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  Jan 2020 elja
Lyda M Sourne
And I start this decade
Loving someone

Knowing I will face
The inevitable heartbreak
Later on
elja Aug 2019
wars have been thought,
battles have been fought.

agonising whines,
in heartrending times.

a bewildering trench,
led by a fair *****.

no compass,
no torch, i am indeed luckless.

my heart has been a target,
of a far-reaching bullet.

the ***** who has the key
to my heart, is dear to me

only can she open up
the heart that has been under lock.
unrequited love does feel like a never ending battle.
elja Feb 2019
it is not that
i hate being ALIVE
i hate BEING alive
elja Feb 2019
some people are trying
to collect stamps
or oil cans

yet here i am
trying to collect
the pieces of my broken heart
i still need so many pieces
elja Jan 2019
he saw her scars
and asked her
"why did you do that?"

and she answered
"some days it's for the pleasure
and other days it's for the pain"
yet it heals me every time
elja Jan 2019

use        my
sc a t te red


to collect
m y                e   v          e     n

MO r   E
**** TEred
                       h    e   a   r  t
oh dear, and it truly is scattered
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