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 Oct 2017 Private
My first mistake was being born.
Because when you are born the child of a doctor and an engineer you have expectations, you see.
You must be smart,
but of course not too smart because you’re a girl.
You must carry yourself with poise and grace,
but not too graceful or else you’ll be seen as too girly.
You must be successful,
but if you’re too successful no man will want to marry you.
Because when your father dies two months before you are born and your mother is constantly working, you’re already an orphan.
You must be happy,
but of course not too happy, because then people will think you’re strange.
You must help others,
but not before you help yourself.
You must not cry,
but if you do, make sure you hide it.
Because when you’re a sweet white girl with a nice body you’re seen as an object.
You must let him touch you,
but if you don't like it, make sure you act like you do.
You must never say no,
but if you do and he hits you, you cannot tell anybody.
You must not tell anybody,
but if you do and they laugh, you must understand.
Because when you’re a dancer and a runner, the pressure to be beautiful and thin is stronger than your cries of help.
You must restrict your calories,
but if you cant, make sure you throw up.
You must apply makeup and cover your blemishes,
but if you cant, make sure you hide your face.
You must exercise until you pass out,
but if you cant, make sure you don't eat the next day.
Because if you do not get good grades you are not good enough.
You must study,
but if you forget, make sure you cry yourself to sleep because you cannot do this anymore.
You must be the best in your class,
but if you can’t be, make sure you congratulate the best, even though you cannot do this anymore.
You must stay in and work hard instead of going out and having fun,
but if you don’t, make sure you feel guilty about it since you cannot do this anymore.
You must be happy.
You must be smart.
You must not cry.
You must be perfect.
You have to be.
You can’t be.
 Oct 2017 Private
Wounded Warrior
They keep trying to knock me down.
But I'm a warrior.
I'm stronger then they all think.
Their blows hurt & knock me down.
Sometimes I can only crawl but I keep moving forward & get right back up.
This time I know my strengths & weaknesses.
I'm determined.
I come prepared for battle.
I wear the helmet of love, the shield of compassion, the sword of connection & the belt of truth.
I breathe in determination & exhale all the lies.
This time I know my worth & my truth.
You may not understand my story or experience
But this time I sure as hell won't let you captivate me into a cage... nope.
Last time I allowed others to hold a key to my heart.
Now I know better.
I'm best friends with that little girl within me.
I'm gentle & loving with her.
I protect her and show her she has everything she needs right within her.
Though the storms try to drown us, we will prevail.
People used to be the storms in my life that knocked me down & threw me around.
Now I am the Storm.
My anger is the thunder & lightening.
The rain is my tears that water my soul.
I also shine sunshine, lots of it.
The mixture creates a rainbow.
A rainbow which that little girl within me runs around & dances in the rain.
This time the choice is mine.
I am warm and sunny but be afraid of my wrath.
For this time I know my battle is not against myself.
 Oct 2017 Private
 Oct 2017 Private
I feel nothing
I want to go and
run &
run &
until my lungs feel like they are on fire.
Maybe then...
I won't feel so numb.

— The End —