things happen, that's how they should
But when everything's going okay
Where's the success in that without having to pay
Everything that was ever great becomes transparent
And you lose sight of something that was so opaque

And with the lack of imagery
How will we find symmetry
Your side is perfectly alined
And mine is all white washed from the pine
Don't tell me you're fine
Without me your personality subsides
A man is nothing but his confidence
But you're too caught up in your pompous dance
Madness Unseen Jun 2019
Monsters live where they make their bed/
Controling you while living in your head/
And some befriend you and help/
While the others want you to suffer 'til you're dead/

The monster is your own mind/
It's your subconscious, you're bound/
Behind every decision/
With astounding precision, its work is found/

Puppeteer in the shadows of the mind/
It's your instinct, making you blind/
In its grasp is your emotions/
While its master plan is being alined/

You wouldn't know what it seeks/
Our down fall or rising to our peaks/
Friend or foe, ally or enemy/
You're powerless against it, so to speak/

So enjoy the ride while it lasts/
And let go of your past/
Live in the moment, be happy/
The possibilities are vast/
Milton Robertson Nov 2017
I had a dream it was kinda extreme well here's the scheme.

My life was a bit of a calamity I was on a loosing spree, nothing I could foresee thinking is this it for me. Then flash a glimpse of Infinity.

I saw myself walking a tightrope, head hanging down I started to mope when I heard psst, and there was Hope.

When I saw hope there came a big grin as hope said hold your head up from beginning to end and what you'll need is help from my best friend, Discipline.

Well dicipline said, listen good I'm not speaking for fun you can't let like keep you on the run neither can you let it make you come undone for dicipline deters destruction.

Now your problems you must confront and the solution may take days or it may take months. But no matter how intense you must use your moral sense and never straddle the fence, what you will also need is help from my friend, Patience.

So patience advised if life takes you by surprise you must improvise. While you're headed toward your goal just slow your roll, You won't get caught in a bind if you take your time. Welcome the new, leave the old behind I said patience that sounds just fine.

Then I was walking along a winding ridge until I came to a very ugly and dangerous looking bridge. That's where I met another good friend, Courage.

I said courage I'm really unsure maybe I need to take a detour. Courage said You're having a natural reaction to one of life's many distractions.

You see you're never alone when you travel the unknown for there's is one you can call and you don't need a phone. Still you must grow a backbone. Stand tall like you're a boss and that ugly bridge I walked right on across.

Then courage said, I'm very strong if you don't use me wrong. You see too little of me and you will crumble, too much of me will make you stumble. So in order to use me right you must learn from my friend, Humble.

So I asked humble how do I not stumble. To keep life from making you fumble or becoming numb, glum or even humdrum you must learn to overcome, For that you'll need help from my chum, Wisdom.

Thus wisdom stated, you don't need a degree just be part of life and not an absentee, nor can you live carefree. Sometimes life's ******, sometimes a jubilee as you travel this long and wondrous journey.

Which is why you can't walk around blind nor be confined. For life is designed to be intertwined, only then will you become alined and you'll find Peace of mind.

Now let it be known, first you must set the corner stone then build and not postpone. But in order to remain for the duration you must have the proper preparation then whatever the circumstance it will prevent poor performance.

Nevertheless, there's one element that stands far above which will make everything fit like a glove and that is Love. Treat it right it will make you stand tall, mistreat it, it will make you fall it's your call. For Love is the Master Key to unlocking all doors Even INFINITY.
It's Life. When It come in sight... I write.
Deul Dec 2018
we're closer now
more than before
our brains connected
perspective of mine and to yours
alined and in-kind
and one things for sure
I had seen it too early
but you didn't for sure
our brains are connected
but your heart's not mine
you'rs kept neglecting
mine's kept tearing apart
and as I see that one smile you've got
I tend to start it all up,
as if my heart wasn't shaking
It didn't give up
Arcassin B May 2014
By Arcassin Burnham

Loved you,
like my sister,
loved you,
like my mother,
baby it hurts,
baby it hurts,

hated you,
like a enemy,
hated you,
like an associate,
baby it hurts,
baby it hurts

my pride wont let me cry,
do you see what im coming from,
without that kiss,
feelings die,
sorrow to pray with the nuns,

molded you,
like a baby,
molded you,
like a soldier,
it stings alot,
it stings alot,

created you,
like a drawing,
created you,
like a feature,
it stings alot,
it stings alot,

explicit as your attitude mite be,
i say its worth it,
after the stars are alined,
you may see that you were chosen,
by the thorn.;=7
The Guardian Feb 2018
I'm small rays of light just early in the morning, before beautiful flowers of the garden start blooming.
I'm an endless entity, an end product of a poet, a true king and you know it.

I'm a rainbow emerging after a wind of storms.
I'm what you hope to reach when you extend your arms.
I'm a red rose that pierces the heart without thorns.
Smiles, I'm the best of charms.

I'm a bag full of insults
Holy matrimony, I'm what you hope for I'm results.
I'm a voice of a broken child, that had wounds but still smiled.

I'm a ****** up child
I'm a messed up mind
I'm what you are looking for, I'm what you find.
I'm a dearest, I'm one of a kind.

I'm the purest of words
Grinded and sided between pores, I'm leader of herds.
I'm a forbidden sound that echoes from the ground.
I'm a small pack I'm profound.

I'm a poem
I'm alined phrases with new faces
And it's a pleasure I finally met these white pages.
Keiri Nov 2019
Scratched my ears, licked my nose.
Hopped along, tail arose.
Fur is clean, eyes are wet.
Belly is filled, but not full yet.

Grass is green again today
Keeping my cubs at bay.
Trees are once more tall.
Hiding in the hedge, my own wall.

Strange sounds are following my tail.
Sun goes and welcomes the hail.
Food runs out, cubs are dying.
Just lost my son, by a bird flying.

There's food in a can, silver alined.
A thrilling noise, the can chined.
Lost my daughter, a man is near.
Hair in my neck rises of fear.

Last son died of the cold.
I remember last year, losing one on mold.
Snow greets the sun, spring is closing in.
I'm on the run, I stole oncemore from a bin.

My tail grabbed high, by man again.
But he's a bit different, this little man.
He's tiny and soft, and doesn't speak.
He's squishy and noisy, maybe even weak.

It must be a cub, of a human sort.
He's not just tiny, but really short.
He's wet with drool.
He looks like a fool.

I don't care, I bite him anyway.
A noise as loud as thunder, there to stay.
To think he'd let go of my tail.
Gripping firmer I can only wail.

Time passed by, in a room full of bars.
This is better however, living with the stars.
I'm always fed and clean.
No one here is mean.

I must say I was mistaken in men.
Still bite 'em, that who I am.
Passed by several times.
Seen many bars and chimes.

Until the forest meets me oncemore.
No humancub, just green's core.
A bang as loud as a roar.
In front of me, a bleeding boar.

Running from the familiar foes.
I'm not used to it, and hurt my toes.
Picked up by the tail, nearly déja vu.
By the hands of a killer, I can see him through.

He looks a lot like the cub that grew up with me.
The one I bit, scratched and still cleaned my ***.
The one I held and held me back.
Loved me, did I love enough or lack?

For him to look at me with those eyes.
A glare ready to send me to the skies.
A glare that once loved me.
A glare that once set me free.

Someone to see me as a pet.
To love me as a friend.
My throat feels wet...
This is the end.
Another W.I.P. for my mink in the neck project
Lu Jan 2018
I wonder

if we'll meet


at a place

where everything is perfectly alined

just for us


just for what we could become


both our sparks

bright in a world of dark

shining with no hesitation
with no restraint
Gentle ,little by little I gained control
For a long time ,I had done wrong
Many people and alot of people complained .
My lies deceived their eyes not even their cries could change my habit.
Like a straight line ,I alined myself with time .
Like a magic box ,my colours became now my colours.
My turnished name turned in now my trusted name .
A new experience I started experiencing rising to my best.
Live a dove ,I loved being humble to people.
Caring ,loving cuddling and humbling turned to be me.
My sweet tweets ,set my standards
Untill they took my kindness for wikness
Untill they spitted repeated again in my own mouth
The same teeths that do eat smooth eggs still eats raw cassavas .
A lion is a lion whether painted or not.
A door I had closed ,a door I had forgotten,it's memories rotten.
It's a fire you have wired,then get geared.
When I say I used to be ,the be is still in me.
It's the language you understand that i will bring to your stand.

— The End —