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Jul 2018 · 283
Lucie Jul 2018
sometimes i wish
i could
dip my hand into ceramic

let the gloss crash
like a
tidal wave of utter cold

seeping into
my skin
but then i pause and realize

statues can't move
Lucie May 2018
there's a stir in my heart
feels like having a fit
what to do about it?

i don't know where to start
i'll just sit for a bit
May 2018 · 364
the other side of the story
Lucie May 2018
do you ever consider how others might feel?
or did you think they were like you, twisted and made of steel?
not everyone is an open book, as I hope you come to find
you can never really tell what goes on in someone's mind
today might be their worst day ever
but I don't think you considered that, it's too much of an endeavor
maybe the one they loved the most has died
maybe they closest friend backstabbed and lied
maybe they have bills that they're struggling to pay
maybe it's a challenge to flash a smile and say "I'm okay"
did you ever consider that?
Apr 2018 · 291
Lucie Apr 2018
the air i breathe is toxic i am
choking on words seeped with venom
i am         drowning


                         ­                           forgetting how to

                                                                                 br e at h e
Apr 2018 · 501
my beloved
Lucie Apr 2018
my lies were thin paper,
not to mention easy to breach.
nevertheless, they were still guarded,
invisible to those who didn't reach.

but her lies were steel walls,
there wasn't any way inside.
they claimed there was no way to help her-
then again, had they ever really tried?

birds of a feather don't always stick together
at the beginning we stayed apart
i guess since we were both liars in the end
one day she opened her heart

she asked my why I bothered with her
as no one ever paid her a second thought
and the one time that someone else had gotten close
they pulled her heart's trigger and shot

i didn't have a verbal response waiting
i just smiled and pulled her close
she helped me to find the truth i had been looking for
she was who i needed the most

because by opening her heart, even just a crack
she taught me how to fly
by mending her heart, i learned how to love
and that you don't always have to lie
Apr 2018 · 366
long gone relationship
Lucie Apr 2018
i wish you’d look me in the eyes
don't even try to hide your lies
i see a storm brewing in our darkening sky

and out of your mouth
spews nothing but hate
if only we'd changed
but now it’s too late

am i delusioned?
am i losing you?
you were faking all along
i know that you knew
quit blaming me when you’re just as guilty too

you rear your head, the thunder claps
time to strike a pose, you've won the match

— The End —