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 Oct 2016 Karissa
love [5w]
 Aug 2015 Karissa

If only raindrops
were love’s watercolours,
I’d have no need
*for sunny days
 Jul 2015 Karissa
black butterfly
My heart beats faster
As I close my eyes
Feeling every beat of your song
Listening to every words
Coming out from your magical lips

Suddenly, I wanna touch you, hug you
Or just simply notice me
But you are a star
A star that shines so bright
And *unreachable...
3 am thoughts of a fangirl.
 Jul 2015 Karissa

A crowded city street,
strolling a narrow sidewalk,
your hand in mine
Pastel neon lights paint the buildings
in soothing colors,
softening sharp edges,
creating a wonderland
on this warm summer night

A small bistro, street side tables
candle light and tablecloths
tiny dancing flames on white linen
igniting your smile as we take a seat
amidst the din of taxi cabs
racing to find the sunset,
lover’s fare put to good use
in backseat desires

Two glasses of Pinot,
fine crystal offerings
as are your eyes, glistening,
dark chocolate petals
calling me in, hypnotized
free falling into your heart  
as I drink them in slowly,
tasting every tantalizing gaze

A toast to us, touching glasses,
touching hearts, changing lives
as I wonder what I have done
to deserve this dream, you and me,
no one else exists, the city bustles
unnoticed as we sip the fruits
of our love on an enchanting evening
hoping it never ends…
Good night beautiful
 Jul 2015 Karissa
Yes they can
 Jul 2015 Karissa

I always
  could my
     dreams actually
         come true,
     then I met you
           and got
                my answer...

           *yes they can
 Jun 2015 Karissa

My blood is my ink,
my heart pumps out poetry
She -- the girl who I think;
was once upon a time--
in another lifetime;
a part of me

a piece
of my soul
ripped from myself
from a long ago death--

to be found
only to make me understand
that chaos and beauty
could co-exist;

that souls--
no matter how different;
will always find a way
to recognize each other.

Oh and how beautiful and sad
to know that we--
are made out of
broken things that heal us~
This poem--a piece of me;
is for her--a lost and found piece of me~
 Jun 2015 Karissa

I gave you my heart and never missed a beat
"In-A-Gadda-Da-Vida baby,
don't you know that I love you" - Iron Butterfly
And we still keep perfect rhythm together
 Jun 2015 Karissa
 Jun 2015 Karissa
you will
forever be
*my always
this is what you said to me
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