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There are some evenings…

You just happen to tilt you head back and dusk is already right in front of your face.

Sometimes it’s just you, sometimes, some dude taps on your shoulder and while pointing straight upward he goes “Hey…look at that!”

And of course you’re gonna look, ‘cause what’s to see is just not real.

The sun is suddenly more than a big ball of flaming gas, the clouds more than some vapor. This red hot blood spread across the sky seems to come right from your veins.

You gaze into this huge scenery and you realize that it’s taking everything away. No more endless commute to your office, no more ******* for your missing pencil sharpener, no more reports, boss, todesangst… ****… for what it’s worth girls don’t even have ***** anymore.
Right that moment, it’s all burning along with the clouds and slowly sinking.

Then you just have enough time to blink twice and it’s dark already. Daddy Sun is gone to his other family.

You’re still there though, staring at nothing, feeling your existential mess creep back up your spine, cramped between the pencil sharpener and some girl’s *****.

What are you supposed to do then?

You’ve just been the enlightened Zen monk from the movie for a full minute, and now papa’s gone home, you’re back to your old whiny self. **** it up.

How are you supposed to return to your everyday’s plasma screen craving and internet **** when you feel you’ve just been dumped by the Sky itself?

I mean… how are you supposed to survive a sunset?
 Nov 2014 Violet Ashes
 Nov 2014 Violet Ashes
you always
have to remember
there is
a sunrise
after a sunset
there is
a door opening
as one closes
and there
love after love
 Nov 2014 Violet Ashes
You painted
a sunset in the back of my
throat, so that every time
we kissed, you could taste
something beautiful that
wasn't me.
I look at the sunset
And I realise why lesser men
Believe in heaven
 Nov 2014 Violet Ashes
I had a dream,

There was a sunset,
It's the end,
It's time to rest,

There was a playground,
It's an escape from reality,
It's meditation after a personal conflict,

There was embrace,
It's the need for affection,

There was warmth,
It's happiness for where I am,
It's hope and unconditional love,

There was a sorry,
It's for mistreating you,
It's for hurting you,

There was you.
And there was me.
The marmalade light was settling in across a lonely playground. I was standing there, looking at the playground until I spotted a shadowed figure on a swing. I began to stroll to that mysterious person until I saw his face. The face was so familiar, his wondrous lips, his soft cheekbones, his affectionate nose, his curved jaws and his pondering eyes… It was Norman. I stood there watching him sit on the swing, his eyes looking back at me. I ran in for a strong embrace, he hugging me back the moment the tip of our fingers touched. My arms wrapping around him, like all the warmth and goodness of the world was being given to me. It felt so sincere, beautiful and heating.

I began to close my body onto his like two small puzzle pieces finally finding their true partner after too many trial and errors. My arms cling passionately onto his strong, calm shoulders. And my legs swinging from the other end of the wooden swing. Norman then began to converse to me, converse to me like he never had before. ‘I’m sorry’, he sensitively tells me ‘that I’m never there for you’. I don’t utter a single word or a single sound, all I needed to know was that he was sorry, and that he really did love me. I was so desperate to cry, but was so very warm, I felt like this was where I belonged, my home; on an empty playground with a handsome sun setting on its horizon giving a burning glow, and the boy I loved sitting on a broken swing, waiting for someone to take him away.

It was all quiet then, him just looking at the sun as if it was giving its last golden glow to the world, me enfolding into him like he was a child I had lost for so many years. And while the world was silently meditating, a million thoughts leisurely oozed into my mind like rich, dark chocolate lovingly melting onto fresh, red strawberries. Perhaps he wasn't there for me because he was busy with school, perhaps he was busy with drama, or perhaps he was busy... too busy…. talking to that girl that he is so adoringly devoted to.

The thought stayed inside my mind, touching every corner of my imagination. But, for some unknown reason, I had no feeling of envy or loathe towards her. Yet I could feel an aura of pure jealously hitting me. The figure sending those vibes, gave a tremendous shadow as he stood in front of the orange, vanishing sun. Watching me and Norman as we tightly embraced. The figure made me scared, like the night was already reining over the world.

My Norman No More
scream absolute violet
the vehement throat of night
blisters insanity
                               and some little reds
what talk like death
      wriggling skulls
full of strobing darkness   &

              angry blood

scarleted in superficial heat
                                                      a thrombosis
aligned rickety knees knocking
      weak lipped fire
                                   ,        at sonorous clouds waspish dint
resting aggressively supine starlight
  in crusts of vibrant tears
   spotting ardently the quavering note of black
How beautiful the setting sun,
Its ruddy ray
Still strives to light the dying day.
An air of quiet finality...
Of time slipping away from me....
Yet... for a while,
I feel at one
And 'Timeless' as the setting sun.
Copyright  ©  John Tucker June 2009   All rights reserved
The cloudless day is richer at its close;
A golden glory settles on the lea;
Soft, stealing shadows hint of cool repose
To mellowing landscape, and to calming sea.

And in that nobler, gentler, lovelier light,
The soul to sweeter, loftier bliss inclines;
Freed form the noonday glare, the favour'd sight
Increasing grace in earth and sky divines.

But ere the purest radiance crowns the green,
Or fairest lustre fills th' expectant grove,
The twilight thickens, and the fleeting scene
Leaves but a hallow'd memory of love!
The blue deepens,


turns to night.

The sun sets over the horizon,

the light fades,

day is gone.

the moon rises,

a scythe in the velvet sky,

a swath of stars removed in its brilliant light.
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